Comment 079 June 1994

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future of Occupational Therapy (19 9) and the Pre ouncil (l 9-90). He i ice-President of the Howard League for Penal Reform, having erved a chairman for 10 year, and wa chairman of the BBC London Local Radio Advisory Council in the early I 70. He ha enjo ed clo e link with the academic world a Director of the Legal Re earch unit at Bedford College (1967- 2), and i iting Profe or to Queen \Ilary College, U niver ity of London (19 3- ). He has publi hed exten ivelyon various a peets of the law and contributed to many learned journals.

The Revd Professor Leslie Houlden, MA Professor of TheoloJ':) and ACltng Dean

Profes or Iloulden joined King' in 1977 a Lecturer in :"ew Te tament tudie . lie went on to become a enior Lecturer and then Profe or of Theolog in 19 7. He was Dean of the former faculty ofTheolog and Religious tudies (19 6- ) and I-lead of the Department of Biblical tudie (1988-89). This is his third period a Acting Dean. He has published widely and is author of 14 books and numerou articles. lIe was Co-editor of Theology (1983-91) and was joint editor of the Diclionary of Biblical Inlerprelalion ( 1990), wh ich has become a sta ndard work of reference; and co-editor of The World's Religions (1991), with re ponsibility for Christian it and judai m. lIe is one of the leading figures in the world of academic theology and in nglican theological education in this country. He was a member of the Theology and Religious tudies panel in the last HEFCE Re earch Selectivity Exercise, and ha been a member of nglican Liturgical and Doctrine Commi sions. The publication of a Fest chrift in his honour later this year confirms the high standing in which he is held.

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Professor Trevor Jones, BPharm, PhD,FPS Execulive Direclor, The We//come Foundalion; Member of King's College Council

Profe or Trevor lone ha enjoyed a ery di tinguished career in the pharmaceutical industry. fter five ear lecturing in pharmaceutic at the Univer ity of l'ottingham, he joined Boots as their Head of Development and then moved to Welleome, firstly a Director of Technical Development and then as Director of Research Development and Medical, responsible for all R & D activitie outside the SA. In recognition of hi contribution to the pharmaceutical world he ha been awarded a rellow hip of the Royal Pharmaceutical ociety, the Ilarri on Memorial \Iledal and a Gold \Iledal from Comeniu Lniver ity and honorary degree from the L ni ersities of Athens and trathclyde. For 12 years he was a member of the Medicine Commission of the Department of Ilealth and now serves on the Cabinet Office Advi ory Group on the Human Genome and the :--Juffield Council of Bioethics Experts Group on Human Tissues. Profe sor jones has a 30 year association with the College, beginning when he joined Chelsea College as an undergraduate. He gained hi BPharm and then went on to study for his PhD which he was awarded with two year later. He retains his strong connections in his role of Visiting Professor to the Department of Pharmacy, as one of the new King' Trustee, and as an active member of ollege Council.

Mr Harry Musselwhite, BA, AKC, Barrister \'ecretary of the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Ilospitals, andformer Deputy College Secretary of King's and SecretoryofKCSMD

Mr Mu elwhite's a sociation with King's College London began in 1962 when he joined the Department of Spanish as an undergraduate. He has enjoyed a di tinguished career with King's College chool of Medicine and Dentistry, which he fir t joined in J968 as an Administrative Assistant. After a

ear pent as Assistant ecretary of The enate of the Four Inn of Court and the Bar, he returned to KC \Il D a jOll1t Dental dmini trator. lIe wa appointed Deputy ecretary of the chool in 19 J and ecretary two year later. lIe wa appointed a Deputy allege eeretary in 19 J le pia ed an important role in the de elopment of KC \Il D over nearly 20 year and he i credited for effecting a mooth merger of the chool into King' since the amalgamation of the two institutions in J983, Hi recent appointment as eeretaryof MD will mean he will play a vital role in negotiations about the merger of King' and UM D . Immediately prior to taking up hi po ition at \Il D on I Apri I 1994, he acted a ollege ecretary to the London Ilospital \Iledical College and wa involved in the early merger di cussion between that College and t Bartholomew's Hospital and Queen \Ilary and Westfield College.

Professor Curtis Price, BMus. MA. PhD King Edward Professor of Music and Head ofthe Deparlmenl ofMusic, King's College London

Professor Price is Head of the leading Department of Mu ie in the country and in hi own right i acknowledged to be a world-class musicologist. He is a leading authority on English and Italian music and the Engli h stage in the eventeenth and eighteenth ccnturie . J le began his academic career at v'a hington uni er it ,US, before coming to King's in 19 2 a a lecturer. He rose to become Reader in 1985 and King Edward Professor of M usic and Head of Department in 19 Hi out tanding cholarship has earned him world-wide recognition and many honours and awards, including the Alfred Einstein Award from the American Musicology Society and the Dent Medal from the Royal Musical A sociation. Professor Price i a Governor and Director of the Royal Academy of M usie; Chairman of the Mendelssohn Scholarship Foundation and lifetime Vice-President of the Royal Mu ieal Association. lie is the Honorary Secretary of

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