2021 EXHIBITION CATALOGUE Presented by the Kennedy Arts Foundation
w w w .ke n n e d y p r iz e .c om . a u in p a r t n e r s h ip w it h t he R o y a l S ou t h Au s t r a lia n S o c i e ty o f A r ts
w w w .r s a s a r t s .c om.a u
Suspended Time There is a certain sense of quiet dignity associated with old things, those items we store away and bring out on special occasions, they evoke memories and reconnect us to the past. I reference themes and objects drawn from the everyday, exploring the notion that shared memories and experiences contribute to a sense of belonging and community.
Oil on Linen
Artist: Trudi Harley Size: 25x30cm Price: $795
NO: 01
Rusty This is one from a series of works, exploring pastel on paper, using my Veloce (quick) style of art, capturing the immediate feeling, vulnerability and energy of the portrait, and to capture that innate beauty in the artwork.
Pastel on paper Artist: Mark Tippett Size: 42 x 29.7cm Price: $200
NO: 02
By the light of the stars that are no more This is part of a series of work about time passing and juxtaposing magical imagery with that of the everyday. It is painted on an Edwardian wooden object, formally a tie rack that I changed to suit my purpose. The suburban night scene ( the view outside my house is transformed into something timeless and mysterious .
Artist: Wendy Sharpe Size: 25.5 x 50cm Price: $4200 NO:
oil on wooden antique frame
Sam This painting depicts my son Sam who sits quietly in a ‘moment in-between’, a pause of reflection and solemnity amidst the chaos and hurry of his world. It is a beautiful, silent scene. I can only guess what Sam is thinking and try to make an interpretation, illustrating depth and transience through interplay of colour, shifting light and shadows. Artist: Sarah Anthony Size: 50 x 40cm Price: $6000
Oil on canvas
NO: 04 Study of a Young Girl This is an oil painting featuring my younger sister Lana. Lana may be 14 years younger than me but she is an ‘old soul’. With her blond hair and blue eyes, she has always looked different to the darker colours of the rest of the family and for that reason I wanted to capture her beautiful blue eyes and curious but sweet disposition.
Oil Painting
Artist: Darlene Lavett Size: 40 x 30cm Price: $2000
NO: 05
Eye of desire This piece explores societal ideals of beauty. The work reflects the expectations placed on women to mask their natural beauty, into an alternative one dictated by mainstream expectations. This work depicts a woman’s face, whose features are undistinguishable apart from an eye, the rest of her face layered with makeup masking her true identity.
Artist: Nunzio Miano Size: 50 x 50cm Price: $2700
Acrylic on canvas
NO: 06 3
Natures Beauty Using mixed medias to celebrate the vibrancy and beauty of the coral and the Zebra shark, living on the Great Barrier Reef. Living side by side in complete harmony, supporting each other in their battle for survival. Only to be surrounded and encapsulated by plastic, how would that feel?
Artist: Belinda Lucas Size: 48 x 63.2cm Price: $3500 NO:
Mixed Media in Alcohol Inks, Acrylics and UV resin on Ink Art Board
Power Flower Rather than the passiveness of the ‘Flower power’ activism of the 60’s, women today are reclaiming power and are now ‘Power Flowers’. Women are now actively taking a stance against violence against women, LGBTQI rights, removing the gender pay gap and fighting for equality and tolerance for all.
Oil on canvas
Artist: Janne Kearney Size: 100x100cm Price: $7000 NO:
Double Delight Double Delight celebrates the joy that children experience as they learn about the world. Children help us rediscover and appreciate the natural environment through their eyes, and, in challenging times, they help us reflect on the important things in life. In more ways than the obvious, this work is all about reflection.
Oil in canvas Artist: Cathy Yarwood – Mahy Size: 101 x101 cm Price: $2500 NO: 09 4
Be Still, Portrait of Kathrin Longhurst This portrayal of artist Kathrin Longhurst seeks to reveal the complex layers of my muse in a quiet, still, capture of that sensitivity underlying the strength. Kathrin’s conviction is matched by her compassion, her strength is delivered with softness.
oil on linen, contemporary figurative realism
Artist: Elizabeth Barden Size: 50 x 50cm Price: $4600
NO: 10 Oscar dews Oscar is a wonderfully talented Australian dancer in his twenties. The past 18 months have been heartbreaking with the loss of local and international opportunities to publicly do what he loves, yet he continues to dance so beautifully in private. This intimate portrait captures a private moment of reflection and emotional release.
Oil painting
Artist: Yvonne East Size: 51 x 66cm Price: $3600
NO: 11 In the Bag I’m fascinated with the seemingly mundane, I believe there’s an unexpected beauty in what’s considered common or ugly. The single use plastic bag has become a symbol for our consumerist throw away society. Here it’s inflated with a breath of wind, gum branch tangled within, caught mid dance in space. A complex mix of sadness and delicate beauty.
Oil on board Artist: Chelsea Gustafsson Size: 100 x 100cm Price: $9000
NO: 12
TRANSITION Whenever I travel, I cannot miss those beautiful gems appearing along the way. I spent some time walking along the Tasmanian National Parks coast and was inspired by the colours of the clear water, the rocks, and the rugged bush along the shore. The contrast created appeared to me as a beautiful abstract painting.
Oil painting on canvas
Artist: Marcel Desbiens Size: 98 x 98 cm Price: $4000 NO: 13 The Martian and The Butterfly No matter our time in history, we always look to nature for inspiration.
Acrylic on Canvas
Artist: Ross Morgan Size: 90 x 150cm Price: $6500
NO: 14 Loy Krathong Chiang Mai 2019 Loy Krathong is celebrated in Chiang Mai, Thailand every year on the full moon of the twelfth lunar month. Bright yellow flowers decorate small banana leaf rafts which are floated on waterways symbolizing letting go of grudges, problems and anger so life can start afresh. In doing so the Thais are welcoming the spirit of good fun or ‘sanook’.
Acrylic on canvas Artist: Judy Banks Size: 60 x 60cm Price: $900
NO: 15 6
When Life Gives You Lemons Beauty can be found in the simplest of objects, but it is the nostalgia that is associated with them that creates even more beauty.
Oil on canvas
Artist: Cathryn McEwen Size: 46 x 62cm Price: $3200
NO: 16
Portrait of a Performer During a Pandemic Portrait of Brisbane musician Jeremy Neale. The pandemic has been especially devastating for musicians who rely on live shows and touring to make a living. Jeremy’s latest album was released at the beginning of 2020 and he was anticipating a year of touring but instead finds himself in a slower-paced life finding beauty in quiet reflection.
Oil on Canvas Artist: John Martin Size: 106 x 81cm Price: $2400
NO: 17 The Last Sunflowers The last sunflowers that I grew at my family home. I observed their beauty fade as I packed. Looking beyond my personal grief, they speak globally to solastalgia. Solastalgia is a newly coined word, incorporating solace, desolation & nostalgia. Unfortunately needed to explain the feelings of love & grief for our world as we witness it decline.
Oil Painting on Marine Plywood
Artist: Leah Newman Size: 53 x 117cm Price: $1700 NO:
18 7
All The Light We Cannot See Part of a series of monochrome portraits. The title alludes to everything about our existence we’re yet to understand and the ‘good’ around us we too often forget to acknowledge.
Oil on aluminium panel
Artist: Marcus Callum Size: 81.5 x 61 cm Price: $7500
NO: 19 Io’s Agency The striking, vulnerable, beautiful nude female body is confronted with the onslaught of gravity, restraint, tension and encroaching threat: Conceived as a continuing legacy of the story of ‘Jupiter & Io’ of Ovids writing and Correggio’s painted work, Io is a narrative rewritten to expose the beauty in the power of agency.
This work is a figurative oil painting, painted on an aluminium composite panel
Artist: Liz Gridley Size: 81 x 66cm Price: $2500
NO: 20 Finding Beauty ‘Finding Beauty’ is a response to my tendency to loose myself in details created by light and shadows. The scene was carefully composed in order to fully capture the details of both the fan and the shadows it cast over my hand to fully appreciate the collaboration and beauty of the corporeal aesthetic, a delicate object, and the natural light.
Oil on Linen Board; flemish technique;
Artist: Sarah Park Size: 30 x 40cm Price: $680
NO: 21 8
‘Weathered Beauty” My daughter uncurled her little, sand encrusted fingers to show me the beautiful treasure she had found in the shallow bay waters. After rinsing the shell, I saw the contrast of the rugged weathered whorls to the translucent shine of the aperture. A weathered beauty.
Enlarged Dicathais orbita painted from life. Watercolour/gouache on 300gsm HP. Artist: Rochelle Maree Size: 76 x 63cm Price: $2700
NO: 22 101 years young! I am drawn to painting portraits of the generation above me. This is Eileen Hope Richardson who turns 101 this September. She is the first centenarian I have met and I am taken by her poise, grace and youthful spirit. Eileen lives very much in the present but her character and life journey are written in her beautiful face and coiffed hair.
Oil on canvas
Artist: Janelle Hatherly Size: 40.64 x 50.8 cm Price: $5000 NO: 23
White Cloth As it scarry to think about my relatives overseas, I divert myself by thinking of simple joys, that were taken for granted. It used to be so beautiful to just sit in café, watching peoples walking by. Presence of people gave comfort and reassurance. And unfolded sweet memory help combat blues even it is only imaginary sweets Artist: Elena Budden Size: 64x38cm Price: $1500
Oil on board
NO: 24
Resilience I am drawn to the subject of emotional resilience as beauty. Like a reborn phoenix emerging from the ashes of a life thrown down a deep well, she stares us down. I don’t need the viewer to know what the contents of the well are. Just that it exists, and she has survived it. Resilience is beautiful.
Oil on board Artist: Belinda Sims Size: 30.48 x 40.64cm Price: $850
NO: 25 “this vibrant calm prelude to sleeping” Late summer evening rain on the frangipani tree in my front yard. The flowers are wilting, and the streetlight is highlighting the water droplets like sweat on skin amongst the shadows cast by the leaves. The title is from the poem “Nocturne” by Australian poet Bruce Beaver and alludes to warm nights of languid lovemaking.
oil on board Artist: Michelle Henry Size: 40.6 x 40.6cm Price: $950
NO: 26 The Birdwatcher Alan spent his career working to protect South Australian ecosystems. Now retired, he is a passionate birdwatcher. Every morning in summer he wakes at 5.30am and heads into the conservation park down the road from his home. He sits quietly and hopes to spy his favourite native bird, the Southern Emu-wren, in the low dense cover of the bush.
Oil on linen
Artist: Joshua Baldwin Size: 68 x 60cm Price: $1600 NO:
27 10
Understanding Tsering: shadow and light Tsering Hannaford is one of SA’s painting luminaries, seeking above all an honest connection with her subject material, while building her own distinct career on a national scale- moving from shadow to light both in paint and in profession. If truth is beauty then this painting evinces beauty for above all it is about that simple honest connection.
Oil on linen Artist: Tom Hermann Size: 76cm x 76cm Price: $6000
NO: 28 Born Beautiful When thalidomide survivor, Lisa McManus, was born, the midwife fled the delivery room, horrified by the tiny baby with malformed arms. But Lisa’s beauty shows in many ways – her strength, her integrity, her compassion, her smile. If the midwife had paused, she would have seen the perfect baby.
Oil on Canvas
Artist: Jaq Grantford Size: 117 x 128cm Price: $10000
NO: 29 Allegory of Beauty & Uncertainty Allegory, in the tradition of expression of truths about human existence, here takes on contemporary lived experience: the sense of dread & hope, fear & relief cycle endlessly. Beauty exists in this tumultuous time but she’s apprehensive, vulnerable, cloaked. Averting her gaze knowing that she must survive the onslaught of day to day uncertainty.
Artist: Liz Gridley Size: 110 x 84cm Price: $3200
This work is a figurative oil painting, on an aluminium composite panel
NO: 30 11
Blind me At its core this picture is a contrast between the vacuity of its main subject and the colour and beauty of the things around him. I wanted there to be a kind of yearning to it. In depicting a face so blank it’s easy to end up painting part of yourself onto it, so in some ways it’s a self portrait. The title is a nod to a poem by Irving Layton.
Oil on linen
Artist: Ben Ryan Size:
107 x 121cm
Price: $6500
NO: 31 Lang Ink Becomes You – Perception Versus the Individual Perception of beauty found in the image of a tattooed body has changed greatly over the ages from both societal and cultural perspectives. Today there has become an almost fashionable standard to the art of body inking. Tattoos in the past were almost a judgemental classification, association with levels of working class, gangs or criminal codes.
Acrylic paint, graphite, ink, fine points, markers and oil sticks on canvas
Artist: Rebecca Pierce Size: 153 x 102cm Price: $10500
NO: 32 Bruce Squared A beautiful face is an amalgam of features assessed through filters of familiarity and emotional connection. 6 views of my husband’s face are opened out and superimposed on a grid of square tiles, to show his entire face at once. In his seventies, Bruce is not traditionally beautiful, but he is beautiful to me!
acrylic on wood panel Artist: Sally Robinson Size: 122 x 122 cm Price: $9900
NO: 33 12
CREVASSE A scene from the Clifton at 1770 in QLD.
Palette knife in oils
Artist: Otto Schmidinger Size: 100cm X100cm Price: $6500
NO: 34 JC – ( Jack Charles ) The Age of Wisdom Jack Charles, also known as JC, an Australian actor, musician, potter, activist, an Aboriginal elder and a national treasure. I had the great pleasure of spending time painting him in my studio as he told me his life story and sang songs from his childhood. As a stolen generation man, his life experiences created a compassionate and wise leader.
Artist: Pilar De la Torre Size: 95 x 85cm Price: $10000
Oil on raw marine ply. Many transparent layers of glazed oil paint over raw ply.
NO: 35 Still-Water - River runs dry ‘STILL-WATER _ river runs dry’ was created as part of a series exploring the fundamental, necessary, preciousness of water – looking at still life through the lens and refractions of water. In contrast with the vessels that contain, divide and restrain. Is clarity beautiful?
Oil on linen
Artist: Alison Mitchell Size: 122 x 101cm Price: $12500
NO: 36
The flood – a moment of surrender Beauty is at its heart a philosophical statement, while most would try to explore that mythical line between what is and isn’t beautiful, we surrender to the flood of emotion that carries us within it. In this act of surrender, we awaken and come alive, allowing ourselves to be immersed in the here and now.
Acrylic on linen
Artist: Jeremy Ham Size: 153 x 108cm Price: $4600 NO: 37 The Beholder – Self Portrait Beauty is everywhere, but in a Museum/Gallery setting, our experience of beauty becomes focussed and distilled in an environment that is designed to stimulate and enhance the viewing experience. In this painting, wearing my favourite baroque-style patterned dress, I feel that I am part of the sensuous drama of my surroundings.
Oil painting on canvas Artist: Rosemary White Size: 137 x 101.5cm Price: $6500 NO: 38
The Guardians The beauty of a child in her fairytale world. The fox and the owl are her protectors. She guards the chrysalis until the night moth emerges. Together all live in one beautiful world, unique to childhood.
Oil on canvas Artist: Esther Cleland Size: 91x71cm Price: $20000
NO: 39
The Wanderer The Wanderer is a painting that found its beginnings in daily walking, observation, meditation and those times when we allow our mind to wander. My work reaches out to the beauty found and experienced in natural phenomena.
Oil on Canvas
Artist: Robert Gear Size: 122 x 92cm Price: $4000
NO: 40
The Bather The Bather represents the desire for serenity in a world full of turmoil. This is a moment of escapism and privacy, a celebration of one of life’s simple pleasures. The expression of the subject in the painting portrays his enjoyment of a beautiful moment and suggests that his mind is far off in a dream world of his own creation.
oil on canvas Artist: Cathy Yarwood – Mahy Size: 61 x 91cm Price: $2000
NO: 41 Pretty in Pink This innocent subject is beautiful to behold. The painting is an attempt to see the world through that child’s guileless eyes. Emphasising the nature of the innocent gaze further is subtle surface treatment made with delicate textures and layering.
Acrylic on Canvas
Artist: Dianne O’Neile Size: 60 x 50cm Price: $350
NO: 42 15
Winter Eve Winter Eve endeavours to convey the beauty and solitude found in the vastness and the light of canola country.
Artist: Fiona Kent Size: 30 x 28cm Price: $1100
NO: 43
L’ombrello Giallo This little yellow Fiat bambino was sunning itself on Via Marguta in Rome. Its sunny, happy colour was dazzling and its beauty attracted my attention ,as did the matching umbrella resting on the back window ledge.
Representational streetscape, Oil on canvas Artist: Kevan Rigby Size: 122 x 96cm Price: $5950
NO: 44
Beauty of the Wild (Mt Field National Park, Tasmania) Mt Field is one of Tasmania’s oldest national parks and one of its most diverse in terms of biodiversity. It is a place of pristine, natural beauty and the stunning natural flora transforms as you climb to higher altitudes. Having camped and hiked here, I found it to be one of the most beautiful areas of wilderness I have experienced. Artist: Paula Jenkins Size: 122 x 153cm Price: $5500
Oil on canvas using multiple layers with a brush
NO: 45
Journey on the Silk Road This work is about my journey to China looking for great beauty
Watercolour on Chinese rice paper with calligraphy brush
Artist: Vince Vozzo Size: 180 x 93cm Price: $12000
NO: 46 The Dragonfly The dragonfly is often associated with the change and transformation. It symbolizes the adaptability in life. It also brings joy and lightness of being. In the motif of the robe, I aimed to express these ideas using colour and light. In the portrait, the downward gaze invites the viewer to introspection.
Oil on linen Artist: Isabelle Chouinard Size: 51 x 76cm Price: $5000
NO: 47 New Remedios From the novel ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ by Gabriel García Márquez. Remedios is the most beautiful woman in Macondo. To most she appears as naïvely innocent. She rejects clothing and she shaves her hair to not have to comb it. Too beautiful and arguably too wise for the world, Remedios ascends into the sky one morning, while folding laundry. Oil painting on stretched linen, framed
Artist: Liza Merkalova Size: 96 x 64cm Price: $3500
NO: 48
Self Portrait #2 As an Indian-Australian, I stand at the intersection of two cultures, unsure of how to grapple with my mixed identities. I have often dismissed the beauty of my culture in order to assimilate into White Australia. ‘Self Portrait #2’ seeks to examine my unease in discovering the beauty of my culture and heritage.
Acrylic paint on canvas.
Artist: Sid Pattni Size: 143 x 121cm Price: $5000
NO: 49 Barely Contained What defines beauty is difficult to measure and can have many subjective points of view. Plato’s concepts on symmetry are challenged with the provocative artwork ’Barely Contained’. Walker’s piece visually describes her personal mantra where inner beauty should not be held back by an ageing exterior as a stereotypical view of age in society.
oil painting on wood using colour juxtaposition and surrealism imagery
Artist: Angela Walker Size: 101 x 76cm Price: $1770 NO: 50
Foundation's Choice Artworks Not elligble for People's Choice Award The meeting place The beauty found in the natural world impacts all the senses … the cooling air as sunset arrives, the changes in colour as that 15 minutes of golden magic arrives. The sound of the pelicans grooming and waddling on the rickety old jetty, the smell and sounds of the sea … this is what I saw, heard and felt when I happened on this beautiful scene Artist: Paul Whitehead Size: 130 x 90cm Price: $6400
Oil on panel, using a mix of brush and palette knife
NO: 51 “More Than Skin Deep” Tree Bark is similar in many ways to our own skin. There is a lot more to tree bark than first meets the eye. Heavily layered oil paint aims to capture that same tactile quality of the trunk that makes you want to go up and touch it. The beauty I see in tree bark has inspired this painting, layering of paint that goes way beyond skin surface.
Oil on Stretched Canvas Palette Knife Application of heavily layered oil paint Artist: Sarah McDonald Size: 180 x 120cm Price: $8500
NO: 52 Make it easy on yourself Joshua Miels is a contemporary portrait artist who looks to capture the vulnerability of people and the emotions that people try to hide from others. Spending countless hours adding layer upon layer of paint Joshua produces artworks that are not only striking, but deep and powerful. The aim is to find the beauty in every subject Joshua paints.
Oil on Wood
Artist: Josh Miels Size: 90 x 90cm Price: $4500
NO: 53 19
Special thanks to our People’s Choice Sponsor
Sincere appreciation to our generous 2021 event partners
by N I C O L É
Me la n i e B r o w n Our thanks to the volunteers who have given their time and talent to help with this exhibition.