Kellogg Institute Annual Report 2013-14

Page 1

2013 –2014




AnnuAl RepoRt

Exploring DEmocracy and Human DEvElopmEnt

“Walking Together in Partnership,” Tanzania —Photo courtesy of Megan Reineccius ‘14


From the director



Faculty fellow collaborations


Visiting fellow research


Intellectual community


Scholarly products

Other photos: Matt Cashore, Barbara Johnston, and Peter Ringenberg. Senior Editor: Elizabeth Rankin Staff Contributors: Judy Bartlett Renee Carlson Paolo Carozza Karen Clay Jennifer D’Ambrosia Steve Reifenberg Holly Rivers


Nancy Sawyer Thomas

11. Undergraduate scholarship

Kristi Wojciechowski

13. Undergraduate fieldwork 15. Graduate education BUILDING LINK AGES AROUND THE WORLD

17. Research and community engagement 19. Partnerships 21. Engaging the world STEWARDSHIP AND KELLOGG COMMUNIT Y

23. Financial overview 25. People

Sharon Schierling Denise Wright This report was printed on FSC certified paper that contains 30 percent postconsumer recycled content and was made with renewable energy.


here is nothing abstract about the extreme poverty and social exclusion from effective political participation that condemns people to living off of the municipal dump in Dandora, Kenya. The blunt reality of this struck me on a recent trip to East Africa to meet and talk with a variety of actors with whom Kellogg has been collaborating in the region. In every encounter, from the streets of Nairobi to villages in Uganda, I was acutely aware of how concrete and urgent are the questions that occupy us at the Kellogg Institute. The health of democracy—from transparency and accountability in elections to the roles of political parties during and after authoritarian regimes—has a tangible impact on the daily life and well-being of the people of the region. The effectiveness of development initiatives aimed at generating employment and economic freedom, basic health, or education for all directly affect people’s capacities to live with dignity as protagonists of their own future. The palpable urgency of these issues provokes an important question for university institutes such as ours. What exactly is the role of the Kellogg Institute in relation to these pressing problems? As a community of research and learning, rather than an NGO, our task is to unveil the fabric of reality, to generate new insights on the world around us, and to transmit this knowledge broadly among colleagues and to each new generation of students. This often requires a certain critical distance from the front lines of democracy and development in practice. Yet, it would be a mistake to regard our institutional vocation as detached from the needs of the world and solidarity with others. These are the lodestar of our work, guiding our course even in the immediate task of fostering a thriving intellectual community of research and learning. The creative dynamism that comes from engaging the moral imperatives of our time precisely by excelling in our specific mission as a university community is what has always made the Kellogg Institute such a vibrant place. The pages that follow present a set of snapshots of the many ways in which we strived to remain true to that calling in 2013–2014. I hope you agree after reading on that it was another exceptional year!

…the needs of the world and solidarity with others…are the lodestar of our work, guiding our course as we foster a thriving intellectual community of research and learning.”

Paolo Carozza Director

—Photo by Jaimie Bleck

What is in the best interest of politicians is not always in the best interest of the public in the developing world. We want to see how good public service delivery can also be good politics at the local level.” —REV. ROBERT DOWD, CSC, Faculty Fellow

FACULTY FELLOWS ADVANCE INNOVATIVE RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS At the center of the Kellogg Institute’s initiatives are more than 100 faculty fellows from across the University. Their research on critical global challenges—with a focus on Kellogg themes of democracy and human development—informs academic debates and policy around the world.


hen USAID announced winners of a new, nationwide competition for innovative projects in the field of democracy, human rights, and governance in May 2014, scholars associated with the Kellogg Institute had won two of only nine awards. Faculty Fellows Jaimie Bleck and Rev. Robert Dowd, CSC, both political scientists, saw interdisciplinary research collaborations developed within the Kellogg community bear fruit. Both projects combine regional expertise in Africa with cutting-edge methodology. Bleck and Kellogg Visiting Fellow Philippe LeMay-Boucher of Scotland’s Heriot-Watt University, an economist, received a $90,000 grant to examine the role of discussion groups known as “grinw” in rebuilding civil society in war-torn Mali, where an insurgency and a recent coup have torn apart a state known for inter-ethnic tolerance. “We are interested in the role these indigenous informal institutions play in Mali’s post-conflict reconstruction—and in particular if they are able to help rebuild faith in democracy and trust between ethnic groups,” says Bleck.

35 Kellogg grants awarded to 31 faculty fellows from 12 departments for research on 22 countries and global projects


Dowd and University of Virginia economist Molly Lipscomb, a former Kellogg faculty fellow, received a $75,000 grant to study the link between public health, good governance, and democratic politics in East Africa. They are building on a project already underway in western Uganda to examine whether citizens view local leaders who promote public-health initiatives as more popular and effective than other leaders. “Politicians in rural developing societies are not always aware of how promoting the common good can be good for their careers,” says Dowd. “They often focus on following orders from above rather than serving people in their communities. We hope our project will show that there are political benefits for those who promote public health.” Both projects benefited from initial Kellogg seed grants that the researchers leveraged for additional funding.

2 of 9 grants in national USAID competition awarded to Kellogg researchers, out of 103 proposals



—Photo by Adam Auerbach

As urban India climbs past rural India in population, how the urban poor organize themselves and interact with political parties and the state will increasingly shape the nature of democracy and development in India.” —ADAM AUERBACH, Visiting Fellow

VISITING FELLOW RESEARCH FOCUSES ON DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Outstanding scholars from around the world energize our intellectual community through the signature Visiting Fellows Program. In addition to advancing research on Kellogg themes, visiting fellows collaborate with faculty, enrich student learning, and connect Kellogg to an international network of scholars and institutions.


ithin two decades, almost half of India’s population will live in cities,” says Visiting Fellow Adam Auerbach, now an assistant professor at the School of International Service, American University. “Roughly 65 million people currently live in India’s slums. A critical challenge to democracy and human development in India is ensuring that residents in these areas are provided secure property rights and basic public services.” Auerbach’s research, based on 20 months of fieldwork in two north Indian cities, revolves around a central question: why are some vulnerable communities able to successfully pressure the state for goods and services—and others are not? “Divergences in development across India’s slums is puzzling because many of these communities emerged under the same general conditions of material poverty, illegality, and informal economic activity,” he says. Yet, they vary considerably in their access to basic public services such as piped water, sewers, schools, paved roads, and medical care.

Who were this year’s visiting fellows?


Adding to the puzzle, urban slums are among the country’s most densely populated and ethnically diverse spaces. “I began my fieldwork thinking that social diversity would undermine community organizing,” says Auerbach. But his findings in this area run against the grain of conventional wisdom in comparative politics. “Social diversity did not hurt when it came to securing public services,” he says. “Instead, connections to political party organizations were much more important.” One of Auerbach’s main goals as he worked to turn his award-winning dissertation into a book manuscript during his year at Kellogg was to extend the reach of his work to urban spaces elsewhere in the developing world. “Sustained interactions over my year at Kellogg with scholars of sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America from various disciplines were extremely helpful,” he says. “That’s what attracted me to the Visiting Fellowship Program in the first place.”

Scholars in 8 disciplines from 12 universities on 3 continents carrying out research on 9+ countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America


There was no better or more fitting place to hold this conference than Kellogg—because of David and Ruth’s longstanding ties to Kellogg, because so many of their students passed through Kellogg, and because they are so intimately connected to the ideas and values that have been core to Kellogg since its founding.” —STEVEN LEVITSKY, Harvard University, Former Visiting Fellow

DEEPENING INTELLECTUAL COMMUNITY Intellectual community grows and flourishes at Kellogg in multiple individual interactions—and in distinctive gatherings designed to bring together scholars, students, and practitioners in a lively mix that sparks provocative dialogue and engenders new scholarly projects.


re-eminent scholars of comparative politics and Latin America and long-time friends of the Kellogg Institute Ruth Berins Collier and David Collier (University of California, Berkeley) received the ultimate scholarly tribute in late April: a two-day conference building on their seminal contributions to the field. Organized by and featuring their former and current students—many now prominent scholars in their own right—the conference paid tribute to the Colliers’ four decades of extraordinary scholarship and their dedication to mentoring the next generation of political scientists. The conference, “A New Critical Juncture? Changing Patterns of Interest Representation and Regime Politics in Contemporary Latin America,” used as its starting point the “Collier and Collier” volume fundamental to training in comparative politics: Shaping the Political Arena: Critical Junctures, the Labor Movement, and Regime Dynamics in Latin America. First published in 1991, it has been available since 2002 as part of the Kellogg Institute book series with the University of Notre Dame Press.

130 scholars and other experts presented at 8 Kellogg-supported conferences and symposia held on 3 continents


Both the Colliers are former Kellogg visiting fellows and nearly onethird of the conference participants have spent time at the Institute as visiting or faculty fellows or guest scholars. “It was an honor for the Kellogg Institute to host this conference,” said Faculty Fellow Michael Coppedge. “It was also a treat for me, as well as for our graduate students, to connect not only with David and Ruth, but also with their many prominent former students.” Faculty Fellow Rev. Timothy Scully, CSC, organized the conference with former Kellogg Visiting Fellows Steven Levitsky (Harvard University) and Deborah Yashar (Princeton University) as well as Diana Kapiszewski (Georgetown University) and Thad Dunning (University of California, Berkeley). “It was an extraordinary celebration of more than 35 years of scholarship and teaching,” said Levitsky.

8 active Kellogg working groups focused attention on key themes and regions


Political parties are the keystone of democracy, and weaknesses in parties and party systems is one of the biggest challenges facing new and developing democracies. The conference provided an opportunity for scholars from around the world to explore the development and decline of party system institutionalization across a wide variety of country contexts.� —ALLEN HICKEN, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan

PROMOTING SCHOLARLY CREATIVITY AND PRODUCTION Scholarly production takes many forms—monographs, collected volumes, journal articles, working papers. At the Kellogg Institute, we create the space and provide resources for our faculty and visiting fellows to explore new projects, bring them to fruition, and share them with others in the wider intellectual community.


n international research conference held at the Kellogg Institute in June will result in a new book, says Faculty Fellow Scott Mainwaring, who organized the conference, “Party Systems in Latin America: Institutionalization, Decay, and Collapse.”

Conference presenters attempted to explain the remarkable diversity of pathways Latin American party systems have taken since the 1990s, taking advantage of new literature and data—systematic cross-national public opinion surveys and elite congressional surveys—that allow more precise analysis of the connections between voters, parties, and their positions.

“The conference brought together outstanding scholars from the US, UK, and Latin America to engage in two days of intensive discussion about Latin American party systems,” says Mainwaring. “I look forward to producing a volume, based mainly on the conference papers, that will be the sequel to Building Democratic Institutions: Party Systems in Latin America, which Faculty Fellow Tim Scully and I published in 1995.” Building on that influential volume, the conference explored party system institutionalization, decay, and collapse, alternatives that Mainwaring calls “central to the fate of democracy.”

In preparation for the book, the conference featured two kinds of papers: six focused on the region’s most populous countries, exemplifying broad patterns of institutional evolution, and three focused on overarching comparative themes. Participants included distinguished outside scholars, several of whom had previously been Kellogg visiting fellows and/or Institute-affiliated graduate students, as well as Kellogg faculty fellows and PhD fellows.

New books in the Kellogg Institute series with the University of Notre Dame Press Authoritarian El Salvador: Politics and the Origins of the Military Regimes, 1880–1940, by Erik Ching (2014)


The Success of the Left in Latin America: Untainted Parties, Market Reforms, and Voting Behavior, by Rosario Queirolo (2013)

7 new Kellogg Institute working papers by visiting and faculty fellows


—Photo courtesy of Deanna Kolberg

Deanna’s research in Vietnam not only integrated her courses in political science, economics, and Asian languages, it also created a platform for future success.” —ALEXANDRA GUISINGER, Faculty Fellow

DEVELOPING UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARS Kellogg Institute student programs allow exceptional undergraduates to focus and develop their international interests and scholarly abilities. Research grants, fellowships, and internships complement the International Scholars Program (ISP), which matches students with faculty in a unique research partnership.


want to be a diplomat in the State Department,” says International Scholar Deanna Kolberg ’14, a political science and Chinese major who was awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship days before her graduation. In the International Scholars Program (ISP), her personalized immersion in international studies has pivoted upon relationships with faculty mentors. “The ISP is my favorite thing about Kellogg,” Kolberg says. “I’ve worked for three years with Faculty Fellow Lionel Jensen on political transitions in China and soft-power initiatives. Working with him has helped me with my own research, career trajectory, and graduate school applications.” Jensen calls Kolberg “an irrepressible force of curiosity and scholarly inquiry.” “Her impassioned work in human development, artistic and religious freedom, education and opportunity, and social justice is exemplary.” Kolberg’s passion for learning took her to China to work for an environmental NGO and to India to investigate educational policy. Last summer, research for her senior honors thesis found her in Vietnam.

22 Kellogg-affiliated seniors in 15 majors and 5 colleges produced final essays and theses using original research on international themes


“Everyone likes to dislike China,” she explains. “I wanted to see if foreign direct investment by China would cause Vietnamese citizens to consider China more favorably.” She turned to Faculty Fellow Alexandra Guisinger to better understand foreign direct investment and the current relationship between China and Vietnam and to Faculty Fellow David Nickerson for his expertise in survey design. Administering the survey to 1158 Vietnamese citizens was “an incredible learning experience,” she says. “I lived in hostels in Saigon and Hanoi and hired research assistants and survey translators.” Kolberg credits Kellogg with her success as an undergraduate. “Kellogg has been my vehicle for everything I’ve done,” she says. “The ISP facilitates valuable connections between students and faculty.” Guisinger agrees. “Conducting a survey in a foreign country is not easy, but it has given Deanna on-the-ground experience that will help propel her to graduate school and her ultimate goal—working at the State Department.”

62 International Scholars partnered with 36 faculty fellows to conduct research



Photo by Megan Reineccius

The Kellogg Institute is all about students taking initiative. It takes a lot of work but there are huge benefits and people along the way who will help you if you ask.” —MEGAN REINECCIUS ’14, International Development Studies

BEYOND THE CLASSROOM— EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE IN THE FIELD Internships and fellowships provide undergraduates with hands-on experiences in the developing world that can be transformative. Such encounters prepare students for the International Development Studies (IDS) and Latin American Studies Program (LASP) minors and for independent field research.


freshman seminar on African politics attracted architecture major Megan Reineccius ’14 to the International Development Studies (IDS) minor in its inaugural year. “I wanted to think of architecture as more than a building, and of myself as more than an architect. I wanted to use my set of skills to help others,” she says. Three consecutive summer trips to Tanzania allowed Reineccius to learn about the country firsthand, expanding her study of architecture beyond the classroom. She investigated how community members in both rural and urban areas defined the impact of their built environment. For her IDS capstone essay, she conducted research in Zanzibar’s Stone Town, studying how the UNESCO World Heritage Site’s focus on architecture has encouraged the city’s economic flourishing. “What I learned was that the built environment is the embodiment of a community’s culture, natural environment, and socioeconomic status, with the potential to facilitate or hinder development,” she says.

As the developing world urbanizes, the disciplines of architecture and international development are becoming increasingly interrelated, she asserts. In lieu of slums, cities need “good spaces”—neighborhoods that provide security, identity, and dignity. “Architects should get down to the human level and think about what makes a dignified space, not just a habitable one,” she says. Reineccius presented her capstone project at conferences at Notre Dame and nationally. “Having to defend what I researched and obtaining feedback from other scholars was eye-opening,” she notes. Now beginning work at a Berkeley architecture firm that specializes in sustainable urban design, Reineccius sees a clear connection between the IDS minor and her new career. “The independent research requirement taught me to take initiative,” she says. “I was drawn to urban design because it incorporates economics, politics, anthropology. The minor taught me to think of my field as part of a larger network of professions that benefit from working together.”

51 students from 27 majors in 4 colleges did Kellogg-supported fieldwork in 24 different countries


It is not every day that a class research project becomes real. It has been a fantastic experience to design and run the experiments. Not only have we learned a lot about how to do political science and write about it, but this is the kind of research that has real policy impact.� —LAURA GAMBOA, Kellogg PhD Fellow

INVESTING IN THE NEXT GENERATION OF SCHOLARS Engagement with the supportive Kellogg community coupled with generous research funding makes all the difference to the graduate students affiliated with the Institute. Drawn to work with renowned Notre Dame faculty, they become an integral part of the Institute.


t is not every day that a class research project becomes real,” says Kellogg PhD Fellow Laura Gamboa. With three other political science graduate students and Faculty Fellow David Nickerson, she is engaged in joint research on voters’ attitudes towards corruption in several Latin American countries—work that began in Nickerson’s methods class three years ago. “Projects like this get me outside of my comfort zone and into fascinating topics I would have never explored otherwise,” says Nickerson. Sometimes, as in this case, he puts his own research funding behind the best such projects. “The moment politicians engage in corrupt acts they break trust with voters,” says Dissertation Year Fellow Nara Pavão. “We are trying to help answer a big puzzle—if corruption is so unpopular and has so many bad consequences, why do voters continue to vote for corrupt politicians?” “Corruption affects things we all care about,” she explains. “It wastes scarce public resources, prevents economic development, distorts

43 Kellogg-funded graduate students from 13 countries studied in 8 departments

public policies and the rule of law, increases inequality, and limits citizens’ willingness to trust their governments and support democracy.” The project delves into how information voters receive about corruption affects the way they vote. It looks at both the credibility of various information sources—e.g., NGOs or newspapers—and the type of corruption involved. Will voters punish politicians more for lining their own pockets than for using public funds for party business? PhD Fellows Rodrigo Castro Cornejo and Sandra Botero round out the team, which so far has carried out surveys in Colombia, with a paper under review, and in Argentina, with two papers in progress. New Kellogg funding will extend the project to El Salvador. “We have been able to apply experimental methods to a substantive and important topic in the quality of democracy,” says Castro. Botero speaks for all the PhD candidates when she says, “it has been invaluable—there is no better way to learn than by doing.”

11 PhD students supported by Kellogg received doctoral degrees in 2014


—Photo by Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee

As mothers we can now take good care of our families, enable our children to go to school, and even facilitate our families’ health care.” —ANNET NIMBI, Banana garden group participant, Uganda

RESEARCH INFORMS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT What works and why? The Kellogg Institute aims to make a difference in the world by linking lessons learned in research to people grappling with real-world issues in communities across the globe.


hrough the Ford Family Program in Human Development Studies and Solidarity, Kellogg is advancing the study and practice of human development by engaging with both rural and urban communities in East Africa. This year the program moved into a new, capacity-building phase when it opened a regional office in Nairobi, Kenya, taking up quarters within the Catholic Relief Services regional office. “We are excited about strengthening our partnership with CRS,” says Ford Program Director Rev. Robert Dowd, CSC. “We have already successfully worked together with CRS in Uganda to establish savings and internal lending community (SILC) groups.” The new office serves as the home base for the Ford Program’s regional coordinator, who came on board last year to oversee Ford activities in Kenya and Uganda and to build partnerships for research and student learning throughout the region.

Saving & Internal Lending Communities by the numbers


In addition, a postdoctoral scholar is undertaking a qualitative evaluation of the Ford Program’s initial community engagement work in rural Uganda, begun in 2008. A partnership among the Ford Program, residents of the community of Nnindye, and Uganda Martyrs University, the “UPFORD” program is implementing community-developed projects in agriculture, health, microfinance, and water and sanitation. “UPFORD has empowered us,” says a farmer from one of the 12 villages that make up Nnindye. “It has encouraged us to join groups so that we can develop together. We sell some bananas, which increases our incomes; we now have village banks, and we are able to save money.” In Nairobi, the Ford Program is seeking ways to address urban poverty in Dandora, a heavily populated area dominated by a huge garbage dump. As in Uganda, the initiative grows out of extensive learning from the community. Initial research and project implementation will focus on maternal and child healthcare and opportunities to improve employment.

897 members 31 groups 67% women

100% save through group 39% borrow from group $1546 average saved per group



—Photo courtesy of Patrick Salemme

We are excited about the contributions we expect our new International Development Fellows to make to our institutional partners and to human flourishing in communities around the world.” —PAOLO CAROZZA, Director

PARTNERSHIPS—TAKING LESSONS TO THE WORLD Teaching and learning goes full circle when students and scholars from the Kellogg community take knowledge acquired at Notre Dame out into the world. Engaging and building partnerships with institutions around the globe amplifies many times over the effects of Kellogg work on core themes of democracy and human development.


otre Dame undergraduates flock to classes on international development and do independent research in the developing world in large numbers. But translating their passion into jobs after graduation is not easy. Launched this spring, the Kellogg Institute’s International Development Fellowship (IDF) gives graduating seniors hard-toobtain professional experience in international development—and at the same time enables the fellows to contribute in a meaningful way to social change in the developing world. “The fellowships allow new graduates to work in a field that is difficult to enter directly out of college but that is tremendously important,” says Kellogg Director Paolo Carozza. “In addition, the fellowships allow us to build closer ties with our partners in this endeavor, all of which share our vision of accompanying those challenged by extreme poverty to obtain human development with dignity.”

The first IDF fellows are 2014 Notre Dames graduates with deep commitment to international development, strong academic records, and significant experience in the developing world: •

Patrick Salemme (anthropology and pre-health studies) has joined Partners In Health (PIH), which provides a preferential option for the poor in health care. He works with PIH affiliate Compañeros En Salud in Chiapas, Mexico.

Olivia Schneider (political science, with minors in business economics and international development studies) is based in Uganda with the Association of Volunteers in International Service (AVSI), which supports human development with special attention to Catholic social teaching.

“As a future physician, working with Compañeros en Salud is an invaluable experience,” says Salemme. “It not only allows me to learn about the social realities of medicine but also to make a positive impact along the way.”

The competitive one-year awards place recipients in the field with partnering international development organizations, where they will gain skills in program development, project management, and process implementation.

3 Kellogg faculty projects in 3 disciplines received Luksic collaborative grants for scholarly engagement in Notre Dame–Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile partnership




“Mandela’s gift was not to call a perceived enemy over to his side, but to cross that line himself, put his arm around his adversary, and walk with him.”


Global health pioneer Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners In Health and path-breaking liberation theologian Rev. Gustavo Gutiérrez, OP, a Kellogg faculty fellow, launched their new book, In the Company of the Poor: Conversations with Dr. Paul Farmer and Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez, at Notre Dame, where it originated in a public dialogue between the two organized by the Institute.

Social entrepreneur Jacqueline Novogratz received the 2013 Notre Dame Award for International Human Development and Solidarity in recognition of her work to combine best practices from the worlds of business, aid, and charity in the service of human development.

The Africa Working Group’s year-long series to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s life and work asked five scholars and practitioners to reflect on Mandela’s role in creating a new nation out of the ashes of the old. (Organizer: Faculty Fellow Catherine Bolten)

ENGAGING THE WORLD “Behind the thinking of Guillermo O’Donnell was this: how can we put the dignity of the human being at the center of the concept of democracy?”

Former Chilean president Ricardo Lagos inaugurated a lecture series established by the Kellogg Institute in honor of founding director Guillermo O’Donnell with a stirring speech on democracy and memory, delivered at the Latin American Studies Association International Congress in Chicago.


Celebrating 30 years of uninterrupted democratic rule in Argentina, an international roundtable—held in London and teleconferenced to Notre Dame—featured prominent scholars of Latin American democratization as well as Argentina’s ambassador to the UK. (Organizers: Faculty Fellow Scott Mainwaring and Visiting Fellow Gabriela Ippolito-O’Donnell)




THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS The generous financial support of our contributors makes possible the breadth and depth of Kellogg Institute programs and initiatives at Notre Dame and around the world. We are grateful.

Designated Endowments

Gifts and Grants

• Helen Kellogg Endowment

• American Express (Matching gift)

• Roy, Barbara, and Whitney March

• Rebecca M. Ackroyd

• Mark and Patricia McGrath

• Dorini Family Endowment (Donald K. Dorini) • Ford Family Endowment (Doug & Kathy Ford) • The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Endowment • Johnson Family Endowment for Excellence (J. Kenneth Johnson) • Latin American Indigenous Language Learning Endowment (Sabine G. MacCormack) • O’Connell Family Fund for Excellence (Jamie & Mary Joel O’Connell) • Sullivan Endowment (Frank E. Sullivan) • Ubuntu Endowment for Excellence (Rick & Chelsea Buhrman)

• Pierre and Maura Castera • Peter Coccia and Nena Couch • Roberto Garza Fund for Mexico Initiatives

• NACCO Industries, Inc. • Dr. and Mrs. Theodore O’Connell • President’s Circle

• Timothy J. Gibler

• Catherine M. Reidy

• Kevin and Eileen Heneghan

• Reilly Partners Inc. (Robert and Lindy Reilly)

• Brian Kenney

• Mark and Jill Tabit

• Tara Kenney and Gary T. Grassey

• Anne E. Thompson

• Ryan J. and Erin Kerrigan • F. Joseph and Deborah Loughrey

• US Conference of Catholic Bishops • Verizon Foundation

FISCAL YEAR 2013–14 July 1, 2013–June 30, 2014 REVENUE

Annual Drawdowns


$2,652,850 $59,059

Kellogg Dorini


Ford Family



$6,605 $22,858 $1,497

Johnson Family Latin American Indigenous Language Learning


Endowment Spending

% of Total

Gifts & Grants

% of Total


% of Total

Faculty Support







Faculty Salaries & Benefits


Faculty Research Support


$692,879 $290,567



Working Groups




Academic Conferences & Workshops




Visiting Fellows







Student Support







O’Connell Family

Graduate Fellowships & Grants





Undergraduate Research Awards






Undergraduate Internships





International Scholars Program




Academic Program Support




Study Abroad/Exchange Programs




Curriculum Development




Student Conferences & Events





Gifts and Grants $334,520

Individual Gifts


Verizon Foundation


President’s Circle

$433,309 $4,301,959

Subtotal TOTAL












K-12 & Local Outreach




Intramural Grants/Cosponsorshipsz



Community Engagement & Community-Based Research







Program/Strategic Development




Institutional Collaboration/ Grant Implementation




International Development Fellowships

Staff Salaries & Benefits

$0 $1,491,505

$24,193 38%




Student Salaries




Administrative Services & Supplies




Computer Equipment & Supplies











$24,193 0%


Hesburgh Center Building Expenses


$8,619 81%





Lectures & Public Events







$7,361 100%






STAFF Elizabeth Andrews V-Dem Project Coordinator

Jackline Aridi

East Africa Regional Program Coordinator, Ford Program

Judy Bartlett

IT Operations and Planning Engineer

Anne Bax FACULTY COMMITTEE Thomas F. Anderson Viva O. Bartkus Edward (Ted) Beatty Michael J. Coppedge William N. Evans Robert M. Fishman Joseph Kaboski Tracy L. Kijewski-Correa Nelson Mark Rev. Timothy R. Scully, csc Lyn Spillman Guillermo Trejo

DIRECTORS Paolo Carozza Director

Steve Reifenberg Executive Director

Sharon Schierling Associate Director

Holly Rivers

Assistant Director

Rev. Robert Dowd, csc Ford Program Director

Strategic Planning Specialist

Reneé Carlson Business Manager

Karen Clay

Communications Manager

Jennifer D’Ambrosia Database Administrator

Therese Hanlon

Events Program Manager

Dennis Haraszko

Associate Program Director, Ford Program

Peg Hartman

Senior Administrative Assistant

Cassandra Holmes Events Assistant

Kristi Lax-Walker

Administrative Coordinator, Ford Program

Jessica McKay-Chapman Office Coordinator

Anne Pillai

K-12 Outreach Coordinator

Elizabeth Rankin Senior Editor

Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee Ford Family Post-Doctoral Scholar

Cori Tallman

Program Coordinator, Undergraduate Students

Kristi Wojciechowski Staff Accountant

Denise Wright

Program Coordinator, Visiting Fellow and Graduate Student Programs

FACULTY FELLOWS Africana Studies Dianne M. Pinderhughes

Professor of Political Science and Africana Studies

Economics Simeon Alder Assistant Professor

Rev. Ernest Bartell, csc Professor Emeritus

Anthropology Susan D. Blum

Wyatt Brooks

Catherine Bolten

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Peace Studies

Rev. Patrick Gaffney, csc Associate Professor

Carolyn R. Nordstrom Professor

Rahul Oka

Ford Family Assistant Professor

Vania Smith-Oka Associate Professor

Gabriel Torres Col贸n

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Biological Sciences Edwin Michael Professor

Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Tracy L. Kijewski-Correa

Leo E. and Patti Ruth Linbeck Associate Professor

Stephen Silliman Professor Emeritus

Alexandros Taflanidis Associate Professor

East Asian Languages and Cultures Lionel M. Jensen Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Kevin Donovan Kirk Doran

Assistant Professor

William N. Evans

Keough-Hesburgh Professor of Economics and Chair (as of 7/14); Director of Research, Ford Family Program in Human Development Studies and Solidarity

Antoine Gervais Assistant Professor

Thomas Gresik Professor

Richard A. Jensen

Gilbert Schaefer Professor of Economics and Chair (thru 6/14)

Joseph Kaboski

David F. and Erin M. Seng Foundation Professor of Economics

Steve Lugauer Assistant Professor

Nelson Mark

Alfred C. Decrane Jr. Professor of International Economics Acting Director, Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies

History R. Scott Appleby

Professor; John M. Regan Jr. Director, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

Ted Beatty

Associate Professor

Karen B. Graubart Associate Professor

Semion Lyandres

Jeff Thurk


Christopher J. Waller

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor Professor of Economics

Film, Television, and Theatre Anton Juan

Senior Professor of Directing and Playwriting/Theatre and Social Concerns

Paul Ocobock Jaime Pensado

Carl E. Koch Associate Professor of History

Institute for Latino Studies Karen Richman Director of Academic Programs

Yael Prizant

Assistant Professor



Kellogg Institute for International Studies Allert Brown-Gort

Katherine Sredl

Kwan Kim

C. R. Smith Emeritus Professor of Finance

Faculty Fellow

Professor Emeritus of Economics

Steve Reifenberg

Associate Professor of Practice

Jaime Ros

Professor Emeritus of Economics

Assistant Professor of Marketing

Lee A. Tavis

Elizabeth Tuleja

David Nickerson

Assistant Professor

Political Science Jaimie Bleck

Professor; Associate Dean

Professor of Conducting Director, Choral Conducting Graduate Programs

Ford Family Assistant Professor of Political Science

Michael Coppedge Professor

Paolo G. Carozza

Sarah Zukerman Daly

Douglass Cassel

Michael C. Desch

Kristine Kalanges

Rev. Robert Dowd, csc

Professor; Director, Kellogg Institute for International Studies Professor

Associate Professor

Mary Ellen O’Connell

Robert and Marion Short Professor of Law; Research Professor of International Dispute Resolution

Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies Jonathan Scott Noble

Assistant Professor

Professor and Chair

Assistant Professor; Director, Ford Family Program in Human Development Studies and Solidarity

Amitava Krishna Dutt

Professor of Economics and Political Science Director, International Development Studies Minor

Andrew Gould Associate Professor

Acting Executive Director; Assistant Provost for Internationalization; Director, Asia Office

Alexandra Guisinger

Mendoza College of Business Viva O. Bartkus

Victoria Tin-Bor Hui

Jeffrey H. Bergstrand

Associate Professor

Associate Professor of Management

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor

Debra Javeline

Professor of Finance; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs

Robert C. Johansen

Emily Sarah Block

Rev. William M. Lies, csc

Georges Enderle

George A. Lopez

Assistant Professor

John T. Ryan Jr. Chair in International Business Ethics

Juan M. Rivera

Professor Emeritus of Accountancy

Assistant Professor

Music Tala Jarjour

Pamina Firchow Law School Roger P. Alford

Rev. Sean D. McGraw, csc Monika Nalepa

Carmen-Helena Téllez

Assistant Professor of the Practice of Peacebuilding

William M. Scholl Professor of International Affairs Director, Nanovic Institute for European Studies

Associate Teaching Professor of Management

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies Larissa Fast Assistant Professor of Conflict Resolution and Sociology

A. James McAdams

Professor Emeritus

Vice President for Mission Engagement and Church Affairs Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, csc, Professor of Peace Studies

Scott P. Mainwaring

Eugene P. and Helen Conley Professor of Political Science

Associate Professor Associate Professor

Daniel Philpott

Professor of Political Science and Peace Studies Director, Center for Civil and Human Rights

Emilia Justyna Powell Assistant Professor

Luc Reydams

Professor of the Practice

Rev. Timothy R. Scully, csc

Professor; Hackett Family Director, Institute for Educational Initiatives

Guillermo Trejo Associate Professor

Ernesto Verdeja

Associate Professor of Political Science and Peace Studies

Romance Languages and Literatures Thomas Anderson

William M. Scholl Professor of Latin American Literature and Chair; Director, Latin American Studies Program

Ben Heller

Associate Professor

Carlos A. Jáuregui Associate Professor

Marisel Moreno Associate Professor

María Rosa Olivera-Williams Professor

Juan Vitulli

Associate Professor

Sarah Ann Wells Assistant Professor

Sociology Jorge A. Bustamante

Theology Peter Casarella

Gilberto Cárdenas

Rev. Virgilio Elizondo

Eugene Conley Professor of Sociology Professor; Executive Director, Notre Dame Center for Arts and Culture; Director, Inter-University Program for Latino Research

Robert Fishman

Associate Professor

Notre Dame Professor of Pastoral and Hispanic Theology

Rev. Daniel Groody, csc


Associate Professor; Director, Center for Latino Spirituality and Culture, Institute for Latino Studies

Erin Metz McDonnell

Rev. Gustavo Gutiérrez, op

Terence McDonnell

Fr. Emmanuel Katongole

Ann Mische

Rev. Paul V. Kollman, csc

Christian Smith

Rev. Robert Pelton, csc

Lyn Spillman

Lawrence E. Sullivan

J. Samuel Valenzuela

Todd D. Whitmore

Kellogg Assistant Professor of Sociology Kellogg Assistant Professor of Sociology Associate Professor of Sociology and Peace Studies William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Sociology; Director, Center for the Study of Religion and Society; Director, Center for Social Research Professor Professor

John Cardinal O’Hara Professor of Theology Associate Professor of Theology and Peace Studies Associate Professor; Director, Center for Social Concerns Professor Emeritus; Director, Latin American/North American Church Concerns; Director Emeritus, Institute for Pastoral and Social Ministry Professor Emeritus of Theology and Anthropology Associate Professor; Codirector, Program in Catholic Social Tradition


VISITING FELLOWS Adam Auerbach (Academic Year) Department of Political Science University of Wisconsin-Madison

“Demanding Development: Democracy, Community Governance, and Public Goods Provision in India’s Urban Slums”

Tiffany Barnes (Fall)

Department of Political Science University of Kentucky “Women’s Representation and the Impact of Institutional Incentives”

Laura Gómez-Mera (Spring) Department of Political Science University of Miami

“Power, Morality, and Global Prohibition Regimes: International Cooperation in the Fight against Human Trafficking”

Gabriela Ippolito-O’Donnell (2013) Department of Political Science Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina

“Subnational Civil Society and the Quality of Democracy in Argentina”

Philippe LeMay-Boucher (Fall)

Jessica K. Taft (Spring)

“How to Improve Malaria Prevention: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial on the Impact of Information and Marketing Treatments on the Demand for Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets in Senegal”

“Social Movements and the Meaning of Childhood: Intergenerational Collaboration in the Peruvian Working Children’s Movement”

Department of Economics Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom

Mauro Magatti (Fall)

Department of Sociology Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy

Department of Sociology Davidson College

Alice Wiemers (Academic Year) Department of History Otterbein University

“Europe: An Institution without a Society?”

“Help Them Help Us: Development, Authority, and Family in a Northern Ghanaian Town, 1942–2012”

Richard Matland (Academic Year)

Joseph Wiltberger (Academic Year)

“Social Capital and Trust in Russia: Experimental Evidence Across Four Russian Regions”

“Sueños Salvadoreños: Struggles to Build Other Futures in El Salvador’s Migration Landscape”

Department of Political Science Loyola University Chicago

Derek Peterson (Spring) Department of History University of Michigan

“Uganda’s History from the Margins”

Andrea Simoncini (Fall) Department of Law University of Florence, Italy

“Europe: An Institution without a Society?”

Department of Anthropology University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

GUEST SCHOLARS Patricia Graf (November–April)

Technical University of Cottbus, Germany

Joseph Isanga (Spring) Ave Maria School of Law

Peter John Opio (Academic Year)

Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame


Ryan J. Kerrigan

Director Emeritus, McKinsey & Company

President and Managing Partner Endurance Capital Partners

CEO, Alta Environmental


Richard F. Lark, Jr.

Santiago Aranguren

Director for Business Development, Arancia Industrial

Joe Loughrey

Former Vice Chairman of the Board and President/COO Cummins Inc.

Rodrigo Calderón

Former President, Coca-Cola Foundation México

R. Christopher Lund

Eowyn Ford

Health Policy Analyst, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services

Matthew R. Ford

Partner, Bartlit Beck Herman Palenchar & Scott LLP

Roberto Garza Delgado

Director, Christopher Participações President Emeritus, Lund Group of Associated Publishers

Alvaro Martinez-Fonts

CEO, J. P. Morgan Florida, Private Banking

F. James Meaney

Chairman and CEO, Gard Corporation

Former Chief Operating Officer, Oi

Clark Gibson

Mary Joel O’Connell

Professor of Political Science University of California, San Diego

Vice President, American Express Company

Kevin Heneghan

Raymond C. Offenheiser

Wendy Hunter

Lindy Reilly

Brian A. Kenney

Katherine Schilling

Tara Kenney

Rev. Timothy Scully, csc

President, Oxfam America

Chairman of the Board, OTR Global Professor of Government, University of Texas at Austin Chairman and CEO, GATX Managing Director Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management, Inc.

Clarke R. Keough

Managing Director, White Weld and Company

Private Philanthropist and Volunteer Account Manager, IBM Corporation Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame

Deborah J. Yashar

Professor of Politics and International Affairs Princeton University

The Kellogg Institute for International Studies promotes research excellence on critical global challenges, with a particular focus on democracy and human development. Building on a core interest in Latin America and Africa, the Kellogg Institute fosters research on the developing world and beyond. Supporting the research and educational mission of the University of Notre Dame by engaging faculty, students, and visiting scholars in a supportive intellectual community, the Institute works to project the University onto the global stage. The Kellogg Institute forms an integral part of Notre Dame’s Catholic mission by addressing normative and scholarly concerns that embody the values reflected in Catholic social thought.

130 Hesburgh Center, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556-5677 574.631.6580 |

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