Keto Costco

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Top 10 KeTo CosTCo

Keto at Costco – Costco Keto Shopping List What to Buy for Keto at Costco People in the keto community love watching grocery hauls, fridge tours, or Days of Eating vlogs because they are easy ways to find inspiration and discover new meal ideas. Come grocery shopping with us and check out our Top 10 Keto Costco Buys. Costco is one of our favorite places for high quality brands for low prices. If you’re feeding a lot of people, they have tons of great keto options to stock up on in bulk, from the staples to the specialty snacks. We’ll go through all the aisles to show you what’s keto friendly and what’s not.

Top 10 Costco Keto Buys Grab a pen and paper! It’s time to make your next Costco shopping list.

1. Costco Meat Some people argue the keto diet is expensive because meat is pricey, but not when you’re shopping at Costco. USDA Prime beef is good quality and has a low price, so stock up your freezer with fatty cuts of steak and ground beef. This beef brisket was only $3.79/lb which is a great deal. Don’t forget to grab some Kiolbassa Smoked Sausages for quick meals throughout the week. They’ve got perfect keto macros and are delicious. # USDA Prime Beef # Kiolbassa Smoked Sausages # Organic Whole Chickens – great for bone broth! # Uncured Bacon # Pork Belly

2. Costco Seafood If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably not eating enough Omega-3 fatty acids which are mostly found in wild caught fish. Matt likes to incorporate some seafood into his meals to up his fat content and balance his Omega Fatty acid ratio. Costco carries a few great options. # Wild Planet Canned Sardines # Smoked Salmon (look for brands that don’t use sugar)

The smoked salmon from Costco was $15 per pound, which sounds expensive, but it’s cheaper than other grocery stores. A lot of smoked salmon is cured with sugar, so make sure to read the ingredient label. Make our Keto Bagels then top them with cream cheese and smoked salmon for a low-carb Lox sandwich!

3. Keto Dairy Whether you’re looking for affordable or high quality and raw, Costco has the dairy for you and your keto diet. # Heavy Whipping Cream # Bulk Parmesan # Bulk Feta # Bulk Cheddar # Raw Comte Cheese # Raw P’tit Basque Comté Cheese is made from raw milk, which is easier to digest and is full of probiotics. It is also Megha’s all-time favorite. This delicious, one pound brick from Costco was only $10.00 and aged for eight months. (The longer it has been aged, the better!) Megha’s perfect night is munching on a cheeseboard, enjoying some wine, and hanging out with Matt and their fur babies. Add some olives, nuts, and berries to your cheeseboard for a delicious keto appetizer.

4. Keto Snacks If you’re looking for a few snacks to take on the road with you or enjoy at the movie theater, Costco has keto snacks galore. Remember to avoid anything containing maltitol or IMO fiber. Here are some great snack options. # Kirkland Protein bars – Similar to a Quest bar, but cheaper. Make sure to buy the one that is sweetened with erythritol (Kirkland Signature Protein Bars), and not maltitol, which can spike your blood sugar levels. Just read the ingredient list to know for sure! # Cheese Crisps like Cello Whisps or Moon Cheese – Crunchy and salty! # Nuts in bulk

5. Keto Baking Ingredients You don’t have to live live without sweet treats and home baking when on a keto diet. Luckily Costco has low-carb baking ingredients you can find at great prices like Kirkland Almond Flour and Hemp Hearts. We love hemp hearts for their low-carb, high-fat macro ratio. They are perfect for keto and a staple food for many vegan and vegetarian diets that rely on plant sources for their protein and fats. You can score a 24 oz. bag of hemp hearts from Costco for just $9.00!

Use Almond Flour to Make: # Almond Ricotta Cookies # Keto Cheesy keto Garlic bread # Keto Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies # Hundreds more recipes using almond flour!

Use Hemp Hearts to make: # Overnight Keto “Oatmeal” # Keto Vegan Breakfast Protein Bowl # Keto Vegan Meal Replacement Bars

6. Costco Fats & Oils Fats and oils are an obvious staple on the keto diet, so buying in bulk at Costco is the way to go. # Kerry Gold Butter – Grass-fed is higher in Vitamin A Costco has the best deal for Kerry Gold Butter, so stock up. It’s only $11.00 for four bars, so we like to get three to six cases. We prefer to buy unsalted butter so we can have more control of how salty our recipes turn out. Try our favorite butter recipes, Bulletproof Coffee and Ooey Gooey Butter Cake! # Ghee – A dairy free alternative to butter. Ghee is just clarified butter, which means the fat has been separated from the milk, making it lactose-free. We blend it into our bulletproof coffees and use it in cooking. The Ghee we buy at Costco has good flavor and is cheap, just $19.00 for 56 oz. You can also find it at South Asian food stores for a good price!

# Coconut Oil When buying coconut oil, we look for unrefined and cold-pressed, which just means they didn’t use high heat or chemicals to extract the oil from the coconut. High heat tends to damage the nutrients in healthy oils. We use it for frying, but it is a great substitute for butter in any recipe if you want to make it dairy-free. Try coconut oil in our Coconut Fat Bombs and Homemade Almond Joys! # Avocado Oil # Olive Oil # Chosen Foods Avocado Oil Mayonnaise is an amazing score at Costco.

Megha eats mayonnaise every single day in her Egg Salad, so she needs to keep the fridge stocked. She used to eat Hellman’s Mayonnaise, but since making the decision to cut refined vegetable oils like soybean oil and canola oil from her diet, she likes to buy from Chosen Foods. They make their sauces with avocado oil and coconut oil. (Megha doesn’t recommend the coconut oil one!) Remember to always read the ingredient label to know what’s in your sauce!

7. Keto Drinks at Costco Costco carries all kinds of drinks, but of course we’re on the hunt for sugar-free options. Try the ZipFizz!

Megha’s favorite pre-workout is Zipfizz, not only because it’s delicious, but it contains 1000mg of potassium per packet and a dose of caffeine. It’s important to replenish your electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium while on a keto diet because your body isn’t holding onto as much fluid as it usually does. As your body flushes out water, it flushes out the electrolytes with it, which can make you feel weak, tired, groggy, and even give you muscle cramps. You can also grab some diet drinks, sparkling water, or even some coffee for making your bulletproof coffee.

POWDERED BONE BROTH If you can’t be bothered to make your own bone broth, but want to experience some of its guthealing benefits, then we recommend LonoLife for their shelf-stable bone broth packets. The chicken flavor is our favorite and the Costco deal works out to be about $1.00/packet. If you do want to try making your own bone broth, try our Instant Pot Bone Broth recipe!

8. Keto Produce We don’t like to buy a ton of produce from Costco since we have a small household and can’t eat that many vegetables quick enough, but there are some great options for people following a keto diet. # Mushrooms # Avocados # Organic Salad Mix # Frozen Cauliflower Rice

9. Keto Nuts and Seeds Nuts are a great addition to any keto diet and can crush a chip craving in a hurry. Most nuts are high in fat, so the trick is buying the ones that are also low in carbs. Costco has some options. # Macadamia Nuts # Walnuts # Almonds # Pecans # Pumpkin Seeds

10. Costco Eggs in Bulk We’re going to give eggs their very own category since they’re such a nutrient powerhouse and are the perfect keto food. Costco offers eggs in large cartons, not just your standard dozen carton. Use them in Breakfast Casseroles, baking, Mug Cakes and just as a quick meal. Eggs are everything.

Sweeteners to Avoid at Costco! Does natural mean sugar-free? No! Here are some sweeteners you will encounter at the grocery store, but should avoid! 1. Agave Syrup: This is pure sugar. 2. Coconut Sugar: Also just another form of sugar. 3. Stevia in the Raw: The first ingredient is cane sugar, which is pure sugar. 4. Splenda: This is okay in small amounts, like a packet in your coffee. But with ingredients like dextrose and maltodextrin, it’s best to stay away from consuming this in large amounts.

In Summary Costco is one of our top stores to buy the necessities! They have so many cheap options that you can buy in bulk so they last a while! This was our list of the top 10 things to buy at Costco for keto, as well as a few things to stay away from. 1. Costco Meat 2. Costco Seafood 3. Keto Dairy 4. Keto Snacks 5. Keto Baking Ingredients 6. Fats & Oils 7. Keto Drinks 8. Produce 9. Keto Nuts & Seeds 10. Costco Eggs We also added many extra things that you can buy at Costco for keto! We were blown away by how many new products Costco was carrying on our last grocery haul, so be sure to check it out and see what’s new in your store! Comment below with your favorite keto grocery items from Costco!

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