October 6th, 2010

Page 21

October 6, 2010..................................................................... Volume VIII Issue 19............................................................................ Tricia’s Trader 21

Ramblings of a Conservative Cow Doctor

by Krayton Kerns, DVM, State Rep. HD 58


We hope you enjoy reading this newest feature in Tricia’s Trader. You may agree, you may disagree with Dr. Kerns’ Ramblings, but you will always have something to discuss over dinner.

Over the years, I have attacked the progressive movement as a political ideology which will destroy our American republic. Our salvation is liberty. Let me explain the difference. The term “progressive” is the greatest political word ever coined because it sounds so advanced and enlightened; things which it truly is not. The 19th century Marxist political philosophy “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs” laid the groundwork for progressivism. During the 1960s, Marxist followers euphemistically rallied under the banner of “liberalism.” This term soon lost favor as it consistently conjured the image of long-haired, bearded, hippies driving Volkswagen vans decorated with yellow, plastic, daisies. Something more creative was needed and when the “progressive” moniker was adopted, the political ripple of the early 1900’s became a tsunami. America would never be the same. Progressives derive all their power via two mechanisms: 1) Suffocating regulation of business and citizens. 2) Redistribution of massive amounts of tax payer money. Let me address each specifically. Number one: For decades we Americans have been taught to be incompetent. We must let the government decide what kinds of light bulbs we buy, the type of electricity we must use, when and where we can use our cell phones, the flush volume of our toilets, and our consumption of salt, trans-fats and Happy Meals. Once Americans have surrendered their self-reliance, they reflexively, albeit helplessly, collapse on the government as their savior. Think back to the news clips of the helpless Katrina victims wandering the flooded streets of New Orleans; ruling class progressives love to see their subjects begging for government salvation. Who needs God, guns and guts when you have government and it is not a coincidence progressives are regulating all three into extinction. Number two: No single gift from the producers will ever perpetually satisfy the non-producers. Progressives must continuously create new giveaways which are instituted only after sufficient media softening of the willpower of the masses. We simple-minded commoners must be prepped to believe the new item is something we not only are entitled to, but the only reason we don’t have it now is because we have been cheated by a rich guy who does have it. Under the guise of being fair, we are urged to get off the couch and help ourselves to the bounty produced by the sweat of others. In the last few years we have seen Medicare prescription drug plans, cash for clunkers, cash for Kelvinators, extended unemployment benefits, nationalization of student loans, and universal health care, all sold to us as things we are entitled to. There is a freebie around every corner. Just like the progressive crown jewel of Obamacare, with Marxism there is no freedom. There will be no opting out; all citizens will accept the will of the ruling class implemented “down the barrel of a gun,” to quote Chairman Mao. Does that quote not grab you by the throat? It should. Constitutional conservatism, on the other hand, is founded entirely upon freedom. Opt in or opt out, your lot in life is entirely dependent on your abilities, effort and willingness to accept risk. There will be winners and losers and it is the free-market, not government, which decides the outcome. We must return to the founding principle which made America the greatest nation in world history; liberty! Read more of Krayton’s op-ed in his 350 page book, Ramblings of a Conservative Cow Doctor - a collection of published and unpublished articles written about the life of a cowboy as it pertains to America’s freedom. Visit kraytonkerns.com to order your copy, available in softcover or hardcover signed editions.

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