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Annual Report 2017 / 18


Kowloon City Baptist Chruch Neighbourhood Elderly Centre

主席的話 Chairman's Message


回望,期盼 Review, Renew 葉耀昌先生 長者鄰舍中心管委會主席 Mr. Ip Yiu Cheong, Anthony Chairman of KCBCNEC Management Committee 隨著香港65歲或以上的長者人數上升,長者鄰舍中心在地區上的角色舉足輕重。 回望過去,中心在2015年開始舉辦的「蝦仔蝦女」計劃已有三年,現時有78位長 者「蝦爹蝦娘」受九龍城浸教會、香港浸會大學及銀行同業福音團契合共160位義 工「蝦仔蝦女」的持續關顧,在2017年更成立有8位香港培道小學加入成為「蝦 孫」。就如計劃的口號,「好似阿仔阿女咁關心你」,看到三代同堂,身體力 行,當中有許多動人的故事。 除了讓長者居家安老,中心管理層也積極照顧同工及家庭的需要。2017-18年度中 心連續第三屆獲得家庭友善僱主的奬項,除了「特別嘉許(金獎)」和「支持母乳餵 哺」獎外,中心更榮獲「家庭友善僱主–至尊大獎」,在3,264間得獎公司或機構 中,只有14間公司和機構獲得此殊榮銜,對中心不遺餘力地推動家庭友善僱主措 施上,有莫大鼓舞。 展望將來,九龍城浸信會為社會服務處已進入申請及註冊的階段。現在各項前期 工作正預備得如火如荼,盼望能夠將現有的服務更大、更有效地在社區上拓展, 有系統和適切地提供服務給不同有需要的社區人士,互相配合,更能提升服務素 質及水平。 我們願意繼續本著主耶穌基督仁愛的精神,在不同社區上實踐愛心服侍,讓每一 個家庭,每一位長者都蒙祝福,享快樂,歷安康。

Apart from caring elderly in need, our centre put much effort on promotion of family-friendly employer policies. In 2017-18, our centre received family-friendly employer awards in consecutive three years. Our centre received "Family-Friendly Employers – Grand Award 2017/18", which awarded 14 companies and agencies among 3,264 awarded in addition to "Special Mention 2017/18 (Gold)" and "Awards for Breastfeeding Support 2017/18", which is a great encouragement.

We are willing to serve under the loving spirit of Jesus Christ and serve in different communities. We wish every family and elderly live with blessings, joy and health.

2017 / 18

In the coming future, Kowloon City Baptist Church Social Services is going to be set up and preliminary work is in progress. We are looking forward to providing social services to people in need in the community more effectively and systematically with high quality.

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報

As population aged at 65 or older is growing, the role of neighbourhood elderly centre is more important in the community. “Caring Elderly Matching Scheme” was started since 2015, and we have 78 elderly being cared by 160 volunteers from the church, Hong Kong Baptist University and Bank Evangelism Fellowship continually. In 2017, 8 students from Hong Kong Pui To Primary joined as “grandson”. They do as the slogan of our scheme, “caring you as sons and daughters do”. In their living with elderly, there are many beautiful and touching stories.




徍街坊街𡆧里計劃:得到善長資助,中 心展開為期兩年的計劃。

蝦爹蝦娘度身日:社企「裳媡樂匯 坊」為「蝦爹蝦娘」度身訂造衣 服。

"Neighbourhood Project" is established under funding by sponsor.


Year's Highlight 4

Sew-on Studio tailor-made clothes for elderly joining "Elderly Matching Project".



榮獲「十大卓越服務獎」:「蝦仔 蝦女」計劃獲社聯頒發「十大卓越 服務獎」。

日本關西考察:中心舉行考察,由 管委與同工到東京不同的社福機構 團體參觀,將服務和管理的經驗帶 到中心。

"Elderly Matching Programme" received "Top Ten Outstanding Service Award" awarded by Hong Kong Council of Social Service.

Management committee and staff of our centre visited different social service units in Tokyo to learn their experiences on operation of different social services.



一蚊縫一縫:社企「裳樂匯坊」每 星期一次到中心為長者縫補衣服。


Sew-on Studio sewing clothes for elderly once every week.

建立同工之間的關係,配合不同主 題,提升不同工作技巧。 Staff Retreat Camp: Through retreat camp every year, we maintain relationship with each other.With different topics held each year, we are enhanced and equipped with different working skills.




樂齡科技與創新:社聯舉辦「樂齡 科技與創新」,並與中心合作,於 樂富舉行首輪巡迴展覽。

合作,𠫫 參 與「蝦仔蝦女」計劃,成為 「蝦孫」。

Hong Kong Council of Social Service held "Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit" and had kick-off in Lok Fu worked with our centre.

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報

Hong Kong Pui To Primar y School participated "Elderly Matching Programme" and being " Grandsons".

2017 / 18


街坊街里計劃 Neighbourhood Scheme 中心在樂富及黃大仙區服務長者超過21載,經常就社區需要,提供貼心、貼身的 服務。中心以「街坊街里」為主題,希望藉著不同貼心、到位的服務,讓長者樂 享晚年。 食得有營 中心除了一星期五天在兩個單位提供膳食服務及逢星期五提供一蚊Tea一Tea外, 我們也照顧到長者日常膳食上營養的需要,提供健康湯水,並每星期三天提供水 果,讓中心及地區上的長者能夠享用,吃得健康。 Our centre has been serving Lok Fu and Wong Tai Sin District over 21 years and providing services fulfilling the needs of the elderly. It is our pleasure to receive funding establishing the "Neighbourhood Scheme", which gathered more resources to provide different sorts of programmes for them. Ample Eating Apart from meal service on weekdays in the two units and afternoon tea on every Friday, we are concerned about the need on nutrition for the elderly, therefore we provide healthy soup everyday and fruits three days each week.


Programme Review 6

中醫文章 中心也得到註冊中醫師撰寫中醫、湯水等方面的文章,大受讀者歡迎,讓長者能 夠從湯水、日常食物等方面入手,更能實踐自我管理健康。 Articles about Chinese Medicine A registered Chinese Medicine doctor writes different articles about common diseases, soup amd food for health so that our elderly can learn more and put self-caring on health into practice.

懷舊小食歎一歎 我們了解到社區內有不少的長者都缺乏資源及持續關心,所以由長者組成「街 坊街里大使」,每周兩天上門為長者提供懷舊小食及持續關懷探訪,藉此了解 邨內長者的情況和需要。不少「街坊街里大使」與長者建立了緊密的鄰里關 係,有部分更擔當短期照顧者的角色,協助鄰里購買日用品及食材,並向中心 同工匯報長者的近況及需要,由同工作出合適的支援及跟進。 Nostalgic Snacks We learn that some of the elderly in the community are lack of supportive network and regular caring, therefore our elderly volunteers set up "Neighbourhood Ambassadors" and have regular visit two days in every week with nostalgic snacks for them, so that they know more about the situation and needs of the elderly. Many ambassadors have created close network with the elderly, some of them even take the role of short-term carer and help them to purchase daily necessities and food. They report to our staff so that we can provide suitable help and follow-up.

Massage for the elderly Our centre works with social entreprise to hold programme for massage. Professional masseur provides 6 times of massage with 30 minutes every time for elderly with physical pain in our centre. After finishing every time,they can practise the skills from masseur at home in order to soothing the physical pain.

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報

按摩鬆一鬆 中心與社企合作,舉辦按摩鬆一鬆。由專業按摩師每星期到兩單位為每一位患 有痛症的長者提供6次,每次30分鐘的按摩服務。長者完成按摩服務後,能運 用按摩師教授的方法在家中自行練習,在身體痛症上得以舒緩。

2017 / 18


護老者支援服務 Carer Support Service 本年度與九龍中聯網離院長者綜合支援計劃-鄰舍輔導會家居支援隊合作舉辦「護 老樂同行計劃」,主要為護老者提供各種訓練及情緒支援服務,包括「長者照 顧有妙法」、「健康生活5+1」、「健康在我手」、「舒壓自有方」、「耆樂動 力」及「日日好心情」等系列,達致身心靈得到舒緩和平衡。 是次計劃服務了420人次。本年度也進行了約41次的小組訓練及聚會,支援護老 者及長者的情緒, 為護老者(包括外傭姐姐)打氣及增潤護老者及長者的關係, 當中包括:護老者加油站,讓長者製作心意卡,送給護老者,表達心意。 This year we work with Integrated Discharge Support Service for Elderly of NAAC to hold carer programmes in order to provide training and emotion support service that relieving and balancing their live physically and mentally. The overall participation in this programme is 420 mentime. We have held 41 group training for supporting emotion of carers and elderly, enhancing relationship between carers and elderly.


Programme Review 8

家己人群英會 Chiu Chow Group 功夫茶」是潮州人的文化特色,在潮汕當地更是把茶作為了待客的最佳禮儀,小 組以「功夫茶」為主幹,組員自助泡茶,一邊討論,一邊喝功夫茶,讓組員更投 入小組,凝聚了一班有心有力,願意為中心及潮州人出一份力量。 小組於今年度更成立「家己人」的領袖的模式,分別選出組長及副組長,康樂及 財務等崗位,希望能夠發揮小領袖的角色,協助小組及關心有需要的家己人,讓 家己人更團結及更強凝聚力。當中更發揮組員的潛能,讓組員帶領製作利是封掛 飾,送給區內的老人院長者,表達家己人的關心。現時小組的聚會人次約200。 Kung-fu tea is a cultural tradition in Chiu Chow. They take this as the best manner serving guests. In this group, with sharing “Kung-fu Tea”, they have sharing with each other. Members are passionate and get involved into the group. In this year, a module of leadership is developed. We have committee with leader, vice leader, treasurer and some other position so that they can develop the talent as leaders and take care of group members in need and strengthen the power cohesion. Some of them even make some souvenirs for elderly in elderly home. Number of participation this year is about 200 men-time.

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報 2017 / 18


匡耆中醫館 Chinese Medicine Service 中心一直推廣自我管理健康,藉著各種健康儀器,鼓勵長者保持注意及管理自我的 健康狀況。此外,在得到善長資助,中心繼續提供中醫到診服務,免費提供中醫診 症服務,中醫諮詢及調理等,為中心會員減輕醫療上的開支。現時每星期有22個名 額的長者受惠。 Our Centre is promoting self-management on health, through health equipment, we encourage elderly to be aware of their health situation. In addition, with donation, our centre can continue to provide Chinese Medicine service for 22 elderly every week with two-day medicine free for the elderly, which soothed the burden of medical expenses of them.

老有所為活動計劃 活動回顧

Programme Review 10

Opportunities for the Elderly Project 中心獲社會福利署資助,舉行為期兩年的「老有所為活動計劃」,今年長者參與微 電影拍攝,由小童群益會的衛維賡先生帶領一班年青人為長者進行微電影的拍攝, 推廣極積樂頤年的生活態度,宣揚長者老有所為、不屈不撓的精神,讓社區認識長 者不同的面向,肯定長者的價值。 Our Centre is funded by Social Welfare Department and held two-year "Opportunities for the Elderly Project". This year, our elderly participated in microfilm and organised by Mr. Wai from The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong with their teenagers and promotes the attitude of active ageing and affirmation of their value.

友得彈–男士小結他小組 Ukulele Group 許多時候,男士喜歡心照不宣。因此,不少時候未必有太多機會與別人傾訴。藉 著舉辦「友得彈-男士小結他小組」,男士可以以音樂交流,互相溝通。小組現時 成員約有10人,在導師悉心教導,以及組員不斷練習下,他們從起初不懂彈奏小 結他,至現在已可彈奏多首歌曲,更不時被邀請外出表演。除了音樂交流外,一 班男士藉此凝聚,建立良好的支援網絡,並定期到中心參加活動,擴闊他們社交 圈子。 展望將來,除了小結他外,小組還會將色士風、木箱鼓等不同樂器加入,讓更多 長者成為組員,藉著音樂,讓小組組員之間有更多交流,「樂」在其中。 Men seldom have sharing, through ukulele group, male members can share through music. There are about 10 group members. Under lecturer’s teaching and their practice, they can perform several songs by ukulele, and they are invited to perform in different programmes. Moreover, they are gathered, having good supportive network and participating activities in the centre regularly. Apart from playing ukulele, we are going to introduce saxophone, cajon and some other new instruments for them so that more elderly joining as group members with more interactions and joy.

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報 2017 / 18


家庭友善僱主措施 Family-friendly Employer Policies 中心一直積極關心每一位同工的福利,以及家人的需要,所以定期檢視家庭友善 僱主措施,並由中心的職工福利小組「童心同樂會」定期為同工舉辦不同活動。 而高層以及管委會的積極推動家庭友善措施,更成為同工工作的動力,增加大家 對中心的歸屬感。 隨著同工家庭狀況轉變,中心同工的家人開始年長,以及組織家庭,有年幼的子 女。有見及此,除以往推行不影響運作下,因為照顧上的需要,提供彈性工作時 間和地點外,今年中心更設有兩天「家庭友善假」,讓同工更安心照顧年長的家 人和年幼的子女。 Our centre is always concerned about the welfare of every staff as well as the needs of their family, therefore we have review on family-friendly employment policy regularly and our staff committee often oraganises different activities. In addition, ur management committee members and managerial staff are actively participated which raise the sense of belonging and motivation of working for them. As the family condition changes, family members of some staff get old, and some of them have family with their little children. Therefore, apart from policy of flexible working period and venue due to needs on caring family under the situation of not affecting daily operation that has been established before, we have two days of “family-friendly vacations”, so that our staff can take care


Programme Review 12

of their family members.

在2017/18年度,中心連續第三屆榮獲家庭議會頒發家庭友善僱主獎項。為表揚 在往年多次獲得「傑出家庭友善僱主」獎項,並不遺餘力地推行嶄新或有創意的 家庭友善僱傭政策及措施,擴大受益僱員的覆蓋範圍的公司和機構,今屆計劃特 別新增了「家庭友善僱主–至尊大獎」,共有14間公司和機構獲得此獎項,中心 很榮幸得此項殊榮,以及「特別嘉許(金獎)」和「支持母乳餵哺奬」,對中心在推 動家庭友善僱主措施上有莫大的鼓舞。 In the year 2017/18, we have received family-friendly awards in consecutive three years from Family Council. Fourteen companies and organisations which have received Distinguished FamilyFriendly Employers awards consistently in previous years were awarded the newly added FamilyFriendly Employers – Grand Award to recognise their immense efforts in introducing new or innovative family-friendly employment policies and practices, or extending the coverage of beneficiaries. Our centre is honoured to receive this award, as well as “Special Mention (Gold)” and “Awards for Breastfeeding Support” awards, which gives great support and encouragement for us on the implementation of family-friendly employment policies.

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報 2017 / 18


發展前瞻 Future Development


持續就可以讓長者生活下去 Elderly living, continuous caring

姚鳳主任 督導主任

Ms. Yiu Fung, Helen Supervisor of KCBCNEC

老有所依–蝦仔蝦女 2017年是中心額外豐收的一年,由社聯舉辦之「卓越實踐在社福」獎勵計劃,本 中心之愛在黃昏–「蝦仔蝦女關懷長者配對計劃」榮獲2017年「十大卓越服務 獎」。計劃不但得到九龍城浸信會教會的78位會友貼心關顧,同時得到我們的好 鄰居香港培道小學派出8位小學生,擔任「蝦孫」,作長者的第三代,更感恩社企 「裳樂匯坊」服裝設計師和義工們的幫助,為計劃中的61位獨居長者「蝦爹蝦娘」 度身訂做獨一無二的衣服。整個計劃不單橫向地為長者本身設計貼心的服務配套, 計劃更縱向地伸延長者沒有親屬關係的家庭網絡。 老有所養–豐衣足食 為繼續回應地區長者的需要,中心兩個單位(樂富及龍翔)在各飯堂義工勞苦協助 下,繼續由禧福協會(樂富)及惜食堂(龍翔)逢星期一至五開辦廉價的飯堂服務。 今年再次得到善長們、Erington公司的捐獻贊助,並得到營養師及中醫師設計靚湯 水,服務亦同時得到善長「人人愛加餸」及黎達強執事生果店送出生果,讓長者食 出健康、食出珍惜、食出情味、食出承傳、食出視野。 It is a fruitful year in 2017, that "Elderly Matching Programme" received "Top Ten Outstanding Service Award" awarded by Hong Kong Council of Social Service. Apart from caring by 78 volunteers from Kowloon City Baptist Church, Hong Kong Pui To Primary School, our good partner, have 8 students participated being "Grandsons" of the elderly. In addition, we express our sincere thanks to Sew-on Studio that their fashion designers and volunteers tailor-made clothes for 61 elderly participated this project. The entire project provides comprehensive services as well as elaborating to elderly that lacks family network. To fulfill the needs of elderly in the community, our centre provides meal service on every Monday to Friday in Lok Fu and Lung Cheung units with reasonable price. With donation from several donors and Edrington HK Limited, and fruit company from Deacon Lai so that our elderly are ample in eating. KCBCNEC Annual Report年報 2017 / 18


老有所為–全城跳躍 中心參與了由社會福利署舉辦,為期兩年的「老有所為活動計劃」。我們舉辦「愛 家圓金裝護老者頒獎典禮」,藉此嘉許護老者在照顧上的付出,承傳敬老愛老精 神。另一方面,中心在牛池灣文娛中心舉行「躍動耆藝大匯演」,透過表演藝術、 跨代合作兩代跳舞唱歌,吸引長者終身學習、敢於挑戰。中心也學開設了敲擊樂、 夏威夷小結他、共融現代舞蹈等興趣班;為六位長者製作了微電影,透過他們人生 的閱歷,宣揚長者老有所為,不屈不撓的正面態度。 老有所屬–愛生命、鄰舍情 「橫樂一家親」已踏入第16個年頭,暫時成為黃大仙區最長壽的計劃。中心與區 內七間社福機構合作,並再次得到黃大仙區區議會贊助。我們透過鄰舍慶團圓頒獎 宴、燃點愛微電影比賽、「生命同行大追蹤」,促進樂富及橫頭磡兩邨的居民在鄰 舍及家庭方面鄰舍守望相助,和睦共處,珍惜一切。中心亦繼續跟樂富及黃大仙上 邨屋邨管理諮詢委員會合作各項屋邨街坊活動,包括「善用公屋資源暨環保」、 「身心健康樂繽紛2017」、「城心誠意探訪關懷2017」。 未來,中心仍需要各善長持續支持、需要各會友持續的關顧、需要其他機構及友好 持續的支援幫助、更需要大家持續的代禱和感恩。過去一年辛勞各義工。 「我的神必照榮耀的豐富,在基督耶穌裏,使你們一切所需用的都充足。」(腓4:19)

Under participation of two-year "Opportunities for the Elderly Project" funded by Social Welfare Department, we have held "Carer Awarding Ceremony" to award the effort paid by carers. In addition, through performance show in the Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre, the elderly learned dancing and some other art performance and attracts them to have lifelong learning and face challenge. On the other hand, our centre has established Percussion, ukulele and modern dance classes. To spread positive impact, six elderly has taken part in the production of microfilm to deliver the message about sense of worthiness through the experience in their life.


Future Development 16

This is the 16th year of holding Wang-lok Family, which is the longest project in the district. We worked with seven organisations and funded by Wong Tai Sin District Council. On the other hand, our centre also worked with EMAC to hold different activities. In the coming future, our centre needs different donors, volunteers from the church as well as different organisations to provide support to our service. “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NIV)


KCBCNEC Annual Report年報


2017 / 18


2017-18年度活動數字 2017-18 Programme Figures


Statistics 18


全年數字 社署標準 達成率









身心健康活動、教育發展及 社交康樂活動總數






























隱蔽長者每月平均活躍個案數字 35.42 隱蔽(活動)












2017-18年度中心員工入職及離職率 2017-18 Annual Entry and Demission Rate 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 入職率


2017-18年度中心財務狀況 2017-18 Annual Financial Status 中心財務經會計師樓稽核後,核數報告已於2017年7月份經執事會及會 友月會通過,並於同月份在九龍城浸信會、長者鄰舍中心告示版張貼。

After auditing, the audited financial report was approved by deacons' and members meeting in July 2017. The report was posted on notice board of the church, Lok Fu and Lung Cheung Unit.

2017 / 18

Our centre had discussion about using LSG and PF in June 2017: • Surplus will be used on programmes and service of our centre • We will have detailed discussion on the ways of using PF

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報

中心已於2017年6月就善用整筆過撥款及公積金儲備進行討論: • 善用儲備,作中心活動及服務用途 • 中心會繼續就善用公積金儲備作詳細討論


2017-18年度核數報告 2017-18 Audited Financial Report


Statistics 20

2017-18年度核數報告 2017-18 Audited Financial Report

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報 2017 / 18


2017-18年度長者鄰舍中心總收入 2016-17 Annual Income of Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 會費收入 Membership Fee 0.45

活動收費 Programme Income 17.7%

銀行利息 Bank Interest 0.02%

社署資助 SWD Subvention 48.04%

其他 Miscellaneous 0.03%

捐款 Donation 9.86%


Statistics 22

社會福利發展 指定用途捐款 Designated Donation 18.68%

基金收入 SWD Fund 5.22%

社署資助 SWD Subvention

社會福利發展基金收入 SWD Fund

指定用途捐款 Designated Donation

捐款 Donation

其他 Miscellaneous

會費收入 Membership Fees

活動收費 Programme Income

銀行利息 Bank Interest

項目 Items

2017-18 ($)

2016-17 ($)

社署資助 SWD Subvention 活動收費 Programme Income 捐款 Donation 指定用途捐款 Designated Donation 社會福利發展基金 SWDF 會費收入 Membership Fees 雜項 Miscellaneous 銀行利息 Bank Interest

4,136,485.00 1,523,878.00 849,047.00 1,608,692.00 449,058.00 38,448.00 2,800.00 1,721.00

4,085,406.00 1,847,210.00 837,645.00 781,340.00 348,792.00 53,220.00 7,238.00 1,109.00

綜合收入 Consolidated Income



2017-18年度長者鄰舍中心總支出 2016-17 Annual Expenditure of Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 指定用途捐款支出 雜項支出 Designated Donation 捐款支出 Miscellaneous Expense Donation Expense 0.23% 8.47% 活動支出 4.35% Programme 社會福利發展 Expenses 基金支出 20.30% SWD Fund 6.13%

行政支出 Administrative Expense 5.65%

強積金 Provident Fund 租金及差餉 Rent and Rates 公共事業支出 Utilities 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 保險 Insurance

保險 Insurance 1.01% 公共事業支出 Utilities 1.1%

員工薪酬 Personal Emoluments

社會福利發展基金支出 SWD Fund

強積金 Provident Fund 2.93%

員工薪酬 Personal Emoluments 租金及差餉 46.12% Rent and Rates 3.71%

指定用途捐款支出 Designated Donation Expenses 捐款支出Donation Expenses 雜項支出 Miscellaneous 活動支出 Programme Expenses

2016-17 ($)

員工薪酬 Personal Emoluments 活動支出 Programme Expenses 指定用途捐款支出 Designated Donation Expenses 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 租金及差餉 Rent and Rates 強積金 Provident Fund 社會福利發展基金 SWDF 公共事業 Utilities 保險 Insurance 雜項 Miscellaneous 捐款支出 Donation Expenses

3,574,234.00 1,571,942.00

3,900,214.00 1,931,328.00



438,107.00 287,800.00 227,284.00 475,214.00 85,442.00 78,086.00 17,753.00 337,225.00

428,976.00 287,800.00 257,656.00 231,416.00 86,382.00 75,843.00 13,014.00 6,829.00

綜合支出 Consolidated Income



2017 / 18

2017-18 ($)

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報

項目 Items


2017年度匡耆計劃總收入 2017 Annual Income of GLAD Project 銀行利息 Bank Interest 0.01%

指定用途捐款 Designated Donation 其他收入 25.33% Sundry Income 0%

城浸資助 Subsidy from Agency 活動收費 Programme Income 捐款 Donation 其他收入 Sundry Income

捐款 Donation 活動收費 6.09 Programme Income % 9.85%

城浸資助 指定用途捐款 Designated Subsidy from Donation Agency 銀行利息 Bank Interest 58.72%

項目 Items

2017 ($)

2016 ($)

城浸資助 Subsidy from Agency 活動收費 Programme Income 捐款 Donation 其他收入 Other Income 指定用途捐款 Designated Donation 銀行利息 Bank Interest

463,650.00 77,754.00 48,150.00 0.00 200,000.00 101.07

464,400.00 46,502.00 30,000.00 0.00 200,140.00 84.11

綜合收入 Consolidated Income



2017年度匡耆計劃總支出 Statistics


2017 Annual Expenditure of GLAD Project 指定用途捐 雜項支出 Miscellaneous 款支出 0.57% Designated Donation Expenses 27.37% 活動支出 Programme Expenses 6.97%

保險 Insurance 0.42%

薪金 Salary 60.89%

強積金 Provident Fund 3.04%

員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and 行政支出 Training Administrative 0.26% Expenses 0.48%

項目 Items


薪金 Salary 強積金 Provident Fund 員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and Training 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 保險 Insurance

2017 ($)

2016 ($)

員工薪酬 Personal Emoluments 436,452.00 強積金 Provident Fund 21,822.60 活動支出 Programme Expenses 49,998.90 指定用途捐款支出 Designated Donation Expenses 196,218.50 保險 Insurance 2,996.67 員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and Training 1,868.80 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 3,418.50 雜項 Miscellaneous 4,060.00

493,009.00 23,455.26 54,102.33 145,740.00 3,460.80 2,020.20 1,192.70 2,420.00

綜合支出 Consolidated Income



2017年度愛家圓計劃總收入 2017 Annual Income of RICH Project 捐款 Donation 13.34% 活動收費 Programme Income 1.9%

城浸資助 Subsidy from Agency 活動收費 Programme Income

城浸資助 捐款 Donation Subsidy from Agency 84.76%

項目 Items

2017 ($)

2016 ($)

城浸資助 Subsidy from Agency 活動收費 Programme Income 捐款 Donation

465,505.47 10,429.00 73,250.00

478,903.73 15,881.00 163,000.00

綜合收入 Consolidated Income



2018年度愛家圓計劃總支出 2017 Annual Expenditure of RICH Project

項目 Items

2017 ($)

員工薪酬 Personal Emoluments 強積金 Provident Fund

薪金 Salary 強積金 Provident Fund 員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and Training 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 保險 Insurance

2016 ($) 582,989.80 28,832.63 0.00 39,831.10 3,460.80 970.40 0.00

綜合支出 Consolidated Income



2017 / 18

496,858.00 24,842.90 保險 Insurance 2,996.67 活動支出 Programme Expenses 19,836.50 行政支出 Administrative Expenses 0.00 員工福利及培訓 Staff Benefits and Training 4,650.40 雜項 Miscellaneous 0.00

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報

雜項支出 薪金 指定用途捐款支出 Miscellaneous Salary Designated 0.57% 60.89% Donation Expenses 27.37% 活動支出 強積金 Programme Provident Fund Expenses 3.04% 員工福利及培訓 6.97% 保險 行政支出 Insurance Administrative Staff Benefits and Training 0.26% 0.42% Expenses 0.48%


管理委員會 Management Committee 管委會主席


Mr. Ip Yiu Cheong, Anthony



Deacon Ho Kang Ming, Samson



Mr. Lai Yiu Man, Roger



Mr. K.O. Wong



Ms. Lee Mei Yee, Hera


Mr. P.S. Au


Principal. M.H. Lai


Mr. S.F. Wan, Daniel


Mr. Siu Kwok Keung, Simon


Mr. C.H. Chui



Organisation Chart 26

Deacon Keung Wong Kam Yung


Principal. Y.P. Ho


Ms. S.L. Pang


Mr. K.F. Luk


Ms. M.T. Choi, Linda


Mr. T.Y. Cheung


Mr. W.K. Liang, Christopher


Mr. F.W. Ng


Mr. P.L. Chan



Ms. M.Y. Lee



Pastor Poon Wing Kuen


中心同工 Staff 社關部主管同工 Head of Social Concern Department 白智信博士 Dr. Pak Chi Shun, Patrickson

單位主任 Unit in Charge

活動幹事II Programme Worker II

麥啟昌先生 Mr. Mak Kai Cheong, Tony

馮英儀女士 Ms. Fung Ying Yee, Winnie

陳偉娟女士 Ms. Chan Wai Kuen, Vicky

督導主任 Supervisor 姚 鳳女士 Ms. Yiu Fung, Helen

中心主任 Centre in Charge 莫志明先生 Mr. Mok Chi Ming, Simon (2018年1月10日離職)

行政主任 Executive Officer

會計主任 Account Officer 陳月好女士 Ms. Chan Yuet Ho, Miranda

盧才鳳女士 Ms. Lo Choi Fung

陳 玉女士 Ms. Chan Yuk, Jady

徐永嫻女士 Ms. Chui Wing Han

蘇嘉靜女士 Ms. So Ka Ching, Cherry

陳蘭珍女士 Ms. Chan Lan Chan

范月迎女士 Ms. Fan Yuet Ying, Florence 林國強圥先生 Mr. Lam Kwok Keung (2017年9月1日到職)

活動幹事I Programme Worker I 劉家業先生 Mr. Lau Ka Yip, Teddy 楊佩珊女士 Ms. Yeung Pui Shan, Fion

2017 / 18

行政文員 李雪梅女士 Administrative Clerk Ms. Li Suet Mui, May 楊詠婷女士 Ms. Yeung Wing Ting, Winnie

KCBCNEC Annual Report年報

余永靈先生 Mr. Yee Wing Ling, Timothy

註冊社工 Registered Social Worker

服務助理員 Service Assistant


九龍城浸信會長者鄰舍中心 Kowloon City Baptist Chruch Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 聯絡我們 樂富 地址:九龍樂富邨第六期樂泰樓地下低座 電話:2304 6343 2336 5551 傳真:2338 5204 電郵:nec@kcbcssd.com 網址:http://www.kcbcnec.org

龍翔 地址:九龍黃大仙上邨耀善樓地下C翼 電話:2322 1293 2354 9731 傳真:2320 4465

督 印 人:姚 鳳主任 編 輯:余永靈主任 編印日期:2019年2月28日



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