Nine Passages Ceremonies for women and Girls, Stories of transformation

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Ceremonies and Stories of Transformation

ity quirks begin to show through her fantasies and innocent meanderings. She almost stands on her head trying to reveal her gifts to anyone watching. Help your girl open her curiosity, where she finds her fire. She is ready for her Middle Childhood ceremony because she signals she is ready for more responsibility; she becomes your helper of first choice. Several things are born of this new level of maturity. The first may be the discovery of her shadow side. Who has watched this girl grow? What does her Father want to contribute? Ă‚Ă‚ Does she have the brat, a princess, or perhaps the drama queen archetype? Speak about sexual predators, can anyone tell a personal story?

Do you see early signs of declining self-esteem, increasing doubt and self-criticism? These inclinations of pubescence can be derailed through a service project, giving to others really boosts self-esteem. The repair may be as easy as action: Think of what will represent a playful action that will take her mind off her negative feelings. To shift her energy, she may need free time to be with her curiosities.


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