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Monday, 20th September, 2004.

This issue:


Win Roar’s CD Collection - p18


SPORT King’s students are facing a substantial increase in the amount they pay to stay in a Hall of Residence, despite no improvements being made to the buildings. The increase has prompted a controversial debate on how College handles its finances.

Sport in Crisis? - p5


King’s Halls are already the fifth most expensive in the country, yet from September onwards students will be paying an extra 6.9% in rent for shabby and unsafe residences such as King’s College Hall. Despite pressure from the Student’s Union, College have refused to subsidise this increase, meaning students alone have to find the £624,400 needed to maintain the buildings.

“Whilst College are willing to take money out of Halls, they are reluctant to put money back in...” Halls of Residence are supposed to be self-financing, hence College can justify making residents pay all the money necessary to maintain the buildings. This is also demanded by law. Yet when College have sold Halls of Residences in the past, such as Wellington Hall, the money has not been put back into accommodation, but used on other projects such as the Strand redevelopment. So whilst College are willing to take money out of Halls, they are reluctant to put money back in.

Chart Glory for KCL graduate p3

College are clearly determined to make students pay out, even if it means evading correct procedure. At a recent College Council meeting, the finance department were asked to investigate alternative sources of funding; yet as the College Secretary mysteriously failed to minute this request, no such investigation need be conducted. Instead, the minutes of the meeting read ‘Whilst Finance Committee was sympathetic to the financial concerns of students, it could not support any change to the College’s existing financial strategy’.

-Continued on page 6-


Monday 20th September 2004

Editorial Team §§

Editor Pete Ellender Deputy Editor Laura Norris


Assistant Editor Siobhan Clibbens

By Lauren Thompson

News Editor Lauren Thompson

New computer facilities are being introduced at the Strand campus and Maughan library to allow students faster access to the PAWS network.

Arts Editor Abu Ali

Three internet terminals have been placed at the Strand entrance to allow students fast and easy access to their email accounts. Also, a new system of ‘wireless communication’ is being introduced at the Maughan library, allowing students access to the college network on their laptops without being at a PAWS terminal.

Lifestyle Editor Ed Frankel Features Editor Andrew Wander “What’s On” Editor Katy Georgiou Film Editor Olivia O’Neil olivia.o’ Music Editor Felix Carrasco Sports Editor Mike Anderson Societies Editor Ahmed Alshafi Fashion Editor Maisie McCabe Classifieds Editor Simon Hacking Assistant News Editor Romina Spina Photographer/ Design Assistant Greg Funnell Design Assistants Roozbeh Shafafy Rebecca Sawyer Editorial Assistant Andrew Saunders Executive Editor / Facilitator Samantha Williams Please Direct all queries concerning contents to the Editor or relevent section editor.

Printed By: Sharman & Co Newark Rd, Eastern Industry, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 5TD

“PAWS facilities are ‘tight but adequate” Amid the disruption of the strand redevelopment process, many students have become increasingly frustrated at the difficulty of accessing computer facilities. A second year English student said ‘The three PAWS rooms at the Strand are poorly situated, usually fully occupied, badly ventilated and inadequately equipped with printers. Something needs to be done’. These are the machines dragging King’s into the 21st century...

The College IT Department admit PAWS facilities are ‘tight, but planning to extend the ‘wireless communication’ to other college camadequate’, claiming the matter is ‘not a lack of facilities, but a puses as well as Halls of Residences, and improve PAWS access for dislack of instant access’. In response to this problem, IT staff are abled students.

BUILDING-S(H)ITE STRAND REDEVELOPMENT CONTINUES TO CAUSE PROBLEMS By Romina Spina Returning students and freshers are likely to start the new academic year facing more disruption caused by the refurbishment of the Strand Campus, home to numerous KCL departments. Work has now begun on the South Range of the Main Building, stretching from the south wall of the Great Hall to the embankment terrace. With demolition having started within the site, the student population could experience problems related to noise and vibration as it settles into college life after the summer break. However, KCL has assured that every effort will be made to limit disruption during normal daytime teaching hours, as tests have been carried out to determine what levels of noise were considered acceptable. Lee Peterson, VP Sites & Services, told Roar that while there hadn’t been any complaints to the KCL Student Union with regards to access during last term, some students had experienced prob-

lems related to the Strand redevelop-

“KCL have got quite a strict policy with the contractors they’ve employed concerning noise” ment. For instance, he noted “it’s been a bit noisy in the Macadam Building”. However, he also conceded that “it’s a very big project, and there are going to be people who get displaced and affected by it”. When asked about the possible disruptions likely to be caused by demolition work, he replied that “[KCL] have got quite a strict policy with the contractors they’ve employed concerning noise”. The much-needed refurbishment of the Strand Campus will facilitate access for people with disabilities, offer better pedestrian circulation and improve surroundings. Professor Colin Bushnell, Assistant Principal (Estates) explained that “the work will lead to greatly enhanced research, teaching, catering, social and conference facilities”. According to the latest report, the £40 million project is due for completion in An artist’s impression of how the Strand will look upon completion early 2006.

Monday 20th September 2004



Hunk Of The Issue

KING’S PHARMACY GRADUATE DEBUTS AT NO. 8 IN UK SINGLES CHART Mo Nabulsi and crew looking pretty cool

By Elena Egawhary Mo Nabulsi must be feeling pretty pleased with himself - and he has every reason to! Not only has he achieved a first class honours degree in Pharmacy, but he is also one half of the duo known as “The Pirates,” who have managed to release a chart topping single in their Despite having worked with Shola Ama, and passing the likes of Damon Dash in spare time. corridors, Mo still manages to keep “You Should Really Know” is the reply record both feet firmly on the ground and is to Mario Winan’s number one song “I Don’t currently undertaking his pharmacy preWanna Know.” It samples Enya and features registration training as well as working stunning vocals by Shola Ama as well as up on his music. Considering his achieveand coming MC Naila Boss. Mo Nabulsi and ments so far, no one can doubt his his co-producer Ryan Perera reached num- future success. ber 8 with this debut, quite an achievement when one considers that most reply songs Students who lived in Hampstead Halls fail to even make an indent on the chart of Residence last year will be well aware (Frankee’s “F.U.R.B.” being one of the few of his musical talent through the many notable exceptions). It is safe to assume parties Mo rescued from the rather that The Pirates must have real talent to unskilled DJ who often performed there. When asked about his time at King’s, have done so well with such a track. Mo replied instantly “I loved King’s, it With a passion for music since he was 12 was really sad at Graduation because I years old and a record deal with Relentless knew my time was up, I definitely miss (who manage artists like Joss Stone) it King’s I had the best time” would seem that Mo is well on his way to great things, or at least some brilliant celeb Congratulations Mo - we at Roar can’t parties! He does stress, however, that he wait for the next single! persevered for a year and a half before he got this break into the music industry. “You Should Really Know” is out to buy Nonetheless, his single is now being played now on Relentless Records. on radio stations in New York and California

Name: Andrew Bush Age: 23 Course: 3rd yr Business Management Likes: freshers events, South Africa Dislikes: questions


Monday 20th September 2004


SYSTEM ERROR: We’ve wasted our money on a computer system that doesn’t work. You’ll get your Student Loan sometime before hell freezes over.

Thousands of students have been left wondering how they will survive the start of term after a new computer system designed to process student loan applications failed spectacularly. The Student Loans Company (SLC)’s £30 million system has been hit by slow processing and crashes, despite using software designed to speed up the applications process. Instead the length of time for an application to go through has doubled from three weeks to six weeks. However, those who got their applications in before the July deadline should be unaffected. A study by the Local Government Association found

that 96% of respondents encountered “significant” problems with the new software. A representative for the SLC denied that the system was in meltdown, but claimed instead their computer had suffered from a few “teething problems”. It is estimated that with late applications after A-Level results were announced up to 100,000 students could be affected – at the time of year when they are burdened by the most financial responsibilities. KCLSU President Michael Champion was due to discuss the issue on BBC news, but a breaking news story prevented the issue getting the coverage it

deserved. KCLSU’s Lee Peterson told Roar; “KCLSU is both frustated and concerned with the problems with the new centralised student loans system. It seems that yet again insufficent planning has led to the bad implementation of a good policy. The Students' Union will always be here to offer advice to students that get caught up in the middle of this administrative blunder". If you still haven’t received your loan and need help you can also get in contact with the Student Welfare Office on 020 7848 2530 or the Student Loans and Awards office on 020 7848 2047.

WE FOUGHT THE LAW... ...BUT THE LAW WON - TOP UP FEES ARE HERE By Pete Ellender It’s all over. The issue that was set to destroy Tony Blair has been decided. Unfortunately for students up and down the country it’s a home win for the men in suits from Westminster. This, despite high-profile protestations, thousands of letters sent to MPs, and several massive demonstrations in London - “Top-Up Fees” are now a cruel reality for students up and down the country. Back in January, when the government escaped with a narrow victory in the vote on the second reading of the Bill, it was pretty clear that Charles, Tony and chums would get their own way. The NUS and student movement gamely fought on, and though some concessions were prized from the government, the inevitable could not be prevented. The Bill passed through the House of Lords when peers dropped their objections to the Bill on 1 July . The successful passage of the Bill passed with little notice in the national press, which has since found other issues on which to batter Blair’s beleaguered government. As a result of the Higher Education Act in

September 2006 new students will have to pay up to £3,000 for each year of their studies at university. Although this amount won’t have to be paid until after graduation, critics have claimed it will prove a massive deterrent to students from poorer backgrounds going into further education. Although in a small victory for students, those who take a gap-year in 2005 will not be penalised. It was previously thought that the introduction of increased fees would prompt a scramble for entry in September 2005. Despite this minor concession, NUS President Kat Fletcher lamented, claiming “Today is a tragic day for the future of education in the UK, we have no doubt that top-up fees will severely hamper the educational opportunity of the poor and disadvantaged in our society.” She further accused the government of “having lied in its manifesto” and “betraying students”. Now the question many are asking is whether this is merely a short-term victory for Blair’s government. With a General Election expected in May, will Blair still be Prime Minister when the first students affected by the Higher Education Act enter university?

Monday 20th September 2004


THE BURNING ISSUE BRITISH SPORT: ARE WE ANY GOOD? As the another summer of mixed sporting performances draws to a close, ROAR asks: What is the state of British sport? Are we a nation of losers, destined to spend an eternity of agonising almosts, or are we about to come of age as a sporting nation?


Try telling him England are rubbish...


Dr Evil was delighted at the success of his latest plan...

By Marc Deklu British sport is currently going through an age of unparalleled success, a sort of golden age if you may. But lest I sound like an over zealous Brit wallowing in nostalgia at a long lost era in British sport, look again at our performance at the latest Olympics! This year, Team GB came home with an unprecedented 30 medals, a success rate not seen since the 1924 Olympics. The facts speak for themselves; a total of 271 sportsmen in over 30 disciplines, 30 medals across the board. This, though not impressive compared to other countries like the U.S.A, Russia, China and Australia, represents an encouraging performance from a team dogged by chronic under-funding and a dearth of new talent. People seem to be aware of the nation’s sportsmen more than ever before and participation numbers are up. There are record numbers of gym membership applications this year alone. Is that a good sign for British international sport in general? No. What it is though, is an indication of the nation’s psyche concerning sport. People are more health conscious these days and frankly it is cool to be sporty. The reason for this is clearly increasing media coverage and resulting high profile of sportsmen.

“Sir Steven Redgrave winning a consecutive five Olympic gold medals, Amir Khan’s blistering performances, Kelly Holmes’ double gold, the Rugby World Cup. Is this a sporting culture in crisis? I think not.” Kelly Holmes Olympian got saturation press coverage as did Paula Radcliffe albeit for the wrong reasons. The govern-

ment is finally tuning into the public attention paid to sport, reflected by its policies to promote sport at grass roots level and the introduction of new, more stringent rules to halt the sale of school playing fields. It is good to see our leaders finally realising the importance of encouraging a sports culture within schools, the mine of our nation’s sporting heritage. So is British sport in crisis? Far from it. Sport is once again taking centre stage at the forefront of the nation’s aspirations, and sportsmen its torch bearers. Sir Steven Redgrave winning a consecutive five Olympic gold medals, the last rugby world cup, the England soccer team, our only entrant at boxing, Amir Khan and he at a tender age of 17, putting in a blistering performance to win the silver medal. The nation on all these occasions was transfixed in unity as we watched ‘our’ boys take on the world. Is this a sporting culture crises? I think not. There is talk of extending the sports academy model pioneered by football clubs into other sports. Notable clubs like Manchester United and Liverpool have long since demonstrated the relevance of such youth programmes. America has a well established and very successful academy program. There are sports scholarships awarded to promising sportsmen and so forth. These are huge steps, responding to the obvious need for investment at a very early stage in our nations sportsmen because it manifestly yields results. British sport is far from crisis. It is on the cusp of exciting times, what with the London 2012 Olympic bid, the next Football World cup and more. I predict rather a good and successful future ahead. Its up to the government, the Lottery commission and aspiring sportsmen to step up to the challenge now. Three cheers for the Team GB.


By Andrew Wander Sports summer showpiece events are now over, and the hysteria surrounding Euro 2004 and the Olympics is fading as fast as it arose. This summer threw up some truly wonderful sporting moments; who could forget the meteoric international rise of Wayne Rooney, Amir Khan’s awesome boxing achievement, or Kelly Holmes’ double gold medal. But once again, Britain faces the long winter with a slight dissatisfaction at the performance of too many of our sporting heroes. The England football team were disappointing once again, having failed to capitalise on the most open tournament they have competed in for years. The rugby team, less than a year ago considered the most formidable in the world, suffered humiliating defeats at the hands of New Zealand and Australia, as a World Cup hangover of titanic proportions descended on the camp and resulted in the loss of both captain and manager. Even our Olympic success can only be considered so in relative terms. To finish behind the majority of our western European neighbours in many other sports would be considered an outright failure. The question that has to be posed is why, given our country’s resources and our unquestionable love of sport are we incapable of maintaining any sort of sporting success. The answer, I feel, lies in our history. Most of the major sports played around the world today are direct descendants of sports first played in Britain. With the expansion of the Empire, English sport was exported around the globe, and became hugely popular. Sport served a political purpose for the British Empire. It ‘anglicised’ the colonised natives. Winning and losing was of limited impor-

Britain, as the giver of sport to the rest of the world, has always maintained an idea of how good its sportsmen should be, which is invariably much better than we actually are. This sporting arrogance has led to a complacency which has crippled the chance of real sporting success for this country. It has manifested itself throughout British sport, from grass roots level to the very top. Past governmental decisions to sell off playing fields, for example, displayed a neglect for our sporting future unimaginable in most other countries. Sporting success has traditionally been considered a bonus- after all, as the old (English) saying goes “it’s the taking part that counts.” British athletes, having failed in their Olympic events, were likely to heard saying something along the lines of “Well of course I am disappointed but really I am just glad to have been here.” Australian athletes were not. For the Australians, winning was everything- the taking part meant nothing if they lost. Sport in Britain is considered by many to be little more than a tabloid sideshow, a kind of ongoing soap opera with which the public can become deeply involved, yet remain safe in the knowledge that it doesn’t really matter. The astronomical wages of some of our sporting heroes reflect this and the continued intrusion by sections of the media into the lives of our sport stars belies a simple fact. No matter how much we want our teams to win, at the end of day it’s all a bit of a laugh. Unfortunately, until our players and athletes start to behave in a way that befits professionals, and our media begins to treat them as such, British sport stars are going to remain the ‘nearly men’ of international sport.


Monday 20th September 2004

The Cleaner Always Knocks Twice

OUTRAGE AT HALL FEES -Continued from page 1Despite poor water hygiene, lax security and dilapidated accommodation at King’s College Hall and other residences, College states “KCL does not accept that the quality of its Halls are not of a high standard”.

The increase comes as a blow to the many students already struggling to finance their university education in this expensive city. One angry student commented ‘College have been Don’t be fooled by that innocent appearence both underhand and unfair in raising Hall of residence fees. she’s lethal. Take heed readers. We are being ripped off’. The new President of KCLSU, Michael Champion, has assured students he will continue to There are many bizarre and interesting experiences ‘lobby College hard’ to prevent further increases. that await any university student who has the privilege of staying in halls of residence, and one of these College denies that they are only able to get away with is learning to deal with those most underestimated of charging so much for Hall fees because first year students, characters: the weekly cleaner. Those who have the often new to London, have little choice but to pay. “The fortune to inhabit the tasteful Stalinist-era KCH College exists in a highly competitive market and needs to Danehurst bloc this year will most probably have ensure that it attracts students”, claims the Public Relations found out what I am about to say already. Department. Sure, the idea of having a paid worker to remove the filth that you've managed to accumulate over those tasteful brownish-grey floor mats Kings' furnishes you with sounds like a sweet deal, but woe betide you should you not adhere to the rules of said cleaner. Cleaners, you see, are trained in efficiency; like soldiers, attack dogs and the occasional Terminator they follow orders and carry them out their task without mercy. One conspiracy theory is that the firm from which Kings hires its cleaners has links to the Stasi, or maybe even SkyNet. These cleaning machines are trained to perform the established "knock twice and immediately enter" manoeuvre, regardless of protestations (experienced this already?). Being woken up on a cold Monday morning is not grounds for protest. Wearing nothing but a rabbit-inheadlights look on your face and a pair of loud mismatched socks is no reason to stop the Cleaner Machines from bursting in. Being in an uncompromising position with a member of the opposite or same sex will not stop that door from being forced open, approximately two-thirds of a second after the knock occurs. It appears that the knock serves no purpose but to increase the volume of the cleaner's entrance. Why do they feel the need to knock? All it manages to do is instigate panic as you realise you are halfway across the room in your unflattering undergarments with no time to duck-and-cover out the way. If you're in bed (which you shouldn't be - it is after 10am, you know) by the time you have your wits about you it's physically impossible to shout out anything comprehensible to stop that door opening. Nearly always the only thing you can utter is a Chandler Bing-esque stammer which vaguely sounds like "Stop!". I am, of course, speaking from experience. Imagine it - stuck in the middle of no-man's land in your Garfield underwear and the enemy ambushes you from three feet away. Of course they always offer the usual apologies and mutter "Oh, I'll come back next week" but you can tell they leave with a grin on their face as a.) A student's pasty undernourished body is always a comical sight, and b.) They don't have to clean your room for the fifth successive week. I swear they plan this every week.

IFE DON’T BELIEVE IT! SPARKS FLY AS UNPOPULAR PRINCIPAL HONOURED By Emma Kidd Some students voiced their concerns at the end of last term when Professor Barry Ife, last year’s acting Principal of King’s College, was awarded an Honourary Life Membership of the Student’s Union at the annual Laurels Ceremony. The award, which is the highest accolade the Union presents at the ceremony which recognises exceptional contributions to the King’s community, came as a blow to those who have criticised Ife’s participation in college affairs over the last year. It is felt that his spearheading the closure of the Chemistry and Life Sciences Department and his fervent support of the Higher Education Bill make him an undeserving recipient of such a prized tribute. Others believe it was simply the wrong time to present Ife with such a prestigious award, and it would have been better to postpone it until the animosity surrounding his work had died down. Also, it seems that a Student Representative Council (SRC) meeting that would have given members the chance to discuss Ife’s nomination was closed before the issue was raised. David Dunne, the former President of the Student’s Union, reportedly cut the meeting short, preventing opposed students from voicing their objections. It is believed Ife’s nomination was single-handedly decided by Dunne, and wasn’t held up to the scrutiny of any other SRC members.

Barry Ife admires David Dunne’s suit

Those who thought Ife was a good candidate for the HLM believe that the professor’s previous work on the behalf of King’s Students should be recognised despite his most recent indiscretions, but of this number there are still many who believe the timing was insensitive and was inevitably controversial. Professor Ife has now left King’s to take up a position as Principal of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Let’s hope students are more satisfied with the new Principal, Professor Rick Trainor, who joins us from the University of Greenwich and is a Professor of Social History.

Monday 20th September 2004


Babe Of The Issue


Ghostly figures desperately looking for some KCLSU facilities

By Romina Spina Introducing the brand new student facilities on the other side of the river... If you thought that scheduled lectures, a library and 24-hours PAWS access were the only reasons that could make Waterloo look remotely interesting, think again! Thanks to the good work of the KCL Student Union (KCLSU), there will be new facilities right opposite Waterloo Campus to help you make the most out of your college experience. This means that if you happen to spend the day south of the river, you will not have to walk across the bridge only to use the resources available in to the Macadam Building. In fact, the main area of the new student facilities will be very similar to the one that can be found on the Strand. It will be located in the space just above the gym on Stamford Street is to be opened in the near future.

been a problem because we haven’t had many facilities at Waterloo in the past”. As a result, students often felt alienated from KCLSU. That is bound to change now as he added that “we are hoping to build a community atmosphere”. Bearing that in mind, KCLSU officers will be available to students on the new premises on a regular basis, so remember that if you need to talk to them you won’t find them hidden away in the Franklin Wilkins Building anymore. The new KCLSU area at Waterloo “has been refurbished over the summer and will house a shop, a social space/sitting area with PAWS machines and offices for KCLSU”, said Lee Peterson. The entrance will be situated on Cornwall Road (around the corner from Stamford Street) and will lead you straight into the shop/reception area, where you will be able to make general enquiries and purchase everything you need, from food and stationary to tickets for KCLSU events . Now if that isn’t reason enough to get excited… KCLSU officers welcome any feedback you may have.

Lee Peterson, VP Sites & Services, explained to Roar that “there has always





Name: Nicola Schmidt Age: 26 Course: MA English Likes- fry ups Dislikes- MA English


Monday 20th September 2004




King's College London Students' Union (KCLSU) would like to welcome you to the new academic year with a promise that it will expend all its energy in representing you and fighting for your right to an educational experience you will never forget. Whether a Fresher or returning student, we here’s exactly what your Union can do for you and what you can do for your Union.

of world culture, embracing all minorities and majorities.

If you find yourself in need of advice on what to do if your studies aren't progressing quite as you hoped, if you can't live without establishing an 'Underwater Pogo' club or a “Polyester Underwear Appreciation” society, if you need tickets to one of the many fabulous events in Tutu's nightclub at the Strand campus, if there's an issue you would like to see the Union focus on, or even if you need a part-time job, KCLSU can help you out. And it doesn't stop there...

Freshers Fayre’s are a hectic, fun packed introduction to KCL, KCLSU and being a student. They will be held at Guy's on the 24th and the Strand on the 25th September, and if you don't come down you'll miss out on a stack of freebies and the chance to be the first to sign up for volunteering, clubs, societies or the Non Stop Campaigning Team. There will also be information on KCLSU elections and how you can become a champion of your classmates' interests.

...Visit one of our three Student Centres at the Strand, Guys or Waterloo campuses to discover the full range of services provided by KCLSU. Everyday between 12pm and 2pm you'll be able to speak to one of your elected officers elected to discuss whatever is on your mind. While you're there, why not grab a snack, replace your threadbare lab coat, or top up your stationary supply in the KCLSU Shop! KCLSU realises that socialising is far from the mind of every student, but if you do ever feel the need to kick back, bars are located at the three main sites, serving soft drinks, hot snacks, and alcohol for the more

The Non Stop Campaigns Team needs you to aid the delivery of these exciting programmes - contact us if you enjoy working hard for the satisfaction of a job well done.

adventurous amongst you (but we do understand if you have to leave early for that important 9am lecture). Campaigning has always been an important part of the student experience (just ask your parents if they went to university). This year there will be four campaigns running non-stop to inform and represent here at KCLSU. - ‘Our College' will raise awareness of your needs as a student at King's, focusing on money, safety, accommodation and libraries, and other college facilities. - 'Our Union' aims to encourage participation in KCLSU, representing your fellow students, using your vote and campaigning. - 'Our Body' is an informative campaign, taking in issues such as sexual health, healthy living and student stress. - 'Our World' promises to be a barnstorming celebration

Finally, KCLSU would like to lend its support and good wishes to Roar for the academic year, as it embarks on the heady journey of editorial independence from the Union Executive. We have no doubt it will continue to offer lively and informative news and views, and we hope to develop a productive working relationship with the editor and staff. If you've hungry for check for details on everything mentioned in this article or give us a call on 020 7836 7132.







Laura Norris Communications







Kate Tomlinson - Executive officer (Wthout Portfolio)

Roshani Patel - Equal Opportunities

Simon Hacking - Societies Officer

Ambroise Muchembled - Medical and Dental Officer

Benny Ogidan - Sports Officer Ella Secombe - Student Volunteering Officer



Saud Ahmed Khawaja - Union Chair Jennifer Lau - Postgraduate Students Officer

Monday 20th September 2004


Write On...

Want to have your say? Email us at - the Editor reserves the right to edit letters where appropriate

CD Winning Star Letter Hear that? That’s the sweet sound of dissent...

Dear Roar, Aside from the usual array of bills, final reminders, court summons and restrain-

ing orders that usually drop through my letter box I recently got a letter from my Student’s Union. I thought “Brilliant, I’ll file this WBP” (Waste Paper Bin – Acronym Ed) but before doing that I thought I’d at least have a look inside, I turned to the regular events guide, when I discovered, much to my disgust, that the powers that be have moved the Metal club night “Octane” from Tutu’s, on the Strand (where there is a stage that can be used as a platform for live music to be played) to Inverse, at Guy’s Campus (where there is no stage). The two biggest nights for Octane were the two where the Union could actually be bothered to book a band to play (even if they were both shit). I was attracted to King’s as it had a reputation for attracting good, big-name bands in the past – Travis, Foo

Fighters, Green Day, Idlewild, Linkin Park (okay – scrap Linkin Park, they’re shit). And I was expecting more of the same, Since I’ve been here who have we had? Jason f**king Donovan, Senser, and a Justin Timberlake tribute act. If King’s is going to attract a reputation as a good venue it needs to attract some decent bands, especially for the Octane club-night, which needs something big if it’s not to die on its arse. There are some great up-and-coming UK bands out there: Mendeed, CryForSilence, Reuben, Happylife – so come on KCLSU – sort this out, book some half-decent bands (for Octane or in general - I’m not fussed) and get King’s rocking again! Allister Fletcher

The best of the rest... TROUBLE AND IFE Dear Roar, Seeing as the last SRC was a closed forum, I feel this is the only way to voice my disgust and indignation at the award of an HLM to former Principal Barry Ife. Consider his record: he oversaw the shutting down of the chemistry, and health and life sciences departments making the degrees offered by King’s virtually useless. This in the face of glaring student protest, and the whole sorry issue went to prove just how far College has distanced itself from King’s students. One can only wonder how many other departments would have been shut down if he’d had the chance. The man is a disgrace to King’s and for KCLSU to then honour him defeats all logic. To give award the highest honour the Union can afford makes me sick to my stomach. What message does this send out to the power-brokers at the College? “Walk all over us. It’s ok; in fact, we’ll distinguish and praise you for it”. All the good work Prof. Ife did for the College was undone in the past year, so as far as I’m concerned the argument presented for his inclusion was weak at best. The other issue that arises from this is the awards committee and the system by which awards are decided. Is it right that the awards committee met at such a late stage, thus not giving SRC the time necessary to properly approve the awards? Can the opinion of a few (the awards committee), without proper approval be truly representative of a student body of 18,000? We need SRC to be a forum with real weight and power, this requires positive student participation, it’s completely unreasonable to expect students

I agree with your point, Al. I saw <209> at Octane last year and they were poor beyond belief. It is about time King’s got some decent bands in. I suppose booking Proud Mary, The Concretes and The Ordinary Boys was a start, but the lack of a stage at Octane in future is worrying. What do Roar readers say? Does King’s need to start booking quality bands? Leeds had Motorhead, Liverpool had the Darkness, Newcastle’s got Machine Head to look forward to, even Durham had Busted. We seem to have nothing. Would the union care to reply? Tell us what you think, - Ed.

CORRECTION CORNER to participate if their opinions and decisions are devalued. Many questions should be asked, and we, the students deserve answers. Decidedly Unhappy You make a fair point, but in reality not a lot can be done now about Ife’s HLM. Many of the Roar team were surprised and angered at the fact Ife was granted the award, and this was made worse by the fact there was no discussion of the awards at SRC. But this is something we need to forget now and move on, Ife has moved to pastures new, and I’m sure that many students are glad to see the back of him. Let’s just hope is successor, Richard Trainor, doesn’t reach the same levels of infamy and can put King’s back on the map as a world class educational institution. Which should be our main focus now. - Ed

MR. BLAIR - POPULAR Dear Roar I am writing in response to the laughable letter sent in by one David Charles. In his letter, Mr. Charles expresses his disbelief at public dissatisfaction with Tony Blair. He had “no choice but to go along with George Bush”. Actually the evidence points to fact that our Tony had lots of choice - so much so that George Bush even offered him the chance to pull out of the coalition before the invasion, lest his standing at home was irreparably damaged by the controversy over the war. Bush had calculated that Blair's continued leadership of the UK was more valuable than his presence for the adventure in Iraq. Blair, however, calculated other-

wise. I do not feel the need to go into the detail of the flawed Iraq invasion- it is a tired topic. Suffice to say that the US was operating no coercive rule over the Blair government in the run up to the war- Iraq was Tony's own mistake. Mr. Charles goes onto say that France suffered economic sanctions as a result of their UN veto. Again this is wrong, unless you consider the boycott of French fries in the States an ‘economic sanction’. The only other thing France missed out on were contracts in post- war Iraq, which considering that they didn't want to go there in the first place, probably didn’t bother them that much.

In the last issue of Roar “Champion” what was going on with the quote attributed to David Lundie? Does the man have a speech impendiment?

Then comes my favourite bit of the letter. The sentence that begins "‘Of course, if any readers feel this deliberate fabrication diminishes his integrity." is a wonderful piece of contradiction. Of course a deliberate fabrication diminishes his integrityits a lie!!!

Nigel McRorty

Mr. Charles then goes onto sing the praises of top up fees. This is classic stuff. He mentions how much happier he will be to pay three times the price for his education because he gets to pay later. So, I’m assuming that he will be more than happy to pay three times as much for his lunch, if he can pay tonight. Or three times as much for a beer if he can pay after he has had it. I have to say - that makes sound economic sense. Sorry if this sounded like a rant, but I just felt that someone ought to reply to this one. It seems, after all that there are actually other people out there more deluded as Tony Blair!! Name and Address supplied ‘Nuff said - Ed

Fabulous FuSoYa That’s a result what we like to refer to as “3am hand-eye co-ordination loss”. With a team as dedicated ours it can happen. Apologies - Ed. “It’s your letters”, issue 9. Under the heading “KCH becoming even less safe” there’s a letter about Bush, Blair and fees. Why?

No excuses this time. That was solely the work of Mr Alexi Duggins. As punishment he has been “downsized” never to be seen in the Roar office again. He since left us to edit London Student. We wish him well - Ed. In the Vines review in the last issue shouldn’t “Craig smashes his mic on the symbol” be “Craig smashes his mike on a cymbal”? Are you all completely incompetent? Chris the Ninja Pirate Yes it should be. And I wrote that piece too. Damn. I spelt it correctly but it got changed. I blame it all on recently departed arts edtor Chryselle. She “edited” it, damn her. For her punishment she’s now in the boot of my car awaiting her “last ride”. Each week the eagle-eyed reader who spots the most obscure mistake in Roar wins a cd single. And a good kicking. Fault us if you dare - Ed.

Monday 20th September 2004


S fashion, style, look, trend, rage, vogue, latest style, prevailing taste, fashion, style, look, trend,vogue, latest T Y L E fashion, style, look, trend, rage, vogue, latest style, prevailing taste, fashion, style, look, trend, rage, latest

F a s h i o n . . .


Fashion Guru!

AVRIL LATRINES - GO HOME!!! By Penfold Around campus you will notice a group of people who to seem adopt the skater style, little “sk8er bois” as it were. The curious thing is that the majority of these people cannot skateboard. Actually, the chances are that they probably don’t even own a skateboard. You can not miss their wannabe style. They can usually be seen carrying rucksacks with badges pinned on and names of various bands written in permanent marker or tipex to stamp their identity of being ‘cool’.

Just in case you missed the name of these bands on their backpacks; they have the hoodie to match. Infact they’re not so much skater types as groupies, choosing to wonder the corridors of campus as adverts to half rated bands that no one has ever heard of. Of course, no skater type would be complete without their converse trainers; usually graphitied with something that the wearer deems to be witty but

in reality makes no sense to anyone with more than three brain cells.

Avril Lavigne: Adopted Queen of the “skater types”

the majority of these people cannot skateboard. Actually, the chances are that they don’t even own a skateboard” grossly mistaken if you think that using a pair of trousers to prove the existence of gravity is a good idea. You do not look good, you just look silly! And please, if you must show your underwear for the entire world to see, make sure it’s a nice pair. So take note: “Tighty whities” (Y-fronts, if you didn’t know) are definitely not a good idea with such attire. You have been warned. Chino Moreno: Probably not singing along to the Madness classic “Baggy Trousers”

They are unmissably recognisable from the incredibly baggy jeans they wear. I use the word “wear” in the loosest possible sense of the word as they seem unfamiliar with the concept of a belt, displaying their underwear for all to see. Personally when I see these people, and I’m sure this thought has crossed many people’s minds but wouldn’t you just love to go up to one of these skater types and give them a wedgie!! If this is you then you are

My Style Name: Builder No.4 Studying: Masonry What are you wearing? T-Shirt by Prada. Jeans by Gucci. Hair by me. Who is your Style Idol? Bob the Builder and the Village People Do you think its important to keep up with the latest (building) trends? Definitely. Without trends the world would cease to exist. Stephen Hawking said so. Whats Out at the moment? Hard hats. Whats In? Lederhosen. Brown Lederhosen.


Now before all you haters start to whine “But he’s such a Justin wannabe - and JT was sooo last year” Usher is the original and still the best. Whether it be his dance moves, dress sense or pecs he outstrips JT in every department (ooh - I’m getting all hot and flustered) Just look at the “Yeah!” video if you doubt it, he pulls off the jeans and blazer look effortlessly, but looks waaaay cooler than most of you unwashed oiks out there trying to be the Strokes. Usher is now officially cool so stand up and be proud pop ya collar don’t let ‘em sweat ya!

Clothes Horse! J E N N I F E R E L L I S O N

You’d think with all the money she’s made from acting and her *ahem* “music” Jennifer Ellison would’ve learnt the number one rule of clothes buying: MAKE SURE THEY FIT. Even geeks who buy their clothes from tesco’s know that much, hun. And sweetie, if they don’t fit you can always take them back. But whatever you do, don’t wear clothes that are 8 sizes too small, remember love - it’s always best to leave something to the imagination. We’re sick of you pushing your dreadful “choons” and your poorly covered “puppies” in our faces. Now be gone, as you “sing” ‘Bye Bye Girl’...

Be Seen... Club NME: KOKO (Formerly Camden Palace), Wednesday 22nd September If there’s one place to be seen - then it is most definitely here my friends. The Music Weekly launches its first London Club night with “An AList Band”, a host of DJ’s, and no doubt a whole load of “celebs”. I for one will be dancing away till the wee small hours of the morning. If you have any tiny bit of self respect you will be there, or be, as the saying goes, SQUARE.


Monday 20th September 2004

YOUNG, GIFTED...AND IDLE By Andrew Wander Students have always had a reputation for extreme laziness. The common portrayal of the bone idle student, vegetating in front of daytime television having spent the previous evening on a quest to find new levels of inebriation is one that pervades much of our society. I came to university wondering how true this stereotype was. I discovered it was pretty accurate, and what was more, student idleness was contagious. Within weeks of arriving, the bug was well established in my halls of residence. Some suffered only a mild case, but others were struck down with more acute symptoms. Full days were spent in bed, lectures before midday greeted with dread and evenings wasted away in the local late license bar or steering a dream team to victory on Championship Manager. Everyone, it seemed, had one thing on their minds- to do as little as possible. Legendary accounts of laziness began to circulate- “so and so got up at 6pm yesterday”- and there were even stories that a certain student had been sighted in the local pub wearing his dressing gown and slippers. Bargain Hunt and Trisha became

staple television viewing as unwashed dishes spilled from sinks onto worktops. It is a scene played out in kitchen after kitchen, in student residences all over the country. It is incredible how universal this behaviour is amongst the student population. Students are supposed to be the next

able to go to university? I think not. I suspect it is simply because at certain times, we can behave like this and get away with it. One only has to visit the library during the exam period, however, to see the flip side of coin- the same people who bragged about their marathon bouts of sloth are

Another day, another hangover generation of high achievers. So why are we so idle? Is it a result of the hard work our courses require of us? Or maybe a reaction to the thirteen years of rigorous education we all go through before we are

now talking about marathon bouts of study. The nature of university life is that there are periods of intense work, broken up by periods where there is less to do. Who can blame students for making the

most of these periods- holidays are almost always entirely taken up by work, both financial and academic. Indulging in a little idleness while at university is as much a part of student life as essays and exams.

“So why are we so idle? Is it a result of the hard work our courses require of us? Or maybe a reaction to the thirteen years of rigorous education we all go through?” Time at university flies past and before you know it, Diagnosis Murder will be little more than a memory as the reality of graduate life sinks in. In the days of student grants, the general public had a legitimate reason to bemoan student laziness- they were, after all, funding these years of apparent hedonism and idleness, interspersed with the odd exam. Today however, tuition and top up fees ensure that it is us who pay for the privilege to do very little- and it is perfectly possible to strike a balance between idleness and activity, ensuring that we get the best of both worlds out of the university experience.

LONG DISTANCE LOVE... ...CAN IT WORK? By Paul Warrington Before coming to university I began to notice that a strange phenomenon was beginning to occur amongst my friends who had been involved in long term relationships. They seemed to regard the fact that they were about to start their university career as a death sentence to their relationships which otherwise were in perfectly healthy condition. Why was this so I asked myself? Was it at really necessary to go through this heartache and what had caused them to be brainwashed into thinking this?

“England isn’t a particularly big country. In fact its possible to travel almost anywhere in under seven hours” Most of my friends, when asked why university had spelt the end of their relationships offered me lame duck excuses such as that they would hardly ever be able to see each other because of either the distances involved, or the costs of tickets travelling up and down the country. Some of them even had the audacity to suggest

that they would be too busy furthering their education. Now forgive me if I’m wrong but first of all England isn’t a particularly big country. In fact its possible to travel almost anywhere in England and Wales and Scotland for that matter, from London in under seven hours. Coming from a country several times the size of England, I find it incredibly difficult to accept this explanation. Nor do I think the cost of these treks should be relevant as there are several bus companies Ending a relationship offering long distance fares for as little as one pound. Along with these ridiculously cheap fares, comes a vast array of discounts and special offers available, of up to thirty-three percent on return fares for students wishing to use train services around the country. Not to mention the falling cost of air travel around the United Kingdom flights for lit-

eral pennies. The average amount of hours spent in lectures and tutorials per week at King’s is approximately sixteen, which leaves ample time during the week to do whatever needs to be done to free up a weekend. Armed with this mass of information I decided to challenge m y p e e r s in style - but is it necessary? w h o seemed Could this be you?? to think that all the time and effort spent on long distance relationships, once embarked on their university life would be ultimately wasted. Many of them then stumped up the truththat never again in their lives would they ever be given the opportunity to meet as many people with as varied interests as

you come across at university. Put another way the perfect opportunity for a bit of ‘how's your father’. This is fair enough, but I wish people were more honest.

Going to university will not ultimately affect the way two people feel about one another. In my opinion that comes down to a few other things. How much you want the relationship to last and how much time and effort you are willing to put into it to make it work are much important elements to a relationship than where you live. Being apart from someone that you really want to be with could never possibly be easy. But with all these cheap ways of getting around the country available to students and with the ever decreasing costs of mobile phone calls and text messages, being apart is getting easier.

If people want to come to university for a three year shag fest, fine. That's a perfectly noble aspiration. But if the same people give lame and tired excuses about university wrecking their last relationship then they need to take a reality check. Quitting at the first hurdle is no way for a otherwise happy relationship to end.

f t

y e n t h o u u y f o g -

a e t p



Monday 20th September 2004


By Andrew Wander

So, a new year is upon us all and we all know what a new year means: a big fat student loan instalment appearing in our bank accounts. But this termly treat of seeing a bank balance of four figures, without a ‘D’ next to it is like the summer break - no sooner has it arrived it seems to be gone. But fear not- this year could be different. The kind souls at Roar know your pain (too well) and have put together a money-saving guide to help you make the most of London and university. Follow me my apprentice, for a better life awaits us all. All you have to do is use our easy to follow “top tips” and laugh all the way to the bank:


T O P TIP N o . 1 Buy a Travel Card- For those of us who travel a lot, a Student travel card is the way forward. They are available for trains and coaches and even for the tube (ask at the union).They may seem like a expensive investment, but they pay for themselves in a surprisingly short time.


T O P TIP N o . 2 Plan- If your going out, plan beforehand how much you are willing to spend. Take this amount out with you and leave all your cards at home. Once again avoid increasing the pain of a hangover by discovering that the night before you bought the entire pub a round and cleared your bank account at the same time!!!

T O P TIP N o . 3 Budget- I know... it sounds like the most boring thing in the world. But it works surprisingly well. To do it, simply calculate the amount of money you have to spend and how much you think essentials are going to cost. If you aren’t to sure how much to put overestimate- this leaves you with enough for emergencies.Simply take away the cost of essentials from the available amount. The difference is your spare money for the term- divide this by the number of weeks and you have a weekly entertainment(for this read alcohol) budget. Stick to this figure as much as possible; its no fun going without food and having a stinking hangover!!!



T O P TIP N o . 5 Shop Wisely- Ok we all know that Tesco’s Finest range tastes damn good, but can you really afford it? Much of the economy range is perfectly edible (well, maybe not). Treats are fineexpensive habits are not so healthy for bank balance!

T O P TIP N o . 6 Sell Your Old Books- Remember- at university everyone is trying to save money and students in the year below you will probably appreciate your cut price books as much appreciate their hard earned dosh!! Buy your books second hand from the year above. Course notice boards are a good place to start looking and advertising.

£ T O P TIP N o . 4 Watch out for bogus bargainsbuy 2 get one free still involves you spending twice at much as just buying one.And do you really need three portions of meat.It does go off you know!!And while we are on the subject of food going offeat it before it does, or dont buy as much!! Don’t waste money by throwing away food.


T O P TIP N o . 8 T O P TIP N o . 7


Get a Job- Sounds obvious, and is really easy to do in London. Bar work is available all year and several agencies for corporate catering/ stewarding allow you pick and choose your hours. Plus you get to go to lots of glamorous events and cool gigs! Alternatively the Student Union is an excellent place to work, and pays competitive rates. Another bonus- no tax for students!!

Donate Your Body To Medical Research- if you are really hard up, you can always enrol in medical experiements. They pay very well indeed for what seems like very little work and even if you do perish trying to earn a few quid look on the bright side... at least you contributed to the advancement of medical knowledge.Keep your eyes on your Kings email account for info- the medics are always on the lookout for fresh victims...i mean...volunteers.

14 l i v e l i f e

Monday 20th September 2004

gig, gallery, club, musical, bar, museum, opera, exhibition, play, comedy, restaurant, pub, dance, phase

WHATS ON gig, gallery, club, musical, bar, museum, opera, exhibition, play, comedy, restaurant, pub, dance, phase

TOP 5 CLUBS AND BARS 1. Jazz on the Green-The Bluejay Jazz Lounge, 184 Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush Green. If you enjoy jazz, good food, dance and sophisticated company, try this club for a non-stereotypical student night out. Located in West London, here you can begin the evening revelling in the delights of French and modern British cuisine, before swiftly moving onto the main dancefloor stage to boogie on down with live band performers. This recently reopened club offers you the perfect relaxed environment to dance with ease to jazz, swing, brazilian, latino and classic rock, but if getting up-close and per-

sonal to those saxophones doesn’t seem to tickle your fancy, you can always part away to the smaller, more discreet dance area for a private little smooch and canoodle with your loved one (or pillar) ;) Open everyday 6pm-12 am. Regualr Live acts Tues-Sun. Mondays are FREE. Dress: smart/casual. For more information, go to or phone 02082226597

compact, very red. Mondays: ELECTRIC DREAMS (Early 80’s, dark industrial, £3 with flyer, 10-3am) Thurs: DRUZZI’S (Rave club)

1.Buried Child @ National TheatreLyttelton 18th September-15th December National Theatre, Southbank, London SE1 9PX To Book: 020 7452 3000. A Sam Shepard play, directed by Matthew Warchus. Set in the heart of America, a long-lost son returns to his childhood home to be confronted by a crazed family who barely remember him. With this unexpected return, the claustrophobic tension rises, and it soon becomes apparent that violence could break at any moment. In this darkly comical play, what could have been a warm hearted welcome home instead avalanches into catastrophe 2. Romeo and Juliet@ Shakespeare’s Globe, closes 26th September, so get your skates on! Bankside, London SE1 Tickets from £5-29 3. Chicago@Adelphi Theatre, ongoing The Strand WC2 4 Stomp@Vaudeville Theatre, Until 30th Jan 2005 The Strand WC2 £15-37.50. Tues-Sat (8pm). Also matinee performances at 3pm Thurs, Sat, Sun. Choreographed dance with a difference-watch men in dungarees stamp and stomp their way to rhythmic harmony by using metal objects and percussion instruments. 5 A bit of flamenco? Mercedes Ruiz flamenco a@Queen Elizabeth Hall, until 2nd Oct South Bank SE1. For tickets and information call 0870 380 0400

l i f e

Saturdays: DECADENCE (Classic Rock, £5, 10-3.30 am) 1st and last Fri of each month: Goth nights. 3. Elecrowerkz, Angel. Fridays: SANCTUM, Saturdays: SLIMELIGHT 10pm6am. £5 entry, £4 with NUS or flyer. Ummmm, only dare enter if you are one for goth culture in the EXTREME. Corsets and knuckle dusters feature greatly, keep an open mind. 4. Club X@The Mean Fiddler, every Friday. Charing Cross Road. 3 dancefloors of Indie/alternaitve/metal. Cheap drinks! £5 NUS/Flyer, or £7.

2. Gossips 69 Dean Street, Soho, W1. Underground cave style club,


l o v e

5. Want to keep it in the union? There’s always of course the cheesy pop option at Phase, every Friday in Tutu’s. £4 entry.

And now for something completely different... Book a flight from London Stansted to Lyon aiport, France on for a cheap and cheerful price. From the airport take the Shuttle bus to Part Dieu, then take the metro (greenline) to Vieux Lyon. From there make your way to the Johnny Walsh’s Irish pub for some karaoke, yummy mixer drinks and cocktails for just 4 euros 50 and friendly company. If you stay for long enough, they even arrange ski trips in the alps.... Or for much less money, you could always make your own whiskey and coke in the comfort of your own home! I recommend 2 parts whiskey, 3 parts coke. The choice is yours, but drink enough and the results are always the same the next morning - don’t ya just love student life, eh?

COMPETITION We spoil you people, we really do. We’ve teamed up with the good people at the Daily Mail and to offer 5, YES - FIVE!! Lucky readers the chance to head on down to the Daily Mail Ski and Snowboard Show at London Olympia October 13-17. It promises to be a great event, and you could be there, all you have to do is complete the name of the following famous british skiing personality: a) Eddie “The Albatross” Edwards b) Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards c) Eddie “The Bogie” Edwards The questions a toughie, but if you think you know the answer then send an email to with your name phone number, and of course, your answer. As ever, good luck!

Monday 20th September 2004 l i v e l i f e


gig, gallery, club, musical, bar, museum, opera, exhibition, play, comedy, restaurant, pub, dance, phase


l o v e l i f e

gig, gallery, club, musical, bar, museum, opera, exhibition, play, comedy, restaurant, pub, dance, phase

ART AND EXHIBITIONS 1. LONDON FASHION WEEKEND, 23rd-26th September Duke of York Square, King’s Road, Chelsea. £10: Four days of designer clothes at non-designer prices! More than 100 Fashion Week designers will be displaying and selling their collections at a reduced price, and if you ge there on 24th you can also have a chance of attending the Face of the Eve catwalk show hosted by Gaby Roslin and Gail Elliot! For tickets, go to

2. FOURTEEN DAYS, 17th Sept-2nd October: The Proud Gallery, 10 Greenland Street, NW1 0ND Fourteen top celebrities including Helena Christensen, Howie B, The Libertines and Irvine Welsh, document 14 days of their lives with a Sony Ericsson phone camera to celebrate and explore this new form of modern photography.

2. Tate Modern: Bankside, SE1. Open daily, free admission, except exhibitions. Still showing until 26th September: Luc TymansFrom 2nd October-21st November: Mohamed Camara. To Book: or 02078878888

3. Tate Britain, Millbank, London SW1P 4RC Open daily 10-17.50 for general admission. Last admission to exhibitions at 17.00 Next at the Tate: Fri 1st Oct-“Late at Tate Britain”, 18.00-21.00 Celebrating Black History Month, Tate Britain offers a day of art, music and poetry performances plus a special screening of “Twighlight City” and talks by Reece Auguiste, Kodowo Eshun and Sukhdev Sandhu. For tickets call 020 78878888

4. Dinomites. Horniman Museum and Gardens, 100 London Rd, London SE23 Until 31st October, open daily 10.30-17.30 Concessions £2, otherwise £4 Exhibition of life-like dinosaur models, offering information on the cycle of dinosaur life, oh yay. Sound effects and jungle settings, wooo!

MICELLANEOUS WONDERS! PUB: The Marlborough Head: Audley Street, just of Oxford Street, nearedt tube Bond Street and turn left.. One of a chain of eerie gothic pubs. Drink shots out of test tubes, pitchers named after the Seven Deadly Sins, walk through a bookcase to get to the toilet, and sit at a grand table absorbing the gothic memorabelia. Other gothic pubs include nearby-Ben Crouch, near Totneham Court Road.


Walk behind Selfridges on Oxford Street into James Street

and st.Christopher’s place and find a beautiful cluster of little restaurants offering a wide variety of food including Italian, French and Lebanese.

MARKET: Portobello Market, Notting Hill every Saturday from early morning until 6 pm. One endless street of bohemia, antique memorabilia, and friendly vibe. You might even spot that door from the film if you keep your eyes peeled!

Feel like staying in? Check out and listen to the symphony of Lord Detritus’ wonderful mix of death metaltracks....

Top 5 Comedy



For a cheap night out, there’s nothing like a King’s night out. Get yourselves down to the Inverse basement in Boland House, Guy\s Campus oon Friday 24th September for some stand up comedy entertainment from Phil Nicholl, Logan Murray and MC Bary Castagnola then spend the rest of the early hours of the morning dancing to the disco grooves in the afte comedy disco. Comedy: 7-11 pm Disco: 11-2 am £6 entry, or £2 for disco only. To book tickets call 07932658895, or visit and check out the Sites and Services section and follow the link to events.

2. Comedy Store: 1a Oxedon Street, Picadilly Circus SW1

3. Walkabout Inn Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, WC2

4. Camden Lock Comedy Revue Lock Tavern, 35 Chalk Farm Road, Chalk Farm, NW1

5. “Bound and Gagged”, Tufnell Park Tavern. Tufnell Park Road, Tufnell Park N7 Also at “The Fox”, Green Lanes, Wood Green N13


Monday 20th September 2004


Poor old Clinic. It was all going so well in 2001debut album ‘Internal Wrangler’ was championed by the critics, Radiohead offered a support slot, and the advertising honchos at Levi’s had slapped ‘Second foot stomp’ all over their latest TV ad for 501’s. But despite all of this the records weren’t selling and, while a whole host of fellow art-rockers sprinted towards mainstream (ish) appeal (The Coral, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and more recently, Franz Ferdinand), Clinic were left in their dust with little more than their live outfits (surgical masks and gowns) to distinguish them from every other could have been. Today you would imagine that the righteous indignation is boiling in the Liverpudlians veins, out of their eyes, and all over their latest album‘Winchester Cathedral’. Instead, Clinic have opted to dish out yet another twelve-song set swamped in over-zealous organ playing and sub-karaoke Frank Black impressions. I would be interested to know whether or not Clinic are still pulling the medical garb schtick, but on the evidence of ‘Winchester Cathedral’ I can’t be bothered wasting the time and money to find out.

Henry Barnes


22-20s - 22-20s

The Music – Welcome to the North


In 2002 the White Stripes suddenly became the centre of the British music press’ hysterical hype machine. This crossed over in to mainstream media and suddenly the Blues were the flavour of the month. You can imagine a British record company’s A&R discussions “You know what we really need? We need to find a British White Stripes!” and so the plan was hatched. Unfortunately all they could find was a trio of white boys from Lincoln (with no clothing colour scheme), known as the 22-20s.

So many bands have failed that second album, lately that fate has happened to the Vines and the Datsuns. Unfortunately for our Leeds quartet their follow-up to their self titled debut album isn’t half as exciting as NME has been making it out to be. I have loved this band from the moment I first heard take the long road and walk it the song was so Zeppelinesque.

A great soundtrack can stand alone from the context of the parent movie as a memorable piece of music in its own right. Badly Drawn Boy achieved this with the ‘About a boy’ soundtrack in 2002, which remained fresh and interesting long after the film vanished from memory. Hot on the heels of the critically mauled and publicly ignored ‘100th Window’ LP, Massive Attack’s ‘Danny the Dog’ OST suffers at the hands of poor timing. Now at post-production in the States, the film (with an eclectic cast including Jet Li, Morgan Freeman, Bob ‘Oskins) won’t be released here until April 2005.

It is now 2004 and we finally receive their debut album. In between times they have released a clutch of singles and a short live album. Thus most of the material on the album is fairly old hat to anyone who has paid the band any attention in the past, this would not be problem if the album were brilliant, sadly it is not. The majority of the songs are bluesy dirges, which grind and grate at your brain in till you cry out for a change of chords.

The love for the bands whose debut album’s started the rock revolution in 2001 have been with me for almost 3 years now. It’s still being carried on by the likes of The Libertines and Strokes but the long road has been cut short and The Music have bored us.

The first two singles of the Album were quite good but upon reflection were nothing groundbreaking and their new album tries to recreate what they had already recreated. The sound is no longer exciting at all with the exception of Breakin to which I can say that Robert Harvey Admittedly there are some will be busking the octopus songs that lift their heads dance around the UK on the above the rampart of medi- forthcoming tour. ocrity, such as “22 days” and “Devil In Me” both of which If you don’t know who the have a stomp and fizz to Music are then buy their self them which is sadly lacking titled debut album, if you elsewhere. already own it then leave it at that danceable feast of So should you part with your music before you become hard-earned student cash on disappointed in them. this album? Don’t bother, instead buy yourself some early Rolling Stones albums and listen to the original Blues rip offs at work.

Rob Caswell

Felix Carrasco

Without the movie to relate the music to at least ten of the twenty-one tracks on the soundtrack amount to little more than neo-classical incidental music - leaving the listener twiddling their thumbs. However, odd glimpses of Massive Attack’s traditional brilliance shine through. The thunderous intro of ‘One thought at a time’ demolishes the haunting piano of the previous tracks, breathing new life into the album. Similarly ‘Atta Boy’ and‘ I am Here’ are welcome bursts of energy - robot-funk drum loops swamped by basslines that are just plain filthy. Moments like these make ‘Danny the Dog’ an album with slow-burning appeal and one worth persevering with.

Henry Barnes

Interpol - Slow Hands ‘Slow Hands’ is the first single from Interpol’s upcoming album ‘Antics’, so how much has their sound changed since the release of critically acclaimed debut ‘Turn on the Bright Lights’? Well they obviously have not kept their heads in the sand; the song has a tinge of indie disco with a driving guitar chorus and a funky drumbeat, successfully peddled by Franz Ferdinand this year. Lyrically Paul Banks seems to have turned to relationship troubles rather than his home city (New York) for inspiration, with the best line being “I submit my intention is romance/ I watch the pole dance of the stars”. Overall this song is not a patch on the best songs from Turn on the Bright Lights, but as a song that captures the current vogue for “guitar songs to dance to”; I guarantee you will be dancing to this number at “alternative” club nights across London. Rob Caswell Melissa Auf Der Maur – Taste you As a huge Smashing Pumpkins fan I thought I would always find it hard to accept what anyone tried to do after the split. Billy Corgan went and formed Zwan in which there was too much happiness to reminisce any Pumpkins love. Melissa has formed her own band and is fronting it on the bass. Whereas Followed by the Waves and Real a Lie brought us the dark sound that we are so used to hear from her ‘Taste you’ has a similar sound to Morrissey with ‘Irish Blood English Heart’. One thing I assure you is that she will not need to rejoin Courtney to make her name any more. Felix Carrasco The Streets - Blinded by the Lights The third single from ‘A Grand Don’t Come for Free’ is perhaps the strongest so far, a counterpart to his clubbing opus ‘Weak Become Heroes’. But while the last is a glorious homage, this single shows another side to the club scene; a bad drug experience with adultery thrown into the mix. What it manages to accomplish so well, is to create a powerful image of life young city-dwellers he would no doubt be acquainted with, and injecting it with sharp, incisive storytelling. Skinner’s inspired mixing sees him cutting up rave beats to complement a slow, deep trip-hop beat which evokes a brilliantly vivid club scene, being the aural equivalent of strobing club lights. Soulful vocals (People pushin’ by, and walkin’ off into the night) add to an aura of sadness that glows off the gently euphoric house backing. It’s difficult to imagine Skinner topping this. Vikas Chowdhary The Soundtrack of our Lives - Bigtime I can't figure out if the lyrics to this song are repetitive on purpose, or because English isn’t their first language. Even the song title doesn’t pass the spell check. ‘Welcome to the future/straight into the future/bigtime’ ad infinitum. Hasn’t there been way too much rock’n’roll reminiscent of the past? Well it was good, but I’ve had enough. From now on it’s got to be damn good to stand out from the masses. If TSOOL are a good band then this track doesn’t seem to do anything to prove it so stay away from the song, and maybe from the band because from the cd sleeve, they look like pretty ugly buggers. Cheryl Kam


Monday 20th September 2004

Festivals 2004 Well as another summer of rain passed and we return to the concrete jungle that Mr. Skinner so loves what memories stand out from this years festival circuit? Was it Metallica at Download with stand in drummers Joey Jordison and Dave Lombardo; was it Dido sending you to sleep at V; the Chemical Brothers tearing up Creamfields or did you head of abroad for a more cultural show such as Bennicassim or Rock AM Ring? The summer for me started as with some of the other lucky punters at Glastonbury, I was working as an Oxfam steward the only way to be sure of a ticket! This meant having 3 eight hour shifts of which most clashed with the music so after changing with a footy fanatic who couldn’t bear to miss England – Portugal I found myself missing no music! Well the heavens opened on the First day and so my very first muddy Glastonbury began! As you waded through the mud seeing the shroomheads that NME so loves imagining they

are swimming in the ocean instead of the crap of Eavis’ cows. We caught some of the more exciting bands of the weekend; the top new band to listen out for must have been the Glasto competition winners The Subways. Kasabian opening their 1st festival of the summer (you would find them moving up the bill as the summer progressed). The Others tried bringing the New tent down but the hidden anthem of the festival was the Walkmen with the Rat a fantastic song which you should all check out, shame the rest of the set sucked. Macca and Muse were unstoppable on the Pyramid whilst Oasis would have done better staying away from the mud at home. The Ruttles improvised through their Beatles versions and The Duke Spirit shocked all that battled the wind and rain. It was then up to Balado Scotland for the finest of the summers line-ups. A bill that included The Strokes, Pixies, Kings of Leon and PJ in a row on the last night and was permanently dotted with newcomers such as Hope of the States, Razorlight, Zutons and raised up with Faithless, the Bees, the Libertines and Orbital final performance. The only problem that came with this festival was the Scottish contingent that were there, you didn’t find anyway of sleeping and had the 5,6,7,8s “wooo hooo” all weekend non-stop, I must remember to thank Carling.

It was time for the week long one the prestigious Sidmouth International Folk Festival! Don’t stop reading this one was the best festival of the summer. A relaxing week on a beach in Devon whilst drinking the finest local Ales, Bitters and Ciders from the charity shops tankard. Whilst sitting in the sun with a chilled pint watching some nutcase Eastern Europeans trying to do their local dance for our comedic pleasure, a lot of the time it was highly entertaining but probably for the worst reasons. Sidmouth’s pubs are fantastic over the Festival week with pints flowing all weekend and some dancing being introduced step by step until everyone is ready to go and dance it off. There were some amazing musicians the crème of British Folk a young lady called Kate Rusby and her associate John Mcklusker drew a crowd of several thousand to the hillside of Sidmouth and then there was the Metallica of Folk a folk-rock group who had been around since the 70s called Steeleye Span search through your dads collection as it is worth a listen some of it is very much like Metallica in their One stage. Then there was the Molly Dancers, I felt lost when I stumbled across a Gene Simmons look-alike, the Kiss superstar was now a member of this folk dancing group! As I stood there looking at the legend with fag hanging out of his mouth and pint in hand, glasses on and a swagger that only comes when you seem like you are in Kiss, gob smacked I wandered over in awe to my friend who informed me that the dancing group dressed up identical after changes in politics meant they needed to change their image a bit. So Folk Kiss was invented! The Pig Dyke Molly group only wear white and black and are amazingly entertaining for the sole reason that everyone thinks its Kiss doing Molly dancing. This by the way is an entertaining act anyways but the imagery is out of this world, I would advise you all to look at their website.

about how he couldn’t wait for 50 to rap in da club and I was about to smack him one but kept my cool.

Right for Day Wristbands” a mere 8 hours later after copious amounts of the Ice Tea freebies I finished my shift with a lack of voice. Well I was straight into the bar and onto the main stage to see Brody do her thing as The Distillers ripped through an adrenaline fuelled set ending with her throwing her guitar into the crowd, very rock and roll Brody. Then it was time for Sweden’s self acclaimed “The worlds greatest ever band” the Hives, after kickstarting the gig they proceeded to go through a set filled with Tyrannosaurus Hives. Then into the Comedy tent for a bit of hagglers being told to shut up and musical comedians being told the same thing. The Friday was not going to be spent watching FFAF or The Darkness, hell no! It was all about the Carling Tent and Kasabian, They had moved the whole way up the bill over the summer and were now looking more confident and cocky than ever. With an Ian Brown stagger Tom Meighan had the crowd in the palm of his hand. Saturday came along and so the day begun with Mohair in the Carling Tent and then Bloc Party in the Radio 1 tent who had packet the place out, impressed I wandered over to see Mr. Borrell and Razorlight Rip it up and remained the rest

As the last day of sunshine came in and the last Late Night Extra drew to a close with thousands of people dancing atop a hill in Devon, I found it hard to say goodbye as it was going away for a year due to lack of funding, luckily they have found a new sponsor for the festival in 2006 so it will be back in full gear with all the folking anyone needs for a year. The August bank holiday weekend and this can only mean one thing and that’s the Carling Reading and Leeds Weekend Festival. Well arriving on Wednesday to find a flooded Reading site we set up our tent and collected our Oxfam shifts, we had been given the prestigious title of a ‘Floater’ which meant you are sent to work the areas that need help on and deliver tea and coffee around the places as well. First shift a rainy Friday and I am standing shouting “Left for Weekend wristbands,

of the day getting my shift placed on the main stage. The New York Dolls were amazing even for their age and Franz looked gayer than ever, the libs survived without Pete fine. Morrissey opened with a Smiths song and then sent everyone to sleep and we were then moved next to a young Scottish security guard who was turning 17 on the Sunday, unfortunately for me he did not shut up for the entire White Stripes and was going on about GnR and 50 Cent were amazing. Unfortunately that was the lowest point as the guy did not understand any English (bloody Glasweigans!). He was going on

Sunday came around and after being informed I was serving tea for all the stewards, I found my impeccable timing of the tea meant I could see the bands that I wanted to so most of the day was spent at the Carling Tent enjoying the crème of the new crop of bands. The main ones to remember were the Cribs rocking out and then the Others getting a stage invasion on the go, this was of course just after we bottled 50 Cent offstage! What a great moment all I could think was serves that security guard right for ruining my White Stripes! The Others invasion led to some getting hurt by security but for the most part an enjoyable invasion occurred. It was then off to see Supergrass finishing the Festival season for most of us. A fantastic set celebrating the last 10 years of Supergrass that we have enjoyed. That was it, the summer drawing to a close and all I can hope is that next year there is an alternate Folk Festival and that I win the lottery in the Glastodraw. And if anyone still likes the 5,6,7,8’s please do us a favour and keep it to yourself as everyone’s had enough to last them a lifetime!

By Felix Carrasco

CD COMP Every year, we get sent literally dozens of promotional CDs from record companies eager to boost record sales, and get publicity in our little student rag. We’ve had a drawer full of CDs for ages, so to commemorate the new, independent Roar, we’ve decided to clear out our CD collection and give it to you – the long-suffering reader. To win all these CD’s and become the envy of all your mates answer this simple question. The Pirates recently had a top 10 chart hit with “You Should Really Know”. What we want to know is with whom did they collaborate on their chart smash, was it: a) b) c)

Shola Ama and Naila Boss Abba and MC Hammer Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain

Answers to - don’t forget to include your contact details. The winner will be the first one chosen at random by the great hand of fate. Good luck, and get entering.


Monday 20th September 2004

FILM ROAR KEY: For this issue only our ratings will be based on how closely the films below resemble your terrified reality:

Not even reaced the M25

Entering the Fields......

New Film Editor Olivia O’Neil reveals all about her titillating and spooky.......

SUMMER ON CELLULOID Welcome or welcome back, had a good summer? I'm sure you have. Whether you've used your months off from studying to travel, work, bum around or all of the former, the manner of escapism that is the cinema (or, let's face it, pirate DVD's) suits all activities. Just because we're now technically back in the grind doesn't mean it's all over, some of the best films of the summer can still be caught. It seems to have been all about the fantastical and epic, mystery and legends and action are copious in some shape or form, with only a few exceptions. The summer's films have to be kicked off with Troy, which, to be quite honest all I can really remember of was a glorious abundance of bronzed skin, pumping muscles and one of the most graceful delivery's of plain testosterone ever...

At the front door.....

A feature length advert: I, Robot

It's a realistically simple story concerning hectic couple Susan and Daniel, played by Blanchard Ryan and Daniel Travis, who decide to go on a last minute vacation scuba diving in the tropics. As they admire the fish and coral reefs, their boat and fellow scuba divers head back to shore, accidentally leaving Susan and Daniel behind. Miles from land, we are made fully aware of the dangers around them; below the surface, an entire world threatens our heroes. The two must survive jelly fish, dehydration, cold temperatures and sharks. Yes, sharks. What makes the sharks so fearsome is that they seem completely random, they

creepiest, most sophisticated Potter film yet.

Returning to fantasy there has to be a mention for Shrek 2, with Eddie Murphy stealing the stage once again with more adult gags and the funniest equine facial expressions, though he did have some strong competition from a rival "annoying, talking animal". On the front of terrible films, even with those such as Catwoman (can you hear Halle Berry's career crying out as it gets flushed down the toilet?) and also the abysmal Hellboy, the worst film had to be I, Robot. It was so appalling. The more I think about it the more grossly terrible it seems. I know I was mildly entertained whilst watching it, but then I can't help but remember how insulting it was that we should have different brand labels so clumsily thrown at us, such as the unbearable charade of "Nice shoes," / "Yeah, vintage 2004..." throughout the entire film. It was a sad day for the credibility of the film industry when that was released. There are many, many more films that I could mention, but then I'd be getting carried away and we'd be into next summer before I realised, so I'll save some space for the latest reviews.......

Bronze Buttocks and Hollywood mythology: Troy


This film is definitely one of the biggest surprises to arise at the end of this summer; I did not expect to come out of the cinema liking it so much. I was openminded, but found myself only halfheartedly drawn in to it at the beginning; however this all changes and suddenly you find it difficult to separate yourself from the world on the screen.

In your duvet

Less on the make-believe, more on controversy is Fahrenheit 9/11. Regardless of whether or not you ultimately agree with his political views, Moore's documentary is worth your time both for its strong point of view and for its cinematic flair; plus, watching Moore drive around a mall in an ice cream truck while reading the Patriot Act over a loudspeaker is priceless.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was such a relief - to any respectable Harry Potter fan at least. After trading in the oversaturated, golden-hued direction of Chris Columbus for the darker touch of Y Tú Mama También's Alfonso Cuarón, Harry's third year at Hogwarts turns out to be the

Director: Chris Kentis Starring: Blanchard Ryan, Daniel Travis Release: 09/09/04

In your bedroom.....

appear and disappear, then swim off, then return and circle, and it's this not knowing what will happen that produces a tension you seem to share as if you were there with them. It makes you realise a film doesn't have to be over-stuffed with flashy effects, or laden with expensive, beautiful actors to be effective. This film is scarier after you've watched it as the isolation and helplessness plays over in your head. It's a tragic film; you think about how easy it was for them to be stranded, and how normal they were: it could happen to anyone, it could happen to you.


THE VILLAGE (12A) Director: M. Night Shaymalan Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, John Hurt, Adrien Brody, Bryce Dallas Howard Release: 02/09/04 By now most people have probably seen The Village, but for those who have so far missed out, I'll refrain from spilling any plot secrets. Let mejust say that despite the film's spookiness and nerve-racking suspense one of the biggest surprises is that it is so much more than a mere horror story. And it's in this ambiguous aspect of its genre classification that the Big Twist is cleverly hidden. It's hard to discern because unlike writer/director M. Night Shyamalan's earlier films there isn't one single twist,

but rather a staggered succession of plot-shocks that seem to leave you convinced each time you know exactly

a dark fairy-tale air, saturated with brooding secrets. No one is allowed into the woods because of the treaty with the

It’s always the quiet ones: Phoenix in The Village

what is going on, only to then be completely turned on your head. We do know that it's about The Village; an antique, Amish-like community that has turned its back on the wickedness of town life and portrays its people as blessed and happy. However, lurking in the depths of the woods and the fear of a watchman's tower there whispers

creatures that dwell there, a treaty that can be summed up by a basic we don't bother them, they don't bother us rule. Permeating the characters silences is then an uneasy fascination of the unknown, and of a repressed awareness of their own total isolation. Ultimately, what sustains the film is the quality of the per-

formances from the younger members of the cast. Adults such as Weaver and Hurt never seem to truly come alive, whereas Adrien Brody succeeds in playing the village idiot without looking idiotic, Joaquin Phoenix speaks volumes without actually opening his mouth - but in particular it is the newcomer Bryce Dallas Howard who gives the most memorable performance as the blind girl Ivy. Her struggle through the forest will be remembered long after the rest of the film is forgot-




Monday 20th September 2004

classifieds If you have anything you’d like to buy or sell, please email us your ad at, or pop into the office to let us know.

personals stuff LOOKING FOR a fellow mushroom-fancier called Rob. Please contact Ed the Viking. FRIEND WANTED. First Year Female student seeks m/f friend to go shopping/cinema/gigs with (preferably also 1st year). Interests: Music, movies, literature and just having a laugh. So if you're lonely and just want to have a mate to hang out with, email me at

hardcore sale stuff .HACK//SIGN Limited Edition box set ‘Login’. This box set features the first dvd of the popular anime series .hack//SIGN, featuring the adventures of Tsukasa and Mimiri in the virtual reality of ‘The World’. Only 5000 copies of this box set were ever released and it contains a t-shirt, postcards, exclusive ‘Grunty’ plushie, and many more goodies! Open to offers. Contact Laura on for full details. FIFA 99 for Nintendo 64 console. 10 quid or next offer. Also selling Super Mokey Ball for Nintendo Gamecube 20 quid. Contact

quality stuff KCL WOMEN’S FOOTBALL needs you!! Improve your fitness, improve your football, or just something new! Indoor training is on Tuesdays 6pm; meet at Canada Water tube station. Outdoor training is on Thursdays 5pm; meet by Sock Shop at Waterloo. Matches on Wednesdays and Sundays. Fun social events are always a follow-up to a hard weeks’ training!

TO PETE: your yellow t-shirt is the hottest garment of clothing I have ever laid eyes upon!! You should wear it in the My Style section. Robots are t3h sexXy!

Want to write for ROAR? Come pester us at our stand on the Fresher’s Fayre, Guy’s Friday 24th September, Strand Saturday 25th September. Or come along to our contributor’s meeting on the 28th September at Tutu’s 6pm. If you can’t make any of those but still wanna get involved drop us a line -

OTTER WANTED. not too big and preferably female. I am a 6ft M who likes otters and okhra. will also consider giraffes, llamas and humans.

BREAKIN’ KCL. Come join the biggest, baddest society around. All welcome, if you wanna strut your stuff, or simply learn more, email

WORLD’S WORST limerick: ‘There once was a guy called Josh; he was nice’. x x x x

UNIVERSITY PRIORITIES: Drinking? Finding new mates? Getting a degree, a job? Finding love? What about finding the meaning of life? Or finding God? If you’re searching for the answers to this, and much more then why not join King’s Christian Union, and make your time at university the ultimate life changing experience. More info: www.kclcu.og, or

MEMBERS WANTED to join KCL’s finest society, The Quality Stuff Society! If you enjoy such enthralling pursuits as Anime watching, cosplay, Magic: the Gathering, Warhammer, D&D, LARPing and related activities, you should get in touch! Mail for more info! TO CHRIS “You’re fit but my gosh, don’t you know it”

living stuff

DRUMMER WANTED for new Surrey-based band, influences include Metallica, NIN, SPLIT LEVEL flat available to rent for 4 Students. 15 mins walk from London Bridge, Stiltskin. Ideally able to actually drum! Contact Laura on 07731 561094 direct buses to Strand and Denmark Hill. Fully furnished, with large balcony and TWO toilets. Also nears shops, cinema and gym. For more info call 07980 000 043 or TO HANNAH the 2nd-year physicist: your smile lights up my life! Shine on... 07770 453 732. NIGEL MCRORTY: Are you single? Busy on saturday nite? I love you Nigel. Love CW

random stuff SUNNY DAY Real Estate Diary CD wanted. Also would like a copy of Cursive: The Art of Failing CD - specifically the CD and not the Audio DVD which is readily available. Good prices paid. Also wanted - pokemon cuddly toys. After any but pikachu preferred. Contact WANTED: copy of Myst: The Book of Atrus by Rand Miller. This is no longer available in print so if anyone has an old copy knocking about I’d be glad to take it off their hands! Contact me at DAILY STAR back issues required. Will pay good prices, issues 1 - 17 particularly wanted. Email WANTED: Maid to replace ineffective and scary cleaner at KCH. Must be attractive, but at the same time efficient. Poor rates of pay. Suitable uniform supplied. Call 07814 353422 and ask for Travis. MAGIC GARDEN DETECTIVE Agency are here to solve your problems! If you want something solved and don’t know who to turn to, but want the utmost confidential treatment, then contact Ulysses or Iliad at GOT A FIRE you need extinguishing? Don’t call 999! Call Flames Reunited on 07814 353422 for a more efficient delivery! Remember: don’t call from your house phone when dealing with house fires. Stay safe. WANT PIE NOW: Will buy pie at any price. Email Weebl and Bob via our website now - No time wasters or drinkers of Sunny Delight. IN DANGER? Or peril? Or perilous danger? Sounds like you need Team Laser Explosion to save the day! Cats cleaned, babies sat, Mayor’s rescued. Call the hotline: 07814 353422.

WANT TO ADVERTISE here? Send your advert into - it’s quick, easy and FREE!

ROAR COMPETITION Another Roar. Yet another top drawer prize. We’ve got a set of four Buffy the Vampire Slayer - “The Slayer Collection” DVDs to give away to one lucky reader. All you have to do is answer this question: Who created TV the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Answers to - don’t forget to include your telephone number. The winner will be notified before the next issue of Roar goes to print. Good luck!

Monday 20th September 2004


‘It’s all about the Money...’ Money, Fame, Exclusive Parties, Business and the Stock Market…

‘Anything Goes’ for

Many would see a fast-track, glamorous career in business as part of a distant lifestyle long after their years at KCL. Nevertheless, the newly created Kings College London Entrepreneurial and Investment Society (KCLEIS) is going to bring that life a little bit closer to you.

Auditions After two very successful productions in 2003-4, Sophie Vergnaud, King’s Musical Theatre’s President, is looking forward to this new academic year with great anticipation. In her diary this year is Anything Goes, the hit show with music by Cole Porter and based on the book by P.G. Wodehouse. “Witty social comedy,” she says, ”laced with elegant 1930s Cruise-liner ‘chic’, unlikely romance, and mistaken identities. One of my favourite shows.” It harks back to the origins of the musical comedy genre, with big song and dance numbers, supported by a large orchestra. As ever, the Society looks forward to welcoming new members of the College along to the auditions as, with a large cast and production team, there are always positions to fill. Anything Goes is being directed by Leah Matkin, a second year War Studies undergraduate, who featured in both of the Society’s productions last year. Her background in dance is invaluable, and her ideas for the show will prove completely original after the National Theatre’s production, which closed this summer. Her production team includes choreographer Martina Thompson and producer Ben Wiseman, both active members of King’s Musical Theatre.

If you are interested in joining, sign up at the Fresher's Fairs or at the Students Union. Alternatively e-mail me to find out more. Tom Hill - KCL Entrepreneurial & Investment Society

Arab? ARAB?? What Arab??!!!

Auditions for Anything Goes will be at the Strand Campus on Monday 4th October, Music Seminar Room, Music Dept, and at Guy's Campus, Tuesday 5th October Piano Room, Boland House Over 100 signed-up members, 3rd largest between 5-8pm. club/society at KCL, and winners of last year’s Diversity Show. All this with only being a year into Following closely behind the December show will be Andrew Lloyd existence... Webber’s Jesus Christ Superstar in March. Directed by Alexandra ROAR interviewed Arabic Society’s outgoing presiDe Lyckefold Young, the inspirational force behind our record- dent and Gold Crown Award winner, Ahmed Alshafi, breaking production of West Side Story last year, the production to find out just what it is that London’s largest team will be looking for a talented cast to bring to life this extraor- Arabic Society has to offer and why it is so popular dinary tale. with students, both Arab and non-Arab alike. To find out more about King’s Musical Theatre and this year’s productions, visit the stall at Freshers’ Fair. Alternatively you can log onto the Society’s award winning website at where you will also find the online forum and details of social events.

What is KCL Arabic Society? A non-religious, non-political society with the main objective of increasing awareness and education of Arabian culture and diversity, catering for all Arabs and non-Arabs alike.

Ben Wiseman

Do you organise demonstrations around London? Are you responsible for the picket stand outside the House of Commons at Westminister? Ha Ha! No, ofcourse not. We’re strictly non-political. Our main aim is to let everyone know what Arabs are about, give everyone a chance to leave the common perceptions about Arabs that are created in the media daily. Most people don’t know anything about Arabic culture, history, food, music, lifestyle. It’s a shame really, because we have a hell of a lot of fun!



We aim to select only the most charismatic and successful of entrepreneurs to address the society and to gain a unique insight into how they made their millions. Following these informal speeches the society will be taking its members to exclusive London venues to party the night away. We aim to provide our members with inspiration through listening to speakers who have achieved great things in their life, as well as giving members a better understanding of markets, business ideas and the art of making money. Furthermore, through our fantasy share game with big prizes and our packed social calendar we will be offering a unique opportunity to get close to big businesses and investment banks whilst making new friends, having fun, and learning how to make money.

So what events have you organised in the past? Just last year our committee of 15 hard-working volunteer students put together a string of events at amazingly low student prices consisting of... -Dinners at London’s top Arabic restaurants, ranging from the finest Lebanese cuisines to tongue tantalizing Moroccan mezzas. Our dinners are always so popular that we always end up booking whole restaurants. - An Eid/Xmas Ball, our first black-tie event which was so popular that we had to turn away scores of people who hadn’t bought tickets in time. We had

students from as far as Oxford come to London in a coach especially for the ball. It was a night never to be forgotten. -Debates bringing to KCL controversial names such as George Galloway, Labour’s infamous exMP -Film screenings, all in English... ofcourse! -Iftars, again so popular we booked an entire restaurant, this was one of our best deals, offering a five-course meal at only 10 quid for members! -Fund-raising events, including two London Underground collections where 100 students were allocated in pairs around stations in London. It was great fun. At the end of the day we all met at Nando’s in Queensway to celebrate! We raised over 10,000 pounds on behalf of the Red Cross. -Shows, including the Diversity Show where all societies at KCL took part and we won, all thanks goes to our unique belly dancing classes. The instructors and their students choreographed a series of amazing dances that left the crowd both dazed and awed (especially the guys!). The dance was followed by the traditional Dabkeh done by our boys! It really got the audience going and all in all, it was an event not to be missed! -Shisha nights, aah yes, SHISHA... the fruitflavoured smoking tobacco pipe. This was a laidback, chilling out session, all legal ofcourse! We got another amazing deal...6 pounds for shisha, food and drink. Lasted till the early hours of the morning. - Picnic in the Park, every summer we all meet in Hyde Park a huge pinic of over 60 people, with food, drinks and shisha catered for by the Arabic Society. -A trip to Egypt (at a student rate), Football Tournaments (for guys), weekly Bellydancing lessons (girls only... sorry!), Arabic Language classes and Competitions (free cinema tickets & year-subscriptions to Top-Notch gym) Ahmed, is five weeks into his marriage with the outgoing Arabic Soc Vice-President and Silver Crown Award winner, Mrs Maryam Al-Kutubi, and are both in their 4th year, studying Dentistry at GKT. If you would like to find out more about KCL Arabic Society, visit their website email


Monday 20th September 2004

Tales from the Dressing Room...


Probably the Oldest Rugby Club in the World… For many a month KCLSU has been on the trail of the “oldest rugby club in the world”. Along the wards of Guys hospital, generation after generation spread the word that Guys Rugby Club is the oldest in the world – the main basis for this being good ol’ word of mouth. Roar dealt this a titanic blow by bringing to the world a rumour that far from being the oldest team in the world, the GKT team may not even be the oldest rugby team associated with Kings.

New Signings - Drogba, Carvalho...Cobham?

- Continued from Back Page Now the truth has come out, and the decisive moment is upon us. What stands up to the greater scrutiny – top drawer journalism, or hospital rumour? Well, always one to seek out the facts Roar acknowledges the World’s oldest Rugby Club, as confirmed by the RFU Museum, Twickenham: Trinity College Dublin RFC we salute you. Another case closed, another myth exposed, altogether yet another successful day in the life of Roar. More sporting rumours soon…

In addition, all proceeds earned from Chelsea’s option and the sale (in the event it goes ahead) will be used to redevelop the College’s Honor Park sports ground, which will eventually be kitted out with two new Astroturf pitches, and a redeveloped Pavilion / Clubhouse. This is a real bonus for students when it’s considered that College has tended to use the proceeds from the sale of assets towards projects such as the Strand redevelopment, and not acquiring replacement amenities for

students. Cobham’s eventual fate now rests with the powers that be at Chelsea, and their seemingly everchanging view on whether or not they want to add the ground to all their recent acquisitions. But whatever happens the views of the students have been listened to and respected by the College and KCLSU. A victory off the field the King’s before the year has even started. We hope this is the shape of things to come for our sporting teams this year.

STOP PRESS! Just as Roar was about to wing its way to the printers, we recieved wicked whispers that Cobham may not be able to be sold after all - loopholes, rules and technicalities it seems are conspiring against Chelsea. We’re busy looking for more information - look out for more as the story rumbles on into next issue...

Monday 20th September 2004



ALL LONDON GROUND FIGHTING RESULTS Men’s Cup 1st Westminster University 2nd Brentwood 3rd King’s College London (Kings Men won 4-1 in the 3rd/4th place play-off against South Bank)

The Men’s Jitsu Competition: We’re assured this is a lot more than just two men “shoving each others mats into fats for as long as possible”...

Women’s Cup 1st King’s College London 2nd Union of London University 3rd University College London (King's women BEAT ULU 3-0 in the final) Overall Cup 1st King’s College London 2nd University College London 3rd Westminster University (King’s won having played 8, won, drawn 2 and lost 1 in the final against arch-enemies UCL) Congratulations to all involved from the Roar team.

By Natacha Piederriere

The All London G r o u n d Fighting

Competition took place on the evening of the 14th of June 2004. This event was hosted by King’s College London and occurred in the Ballroom. Seven Jitsu Clubs from around London took part and a large number of spectators also turned up. The ambience in the Ballroom was boisterous yet friendly and the

“(Jitsu is) More than...two men shoving each others faces into mats for as long as possible”

is categories into weights such as Super Light to Super Heavy for the men and a kinder Light to Super for the women. Each time a member fought and won they earned a point for the team overall and also a point for either the men’s or the women’s team. The King’s Men’s team was fighting for 3rd place, with King’s women’s team going for gold. King’s overall was also looking for gold. The Kings Men won 4-1 in their 3rd/4th place play-off against South Bank, the KCL women beat ULU 3-0, and King’s beat UCL 5-2 (with one fight drawn) in the overall competition.

can use a variety of chokes, arm locks, or strangles. Although it may look like two men shoving each others faces into mats for as long as possible, it involves more technique then this. The atemi half of our training sees us acting mainly as a form of self-defence to realistic attacks, such as punches, kicks, knife and bottle attacks. For information visit our website:

All in all a very successful day for King’s Jitsu - a day crowned in glory. But with the glory also comes the blood, sweat, and hard work in training.

Training is comprised of two sections: groundfighting and atemi. The groundfighting, that judo draws from, sees two participants fight on the floor (without getStarting in September 2003, twelve London ting up) with the aim of Jitsu Clubs took part in the Ground Fighting. gaining submission Each club had to have a team compromising 8 from the adversary. To members: 5 men and 3 women. Each member do this the participants cheering could be heard all the way to London Bridge station. UCL, Union of London University, Brentwood, University of East London, South Bank University, Westminster University and of course KCL were all finalists in a year long competition.

That’s it, grin as you strangle your opponent - we like that. King’s College London - always winning with a smile.


KING’S 2 CHELSEA 0 KING’S STANDS FIRM AS CHELSEA CHASE COBHAM By Pete Ellender The score line may beg belief but for the second time in less than a year, King’s have beaten Chelsea. The big-spending Premiership club hasn’t been defeated on the pitch, but instead in the battle for the College’s Cobham sports ground. Roar originally broke the story of Chelsea’s interest last December when Roman Abramovich’s club expressed an interest in buying the ground, having snapped up adjacent sites owned by Imperial and St. George’s as part of a new multi-million pound training complex in the area. By February this year, Chelsea seemed to have gone cold on the deal thanks to the conditions of sale demanded by KCLSU. The package required Chelsea to allow continued access to the site for Student activities (including the annual GKT Summer Ball), a commitment to the livelihood of the ground staff at Cobham, and some form of “historic recognition” for St. Thomas’ rugby club, which plays its home matches at Cobham and is one of the oldest sides in the world. By June Chelsea revived their interest in the deal and have offered a one year option for a fee to purchase the ground, which is the largest of all four currently owned by KCL, both in terms of pavilion and ground space. Put simply this means Chelsea have the right to purchase Cobham in a year’s time. College have accepted the offer, but the same conditions are attached to this deal as when Chelsea first expressed their interest in the ground 10 months ago, despite the fact college were could have received more money from an unconditional sale. A source of comfort for students is that sports teams will have continued access to the Cobham pitches for five years after the ground is sold, this includes use for training, matches, and the GKT Summer Ball. - Continued on Page 23Eidur Gudjohnsen: Upset that KCL has stood up to the Premiership Big-Boys (Possibly)

This issue:


Win Roar’s CD Collection - p18


Sport in Crisis? - p5


Chart Glory for KCL graduate p3


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