The New Millennium Color Report

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Fashion is a way of being that many people use to express themselves and escape reality. From year to year, season to season fashion styles change as well as the color of the garments. At first glance color may seem minuscule in comparison to the other design aspects of a garment, but color is actually the first thing our eyes see, and immediately evokes a feeling when looking at it. In this color report for Fall/Winter 19/20 we explore the photographic works of William Eggleston & Wim Winders. Two artists that use cinematic photography to capture a scene and with one photo, tell a story. With technology continuing to advance places you’ve never been seem familiar. It could be that NYC skyline from the top floor suite, that iconic scene from a Wes Anderson film, or the random mirror selfie that one guy posted two weeks ago; no matter the scenario, virtually we’ve all been there. With reality tv and social media being a go to source for entertainment voyeurism is at its peak. Observe nostalgic cityscapes and the colors they create as a product of the lens with The New Millennium.


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