Best RV Batteries

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RV Travelling in Your Own Backyard!

This RV guide article was provided by: The summer months are upon us and travel is more expensive than ever. Your RV is sitting in the side yard with little or no gas and you are terribly disappointed that you had to cancel the family vacation due to extremely high gas prices. You may want to think again before you call it quits, though. Instead of taking the RV cross country this summer why not vacation a little closer to home. The key to RV travel when gas and travel prices are overwhelming is a budget. Know ahead of time how much you are willing to spend on the entire trip and plan from there. According to Cee Belair of Associated Content, there are five important steps to travelling "frugally" in your RV. These steps include staying close to home, saving gas by riding lighter, and using the free admission at State Parks to save. An RV can hold many possibilities when traveling on a budget don't just scrap the vacation, make it more adventurous.

No need to visit every tourist gimmick! Another key point to keep in mind is getting from point A to point B without stopping at every shop and amusement spot on the way. Traveling with kids can make this task one of the hardest on your trip. You must stick to your guns and stay within budget to make the best of your trip. If the kids get antsy and need a little entertaining, try playing traveling kid games with them. I found a wonderful article by Genesis Davies that explained many of my childhood favorites like the ABC game and the License Plate

game. I realize no family wants to explain to their kids that money is tight and using these games will ensure you won't have to. Alright, so we have added the RV back into the summer vacation equation and even managed to keep the kids occupied without thrill rides and shopping sprees along the way. But, we may be a bit ahead of ourselves. Before you can head out the door you will need to stock the RV for frugal travel. Eating out can put a huge drain on your trip budget. When travelling in an RV utilize the "camping" mentality and serve home cooked meals whenever possible. Writer Lorri Mealey explains fantastically how to "stock" your RV for a summer time trip. Her great advice includes packing the RV kitchen with a set of just about everything and packing a hammock for those breezy mid-day naps. This article covers everything you will need, and I mean everything.

Make the right decision! Once you decide you will use that dust collecting RV for a great family vacation you will need to decide where you are going to go. Travelling within a 100 miles radius of your home will allow for great gas savings and fantastic adventure as well. Most of us think of vacations as long trips to a faraway place we have never seen. But, the reality is that we rarely see what is past our front door. This year try planning a 100 miles circle starting at your front door and travelling in a complete circle back to your front door. You will be surprised at how much fun will come of the trip when you don't spend 8 hours of your day behind the wheel. If your budget is a little bigger you can expand the circle to 200 miles and so on. But, the key to this care free vacation is to see what your area has to offer and spend most of your time vacationing and not travelling.

Final thoughts RV vacations are some of the most family engaging vacations available. But, with the high price of gas and travel, you may think it easier to dump the RV for a different trip or none. Before making such a rash decision check out the abovementioned sources and travel in your own backyard.

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