Designing to Expose the Connected Anxieties of the Sharing Culture

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Tumblr Blogging platform known for it’s ease of use and customization features. Affords posting different mediums of content: text, quotes, images, video, audio, links, and chats. VOLUME notified when someone follows your blog, reblogs your post, or likes your post. ACTIONS: Ability to post various mediums of content in a templated, although customizable format. Direct messages between users, reblog posts, follow blogs, like posts and allows others to ask questions or submit their own posts. CHERISHABLE Content may create links, however the limited interactivity and investment of this tool lacks in cherishable qualities. Unique content posted and original content posted may be viewed as a personal connection to the tool.


IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION User’s form identity through original content posted, Connectivity

Identity Const.




content reblogged, followers, content liked, and some may choose to write an explicit autobiographical statement, however this is not required. CONNECTIVITY Does not explicitly facilitate interpersonal communication, calls messaging system “fan mail.” Users of Tumblr are lurkers and reblog content without direct connections to posters. Anonymity is accepted and profile names do not reflect actual names, but themes or content posted


Vine Online, social network platform that organizes friends into circles and allows users to congregate through communities. VOLUME Notified when user follows you, when someone likes your Vine, reposts your Vine, or comments on your Vine. ACTIONS Create 6 second videos through various methods of production, add caption, comment, like and repost other Vines, follow users. CHERISHABLE Capturing moments as short videos can allow for associated experienced, embodied meanings, and memories. Videos are saved under user’s profile. IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION Identity is curated through Vines posted and reposted.


Identity Const.





Profile is limited to username and followers. CONNECTIVITY Interaction between users is allowed in comments, likes, reposts, and following. Videos are shared with followers and account can be public or private. Accounts are usually linked to Twitter and/or Facebook.


Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.