Go! Sign Spring Magazine

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To Be or Not to Be

Heaven ands Hell – what challenges do Christians face in the 21st Century

God promises a safe landing, nota calm passage


Editor's Face to Face Interview with Christian author, Hazel Rolston

13-14 Christian 15-16 Deaf News around UK


I know many people have doubts about the existence of Heaven and Hell. There are so many scripture verses that discuss both places. I wanted to share what I learned about "Danger! Fire!" from Luke 12:49-59 (key verse: v49), "I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!" We know there is compelling evidence of two kinds of fire burning in this universe – one destructive, the other divine. These blazing flames the one from heaven and the other from hell - compete for our attention; both seek to engulf us, both seek to ignite and motivate us. And the truth is this: the fire to which we get closer, the one we allow to consume us, is the one that will determine our spiritual future! Another verse is found in James 3:6, "The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell."

11-12 DY4C Event

Deaf Christians New Around the World

Editor’s desk

We must recognise that our tongues (using sign language for example) CAN bring DANGER and HARM! I doubt we will go to heaven if we just carry on hurting, hating and/or refusing to forgive others! If you believe that, and it applies to you, please go and sort it out before it’s too late! The question we must ask ourselves is this: What kind of fire has got hold of me - hell fire or holy fire? There is no neutral ground. You and I will be consumed by the fire that ravages or the fire that redeems. Which one will it be? Go! Live with Holy Fire to bring more deaf people to Heaven, reducing the hell population! David Buxton (D), London

17-20 Liturgy Day at Sidmouth 15th March 2008

GO! SIGN Christ in the Deaf Community Through Growth, Renewal, Access, Churches and Evangelism GO! SIGN MAGAZINE EDITORIAL BOARD David (Editor) & Bronwynne Buxton, Sarah Gallagher, Esther Maycock, Karen Gutberlet, Maggie Lo, Kevin Birch and Chrissan Moldrich

GO! SIGN is the working name of Christian Deaf Link UK Registered charity no. 1071830

1 GO! SIGN Spring 2008

To Be or Not to Be

In the first article on wisdom, we saw that knowing God was the first step in wisdom. We also saw that the pursuit of wisdom is always a journey toward the Father of wisdom.

So what is the second step in wisdom? First, we need to know God as it is God who can give wisdom. Secondly, the path to wisdom is to know and apply God’s word. I would like to use Matthew 7:24-27 as a point of reference in this second article. "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” In Matthew 7:24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock”. Please note the phrase ‘puts them into practice’. Also in John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command,” Jesus is saying to us that if we do really love Him we will obey what He teaches us. And we can know what God is teaching us from His Word, the Bible. David wrote in Psalm 19:7 saying that ‘the law of the Lord is perfect… the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple’. And again in Psalm 119:98 says that ‘Your commands make me wiser than my enemies’.

God’s word is full of wisdom and instruction. It gives us guidance as to how we should live our lives and the Bible also says that God will guide our steps. Knowing God’s word will help us to find out His good and perfect will for us (see Romans 12:2) as we are not to conform to the way of the world. Ephesians 5:15 reminds us ‘be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise’. At this point I would like to again ask the 2 questions that I asked in the first article as I believe they are equally relevant here in this next step to wisdom. “Have you come to point in your life where you say for certain that if you were to die today, you will be in Heaven?” “If you were to stand before God and He were to ask you, ‘Why should I let you into my Heaven?’ What would you say”? Jesus in John 14:6 says that “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Have you heard the gospel but are yet to put your trust in Jesus? Do it today. As I finish I would like to just bring your thoughts to the apostle John. John wrote very intimately about Jesus, as

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can be seen in John 1, when he began his writing with the words “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God” and in verse 14 he adds “The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us”. John knew Jesus as God from his journeys with Jesus. And John also felt and touched his humanity when he leaned onto Jesus at the Last Supper and heard the beating of his heart. There were more stories to tell, other encounters to hear about, lives still unfolding at the hands of Christ. John was well aware that even he could have said much more. But he also makes us aware that there are things he was incapable of telling, great and unsearchable things he himself did not yet know. Beyond the stories John decided to tell, beyond the testimonies of the prophets and the cries of the psalmist, God is real and wondrous, the Spirit instructs us in all knowledge and wisdom, and Christ is both present and coming, calling us further up and further in to his kingdom. The thoughts of God are well beyond our own. All of creation declares the glory and power of its creator. And for those who know Jesus, we are at present only sampling infinity. Hallelujah! What a Saviour. By Victor Brittain-Wong (H), Kent

Paul also mentioned in 2 Timothy 3:15 that Timothy was encouraged by Paul saying ‘how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus’. Jesus wants us to know that it is not only important for us to hear the word of God but we must also practice what the Bible teaches us. James also said that faith has to go hand in hand with works (see James 2:26).

In Matthew 7:24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock, not sand”. Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


Heaven and Hell – do yo Several years ago one of my publishers produced a series of books under the theme ‘I Believe’. The books were variously called, ‘I Believe in Evangelism’, ‘I Believe in Preaching’, ‘I Believe in the Church’ and ‘I Believe in Heaven’. I asked the publisher why don’t you have a book called ‘I believe in Hell’. The reply, “people don’t want to think about that, it’s too horrifying”. I believe him. But it also means that such a book would not be a best-seller and publishers (understandably) must publish books that will sell; they would go out of business if they only took books that were ‘truth’ and which people would not buy. This is not a criticism of anybody. Not at all. People are people. Nobody particularly likes to think of death and what happens to us after we die. We far prefer to read material that makes us feel better. And yet I have been asked to write this article on the subject that heads this column. Why this subject? You must ask David Buxton that. Why me? I suppose it is because David knows of my support of Christian Deaf Link, UK, also that I have strong views on the subject he proposed. Why is this subject important? It says in three words the only two destinies of every human begin after they die. There is no middle ground. In a word: if you are saved (which means your hope of Heaven is the blood of Christ) you will go to Heaven when you die. If you are lost (which means you did not trust Jesus’ death on the cross for your salvation) you will go to Hell. I wish it weren’t so. If God left it up to me, I would save everybody. I would let everybody in. Mind you, God could have opted for this. After all, he is God and he can do anything he wants. But for reasons I do not understand, God created Hell and has determined that all who do not affirm his Son’s death on the cross will go there. In other words, Hell is God’s idea – not mine. When William Booth addressed the first graduating class of the Salvation Army, he said something like this: ‘Perhaps I should apologize to you for keeping you here for two years, in order to teach you how to lead a soul to Christ. It would


Spring 2008

have been better had you spent five minutes in Hell’. Why did he say that? Because if you had spent five minutes in Hell you would not need to be motivated to win the lost; you would manage somehow to convince people that there is a Hell and urge them to avoid it. This also suggests that people don’t really believe in Hell, that they would need to go there to be convinced of it; and then they would have an urgency in their preaching. This sobers me. Am I to believe that there are people in Hell as I write these lines? If the Bible is true, yes. There are many doctrines in Scripture I don’t understand. I could give a long list – among them: the Trinity, why God created humankind knowing they would suffer, why there is so much injustice in the world he created – which he does not (for some reason) stop. Does this make me stop preaching – all because I don’t have these questions answered? No. As any good ambassador represents his country’s government may not understand all he is defending, so I am God’s ambassador; I don’t understand all I am called to preach. But I defend it because I believe in the integrity of God’s character and the truth of the Bible. This is why I believe in – and preach – Hell. But the question emerges, does the Bible really teach that there is a Heaven and a Hell and that only the saved go to Heaven? Let me say that for nearly 2,000 years the church thought this is what the Bible taught. But we have become sophisticated and have managed to see what used to be unthinkable – that God is too merciful to send people to Hell, but has made Hell either what does not exist (either by the teaching of annihilation or by philosophical presuppositions) or the teaching of universalism (that all will be saved). What was once either ‘liberal’ theology or the teaching of the cults has now become virtually mainstream in contemporary Christianity. A person without any theological or philosophical prejudice may not believe in Hell but would certainly believe that the Bible teaches the possibility of two destinies – Heaven or Hell. If there is no Hell, there is no Heaven. They two

ou believe them or not? rise or fall together. You and I have no right whatever to believe people will go to Heaven except by virtue of God’s word. The same Bible that teaches Heaven also teaches Hell. I believe in Heaven. I thank God I am going there. I can claim no merit in myself that I am going to Heaven. It is by the sheer grace of God I am going to Heaven. God did it all. I am not worthy of it. I will never understand why God saved me. But he did. And yet what is equally true is that all who want to go to Heaven, can. And all who want to miss Hell, can. Jesus died for everybody. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16, which Martin Luther called the Bible in a nutshell). Anybody can be saved who wants to be saved.

What about you? Are you saved? Do you want to be saved? Pray this prayer (if you can mean it in your heart): Lord Jesus Christ, I need you. I want you. I know I am a sinner. I am sorry for my sins. Wash my sins away by your blood. As best as I know how, I give you my life. Amen. Heaven can be yours if you can pray that prayer and mean it. But do tell at least one other person. God wants us to confess this to others. If you confess with your mouth (with your sign language, for example) that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved (Rom.10:9). God bless you. I hope to see you in Heaven. Will I? By Dr RT Kendall.

Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


Meeting Christ About one and half years after becoming a new Christian, I was in bed at college and I dreamed that I went up into heaven and saw the Lord Jesus Christ in front of me. I was so happy to see him and ready to run and kneel down before him, but the Lord Jesus stopped me and turned aside from me, like he was trying to look at something behind my back. I suddenly wanted to know what it was all about and turned around but saw nothing there. I turned back to ask the Lord Jesus but he wept with a sad face. I asked Him "What is happening?" I woke up at about 3am in the morning with my face and body sweating. I immediately remembered what I saw in my dream and knelt down and prayed for about half a hour for clarification. A few days later, I shared this with someone who advised me to leave it. I felt rather disheartened but gradually forgot about it. No, I didn't! On another night, again in my dream, the angel of the Lord took me back to heaven – same place and the Lord Jesus Christ stood in front of me. I ran but suddenly remembered about what was going on behind me. I just stopped and turned back and saw so so many people in front of me. I was shocked and puzzled to why this was happening to me. I then turned back and saw Lord Jesus saying "Well done, my servant!" I said "Lord, why are people there this time but last time I only saw you!". The Lord said "It is because of your faithful prayers, giving money very


Spring 2008

generously, sharing my love with them, teaching my Word with them... that saved them... look let me introduce them to you..." An unknown man came to me and said, "Thank you for your money." I said "What money, I don't really know you." He said, "Yes, right, but your money was sent to support .... who came to my city and I came to know Jesus through them, thank you. If you did not give money, I would not be here." The Lord introduced others to me but I do not want to reveal who

they were as I knew some of them (even today they are not yet saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ - I am still praying for them). I turned back to the Lord Jesus, knelt down and worshiped Him. Suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the moonlight shining through my bedroom – what a glorious and peaceful feeling! No more sweating this time – I was dry and clean! I knelt down to pray and spent time worshipping the Lord. Suddenly the Lord opened to me the meaning of

in my dreams disciples in the Book of Acts). Thank God that I am still learning to live for Christ, to forgive others, to ask people to forgive me, so I can grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Before I end my testimony, I prefer not to give away who I am but it is important for you to hear that the Lord Jesus WILL COME BACK soon – be prepared, equipped, obedient and faithful for Him, like to what Jesus is telling you about the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25) - ten people may say they are Christian but Lord Jesus will only take FIVE, not ten. Simply because the other five are not prepared, not obedient or faithful in their lives for the Lord!

the Scriptures, through the parables, warnings and so on. One of the examples was from Matthew 7:21-23:"....Lord, Lord did I prophesy in your name...Then I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you. Away from me..."" I realised what these words meant after I spent some time reading these passages in the next few months but I still asked the Lord why these things happened. I felt so strongly in my spirit that the Lord laughed and said "Good, I am glad you understood how important

it is to be an obedient and faithful servant of the Lord..." I wept and wept before the presence of God for about one hour. Many years later, I saw several results that came true from my second dream but some have not happened yet. My deaf brothers and sisters in the Lord, I want you to know these dreams were so real to me. Please work with your fellow Christians, no matter how difficult it is for you (I know I made a lot of mistakes and failures, like St Peter and other

Again, my dear brothers and sisters, please start now. Sit down, think, pray, reflect your own life in Christ, repent and seek the Lord to change and guide you to learn to give money more cheerfully to God's work, for example Deaf Christian work (like I did on a regular basis to Signs of God, BSL Bible Translation Project, Christian Deaf Link, my church/fellowship and overseas deaf mission). You also need to keep on praying for your dear deaf friends and families to be saved, your Christian leaders to lead deaf ministries well, and fruitfully, and to share the Word with people (no matter if that is on a one to one, or to a small group). May the Lord uplift your heart with His joy and peace so you shall keep soldiering for Christ in today's world as you‌"forget what is behind and, straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14) Unnamed Deaf, England Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


God promises a safe land 1









Spring 2008

ding, not a calm passage 3


Awesome!! We complain about the cross we bear but don't realize it is preparing us for the dip in the road that God can see and we can't. Whatever your cross, whatever your pain, there will always be sunshine, after the rain... Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall; But God's always ready, to answer your call....


He knows every heartache, sees every tear, a word from His lips, can calm every fear...


Your sorrows may linger, throughout the night, But suddenly vanish, dawn's early light... The Saviour is waiting, somewhere above, to give you His grace, and send you His love... Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


Testimonies My name is Thomas Giddens. I am 18 years old. I was brought up in a traditional Christian family. I went to St. Andrews Church of England every Sunday from birth until 15 years old. I have been baptised and had a confirmation when I was little. By that time, I still believed in God, Jesus and Bible stories. "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1 Suddenly I stopped going to church when I was 15 until I was 17. During this time, my brother and I agreed that Church was boring and we struggled to understand. I was bad tempered and made many mistakes in my life. God kept telling me that I must go to New Horizon. I wasn't keen about it but I believed that God wanted me to go.

2006, the week impacted me a lot because I learned about faith, fellowship, prayer and reading the Bible. Nearly half way through the week, I listened to a presentation by John Graham (deaf preacher from Canada) and this had a major impact on me. Raymond (from Northern Ireland) stood up and told the congregation, "If you need prayer, please go to the prayer meeting." My mind kept telling me to go to the prayer meeting and find someone who I would like to pray with. I found someone and said, "I would like to have a prayer please". Suddenly I asked, "Before I start to pray, how do I start to pray?" That moment we talked about prayer and how God can change lives.

"The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid, what can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:6

"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy." Psalm 126:5

After New Horizon, I went to Deaf Youth 4 Christ and Hands Together events. Those changed my life because I learnt a lot more about God's Word. One thing I knew was that I was missing something in my life. When I went to New Horizon

I felt God's Spirit inside me become much more joyful and happier. This is how I became saved through God's Word.

In the year 1998, I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour while a Sign Language interpreter was interpreting the Scripture for me. After that I wanted to read the Bible but I didn’t understand what the Spanish text was saying to me. Nevertheless God spoke to me through John 8:19: “…if they had known me, they would have known my Father also”. This word had a great impact on me. I became very much aware that other deaf people like me needed to understand the Word of God because most of them don’t read the Bible because it’s in Spanish and not in their own language, Sign Language.

I felt a deep desire to teach the Word of God to the deaf community, to tell them about creation and other texts in the Bible. But it was very difficult for me to understand written Spanish. With the Spanish Bible in front of me, I fell on my knees next to my bed, pleading with the Lord, “Please, Lord, show me how I can teach the Deaf so that they will be touched by you and get saved so they may share your love with one another.”

By Thomas Giddens (D), Hillingdon

In the year 2002 God answered that prayer and led me to my current work, a project to translate the Bible into Colombian Sign Language, LSC. This will have a great impact on the lives of the Deaf. Their interest in learning about God’s Word through Sign Language will grow and their lives will be touched. So then they will share what they learned about the Word of God. As we were translating Luke 22:63-65, while the interpreter was communicating the sense of the text into Sign Language I was greatly touched by the depth of this passage. That led me to think more about Jesus, how good he was with the people even while they were mocking him and beating him so badly. This reality shook me and led me to take a radical stand for him, to follow him as a disciple and to teach the Gospel to the Deaf. During all my time of service in the translation project until now, God has been showing and teaching me the depth of his Word, allowing me to know him more and more and to develop a deeper relationship with him. I recognize that the Bible in Colombian Sign Language is the Word of God. I have to honour him because he is the Holy God. By Omar Bustos (D), Colombia

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Struggling with temptations?

If we are honest in our lives, we face a battle daily between two things that control our life – the first thing is our sinful self and the second thing is the Holy Spirit. Our sinful life wants us to think and do the bad things BUT The Holy Spirit wants us to think and do the good things. We are aware that before we accepted Jesus Christ as our Saviour, in the past, our lives were controlled by the sinful things. BUT when we become Christians, the Holy Spirit helps us to think and do the things the God wants us to. Let’s see what Romans 8:13b tells us about the result of having the Holy Spirit controlling you: But if you use the Spirit's help to stop doing the wrong things you do with your body, you will have true life. Romans 8:13b NCV

Even when you are a Christian, you still can decide to follow your sinful self and turn away from God. Look at what Romans 8:7 says about this… When people's thinking is controlled by the sinful self, they are against God, because they refuse to obey God's law and really are not even able to obey God's law. Romans 8:7 NCV Therefore it is your choice to follow the Holy Spirit or to follow your sinful self. It is your decision. Please be aware that other people (e.g. friends or relatives, etc.,) are not responsible for your decision to follow the Holy Spirit or to follow your sinful self. I pray and hope that you will make the right choice to follow the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Spirit control your life, helping you in doing good things. Peter Walsh (D), Manchester Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


8th DY4C event, February 20 This DY4C event was held in the North East, at Middlesborough/Stockton-On-Tees. It was a challenging weekend for me as I was one of the hosts alongside Verity and Padraic, with the help of the local Deaf and hearing people from our churches. It had made me see how much work it is to organise a weekend like that and increased my respect to the DY4C leaders and the hosts. I was so tired at the end of the weekend but it was worth it and it was a privilege to serve. In addition, I want to thank everyone for their help. I think everyone found it quite useful to have the event and accommodation under one roof, which made us not to worry about transport to

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different venues or houses. It was good to see everyone again to catch up and make new friends, as well as encouraging one and another. The team for Brazil Deaf mission 2008 did a tuck shop to raise money for the mission, and we raised about ÂŁ80. Thank you everyone. Naomi Broughton (D) Middlesborough Middlesborough DY4C weekend was excellent, we were really enjoying that weekend simply because of the close fellowship since we all stayed at one place for the weekend. I thank God for DY4C and deaf sisters and brothers in Christ. Through the preaching, I learnt that we can live around deaf culture AND Jesus culture

008, Middlesborough by Seggy Gallagher (D), DY4C Editor

there was a real sense of community there. There were lots of fun and laughter during Seggy’s icebreaker games, good drama workshops led by Jay, which were also incorporated into his theme “preach”. The theme was Deaf culture, Jesus Culture, and Jay spoke about the need to use both Deaf identities in our Christian life, not have one or the other as so many people seem to believe. It is important to be ourselves, the people that God created us to be, and use our deafness to advance God’s kingdom. mixed, rather than sticking with one of them, and can live for Jesus as well as accepting that we are deaf as part of his plan. Adam McCormick (D) Northern Ireland

There were workshops in the afternoon, young people enjoyed either prayer with Nora, creative art with Seggy, creating a song with Esther or bible discussion with Brent. People benefited from this as they gave feedback at the end of the day.

I really enjoyed the fellowship. God is amazing when he works among deaf people. I felt really encouraged to be at DY4C and also I feel privileged to film for DY4C.

Esther then led some wild games in the sports hall and after supper, the boys carried on playing football while Seggy took some interested people out for a night walk.

Paul Stewart (D) Northern Ireland

Sunday morning dawned and we all had breakfast, packed up and went to a different building to have “church”. I say “church” as it was not the usual church you would expect on a Sunday morning. God moved incredibly and used DY4C people (not just the leaders) to lead worship, pray, give a short talk and share experiences learnt over the weekend. We had no expectations and God used this to teach us that He is ultimately in control! It was an amazing experience to be led by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Oakwood Church Centre is a lovely place with plenty of space, rooms and showers, etc. All the services and the food provided were brilliantly organised. I was very impressed to meet some new Deaf young people and had good, friendly communication with others as well. I liked the activities in the Sports game, Society, Fellowship, Worship and Workshops etc., which were helpful in learning about developing skills. Discussion and supportive teamwork encouraged self-esteem and knowledge about practical work in the tasks. For the future I would like to encourage more young people to know about different new activities in the next DY4C events. It is also a good opportunity to arrange to invite them to come to the meal, cinema, swimming etc and have fun.

All in all, the weekend is one of the best DY4C yet, and here’s more to come! Watch this space! If you wish to know more, please contact Seggy on deafyouth4christ@yahoo.co.uk

Peter Hylton (D) London The 8th DY4C weekend was held in the North of England, namely, Middlesborough. It was the first time that we have stayed together all through the weekend, staying over at the church premises over night on Friday and Saturday night. Certainly the attendees benefited hugely from this as fellowship was much stronger and Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


Editor's Face to Face Interview wit Describe yourself briefly - your Christian faith, family and church? I grew up in a Christian home and my faith meant a lot to me from an early age. I was born in Northern Ireland and lived with my parents and 2 elder brothers. My father co-owned a shop in Lisburn, a town outside Belfast, which was the target of a few bombings during 'The Troubles'. I attended a Presbyterian Church as a child, alongside many other meetings and youth camps that my parents organised. Please tell me why you decided to write a book? I decided to write a book about my experience of severe anxiety and postnatal depression, which I developed eleven years ago after the birth of my only child, when I discovered that there was virtually nothing written by Christians on this subject. I wanted to share my journey with other sufferers to show them that their symptoms were normal for these conditions and to encourage them that they could get through it with God, even if they felt cut off from Him. Also I felt that God was prodding me to write because he wanted me to share with the Christian community how hard it can be for Christians to maintain their faith whilst mentally ill. When you experienced deep depression, did your church help you? If not really, what do you want today's churches to be more aware of and how should they respond to any Christians with depression? This is a difficult question to answer, because the answer is both yes and no. Certain aspects of my church helped me. For example I attended a mums’ group bible study, which had a crèche, and these mums were my soul mates when I was in my 'wild place': We spoke honestly of our struggles and prayed and cried for each other through them. Yet other aspects of my church felt inaccessible to me. When I felt pushed 'Beyond the Edge' into depression I felt as if the impact of my fall made me loose my first spoken language (which was pleasant Christian jargon) and suddenly felt as though I could only relate to a few as I became very honest and gritty. Thus I felt too raw and 'messy' to attend most of the meetings, as I felt that others there could not cope with

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my anger and upset. Also I found it hard to relate to the sermons and interviews at my church because they did not talk about suffering nor reflect the struggles of my life. I suppose I would like today's churches to be more aware of how crippling post-natal depression and other mental illnesses can be for Christians and to better prepare us for the fact that sometimes God allows Christians to experience immense suffering on this earth. I long for churches to respond to people in depression by

providing the opportunity for drop-in prayer support and to more honestly address some of its underlying issues, eg. anger and disappointment. Finally I would like churches to look at the issue of access and consider whether their structures and ministries exclude some people from full involvement in the body of Christ. I notice you learnt British Sign Language – why? Well I was first inspired to learn when I was training to be a social worker and I met a Deaf lady whilst on placement. I

“Read this book and be changed to reach out with Jesus’ compassion”

ith Christian author, Hazel Rolston was frustrated that I could not communicate with her and then the social worker told me that there was a shortage of professionals who could adequately communicate with Deaf people in BSL. Immediately I started my level 1 BSL and that was 15 years ago. However it was a few years later, when I was recovering from my depression and needed something to woo me into life again that I started level 2 BSL classes. I don't think I am a natural linguist and have struggled to learn a new language but I am grateful that God, in His grace, revealed himself anew to me through BSL and my friends within the Deaf community. Do you ever help other Deaf Christians experiencing difficulties? I think really you need to ask my Deaf friends that question! All I can say is that it is my desire to communicate with my Deaf friends as I do with my hearing friends. Rather than becoming an interpreter I am taking my level 3 BSL at the moment because I want to be able to discuss issues at a deep level with Deaf people and I hope that, if I can develop fluent BSL, I will be able to fully support my Deaf friends if they experience difficulties. Would you be willing to counsel Deaf people on how to deal with depression if they asked you? Well I am not a counsellor but if a Deaf person would like to learn more about my wrestle with depression, I would be very happy to share my experiences with them. I can be contacted through my website; http://www.mybeyondtheedge.com Tell us about your favourite Bible verses, that help you trust in God daily. My favourite verses can be found in Psalm 139:1-3 (NIV) - 'O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways.' These verses remind me that I believe in an intimate God. Not just an all powerful distant God, but one who amazingly knows each of us and is familiar with all our ways. These verses gave me the courage to write my story very honestly, as I believe that the one person whose

favour I seek already knows me and loves me. Are you reading any Christian books at the moment? I am in the middle of reading 'God on Mute, Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer' by Pete Grieg (24-7 Title). I have really enjoyed what I have read so far because Pete writes very honestly and is not afraid to ask (and answer) big questions about unanswered prayer. Also Pete writes about his own family's suffering and it is apparent that this book is not just an intellectual exercise but has been born out of his own pain and questions. How did you find Spring Harvest 2008 (Minehead Week 2) including the first ever BSL Stream? Any highlights? I really enjoyed attending Spring Harvest and the BSL stream, although the problem for me, as a hearing person in the BSL stream, was that I became entranced by the production of BSL and

found it more difficult to concentrate on the spiritual content! The highlight for me was the corporate BSL worship in the Big Top every evening. I absolutely loved being surrounded by BSL worship and found myself feeling sorry for the hearing worshippers nearby who were limited to singing their worship to God!! Do you have any words for the Go! Sign readers? I would just like to say to the Go! Sign readers that it is my belief that God remains with us in 'wild places' and that, even if we feel tempted to give up the fight for life whilst under the shadow of Despair, God does not wish us to follow this path of destruction. It is my belief that we need sustenance to maintain our stance against Despair, for example medication, prayer and support to mention a few, and that God is faithful when we are tempted and will provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV). Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


Deaf Christians ne Spring Harvest 2008 – BSL Stream Report

David Buxton speaking

Spring Harvest 2008, Minehead, gave Deaf Christians new 'Hope'. This year's event in North Somerset brought the usual crowds of churchgoers and friends. We had nearly all of the range of seasons during the week we were there (April 10 15) - rain, cold, sun, warmth! The theme of Spring Harvest was "ONE GOD PEOPLE HOPE; celebrating the one true God", most of the time using key parts of Isaiah 40-55. There was a BIG difference this year – there were three DEAF speakers! Bob Shrine, Eugene McNamara

and David Buxton led the BSL Stream – a series of BSL led sessions following the same theme. David's talks were more to do with Deaf Christian Awareness, useful for both deaf and hearing alike. It was fascinating seeing all their different styles of preaching and teaching (excellent powerpoint presentations) within the theme of Hope; on a hill, in the garden, out of town and in the city. Each topic also related to Jesus' Ministry in our lives. We all stayed in different parts of Butlin's Minehead site and the Deaf Stream site was at the opposite end of the main Big Top (like a huge circus tent) - so much

Beverley (2nd left), "X" Factor finalist, with Deaf Christian and BSL interpreters

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Esther Maycock signing song

walking to and fro! The worship was great, with clear subtitles on the screen and video pictures of the musicians. Deaf families were able to make the most of the facilities. At the last big service before departure, the Deaf attendees were invited to sign and dance on the platform. We thank all the Signs of God interpreters and volunteers for making Spring Harvest accessible to us all. Roll on 2009, the theme is 'Apprentice'! By Penny Beschizza (D), London

ws around the UK Warrington Deaf Confirmations and Baptisms On Sunday 20th April, the Bishop of Warrington visited Warrington Deaf church for a service of confirmation. Two people, (Stephen Cox and Jennifer Morley) were baptised as well as confirmed and two (Kathleen Clare and Mavis McCue) were confirmed only as they had been baptised as babies. One man (Peter Morley) reaffirmed his faith as he had been baptised and confirmed as a child. It was a fantastic occasion, the chapel was full of people who had come to support these 5 people in this step in their life of faith. “When I arrived at Warrington Deaf Club, I was asked to keep an eye out for the Bishop of Warrington's car and he arrived. I helped to show him the room for his robes etc. I showed him the Church upstairs where he could meet Hannah, the vicar for Deaf people. I went outside again to help people park their cars. At 7pm I went back into the church and sat on the chair that was reserved for me. There were about 35-40 people already there at the church. During the service, Kathy, Jennifer and I did a Bible reading together. We took turns presenting it in sign language. I was a bit nervous, but in the end I did the sign language well. The interpreter did a voice-over for the hearing people in the congregation. Then the Bishop of Warrington did his speech.

I was pleased to see the Deaf vicar from Manchester, Cathy Nightingale. She was my sponsor and support when the Bishop confirmed me.

another and we all shook hands and hugged and kissed before watching the Bishop and vicar walking away from the church.

Hannah, the Deaf vicar used her sign language so we could follow her using our sign language.

The confirmation course was over and we had enjoyed it because at Warrington Deaf club it was the first time in history that they had had a confirmation in their own chapel.

I stood with Jennifer, who is Deaf like me, and Hannah helped us to say 'yes' when the Bishop asked 'do you want to be baptised?' The Bishop made the sign on the cross on our foreheads and then we knelt down for the Bishop to pour water over our heads to baptise us. The Bishop also sprinkled water over the three people already baptised, Mavis, Peter and Kath and also the congregation. This was to remind everyone of their baptism promises. After the baptisms, the Bishop laid hands on everyone for confirmation and I had my new middle name, John, added to my name. We all signed hymns, the Lord's prayer etc. Hannah was dancing and most of us did the same, dancing and signing out the song, it was lovely. We all put money in money bags and gave them to Hannah in a wooden bowl. We had bread and wine in communion, although some people preferred not to have communion. We said “peace be with you” to one

We all went downstairs to the bar room and there was a buffet. Jennifer and Mavis asked me to present the flowers and chocolates and card for Hannah, just to say thank you for organising confirmation. I also presented a bottle of Teachers Whiskey to Cliff Morris, the Deaf reader who has done 50 years of ministry to Deaf people in this chapel. Cliff was presented with a picture of the cathedral in a frame as a present from the people. I also gave a bunch of flowers to Julie, the interpreter for the service. After the buffet I helped Hannah clear up the church and, oh yes, a lady helped by taking photos of me and all with the Bishop and a photo of me with Cathy Nightingale. I thank Hannah for being part of my life in confirmation and everyone who was involved. A day I will never forget!!! By Stephen Cox (D)

Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


Deaf Christian World News The Bible in Colombian Sign Language There is a project to translate the Bible for the 100,000 or more deaf people of Colombia, South America who don’t have the Bible in their own language (Colombian Sign Language or LSC). Most of them don’t know Jesus as their Saviour. This is an urgent need! TIn the year 2000 the project began with a small team which has grown to include 13 people --- Deaf and hearing --- working as translators, facilitators, linguists, camera operators, video editors, and artists. We come from different churches and backgrounds. Many of us have formal Bible training. All of us love the Lord and the Deaf community. Besides our team, other members of the Deaf community assist with revisions.

The Bible in LSC will be a precious tool to impact lives so that the Deaf who don’t know Jesus can meet him and those who do can grow and mature. We want people to be changed, spiritually, emotionally and socially, to be able to serve other Deaf.

What are our specific goals? We want to translate the whole New Testament as well as portions of the Old Testament. Some of the translation will be complete, including every thought in the source text, while other parts will be summarized in “Chronological Bible Stories” (CBS). We are distributing the translated scriptures in DVD’s and over the internet. Our materials will also serve as a “source text” for other country’s Sign Language translation projects. We also print some materials on paper, using drawings and photos. We distribute our publications through a network of different institutions such as churches and Deaf schools throughout Colombia. Last year God opened a door through a Christian TV station in Bogotá, where our CBS’s were broadcast in a program called “God talks to the Deaf”. This year we will publish five letters from the New Testament and several CBS’s.

This project is supported by two organizations --- SIL International and Wycliffe Bible Translators. Their goal is to make the Bible available to every person in the world in his heart language. Our Colombian partner is a deaf Christian association.

Serving God through Bible translation is a privilege but also a constant challenge. So we appreciate your prayers. If you would like to know more about our project and materials please contact us atinfo@sordo.org or visit our website http://www.sordo.org Janeth Cepeda. Director of the Project

The project exists to give Deaf people of Colombia direct access to the Word of God through LSC.

Taks' Deaf Mission Natalja Ryhlovskajw interpreter and the head of Deaf Mission ''Ephphltha'' about Margit's and Vidal's mission trip to Kiev, Ukraine in November 2007. We are very thankful for the wonderful family of Margit and Vitali Taks and for their hearts for mission. Because of your support and blessings they were able to come to visit the Ukraine. I am thankful to the Lord for the great opportunity to get to know this family, which I first met in 1997 in Russia. For two weeds Margit and Vitali were in Kiev, in a Bible school for the Deaf, teaching leaders from different cities in the Ukraine. The aim of the teaching was to provide the leaders with knowledge so that they could go back to their cities and help the Deaf and also to go to Deaf people abroad. During the first week two

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brothers from Russia taught in the Bible school. During the second week Margit and Vitali taught about Christian family, problems in families, communication in the marriage and other topics.

Their teaching about communication in the family and dealing with problems was very clear for everybody to understand. They used teaching combined with short dramas to visualise their teaching. It was really easy to remember their teaching because of their examples. After the Bible school was over, a group of six people, including Margit and Vitali, two more Deaf people and two interpreters, went to visit other cities. In the first city, people were already excited about our coming and were eagerly waiting for us. As soon as we arrived in this city, Kovel, we went to the local Deaf club. It was a small building and there were 11 people there. Margit and Vitali were in charge of the whole programme for that evening. They taught and, together with the rest of the group, also performed some dramas. People were eagerly watching and enjoying it. The time flew past and, when it was time to leave, people asked Margit and Vitali to come back. The goodbyes took a really long time!

goodbyes. The pastor asked us to be sure to come back and encourage the local Deaf people. After that, the group went back to Kiev but the Taks family continued their trip and their next destination was lfamenetz-l|odolsk. In the morning they visited the local church, they gave their testimonies and Vitali preached. About 450 people were gathered, among them 7 Deaf people.

The next morning we were expected to be in the city of Vladimir-volynsk. We were to visit the boarding school for the Deaf and when we arrived the teachers were already waiting for us. There were 108 Deaf students in the school and they were gathered in the hall. When Villa started to sign about his memories from his childhood and his school and when we then moved on to performing drama with the whole group, we got the whole attention of the students. They were really watching silently everything we had to say. We had also brought some candies for the kids. It was really hard to leave this school, as both the kids and the adults working in the school had so many questions. Margit and Vitali were patiently explaining to the kids that God is able to help us in whatever situation and He always has a way out. That evening, the hearing pastor, Vladimir Glillzalk, asked our group to serve in the church. The time limit he gave us was 1 hour 30 minutes. And there were 850 hearing people in the church. Margit and Vitali gave their testimonies, how they have been to different parts of the world to do mission. Then Vials preached about the lost sheep comparing the one lost sheep with Deaf people (Luke 15 : 3 - 7). At the end of the service, the hearing pastor called the hearing people to give more heed to Deaf people and their needs and Margit sang in Estonian and Estonian Sign Language her love song. People were crying and very glad that this wonderful family from far away, from Estonia, had been able to visit them, bringing blessing from the Lord and setting on fire the hearts of people. We sang some more songs and said our

In the local Deaf club they were celebrating the day of people with special needs. There were many people gathered at the club and Vitali met his former classmates there. In the beginning they did not realize it was him, they first noticed his wife, Margit, who was so happy that she shined, they couldn't believe that it was the Vitali they knew. It was the best testimony ever about God's power – He is able to clean the dirtiest. Many of the Vitali's classmates are dead because of their drinking problem but GOD is able to change and Vitali gave a testimony there that God had changed his life. I would like to thank you for these wonderful preachers of God's Word, for the teachers who brought life to the people who cannot hear and helped to open the ear of the heart. Glory to God for this kind of Christians. Michael, Debra & Zachery McCabe Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


Capital Baptist Deaf College We would like to introduce Capital Baptist Deaf College (CBDC) to our British brethren in Christ. It is our mission is to train pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and teachers sent forth to the Deaf World. Our vision is to establish 150 Deaf churches in big cities all over America. We hope that by having a strong foundation of Deaf churches in America, we will be able to send out more missionaries and provide better financial support. CBDC’s staff is an all-Deaf faculty. We place a strong emphasis on high quality of spiritual education, character development and practical experience in teaching the Biblical doctrines. One thing that helps CBDC’s success is its proximity to Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. It is right in the middle of what is possibly the largest Deaf community in America. The location offers plentiful ministerial opportunities and a chance for our Deaf church, Hampshire View Baptist Deaf (HVBDC), to grow as well. The Bible study held at Gallaudet averages more than 30 students weekly. The Deaf church averages 100 or more people on Sunday mornings. Many have been saved in Christ through these ministries. We also have blogs on Sunday School lessons, which usually focus on Creationism, from Bible studies at

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Gallaudet. They score numerous hits on the Internet. So in all, God has been very good to CBDC. We have international students. Frank Laurent is from Tanzania, and he hopes to establish a Deaf church in Tanzania’s capital when he graduates from CBDC. The other international student, Toyin Fasakin, already has extensive experience as the Program Director of Christian Mission for the Deaf School in Nigeria. He is eager to return to Nigeria with a wealth of education accumulated here at CBDC. We also have several CBDC students participating in internships. Frank will be working as an intern pastor at Bethel Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois this summer. He will be working in a large hearing church with over 1,000 members with a Deaf ministry, so it will be a rewarding experience for him. Another one is currently interning as a Youth Pastor to the children’s church at HVBDC. So if you are interested in visiting our Deaf bible college here, you’re welcome to come! We also urge you to visit our Deaf church as well. Please do take time to check out our website, www.deafbiblecollege.com, or if you want to contact us for more information, feel free to do so. You can email us at hvbdc@aol.com, we will be more than happy to answer all your questions about CBDC. God is looking for more willing servants to surrender their lives to preach the Gospel. Are you one of those that God is seeking? By Registrar Justin Vollmar and Dan Nemeth

Ireland Recently a message was preached in St. Mark’s Church on ‘Holding on to the Dreams God has Given You.’ “Remember those earlier days...So you do not throw away your confidence...You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” Hebrews 10:32-36 . We are seeing answers to prayer to some of those dreams that Jesus put into our hearts – and it’s because of YOUR partnership! If you’ve financially given to our ministry – bless you! If you’ve been praying for us – bless you! We are seeing dreams become reality in this pioneer ministry. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

A dream we have had over the past year, since the Lord moved us out of Dublin and into the border county of Cavan (we are one hour’s drive from Northern Ireland), has been to set up a Deaf Resource Centre. This centre will meet the needs of the Deaf Communities in the border counties of Louth, Monaghan, Cavan, Leitrim and the non-border county of Meath. The west county of Kerry has had a wonderfully successful resource centre based in Tralee for the past 9 years. They have graciously invited us to come to see how their centre is run and how they went about getting the necessary funding. Pray with us as we seek God’s wisdom for establishing this centre – and His favour. Another dream being fulfilled … we’ve recently been given permission by Nicky Gumble’s Alpha Course organisation to be able to take their DVD presentation and insert an ISL interpreter (bubble) onto the DVD so we can use it time after time with Deaf people. Praise God! Please pray with us about an upcoming meeting with the Roman Catholic Chaplin to Deaf People, the Alpha Ireland director, Mr. Paddy Monaghan, and ourselves to discuss the possibility of a wide-scale running of the Alpha Course within the Catholic Deaf community. Pray also about the possibility of getting together with the Church of Ireland Chaplin to the Deaf to discuss the same strategy. His Hands Extended in Love, By Michael, Debra & Zachery McCabe

Obituary I just heard the sad news from Neville Muir in Australia that Viktor Bogdanov, a deaf Christian, passed away on the 17th February in St Petersburg, Russia.

We first met him at the International Deaf Christian Conference in Holland in 1992. My wife and I went over to visit his home in 1993. One year later he looked after me and my team for a week in St Petersburg and Moscow. Again we met him there in 1997.

Viktor served the deaf Baptist church in Russia for many years and was well known to many deaf people here in the United Kingdom and in Europe.

We thank God for his steadfast, faithful service.

The last time I met Viktor was at the Deaf Olympics in Melbourne, Australia, in January 2005. He had a daughter Natalya and son-in-law Timothy Brown, who live in the US. Natalya has returned to Russia to be with her mother, Valentina, at this time.

John Delve (D)

Our condolences to the family at this time.

Before he became Christian, he won many medals for athletics. He was selected for the Russian Deaf team in 1969 & 1973 for the Deaf Olympic games. Because of his conversion to faith in Christ Jesus, he and his family were in house arrest for some years until 1989. Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


Liturgy Day at Sidmouth 15th March 2008 Rev. Hannah Lewis from Liverpool led us in a very exciting day. 23 members and supporters of Devon churches for the Deaf came.

Joyful joyful, joyful

My God----[hands up raise]

Worship Lord


Into worship the Lord thanks x3

[Jesus] Take our place

The day started with tea/coffee and welcome.


Our sin gone

He knows us

Chain----- free

The Topic was “The Way of the Cross”.

We know him

Waiting waiting suffering

We belong for ever

I know why!

Into worship Lord praising............


Next the “Drama group” signed the story of the Garden of Gethsemane, followed by prayers and following the footsteps to the “Court” of Pontius Pilate. There was more drama and more signed prayers

I know why!

Then we followed the footsteps to the “Courtyard”. There was more drama showing Jesus being mocked and flogged.

Come on see

We were all given a Palm cross to carry to the church.

[Dance] celebrate celebrate x3

The next signed hymn was:

Jesus lives

Look cross feel

Yeah [last time hands in air]

Nails crucify

More sign prayers followed.

Waiting waiting suffering don’t know why

We had a fantastic day, making the special service together. Now we would like to make a book of Special Hymns for the Deaf. If you have a hymn to share with us, please send it to:

Rev. Hannah asked us to think about how we feel linked with God. We talked in small groups and then shared our thoughts. Lots of different things were mentioned, some look [candle], some feel [sign words], some smell [incense]. We thought about the Easter story from Mark chapters 14, 15 and 16 and split into 3 groups. Group 1 made a drama about the story, Group 2 made visual things about the story and Group 3 made “Deaf” hymns about the story. Rev. Catherine & Debbie Harvey made “Deaf” prayers to link the story together. At 3pm we had a service together. We started in the Hall. Group 2 made paper footsteps for us to follow from the Garden of Gethsemane to Calvary to the tomb. In church they put red paper tears on the floor and red, purple and black silk on the chairs. It gave us a good feeling to link with God.

Dark cloud Storm Church temple curtain ------torn

We started our service with a signed hymn of praise [Group 3]:


Psalm 100

People cry

Into worship the Lord Praising x3

Jesus say

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People mock

There were more prayers and more drama about going to the tomb, Jesus was not there. We sang a happy signed hymn about Jesus rising:

Jesus lives Alleluia

[clap clap clap clap]

Liz Warren, 171 Dunraven Drive, Derriford, Plymouth PL6 6AZ, or e-mail; warrene7234@btinternet.com

Food for thought Easter Poem – Ruth Davies Was it for me, Lord, you went to the cross? For me that you suffered so great a loss? Was it for me Lord you died in such pain? For me so that I could gain? Yes, child, for you I went to that cross. For you I died and suffered such loss. Yes, child, for you I died in great pain. For you that you should gain. Why Lord? Why me? I want to know. Why for me did you die agonisingly slow? Why Lord? Why me? How can I repay? Why for me suffer in that way? Dear child I thought that you did know Why, for you, I died agonisingly slow. Love, of course, but no need to repay. Love is why I suffered that way. My Lord, what more can I say? But give thanks for what you did that day. My Lord, I’m sorry that I oft forget What love and mercy I have met. My child, I do have more to say. What I did for you in dying that day I did for others too, don’t forget, They need to know love and mercy met.

Readers comments By the way, thank you so much for sending us the Go! Sign magazine. It is really interesting for all of us. Some of us here in the Project like to read English and we can translate into Sign language for the deaf people. The Deaf team appreciates this because it is easy to get information about deaf developments all over the world. May God bless you a lot. Janeth Cepeda, Directora, Bible Translation Project into CSL I´m very happy to see the latest GO SIGN with my article! It really looks good with the photo, and the corrections are perfect!! Congratulations! Thank you and everyone at GO SIGN for asking me to write it - it was a privilege. The BIBLIBRAS team is really excited to read the article and grateful, too.

GO! SIGN is published quarterly by Christian Deaf Link UK.

The aim of GO! SIGN is to support and enable Deaf Christians through Christian Network, Outreach, Equipping, Teaching and Evangelism. Any person or organisation wishing to photocopy or reproduce GO! SIGN articles, may do so provided they acknowledge GO! SIGN’s copyright and do not edit text. The views expressed in GO! SIGN should not necessarily be taken as GO! SIGN policy.

Whilst every care is taken to provide accurate information, neither GO! SIGN Ministry Team, Trustees, the Editor nor the contributors accept any liability for any error or omission. A subscription to GO! SIGN costs £9.00 per year for an individual or £18 for an organisation.

Next Issue (Summer 2008) The theme of the next issue of the magazine will be...

“Handling Money” Please could you write an article, your experience, testimony, story or any biblical point of view on why "Heaven and Hell" is still important in the eyes of God, in your Christian life and/or in the life of church ministry or felllowship. If you have something to share, please write to: GO! SIGN Editor, 4 Norris Close, Livingstone Park, Epsom, Surrey KT19 8BF

Deadline by

July 18th 2008

God bless, Brenno Douettes, Brazil Spring 2008 GO! SIGN


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