brand identity
We believe the purpose to refresh the retail look of a brand is an unequivocal synonimous of dinamism and proactivity of a company. We believe the project on the spaces of retail can’t be disconnected to the project on the identity of the brand too. Kuka, one of the leaders in the leather furniture industry, is experiencing an unbelievable growth onto the international furniture world. The strenghtening of the brand identity is strategical to gain much more visibility for the company all over the world. This presentation aims at pointing out the potentials of KUKA , at the same time defining some strategical guidelines to consolidate the presence on the market.
KU SOFAS leather
The first step to approach a project is to get a clear understanding of what we’ll be dealing with, in order to define the fields where our own actions will take place.
SCOPE//brand structure
KU RETAIL off-line
store fairs
events catalogues
website social network blog newsletter
Secondly, we need to know which are the existing channels in order to adjust our point of view on things.
SCOPE//brand channels
KUKAsofa is able to answer any customer’s need whoever he is wherever he lives in the world
Any project has to work with the existing potentials and values of the brand, on a large scale.
PROJECT//value proposition
through three diversified brand collections
It has to identify the main features and peculiarities of the macro scale structure.
PROJECT//value proposition
characterized by materials and design made in china
Passing through all the scales, also the details and specificities might become a richness to show.
PROJECT//value proposition
3 collections for a unique sofa. proudly made in china.
The hen represents the nutriment; thus it metaphorically reminds the capacity to incubate a project to make it grow. The hen defends its personal space to adfirm its rights.
strenghten the brand by strenghtening the three identities
Thus, the project strategy will be automatically derived from the potentials of the brand to be reinforced.
customers address the specific target of each collection
Once set the leading strategy, specific actions will be coherently planned. The customers will be in first place.
naming move the focus on customers’ expectations leather > ELEGANCE fabric > COMFORT functional > FLEXI
The three collections will not be indentified according to their technical features, but to the kind of experience they offer to customers.
logo use always the existing version in red specifying the three categories of products KUKAsofa KUKAbed KUKAfurniture
The logo is an essential element to recognize the brand everywhere. Type, colour, shape and proportion are small essential details to be kept.
website rearrange the overall web structure distinguish and personalize the three collections web pages
A clear order in the website reinforces the consistency and credibility of the brand.
KUKAHOME.COM.CN chinese website
main web page [same stru ABOUT
COMFORT www.kukasofa.comfort.
KUKAHOME.COM international website
country selection AMERICAS
Colombia Ecuador Guatemala Panama USA
Bulgaria Cyprus Netherlands
Egypt Israel Mauricius Syria
China Australia Indonesia New Zealand Malaysia Singapore South Korea Thailandia Vietnam
ucture/different languages] E-COMMERCE
navigation bar
indipendent websites with specific graphic layout
newsletter/catalogues diversify the contents according to customers’ tastes
Newsletters and catalogues should be a direct and intimate ways to communicae with the clients. So, they should follow their tastes, proposing personalized formats, layout and contents.
events select locations and settings according to customers’ lifestyle elegance > COCKTAIL IN HOTEL HALLS comfort > TEST AREA IN SHOPPING MALLS flexi > RELAXING AREA AT BUS STOPS
In the same way, events to present the collections should follow customers’ habits
KICK.OFFICE was started by Mario Abruzzese and Francesca Vargiu in 2009 as a collector of the experiences, works, projects they have been developing together since their studies at Politecnico di Milano. Constantly interested in the transformation of urban territories as systems of growing complexity, KICK.OFFICE deals with any kind of design intervention through a multidisciplinary approach: external partners from the marketing, economic, social and communication fields are involved to face the specificity of each project. Thanks to these synergies, KICK.OFFICE develops assignments, competitions, research projects ranging from urban planning and architecture to design and graphic communication.
Mario Abruzzese graduated in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano in April 2009 after having studied and worked for a year in Copenhagen. His final thesis ‘Planning Strategies in a State of Exception’ investigates the reality of palestinian refugee camps and proposes microinterventions on public space in Deheishe Refugee Camp (West Bank). In 2008 he participated with multiplicity.lab in ‘I Municipi dell’abitare’, a research project on the housing emergency in Milan for marginal and troubled people and he took part in the international research project ‘Decolonizing Architecture’ collaborating for its first exhibition ‘Design by Destruction: Oush Grab Military Base’ at Bozar, Bruxelles. The project has been also displayed in different Architectural International Exhibitions, as Venice, Rotterdam and Istanbul Biennale. After a collaboration with Cibic&Partners and CLS Architetti he’s currently working as architect at Cibicworkshop in Milan. Francesca Vargiu graduated in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano in April 2009, after spending a year of studies at Etsam in Madrid. Her final thesis ‘Planning Strategies in a State of Exception’ investigates the reality of palestinian refugee camps and proposes micro-interventions on public space in Deheishe Refugee Camp (West Bank). In 2008, she took part in the international research project ‘Decolonizing Architecture’ and collaborated for its first exhibition ‘Design by Destruction: Oush Grab Military Base’ at Bozar, Bruxelles. The project has been also displayed in different Architectural International Exhibitions, as Venice, Rotterdam and Istanbul Biennale. As architect, she has collaborated with several studios in Italy and in Spain; in Milan, she worked with Mutti&Architetti and Studiometrico. Since 2010 she has been assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano and she’s currently tutor of the Master in Urban Vision and Architectural Design at Domus Academy in Milan.
KUKA - BRAND IDENTITY by KICK.OFFICE Mario Abruzzese and Francesca Vargiu
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License Printed in Italy - February 2012