Kensington China

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Yang Yang Chief Representative of China 杨阳 中国·首席代表

KENSI NGTON – Passionate People

嘉 仕顿(K ENSINGTO N)-高度热 忱,品质 服 务

We at KENSINGTON have considered ourselves as real estate enthusiasts since our inception in Mallorca / Spain in 1998. We have never lost our focus on high-quality properties in prime locations, and everything we do is inspired by passion. Our rigorous approach has gained us the support of an ever-increasing number of customers and partners. This has encouraged us to build on our successful concept in order to reach an even wider audience by constantly expanding our unique network and welcoming more and more outstanding personalities into our KENSINGTON family. At the heart of all we do are always our customers and their requirements – because unique people need unique services.

自1998年嘉仕顿(KENSINGTON)在西班牙马洛卡岛成立以来,所有员工对 地产行业都倾注了巨大的热情,并始终关注位于黄金地段的高品质地产项目。 我们充满热情地开展每项工作,以严谨的工作方式,赢得了越来越多客户和合 作伙伴的支持,这也激励我们不断拓展独一无二的业务网络,持续招募更多精 英加盟,有效的强化了公司成功的经营理念,并将其传播至更广泛的人群。我 们的工作核心,始终都是客户以及客户的需求。我们知道,每一位客户都是独 一无二的,都需要与众不同的服务。

With this publication, we cordially invite you to learn more about KENSINGTON China and our offers – from real estate enthusiasts to real estate enthusiasts.

本资料将深入介绍嘉仕顿中国(KENSINGTON CHINA)的更多信息,详细阐 述了我们的产品和服务,通过它您能感受到整个团队对房地产工作的真挚和热 情。

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