Sandviken now Sandviken tomorrow

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Sandviken now Sandviken tomorrow by Israa Amjad Ghozlan, Mia Lahtinen, Wu-Lung Lu, Kiia Nummenpalo, Annika Sakashita, Praewa Samachai


This project is about the importance of bringing something back to the community and to create a dialog with the residents of Sandviken. Sandvikstorget, being the heart of Sandviken, has been our focus area. We have investigated the past and future, but for us the near present is the most important. How to activate the empty square while the area is in the process of developing? A major factor in the project has been the combination of old, new and recycled materials. It is not necessary to always buy new to be able to make something remarkable so how can we work in the space between old and new?


What happens in between?


Illustration by KPA The proposal shows an important axis which connects the mountain to the shore, and a proposal to activate it. The plan suggests changing Sandvikstorget from being a parking lot to a public square, which is also the main focus in our project.


Local’s perspective on the current situation. Article from Bergens Tidene.


History Sandvikstorget was first constructed in 1885. The same year the square had its very first public event held by Sandvikens Battalion. 1910

The presented photos show some of the implemented events in the square starting from 1910.











Building law mandated to have an open unbuilt belt from the shorehouses to the nearby settlement

Horse chestnut tree into private garden

Sandviken square was constructed and expanded with a quay to the west




8 Sandviken Battalion has used the Sandviken square as its place of exhibition

The yard was bought by Bergen municipality to be laid out as a street

Teacher Chr. Lahn bought the tree from the municipality back and set up a bench around the tree

The bench was removed due to traffic conditions and was replaced by 2 benches on the South side

The tree withered and was by a Ger military


e d s hit rman truck







9 A linden tree was planted as a replacement

Sandviken square was regulated for parking

Talking bench equivalent to the former bench

May 4, 1980 celebration with large audience, annual anniversary by christening the tree with beer

Madam Felle was erected in the square

The Battalion celebrated its 150th anniversary and the square was paved. The replacement tree from 1943 was chopped down for an unknown reason and replaced with a smaller tree

There has been christmas tree sale at the square


Event One of the main initiatives of this project was to create an event for the locals to start the discussion of the future of Sandvikstorget and the area. It was held in Saturday 30/11/2019. We built seating, surface tops and pavilions to alter the physicality of the square, a base point for our further analysis.



Intuitive model To get started with our designing process and how to approach the square we constructed a sketch model. The scale is undefined, but the large size allows us to inhabit the model. The idea was to make a physical model with materials that represent the surroundings, such as the road being strong and dark; this shows its quality as a barrier. We started adding elements first intuitively, the wooden blocks are one part, white paper the second and the sawdust is the third. They can be read as a collection but also as separate elements. Retrospectively we can see the correlation to what we developed later in the project.

1 to 1 sketching The square as it is these days suffers a lack of consideration for both human and green spaces. While there are only few green areas there is no existence of the human factor at all. We created several different intuitive situations; we continued the strong round shape and made a statement with a contrast of green and cars. Our last sketch was an organic line composed of a tree, branches, leaves, flowers and rocks to create a continuation from the mountain towards the sea. This idea has also been a part of the project afterwards by occupying Sandvikstorget which is a mediator between those two places.



Sand models We wanted the project to have a consideration of the terrain which is present in the landscape between mountain and sea. The sand models are abstracted methods for exploring the underlay and investigate beyond conventional practice. The methodology wavers between intuition and analysis into a cohesive study on how it relates to what we are doing in other aspects of development. All of us have a different expression; some are more organised and calm, while other have many different directions and materials, a variation in what we have to say.



Wood printing


Sketches The relation between mind and paper was an important part of the design process to visualise our thoughts and communicate them to others. The round shape came quite fast into the discussion partly being inspired by the dominating round shapes around the important elements at the square. Also the idea of continuation was a strong part in the process.


Petty stabilization Lack of hope for the regimes collapse In any foreseeable future. Material process is the body.


Comforting is the thought of growth. And quickly so Let it ferment I demand, Diety



Final sketch model

Pavilion Models were also a big part of the process to explore a way how to create a flexible and moveable structure with possibilities of multiple uses such as a bench, table, roof etc.

Structure This was probably the hardest part for our group since we are not engineers and don’t have the knowledge of all the possible solutions for a structure to hold up and be strong and stable enough. After a week of discussing different options and volumes with our colleagues and testing them in real scale we became desperate enough to try a totally new form of connecting the frames together. After that we resolved the structure quite quickly, having built a stronger understanding of structural stability.



Above are different considerations of variations to the frames to connect them and making the structure stable. But because we wanted the frames to look as light as possible and not to make it a tunnel, adding more wood to it dragged us away from the original idea. On the left are sketches of considered solutions for stabilizing the structure.


The ended on a triangular pavilion with a light roof of branches.


Diety planted the natural selection Ruin or Destruction Devouring, looking the Fare is present honesty is transparent all else is Death





450.0 25.0 48.0


631.8 23.0


48.0 23.0




354.0 450.0









48.0 23.0



625.7 23.0




2,400 464.0





23.0 23.0



354.0 450.0

48.0 464.0


1:10 dimensions of the chair and table

Plan illustration of the pavilion in 1:20.

89 5



48.0 23.0




98.0 2,261


Technical illustration in 1:20 The strength of the pavilion is in its temporality, flexibility and adaptation. It can be a space to pass through, to stop, play or serve as a shelter. Finding this susceptibility for change and adaptation to ensure a function for the future and a life after. A possibility to improve life, a solution for the space in between. Between development, seasons, the concrete stretch and people.

Askøy To create the spirit of christmas at the event we were offered to collect some christmas trees from our principal, Cecilie Andersson at her summer cottage. We cut down different sizes of trees with an axe and a saw. And then transported them by boat back to the shore. On the right is a leg for the trees that reflects the shape of our pavilions. 32



Bod As much as we focused on seating and the pavilion, we also worked on a bod. It was originally a part of a master project done by Alicia Lu Lin in the spring of 2019. The structure itself was minimal and open and featured two walls consisting of old logs with cultural heritage status. Everything we added we received free from the neighbouring lumber yard, Neumann. We received small strips of impregnated wood used for spacing stacked lumber (they provide airing between, to avoid rot and distortion). The recycled wood is a near unlimited resource as the strips are disposed after serving their purpose.

Original bod by Alicia Lu Lin

300 mm

Overlap of shingles

Laying roof shingles section 1:10 1/3 of shingle 1/3 of shingle

The roof was an important part of making the bod a bearable space to be in even during the everchanging weather conditions. We didn’t have any materials for it but one trip to Neumann was like winning the lottery for us. We collected and repurposed the waste wood by using the pieces as shingles. It’s not a typical shingle roof but a modified version that was defined by the size of the material itself. A lot of wood is thrown away every day because the planks are either too bendy or the material has only been used for drying other wood. This is a problem that should be more acknowledged and dealt with amongst us architects.

Laying roof shingles 1:10


Our attempt with the bod was to make it a semi climatized space with minimal additions, then place it at the square and work there for some weeks as a first part of activating the area. We added plastic vapour barrier sheets that easily could be removed prior to the occupation. The further we got in the process we realized it needed to be open for the event to let people go through it more freely.


The structure had to be lifted and moved to the square with a crane due to its weight. We added a grid structure that would stabilize the bod for the moving process. Above is the bod leaving from the school yard and on the bottom it is taken away from the square. We didn’t have time to sit inside the bod and work but instead the bod being empty most of the time and sometimes changing a bit, made the people passing by very curious. The intrigue became a fruitful starting point for dialog at the event, people wanted to be a part of something, and the bod started an internal thought process for locals.

Sketches When deciding to take all the plastic and other wooden elements away we wanted to fill one of the walls with a series of wood explorations. The wall represents a small collection of different ways of closing off while still being open and combining different materials. We used the shingles to show a part of the roof which is not visible for the people. Another easily made element were the thin woven pieces made out of the same material. We also added leftover branches that were cut off the christmas trees. The green colour of the treated wood is often considered as a bad quality but in this case it works when it is combined with other materials. How do we alter our perspective on quality and value?




Technical illustration of the bod in 1:20.


Plan illustration of the bod in 1:20.



Pressure locks wood in place in three points


The most tension is at the middle point, any weakness will increase likelyness of the piece cracking


The longer the wood, the easier it bends

Bending recycled wood section 1:10

Weaving recycled wood 1:10



Burning fire Tomorrow is bright Darkness fades away Pinnacle Where all points align Hearth and core present




Jul i Sandviken 30/11/2019





Sandviken Sandvikstorget og Norges Fiskerimuseum 30.Nov & 1.Des

49 I regi av Bergen Arkitekthøgskole og Julemarked på Norges Fiskerimuseum. Vi invitere til en hyggelig start på advent i lokalmiljøet med aktiviteter i og gjennom Sandviken! Her vil du få mulighet til å oppleve alt nabolaget har å by på, noe godt å smake på, handle kortreiste julegaver, juleverksted og masse mer! instagram: julisandviken facebook: Jul i Sandviken

The Fisheries museum was one of our collaborators and they had their annual christmas market on the other side of the road, inside the museum. Outside they had a blacksmith showing how they work. Sandviken Kystlag was also there and used our benches for their stand.



Market The event was a collection of different actors activating the square for one day. We invited people to sell some home made things or old clothes at a small flea market. Because of the history of the square it was important to also include the Sandvikens Battalion who played drums and sold waffles. One of our collaborators and sponsors, Joker, gave free cookies and mulled wine. Søtt + Salt food truck came in with their bright red truck where they sold out all their whole inventory of buns and cookies. As an addition, an old veteran fire truck from Sandviken visited the square.

Activities for children When arranging an event it is important to take into consideration all ages. There were a lot of families at the event and we had made a colouring station for the children. Also a scavenger hunt with questions about the square was one activity for the whole family. It then led the people to the market at the museum.



User engagement The bod worked as a hub for asking opinions about the square from the locals, because who would know best what is needed there than the ones who live close by it. The whole event was an opportunity for the community to occupy the square and get a glimpse of what could be possible to happen there in the future without cars. It was a first attempt to start thinking and activating the place in a different way and to ask for more ideas of using it.


All the people that came inside were very interested in engaging and giving their opinions to make the square better for them. We had our own suggestion which received support and was even signed by some people.




What do you think? We asked and the people answered. They drew their dream square with whatever their hearts desired.


Communicating through model While the drawings were an important part of the process also the 1:100 scale model of the square was fruitful for a response from the residents of Sandviken.


the school to be occupied by other people, too, aside from only students. At the mezzanine, there was a Pop-up Gallery (pictured on the right) with three artists who work very differently, but together are an exciting collection showing the relationship between art, architecture, nature, and community.


Events at BAS The event was not only happening at the square but also inside BAS. One of the other groups in our studio created a mystical installation with lights and shadows through wooden build elements in the silo basement. They held a small concert as well in one of the silo chambers. (Installation pictured on the right) The second-year students displayed models in the silo from the exhibition: Fragile situations. It was essential for us to arrange something in the school area to invite people who usually never have the chance to see inside the thick concrete walls. We wanted



Permanent placement?


We have applied for a permission to let the pavilions stay at the square permanently. They are placed at areas that are not meant to be for parking.


Life after the event The event at Sandvikstorget was only a small part of the life cycle of the seating and tables. We donated some of them for the Fisheries museum to give more life to their square. We also got questions from people who wanted to buy them or a class mate whose mother wanted one chair.


Usage of chairs Whenever making furniture for people you can try to imagine how they will use it. However, you can never estimate how they will really use it. Usually it is something you would have never expected.




The invisible work

Community engagement sounds more like a pep talk, encouragement, trying to visualize this process appears almost as a little group meeting not the gruelling time chasm it is. We wanted to encourage the community to reclaim the square, perhaps someone to claim responsibility because surely this is a common interest we share. To use the square that is, it’s the people’s space to come together and bring life to an otherwise everlasting stretch of grey. A phone call is never a phone call, it is rarely advertised who you can call for what, so pre phone call preparation is required. Google search is quite helpful for finding an initial number to call, if any, quite often you are referred to an email address which is hardly helpful if the aim is a glorified recruitment/pep talk. A lot of small community groups aren’t listed anywhere, but just a low-key group of people in the know or perhaps on some flier in some building which also isn’t advertised, this is a case of find someone who knows someone. After finding an initial number to call, its rarely the person who can help so they offer a series of numbers of people who in most scenarios are hard to reach, or worst-case scenario say will call you back. No one who says they will call back, ever will call back…. hold for miracle. The people who need to call you back are so busy that they probably are too occupied to remember to call back, this means repeat calls in the hopes this was the person to talk to. Forward to reaching the right person, after “recruitment” begins email correspondence which entails a day or two response time, possibly both ways depending on how busy you are making all those phone calls. The email correspondence should be near regular leading up to an event, this is the pep talk part, this shows them your engagement as well as a measure to avoid cold feet on their part and a cold sweat on your part. Any agreement that was made was almost surely verbal, depending on scale of the event, but if it’s your first time, its verbal and you wouldn’t have to rely so much on recruitment. The intensity and time commitment the invisible work entails is the most intense if it’s a first time affair because as the seasoned farers say “ Here in Sandviken, if you do it once, it’s a tradition” who doesn’t want to be a part of a tradition?



Analysations of current situation at the square 71 Understanding space requires analysation before drawing any conclusions.


Movement of people throughout the day

Diagrams At Sandvikstorget the cars are dominating the whole square so we looked at how the people are walking through the site. On the left are diagrams of cars and the two squares which could be connected in the future to create a more people-oriented city.

Space for people today

Possibility for connecting the two sides 73

Car situation today

Possibilities to bring quality to the square

12 Urban Quality Criteria - Jan Gehl




1. Protection against traffic and accidents. Do groups across age and ability experience traffic safety in the public space? Can one safely bike and walk without fear of being hit by a driver?

4. Options for mobility. Is this space accessible? Are there physical elements that might limit or enhance personal mobility in the forms of walking, using a wheelchair, or pushing a stroller? Is it evident how to move through the space without having to take an illogical detour?

2. Protection against harm by others. Is the public space perceived to be safe both day and night? Are there people and activities at all hours of the day because the area has, for example, both residents and offices? Does the lighting provide safety at night as well as a good atmosphere? 3. Protection against unpleasant sensory experience. Are there noises, dust, smells, or other pollution? Does the public space function well when it’s windy? Is there shelter from strong sun, rain, or minor flooding?

5. Options to stand and linger. Does the place have features you can stay and lean on, like a façade that invites one to spend time next to it, a bus stop, a bench, a tree, or a small ledge or niche?

6. Options for sitting. Are there good primary seating options such as benches or chairs? Or is there only secondary seating such as a stair, seat wall, or the edge of a fountain? Are there adequate noncommercial seating options so that sitting does not require spending money?

Enjoyment 7. Options for seeing. Are seating options placed so there are interesting things to look at?

8. Options for talking and listening / hearing. Is it possible to have a conversation here? Is it evident that you have the option to sit together and have a conversation?

9. Options for play, exercise and activities. Are there options to be active at multiple times of the day and year?

10. Scale. Is the public space and the building that surrounds it at a human scale? If people are at the edges of the space, can we still relate to them as people or are they lost in their surroundings? 11. Opportunities to enjoy the positive aspects of climate. Are local climatic aspects such as wind and sun taken into account? Are there varied conditions for spending time in public75 spaces at different times of year? With this in mind, where are the seating options placed? Are they located entirely in the shadows or the sun? And how are they oriented/ placed in relation to wind? Are they protected?

12. Experience of aestethic qualities and positive sensory experience. Is the public space beautiful? Is it evident that there is good design both in terms of how things are shaped, as well as their durability?

12 Urban Quality Criteria Sandvikstorget




1. Protection against traffic and accidents. Areas for different traffic such as pedestrian, cycling and cars need to be clear to experience traffic safety in the public space. Currently one can not safely bike and walk without fear of being hit by a driver.

4. Options for mobility. The square itself is currently accessible. Height difference of the pavement by the street limit personal mobility in the forms of walking, cycling, using a wheelchair and pushing a stroller from the street to the square and back. People currently move in the space using illogical detours (movement analysis).

10. Scale. The scale of the public space needs improvement. Currently there are no different zones or places at the square. Buildings that surround the square are human scale.

2. Protection against harm by others. The lighting of the square and busy street on the west side provide safety at all times of the day. Protection and safety on 76 the square can be improved by creating places where there are people and activities at all hours of the day. 3. Protection against unpleasant sensory experience. Public space is lacking shelter from strong sun, rain and wind.

5. Options to stand and linger. The place does not have enough features you can stay and lean on. 6. Options for sitting. There is only one bench on the square. During good weather conditions, this bench is an important meeting place. In addition there is some secondary seating. 7. Options for seeing. The surrounding offers interesting views. There is a need to place seating options so there are interesting things to look at. 8. Options for talking and listening / hearing. The square has good conditions for talking and listening but options to stay/sit together and have a discussion are missing. 9. Options for play, exercise and activities. Area is lacking options to be active at multiple times of the day and year.

=qualities which need improvement at Sandvikstorget

11. Opportunities to enjoy the positive aspects of climate. Local climatic aspects such as wind and sun are not taken into account. The space needs improvement of public space for spending time at different times of year. The seating options should be placed so that it is possible to enjoy the cilmate while all climate conditions. Protection against rain and wind needs to be improved. 12. Experience of aestethic qualities and positive sensory experience. Currently aestethic qualities of the space is mostly depending on surrounding buildings and some vegetation. New design solutions need to concentrate on improving the aestethic qualities.


21/03 - 0900

21/06 - 0900

21/09 - 0900

21/03 - 1200

21/06 - 1200

21/09 - 1200

21/03 - 1500

21/06 - 1500

21/09 - 1500

21/03 - 1800

21/06 - 1800

21/09 - 1800


Sun study


This picture is a combination of a shadow study during the year. It shows the sunny spots in Spring, Summer and Autumn.


VEGETATION vegetation (trees, owers)

car free zone no parking / parking zone in south speed limit 30

plant walls

cafe & terrace


outdoor kitchen skatepark activity park ACTIVITY (PERMANENT)

ďŹ replace

outdoor gym meditation room

social gardening common compost farmers market



swimming pool

Identified programs

KIDS climbing

place for imagination

slider hanging & playhouse


TRAFFIC bus stop both sides of the road


street material (stones / brick)

shelter & roof

FURNITURE lighting 81 fountain & statue

benches & tables

lunch place (food truck) hammock


pop up shop space 2nd hand shop

taco truck performance stage


25% plant walls

25% trees lined up

25% playground

Playground spread out


Minimum occupation

25% trees spread out

We compiled and analysed the gathered wishes and suggestions from the locals at the event and categorized the elements into seven different groups shown on the previous page. From top to bottom they are vegetation, kids, flexible space, activity, furniture, car and traffic. This way there are many possible solutions for activating the square that could be combined in the best way. It is important to keep in mind the residents throughout the planning process to create the best possible place for them.

Spaces on the two sides of the street

Larger occupation

50% mix of walls and trees

50% trees


Space only the other side of the square

Spread out spaces

Occupying the whole squares


Bouldering wall

Ice skating rink

Performance stage

Benches and tables



Speed limit

Parking straight, two way street

Parking on the other side of the square

Bicycle paths

Bridge over the road

Bus stops on both sides


Outdoor gym




Parking diagonally, one way street

Stones connecting the two squares


Wide crossing



Future This is the plan of Kristiansholm from October 2018 but the process of developing the area started already in 2012. The city council, the cultural heritage management office and the neighbours were against the crowdedness which would have led to a shortage of public space. One other reason for the unagreement were the heights of the buildings which would have been almost as high as Bergen School of Architecture.










Plan proposal for the event PLANTER


These were our first sketch proposals as a possibility for the development of Sandvikstorget. It was a suggestion for MØBLER FOR FORBINDELSE ??? the SKAPE people to comment on during the OFFENTLIGE Å SKAPE EN FELLESSTUE event and give their own opinions for the future. SITTE











ANNEN MULIGHET 1830 Bygningslov (gitt mandat til å ha et åpent ubygd belte fra landshusene til den nærliggende bebyggelsen) Sandviks torgs

1880 Hestkastanje i privat hage.


1885 Gården ble kjøpt av Bergen kommune for å bli lagt ut som en gate.

Sandvik Square ble konstruert og utvidet med en kai mot vest.

Lærer Chr. Lahn kjøpte treet av kommunen tilbake og satte opp en benk rundt treet.

Sandviks bataljon har brukt Sandvikplassen som utstillingssted.




1967 ??

Benken ble fjernet på grunn av trafikkforhold, ble erstattet med 2 benker på sørsiden.

Treet visnet, tre ble truffet av en tysk militærbil

Linden treet ble plantet (som erstatning)

Sandviks torg ble regulert for parkering.

SKAPE FORBINDELSE ??? 1979 Talking bench equivilent to the former bench.

1980 4. mai 1980 Ansiktsløftning, feiring med stort publikum, årsdag ved å døpe treet med øl.




Madam Felle ble reist på torget.

Sandvik-plasse n Bataljonen feiret 150-årsjubileum , Sandvik-plasse n ble asfaltert. Erstatningstree t fra 1943 ble

2009 Nytt tre plantet; asalietre. Sandviks bataljon holder juletreutsalg





The possible future We architects like to say that we never actually finish a project, everything lives on and develops prior to your engagement. We like to think that this possibility, is just a step towards a bigger possibility.


92 2FNorwegian-road-tunnel-cross-section_fig1_330713312 &psig=AOvVaw1J0yNFR_zC4A1zzuBmvW7f&ust=1576591328031000&source=images&cd= &ved= 0CAIQjRxqFwoTCJDX1smquuYCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ


Section 1:800

One of the most discussed challenges is the road, it splits all connection to the sea and divides the square itself. But being a very compact neighborhood, there aren’t many alternatives into the city centre. Recently a burst pipeline caused a city

wide crisis, nearly every alternative into the city was shut down and large numbers of people were sitting ducks, it reflected the importance of this one vein into the city so what alternatives are there for this city line. It also stressed the importance of the light

rail route, this is by far the most important element in the square and going northbound. Looking at our possibilities, it’s hard not to draw parallels to Nesttun. Nesttun has also undergone a large transformation and struggles with similar issues , like the loss of customers to

the city and large shopping malls like lagunen. Given the circumstances, it’s nice to have small urban spaces that serve as an alternative to the mall craze.


View from the square towards the sea.


Plan 1:1000

light rail stop

95 green wall

terrace terrace


bike workshop

plant wall seating plant wall pop up cafe


outdoor gym

playground plant wall


water sports water feature


social gardening

rainy days

city bike station seating

greenhouse plants + seating

city bike station

amfi teather sunny days

Other uses

Bergen Lights ROOF

Densely placed wooden strips

Wooden strips, more open

Polycarbonate plate

Triangular pattern

Hanging round plate

Square pattern



Weaved wooden strips


Weaved strips with different thicknesses

Polycarbonate as a corner wall

Course proposal: Light & Wood Teachers: Eva Kun & Marco Casagrande Mini Master Course for 8-12 students Autumn 2020 Light Light is the soul of architecture design. Light allows us to see, to know where we are and what around us. Beyond exposing things to view and feel, light enhances our visual perspective and attributes to defining the physical world. Explorations using DAV in workshop and overlapping into the design process through 1:1 and eventually into model studies. “Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of volumes brought together in light”

-Le Corbusier

The importance of light Vision is most important sense through which we experience architecture, and light is the medium that reveals space, form, texture and colour to our eyes. Nature/ artificial light Natural light makes architectural more harmony between exterior and interior, nature and human and a major natural element in architecture design. Light and shadow Shadows create drama and emphasize light and moving forms that depend on a source of light for their stability. 98 Workshops: • Light & Shadow 3 day workshop • Visit James Turrell Skyspace in Øystese. Cooperation with Kunsthuset Kabuso – workshop and exhibition; Duration of 1 week. Wood The designs will be detailed and deal with complex situations. Materiality, 1:1, DAV and multidisciplinary architecture must be present through the Open Form. The student must understand wood as a living material with capacities, such as flexibility, movability, modularity, local knowledge, sustainability and self-build or participatory construction. Experimentation and exploration with wood joinery, the limits of wood and study of the section of wood all in 1:1 scale and model study. Wood has a living and breathing soul, how to interject on the organic material and use or challenge its capabilities Looking at architecture that has a graspable relation to the human scale. The project should relate to the human body. “Architecture is not four walls and a roof; it is also, and above all, the air that remains within, the space that these enclose”. Tse - lectures, technical information: - modern/ traditional, • dimensions (where and how to cut timber) • water/ fire resistance • treatment I different environments, (sauna ,out/indoor) • surface treatment of wood • aging

- Lao-



-visiting sites during the course in the surrounded area? Havrütunet, tour through sandviken/Skuteviken, Bryggen, osv -wood experiment - lectures from external expertise -study trip Finland shows relationship between wood and light(‌ one example focuses on light and wood together in a specific building

Learning outcome Course structure Study trip Introduction open form w/ visual structure Light workshop Wood workshop Mill workshop Research Conceptual Design Phase 1. Wood lecture series every third week Light workshop 2 Continuation Research & Conceptual Design Phase 2.

Knowledge 101 -Understanding the traditional wood construction in Norway and other countries. -Understanding the characteristics of contemporary engineered wood materials, such as CLT, LVL and laminated logs and their possibilities in modular and flexible structures. -Understanding the production line in-between architects, special designers, developers, contractors, construction companies, element factories and material factories. -Visual perception of light and shadows and the impact of light source, distribution of light in space, modelling of small and large objects, interaction between light, colour and architectural space, lighting sources: daylight and artificial light. Most importantly light as an active artistic expression in element. -Skills in the design method of light distribution in room with the help of scale-models, photography of scale-models and 1:1. -Work on the ways of combining the technical aspects of light sources and their accessories in order to obtain artistic, visual and emotional results, generating spaces by means of the manipulation of light. Apply a holistic design approach which takes in consideration the spatial context, visual, perceptual, biological impact of light, normative and sustainability questions.



This project was done by master students at Bergen School of Architecture in fall 2019. Tutors: Marco Casagrande, Eva Kun, Jacob Schroll

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