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I am extremely proud to be the 23rd Rector of Kelvinside Academy and plan to be in post for the next decade. Leading the School’s continued excellence in character education and pastoral care and developing the School further in our drive to lead the country in Innovation and Digital Strategy. The world needs compassionate and creative leaders able to solve complex and difficult problems.

Kelvinside Academy will continue to be an outstanding school with a dynamic and vital holistic philosophy. Learning and teaching lie at the core of our mission, and personal development, problem solving and challenge are placed on a level footing, of equal importance. Kelvinside Academy helps young people develop the skills and competencies they need to be successful adults across a huge spectrum of roles and employment sectors and this will continue with our progressive educational approach and renewed purpose. For every International Sports man or woman we produce, I want a community leader and entrepreneur to lift up people’s life chances or improve Scotland’s economic output and standard of living.

I view the role of our school to be more than simply achieve good grades and reach academic potential. The history and long-standing ethos of the school demands far more of the staff than that.

To achieve this, young people in 2020 need mindfulness, emotional regulation, assertiveness; a positive understanding of their Self-Worth and Self-Esteem. Young leaders need a positive mindset, whilst avoiding perfectionism, a mindset that allow them to make academic or social mistakes and know that this is ok, mistakes are a part of the process and can be used for good Embracing failure as a key component of learning. I am committed to promoting safety and healthy decision making and supporting a happy childhood that lasts into the teenage years.

I want our young people to be successful young adults. Successful with friendships and interpersonal working relationships Successful in setting and achieving goals. Successful in managing themselves and others.

I want Kelvinside Academicals to look back on their years at school with great memories and fond recollection, I want them to be agents for positive change in their communities and I want them to live our School motto and “Be the Best they Can Be.”

Daniel J Wyatt BA ED (Hons) Rector

Strategic plan

Developing our pupils to become agents for positive change, helping families to enjoy life with successful Kelvinside Academicals 2025 – 2050 and beyond.


To expand our school site and improve our physical learning environment with inspiring spaces which promote creativity and thinking.

To develop our sports facilities to match our performance and participation aspirations.

To expand our Junior School to two form entry and double our Junior School roll.

To offer families in the West of Scotland the best holistic educational offering in Scotland, the best Nursery experience in Scotland and a sector leading whole school personal development plan.

To lead Scottish Education in Innovation and Digital Strategy.

To cover a wide remit of duties, we operate a committee system with three principal Committees who report to the Board.

The usual commitment is membership of one of the committees which meet four times per year for between an hour and ninety minutes.

The full Board also meet four times per year for between ninety minutes and two hours. There will also be time needed to read Board minutes and agenda items and be available for calls and advice on an ad-hoc basis.

Like magistrates or members of a jury, school Governors and Trustees have a right to reasonable time off work for their public duties, although this may be unpaid. Your company’s HR department will be able to tell you about its policy.

Governance is a voluntary role and therefore it is not paid.

Finance and Strategy Committee

Monitoring and advisory role relating to the School’s financial health, accounting compliance, staff establishment and appointment procedures, terms and conditions of employment, and levels of remuneration and the management of the School’s property and estate.