How to Manage Chronic Pain after Total Hip Replacement Surgery

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How to Manage Chronic Pain after Total Hip Replacement Surgery Overview Total hip replacements is a treatment option for people who are suffering from an end-stage degenerative hip disease which is often the result of osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis. A hip joint is made of ball and socket with the surface which is covered by cartilage. Various condition can damage the surface of the cartilage which can result in stiffness of the joint, severe pain in the joint and limit the mobility and physical ability of the person. In hip replacement surgery the surgeon replaces both the femoral head and acetabulum. Undergoing this surgery can improve the mobility, reduce the pain, help in regaining the motion, improves the physical ability and quality of life.

Managing Pain after Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacements surgery is major and complex surgery which can often result in severe pain after the surgery. Post-surgery the pain can last for three to six months which can be severe and intense. Chronic pain can be a side effect of this surgery which is why it is important to manage pain post total hip replacement surgery. Surgery on any part of the body requires a significant period of rest in order to recover to its original strength, this is especially in the case of hip and knee. Do not expect to resume your regular daily activities within a few days after the surgery. Even though the period of post-operative pain for total hip replacement surgery is shorter you may still need time to heal. Following are some of the methods which can help you manage the pain after Total Hip Replacement Surgery:-

Managing pain with ICE: -

For the first two weeks after the surgery, ice can very helpful and effective in reducing the pain. Ice can reduce the pain and inflammation in combination with medicines. While applying the ice be sure that you cover the ice pack with a cloth to avoid freezer burning your skin. Post hip replacement surgery the surgeon may also recommend using gel packs and keep them in the freezer. Ice not only reduces the pain and but It also helps in constricts the blood vessels and reduces the blood flow to the area. While using ice packs always remember to elevate your legs and rest.

Rest: -

The first week after total hip replacement surgery you should rest often and be active only in short spurts. The more rest your body gets during this crucial time, the better. After Taking proper rest you may feel major improvements in the pain levels. Usually, after ten days of Total Hip Replacement Surgery, the joint pain has gone away and the soft tissue pain gets easy with time. You may be advised to use a walking aid up to four weeks after the surgery. After five or six weeks later if you feel better you can return to your daily activities and take necessary precautions to avoid putting stress on the hip.

Elevate Your Legs:-

Elevating your legs will help you in reducing the pain and swelling. By putting your feet higher than your hips, you can set off some of the physical discomforts in your legs. You can use a pillow for elevating. Regularly elevating your legs several times a day with a combination of ice and medicines can help you managing your pain.

Medications: -

Post-surgery you will be given with strong painkillers at first. In case if the medicines that are prescribed to you are not effectively treating your pain you can always talk to your doctors about increasing the dosage. Enduring unnecessary amounts of pain after a hip replacement surgery is not recommended simply because swelling occurs which can lead to inflammation and greater pain. Pain relief medications help to bring down the swelling and provide you relief during periods when you are sleeping. Managing pain post total hip replacement surgery is not difficult. Do not rush with the recovery process as it takes time. Rushing through recovery may lead to longterm complications in future.

Low-cost Total Hip Replacement Surgery in India

Total Hip Replacement Surgery in India is available at the most affordable costs. Orthopaedic Surgery India is one of a leading provider in offering quality services from the best and top most Hip Replacement Surgeons in India and Hip Replacement Hospitals in India at the most affordable costs. Orthopaedic Surgery India offers every patient with a bespoke package for Hip Replacement Surgery in India at the most affordable cost ever. Patients every need is taken care of right from their arrival till departure by in the best possible way with Orthopaedic Surgery India.

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