How do I set a Static IP Address in Windows?

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How do I set a static IP address in Windows? A ​static IP address​ is an I​ P address​ that was manually configured for a device, versus one that was assigned by a DHCP server. It's called ​static​ because it doesn't change. It is helpful in hosting servers or websites and also for sharing large files. Below are a few easy steps to s​ et a static IP address in Windows.


Primarily click on ​Start Menu​ > C ​ ontrol Panel​ > N ​ etwork and Sharing Center​ or ​Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center.


Now select the ​Change adapter settings​.


Then Right-click on ​Wi-Fi​ or ​Local Area Connection.


Click ​Properties​.


Select ​Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)​.


Click on the ​Properties​.


Select ​Use the following IP address​.


Enter the I​ P address​, S ​ ubnet mask​, D ​ efault gateway​, and ​DNS server​.


Click ​OK​.

10. Your computer system will now display a static IP address.

Static IP address: A ​ static IP address is an address that is manually configured for a device. It is called static because it cant be changed. It's the exact opposite of the Dynamic IP address which is being mentioned below.

Dynamic IP address:​ A ​ dynamic Internet Protocol address (dynamic IP address) is a temporary IP address that is assigned to a computing device or node when it's connected to a network. A dynamic IP address is an automatically configured IP address assigned by a DHCP server to every new network node.

We hope the above article helped you to ​set a static IP address in Windows.

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