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Orange County Community College (SUNY Orange) ​what I know right so I started cooking on a Weber performer about ten years ago 2006 I guess and I I've been barbecuing ever since and for three years all I ever cooked on was that Weber performer and it was awesome but since that time I've acquired a ton of Weber products because I just fell in love with the brand and what it stood for the customer service was absolutely amazing any time I ever had a problem they were quick to take care of it and I was just really really proud I had pride and ownership so for a long time after cooking on the performer like a lot of us who had performers I made up my mind if they ever made a 26inch performer I was on it I was gonna get it so whenever they came out with what eventually was the summit I I jumped on I knew in my mind and I may be wrong but in my mind I figured that looks too much like a 26-inch performer for them to make a 26-inch performer whether it does well or it doesn't do well so if it crashes and burns they're not gonna make a 26-inch performer so and if it does really well they're not gonna make a 26-inch performer because they're not gonna cannibalize their own sales so that was my thinking at least I jumped on it even though I felt like it was expensive for what it was I knew right away I was gonna end up getting that and so I did I bought it the first weekend I started cooking on it and if you look you know you know basically over the back eat two years of my channel you can see that I've cooked on it quite a bit reasonably happy with it in fact completely happy with it except for one issue there was a smoke leak underneath the gasket it comes right out of the front and and the smoke leak itself didn't bug me as much as the way the customer services handled it I noticed it when I first got it I called in they said hey why don't you use it for three months it may seal up on its own and if it does you know that's great if not we'll we'll try to figure out a solution and it was a new grill at the time and I could tell they didn't really have an answer yet so I went ahead and did that and we I called in three months later hey it's still leaking well why don't you give it another month or two okay I'll give another month to trying to be it you know a team player we'll check in all the boxes and I felt 100% confident did that whoever was going to take care of that for me but when it the time came and they'd rent ran out of ideas and again the ideas were like loosen the nuts on the hinge and and and tighten Rebecca you know which is something I'd already tried and I didn't feel like it was gonna work or remove the name the latest thing I've tried to smooth the spacers doesn't matter there's a lot of things that I felt like I felt like I needed a hinge that was adjustable to make minor adjustments like some of the other cookers have some of the kimono cookers had I felt like I really felt like we needed they needed something like that and and it didn't have it but I figured whoever would come up with an answer at some point but after we were done trying all the silly stuff they basically just told me that I was on my own and that the customer service person said that her boss had fired up the cooker that was in their backyard or in their office and when they were done firing it up as a brand-new cooker it had leaked smoke from everywhere and therefore it was supposed to leak and I was on my own and it wasn't a problem that they intended to fix and there was a really change big change in direction from what I the conversations we've been having that whole week trading emails trading phone calls trying to get this fixed they were just like dude you're on your own and I got to admit it shocked me because it's the first time I've ever received that kind of we give up customer service from wherever they're just not that's just not what they've done and I and I was like wow this changes this changes everything I got to keep you know I went from completely blindly trusting them to realizing that I can't blindly trust them anymore and I can't blindly recommend them anymore and it was it was a bit shocking fast forward and I've always wanted this red weber kettle that they came out with you guys may have seen the video if not I'll put links over up in this corner or at the end of the video to those those previous videos and I'll probably make just a playlist red kettle playlist where you can see you know the progression but I when I found out the rumor that this was coming out I was going to preorder it you know back in March because I want to make sure I had it I got a chance to use it or get it because I'd wanted one forever and they haven't made red kettles in the United States since around the year 2000 and so this was cool this is a one-time shot and it came out I ended up pre-ordering at Amazon but getting it from Lowe's because Lowe's got it before Amazon did and I brought it home and I made a video talking about how excited I was they got the color perfect it was just it was amazing it I was really excited about this and and then I started looking at it I put that video up and I started looking at it and realized like wow this has got some serious problems last week I got a call from the president of Weber and a guy named Dale White says wait wait wait white heads I thought he said white head but I think it's white tez and we had a really nice conversation and I don't mean that sarcastically it was a great conversation and he had clearly done his homework and had watched either been

watched her been informed of a lot of my videos and a lot of things that I said and he knew that you know I was at kettle I'm in a Weber fan and the first thing he just says is like hey I I'm just calling to apologize and I was like woah you got my attention you know we really haven't done a very good job on your situation a few times now and and I just want to let you know that we're I'm sorry like and I thought okay well that's a good place to start and he goes on and talks about how customer service he's a really good job of not throwing his own employee under the bus like you know he's like he's like customer service just says what we tell them to say and there was clearly a communication breakdown and that's on that's on us and not her you know cuz she can only say what we tell her to say but I don't think I think the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing and I apologize for that and then on the red kettle you're right it is an iconic kettle in fact I feel the exact same way you do about this I'm rather embarrassed about what has happened and and he goes on to he go on to explain like a lot of this had to do with transportation there were some things that were damaged in shipping because they weren't this is new like you kept saying you know we're doing trying something new here with this limited-edition kettle and you know they they made some mistakes like as far as like setting up and protecting things during transportation and then some of this stuff was things that have been around on kettles since the beginning of time but the fact that the porcelain is red and it's a brighter color actually draws out the the you know they're flaws but they're flaws that kettles have always had and they're cosmetic you know so the fact that the kettle is red and it's an it's a you know it's a limited edition special edition collector's item and the fact that there's a spotlight on it means that people are seeing things that for the first time you know for it for example for example the the leg sockets if you look inside the leg sockets are not completely finished and that frustrated me when I saw that he said he actually checked on this and that's how it's always been done and there should not be any corrosion but it won't be completely finished in the leg sockets and he said after sixty years that or whatever however long they've been modern making these kettles they've not had any reason to even discuss it because no one's first often noticed much less complained and so it was really eye-opening for them as a company on the customer service side to see that hey they're not finished in the leg sockets you don't see it and hasn't caused any problems and I thought okay well that was one of the things I was upset about I guess I was misinformed because I just thought they were cutting corners but that's just what they've done now he did say a lot of the problems in with the red kettle were limited to the first few runs and he was how did he put it he was he was kind of embarrassed that they had the problems that they had and that he feels like they have addressed most of them I think he said it how did he say it we've been dressed we feel like we've addressed it but in the in the instances where we haven't they've instructed all their customer service people to make the customer feel whole again so basically like do whatever you have to do to make sure here's his approaches and his whole mindset was kind of like this look and he said this I mean he was really candid he said we're not perfect and this isn't the first mistake we'll make and it's not the last and so therefore like we try in these situations to do things to handle things the right way so that hopefully at the end of this the customer feels better about our company then when they started and that's their approach that they're there they're dealing with this they feel like the corrected the problems and now when there's not every kettle has issues but the ones that have and the people that call in with the issues they're going to do their very best to take care of it and I believe them to the extent that I I you know I'll just go say this I would love it if you see this video what's the date December 11th if you call in after December 11th with an issue with the kettle let me know how they handle it in the comments below because I I think I think he's sincere like I really do he he struck me as someone who you know I mean I'm sure damage control is a part of this job and I'm I'm sure this I'm you know I'm not the first person he's called but he actually seemed like a very sincere individual and he didn't feel like he was holding his cards that close to his vest and I think he really takes personal ownership for these types of mistakes and wants to see him fixed so I'm gonna take him at his word because he didn't come come at me with like hey I need you to take that that video down in fact he told me he appreciate the video and asked me to continue to hold Weber's feet to the fire because he knows that makes them a better company in the long run I respect that you know how can you not so I just wanted to give that update because it you know I didn't know how it was going to relay this information part of me was like maybe I shouldn't maybe I should put up a Facebook post or mention it in my next video and then a part of me is like you know I've talked about this hinge thing the smoke leak on the summit and this red kettle thing publicly here on YouTube and they're gonna do go to the trouble of reaching out to me and kind of tell me where they're at I'm gonna go ahead and reply with the same amount of I don't know broadcast the you know broadcast width depth whatever the word is I felt like I needed to say something so I'm gonna say that I'm gonna tell you this and say if you because I clarified with him if you have a smoke leak on your summit he said that they have adjustable hinges now you can call in and you can get a replacement hinge most of the summits don't need a replacement hinge so it's not like they're calling everyone and telling them they need it but if you have a leak and you don't like it he said that they would

replace your hinge at no cost to you if you have any issues with your kettle the red kettle that is causing you to have you know any corrosion or anything like that or if there's obvious cosmetic flaws to call in and you know they'll ask for pictures or whatever but they will take care of you to the full extent that like you said they're they've instructed them to make you feel whole which is great and hope that's the case and like I said if you if you experience that or don't experience that please let me know in the comments below and then you know with a little track record of this yes so what I'm popular hope that information is helpful you know what else was I was gonna say on the way when we were getting off the phone after he'd answered all my questions and I grilled him about some other things and he took it like hey I asked him hard questions that I had and he answered them in a way that uh I'm okay with like I have a pretty high BS meter and it wasn't going off at all I feel like he was you know he he genuinely is a good dude who's trying to do the right thing and and wants to make this right um but after I felt comfortable that he offered to replace my my kettle that I talked about in the last video and he and I was like no I already took it back to Lowe's don't worry about it he's like oh he already took it back oh okay well if you want I'll send you another one red kettle if you want I mean and I was like yeah sure I mean I've only wanted one for 15 years so yeah I heard 11 years so yeah go ahead go ahead so that was cool because it gave me an opportunity to like I would have bought it from Webber I was gonna ask him if I could buy one from Webber just because it would be pre inspected and I wouldn't have to go through any hassle dealing with customer service if there was any issues so they're gonna take care of that and so I should be able to make videos with that in the future but I also like the fact that he was it wasn't where he led off with the conversation it wasn't more of an afterthought because if he'd had tried to lead with that I think it would have bugged me but I mean I'll take free kettle you know so anyways those are my thoughts I hope that's helpful to you guys love you guys see in the next one [Music] [Music] St. John's University.

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