50 Shades of Grey sexiest scenes,lines, parts and excerpt

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50 Shades of Grey sexiest scenes,lines, parts and excerpt

As they say the revolution will not be televised. A ground swell is taking place all over America. Women are rising .It has all to do with a sultry best seller “Fifty shades of Grey”. Many women are reporting that the Book is causing a very broad and wide discussion all across the USA The book Is causing widespread discussions from water coolers to feminists to bloggers ..Women are talking more openly about their sexual desires and sex lives. The book has gained worldwide popularity and its flying off the shelves. Bookshops have seen long lines and many have reported running out of the book.

( You can read excerpts or buy the book here and if you need to read it in confidence download a copy for your kindle or Ipad here). . However on reading the book, the writing is not really much to write home about . However it overflows with sex appeal( sample some few the hottest sexists lines below}. The book discusses a deep and very complex relationship . However it will end in a cliffhanger and that is why its advisable to get the Trilogy( All three books). You will be attached to the characters and you want to know what happens to them in the end, The book was originally written as a “Twilight” erotic fiction by author EL James about a relationship between the billionaires Christian Grey and the college student Anastasia Steele. Some of the scenes are steamy and explicit. Anastasia, while a college student goes to interview the young entrepreneur and finds herself attract to him . Grey is unable to resit here and wants her too but in his own terms. There are many steamy scenes which have led many hands to wander beneath the sheets as they curl up at night reading this book. However we found the beauty of the story is the -historical knight in shining armour story line. The hero of the book has a domineering veneer but a vulnerability beneath which the heroine is able to penetrate . Some feminists do not like the fact that there is a theme of female submission to a domineering man.

( However we don’t want to tell you the rest of the story. Click here to read excerpts at Amazon The book is also causing major shake up and boom in the female sex toy products . Sex toys referenced in the book are flying off shelves.The main character Christian Grey uses two kegel exercise balls

called Ben Wa balls on his female sex slave. . These balls ,are also flying off the shelves at Amazon( click the image to the right to see how these Ben Wa balls look). If you want to just skip to the sex scene you can go to page 362 .( That tells you we have read every page of it and taken notes). Indeed Fun Factor, a company which makes the smartsballs vaginal exercise balls has sold a record number of them, due to publicity brought by the book, that it sent a thank you letter to the publisher , Vintage books.Said rep of the company “In the last month, our Smart Balls sales have gone up 300 %.” people are calling from around the world asking about the smartsballs vaginal exercise balls.

Suburban women ,women of certain age have picked up the book in droves. Some ,especially men have called this “mommy porn’ as American comes to grips with this new phenomenon. However women are saying that for ages men have been getting their share of reading in this are and now it is our turn.

Some newly sexually liberated women are even bringing the book to their book clubs and even hosting

“ Shades” pleasure parties where Ben Wa balls and smartballs vaginal exercise balls are brought in and examined with great interest. See some of the quotes from the book below. Fifty Shades of Grey Quotes Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #) Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James Fifty Shades of Grey Quotes “- “Why don’t you to be touched?” - “Because I’m fifty shades of fucked-up, Anastasia” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “Laters, baby.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey tags: christina-grey, e-l-james, fifty-shades-of-grey “Sometimes I wonder if there’s something wrong with me. Perhaps I’ve spent too long in the company of my literary romantic heroes, and consequently my ideals and expectations are far too high.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey tags: romance “You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey tags: love “Don’t get your panties in such a twist… and give me back mine.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey tags: erotica, fifty-shades, romance “Does this mean you’re going to make love to me tonight, Christian?” Holy shit. Did I just say that? His mouth drops open slightly, but he recovers quickly. “No, Anastasia it doesn’t. Firstly, I don’t make love. I fuck… hard. Secondly, there’s a lot more paperwork to do, and thirdly, you don’t yet know what you’re in for. You could still run for the hills. Come, I want to show you my playroom.” My mouth drops open. Fuck hard! Holy shit, that sounds so… hot. But why are we looking at a playroom? I am mystified. “You want to play on your Xbox?” I ask. He laughs, loudly. “No, Anastasia, no Xbox, no Playstation. Come.”… Producing a key from his pocket, he unlocks yet another door and takes a deep breath. “You can leave anytime. The helicopter is on stand-by to take you whenever you want to go, you can stay the night and go home in the morning. It’s fine whatever you decide.” “Just open the damn door, Christian.” He opens the door and stands back to let me in. I gaze at him once more. I so want to know what’s in here. Taking a deep breath I walk in. And it feels I’ve time-traveled back to the sixteenth century and the Spanish Inquisition. Holy fuck.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey tags: bdsm, romance “What is it about elevators?” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “Never trust a man who can dance. ”

― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “He grabs me suddenly and yanks me up against him, one hand at my back holding me to him and the other fisting in my hair. “You’re one challenging woman,” He kisses me, forcing my lips apart with his tongue, taking no prisoners. “It’s taking all my self-control not to fuck you on the hood of this car, just to show you that you’re mine, and if I want to buy you a fucking car, I’ll buy you a fucking car,” he growls.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “We aim to please Miss Steele” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey tags: christian-grey “His head turns fractionally toward me, his eyes darkest slate. I bite my lip. “Oh, fuck the paperwork,” he growls. He lunges at me, pushing me against the wall of the elevator. Before I know it, he’s got both of my hands in one of his in a vice- grip above my head, and he’s pinning me to the wall using his hips. Holy shit. His other hand grabs my ponytail and yanks down, bringing my face up, and his lips are on mine. It’s only just not painful. I moan into his mouth, giving his tongue an opening. He takes full advantage, his tongue expertly exploring my mouth. I have never been kissed this.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “Why don’t you to be touched” Ana whispered, staring up into soft grey eyes. “Because I’m fifty shades of fucked-up, Anastasia” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “I am going to have coffee with Christian Grey… and I hate coffee.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “He’s naked except for those soft ripped jeans, top button casually undone. Jeez, he looks so freaking hot. My subconscious is frantically fanning herself, and my inner goddess is swaying and writhing to some primal carnal rhythm.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “Men aren’t really complicated, Ana, honey. They are very simple, literal creatures. They usually mean what they say. And we spend hours trying to analyze what they’ve said – when really it’s obvious. If I were you, I’d take him literally. That might help.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey tags: romance-sexy “Supposing I’ve said I hate him, or worse still, that I love him, in my sleep.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “This is a man in need. His fear is naked and obvious, but he’s lost. . . Somewhere in his darkness. His eyes wide and bleak and tortured. I can soothe him. Join him briefly in the darkness and bring him into the light.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “Are you smirking at me, Mr. Grey?” I ask sweetly. Pompous ass.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “I want you sore, baby,” he murmurs, and he continues his sweet, leisurely torment, backward, forward. “Every time you move tomorrow, I want you to be reminded that I’ve been here. Only me. You are mine.”

― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “Oh, fuck the paperwork” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey “I gasp, and I’m Eve in the Garden of Eden, and he’s the serpent, and I cannot resist.” ― E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Grey

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