Believer's Voice of Victory – August 2022, Europe Edition

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“It doesn’t matter whether you’re called to preach the gospel from behind a pulpit, to work in an office, to stay home and raise your children.... God has a supernatural plan for your life.

by Gloria Copeland

God Always Has a Plan Have you ever been tempted to give up on the dreams and desires God put in your heart? Have you ever been tempted to think you just don’t have what it takes, or that too many years of your life have gone by for you to do all that He called you to do?



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If so, here’s a word of encouragement for you: You’re in very good company. Abraham, one of the greatest faith heroes in the Bible (the man the New Testament calls the father of all them that believe) once faced the same temptation. At 99 years old, he reached a point where it no longer looked possible for God’s plan for his life to be fulfilled. After waiting decades for the son God had promised him, Abraham’s wife Sarah was still barren and at 90 years old her childbearing years were behind her. They’d made a mess of things by substituting their plan for God’s. And now Abraham had to confront the natural reality: Time had run out. It was too late for him and Sarah to ever have a child. Talk about having reasons to give up on your God-given dreams!


God told Abraham to keep believing when he was tempted to give up on the promise.

When circumstances are shouting, “It’s impossible!” follow the faith of Abraham.

(Rom. 4:17)

(Rom. 4:18, AMPC)


Abraham turned his attention to God and His Word. (Rom. 4:19–20)


Abraham focused on the fact that God is all-powerful and can do anything. (Rom. 4:21, NLT)


Abraham and Sarah found themselves standing in the fulfillment of their God-given dreams. (Gen. 21:2–3)

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