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Purpose & Governance

The Kelvinside Academy War Memorial Trust is a Company limited by Guarantee and has recognised Charitable Status. The liability of each member is limited to £1 in the event of the company ceasing to trade. Governors are both Trustees for the purposes of charity law and Directors for the purposes of company law.


The Trust, which is a recognised Charity in Scotland, is registered as a charitable company limited by guarantee and is governed by its Articles of Association, incorporated 25 May 1921, as amended. An updated Memorandum and Articles of Association was approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Trust on 9 September 2008.

Since 1998 the School has been fully co-educational and now provides education to boys and girls aged from 3-18 years old.

Governing Principals

(a) that the objects and powers of Kelvinside Academy are appropriate for the current activities and operation of the school;

(b) that the objects and powers are in compliance with the legislation relating to charities and trustees and in particular the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (“the 2005 Act”);

(c) that the governance arrangements comply with relevant legislation, the recommendations of OSCR and best practice.