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kinetex io

United States

Kinetex is a DeFi platform developed by a team of talented blockchain experts passionate about DeFi. Their innovative work has been recognized at the ETHGlobal hackathon in Lisbon and the ETHDam hackathon in Amsterdam, where they have won multiple prizes from renowned projects such as the 1inch Network, Gnosis Chain, Scroll, and Sismo. They implement their expertise and belief in the global and accessible DeFi future through the Kinetex dApp. This dApp consists of two modes designed to make trading various crypto assets efficient and seamless. The first mode is Liquidity Aggregation, which enables users to swap thousands of cryptocurrencies effortlessly by pooling liquidity from more than 400 sources. The second mode is Flash Trade, which is suitable for trading high-liquidity crypto assets with the help of professional resolvers. This mode is perfect for users who want to swap tokens and coins instantly at guaranteed prices.
