Flourish Magazine Kennesaw State 2014/2015

Page 18

Fulbright Scholar: Nepal


Robert Pack

rofessor Lin Hightower of the School of Art and Design received her second US Fulbright grant award. She was the first faculty member in the KSU College of the Arts to receive a Fulbright award in 2013 and this second Fulbright is the more prestigious award of Senior Scholar. Dr. Hightower has a unique specialty of combining art and design skills with art career business skills to preserve intangible visual arts cultural heritage. Her teaching assists higher education art and business majors develop essential skills to establish art cooperatives, which will create sustainable fair living wages income for low-income artisans who practice the rich historical art and craft techniques of their cultures. In Nepal she is teaching art product design and art career business skills with Katmandu University, pursuing research on the early success indicators of artisan cooperatives and working as an artist/designer and consultant to the Association of Craft Producers.


Activities Chen Yi CD: China


hinese composer Chen Yi was chosen as the Featured Guest Composer for the School of Music’s annual Kennesaw State Festival of New Music that took place in February 2014. In partnership with Kennesaw State University’s Confucius Institute, the School of Music was able to bring Dr. Chen to campus during the festival to present lectures about Chinese music and culture and to work with School of Music student musicians who were learning her music. In addition to Dr. Chen’s visit to KSU, the School of Music recorded an album of Chen Yi’s music titled Chinese Rap featuring performances by the KSU Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, and Chamber Singers. The piece that lends its name to the title of the album, Chinese Rap for Violin and Orchestra, was written to celebrate Helen Kim’s, soloist and Associate Professor of Violin, 10th year at KSU and was given its World Premiere by the KSU Symphony Orchestra during the festival.

Kennesaw State University School of Music

Chinese Rap The Music of Chen Yi


Gaiety School of Acting: Ireland

D Kathie Beckett

epartment of Theatre and Performance Studies students participated in Irish Drama at the Gaiety School of Acting, the National Theatre School of Ireland, a four-week summer intensive study of Irish drama and practical acting classes. The school, located in Dublin’s major arts and entertainment district, focuses on the work of four major Irish playwrights: Samuel Beckett, John Millington Synge, Sean O’Casey, and Brian Friel. The program is carefully designed to place the writers in both a theatrical and cultural context, developing an understanding of the historical and literary background of selected texts from each writer. The program culminates in a final evening showcase of selected scenes from the various plays.


The dates for summer 2015 are June 29 through July 24 with the application due

K SU Co ll e ge o f t h e A rMarch ts 4, 2015. To learn more, visit www.KSUTheatre.com.

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