The american revolution

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The Stamp Act 1765 The Stamp Act 1765 Disappointment filled the air, stress on people’s faces. It’s been a month since this intolerable act has known as the stamp act has taken place. Many of the farmers, shop dealers and more including me have expected the government to abolish this act. The stamp act itself was an act that would have to make us pay more tax for the military to protect us. The government is saying it is for the better, using the money to help benefit the military to protect us. With the lack of money, more and more of the countries population are facing hunger and starvation. The scarcity of money is leading to the lack of our basic necessities of life to survive. I would rather have my basic needs than a military “protecting” us even though there hasn’t been any trouble with other countries right now. The only trouble that Britain is facing is the citizens themselves starving and dying. After much talk and discussion. Rumors started to fill the city of a rebellion of the stamp act A group by the name of The Sons of Liberty had enough of the act and the nonsense. They were planning to take on the role as leaders to stop the starvation of the people in Britain. I hadn’t joined and didn't plan to, as I was just as powerless and weak as everyone else was. But some people were desperate; they couldn't wait longer as they had a family to feed or had to feed themselves. The rebellion lasted for days, no one was killed yet. But we were all aware of the fact that the government was not afraid to fire into a crowd, so the Sons of Liberty had to keep everyone put and not stir up too much trouble. This was the first time we had actually overthrown a group so powerful! Although every single second of the rebellion, we were scared and on guard the entire thing. But the government now also is scared of us as we showed a potential rebellion that could lead to even worse that could threaten the Britain. The British government and the citizens

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