Back to Kingsley Newsletter: Friday 26th March 2021

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WELCOME It was a poignant moment as we all stood in silence to honour the National Day of Reflection on March 23rd. The past year has been almost indescribable. However, it is now important that we continue to look to a brighter future and a new chapter in our lives. We have very much missed having all of Prep in school this week and look forward to having them back. This week in Senior School we conducted our interview process for the next Sixth Form Leadership Team. This was a truly remarkable day, with girls thoroughly impressing interview panels with their ideas, vision, enthusiasm and commitment. Alongside panel interviews, the four Head Girl candidates delivered talks on a subject of their choice to the entire Senior School community through an assembly on Teams, all of which were sensational. Well done to all candidates, we’re very proud of you all and will be updating you with news very soon.

As you hopefully know we are taking part in the Foundation Stones Project where all the stones we paint will be part of the new national Holocaust Memorial. Some Year 7 pupils have brought a few stones in and they are beautiful and thought provoking. It is not too late to join the project and paint your own stone, so please do use the weekend to see how may stones we can create and send off. Finally, it gives me the greatest of pleasure to announce that Kingsley’s performing arts are back! Next week you will be able to enjoy the delights of a pre-recorded Easter concert performed by members of the Senior School. The Prep School are currently working hard producing their concert which will be aired after the Easter holidays. Next term Year 6 will have their usual production and Years 7 – 9 will also be hosting a performing arts event – exciting times! Additionally, the Senior School are beginning the joyous process of deciding what our school production will be for next academic year….and before you ask, no I can’t tell you what it might be yet! Enjoy the issue. Mrs Christina McCullough Acting Headteacher

On Tuesday 23rd March, the community stopped for a minute's silence to remember all those we have lost over the past 12 months, and reach out to all of their families and friends. Our deepest gratitude goes to the incredible NHS and all front line workers, in our community and far beyond, who have sacrificed so much for so many.

PRESCHOOL FARM SHOP Preschool have made an eggcellent job of running their farm shop this week. They have been counting and buying eggs, with lots of discussion about Easter and perhaps a visit from a famous bunny! Each person who bought their eggs had to take them carefully to the shopkeeper who counted them and asked for payment . . . fair warning, the Kingsley farm shop is not competitive on pricing! Receipts were written and items ticked off shopping lists. Friday's Forest School will see an egg rolling completion with eggs they will decorate at school too so keep you eyes peeled for news on that next week!


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Following on from our investigations during Science week, Reception have been finding out where rain comes from. The children each had a cup of cold water and squirted shaving foam on to the top. This represented the clouds and the atmosphere. The children then use pipettes to drip food colouring on to the top of the shaving foam cloud and watched as they worked their way through the clouds as gravity worked its magic!

PenPals Club Most from KS1 have been able to access pen pals club and had the chance this week to write themselves a postcard. The children first wrote out some thought bubbles about themselves, why they were good friends or team members, or what their special talents were. Everyone then chose one of their positivity bubbles to write out on their chosen postcard.

We began to talk about writing out addresses and the key information needed for their postcards to get back to everyone at home. These positivity postcards will be sent out later in the year for a small reminder of all the reasons why the children are so incredible in so many different ways! Next week everyone will practice their addresses and then begin to think about who their next special piece of mail will be sent to. Who doesn’t love getting a surprise in the post!?

Hello, Caterpillar!

Year 1 were kindly gifted a set of caterpillars by the James family (Pre-school and Reception were given some too!). We have tracked the growth of our caterpillars in their vials of special food and this week, they turned into pupae and made their Chrysalis! They have moved house and are now safely in their 'butterfly pavillion'. We have loved watching this transformation, which is called metamorphosis and can't wait to see the beautiful butterflies that emerge from their chrysalis in around two weeks time! What do you think they will look like?

IN YEAR 3... This week in Maths… Year 3 have been focussing on Fractions and the class has worked really hard to order, subtract and find equivalent fractions. Even with all of our fraction work, we have also continued our quest to master the seven and eight times tables in preparation for next week’s Bronze Certificate trial. From the quizzes and questions completed so far, I am sure each member of the class is going to be really successful!

An glo Sax on Ho ney Bre ad (Ma kes 6 bre ad rol ls) Ing red ien ts: a, 1ts p 300 g Flo ur, 1 tsp bak ing sod ra for ext sal t, 35g rol led oat s, plu s ney to spr ink ling , 125 ml wa ter , Ho dri zzle Me tho d: s C and 1. Pre hea t ove n to 190 deg ree gre ase a bak ing tra y. sal t and 2. Pla ce flou r, bak ing sod a, 3. Add the oat s in a bow l and mix we ll. bin ed. wa ter and stir unt il we ll com a few 4. Kne ad wit h you r han ds for bal ls. six o min ute s and the n div ide int ing tra y 5. Pla ce the bal ls on the bak and spr ink le wit h oat s. s or unt il 6. Bak e for abo ut 25 min ute gol den . n tea r int o 7. Lea ve to coo l ligh tly, the ey jus t chu nks and dri zzle wit h hon bef ore eat ing .

Anglo Saxon Recipes… This week’s English lessons have become a little more technical as Year 3 extended their knowledge of instruction texts. To keep links to our Anglo Saxon topic alive, we have been developing our own version of Anglo Saxon recipes to write so that we can put together a class recipe book. We have already had a look at the types of foods that the Anglo Saxons ate and were quite surprised that during this time there were no potatoes - but there were lots of vegetables that we recognised and stews seemed quite popular, too. Also, we looked at a recipe for honey bread that I have included in case you want to have a go at making it!

Year 3 Portraits Our art lesson this week involved creating self-portraits. We started by looking at a whole range of different styles of portrait drawing from the traditional to the modern. The class used grid lines to help them draw their features accurately. I think Mrs Adair and Mr Lax would be very impressed with the results! Here are Alexa’s, Elora’s and Zoe’s portraits…

Town Building Here is Alexa and her amazing Lego extravaganza. She collaborated with her sister, Eloise to build this fabulous creation. I hope you are all as impressed as I was at the amount of detail that had gone into it!

THE BOY AT THE BACK OF THE CLASS Year 4 have been reading ‘the boy at the back of the class’ in their English lessons and have done various writing tasks alongside reading the book. The book is about a young boy, Ahmet, who moves to London as a refugee from Syria. This week the class have written letters to Priti Patel, the Home Secretary, to ask for more help for refugees. There were some excellent letters and lots of persuasive techniques used.

Dear Mrs Patel, es and how we should help I am writing to you about refuge d, water, clothes, a roof over them more by giving them foo . I'm asking you this because their head and a job for money about a refugee boy and we've we have been reading a book ut refugees and their lives. been watching some videos abo e they have done nothing I think their life is unfair becaus their life. They could lose wrong for a war that threatens right now, there will be their family because of war and refugees dying. world is turned upside down Firstly, it's not their fault their that. How would you feel and we could do more to help ng because you haven't knowing that refugees are dyi feel if you were forced to helped them? How would you leave your home? refugees then there's a Secondly, if you don't help the to escape to our country on chance that they will die trying m as soon as possible. boats, so we need to help the them will make Just think about how helping Yours sincerely, Charlotte F.

a difference.

Dear Mrs Patel, I would like to let you know why I am writing to you. I am writing to you because I want you to let more refugees in. Firstly, if you don’t let them in you could probably lead them to death... or they can become homeless and sad. Think about it, they are in a war right now as you are reading this. Their relatives are probably risking their lives. We don’t want that to happen to citizens of our world, do we? Next, refugees never knew they had to move, they are having unexpected wars and getting attacked, their country is very dangerous and could kill them at random times. They will probably end up risking their lives for their relatives. Or it could end up the other way around. The basics is all we could really give them which is the following: water, food, some money, a job, and health. If you don’t let them in, I will be very sad with you. That will be irresponsible. I hope you understand this. Refugees have a hard life they leave away many things just to get to safety I understand that, and we all should. It’s just my opinion that I would gladly enjoy that you let them in. We need to understand their hard lives. Yours Sincerely, Liana

Dear Mrs Patel, We are writing to you because me and my class friends are reading a book and watching videos that have refugee s in and I think they need more help in the ir lives. Refugees' lives are turned upside down and it is not their fault. This is bec ause they leave behind their homes and the people they love, and lose their belonging s. Do you think this is sad? Not all refugees can find new clean homes to live in and cle an fresh food and drink. We need to help the m, so they do not get homeless. Their hea rts are broken when they move to a new country that they have never been to, the y cannot speak the language - a lot of thin gs are going to be very strange for them. If the refugees were not allowed in England that would be sad for a lot of reasons - there are bombs and figh ting for example, loss of lives, families des troyed and no transport of food. I think the best idea would be to refu gees move to the UK or other countries that can support and help them. There are a lot of charities that can help with clothin g, food and housing.

My conclusion is that if we all gro up together we can make a change to their lives. We would not want this to hap pen to us. Would you? We would also wan t to be treated with kindness and love. We cannot have any more heart pain in the wo rld and lives being lost - TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREAT ED. It would be nice to know what you would do to help them. Yours sincerely, Annabelle.

ts s a e b c i t s a fant Year 4 have had great fun using the website to create their very own unique creatures, which they then wrote non-chronological reports all about. Take a read of Kaiya and Mariella's to hear all about these amazing creatures!

Chinese Calligraphy

This week, Year 5 have been finding out about and replicating Chinese calligraphy. Here are some samples of their excellent art work!

Did you know:

Chinese artists practise for years to master each different ch aracter, all of which need to be cre ated using a particular stroke order? There are around 50,00 0 Chinese characters? You only ne ed to learn about 3000 of them be fore you can read a Chinese newspape r though!

PREP SCIENCE WEEK FUN As part of a fun experiment for Science Week, Year 3 had the task of making an egg float! Lydia suggested adding salt to water, like the Dead Sea, in which everything floats. The pupils added spoonfuls of salt to make their eggs float. Lots of fun was had whilst learning about density. Miss Knight-Adams enjoyed it so much that Year 6 also had a go, making predictions of which vessel of water would make the egg float first by measuring the capacity of each container.

Year 6 continued investigating light in science this week. Miss KnightAdams took the pupils to the dark Prep School cellars to see if they could recreate Issac Newton’s experiments demonstrating that white light is made of 7 visible colours. This is known as the spectrum of light. Each pupil had a torch, a transparent triangular prism and a piece of white paper. The results were amazing! Do you know the 7 colours of the visible spectrum? Come and tell Miss KA For a house point!

Prep School

Textiles Competition The Prep Textiles competition ran over half term and challenged the children to recycle different fabrics and materials, such as paper and packaging or things they found at home, to produce something completely new. Some children opted to make items of clothing, whist others chose accessories and some expanded the topic to include artistic sculptures. It was a pleasure to see such a variety and how resourceful they had been in their approach to the concept of sustainability by making something new, useful and beautiful to look at from something old and unwanted. What resulted was an amazing array of creations where hard work was evidently on display... We are immensely proud of the following children who all excelled in different skills and demonstrated imagination which blew us away! Well done everyone! Laura S (Y13) and Isabella L (Y12) Prep School Prefects

Alex T Best pattern drafting and perfect design for Mr Fox!

Lydia D-C Best transformation!

Zoe M Best use of materials

Elia L Best sculpture

Elsa P Best kaleidoscope of colour

Emily S Best beautifully designed and crafted accessory

Seren Q-H Best dress

Sofia H-R Best attention to detail

Alessandro L Best craftmanship

Lola Z Best rainbow

Lily S Best personalisation

Timothy L Best craftsmanship

Lily S Best shades of colour

INNOVATING FOR THE FUTURE PREP SCIENCE WEEK COMPETITION There is still plenty of time to enter the Prep Science Week Competition! All pupils are welcome to take part. This year, the theme for Science Week is ‘Innovating for the Future’. Here are a few ideas the children could choose from: - Can you invent a new toy to share with your friends? - Can you design a useful machine to help your family or even the whole world? - Think about the future…what might make the world a better place? - Do you know someone who is an awesome innovator? You could showcase their work and how they have impacted the lives of many. - Everyday innovations can sometimes be overlooked. What do you use daily? What would your life be like without them? - Can you invent a rover, like Perseverance, to explore space, water, or mountains? - Consider an innovation to help with sustainability. Can you invent a new type of recyclable packaging? - Think about plastics in our oceans. Can you think about an innovation to help tackle the problem of plastic waste and the affect this has on marine wildlife? - Research an important invention or discovery. The entries can be in the form of: a poster, a 3D model; or even a video! The closing date for the competition is Friday 23rd April and all entries should be given or e-mailed to Miss Knight-Adams ( There will be prizes across the year groups and the science trophy will be awarded for the most pioneering idea. We look forward to seeing everyone's innovative ideas!


APRIL BOOK RELEASES All of these books are to be released between 1st April and 15th April so watch out for them as they are fabulous reads for key stage 2 pupils!

The Adventures of Alfie Blackstack (7+) Magical, mischievous and mysterious, Everyday Magic is an enchanted mix of The Witches, Nevermoor and Lemony Snicket. Nine-year-old Alfie Blackstack's parents have met a very unfortunate end. Now he's living in the dark and cobwebby Switherbroom Hall with his mad-haired Aunt Gertie and warty Aunt Zita, who would really like to pickle him. Before long, Alfie realises his aunts aren't just the weird local chemists, they are actually witches!

The Accidental Diary of B.U.G. (8+) Billie's voice is silly, truthful and laugh-out-loud funny - her knack for turning the everyday into hilarity is what makes her doodled-up jotter the perfect treat for readers aged 8+. If you liked ‘The Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ then you will really enjoy ‘The Accidental diary of B U G.

Cardboard Cowboys (10+) Multi-award-winning author Brian Conaghan's first book for 10+ readers is a future classic brimming with humour and heart.

Even though I found him living in a house made of cardboard, Bruce is a massive legend. FACT. So this mine and Bruce's story. You don't have to believe it happened, but it did. All of it.

Chronicles of Ancient Darkness (9 to 11+) Michelle Paver is back with the second book in the new Wolf Brother series, Skin Taker - an epic, wild and magical adventure whose themes of survival, resilience and friendship. In the Dark Time of midwinter, disaster strikes the Forest. Chaos rules. Bears woken from their dens prowl the shadowy valleys. Desperate clans battle for survival. Only demons thrive. With their world in turmoil, Torak, Renn and Wolf are tested as never before. And, as a new evil haunts the devastated land, Torak must risk his sanity, his life and even his souls to save everything he loves...

KidsNaturally Photography Offer Friends of Kingsley have arranged a very special offer.

It's for beautiful, natural, outdoor

family photography at your home or favourite location, with Laurence Jones of KidsNaturally Photography – a leading family photographer in Warwickshire.

You can buy a voucher from Laurence worth

£ 280,

at a price of

£ 40,

and all the

£ 40


be donated to Friends of Kingsley. The voucher will cover a photo session at your home and garden, or a woods, gardens etc, and a small beautifully framed image.

Laurence has already photographed many Kingsley families. “Laurence the photos are beyond amazing.

I'm so pleased I can't even stop smiling. You

really are the best...thank so much for these” (Tricia)

To buy a voucher email Laurence at or call 01527 854010, mentioning this offer.

For examples of Laurence’s beautiful photos see his website






The Senior community came together on Thursday morning to watch a range of speeches from this year's Head Girl candidates, and what


an amazing morning it was!

Alys, Isabella, Molly and Emily all delivered confident and engaging talks through Teams on a range of topics including sustainability, classist bias and environmental responsibility; Usain Bolt as a metaphor for resilience, effort and dedication, 'training for four years to run nine seconds'; a deep exploration on our own dreams, dreamers and being who you want to be; and a look at the disparity between the number and visibility of female and male role models and a motivational call for girls - 'if you can see it, be it.'

The girls went on to a full day of panel interviews with staff and students. We are very proud of them all (and all the Sixth Form Leadership Team candidates!) and are looking forward to an announcement on positions coming very soon...


It was such a pleasure to welcome so many Year 5 pupils to our Virtual Taster Morning today! Girls participated in a whole range of interesting and creative sessions led by teachers, from (some rather complex!) maths problems, to composing electro rhythms, to interactive at-home science experiments and running sporting drills, it certainly was a packed morning full of activity. Thank you to everyone for attending, we hope you all had as much fun as we did!

THE KINGSLEY YOUNG WRITER COMPETITION We are excited to be participating in this joint Young Writer Competition with the Girls' Schools Association! Years 7-9 will be submitting entries as part of their English work, and Years 10-13 are welcome to submit their work too.


Using the above theme as a starting point,

Create a poem (max 20 lines) or Create a piece of prose (max 350 words)

Final entry date is Wednesday 21st April Speak to Mrs Smith or Miss Caddick for more details.

We invite all pupils and students and their families to take part in the project ‘Foundation Stones’; a commemorative project run by Big Ideas and the UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation. We would like our Kingsley community to paint stones in remembrance of the six million Jewish men, women and children murdered in the Holocaust and all other victims of Nazi persecution and those murdered in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. All Foundation Stones will become part of the new UK Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre when it is built. The Learning Centre will educate visitors on the Holocaust, Britain’s response and subsequent genocides. Each painted stone is a commitment to remember the past and to build a future free from all forms of prejudice, discrimination and hatred.

WHAT TO DO 1. Find a stone which fits in the palm of your hand. If you are able to go outside, try looking in your street or local park. If this is not possible, try your garden or maybe even your fish tank! 2. Think about what you want to say on your stone. Are you remembering a particular person, group or genocide? Are you saying something about your hopes for the future? 3. Decorate your Foundation Stones. For this, you can use anything you have in the house. Paints, pens, collage, even nail varnish will work. 4. You can, if you want to, share photos of your stones on social media if you have permission from your parents/guardians using #FoundationStones 5. If you would like to you can email a picture of your stone to marketing@kingsleyschool

Drop your stones off to the LRC!

Once you have painted your stones wait for more information and keep them safe. They will most likely be collected from school when we reopen.


The theme of water is great for capturing movement in photography in a way that's quite different to film. It has been great to see our photographers try this out, with exploding water balloons, droplets of food colouring splashing in a glass of water and water crashing down the weir in Jephson Gardens. But it has also been nice to see people look at reflections and ripples. Mr Lax

Close Ups: Helena G (Year 7))

Creative Splash: Grace T (Year 7)) Reflections: Poppy D (Year 8))

Explosive Shot: Bella G (Year 9))

Close Ups: Lucy L (Year 8))

Creative Splash: Lucy L (Year 8))

Harriett G

Grace T

Helena G

Bella G

Harriett G

Bella G

Helena G

Grace T

Poppy D

Grace T

Bella G


This week's theme really tested our members. I had many queries from girls finding it difficult. But sometimes you have to challenge yourself in order to stretch the limits of your creativity. That's exactly what's happened here. Our amazing photographers have produced some outstanding images here and I'm very proud. Mr Lax


Creative use of framing using technology: Grace T (Year 7))

Great close-up shots: Gracey B (Year 9))

Creative use of text: Tilly C (Year 7))

Great use of framing and light: Lucy L (Year 8))

Great close-up shots: Gracey B (Year 9))

Gracey B

Grace T

Grace T

Gracey B

Gracey B

Gracey B Gracey B

MRS HOLMES' EASTER CUPCAKES INGREDIENTS 100g self-raising flour 125g caster sugar 40g cocoa 125g butter (at room temperature)

DIRECTIONS 1) Pre-heat oven 180 degrees C (170 degrees C for a Fan oven). In a bowl sieve flour and cocoa, add remaining cake ingredients and mix with an electric whisk for 3 – 5 minutes until the mixture is smooth.

2 medium eggs ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract 4 tablespoons of milk mini eggs to decorate (approx 36):

Frosting Ingredients: 50g butter 125g icing sugar 1 tablespoon cocoa a few drops of vanilla extract 1 tablespoon of milk

You will also need a 12 hole muffin tin lined with cupcake cases.

2) Drop spoonfuls of the mixture into the cupcake cases until they are about ¾ full. Place in the oven for about 15 – 20 minutes until they are springy to the touch. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack. 3) To make the frosting: In a medium bowl, add all of the frosting ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon until well combined then mix with an electric whisk until light and fluffy. Place in the fridge to chill. 4) When the cakes are completely cold, swirl a generous amount of frosting on top of the cake to form a nest shape and decorate with mini-eggs.

Enjoy this Easter treat with your family!

SCIENCE WEEK VIRTUAL SCAVENGER HUNT To celebrate British ScienceWeek Key Stage 3 pupils took part in a Science Week Virtual Scavenger Hunt, where they got the chance to visit 3 museums and experience a whole world of weird and wonderful! They visited The Smithsonian Natural History Museum – Washington DC, The Science Museum – London, England and The National Space Centre – Leicester, England [and take an International Space Station Tour – in Space!]. At each museum, they had to find 3 objects and the answer to questions based on their visit. The winners of the competition are: Year 7 1st Place: Chloe R Year 7 2nd Place: Helena G Year 8 1st Place: Millie T Year 8 2nd Place: Isabel B

EINSTEIN CHALLENGE Mrs Dempsey set her form working on 'The Einstein Challenge' - a logical thinking puzzle that Einstein said that 98% of the world would not be able to solve! Emily M, Amy C and Isabel R spent time during break, lunch and at home to solve the puzzle, and Mrs Dempsey was very impressed with their perseverance and logical thinking.

Fancy a go? Here! There are 5 houses in 5 different colours in a row. In each house lives a person with a different nationality. The 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar, or drink the same beverage. Clues: 1. The Brit lives in the red house. 2. The Swede keeps dogs as pets. 3. The Dane drinks tea. 4. The green house is on the immediate left of the white house. 5. The green house's owner drinks coffee. 6. The owner who smokes Pall Mall rears birds. 7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill. 8. The owner living in the centre house drinks milk. 9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.

MARCH 14, 2020 | 10AM TO 5PM | 11. The owner who keeps the horse lives next toHALL the one who CONFERENCE - Bsmokes Dunhill. 10. The owner who smokes Blends lives next to the one who keeps cats. 12. The owner who smokes Bluemasters drinks beer. 13. The German smokes Prince. 14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house. 15. The owner who smokes Blends lives next to the one who drinks water. The question is: WHO OWNS THE FISH?

ICAEW BASE Competition BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING Year 12 students have been working on ICAEW's BASE competition during their Wednesday afternoons. ICAEW is the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and BASE is ICAEW’s free national business and accounting competition for 16-17 year olds across the UK. This competition has provided an exciting experience for our students to take part in team challenges, finding our more about professional roles in business and accounting, and developing their key employability skills such as teamworking and problem-solving. The teams have been working on presentations to submit in video format to ICAEW very soon!



The sun is shining and we are optimistically planning for careers events to return in school next term (see overleaf for more information). We hope you find the various links in this newsletter useful, whatever stage your daughter is at regarding her career exploration.

Explore The Power of Networks with InvestIn Education (

USEFUL ONLINE RESOURCES FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS TO EXPLORE TOGETHER The National Careers Week Parents’ Guide (https:// is available for download with heaps of useful information to support your child in making successful choices after GCSE and Sixth Form, including information on topics such as Apprenticeships, universities and revision techniques. The latest guide to career options from Rate My Apprenticeship: https:// Law Careers Handbook 2021: view/640879/14/ The latest edition of Careermag for parents, with up to date labour market information, the various qualification routes available and some myth busting along the way:


Norland have developed an online course to provide an introduction to babysitting. The course is an ideal starting point for students who are considering a career in early years and would like to develop their understanding of caring for children. For further information and to register, visit

Talent Talks from Get My First Job (https:// Get top tips about what big employers such as Cisco and Microsoft look for in Apprenticeship applicants. Learn more about Degree Apprenticeship opportunities with the Government Economic Service (https:// Celebrating International Women’s Day (8th March) with the Royal Air Force (RAF), Amazing Apprenticeships highlight the incredible apprenticeship and career opportunities available (https:// Looking for Apprenticeship with a top employer such as EY? They have a series of podcasts to support prospective applicants ( Access over 100 impartial university guidance webinars from Unitasterdays ( ondemand).

MRS BENNETT RECOMMENDS... Have you watched ‘The Nine to Five with Stacey Dooley’? In this fascinating TV series, Stacey takes five 16-18-year-olds into industries crying out for young workers to give them the ultimate work experience. Catch up now on BBC iPlayer:


UPCOMING EVENTS INTERNAL EVENTS... We’re looking forward to an exciting term of activities in school next term! Year 9 Enterprise Education Workshop, Wednesday 30th June (AM) Year 10 Enterprise Education Workshop, Wednesday 30th June (PM) Years 7 and 8 Guess My Job, Thursday 1st July (AM) Year 13 Moving On! Advice for independent living before heading to university in the autumn, w/c 14th June Year 12 Work Experience, w/c 14th June (virtual work experience opportunities have been shared with students) Year 12 Next Steps, 22nd-23rd June

EXTERNAL EVENTS... The Smallpeice Trust are running online events to raise awareness among students of how the engineering sector contributes to society: uk/timetable InvestIn Education offer a range of weekend workshops (10% discount for Kingsley students) such as their Young Investment Banker and Young Architect programmes: Online summer schools from Debate Chamber offering a range of fun and challenging academic events for students aged 11-18: Norland College Open Morning, Saturday 8th May (10am12pm): Spotlight Talks from @worldskillsuk, 24th-25th March. Join these online talks to hear leading employers, apprentices and role models discussing opportunities in a variety of sectors:

Page 2

USEFUL WEBSITES FOR CAREER EXPLORATION AND INSPIRATION Find out what it’s like to work for the BBC, and explore jobs in the media and creative industries in general: For information about careers in the NHS: www. take-the-test Explore your options and watch videos of women working in the racing industry: 7 skills employers of the future will be looking for: https:// Target Careers has some great resources, such as: How to choose a career: Working with children: Working with animals: Careers helping people: Careers as a manager: Creative careers: Careers involving travel:

CHECK OUT THE SCHOOL WEBSITE The careers section of the school website (www. has heaps to help with careers exploration. Is there anything else you would like to see? Get in touch and let me know. Finally, older girls and parents, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter (MrsB@CareersKingsley) for up-to-date happenings in the careers world! Mrs Bennett, Head of Careers

Virtual university discovery days from UCAS: https://

If the Mars rover landing had you excited last month, check out the future space career possibilities at https:// Throughout his extraordinary career, British astronaut Tim Peake has drawn on his agility, resilience and flexible mindset to navigate an array of challenges; listen to him discussing the importance of self-awareness and leadership in ‘Peake performance: exclusive interview with astronaut Tim Peake’: https://

Get in touch...

t: 01926 425127 ext. 257 e:


SKI COURSES Exciting skiing news for all parents and current/new skiers! ESSKIA are running a ski training day at Swadlincote on Sunday 25th April, from 10am to 3pm, with arrival from 9:30am. Booking is via the ESSKIA website ( and spaces are limited due to COVID restrictions. Early booking is recommended.

ESSKIA have teamed up with professionals to provide weekly online courses starting

6pm every

Thursday.More details at the link below

ESSKIA also plan to run an indoor race at Chill Factore, Manchester, in June. More details will follow.

KINGSLEY SUMMER SPORTS FESTIVAL Rounders, Tennis, Athletics and Cricket Miss Windsor is launching the Kingsley Summer Sports Festival! If you would like to join, sign up using the form in this week's Cornflower.

SATURDAY 17TH APRIL Prep School Years 3 - 6: 10am - 12pm Senior School All Years: 1 - 4pm



Friday 26th March 2021

KEEPING IN TOUCH subject instagram channels


@thekingsleyschool business


@thekingsleyschool englishdrama



@thekingsleyschool philosophy


@thekingsleyschool sixthform

@thekingsleyschool earlyyears



to all who celebrated over the past two weeks and will be celebrating over the weekend...

Happy birthday! N


alex t y6


ajooni k


ayla k

neave p



alessandro l

harriet r y7


tallulah c

evie h charlotte m

sienna c

libby c y13 laura s gracie s katie j


cecilia g

April h t 8 2 2021

Vir tually run , dance, hop, eat or sing to become a s uperhero and raise v ital funds for your loca l air ambulance

Sign up tod

ay to challe nge yourse lf and beco theairambu me part of lanceservice Tea erhero-challe m Mission nge

In partnership with Superhero in the City

Part of The Air Ambulance Service. Registered in England and Wales as a limited company by guarantee. Registered Company No. 4845905. Registered Charity No. 1098874.



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