Church Today

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Church oday A S p e c i a l S e c t i o n o f t h e Ke r n e r s v i l l e N e w s


Girl Ministries

Dr. Billy Graham

Today’s Word with Joel and Victoria Osteen

T h u r s d a y, J u l y 2 , 2 0 1 5

Church Directory Events Crossword Puzzle

Church today

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Girl Ministries

Emily Wilburn goes to work as a missionary to help share the gospel to girls on college campuses Jennifer Owensby Eminger

Having always wanted to work with a ministry behind the scenes, Kernersville resident Emily Wilburn is getting her chance by working to share the gospel with girls on college campuses around the country through Redeemed Girl Ministries. Wilburn, a 2011 East Forsyth High School graduate, first learned about Redeemed Girl Ministries during her junior year of college, when the ministry visited her campus at Appalachian State University (ASU). She explained that Redeemed Girl Ministries is a ministry that exists to share the gospel with young women on college campuses who wouldn’t normally set foot in a church. Wilburn shared that during her college career, she was the chaplain for her sorority during her freshman year and planned and led a mission trip for her sorority to Jamaica during her senior year, noting that her sorority was not traditionally religious based. Wilburn said she was also involved in campus ministry through Campus Crusades, other ministries, and leading a Bible study for her sorority. Monthly, Wilburn sponsors a child she met during a mission trip to Kenya during her high school years. Due to her involvement in campus ministry, Wilburn explained that she had the chance to help host Redeemed Girl Ministries while they were on the ASU campus.

“We had 300 sorority girls come to the event and 40 of them committed their life to Christ that night,” she shared. Wilburn said the need to reach out to college campuses is high. “Eighty percent of teenagers leave the church by their second year of college and college campuses are home to the most under-reached generation in America,” she said. Wilburn explained that Redeemed Girl Ministries was started in 2007 by Marian Jordan Ellis, a redeemed girl who has a passion for helping others experience the same life she discovered in Christ. Wilburn said the vision of Redeemed Girl Ministries is to see women redeemed by the grace of Jesus, transformed by His truth and to live for the Glory of His name, which they help to do in three ways.

Thursday, July 2, 2015 “One of the things we do is have a Girls’ Night Out, which is an evangelistic outreach. On average, we have 500 girls who come to these events with one in four of them committing to Christ,” she said. “When they come to campuses they partner with a campus ministry and local churches that follow up with the girls who have made a commitment. The founder, Marian Jordan Ellis, is the speaker at these events and shares her story.” The second way they help girls on college campuses is through discipleship resources to strengthen their faith. They use the “Redeemed Girl App,” which has audio teachings, blogs about issues women face and information on the ministry. “We also have a book club and have six gospel focused books written by Marian. The book club is a way to replace their previous life of partying and allows girls to come together and become a Christian community,” Wilburn shared. The third way they reach girls is through the Redeemed Girl Institute located in Pensacola, Florida. “Matthew 28 says, ‘Go and make disciples,’ so this is where we can really train these girls to go back to their college campuses and sorority houses or dorms and share the message with their friends,” Wilburn said. Wilburn earned a degree in business management and entrepreneurship and a minor in nonprofit management from ASU. She will be working as a business missionary for Redeemed Girl Ministries. “I’ve always wanted to do business behind a ministry and that’s exactly what I’ll be doing with Redeemed Girl Ministries,” she said. “They called me in September of my senior year to join the small ministry. I will be the third person on staff.” Wilburn explained that she will be shipping out resources for Redeemed Girl Ministries, planning outreach events and managing the business side of the ministry. “I will be based in San Antonio, Texas and traveling around to college campuses around the country and helping behind the scenes. I will also be looking for ministry partners,” she said. Already, Wilburn is hard at work for the ministry, meeting with anyone who wants to know more about the ministry and inviting them to join her in prayer and financial support. If interested in helping young women by giving to Redeemed Girl Ministries, contact Wilburn at or visit and indicate “Staff Support Emily Wilburn.”

Church today

Thursday, July 2, 2015

True belief in Christ means committing your life to Him

in this edition

Billy Graham


Many people I know say they believe in Jesus, even if they don’t go to church or anything. Is believing in Jesus all it really takes to get into heaven? - M.K.K.


Many people do say they believe in Jesus, but what do they actually mean? Perhaps they believe Jesus existed; they also may believe His teachings are worth following; they may even believe He was the divine Son of God, sent from heaven to save us from our sins (as the Bible teaches).

And yet for far too many people, one thing is still missing, and that is commitment. To put it another way, they have believed in their minds, but they’ve never acted on it. They’ve never personally committed themselves to Christ and invited Him to come into their lives to change them and make them part of His family. Let me illustrate it this way. Suppose you went hiking one day and you came to a footbridge crossing a deep valley. You examined it and it looked sturdy; you also saw other hikers safely crossing it. In your mind, therefore, you had faith in that bridge; you believed it would hold

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you. But simply believing the bridge would hold you wouldn’t get you to the other side! In addition, you’d have to put your trust in it and actually commit yourself to it. Only then would you really believe in that bridge. The same is true with Jesus Christ. We may believe He is the Son of God; we may even believe He can forgive us and save us. But we only truly believe in Jesus when we personally commit our lives to Him. Have you taken that step of commitment? Jesus said, “You believe in God; believe also in me” (John 14:1).

(Send your queries to “My Answer,” c/o Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, N.C., 28201; call 1-(877) 2-GRAHAM, or visit the Web site for the Billy Graham Evangelistic

2Redeemed Girl Ministries from Billy Graham 3Messages and Clyde Dupin The Osteens and 4Local Ministers Local 5More Ministers Community 6in Pictures Church 8Directory and 10Events Crossword Puzzle Community 11in Pictures Whenever we turn on television or read a paper, it is filled with news about violence, rebellious youth marching, social immorality, corrupt politicians and evil of every kind. How did a nation like America drift so far from its roots of Christianity, love, kindness and caring for our neighbor?

Fo u r t h of July Celebration will be held at New Beginnings Assembly on July 4 from 4–8 p.m. The event will include music, food, and fun for kids.

The church is located at 365 W. Bodenhamer Street. For more information, call 336-996-6880.

The Church Must Share Love

It may be that the church allowed ordinary things to crowd out the important things. The important message of the church is love. We are not recognized as a disciple of Jesus by our elaborate church programs, extravagant facilities, elegant music or eloquent preaching. Our distinguishing mark is love. God’s love is the greatest gift and most important thing in the world. God’s love is the ultimate mark of true Christianity. We may attract great crowds with our entertainment and develop new marketing strategies, but without love we miss the mark.

First Corinthians Chapter 13 is often referred to as the love chapter in the New Testament. The 13th chapter of John is very important. John said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another… By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for Dr. Clyde Dupin one another.”All our good works, programs, and crowds cannot become a substitute for love. It Clyde Dupin Ministries is urgent that we preach and experience God’s The mission of the church is to win the lost and love. Let’s push aside some good things and communicate God’s love. The American culture seek the best – love. has become obsessed with self and lacks love.

Church today

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Ice Cream Social

The Lord is with You TODAY’S WORD

Bunker Hill United Methodist Church is holding an Ice Cream Social and Salad Supper on Sunday, July 26. The Salad Supper will begin at 5 p.m., Ice Cream Social at 6 p.m. and Family Water Games at 6:15 p.m. Bring your favorite salad and homemade ice cream or toppings to share. The church is located at 1510 Bunker Hill-Sandy Ridge Road in Kernersville.

“...O favored one (endued with grace)! The Lord is with you!...” Luke 1:28

from Joel and Victoria Osteen

You are favored today because the Lord is with you! God promises that He is no respecter of persons. If you are a believer in Jesus today, He is with you, and you are endued with His grace. That means you have God’s supernatural empowerment to do whatever you need to do today. You have God’s power at work, you have God’s power at home, you have God’s power in your relationships—you are empowered to accomplish everything you need to today. Remember, you and God are a majority. Receive His grace and favor by thanking and praising Him. Declare that you are empowered by Him to walk in victory today and every day because He is with you!


Father, thank You for Your grace and favor in my life. Thank You for choosing me and for being faithful. I receive Your promises right now. Give me a revelation of Your power at work in me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lessons for Life David McGee Senior Pastor The Bridge

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 In today’s society, it can be difficult to live a life that calls for us to be different. We excuse away bad behavior and submit to pressures that weigh on us - and we compromise. We try to do things our own way and resist doing things God’s way. Second Chronicles 7:14 says, If we seek Him humbly and turn from our wrongdoings we can have this intimate relationship with Him. If we disobey Him, our lives will be consumed with ruin (Zephaniah 1:1-6). God longs for us to be obedient and desires a deep relationship with us. While we cannot live a perfect life, we can set our heart and minds on God and seek Him. Are you living on the fence? Have you compromised in your relationship with other Christians, in prayer or in time with Him and His Word? Are you willing to seek God and turn away from your own selfish ways? Friend, the day is drawing near when God will intervene in each of our lives. In our inability to offer Him anything, He still accepts you and me. God provides a way out through His Son, Jesus, as payment for our sins-for those who place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

What will you decide today? You can decide now to live for Him, sit on the fence or reject Him and spend eternity separated from Him. This is an act of your will and no one can make the decision for you. The time is now.

Life Lesson: The warning was for them, and it still applies to us today. Dear God, Thank You for loving me. Thank You for the opportunity to examine my relationship with You. I have strayed, and I do not want to compromise my life anymore. I commit myself to You afresh. I admit that I am a sinner. I believe You sent Your Son to die for my sins. Right now, I ask for Your power to help me turn from my sins. Thank You for forgiving me and saving me. Help me to be a blessing to You and others with each day that You give to me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Difference Between

Managing and Leading Dennis Roberts Executive Administrator Triad Baptist Church Vision is the main difference between leadership and management. Management consists primarily of three things: analysis, problem solving, and planning. But leadership consists of vision and values and the communication of those things. If you don’t clarify the purposes as the leader, who is going to? Most churches are over-managed and under-led. A church needs to be managed, but it also needs to be led. You have to have both. When you only have management in the church, you get the problem of paralysis of analysis. It’s like “Ready… Aim … Aim … Aim …” And they never fire. Management without leadership results in constantly analyzing and looking, but never actually doing anything. Don’t take this wrong. Managers are needed within the church as well. Without them you end up with a church that says, “Ready…. Fire!” without ever taking the time to aim. You need both. (Quoted from recent Rick Warren interview)

Vision: Proverbs 29:18 says, “Without a vision the people perish.” Dreams are readily available, but not vision. What is the difference? A vision is a dream that can be implemented. It’s specific. Nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific.

Leadership and Vision: It’s not the charisma of the leader that matters, but the vision of the leader. Whatever your assignment may be here at Triad Baptist Church, no matter what your ministry concentration may be, your number one responsibility of leadership in that area is to continually clarify and communicate the vision of that particular ministry. You must constantly answer the question: Why are we here? If we don’t know the answer, we cannot lead. Just as it is required to accredit our Academy, we must continually clarify and communicate our vision to everyone who walks through our doors. We must make clear what we are doing and why we are doing it. No one can be left in the dark to the question of vision. We must constantly communicate our vision through the First Step class, through articles in our newsletter, and in any way we possibly can. Our purpose for being is always out front where everyone can see it. Everyone needs to know why we are here and catch our vision. Good leaders do not micro-manage. They communicate the vision, empower the team, and communicate clearly, concisely, and often, and by doing so motivates everyone to give their best all the time. They challenge their people by setting high but attainable standards and expectations, and then giving them the support, tools, training, and latitude to pursue those goals and become the best employees they can possibly be.

Church today

Thursday, July 2, 2015

God Protects His People Rev. Dr. Ronald Hester Pastor God’s Way of Life

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Grace House Preschool

“The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliver; The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my shield; thou savest me from violence. I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies..” 2 Samuel 22:2-4

There are many bad things happening in the world today that the enemy is a part of according to the gospel of John 10:10, “The thief cometh not; but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. However, Jesus said I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” God has given us the ability to perceive and discern things in the spirit, because Christ is in us seeing beyond the surface of all situations, “But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?” (Matthew 22:18). We must walk circumspectly and look through the eyes of the Spirit and observe things beyond the surface because God has promised to protect His people from harm, “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shall thou trust” (Psalm 91:4). It is His desire to shield us from all harm under the shelter of His wings and hide us in Himself from all evil things of this world. We must learn to draw near to Him, be obedient to His instructions so He can protect us as He promised as a Father enjoy doing for his children. When we are willing to dwell under His wings, we can be assured to be in a safe place of protection. The enemy cannot touch a person that is surrounded by His hedge of protection according to Psalm 91. However, it is important that we acknowledge His Word on a daily basis according to Joshua 1:8, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” We must put a voice to the Word daily to receive the protection. You cannot live off what you said yesterday to experience success for today; you must say what He has said about you daily. In Psalm 91:11God said, “He shall give His angel’s charge over thee to keep thee in all thy way.” Whatever darts the enemy tries to throw your way, God has promised that: “No weapon that is

formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me saith the Lord” (Isaiah 54:17). This is our inherited right as being sons, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:14). It is the Spirit of God that gives us the son status. God does not want us to wait for circumstance to come in our life so He can protect us, He has instructed us to call those things which be not as though they were” (Romans 4:17). Therefore, our protection is not tied to circumstances any longer; it is tied through being son and obedience to the Word. Being “filled with the Holy Spirit” is not an emotional experience, it’s another way God protects His people from the wiles of the enemy. It is a way to allow God to live His life through our actions, thoughts, and words, which means we surrender our desires because we don’t have the ability to walk in the Spirit; it depends on God’s ability in us. We must learn to trust and allow Him to take complete control over our lives and follow in obedience. God’s love is changeless. He can deliver us from any mess the enemy tries to bring in our life. Be confident that He will hide you, He will set you on a high rock out of reach of all your enemies” (Psalms 27:1-6).

Power Words Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” 2 Corinthians 1:20, “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen.

The Kernersville Police Department visited Grace House Preschool shortly before summer vacation and talked to the students about their jobs and safety. Officers also allowed the students to get an up close look at their patrol vehicles. A number of students even got to sit inside the cars, including Vincent (above right), Ainsley (below left with Crime Prevention Officer Dan Wemyss) and Bladen (below right.) Photos by Wendy Freeman Davis

Robinwood Choir

LEFT A group

of seniors dressed in American garb sang patriotic songs at Robinwood Retirement Center for a group of their friends and family on Wednesday, June 17. Dorothy Nord, who is 99 years old, sings with this choir visiting from Main Street Baptist Church. MIDDLE RIGHT

Members of the Main Street Baptist Church choir.

Photos by Kendall Motsinger

Preschool Graduation at Main Street Baptist


Dozier, Parker McDowell, Clara Cutting and Karlie Martin. TOP MIDDLE Ty

King and Warren Vantassel singing during graduation at Main Street Baptist Church on Friday, June 19. RIGHT Ava

Dozier speaking.

Main Street Baptist Preschool graduating class included (back row, left to right) Seanna Base, Parker McDowell, Ty King, Gavin Ferguson, Leah Raymundo, Ava Dozier, (front row, left to right) Clara Cutting, Saye Flomo, Chloe Cody, Warren Vantassel, Karlie Martin, and Mason Hilton with their teachers, Ms. Heather (left) and Ms. Wendy (right). BOTTOM LEFT

Photos by Duncan McInnes

Preschool Graduation at Kernersville Wesleyan

Preschoolers Jackson Milam, Tucker Carrier, and Daniel Eller were excited about graduation. LEFT

Preschool students Emily Tucker, Payton Coburn, and Norah Lance were dressed up for their graduation day at Kernersville Wesleyan Preschool on May 21. MIDDLE

RIGHT Adalyn

Logan, Kaylie Kocher, and Hallie Bell preparing for graduation at Kernersville Wesleyan Preschool on May 21. Photos by John Bunyea

Preschool Graduation at Triad Baptist


Samuel Foy

Triad Baptist Preschool students Cole Marotz, Karrington Cook, and Addison Barber prepare for graduation. MIDDLE LEFT



Ryleigh Stewart and Andrew Wyatt

Preschool teacher Beth Hall places a graduation cap on preschool student Leah

Photos by Kay Disher

We encourage you to attend the church of your choice this week.

Church directory

Assembly of God


Faith Church 241 Hopkins Rd., Kernersville Sunday School 9:15am Sunday Worship 10:30am Wednesday 7:00pm Website: Phone: 996-3021

Green Valley Baptist 5990 Salem Chapel Rd. Walnut Cove, NC 27052 336-595-1030

New Beginnings Assembly 365 West Bodenhamer St. Kernersville Phone: 992-9919 Website: Pastor Sam McKinney Sunday 10am

B a h a ’ i Fa i t h Baha’i Offices 129 N. Main St. Also meeting in each other’s homes Phone: 336-414-5795

Baptist Belews Creek Baptist 7035 Belews Creek Road, Belews Creek, NC Calvary Baptist Tabernacle 320 W. Mountain 993-8331 Century Park Baptist 1051 Salisbury Street Kernersville, NC 27284-3041 (336) 992-8780 Colfax Baptist Colfax, NC 993-2674 Crestview Baptist 1975 Union Cross Road Winston-Salem, NC 27107 (336) 784-5333 Pastor: Luther Dixon East Forsyth Baptist meeting at Paddison Library Edgewood Baptist 4067 Reidsville Rd. Winston-Salem, NC First Baptist 401 Oakhurst St. 993-2577 Glenn View Baptist 4275 Glenn High Road Winston-Salem, NC Goodwill Baptist 3110 Piney Grove Rd. 595-4595 Gospel Light Baptist Gospel Light Road Walkertown, NC 722-9700


Harvest Baptist 4671 Reidsville Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 336-595-4414 Pastor: Virgil Chitty Hillcrest Baptist 9856 McNeil Road 869-3864 Pastor: Jason D. Murrey Kerwin Baptist Sunday School 9:45 Sunday Services 10:45am & 6:00pm Wednesday Night Service & Awanas Club 7:00pm 4520 Old Hollow Road 993-5192 Main Street Baptist 126 N. Main St. Kernersville 993-4534 Sunday Worship 9am - Contemporary 11:15am - Traditional 10:15am - Small Groups Wednesday 9am - Women’s Bible Study 7pm - Children’s Program, Teen Small Group, Adult Bible Study Manna Baptist 4368 Stokesdale Ave. Winston-Salem 722-0271 Pastor Robert Motsinger Missions Baptist 407 Walkertown-Gutherie Road Winston-Salem David M. Keaton, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 Preaching Service 11:00 New Journey Fellowship 5830 Hedgecock Rd. Kernersville 769-2617 Pastor: Tim Blackburn Oaklawn Baptist 3500 Kernersville Rd Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Associate Pastor Jay Boyce 785-0010 Oak Level Baptist Oak Level Church Rd. Stokesdale, NC 643-4010 Oak Ridge First Baptist 2445 Oak Ridge Road Oak Ridge, NC (336) 643-5201 Pastor Dr. James A. Webster

Our Christian Heritage meeting at Walkertown First Baptist - 5185 Sullivantown Rd., Walkertown, NC. 27051 336-941-3512 Sunday Worship 9am Wednesday Bible Study 7pm Pastor Hogan McClellan

Christian & Missionar y Alliance

Providence Baptist 319 Nelson St. Sunday School 10am 11AM Worship

Church of Christ

Sedge Garden Baptist Hwy. 150 at Linville Rd. 784-0699 Smith Grove Baptist 2707 Sandy Ridge Road Colfax, NC 668-0937 Sunlight Baptist 943 Hwy 66 336-978-6137 Triad Baptist 1175 South Main Street 996-7573 Union Cross Baptist 4350 High Point Road 769-2862 Union Grove Baptist 5424 Union Grove Road Oak Ridge, NC 27310 Phone: 336-643-6171 E-mail: Valley View Baptist 6238 Old Valley School Road Kernersville, NC 336-392-5227 Victory Baptist 7035 Belews Creek Rd. Belews Creek 595-4750 Walkertown Baptist 5185 Sullivantown Rd. Walkertown, NC (336) 595-8104 Welcome Door Baptist 6741 Vance Rd. Kernersville, NC27284 336-996-2919 www.welcomedoorbaptistchurch. org Pastor Roger Pinnix Sunday School 10am Worship 11am Sunday Night Service 6pm Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:30pm

Catholic Holy Cross Catholic 616 South Cherry St 996-5109

Sandy Ridge Alliance 8610 Bame Road Colfax, NC

Kernersville Church of Christ 1061 Salisbury Street 993-5761 Linville Forest Church of Christ 450 Linville Road Kernersville, NC 27284 (336) 784-9801 Bible School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Sunday Night Worship 6:00 PM Wed. Night Bible Study 7:00 PM Free Bible Correspondence Course

Church of God Kernersville Church of God 218 Century Blvd. Kernersville, NC 724-9180 Parkview Church of God Kernersville Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 788-4672

Episcopal St. Matthew’s Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina 1110 Salisbury St. Kernersville, NC 27284 Sunday Holy Eucharist 9 am (336) 996-4422 Nursery & Children’s Church available

Jehovah’s Witness Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall 1507 E. Mountain Street 996-4129; 993-8384



Bethel United Methodist 8424 Haw River Road (Bethel Church Rd) Oak Ridge, NC 27310 643-0509 Worship Service 8:38am, 11am Assembly 9:45am Sunday School 10am Cherry Street United Methodist 117 North Cherry Street 993-5639 Sunday School - 9:20am Worship - 10:20 am Rev. Drew Southern Crews United Methodist 4150 Reidsville Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 723-0237 Love’s United Methodist 3020 Main Street Walkertown, NC

Kernersville Moravian 504 South Main Street Sunday School: 9:45am Worship: 8:45am & 11am 993-3620 Union Cross Moravian 4295 High Point Road Winston-Salem, NC Good Shepherd Moravian 1474 Kerner Road Rev. Judy Knopf Sunday School - 9:45am Service (Sunday) - 11:00am

Mormon The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Colfax, NC 993-8522

Morris Chapel United Methodist 2715 Darrow Rd Walkertown, NC 595-8101 Dan Lyons - Pastor Services: 8:45, 9:00 & 11:00

Oak Hollow Church of the Nazarene 4124 Johnson St., High Point 869-4418 Parsonage 869-1610

Oak Ridge United Methodist 2424 Oak Ridge Rd, Oakeidge, NC Pastor: Michael Kurtz Sunday Services: 8:15, 9:45, 11:15 Sunday School: 9:45, 11:15 Pine Grove United Methodist 1018 Piney Grove Road 996-4834 Pisgah United Methodist 2165 Pisgah Church Road St. Paul’s United Methodist 401 Church Street

Fountain of Life 323 Hopkins Rd. 993-4447



Bunker Hill United Methodist 1510 Bunker Hill-Sandy Ridge Rd. Kernersville, NC 27284 336-993-8132 Worship - 8:30 am, 11:00 am Sunday School - 9:45 am Rev. David Rorie


Oak Grove Moravian 120 Hammock Farm Road Winston-Salem, NC 595-8167

Main Street United Methodist 306 South Main St. Kernersville, NC 993-3411 Sunday: 8:30, 8:45 & 11:00 am

Sedge Garden United Methodist 794 Sedge Garden Road Contemporary Worship 8:30am Traditional Worship 10:55am Sunday School 9:45am Phone 788-2297

Lu t h e r a n


Friedland Moravian 2750 Friedland Church Road Winston-Salem, NC 27107 336-788-8433 Sunday School: 9:45am Worship: 11am


NonDenominational Abundant Grace Tabernacle Pastor Rev. Mike Jefferson 972 Twin Creek Road Kernersville, NC 27284 (336) 993-4334 Beit Hallel Hebraic Fellowship Worship - Saturday 2:00 177 Clay Flynt Road Kernersville, NC 336-788-1976 Belews Creek Cristian 8451 Belews Creek Rd. Belews Creek, NC Sunday School 10am Worship Service 11am Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 pm Rev. Larry Neal - Pastor ‘The Bridge’ Christian Fellowship 1080 Old Greensboro Rd. Kernersville, NC 996-6880 Sunday 9am and 11:30am Thursday 7 pm David McGee - Pastor

NonDenominational (continued)

First Christian Church of Kernersville 1130 N. Main St. Peter Kunkle, Pastor 996-7388 Garden of Eden Ministries 360 Smith Edward Road Kernersville, NC 27284 336-665-3482 Dr. Stan Gravely Kernersville Community 1339 N. Main St., Kernersville 996-1160 Sunday 10am Wednesday 6:30pm Kingdom Deliverance Worship Center 405 Salisbury Street, Kernersville 406-0432 Every-other Sunday at 10:30am Every Wednesday at 7:30 Liberty Community Christian 209 Century Blvd. Kernersville 791-4494 Sunday Worship 10:00am Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:30pm Dr. Michael Watton, Pastor Light at the Cross Community Outreach Ministries 2701 Bethel Church Rd Kernersville 992-7133 Worship services:Sun 11:00am Children’s Church:Wed 7:00pm Love and Faith Christian Fellowship 556-A Arbor Hill Road Kernersville Michael Thomas, Senior Pastor 336-632-0205 7:00pm Tues. Bible Study 9:30am Sun. Worship Service C3 300 N Carolina 68 Greensboro, NC 27409 (336) 662-9905 Worship: Sun. 6pm Victory Faith Destiny Center 900 D East Mountain Street. The Cafe’ (336) 423-8576 11:00am, 5:30pm Sundays; 6-8:00pm Wednesdays

Walking Word Ministry Church International 309 Pineview Drive, Kernersville Pastor: Debra & Michael Price (336) 993-3300 Sunday Morning Service - 10am Mid-week Bible Study Wednesday 7pm

Pe n t e c o s t a l Bible Revival Ministry Center 1475 Hwy. 150 N. Kernersville, NC 336-996-4709 Cornerstone Community 2721 W. Mountain St. Kernersville, NC 27284 336-721-1919 Rev. Wade Rice, Pastor Bible School 10:00am Worship 10:55am & 6:00pm Power Hour 7:00pm (Wed)

Q u a ke r Kernersville Friends Dr. J.W. Gibbons, Senior Pastor 320 North Main Street

Seventh-Day Adventist Corner of Old Winston Rd. and Hopkins. Each Sabbath (Saturday) Bible Study - 9:30am Worship-11:00am Wednesday nights-7:00pm 996-3777

Christ Wesleyan 2390 Union Cross Road 788-8813

Lighthouse Pentecostal 107 Vernon Street Kernersville, NC Info: 336-414-6834 New Life Tabernacle United Pentacostal 1225 Piney Grove Rd. 996-0539

Freedom Wesleyan 3801 Old Hollow Road 595-2649 Pastor: H.A. Lewis

Saints Delight PB Meetings 2nd & 4th Sunday 10:30am All Welcome Phone: 785-4218

Pr e s b y t e r i a n First Presbyterian 611 Oakhurst St. Worship 10:30 am 993-7358 Grace Presbyterian 360 Hopkins Road, Kernersville 993-1305 Randy Edwards, Pastor

Crowns • Bridges • Root Canal Therapy • Dentures Restorations• Wisdom Teeth Extractions • Teeth Whitening Accepting New Patients General Dentistry (336)996-7770

851 Old Winston Rd. Suite 101 Kernersville, NC 27284




Iglesia Cristiana Wesleyana 177 Clay Flynt Drive 993-6661 “Spanish Ministry”

Providing Insurance and Financial Services

Kernersville Wesleyan 930 N. Main St. 992-3000 Sunday School - 9:30am Celebration Worship - 10:45am

336-996-2681 1325 Hwy 66 S. Ste. F Kernersville

Liberty Wesleyan 15303 US Hwy 158, Summerfield 643-6968 Sunday Morning Worship: 10:45am - 12pm Wednesday Night Bible Study: 7pm - 8pm

Pr i m i t i v e B a p t i s t

Jesse A. Grimm D.D.S., P.A.

Seventh-Day Adventist

We s l e y a n

Kernersville Pentecostal Holiness 212 Dobson Street Rev. Michael Lane Sunday - 10am & 11am Wednesday - 7pm 336-993-6715

Brought to you by

Shady Grove Wesleyan 119 N. Bunker Hill Rd. Colfax, NC 336-993-2625 Celebration Service 9am Sunday School 10:30am Impact Service 11:30am Wednesday 6:45 pm Awana, Youth, Choir, Adult Bible Ministries

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

James 1:5-6

Kevin Bugg - Agent


1349-C SOUTH PARK DRIVE KERNERSVILLE Fax: (336) 996-3858 Phone: (336) 996-5000



1585 Brookford Industrial Drive



A&S TOOL AND DIE COMPANY, INC. P.O. Box 890 Kernersville, North Carolina 27285 Phone: (336) 993-2476 • (336) 993-3440 Fax: (336) 993-6342

BEROTH TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE, INC. Tom Beroth & Employees 731 E.Mountain St. 996-2033

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Jim Paloumbas & Employees

Page 10 Church today

Thursday, July 2, 2015


VBS “Zapped ”

will be held at Kernersville Wesleyan Church until July 3 from 9:30 a.m.-noon. For children, ages 2-12. Register online at For more information, contact Pastor Emily at

Fo u r t h o f J u l y Celebration

will be held at New Beginnings Assembly on July 4 from 4–8 p.m. The event will include music, food, and fun for kids.

VBS “On the Ro a d ”

Vacation Bible School for Hillcrest Baptist Church at Shelter #1 in Civitan Park on Saturdays, July 11 and July 18 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Open to the community. Bible lessons, music, games, crafts, and will also provide a free hotdog lunch each week for anyone who would like to be included.

We l c o m i n g Re v. S o u t h e r n

Cherry Street United Methodist Church would like to extend to the community an invitation to worship as they welcome their new pastor, Rev. Drew Southern, and his family to town on Sunday, July 12 during the 10:20 a.m. service. The church is located at 117 North Cherry St. For more information, call 336-993-5639.

VBS “Camp Discover ”

will be held at Union Cross Baptist Church, located at 4350 High Point Road, from July 1217, 6-8 p.m., nightly.

VBS “Daniel and the God of the Universe”

at Sedge Garden Chapel, located at 850 Hastings Hill Rd., from July 13-17, Ages 3-12. Kick-off on Monday, July 13 at 5 p.m. with hot dog supper and inflatable. Call 336-993-5255 for more information.

Look for the answers in the next edition of Churchtoday

ACROSS 1 Leaky 6 Open 10 Every 14 Athletic field

V B S G - Fo r c e K i c ko f f

party and registration will be held at Crews United Methodist Church on Sunday, July 12 from 5-7 p.m. The event will include bounce houses and ice cream. The VBS will be held Sunday, July 19-July 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m. nightly. During the last night of VBS, there will be a hot dog supper and water fun, provided by City View Fire Department. The church is located at 4150 Reidsville Rd.

Answers from our June 18th edition

C h u r c h Pi c n i c

Union Grove Baptist Church is hosting a church picnic in The Arbor on Sunday, July 19 with hotdogs and homemade ice cream.

15 Mexican sandwich 16 A Roman emperor 17 Arrive 18 Give off 19 Dreary 20 Punk hairdo

Summer Film Series

First Christian Church will show movies on Sunday afternoons this summer. All movies are free and will begin at 6 p.m. Come early for the best seats. Enjoy popcorn and drinks for a modest price. The first movie in the series will be held on Sunday, July 19, featuring “Do you Believe?” from the creators of God’s Not Dead. A challenge for people to examine what they know to be true, and then live out their faith by sharing the life-changing message of the cross with those who don’t believe. The second movie in the series will be held on Sunday, August 16, featuring “The Drop Box,” which tells the story of a South Korean pastor and his efforts to embrace and protect the most vulnerable members of society. The movie is a story of hope – a reminder that every human life is sacred and worthy of love.

22 Cheese 24 The other half of Jima 25 Meal listings 27 Word written on the wall (Daniel)

51 Countries other than Israel (Bible) 54 Seasoner makers 56 Moves 57 Poet Edgar Allen 58 Asian dress 60 Hid 64 Engrossed 66 Closed mouthed songs 68 Type of farm 69 Vivacity 70 Lotion ingredient

12 Baby locomotion 13 Tramp 21 Leg joint 23 Males 26 Backtracked 28 Careen 29 Sag 30 Biblical weed 31 Garden of __ 35 The Creator 36 Concerning

71 “I dream of __”

38 North Atlantic Treaty Organization

72 You are the __ of the earth

39 Sign

73 Word interpreted by Daniel

40 Baths

74 NT church leader

42 Air (prefix) 46 First patriarch

29 First Christian martyr

47 Train support

32 Single

50 Internal Revenue Service

33 Bundle

52 Plod

34 Author Poe

53 Nation of Jews


54 Marsupial bear

41 Region 43 Charged particle

1 Injury

56 Peter ’s other name

44 Thy word is a __ unto my feet

2 Brand of sandwich cookie

57 President (abbr.)

45 Heredity component

3 Sister of Rachel

59 Decree

46 Snake

4 Make camp

61 Love is patient, love is __

48 British drink

5 OT name of God

62 Canal

49 Eve’s beginning

6 Dined

63 Colorer

7 King __ Version

65 Explosive

8 Bad rain

67 Behold

37 Son of Seth

Want to see your event on this page? Call us at 993-2161 or email

9 Turner 10 Cease 11 Eagle’s nest

55 Asian nation

Evangelist Food Drive at Holy Cross Catholic

Event Coordinator NJ Clausen and Evangelization Group Chairwoman Sheila Staszkiewicz taking unloading bags of food during the food drive held at Holy Cross Catholic Church on Saturday, June 6. TOP LEFT

Parker Ranson, a Boy Scout with Weblos #2- Pack 943, dropping a can of food into a food drive bin. TOP MIDDLE

Christopher Kelly, a Boy Scout with Weblos #1-Pack 943 and Cooper Ranson, 7, volunteering. TOP RIGHT




Laura Fuller and Sheila Staszkiewicz dropping food into

Jennifer Flanagan with her sons, Rowan, 5, and Liam, 7.

Evangelist member Laura Fuller, Volunteer Tristen Dolish, Angelique Marshall, and Marin Marshall. BOTTOM RIGHT

Photos by John Bunyea









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Green Fee

Monday-Friday $8.00 Savings Includes Cart Fee Must present coupon for special. Expires July 24, 2015

Contact Ryan Winfree at 993-8300 for tee times

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