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Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking smaller products but understand if you want a guide that shows you all the tips and trade secrets it sure isn't going to cost you $25. If you have any friends in the business, or anyone you know to be making this mistake, point it out to them. Unfortunately, trying to point someone to a high priced product is not always easy to do, because it just sounds like sales talk, but I digress, let’s move on.

I Bet You Know More Than You Think Big reason number two, is you already knew how to do everything but didn't get the work done for some reason. There are plenty of reasons for this, but let me say I experienced this one too, until one day I bought someone else’s product which kind of put me straight, and got me thinking. Hey this guy is big and makes a load of cash, but already knows everything he is teaching. This spurred me on quite nicely and turned out to be the boost I needed to get to this stage, selling multiple $1000+ products daily for several months of the year. It was a great motivator and sometimes that's just what people need to spring into action again, not necessarily the knowledge itself. This is something I kept in mind with this report, and the reason we have the goal pages and summaries at the end of the written versions. I'd hope they did their job, made you feel as though you were

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