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who inhabits our bodies. Isn‘t it the first step to pay homage to where I was once and perpetually shaped and to return to it?

Seven Poems Composed on an Island Beyond the Ocean 《西牛海外洲》

1 兴亡千古一时感,江海寄舟半生疑。何处衔木悼帝女?日暮高台风正急。 Every rise and fall eventually become a shade, For half of life is the drifting soul puzzled in its voyage. Where to pay the drowned princess homage? Over the cliff only the wild wind echoes its word.

2 故国咫尺外,天涯独登台。 落照海烟里,相望不胜哀。 In a vision my country is from me one step away, On a rock in a corner of the world I stand astray. The sun is lingering over the sea, Gloomily, I stare at her, and she stares at me.

3 月如钩,勾离愁,尽识愁字怕登楼,深巷听更漏。 堤外柳,江上鸥,杳杳山河水东流 ,数声渡渔舟。 On the crescent moon hangs my nostalgia, I can‘t go to the balcony without fear, Only distant bells ringing in the lane I hear. The willow by the river whispers, The gull over the water hovers, My homeland is dissolving into a dream. With few sounds, a fishing boat is departing. 71

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