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Healthy D






This was me, Kris Wear, four years ago on vacation in Mexico in my “Miracle Suit”. Approaching 40, I made a decision to not spend the next forty years of my life yo-yo dieting and packing on an extra ten pounds year after year. I was going to finally apply all of the nutrition knowledge that I had been reading about for the past 26 years.


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With the help of a few rounds of the HCG diet, a daily commitment to my health and tremendous dedication, this is me now! I now do half marathons, practice yoga and eat a paleo diet to maintain my healthy weight. I finally understand that there should be no expiration date on my health, it HAS to be a daily priority.


World of Nutrition

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Cheryl Richard FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUBSCRIPTION QUESTIONS, contact (208) 880-0152. All rights to publication of articles in this issue are reserved. Please call or write for permission to print any articles. Contributions — letters, manuscripts, photos, artwork — are welcomed with the understanding that the editor cannot be held responsible for loss or damage. Articles, letters, photos and artwork will be edited and published at the discretion of the editor.

URBANSTAFF designers



Elise Pehrson is an award-winning writer,

professional editor, and published author. She has loved writing for as long as she can remember and finished writing her first novel at the age of eleven. She is currently getting a B.A. degree in English literature with a minor in Japanese studies. Her interests include reading, writing, and spending time with those she loves.

writers Jessica McAnally Elise Pehrson Angela D’Ambrosio

editor's n o t e I have been so ready for 2015. What about you? I feel a shift of energy and know that we are on a positive timeline, don’t you? Are your thoughts and focus on positive outcomes? Mine sure are! I am feeling and envisioning our local economy becoming stronger and stronger by the month. I see our valley being mindful of spending money in our local area. I see small business owners scoring big this last holiday season and preparing for a monumental year in growth and profit margins. I see major support at our area farmer’s markets and many new local food producers starting businesses because of the need of healthy, clean, local foods. I am manifesting that our local people will make higher incomes and be able to take a deep breath and enjoy life even more, and in return, we be able to support more local businesses. I see cleaner air and more ways to recycle within our community. I am grateful and see many new progressive thinking companies putting Mother Earth ahead of bottom-line profits. Yes, I am creating some wonderful possibilities for this next year, and my hope and prayer is that you are too. Enjoy this winter issue of the UL; it’s full of positive pieces all about local, health, food, fashion, business, and much more! Thank you for picking up and reading our local storybook. Thank you for supporting the local businesses within the pages and telling them you saw it in The Urban Liaison Magazine.

Blessing, Cheryl Richard

contents The Urban Liaison


Winter 2015

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28 Winter Issue 2015|




| The Urban Liaison Magazine - Treasure Valley

Harrison’s Hope is also oerring caregiver support groups in conjunction with Friends in Action, and other grief support groups as well. For more information on how to join, give us a call.

Winter Issue 2015|



Get Right

to Achieve

What You Want



ell it’s here again, a new year! It’s another chance to become the change that we all strive for: to get in shape and to lose some weight. It does seem to happen on an annual basis as history does have a tendency of repeating itself, but despite our best intentions every January, most of us unfortunately will resort back to our old patterns and find ourselves back to square one the following year. Now, I could dazzle you with hot new exercises and cutting edge workout and nutrition tips that will get results fast; however, we have all the information we need in those regards at our fingertips—354 million in 0.21 seconds to be exact (thanks, Google!). But the reality is we have to get right mentally and create a positive environment to elicit permanent change. So, before you embark on this year’s fitness quest, put yourself in a position for success by examining your surroundings and looking inward.

YOU ARE WHO YOU HANG OUT WITH! We are creatures of habit, behavioral patterns, and have a natural tendency to mimic others, particularly from a combination of our upbringing (i.e. family) and the people we associate with. The late Jim Rohn said it best: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Take a moment to think about that. Seriously, take a moment. If you look closely at the five individuals of your inner circle, collectively you will share similarities in socioeconomic status, hobbies, and of course, nutrition and exercise habits as well.

Jason’s Experience & Credentials: • M.S. Exercise Science & Health Promotion, California University • B.S. Exercise and Sport Science, University of Utah • National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer • 18 Years of experience in the health and fitness industry

Champion Fitness Training 1767 W Franklin Rd Suite 160 Meridian, ID 83642 208-407-3160

With this in mind, you’ll want to surround yourself with people who share in the same goals as you regarding your health and wellness. Be aware of those who may try to deter you! Friends may try to entice you to grab a bite to eat at the steakhouse instead of going to the gym, co-workers may conveniently bring a box of donuts to work, or your spouse might complain that you don’t spend enough time with him/her. Most friends and loved ones don’t do this consciously—it’s mostly because they have strong emotional ties to you and any changes you make may alter the status of your relationship. If this happens, try lifting them up as opposed to being pulled down with the following strategies: Invite your friend to join you for a workout. It’s a great additional outlet, can create a stronger bond, and could also serve as a catalyst for the positive change they may need as well.

Keep healthy snacks at work just in case the “Donut Avenger” frequents your work often. If you are equipped with better choices, you are less likely to indulge. If your spouse feels you are “taking away” your time with him/her, be positive and understanding. Tell your spouse that you respect what he/she is telling you, but emphasize that by making positive change it will improve the quality of the time you both spend together. Also, you can always invite him/her to join you as well. While these are great strategies, they won’t work with everyone. If you are surrounded by individuals who do not support your efforts to make positive changes in your life, it might be time to find some who will. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you have to sever all ties, but you will need to find a strong support group if you truly want to change. Some options may include joining an active group of individuals who desire or have the same things you are after. This can be outdoor adventure group, a recreation sports league, or a fitness group. This is a great way to forge new relationships with people who share the same goals, have experienced the same struggles, and will help you lift you to new heights!

FINDING YOUR “WHY?” With 70% of our country being overweight, it’s understandable if you’re exercising to shed a few pounds, but I’m here to tell you that there has to be a deeper purpose for your exercise. The scale will become a perpetual rollercoaster that will drive you mad if that’s your sole reason for doing this. Go deeper than that! You have to find your true “why?” Personally, I have several reasons why. One is taking great satisfaction in being a positive role model for my children, and I know I’m making an impact when they say, “Dad, will you take us through a workout?” Mind you, my kids are only nine and six years old, but I also enjoy exercise because it calms the storm inside, creates mental clarity, and allows me to hear that inner voice guiding me on life’s journey. Most of my best ideas have come in the middle of a workout and have been a major catalyst to some of my most prized accomplishments. Even on days where I feel I don’t have the time, I know I’ll be focused and efficient with my work afterwards. It’s much more than “looking good” or “losing weight.” How you “feel” is ultimately what you are after, and I promise if you stay with it, you’ll never feel more alive than you do right now. So go inward and really ask yourself, “Why do I want to do this?”

YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE! You have to begin with belief in yourself; believing ultimately will make or break your success. Henry Ford said it best: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” So true! The battle is won or lost long before you even set foot in the gym. Your body will only go as far as your mind thinks it can. So, eliminate self-limiting phrases like, “I could never do that” or “I’ll never be as fit as that guy.” It serves no purpose and only sends you light years back in the wrong direction. I’m here to tell you that you can accomplish anything you want—ANYTHING! Change your thoughts and you will change your actions. Change your actions and you will change your body. Period! Have a vision for what you want to accomplish, expect greatness out of yourself, and most importantly, believe!

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Charlie Sety

WANT TO CHANGE FOR GOOD? Start by making a 90-day commitment to yourself and follow these action steps to put you in place for achieving success. Beyond that, everything will seem to start naturally falling into place and become the new habit you’re after. So, make the decision, take action, and make 2015 the year where you truly change!

A Unique Tasting Experience

Tasting room with 26 varieties of premium olive oils and balsamic vinegars to ‘Try Before You Buy.’ Olive and Vyne has a European feel with a relaxed, comfortable, and fun atmosphere. Owners, Hope Manna & Kellie Allred, are on hand to assist guests as they navigate the different offerings to sample before they buy. They are passionate about sharing recipes and ideas with their customers. Though many people have experienced cooking with or dipping bread into olive oil or balsamic vinegar, few Treasure Valley residents have experienced their full potential. The tasting room at Olive and Vyne in Eagle will completely change that.

“We want to give our guests ideas to elevate family meals and get togethers. -



Remember growing up in a world where there were no deadlines, meetings, and errands? We simply played. Whatever your motivation is for getting in shape, I encourage you to find your fun. Relax and don’t take it too seriously! Exercise and physical activity should serve as an outlet not only let your body run free, but your mind as well. Life always comes with responsibility, but we can still take the time to reconnect with that timeless part of ourselves. So, in addition to simply following a workout plan, try out a new sport or activity, go on a scenic hike, play, and be active with your kids and make it a weekly ritual. Let your fitness regimen serve to make your recreational activities easier and more enjoyable.

208-939-6775 • 600 S. Rivershore Lane, Eagle • Winter Issue 2015|



Aging in



We hear a lot about aging in place well these days, but what is really meant by this phrase?

t is the situation that we can live by for the greatest part of our lives in the surroundings of our own choices. It’s fairly generic and, for the most part, certain factors do not vary much from one person to the next. The nuts and bolts are pretty much the same: good nutrition, regular exercise, and a safe environment. But what I teach and promote is more than just aging in place, it’s aging in place well. While not entirely difficult, if deliberate action isn’t taken, it rarely just happens. I would start by asking all you boomers out there the following: “When was the last time you experienced skinned knees or elbows?” For most of us, it was many years ago. We’ve spent a lot of time and learning throughout our lives to keep these painful things from happening. Unfortunately this has also set us up for aging, but not aging in place well. The knees and elbows analogy is an illustration of what we’ve let go as we’ve grown up: our sense of wonder, curiosity,

Get involved in new things that challenge you in some way.

PARTICIPATE! and little adventures that we used to have and which are still available to us just as often now as when we were younger. We’ve lost the wonder we had that kept life unexpected and fresh.

Victoria Savage RN

“Nurse Savage” on your side. Owner of Care for Living, LLC. 12

Many people do it, but what does it mean to do it well?

Engaging in exploring the world around us is one very helpful element in keeping from growing “old” while we age. You may not choose to scramble around on rocks along the river; although,

| The Urban Liaison Magazine - Treasure Valley

I would encourage everyone to get out in nature and have some outdoor adventures, but you could explore cultural events that happen in your area or festivals that are close by. Get involved in new things that challenge you in some way. Maybe this is joining a beginners’ bicycling club or riding the Hiawatha trail with friends, taking a cooking class, or maybe enrolling in some college courses in again (or for the first time). Restore the spice to life that can get buried in day to day living through the years if we let it. The real key to Aging in Place Well is to never accept that we’re too old to participate in life. Do you have concerns about an aging loved one, or maybe even about yourself? Schedule a complete consultation with Nurse Savage to see where some small changes could have some really positive results. Call soon because small things can become really big things quickly as we grow old.

(208) 473-8254

The Year I Will (finally) HONOR Me!


e have been taught positivity for years. When we think something negative, we have been trained to ignore those thoughts and change our focus to something positive; when we feel a negative emotion, we have learned to suppress it or release it; when we experience something we don’t like, we are encouraged to deny what we really think and feel and then let it go and move on; and when someone does something that hurts us, we are supposed to get over it and be the bigger person.

These all may help us feel better and being positive certainly does attract more of the things we want. But do you realize, staying focused on the positive does not mean the negative is not there? It is still there, continually impacting your Spirit, Mind, Heart, Body, and your life—whether you HONOR it or not!

Infinite Healing™ is not just a new twist on the same old concepts of positive thinking, affirmations, releasing negative emotions, and letting go. It offers a new and very powerful viewpoint on HEALING, gives you specific tools to help you learn life lessons, and provides steps for you to actually change the negative to positive, instead of refocusing your mind on a positive and ignoring the negative. It proposes a way for you to be proactive in TRULY HEALING your Body and your life by helping the Universe help you. The concepts of Infinite Healing™ may sound familiar, but it is undeniably a new and different approach to HEALING. Infinite Healing™ encourages you to stop pretending that you do not have negative thoughts and emotions because ignoring them doesn’t mean they’re not there. It explains how every thought you have and every emotion you feel impacts not only your energy, but the energy of the Universe—whether you HONOR it or not! It offers a new viewpoint where you accept who you are now and learn to HONOR everything about yourself, and then gives you the tools to HEAL the things you don’t want. TRULY HEALING the negative allows the positive to flow naturally in all areas of your life:


Stacie Farnham, Author and Master Healing Facilitator

• Pretending you do not have negative thoughts does NOT HONOR YOU (nor does it make you think more positive thoughts). • Forcing positive thoughts does NOT HONOR YOU (nor does it HEAL the negative thoughts). • Ignoring how you feel or pretending that you don’t feel the way you do is NOT HONORING YOU (nor does it negate the energy of the negative feelings). • Telling yourself that you shouldn’t feel sad, hurt, angry, etc. is NOT HONORING YOU (nor does it change the fact that you’re sad, hurt, angry, etc.). It’s time to stop ignoring parts of you and begin to finally HONOR all of YOU! Then you can begin to TRULY HEAL the things you don’t like. Learn more in Stacie’s upcoming book, Infinite Healing™: Empowering You to HEAL the Negative so the Positive can Flow Naturally!

Stacie owns All About Health, Inc., a company focused on natural health care services, products, and workshops to help people improve their health naturally. She is the creator of Infinite Healing™ and the Prime Meridian GoldZone™ techniques.



When was the last time that you jumped out of bed in the morning full of energy and life and felt as excited as a child on Christmas morning as you started your day? The good news is that this type of vibrant lifestyle is possible to obtain and it is easier to than you may think. Making some changes to your diet can help you have more energy, sleep better, have better digestion, reduce aches and pains, increase weight loss, improve mental clarity and focus, and drastically reduce the risk of major diseases. For optimal health and energy, your focus should be on alkalizing foods that balance your pH and reduce acidity. There are hundreds of studies that show the dramatic effect that alkaline foods have on reducing inflammation and improving health. Seriously, you won’t want to miss this—Google: health benefits of an alkaline diet. The alkaline buzz is everywhere; Dr. Oz is talking about it and there is even an Alkaline for Dummies book out there if that is more your speed. Now that you understand how important it is, refer to the illustration on the right for a condensed list of what to eat and drink. Follow the 80/20 rule with your diet and you will reap the benefits of more energy and vitality. Since we have already determined that being in an acidic state is detrimental to your health, you know you need to make some changes. However, if following the recommended chart is daunting and you are not willing to give up your (morning) coffee, steak, and glass of wine, I have an easier option for you. I have brought an amazing product line into my weight loss and nutrition practice that is helping my clients achieve optimal health without drastic changes to their diet. It is the most simple, cost effective, and tasty way to live in a vibrant, alkaline state.



Busy being busy all day long, just trying to stay afloat in this crazy world. We gravitate towards anything that will make our lives easier. Prepackaged meals and fast food top the list of easy fixes! Unfortunately, this type of diet makes us lethargic and sick and leaves us craving more unhealthy foods. It is a vicious cycle!




Vegetables - especially green, leaf

Fresh fruits and herbs

Nuts, seeds: chia, flax, hemp

Grains: quinoa, millet

Water, tea (herbal and green)





Over time, this fast-paced world of instant gratification, fast food, stress, and constant multitasking takes its toll on our bodies. Most of us are constantly in a state of toxic overload and acidosis. The Standard American diet is literally robbing our bodies of vital nutrients and shortening our lifespan. So, why do we settle for this fate? Let’s face it, we are busy.

Red meat, pork (poultry and fish ok)

Processed and fast food

Pasta and bread

Sugar and artifical sweetener

Coffee, alcohol, dairy

You can visit my website to learn more about this life changing nutrition at

The place for



50% OFF Customized Weight Loss Plans!! Call today for your FREE consultation! (208) 830-4139 14

| The Urban Liaison Magazine - Treasure Valley

Jennifer Loranger BalanceDiet Weight Loss Coach


did the holiday season leave you feeling

tired or


The holidays can make the year’s end a very rushed time, between Christmas decorating, kid’s performances, family reunions, church activities, Christmas parties, cookie making and gift wrapping, among other things, staying healthy and strong through this busy time can be challenging.


tress is the #1 cause of illness; it lowers your immune system and weakens your whole body. Now, with a new year ahead, resolutions are being made and people are wanting to make positive changes in their lives but already may be feeling tired. If this sounds a little or a lot like you right now, and you are feeling over-stressed or feeling overwhelmed, please spend a weekend unwinding yourself; drinking soothing teas; schedule a massage; and use therapeutic grade essential oils like LAVENDER (relaxation and stress reliever), BASIL (also a stress reliever), TANSY (for deeper sleep and relaxation), and Epsom salts in a warm bath can warm up your body and soul this winter. Increase your vitamin C and vitamin D intake. The herb Ashwagandha is also very good to help you manage stress. These simple tips can really help your immune system and adrenal glands (your stress handling glands) get back on the right track.

very positive experiences with the cleansing protocol that Dr. Nuzum recommends. One must take time to detox, repair, and rebuild! As Dr. Nuzum would say: “no dirty cut can ever heal.” Every organ of the body needs to be functioning optimally and liver health is essential. This amazing organ is the main filter in our body; it is responsible for hormone balance and processing all of our nutrition and mental health. This is a great time to cleanse and rejuvenate for a better 2015!

Practicing Natural Medicine in the Nampa area for over 7 years

In addition to the above recommendations, if you are feeling run down on a regular basis, we highly recommend that you take the time to unwind, rebuild, and replenish your health. One way to hit that reset button is by doing a detox. Yes, somehow it always comes back to talking about detoxing, but there is good reason for it. Dr. Nuzum and Gina are not only firm in their belief of detoxification, but practice it themselves. Their patients have had

Dr. Nuzum has designed a two-week liver detox program that has been a

favorite to many of his patients. Dr. Nuzum and his wife started their detox on January 12th, along with many of their friends and patients. They will do it again in the spring because not only is it important for them to stay healthy, but it is also important to encourage and show that living a healthy life is not that hard. It’s all about making those choices and taking steps into health. Follow their blog where they share about family life, natural health, and toxic-free living: You can also connect with Dr. Nuzum through Nuzum’s Naturals Facebook page: pages/Nuzums-Naturals/196385143784780 The program consists of two weeks of cleansing through nutrition and supplements. It is quite simple, and you will feel amazing once you are through! While you are cleaning your liver, why not cleanse your home of toxins too? Go to: to learn more about the toxicity of your everyday household products. Let’s make this 2015 a healthier one all around! www.healthyhomecompany. com/healthyyou

Let the detox begin! Dr. Daniel Nuzum, NMD Gina Nuzum

Licensed Massage Therapist and Toxic Free Coach


*Detoxing is not recommended while pregnant or nursing, and be sure to consult your naturopathic practitioner to see if this fits your present health condition.

Contact our office with any questions at 208-461-1112 Winter Issue 2015|



n the aftermath of holiday stress, and in the face of a long, gloomy winter, even small obstacles can be overwhelming. For those whose new year has brought more anxiety than resolution, searching for a moment of serenity leads many to research and try float therapy. Drop of Calm provides the perfect environment for those looking to learn about and experience the plentiful soothing benefits of floating. Imagine removing all of the external stimuli that cause mental exhaustion in a place with no light or sound, floating on the surface of a heated magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salt) solution. While floating, envision what it might feel like to minimize stress, clear thoughts, and ease aches and pains. The prospect of this experience may seem out of reach or even daunting, but the owners of Drop of Calm will put you at ease. Many people feel exceptionally better after their first float, and continued practice can have an incredible impact on daily life. Caleb Fawkes and his wife, Elisha, opened Drop of Calm, a two-tank float center and oxygen bar, in October 2012. Fawkes had researched and experimented with float therapy and decided that it was a service that was much needed in the Nampa area. The downtown Nampa location has received an excellent reception from residents as well as other businesses in the area.

Fawkes had started his journey in meditation between the ages of eight and twelve. His grandfather introduced him to the concept as a way to help Fawkes sleep. He has continued the practice into adulthood, and is now assisting others by providing an atmosphere while floating that is conducive to meditation.

Athletes can benefit tremendously from float therapy. It is an exceptional remedy for the pain and soreness due to a sport. The magnesium sulfate solution works to relieve muscle tension, allowing the body to heal. Floating to prepare for a game or competition helps an athlete maintain a calm and collected state.

Fawkes knew that most people learning relaxation techniques struggle with the preliminary aspect of clearing away the stress caused by immediate surroundings. On hearing of and researching float therapy, he decided to try floating at a location in Boise. For this first experience, Fawkes decided not to meditate. He still left the session with the feeling of having just meditated. Not only had the time been relaxing, he was also feeling no pain from his arthritis.

Elisha Fawkes used float therapy during her pregnancy. Not only did her sessions reduce swelling and pain, but it allowed time for her to bond with her and Caleb’s son, Axel, who was born in December of 2012, shortly after the opening of Drop of Calm.

A person does not have to be proficient in meditation or even practice meditating to receive the benefits of float therapy. A floater may later decide to try this for additional benefits but it is not mandatory. There are many health benefits associated with floating that are not meditation based.

Anyone interested in learning more about float therapy or curious about experiencing these benefits should contact Caleb or Elisha Fawkes by calling Drop of Calm at 208-505-8804 or visit their website at for more information. Drop of Calm is located at 1310 2nd Street South in Downtown Nampa. WRITTEN BY Jessica


If anyone who is addicted has a desire to overcome, then “there is a way to spiritual freedom—a way to escape from bondage—a way that is proven. ~M. Russell Ballard ”

JASON COOMBS Executive Director

It’s December 2006.

I’m hunkered down, in an alley, behind the homeless shelter in Salt Lake City. All I own is on my person: A tattered ten-year-old goose-down coat, a skiing beanie, filthy baggy jeans that once fit me, and run-down Adidas. No socks. That’s it. I have been living on the streets for months, so I am used to the sting of winter, but this night is much worse. The wind gusts dirty flakes of ice across my face and neck. I try to pull my collar up over my ears to keep from freezing to death. It’s no use. I need a fix.

Why should family members hold onto hope? My family attended the Family Program at the Ranch. They learned the Three C’s:

1. They didn’t cause it 2. They can’t control it 3. They can’t cure it

However, they can contribute to it. My family learned how to communicate with me and set proper boundaries. Their recovery work contributes to my long-term recovery.

How did my life come to this? Why did I become addicted?

What happens if your addict relapses? My parents found comfort in the Ranch’s Lifetime Contract. The

After a car accident in 2003, the doctor prescribed me OxyContin. Immediately, the mental obsession and physical necessity for more became king. The addiction progressed to street drugs. How does a college graduate, a returned missionary, and a good husband become a homeless drug addict?

Lifetime Contract is earned upon completion of the program. In the event a client needs treatment again in the future, the Ranch will welcome the client back at no cost out of pocket. I am a product of Renaissance Ranch and am honored to offer this quality program to the Treasure Valley.

Why should I try again when I always fail?

My philosophy is that spiritual healing cultivates mental and physical wellness. Call me today to break the bonds of addiction.

My problem wasn’t getting sober: my problem was staying sober. After failing four treatment programs, a friend encouraged me to give it one more try. I wasn’t a spiritual person, but my family helped check me into a faith-based facility called Renaissance Ranch. There, I learned how to escape the bondage of addiction using the 12 steps combined with gospel-centered solutions.


Coombs, Executive Director

Why did Renaissance Ranch work?

When I walked into the doors of the Ranch, I believed I was a wretched human being. The Ranch welcomed me with love and acceptance. They treated my addiction through the disease model, not the “sin model”. I learned that the reason I could not stay sober was because I had an untreated disease. Upon this footing, my perspective changed. I began to heal and recover. I learned how to put my disease into remission one day at a time.

208-286-4274 Winter Issue 2015|


2015 A NEW



The new year is underway! Every year, the same suggestions are made; every year, the same resolutions are made and broken by the end of February. The thing is, there is a big elephant in the room that never gets acknowledged. A new year is an opportunity for a fresh start, but here are my thoughts: yes, we need a healthy diet; yes, we need more appropriate exercise; yes, we want better relationships, more money, more rest, and so on. The problem is, we need true motivation to accomplish these things or to follow through with them.

Most people don’t know the first thing about getting and staying motivated or how to hold themselves accountable. There are simply too many directions and choices. Many people are without an internal compass and have little understanding of their inner wisdom. A healthy lifestyle is right under our noses and we ignore it. Fast and fatty food, fast living, and the increasing use of pharmaceuticals to hold us together is killing us—adults as well as children. We know this. We know what is good for us, and we know what we should do. So, if we know the truth, why don't we just do it? Why are we in denial about it? I believe that it’s the right motivation. There needs to be a plan for motivation, and it has to be a plan that is realistic for your life. You need a list of things that you want to do, and you need a really good reason why you need to do them. If you are unhealthy and you

want to live to see your children graduate high school, that is a much better goal than trying to fit into that skimpy bathing suit, so you will more than likely stay motivated. Doing this will allow you to send a clear message to your child that healthy choices are very important. To be motivated, we must claim our courage. We must decide that we are ready to ascend to a new and better life for our families and ourselves. To stay motivated, we must be present and joyful with our healthy choices, trying to be all-inclusive because as we change, the world changes with us. When we act on a higher vibration and others are doing so, over time the world becomes a brighter, healthier place. The Iroquois American Indians have a practice called the Long body. It is the notion that, through our senses and hearts, the body extends out to the tribe beyond its own boundaries and the whole tribe begins to act as one body. To get and stay motivated, we must extend our desires out past ourselves and include others in our challenge. Lastly, we must approach each bite of food, each activity, and each person with gratitude and love. Most of the time, when people fail their New Year’s resolutions, it is because they have lost sight of these things or didn't think of them to begin with. They want to fix their faults, and only then will things be perfect. Motivation is a journey—not an end. Resolve to live healthy, long body, and an abundance of health can’t help but come your way.


Mon-Thurs 11AM – 8PM Fri- Sat 11AM – 9PM

Owner Toni Hodge 18

| The Urban Liaison Magazine - Treasure Valley

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Winter Issue 2015|


Thank You to my Clients!

20 Years Selling Real Estate! Deb helped us sell our house over 3 years ago and even though it took a very long time to sell She never gave up on us. With our new home we just built she was very patient as we had problems because of a Lender but she stayed with us until we had the keys to our new home. We always tell people of what great realtor and now friend Deb is. -Eliazar and Elizeria Soto

Deborah was wonderful to work with! She was patient with us while we made our home buying decision. If we had any questions or concerns she was right there to help us through it. We wouldn’t work with anyone else! Tara and Tom Lehman


| The Urban Liaison Magazine - Treasure Valley


Mention you saw in the Urban Liaison and get

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First Treatment good thru 2/30/15

NEW YEAR, NEW YOU. TRY SOMETHING NEW: ACUPUNCTURE! New Year’s Resolutions are the time to welcome the changes needed to improve our lives. Weight loss, stress reduction, letting go of addictions, commiting to excersice routines, and saving money are all common goals that we strive for. Change takes effort; some of us can take a cold turkey approach, but most of us need a little help along the way to reach our goals.

Rachel M. Frizzell L.Ac., Dipl. OM

LICENSE & TRAINING: Rachel is a licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Idaho and is Nationally Board Certified in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Rachel received her training at the Southeast Institute of Oriental Medicine in Miami, Florida completing a 4 year Masters level of Chinese Herbology, Homeopathy, Integrated Nutrition and Oriental Medicine in 1999.

PROFESSION & FAMILY: Rachel’s passion of bridging traditional and modern acupuncture as well as other natural therapies allows her to recognize and treat the root causes of disease and pain to empower her patients to achieve optimal mental, physical and spiritual health and balance. Rachel lives in Boise with her husband and two daughters. Her family savors a paleo, gluten free lifestyle supported by local Idaho food, all the while enjoying camping, rafting, SUPing, boating and gardening.


Acupuncture can add balance to these lifestyle adjustments and maintain our New Year’s resolutions by promoting better digestion, regulating elimination, smoothing emotions, eliminating cravings and can reduce anxiety. Acupuncture treats the mind and body as a whole and can influence our bodies’ vital energy system aka ”Qi” to treat the root imbalances and achieve overall well being. What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture is a painless, safe natural approach for healing with no adverse side effects. Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine or “TCM”. TCM theory views the body and the world around us as a system that is full of a vital energy Qi. In our bodies Qi circulates through energy pathways also known as meridians. Each

meridian is associated with an organ. Disease and pain begins with imbalances in the flow of Qi in the meridian system. Acupuncturists insert sterilized disposable needles into specific points along these meridian pathways to restore balance to the flow of Qi, resulting in improved health and decreased pain. Acupuncture treatments are catered to each individual needs. The first visit includes a comprehensive intake to discuss your health concerns, then a customized treatment will be planned to each individual’s needs. I use a specific tool called an AcuGraph to show the patient’s current state and progress in the form of graphs and images. Besides the use of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine, the following modalities may be used.

Moxa: Is the use of heat to specific points using a dried herbal stick made of Artemisia Vulgaris, a species of chrysanthemum. Moxa’s primary function is to warm the meridians and expel cold and to induce the smooth flow of Qi and blood. The Warmth of Moxa is very nurturing and feels amazing. Cupping: This is a therapy in which suctioned jars are attached to the skin with the function to expel congestion and stagnation and promote the free flow of Qi and blood in the meridians. Gua Sha: This is a massage-like technique used with round edge instrument to stimulate the effected area to remove stagnation and relieve pain. Electric Stimulation, Ear or Auricular Acupuncture, Needleless or Laser Acupuncture, and diet and lifestyle are all other modalities that one can expect during treatment.

Rachel can help you with Chronic Pain Conditions • Anxiety & Depression • Cancer Support Autoimmune Disorders • Addictions • Infertility • Pregnancy Care • PMS Pediatrics • Trigeminal Neuralgia • Sports Medicine • Arthritic Conditions

Get ELEMENTal at Meridian Family Acupuncture

Lifestyle Alliance Bldg. • 940 E. Carol St., Meridian 208.789.3267


| The Urban Liaison Magazine - Treasure Valley

OH BABY, BABY Expect to be babied at Saint Alphonsus At Saint Alphonsus, the best kind of maternity care is all about you. It’s a feeling you get the moment you are greeted at our Maternity Centers. A sense that you and your baby truly are in the right hands. Here you’ll find comfortable birthing suites, jetted tubs, massages, and a catered in-room celebration meal – all designed with you in mind. Our certified nurse midwives and OB/GYNs also help provide a safe and supportive birthing experience. Along with complete comfort comes unparalleled quality care. Our Maternity Centers in Boise and Nampa include Neonatal ICUs, providing advanced care for newborns who may need special attention. Seeing is believing. Discover all the comforts we offer by touring one of our maternity centers today.



(208) 367-BABY |

MERIDIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MERIDIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MERIDIAN CHAMBER The Meridian Chamber has a new look! With all of the growth the Meridian Chamber and the Meridian community have been experiencing in the last few years, the members thought it was time for a new exciting look for the Meridian Chamber. We are proud to unveil our new logo!


Chamber lunch – a great way to network and hear a great speaker.


Meridian State of the City


FEBRUARY 19 AND MARCH 19 Business After Hours


Economic Excellence Breakfast Visit our website for details.

"To Serve, Strengthen and Promote the Meridian Business Community" If you do business with Meridian businesses, then you are a part of the Meridian Business Community. Together we can all work for a stronger business climate.

Winter Issue 2015|




fruitful investing in 2015 WRITTEN BY

Starting a new year is a fresh start into a new you. Along with the other great goals and objectives you make for 2015, make sure to take advantage of these five essential tips for fruitful investing this next year. While studying in her field, Ms. Dini Harris, of Harris Financial Advisors, found interesting parallels in the patterns of successful investors and those found in successful marriages. “The economy can be like a relationship,” she noted, “Like a marriage, we are all in this for the long haul. So now the work begins. We are invested (so to speak) in the attainment of our goals.”

"Studies show, choices made with both a rational and emotional perspective give balanced and well-reasoned decisions"

Elise Pehrson

The five keys to think about when looking for the right financial relationship (and how to get the most out of it):


Compatibility—Finding someone with similar interests as you is crucial in any type of relationship. Finding investments based around these same ideas (called “buy what you know”) can be very fruitful and may lead to the best investments you make this year. tionships with extended family members and distant friends, differing opinions are bound to surface and make their way to you—directly. Financial news is filled with opinions from various sides and backgrounds, much like the various opinions flooded towards you from family members, and although it is good to lend an ear for advice when needed, it is still best to go with what you feel is the right decision for you.

Know your goal—Life constantly changes. 3 From work to family life, goals change be-

cause life changes. Much like this, it is important to stay up-to-date with your financial goals and change them as needed. Perhaps review your goals for 2014 and decide what needs to be altered and what should be cleared and substituted all together.

If you need help and would like to utilize the services of the team at Harris Financial Advisors, or are thinking of talking with them to go over any sort of financial planning, you can call them at (208) 342-1670. You can also visit them on the web to find out more (at or on their website at (, or you can visit them at their location in Meridian at 2289 South Bonito Way, Meridian, Idaho 83642; they are open between 8 am and 5 pm, Mondays-Fridays. Call them to talk about your investment goals for the year today!

| The Urban Liaison Magazine - Treasure Valley


Refrain from responding emotionally— We all have those temptations to act on an emotional impulse. However, both studies and personal experiences may have shown that decisions made this way don’t usually pan out as expected. This is definitely the case when it comes to investing. If one responds emotionally whilst investing, he/she will most likely end up on the wrong side of the curve in the market cycle. Don’t take the risk.


Commitment and Patience—Good things come to those who wait, right? Having the dedication and patience to stay on course goes a long way in life. Self-discipline is a virtuous attribute that is necessary to be used in every aspect of one’s life. Furthermore, great relationships aren’t built overnight—they are formed over time. In the end, we are all striving to form strong and resilient relationships. This is important to keep in mind in the market.

Be critical of outside noise—Much like rela2

Harris Financial Advisors is a local, independent financial advisory firm, and a consultation with them-whether it takes half an hour or two hours-is always free. So, if you chat with them and decide that their services aren’t right for you, you don’t have to feel like you lost any money.


“Discuss your 2015 investment goals with them today”

NAMPA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NAMPA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NAMPA CHAMBER OF COM 2015 LEGISLATIVE POSITION STATEMENT The Nampa Chamber applauds the efforts of our legislators who supported successful passage of legislation on two of our key issues last year: business development incentives and pursuing state control and management on environmental permitting and regulation (also known as primacy) rather than being subject only to the U.S. EPA.


Idaho has been dealing with a $250-280 million deficit in transportation funding each year, accumulating a growing backlog in the needed maintenance and expansion of our transportation system. The Nampa Chamber agrees with over half of Idahoans who say that increasing funding for roads and bridges must be a top three priority for the 2015 Legislature. In our area, the lack of adequate funding means needed projects, such as widening of I-84 westbound, southbound extension of Highway 16, and improvements to Highway 55/Karcher Road, continue to be delayed. Failure to adequately fund these types of projects threatens public safety and hinders business growth and development. The Nampa Chamber of Commerce strongly supports the development of funding solutions for transportation infrastructure development and maintenance. The Chamber encourages a policy solution that is efficient and stable for the long term in generating necessary revenue and that has a clear nexus between tax/fee burden and transportation utilization.


As Idaho increases its efforts to expand and attract businesses, we must be able to provide skilled and educated workers. The Nampa Chamber supports a robust educational system designed to be relevant to the real world and reflects the knowledge and skills students need for success as they enter today's workforce. We believe that community colleges, such as the College of Western Idaho, and our other public and private colleges and universities play a vital role in the education of our citizens and economic stability. The Nampa Chamber supports a K-12 educational system that helps our future workforce develop necessary skills in critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration. We encourage the support of standards designed to promote these skills. We also support efforts to improve and align educational standards with business needs, including policies that provide schools and teachers the time, training, and resources needed to meet challenging standards. We encourage our Legislature to identify solutions for supporting an education system focused on workforce development and promoting opportunities for youth and adults.


We encourage business and the Legislature to support education at all levels and believe public-private partnerships are essential to the continued strengthening of education in Idaho.







The Nampa Chamber of Commerce supports economic development to stimulate growth for existing businesses and to attract new businesses. This support includes exploring and using all options for providing and paying for water, wastewater, power, streets, and all other public infrastructure necessary to business growth. We support continued funding for business growth and expansion funds that tie business tax incentives to proven economic growth.


The Nampa Chamber of Commerce continues to support and encourages our Legislature to promote local control and decision-making by granting local government authorities the power to request and adopt a voter-approved local sales tax to fund community economic development projects, particularly for needed transportation and infrastructure projects.


The Nampa Chamber of Commerce supports lower business and individual income tax rates to support local community economic development. Lower income tax rates will position Nampa and the state of Idaho to be more competitive in attracting business and stimulating a stronger economy.


The Nampa Chamber encourages our legislators to monitor and continue to pursue reform on healthcare issues and the redesign of Medicaid. In closing, agriculture is important to the State of Idaho and Canyon County. We support the Nampa/Caldwell Agri-Business Position statement and also encourage a long term goal to reduce personal property taxes.











Reservations are required to attend chamber events. Dates are subject to change. Visit for details. Nampa Chamber Luncheons and Business & Breakfast will run from September - April.

Winter Issue 2015|



Start the year off prepared with SERVPRO:

‘Like it never even happened’ It is never fun when an emergency situation strikes. Whether it’s a flooded-in basement, fire damage, mold damage, or something even worse, SERVPRO of Nampa/Caldwell is there to help you out. From start to finish, this tight-knit family of workers will be there for you until everything gets resolved.


efore discussing any specifics about SERVPRO as a business, let’s take a step back and learn about the team that makes this company tick. Kelly was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona and Brian was born and raised in Twin Falls (with roots all over Idaho). They met the first weekend of their freshman year and were smitten with each other and dated all throughout college. They graduated in ’93 and married in ’94. Now, as a family of five, the Reeds enjoy outdoor activities and playing with their dog. What made them interested in working in this particular business and starting up a Nampa/Caldwell branch of SERVPRO? Well, Brian had experience in the business side of construction and the business model caught their eye. Both have backgrounds in business and graduated from UNLV. Brian noted that to them, the most appealing part of the industry is that you can help people and that it’s immediate: “You can achieve immediate results and help people through hard times.” Now that we know a little about Brian and Kelly, let’s learn a bit about the rest of the SERVPRO team. As soon as anyone walks into the SERVPRO office in Nampa, it is easy to see that the team treats each other like family; they are the best of friends, working together towards the great cause of helping people through accidents and emergencies. They are all Idaho family men and women and work with one another to build up the business in the right direction. They also stay involved in the local community by staying involved with the Chamber of Commerce and by conducting food drives for the Boise Rescue Mission. Now, what exactly is SERVPRO and what do they do? As a whole company across the nation, SERVPRO has been in service since 1972 but has been in the valley for the past

six years. They work with insurance providers app” (residential and commercial). So, if you to serve businesses and residents in Nampa, have a disaster, you are that much closer to Caldwell, Fruitland, Payette, Ontario, and getting relief and they will be right there. any other surrounding cities that need their The app takes you through the steps and assistance. Their trucks are out there on the gets you help ASAP. It gives you the comfort streets and their commercials are on ESPN, in knowing that if an emergency happens, CNN, etc. If your house is flooded, if your you get the tips you will need to know to help pipes are frozen, if a fire was just put out you out. If your ceiling is caving in from a in your house, or any other emergency— flood, if there is standing water in your home, whether by natural time and the proper first causes or accidental steps you take are very “The most appealing part causes—SERVPRO is critical: “The quicker we on it. Their team will of the industry is that you can get there, the less immediately make their damage there will be,” can help people and that it’s way to your house to Brian says, “Time is of the make sure everything is immediate—you can achieve essence when it comes okay and that your posto water damage.” This immediate results and help sessions are safe so you is because you have don’t have to worry. to stop the source of people through hard times.” Co-owner Kelly Reed the water as soon as Co-owner Brian Reed made a great point possible and shut off the about the importance of electricity in the case of standing water; don’t what they do as a company: “When it comes to saving somebody’s wait until morning to make the call! Call them family heirloom, it is those memories that are right away and they can make the differimportant. That is why calling us as quickly ence in saving your possessions and heirlooms as possible is so important—to help save and limit the damage done to your home. those kinds of things.” The team at SERVPRO Now, if you are wondering about how to pay takes inventory of everything in your home, these fine people, don’t worry! Most water and they work with your insurance comand fire damages that occur in the home pany’s adjuster in an effort to either restore are covered by your homeowner’s insurance or replace your valuables. SERVPRO has the policy. One of the many benefits of workresources to restore irreplaceable items such ing with SERVPRO and what Brian states is as art pieces, rare books, furniture, and so on, the icing on the cake in owning a SERVPRO and you can rest assured that you have the facility is the fact that they are partnered final say on what happens to your damaged with just about every major insurance carrier belongings. in the country. In many cases, the majority The Reeds couldn’t stress enough the of the costs to mitigate your damage have importance of contacting them as soon as already been negotiated between SERVPRO possible when an emergency occurs. That is and the insurance carriers, so you won’t be why their innovative app is so amazing; the stuck paying for services that your insurance app is called “SERVPRO ready plan mobile company won’t pay. This eliminates a great




Brian and Kelly with the rest of their family

Brian and Kelly Reed with their family

START YOUR YEAR OFF PREPARED! source of homeowner stress in their time of crisis. If your damage is not covered by insurance, don’t worry; the team at SERVPRO of Nampa/ Caldwell will work with you to make the services affordable and help you in any way that they can. If you are a business and are worried about knowing what to do in times of crisis, call SERVPRO today and ask about their Emergency Ready Program, where they inspect commercial buildings, tag all utility shut-offs, arrange a document of emergency contacts specifically for your business, and more. Get into contact with them and rest easy and assured that you and your family (or business) are being taken care of by SERVPRO of Nampa/Caldwell. Call them any time in an emergency at 1-800-SERVPRO, or call them if you have any questions or concerns at

their local number 208-466-5000, where the phone is answered live 24/7. You can visit their office during their office hours of 8-5 Mondays-Fridays. You can also visit them online at SERVPRO of Nampa/Caldwell is located at 3912 E. Summit lane in Nampa, Idaho. Don’t wait—contact them today for a free tour and inspection of your business facility, or get the app and contact them about your insurance provider to get everything squared away in case of an emergency. Accidents happen, so it is best to be prepared; luckily, this warm, friendly team of Idahoans is there to serve you and help you with every step along the way. WRITTEN BY

Elise Pehrson




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o you love hometown rock n’ roll? Well, Boise has a group worth talking about with roots deep within the Valley. Malachi formed in 2005 as a side project to the now defunct metal group The October Tree when its front man (Jeffro Hoskins II), drummer (Anthony White), bassist (Steve Bade), and keyboardist (Bear Benson) teamed up with fellow local vet Ryan Allen (guitarist) to create awesome music. As the group finalized its debut album, Mourning Days Volume I, in 2008, the group’s sound began to gravitate back to its heavier ancestry, incorporating more distorted guitars, screaming, and intensity. Now joined by former founding members of The October Tree, Trent Fillmore (on the guitar) and Jared Hoskins (on keys, samples, and percussion), Malachi is no less than epic. Malachi dramatically balances its boisterous and fiery choruses with cerebral and provocative interludes. Rhythmic progressions are fractured with manic and sometimes quirky theatrical bravado. Rousing screams and melodic harmonies accent dueling guitars and wailing symphonic strings. Its progressions are ever-led by the explosive drums and droning bass. While reluctant to don the title of heavy metal, Malachi—seven members strong—is no less explosive.

The Best Trained Stylists Danae Valle is one of the most sought after colorist in the Northwest. Her passion for color has led to a life long love for education. She believes in “passing it on”. She has trained over 30 young stylists over the last 4 years in the art of color. She has taught 1000’s of woman at many seminars the importance of being beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. She was named 2009 Business Woman of the Year in Idaho and received the prestigious Governors Brightest Star Award by Governor. She owned Studio D Salon and it become one of the top 100 salons in the United States. Victor Valle is passionate about the Hair industry. He has traveled all over the United States learning the craft of doing amazing hair. He specializes in custom man’s styles and cuts and is a highly sought after eyebrow artist. He studied in the world renown Redken 5th Ave Exchange and the prestigioius KRS Summitt Business School. Britton Valle, inspired by his parents overwhelming passion and creative vision, expressed a desire that one day he would become a highly sought Stylist. Britton’s journey took him to the East Coast to work with Patrick McIvor, the artistic and Techniculture director of Goldwell/Kms California. After honing the art of color and perfecting the craft of cutting it was time to move forward. Leaving everything behind he moved to Kauai with the vision of water and sand and the hope of working as a Hair Artist in the St. Regis Resort on the north shore of Kauai. The dream was realized and within a year Britton had formed a reputation with Celebrity Clientele. Britton works three months out of the year in Hawaii. He loves to pamper his clients and his level of service is incredible.

1756 W. Cherry Ln. #140 Meridian, ID 83642 208 . 870 . 7648 Find us on Facebook:

Or on our website:






rystin Downes has always loved photography. At the age of 4 she would dress up her cat in her dolls' clothes and take pictures of him with her Mom's old point and shoot Kodak. When her Mom would get the prints back, there would be 12 pictures of her cat in her dolls' dresses, and 12 other pictures of random things that Krystin felt was interesting.

It was no surprise that Krystin applied to JCPenney Portrait Studio as a photographer and was hired at the age of 18. Krystin spent over 5 years working for JCPenney Portrait Studio and is very grateful for everything she learned there. Krystin learned how to pose newborns, kids and families. Her most important skill she learned at JCPenney Portrait Studio was how to engage the client and take a great picture.

Krystin left JCPenney Portrait Studio when she was twenty-three and went on to different jobs in advertising, marketing, management, event planning and executive assistant work. All the while still loving photography and producing images with her Canon cameras.

Good For $10 Off Boudior Session


HAIR & MAKE-UP 30 MINUTE SHOOT TIME 10+ EDITED IMAGES with Print Release (expires 2.28.15)


| The Urban Liaison Magazine - Treasure Valley

In 2011, Krystin opened her own photography company and called it "Avenue 8 Photography". Krystin spent the next two years learning everything she could about photography and how a camera works., i.e., aperture, iso, dslrs, lenses and editing.

Pin Up Girl Krystin shot every session and every client at no charge for two years. She didn’t feel right about charging a client a dime if she didn’t have a COMPLETE understanding about her business. In 2014, Krystin charged a client for the first time ever for a winter family session. Today, Avenue 8 Photography is a full service studio, located at 1002 Blaine St, in Caldwell, Idaho. Avenue 8 Photography specializes in Pin-Up, Boudoir, family and mini sessions.


Pin Up, Boudoir, Family & Mini Sessions!

Monthly Pin Up Shoots

Starting at $ 35



1002 Blaine St., Caldwell 2 0 8 - 412-7644


e r i p s n I SALON AND DAY SPA Conveniently located at the intersection of Eagle and Ustick roads in the Gateway Marketplace, Inspire Salon and Day Spa is an oasis amidst the hectic urban life.


anette Resch opened Inspire Salon and Day Spa in early 2014 with her husband, Brian; daughter, Courtney; and son-in-law, James. This family-owned and operated salon may be new, but their ties to the area are 25 years strong.

Janette dreamed of being an esthetician and massage therapist since she was sixteen and has loved the business of creating “the best you” ever since. Years of working at other high-end salons and spas in the Boise Valley made her the best at what she does and inspired this customer-engineered business. Her dream was to create a space that employees love and clients never want to leave. Inspire is a state-of-the-art spa, designed to be the Valley’s premier luxury salon with warm open spaces, soft lighting, and a dreamy zen feel. Every room adds to the rejuvenating experiences from the soft custom couch that stretches across the pedicure stations to the spacious couples’ massage room that is the chief in decadence. Imagine you and your sweetheart ensconced in silky soft sheets melting into a 75-minute massage. A sweet treat of chocolate and a chilled bottle of champagne is ready to greet you when you’re finished. Take your time, soak your feet, and have those whispered conversations. This fantasy is a reality at Inspire, and for $145 the VIP couples massage is the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. Every amenity was considered in the creation of this premier spa retreat. From their hand-selected skin care, body care, hair care product lines and the high thread count sheets hugging your body, to the “chill room” where you soak in the tranquil atmosphere, Inspire offers an escape into the extraordinary.


relaxation and rejuvenation destination your


Ladies’ day out has never looked more relaxing. Make a day of it and wrap yourself up in a cozy terry cloth robe and slippers. Sink into the soft cushions with a glass of wine as your overworked tootsies are soaked in deep vessel tubs. Treat your dry winter skin to a hydrating antioxidant facial or a body treatment that will firm, detox, and revitalize. With its oversized rooms and talented beauty professionals, Inspire is also the perfect place to host your bridal party. Makeup application with the high-quality Jane Iredale line is available, as well as manicures, pedicures, and elegant up-dos. Sip champagne and relax knowing all your bridal party is being taken care of in one luxurious location. Everyone will be primped to perfection on your special day. Fellas, Inspire hasn’t left you out. Walk in or make an appointment for all your grooming needs. A cold craft beer will prime your experience, whether you need a simple cut or a full body manscape. For about the same price as a chain store cut, you can treat yourself to a relaxing experience you’ll be thanking me for later. During Inspire’s inaugural year, they have already become the place other beauty professionals come to for continuing education and hosted workshops. Education is a core tenant for every Inspire team member. From learning the latest techniques to researching the best products, their staff prides themselves on providing a high quality experience at a reasonable price.


Inspire Salon and Day Spa is truly a unique retreat with a commitment to community and family. It is an evolution in the spa experience with top-of-the-line products, treatments, and sumptuous environment, making each visit special as the client. If you are looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift, Inspire Salon and Day Spa is perfect for your sweetheart. Spoil your love with the chocolate pedicure, pamper them with a soothing facial or wrap, or indulge in a couples’ massage. Not sure? A gift certificate is a sure thing, too.

Inspire Salon and Day Spa

2932 North Eagle Road Meridian, Idaho 83646 208-888-1026

With a passion for creating the best you, Inspire wants to share their talents with the community beyond what is on their service menu. That is why they are planning public workshops to teach hair and makeup techniques. Ever wondered how to create the perfect smoky eyes or a chic up-do? Like their Facebook page to receive updates for community class workshops, specials, and events at the following URL: Winter Issue 2015|


Summer Harvest Issue 2014

| 36



casual dining restaurant, quality seafood, and other gourmet treasures.


Reel Food Fish Market has been serving the Boise Valley since 1980 with high quality seafood from around the world, including here in the great state of Idaho. Taking a thoughtful quality approach to the selections offered in the store, they seek out responsible partner producers in fresh sustainable seafood. Some fish is so fresh it could have been pulled out of the water yesterday and gracing your dinner table tonight.

instructions, Anny, Jess and Jason are there to make every step of your seafood buying and preparation experience a delicious success.

Seafood can be intimidating. It’s my most favorite food, but picking out something other than salmon or trout and trying to cook it seems like something I should just leave to the experts.

“There is nothing worse for us than to tell a customer, ‘sorry we don’t have that.’” If what you’re looking for is not in stock, that’s not a problem. Getting the customer those special ingredients to recreate a family recipe or an unforgettable dining experience is what Reel Foods is about.

That’s what Reel Foods Fish Market are—the experts. They understand cooking seafood can be daunting and expensive—they can help. From educating customers on their different offerings and creating a dinner party menu to cooking


| The Urban Liaison Magazine - Treasure Valley

Reel Foods Fish Market prides themselves on carrying specialty items like lutefisk, dried cod for your grandmother’s baccala recipe, and even halibut cheeks for the few weeks a year they are in season. They also special order, so you don’t have to limit your options.

In addition to fresh and frozen seafood, they also have premade meals. Chef Jason pulls ingredients straight from the

D'Ambrosio PHOTOS BY Everhart Photography WRITTEN BY Angela

Chef J aso n case to make heat-and-eat meals like cod enchiladas and lobster mac and cheese. For lunch on the go, they have soup, salad, sandwiches, and sushi, or stay for the decadent oysters or their incredible chowder.

Reel Foods Fish Market & Oyster Bar

Located in downtown Boise next to the library, Reel Foods Fish Market and Oyster Bar has a covered patio to enjoy the weather, or you can pull up a chair to the window-side bar. They stock local Northwest wine and beer selected for the perfect pairing to their menu.

611 Capitol Boulevard, Boise, ID (208) 342-2727

This locally grown company not only uses Idaho ingredients and products, but also supports the community by giving our landlocked residents every opportunity to enjoy the bounty of the water, from Lobsterfest in July and live crab to sponsoring our Steelhead hockey team. They even have cooking classes—some hosted by our very own Steelhead hockey players.

Want to learn about upcoming events, notices of sales, special arrivals, and get a discount? Sign up for a Reel Savings Card here:

Like us on Facebook

Anny and Jess

For 35 years, Reel Foods Fish Market is the only specialty seafood market and staple of the Boise Valley. They’ve maintained the tradition of providing the most amazing seafood but have enhanced the seafood buying experience by offering an oyster bar, heat-and-eat meals, party platters, new lunch menus, and cooking classes. If you haven’t experienced Reel Foods Fish Market and Oyster Bar recently, you should stop by to see the fresh arrivals and stay for their oysters Rockefeller.

Monday - Friday 10am-6pm Saturday 10am-5pm Closed Sunday


Want to escape? Through the doors of Café de Coco in Nampa awaits an intimate, instantly calming world where Ella Fitzgerald sings softly in the background, where everywhere you look pleases the eye, everything you see and smell looks delicious, and teacups and forks clink happily. WRITTEN BY Amy Larson

Café de Coco: Nampa’s Charmer I

magine being treated the way your favorite sister would treat you if you came for a special visit, say, on your birthday.

“I can’t believe I’ve never been here before!” is overheard often, and countless times after a satisfying dining experience those believing they’re prepared to exit the café stop cold over scarves, rings, necklaces, or other exquisite gift shop trinkets. What is most heartwarming for Café de Coco’s owner and staff is the realization that they’re a beacon for three-generation occasions. Grandmothers, aunts, mothers, sisters, nieces, and daughters smile their way in and laugh their way out.

For nine years, owner Mary White has seen groups of joyful people enter and exit the business that began as Cranberry Corner in a little white house in Nampa, right on Twelfth Avenue. As the specialty gift shop became a place for friends to gather, it evolved and began offering more, in the form of delicious food. When the initial owner moved the place downtown and thought of selling, Mary White and her best Legend has it that friend, Deborah Tuel, jumped in. After all, who could resist there’s even a sandwich the charming idea of brunch, that’s so beloved that one lunch, gifts, and tea?

soldier in Afghanistan

Brunch is popular, too, but no matter the meal, the famous asparagus, bacon, cheddar cheese, and sour cream-topped quiche is queen; it’s the menu item that’s chosen again and again. Other scrumptious picks include breakfast sandwiches, bread pudding, oatmeal with gelato and fruit, and homey cinnamon rolls.

As it turned out, not many craved it to the point could. The soothing atmoof putting it on his list of sphere of the new, consistently five-star rated “Café de Coco,” ‘Things to Eat When sometimes called “Nampa’s I Get Home.’ best-kept secret,” quickly became just the opposite. With an impressive variety Legend has it that there’s of over forty teas, espresso, gelato, and menu items even a sandwich that’s so beloved that one soldier in customers swear they don’t want to live without, the Afghanistan craved it to the point of putting it on fan club continues to grow. his list of ‘Things to Eat When I Get Home.’ When Mary was asked about that, she replied with a laugh, “It’s the homemade food that’s our ‘bread and butter,” “It’s called the Turkey Focaccia—cream cheese, cranMary quips, “but we’ll always keep the gift shop.” berries—sort of like Thanksgiving in a sandwich, served year-round. It’s good!”

“Their scones with lemon curd and Devonshire cream are something I need weekly,” says a Facebook commentator (adding lots of exclamation points), while yet another raves, “One sandwich called the ‘Fave,’ (and rightly so), has jalapeno cream cheese on a warm bagel, covered in hot ham and melting cheese. It’s to die for, and so is their triple lemon cake. It has to be the best cake I’ve ever had.” Ahead of the tea craze wave, Café de Coco sells a ton (including huckleberry). When someone swoons over the thoughtfully paired tea they’ve selected with their meal, they can purchase it in loose-leaf form by the ounce to take home for a steaming cup later in the day. As if the good dream couldn’t get any more real, Mary, now the sole and creative owner, reminds us of one more thing hungry people can get at Café de Coco: purchasing five or more box lunches or sandwich trays gets you a friendly and speedy delivery. It’s safe to say this much: once you step into the pampering world of Café de Coco, you’re not going to want to leave.

117 13th Avenue S., Nampa, ID 208-465-6428


ivine Wine’s owner/operator, Doug Evans, traveled to over fifty countries during his service in the U.S. Navy. One thing that remained constant across the continents and cultures was wine. He believes wine is the perfect bridge where we all find commonality, make friendships, and have meaningful conversations.

Divine Wine is tucked into a quaint shopping, area just off the corner of Eagle and Overland roads near the Majestic movie theatre. Stepping through the door is like being transported to a Tuscan enoteca. The warm golden atmosphere invites you to cozy up on the couch next to the fireplace or lean into the wine barrel tables sharing a bottle or two, with friends. Doug’s love of wine and passion for sharing emanates through every detail of the establishment. From the food he prepares daily, to the decor he always takes the time to greet everyone who walks through his door. If you are like me, you might find wine intimidating. Easier to stick with what I know, than to risk something new. According to Doug, “It’s only intimidating because no one has taken the time to talk with you about it.” With the knowledge of a sommelier and the charm of the boy next door, Doug has a natural talent for educating and listening to what a customer likes and is in the mood for. He will then base his recommendation on your taste, not his. There is no right or wrong answer with drinking wine. There is only what you like. Doug says, “If everyone’s palate was the same, we would only have the need for one bottle of wine in the world.” There is a wine for almost everyone.


“May you never want for wine, nor a friend to drink it with.” Open Monday through Friday, three till close, Divine Wine is the perfect place to meet after work. The glass-pour list changes every day with the food pairings. Wednesday night is ladies night with food and drink specials. Thursday night is a wine tasting event. A recent popular feature included an earthy, full bodied Argentinian Vistalba paired with stuffed clams, crab stuffed mushrooms and garlic toast. Yum! Friday they host live music. Reserve your table ahead of time or stop in to meet new friends.

For up-to-date information on what is on the menu and pour list check out their Facebook page:

Divine Wine

2310 E. Overland Rd Meridian, Idaho (208) 887-6262 WRITTEN BY Angela


If you are looking for an unique and intimate location for a private party Divine Wine has your Saturday date available. Having fun is what they’re all about and have hosted a variety of parties from roaring twenties, steampunk, Mardi Gras, Halloween and elegant Valentine’s affair, to a family style Christmas dinner. As one customer said, “This place is magical!” Doug broke the mold as a wine connoisseur. He is a cowboy at heart. Riding his Harley exploring Idaho, this place he calls home and nirvana. His passion translates to his love of wine; the aesthetics and sophistication without the snoot. Doug’s Divine Wine story is timeless: Boy meets wine. Boy falls in love. Boy shares wine. Take a mini vacation and visit Divine Wine. Tastings range from $10 - $20 per person and you decide if you want a glass, a bottle or a case to take home. Winter Issue 2015|


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