Autumn Colors of Kyoto, Part 1

Page 45

We’re back on the street and surrounded by people. This must be the right place. We mingle with the crowd and walk toward the mountains on the east. Shops line the street leading to the shrine. Some vendors have permanent shops. Other places are temporary. Many people are selling souvenirs and snacks from under tents. Think: food. Lots of variety. Things you can eat with your fingers. Many items skewered on sticks, such as grilled meat. It smells great. Excitement surrounds the tents. The vendors are shouting to the crowd. This is interesting but we’ve just eaten. Keep moving. The mass of visitors (read: tourists) heads up toward the mountain. We pass under a few large torii (vermillion-colored gates). We arrive at a shrine complex. It’s the same color as the torii. The red structures contrast with the green forest. It is a dramatic sight.

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