Extraordinary powers in humans

Page 80

Andov Pane complete harmony. Rainbows appear up in the sky and the whole nature starts to vibrate with mystical vibrations. Great peace is overtaking control of your whole being. You feel so wonderfully that you think that you can stay there forever. These calming relaxation techniques we practice through the day have refreshing influence on us and give us vitality to carry on with our daily duties. I would greatly advice everyone who has not mastered even one meditative technique to practice the above-mentioned ways of relaxation before sleep. A healthy dream can influence in a positive and recovering way, which is the opposite from the nightmares and bad dreams that influence in a negative and exhaustive way. Why do we have bad dreams? – Someone would ask. An individual, who has fallen asleep with so many unsolved matters within him/herself and the environment, possesses thoughts like hatred, fear, jealousy, etc. So, after he or she falls asleep, his or her astral body will separate from the physical and it will go to the astral places where similar emotions can be found. Consequently, many manifestations of the lower nature will appear in his or her consciousness as nightmares and bad dreams. On the other hand, the calming relaxation that has been done before the individual went to sleep will bring him or her complete relaxation of the muscular tissue and the nerve system. It will clear the mind from all the negative thoughts as well, especially the ones that disturb the person a lot. All that will cause faster coming of the dream, and when it comes it will make the dreaming more peaceful, smoother and more constructive. Once the consciousness in the astral body reaches the astral plane, despite the fact that it has left the physical unconsciously, it will go to the places where similar emotions exist and the manifestations of the positive and constructive nature will appear. The consciousness can more easily become aware of its presence on an astral plane from this kind of dreams than from dreams similar to nightmares. I think it will not be necessary to further explain the benefit that someone gets from the relaxation, starting with stress release, a great psychophysical health to developing latent or asleep potentials.


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