Kids Cove's Brochure

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KIDS COVE centre for children with learning differences

Most children explore and learn automatically through trial and error, and play. However, this automatic learning does not occur in most young children with special needs. During the early school years, experiences must be designed to help the child with special needs to learn. It is important to focus on these long-term goals that increase the child’s abilities and skills rather than only on short-term efforts to eliminate “inappropriate� behaviours. It is the nature of the child with special needs to function inconsistently. We do know that children with special needs learn differently. The functional curricular approach provides the structure and natural context to teach skills that other children learn automatically. The educational priorities for all young children, with or without disabilities, are for the development of language concepts, social/communication skills, sensory/motor skills, self-help skills and whole-of-life skills. Early intervention programme is vital. It should be a structured programme because we must teach these children most of the skills that others will learn for themselves. If we do not teach them, they will not automatically learn for themselves, and if not done so as early as possible, valuable time will be wasted.

Founded in March 2005, Kids Cove is a centre for children with learning differences. Operating all-year round, we provide educational services to children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome, Global Developmental Delay, Communication Disorders, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Developmental Delay, amongst others.


We believe that every child has unique needs, limitations and capabilities. By providing individualised programmes, children will be able to bridge the gap between their current and potential performance.

OUR MISSION We provide individualised learning experiences and early interventions for children with learning differences, facilitating them towards reaching their fullest potential. To maximise pupils’ potential for independence, improve their quality of life, and empower them with the skills and confidence to face the future with hope and dignity.

OUR GOALS á á á á á á

To provide quality education in a learning and stimulating environment which would help promote enjoyment at each developmental stage. To develop a positive attitude towards work and learning. To develop independence and self-confidence. To respect each child as a unique individual with his/her own needs, interest and learning style. To provide a full range of programmes and services needed by children with special needs, families and the community. To provide trainings and be an information resource centre to aid children with learning differences and their family.

OUR PROGRAMME At Kids Cove, we offer a conducive and stimulating environment that promotes and supports the overall development and learning of each child in our care. With an individualised programme that specifically suits unique needs, we help children learn and utilise skills that will help compensate, to the level of each child’s ability, for some of their deficits.

Our programme, which includes self-care and whole-of-life skills from early childhood to adulthood, is designed to give the children we serve a strong foundation on which they can learn, grow and reach their full potential.


SOCIAL SKILLS is teaching the child to relate to people and develop the ability to play, or to use spare time constructively, appropriately and imaginatively. The child is also taught how to tolerate and enjoy interaction with other people in order to learn that they can meet their basic needs as well as provide pleasure, comfort, assistance and information. They also need to be aware of and comply with the social norms and expectations of a group.


BEHAVIOUR AND ADAPTION SKILLS is adapting a person’s challenging behaviours and developing acceptable behaviours and skills in the context of the whole person and the situation in which the person is functioning. The aim is to train the child, giving him/her the skills to improve behaviour in a self-initiated way, as well as to decrease undesired behaviour. This is done by making the reason for appropriate behaviour more motivating to the person than the reason for inappropriate behaviour. This in turn would develop the ability to function and cope in the environment and to tolerate the intrusion and demands of other people.


COMMUNICATION SKILLS covers the ability to express oneself spontaneously, appropriately, and functionally to others and understand the messages others are trying to convey. This is also teaching the child something to communicate about (awareness of needs, interests and concepts), something to communicate with (spoken language or an alternative) and something to communicate for (a responsive environment but one that does not anticipate every need so that there is no communicative pressure).


GROSS MOTOR SKILL is being able to develop body coordination, as appropriate to the child’s physical development and is enhanced through large muscle activities of walking, running, jumping, hopping and skipping. Arm-eye and eye-foot coordination are also being enhanced through various activities. Rhythm and movement is also being developed which in turn provides an outlet of creative expression and the joy of using the body in dance, games and organised play.


FINE MOTOR SKILLS involves activities to develop eye-hand coordination is done through manipulating clay, stringing beads, hammering, pasting, colouring, painting, pouring, lacing and using scissors. This results in development of dexterity and strength of the small muscles. Use of the natural hand preference is observed and encouraged although hand dominance is not yet achieved. Eye tracking is another activity that promotes the left-to-right progression skill required for reading readiness.


SELF-HELP SKILLS is developing the skills of looking after oneself and learning to be as independent as possible in age-appropriate skills (eg: dressing, toileting, food preparation skills, shopping), participating in appropriate and age related leisure activities (eg: listening to music, watching TV, swimming, games, painting etc), learning to occupy spare time in a socially acceptable and enjoyable manner, participating in age appropriate outings (eg: walking in a group, shopping, eating in restaurants etc) and learning to use facilities in the community (eg: parks and playgrounds, public transport, buying things in the local store, going to the doctor’s clinic, post office etc).


COGNITIVE SKILLS involves teaching the child the pre-requisites to be able to participate in an academic programme (eg: sitting skills, non-aggressive behaviour, communication skills, independence in toileting etc). The child is further taught how to begin with those Academic Skills which will benefit most daily life activities such as recognising signs and reading simple menus amongst others, as well as staying on task and pay attention outside a particular area of interest. It is also learning to follow directions, to organise and sequence, and to tolerate changes in routine and thus learn to generalise and be able to focus on relevant information.


PHONEMIC AWARENESS is a hands-on approach in teaching children to be independent readers. It deals with the structure of sounds and words, and understanding that sounds can be assembled in different ways to make different words. Once the child has phonemic awareness, he/she becomes aware that sounds are like building blocks that can be used to construct words. Phonemic awareness is needed not only for reading but spelling and writing as well. With phonemic awareness, the child is able to read and write words that he/she has not seen before and spell correctly without memorising. Phonological awareness is another pre-phonics skill that trains a child’s ear to discriminate between similar sounding words.


SENSORIAL MATH is a meaningful and concrete way to acquire early mathematical concepts through hands-on learning which gives children visual representation of the mathematical concepts. Sensory experiences with materials are the child’s first step toward understanding the abstract concepts they represent.

OUR SERVICES In addition to our focus on teaching and nurturing, we extend assistance and guidance providing a myriad of services – from family and caregiver training, support and social activities to consultation and therapy. Kids Cove’s collaborative, multidisciplinary team is highly experienced and dedicated. Working with a network of specialists, we have access to wide-ranging resources to offer extensive support directly to the children, as well as for families, caregivers, and professional teaching and support staff.



á Special Education Classes

It has been said that the child’s first teacher is the parent. Parents play an important role in bringing up a wholesome child. Schools and teachers are merely providing experiences for a child to explore. Therefore, parents’ support is vital towards the healthy growth of children in all aspects.

á Pre-mainstreaming Services á Mainstreaming Services

(monitoring of children attending mainstream schools) á Behavioural Therapy á Speech Therapy á Occupational Therapy á Home Management

Programmes á Case Management

and Supervision á Individual Intervention

TRAINING á Teacher Training (orientations,

seminars and workshops on different teaching strategies) á

Parent/Caregiver Training (orientations, seminars and workshops on different strategies in handling children at home)

á Trainings on related disciplines

such as speech, occupational and vocational skills á

Periodic Training/Talks/Seminars on different specific areas


Attachment Programmes (training for undergraduates and graduate students)


Home Programmes (individualised programmes at home for a semblance and consistency of programmes administered at the centre to address behavioural concerns manifested at home or in public settings)


Outreach Programmes

At Kids Cove, we encourage families to be involved in our activities such as parent-teacher meetings, conferences, talks and excursions. On a regular basis, each child’s needs and strengths are assessed, with written remarks recorded. Our teachers meet individually with parents to review each child’s progress, imparting verbal feedback continuously from time to time. Social and educational events are held throughout the year to promote interaction between staff and families. If parents have concerns and suggestions, or are in need of assistance, our staff welcome discussions and feedback to address such issues.

OUTINGS AND FIELD TRIPS Outings and field trips are part of the curriculum of interventions given to children at Kids Cove. There is a purpose to every activity set and that essentially, such activities are planned to enhance or improve the skills of the children to enable them to cope in our community and their environment. As such, we consider these sessions as part of the regular programme and we require the attendance of the child. During the outings, children will also be evaluated on their progress. These outings are scheduled ahead of time and parents are informed. We are requiring an adult to accompany the child on these outings except on occasions when we are doing an individual programme for the child or if we have volunteers to help us care for the children.

We, at Kids Cove, invite you to experience first-hand how we can help. We would be delighted to arrange for you a no-obligation personal tour to learn more about our programme, meet our staff and students, and view our facilities.





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