Natural Awakenings Magazine ~ May 2011

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Natural Beauty — HEAD TO TOE A Holistic Guide to Looking Your Best by Frances Lefkowitz


skin, as well, and comprises vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats, such as olive oil. As for key foods, helpful antioxidants are found in berries and brightly colored fruits; Tannis especially likes kiwis and raspberries. Seeds and nuts have well-known anti-inflammatory properties, as well as minerals that form the building blocks of healthy skin and hair. Studies in the British Journal of Nutrition and elsewhere indicate that omega-3 oil, from borage, flaxseed, or fatty, saltwater fish like salmon can help hydrate the skin and reduce puffiness. According to research from the University of Brussels, silica—present in cucumbers, rhubarb, bean sprouts and other veggies—seems to play a role in skin hydration, as well as the formation of healthy nails and hair. Because skin, nails and hair all need a range of nutrients to grow, repair, and rejuvenate, Tannis also suggests a good multivitamin supplement. Finally, drinking plenty of water is vital to keeping skin hydrated from the inside out.

s it true that, You’re only as pretty as you feel? Yes, says Alan Dattner, a New York medical doctor and pioneer in holistic dermatology. “The most important thing that people can do for beauty,” he says, “is to come from peace, joy, appreciation and happiness inside, and let that radiate out on their faces.” Many experts agree: The secret to true beauty is to work from the inside out, as well as the outside in, reducing exposure to toxins of all sorts, including stress, and watching what we put in the body, as well as what we put on it. Here’s how Natural Awakenings’ panel of beauty professionals answered when asked how we can take good care of skin, hair and nails, and look our best, naturally.

SKIN How do I keep my skin resilient, clear and looking youthful? “Lifestyle issues, including stress, have a huge impact on skin,” advises Allison Tannis, a registered holistic nutritionist and author of Feed Your Skin, Starve Your Wrinkles. Before spending money on creams and treatments, look at your eating, sleeping, working, playing and exercising habits. “Stress, whether environmental or internal, increases the body’s production of free radicals, which leads to damage of cells, including skin cells,” Tannis explains. So, anti-stress activities, and just relaxing, boost your appearance. Adequate sleep is also crucial for cellular rejuvenation, which is why signs of sleep deprivation show up in the face immediately, 24

West Michigan Edition

ranging from pimples and puffiness to creases and dark, under-eye circles. A healthy skin diet is high in antiinflammatory foods and antioxidants that fight free radicals. Tannis notes that, “Inflammation disorganizes the skin’s complex infrastructure that keeps it tight and strong.” Basically, a diet that’s good for the body is great for the

HAIR Labels on my hair care products show a long list of unpronounceable ingredients. Is it possible to get great hair without dumping all these chemicals on it? It’s smart to be concerned about the ingredients in hair care and skincare products, because they are subject to little official regulation and may include ingredients that are not only ineffective,

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