Kidney Cancer: Survivors Stories

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Paul and Marilyn Paul and Marilyn are Illinois residents who recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. After a long career with a heavy equipment manufacturer, Paul decided to retire early in 1999. Just before his retirement day, not feeling well, Paul scheduled a visit with his doctor; an x-ray revealed a large tumor on his kidney and tumors in his lungs. Despite the bleak news, Paul consulted with a specialist who was optimistic and suggested an experimental treatment that would be available in a few months. Miraculously, just two months later – without the benefit of surgery or drug treatment – a follow-up CT scan showed no evidence of tumors in Paul’s body. He was cancer free. He had experienced what the medical profession calls “spontaneous remission” – a rare, but well documented cancer phenomenon in which the body heals itself. 13 years later, Paul remains cancer-free and he and Marilyn are deeply grateful for their good fortune, which they share with their children and grandchildren. They say the experience has brought them closer together. Survivor’s Advice from Paul:

• “ I was lucky – I didn’t have to go through what so many kidney cancer patients experience. My message is to be hopeful and keep living your life.”


You have a very interesting story – one of the very rare cases of spontaneous remission. What happened to you?


I was getting ready to retire in 1999, and I was not feeling very well. I was losing weight. But I never thought anything about it, until I finally decided to retire on April 1 of that year. Marilyn was concerned and wanted me to go to the doctor. So I went in for a check-up, and that’s when I found out, through an x-ray, that I had a tumor the size of a baseball on top of my right kidney that had metastasized to both lungs.


What was your treatment plan?


We didn’t know what to do. I went to a local doctor who said “It’s too much for me.” He suggested a couple of medical centers. So I got in touch with one of the specialists there. And I’m telling you, he just changed my life. He was so positive: Where everybody else

Kidney Cancer Association


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