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JAM | Storyboard

INDIA!. Everybody travels in India, and the majority of them choose the best possible option … PRIVATE VEHICLES!

aye!...khe khe khe!....share karega kya?


While a few of them think that it is cheaper, better, and more “ahem..! uhhh” sustainable to wait for the bus…

some soon realize that they are WRONG! old man pulls chain.

Time ticks on and … time is money!. haha… Nobody likes to wait forever!

old man nods head, hand comes and drags him out of the frame. swinging by one end of the rick and screaming

So, like i said, NOBODY sticks to their promise of using public transport.

so what is YOUR problem?? everyone is HAPP.!..huh! the car lowers the window and the man who had just left starts screaming at the narrator till something catches his eye.

Cars, scooters, rickshaws … brace yourself! ! Another-one joins you in your chaos and misery! camera zooming out starts revealing the congested road. sounds of loud honking, shouting and people coughing.

and you will say… “expand the roads”(O.S) YES! EXPAND THE ROADS! camera starts tilting upwards and we start see the cars moving almost on a never ending road. wherever an empty road is seen...

and you will say… “expand the roads”(O.S) YES! EXPAND THE ROADS! camera starts tilting upwards and we start see the cars moving almost on a never ending road. wherever an empty road is seen...

the pattern morphs into the moon

How about a change?? A change that could transform a city’s transport system with something as simple as a line! and we zoom out to see the same person we left in the start still waiting for the bus to come

camera pans to the left and a huge mallot comes crashing on the bus ( sound of the judges mallot striking the table in court)

Yes! one line that Ahmedabad used in 2009 kite enters the frame from the top left corner and swipes the screen to change the shot. claim space for buses left and right of the screen to form two other lanes.

that could clear over sixty cars from the road shot changes to a line falling in place on the road followed by a BRT station and then a BRT bus.

making it one of the most successful systems ever witnessed by the country, the Bus Rapid Transport.....

...or BRT. cut back to the same shot where the bus is leaving. cut to a match cut of a aerial shot of the bus leaving.

This one line ensured that ......... camera follows the line...

the money invested by the government............ the like is like a piggy bank slot. a coin is tossed from inside and camera follows the coin.

the coin spins once in the air and then as it moves along

built a public transport system....that EVERYONE could use.

and it becomes the aerial shot of a street with BRT system.

camera zooms out and the street becomes a clock.

bus moves out and we still follow the line on the side of the bus

A system that increased savings clock spins about and becomes a coin. we follow the coin and it falls on a pile of coins.

generated hundreds of jobs .................AND reduced pollution!! The BRT truly gave back to the community The three piles of coins morph into people camera pans fast across hundreds of people. camera pan slows down and it tilts upwards to show a clear blue sky. camera tilts down again and we are back at the same place with the same 7 people.

and that is the kind of system we

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