June 6, 2024 CI

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1 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024

downtown concord

June’s First Friday theme is Beach Party

June’sthemeisBeach Party!

IntownConcordandthe CityofConcordpresent FirstFriday,amonthlycommunityeventthatbringstogetherthepeopleofdowntownConcordforafunfilledevening.Onthefirst Fridayofeverymonthfrom 4to8p.m.,businessesare encouragedtostayopenlate andaddsomeexcitementto thenightbyofferingsales, giveaways,workshops,and otheractivitiesthataresure todrawincustomers.

Thiseventisagreatopportunityforthecommunitytocometogetherand supportlocalbusinesses whileenjoyinganightout onthetown.Whether you’relookingforagreat dealonsomenewclothes,a funactivitytodowith friends,orjustachanceto explorethedowntownarea, FirstFridayhassomething foreveryone.

Somarkyourcalendars andjoinusforFirstFriday,a monthlycelebrationof communityandcommerce indowntownConcord.See youthere!

■ TheGravyTrainFood Truck(MainStreet)–Smashburgers,loadedfries andmore

■ TeenieWienies(BicentennialSquare)–Handmadesausageswithunique flavors

■ Livemusic–NHMusic CollectivepresentsKimayo live!Kimayoisafolk-pop artist,performinginNew Englandsince2019.Herauthenticandpersonalsongs depictahumanitythatisrelatableandcomforting.She iscreatingmusicthat mergesadultcontemporary withsinger/songwriter,and hasreleasedafull-length albumandfoursinglesin hername.Kimayowas votedtheBestoftheLakes

RegionMusic(solo)in 2022.Hershowsincludeher originalmusicandalarge varietyofpopularcovers.

■ Danceparty(CityPlaza)

–JoinDJNazzyatCityPlaza foraBeachDancePartyand LimboContest!

■ Communityvolleyball (StateHouseLawn)-Bring afriendandplayagameof volleyballontheState HouseLawn!

■ Communityactivities (CityPlaza)–Beachballs, cornhole,hulahoops!

■ Achromatic(7N.Main St.)-Buyonepairofsun-


■ WineonMain(9NMain St)–WineonMainwill hostafreewinetastingfor FirstFriday,thistimefrom4 to7p.m.Inhonorofthe month’stheme,allofthe wineswillbeinspiredby summertimeandthebeach.

■ Movement/yogaclasses (StateHouseLawn)-OfferingfreeclasseswithMatt HarkinsofMindfulMortal

Formoreinformationor tosignyourbusinessupfor theevent,visitintownconcord.org.

2 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y
NE-419619 Best selection of USA made Jackets & Vests We have Big Boy sizes up to 8X Visit NH’s Best Biker Shop 94 South Road Deerfield NH 03037 (603) 463-5591 deerfieldleathers.com Biker belts, chaps, gloves and accessories CASA Volunteer Advocates Needed Help us give every child who experienced abuse or neglect a voice in court. casanh.org/infosessions Affiliates in Podiatry, PC Dr. Jeffrey Davis Dr. Thomas Detwiller Dr. William McCann Dr. Joseph Weaver DO YOU SUFFER FROM HEEL PAIN? Affiliates in Podiatry is utilizing the latest technology in the treatment of chronic heel pain. We are pleased to offer Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Treatment (EPAT) for patients who have been suffering from prolonged heel pain.  This non-surgical procedure helps to heal painful ligaments and promotes the body to heal itself. This and other conservative treatments eliminates the potential for surgery. If you, a family member, or friend have been suffering from heel pain (arch pain), it is important that a proper evaluation be performed by one of our trained Doctors. Please call our office for an appointment to determine whether these treatment options are right for you. CONCORD    248 Pleasant Street Suite 203  603-225-5281 MEREDITH    169 Daniel Webster Highway   603-279-0330 www.FootDoctorsNH.com

Artists receive awards at Two Villages Art Gallery

Fourartistsreceived recognitionatthejuried summermembersexhibitionpresentedbyTwoVillagesArtSociety.Awards werepresentedattheMay 25openingreceptionatthe galleryintheHopkintonvillageofContoocook.

Thefollowingawards werepresented:

BestinShow:AnnSaunderson,ofLoudon,for“The ArtistandherCritic,” acrylic.

ArtistofMerit:DavidCarroll,ofWarner,for“Page frommyRussianNotebook #10,”mixedmediacollage.


for“ElizabethGurley Flynn,”bookart.

SharonBoisvert,of Weare,for“SnowDay,”soft pastel.

Theshow’sjurorwasInez McDermott,professor emeritaofarthistory(New EnglandCollege)andindependentcurator.

“TheworksIchosereveal anexpertisewith,andsensitivityto,theirchosen medium;theyreveala strongsenseofdesignand composition;andtheypresentsubjectmatteranda pointofviewthatisclearly conveyedandenhanced throughthosecomposi-


Therearemanywonderfulpiecesinthisshow,” shesaid.“Iwaspleasedtobe invitedtospendtimewith thismarvelouscollectionof workfromtheTwoVillages artcommunity.”

Theexhibit,“CommunitiesGather:SummerMembersShow,”featuresthe workofmorethan50TVAS memberartists,including painters,potters,photographers,andprintmakers.The showisondisplaythrough June22,Thursday-Sunday 12to4p.m.atthegalleryat 846MainStreet,Contoocook.

Ann Saunderson.

4 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024 hopkinton
We’re on Instagram! Staff photography & news alerts instagram.com/ concordmonitor New/Used Cars-Service-Parts 175 Manchester Street, Concord, NH 603-224-1300 www.concordnissan.com Nobody does it like... Country Carpet & Oriental Cleaning When Quality Counts Call (603) 526-8485 or Text (603) 746-2240 NHCARPETCLEANERS.COM • Carpet Cleaning • Rug Washing • Upholstery Cleaning Free Pickup & Delivery! Buying Old Oriental Rugs any condition 94 Silk Farm Rd, Concord NH PMSPCA.org 603.856.8756

greater concord chamber of commerce

2024 festivals coming to the Capital City

Afewweeksago,thousandsofpeopleswarmedto Concordforaweekend-long festivalintheheartofthe downtown.Northeast CoffeeFestivalhadanoutstandingturnoutforitsfirst renditioninNewHampshire’scapitalcity,remindinglocalsofthe strikingcrowdsthataretypicalforMarketDays.This eventwaspresentedinpartnershipwithRevelstoke CoffeeLLCandWayfarers Coffee,witheventsonMain Street,theBankofNew HampshireStage,TheHotel Concord,andRedRiver Theatres.

TheGreaterConcord ChamberofCommercewas honoredtosupportthefestivalbyacquiringamajor grant,andservingasfiscal agentforthegrantfunds. Thisremarkablecommunity festivalnotonlyboosted businessinthedowntown, butintroducedthousandsof peopletotheshops,restaurants,andattractionsin GreaterConcord.Once travelersvisitourcharming city,theyaremuchmore likelytoreturn.

NortheastCoffeeFestival isnottheonlynewevent comingtoConcordin2024. NewHampshireBookFestivaltakesplaceOctober45,andwillfeaturelivepresentations,panels,andbook signingsbynationally-recognizedauthors.Thisisa brand-newfestival,presentedbyanonprofitwith thesamename.Onceagain, manycommunitypartners areteaminguptocreatean excitingeventexperience, includingLedyardNational Bank,CapitolCenterforthe Arts,Gibson’sBookstore, andtheNewHampshire


TheChamberisthrilledto playakeyroleinanother neweventcomingtothe CapitalCity Concord Sound&Color.Thismusic andartsfestivalwillfeature thrillingconcerts,artinstallations,anoutdoormarket, demonstrations,interactive experiences,andmuch more.Thiseventisatrue collaboration,withthe Chamber,CapitolCenterfor theArts,IntownConcord, PillarGallery+Projects,the CityofConcord,Concord CommunityMusicSchool, andFeatheredFriend BrewingCompany.These partnershavecometogethertoplanatwo-dayfes-

tivalOctober18-19. Alongwithlarge-scale festivals,Concordhasa steadystreamofweeklyand monthlyeventsthattake placethroughoutthe summermonths.Theseimportantactivitiesensure thattravelersalwayshave somethingtolookforward toandkeepthemcoming backtoourcity.Intown Concordhasestablished monthlyFirstFridays fun-themedeveningswhere shopsstayopenlate,special activitiestakeplace,and foodtruckscanbefound downtown.Revelstoke CoffeeLLChostsCars& Coffeeonthesecond Sundayofeachmonthatthe

NewHampshireState House.TheirMainEvent willbeheldonSeptember8, whenMainStreetwillclose foraspecialcelebration. ConcordArtsMarkethosts eventsonsecondSaturdays inRollinsPark.Andthe ConcordFarmersMarketis openeveryweekonSaturdaymornings.

Festivals coming to Concord this year

50thAnnualMarketDays Festival(June20-22),Keep NHBrewingFestival(July 6),AnnualSunflower BloomFestival(Aug.1018),AerospaceFest(Sept. 21),ConcordMulticultural Festival(Sept.22),Blues, Brew&BBQ(Sept.26), WingsandWheels(Sept. 29),NHBookFestival(Oct. 4-5),ConcordSound& Color(Oct.18-19),HalloweenHowl(Oct.25)

5 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024
Small local business and family owned. Special Offer 10% off your next Plumbing or Heating service. Just mention this ad 603-707-1175 | www.jenkinsplumbingnh.com $750 rebate on heat pump water heater (hybrid) install and up to 30% tax deductible • New construction • Remodels • Fixture Installs • Water Heaters • HVAC / Mini Splits / Ref • 24/7 Service Available • Boilers • Gas Lines •Drain Cleaning NE-440638 www.concordimagingcenter.com Compassionate Cost-Conscious Care Concord Hospital Campus Pillsbury Building 248 Pleasant Street, Suite 106 Concord, NH · (603) 415-2902 Horseshoe Pond Medical Center 60 Commercial Street, Suite 101 Concord NH · (603) 415-9444 Lung Cancer Screening Osteoporosis Screening Colon Cancer Screening 3D Mammography CT Scan Ultrasound Truly Open MRI Same-Day X-Ray 603-753-6200 | 191 Village Street, Penacook Monday - Friday: 9:30AM to 6:00PM Saturday: 9:30AM to 5:00PM | Sunday 11:00AM to 3:00PM NHFurnitureStore.com

book of the week

‘The Stolen Child,’ by Ann Hood (2024,288pages,Genre: Mystery)

Inthisbook,wemeet NickBurns,aWWIveteranwhoishauntedby somethinghedidin1917, whenhewasinthetrenches inFrance.Duringhistime there,hemetayoung motherandartistonwhose farmhewasdugin.When theGermansfinallyadvanced,theyoungwoman appears,thrustsboththe childandherartworkinto hishands,andasksNickto

savebothbeforefleeing. Afterthewar,Nickreturns toRhodeIsland andmarriesLillian.Themarriageslowlyunraveled,asNick isforever hauntedbythe decisionhe made,andwhat happenedtothe child.Whenwe jumptothepresent,in1974, Nickisalone yearsafterLillian’sdeath.Helearnsheis dyinganddecidesheneeds

tofindthechild,whowould nowbeanelderlyman,in ordertoreassurehimself thatthe“child” wassafe.

Heplacesan adforapersonal assistant,and, withsometrepidation,hires Jenny,ayoung waitresswho oncehadambitionsbeyond IHOP.Hermain qualificationis shepossessesapassportand canleaveimmediately.They

leaveforParistobeginthe search.

Thisbookjumpsbackand forthbetween1917to1974, withsomestopsinthe50s, bringinginstorylinesin FranceandItalyaswellas RhodeIsland.Welearn Jenny’sbackstory,meet othercharactersandbegin


tolearntherelationships betweenall.It’sbothalove storyandamystery.It’swell writtenandanenjoyable read.


Meredith Dahlrose

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6 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024
When Should You Sell Your Home? Ask Sue Susan Roemer is Specially Trained In Senior Transitions With 20 Years  of Capital Region Knowledge Call or Email for a Confidential Consultation 603-491-0833 | SRoemer@masiello.com Senior Real Estate Specialist The Gem Of The South End! Our Laundromat Has It All! 25¢ Dry 8 Minutes We have single loaders, double loaders, triple loaders, four load, five load and six load washers. Our machines accept debit, credit, and cash We have years of experience with wash,dry and fold! South End Laundromat 71 Downing Street Concord Installing Better Bathrooms Call Today For Your Free Quote 603-736-3120 • ShapiroBathrooms.com jmessinastumpgrindingnh.com SLEEK, STYLISH, AND MODERN! The Apartments at Cranmore Ridge feature 1-2 bedroom units, contemporary cabinetry, upgraded flooring, stainless steel appliances, smart features, and keyless entry, as well as multiple onsite amenities. Contact us TODAY for your personal tour. 603.836.8460 | 169 Portsmouth Street, Concord, NH | www.cranmoreridge.com

Corbin’s Animal Garden talk

Oneofthemostunusual placesinNewHampshire, thehuge,century-oldprivatehuntingpreservecalled Corbin’sAnimalGarden, willbethetopicofahistoricaltalkinConcordonJune 17.


isa22,000-acregamepreserveintheNewportarea, accessibletoafewdozen memberswhopaythousandsortensofthousands ofdollarstohuntelk,boar, bisonandotheranimals.It wascreatedinthe late1800sbybanking,railroad,andrealestatemogul


We specialize in the installation of Hardwood, Vinyl, Laminate Floating Flooring, Interior painting, Kitchens and Stairways

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7 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024
concord SEE
Call today for a FREE Estimate (603) 252-8104 Valhalla Flooring NE-431142 287 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SUITE#3 CONCORD NH 03301 • 603-440-0271 DERMAL FILLERS XEOMIN INJECTIONS LASER TREATMENTS www.sansagemedicalaesthetics.com 124 Storrs Street, Concord  •  WeedFamilyAutomotive.com  •  603.225.7988 Maintenance & Repair for all makes & models EasywithSchedule  real  human response Easy Schedule i h l Family friendly service at a fair price

AustinCorbin,whogrewup inNewport.OverthecenturiesguestshaveincludedTheodoreRoosevelt, thePrinceofWales,Joe DiMaggio,RudyardKipling, andAugustusSaintGaudens.

Anillustratedslideshow featuresarchivalimagesand adiscussionofthecompli-

catedhistoryandlegacyof NewHampshire’sown robberbaronwillbeheld Monday,June17,from1to 2p.m.attheStateEmployeesAssociation,207N. MainSt.HistorianMary Kronenwetterwillbethe presenter.Thepubliciswelcome.


8 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024
THE OUTSIDE STORY. Every Monday from Northern Woodlands Magazine in NE-444236 91 Sheep Davis Rd, Pembroke NH | 603-228-8294 Mon - Fri 8am - 7pm | Sat 8am - 6pm | Sun 8am - 5pm Scan QR code to see our surprise specials DON'T FORGET FLOWERS FOR YOUR GRADUATES! Here are some big days in June: June 4 - National Donut Day (we've got Chichester Store Donuts) June 8 - National Best Friends Day (we’ve got great cards & gifts in the shop) June 13 - National Weed Your Garden Day (but really we know you have to do it more often than that) June 14 - Flag Day (yes, we’ve got flags too) June 16 - Father’s Day (Fathers garden too) nicolesgreenhouseandflorist.com 603-715-1153 • HTTP://WWW.GETSUNMED.COM OPEN TUE - SAT 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. CLOSED SUN & MON CBD PRODUCTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE, OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE. CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE USE. FOR ADULTS OVER 18+ MIND: Gummies Long Lasting Tincture | Fast Acting Water Soluble | Bath and Beauty | Mushroom Gummies BODY: Topical | Gummies | Long Lasting Tincture | Fast Acting Water Soluble | Bath and Beauty Mushroom Gummies SLEEP: Gummies | Long Lasting Tincture RISE: Gummies | Long Lasting Tincture Fast Acting Water Soluble | Mushroom Gummies PET: Treats and Chews Long Lasting Tincture TRIM: Long Lasting Tincture | Soft Gel Capsule | Trim Gummies Thank you for voting us Best CBD Store 3 years in a row!! MADE IN THE USA FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS EXPIRES 7/13/2024 CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. 20% OFF COME EXPERIENCE THE SUNMED DIFFERENCE AT 211 LOUDON RD., SUITE A COME FIND US UP ON THE HEIGHTS AT COURTYARD SQUARE, ACROSS FROM SUGAR RIVER BANK! WHERE WE ARE REDEFINING EXCELLENCE THROUGH QUALITY AND TRANSPARENCY! Come get a good nights sleep with Sunmeds new CBN Sleep Gummies. Clinically shown to • Improve Sleep Quality • Enhance Sleep Onset • Reduce Anxiety • Reduce Fatigue FREE SAMPLES!
inside scoop.

Stars align for Players summer season

Beginwithcompelling stories,addone-part exquisitesetandcostume design,one-partwell-seasonedfanfavoritesand one-partfreshtoThe Playerstalent.Mixwell withthehelpofmasterful directorsandyou’vegotthe makingofoneunforgettablesummeroftheatre.

ThePeterboroughPlayers isproudtosharethecasts forthe2024Summer Seasonshows.Itincludes theperfectcombinationof tried-and-truePlayersand incrediblytalentedartistsin theirinauguralperformancesinthebarn.Already announcedistheexciting newsthatScottBakula,star of“QuantumLeap”and “NCISNewOrleans”among manyotherswillstarin “ManofLaMancha”alongsidehiswifeand“NCIS”costar,ChelseaField.

WewelcomebackfavoriteslikeGusKaikkonen, longtimePlayersArtistic Directorwhowilldirect “BenButler”andactin threeothershows.Kraig Swartz,aveteranofmore than25seasons,willplay “Sancho”in“ManofLa Mancha”amongotherroles. AlsoreturningareLisa Bostnar,KraigSchwartz, AliahWhitmore,Kathy Manfre,DouglasRees,

JoyceCohenandLucy Zukaitiswhohavelong madethetheatretheir summerhome.Thesefa-

miliarfacesareknownfor theirsavvy,skilland artistry.Welookforwardto themdelightingthecrowds, astheyhavemanytimesbefore.

MakingtheirPeterboroughPlayersdebutthis summerareoveradozen otherprofessionalactors includingveteranssuchas GlynisBell,whosecredits include“Amadeusand“My FairLady”amongclosetoa dozenothershowson

Broadwayandrecurring rolesonallthe“Lawand Order”franchise.Nisi Sturgis:“The39Steps”on Broadwayand5seasonsas JuneThompsononHBO’s “BoardwalkEmpire.”Carl Wallnau–“Titanic”on B’way.KurtZischke–“Buddy”onBroadway. Theywilljoinacompanyof seasonedprofessionalactorswhosetheatrecredits rangefromcoasttocoast,

9 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024
peterborough COURTESY
SEE PLAYERS PAGE 10 SUNRISE HEATING & COOLING (603) 507-2600 Family Owned • Fully Licensed/Insured Contractors sunriseheatingac@gmail.com Call us for all your HV C needs! Call us for all your HVAC needs! To Register Email: AMansfield@2homefit.com STARTS MAY 4THJUNE 15TH Visit us today for kitchens, vanities, windows, doors & so much more. 287 South Main St. Concord | 603-227-9571 | bigjimsnh.com Locally owned since 1954 $1.95 - $2.95 LF  DECKING D DECCKKIINNG G WWW.RIVERBENDCMHC.ORG  • ADDICTION TREATMENT AND RECOVERY SERVICES • ADULT SERVICES  • CHILDREN'S SERVICES • WELLNESS EDUCATION • COUNSELING AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES • INTEGRATED HEALTH • PSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCY SERVICES • RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS 24/7 CRISIS SUPPORT 1-833-710-6477
LEFT: Scott Bakula. RIGHT: Chelsea Field.

fromthetheatretofilmand television.

Aseachshowapproaches thePlayerswillreleaseinformationonallthesetalentedperformerswitheven

greaterdetail.Weareconfidenttheseextraordinary artists–oldandnew-will engage,enrichandexcite ouraudience. Whethertheyarefirstor longtimers,ArtisticDi-

rectorChuckMoreyhandpickedeachandeveryartist fortheiruniquetalentsand collaborativeartistryto makeour2024Summer Seasononeforthebooks. SeasonSubscriptionsgive

Medicare Options are Complicated. Understanding them shouldn’t be.

Turning 65

Turning 65 is a big milestone in a person’s life. For most, it’s also the time to apply for Medicare. Most commonly now you apply for Medicare Part A and/or Part B on the Social Security website.

I’m told by my clients who are new to Medicare that they feel fortunate to have me “hold their hand” and help them through the process. I will hold your hand too if you want my assistance as you face this dilemma of decisions.

Much of my consultation time is going through the appropriate steps of someone just getting their Medicare active. But this seems to be the most daunting step for most that I meet with.

You can enroll in Medicare online by going to SSA.gov. Medicare alone is not enough, and that's where I come in to help you understand your Medicare options. Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplement (Medi-gap) plans and Medicare Drug plans are complex and the fact that you can have my knowledge (at no cost to you) to help you decide the right choice for you at this milestone in your life will give you peace of mind.

Well, that’s what my clients tell me at least.

youanopportunitytosee eachoftheshowsandare availablefor$228.Barn DoorPassesoffermore flexibilityandcanbeyours for$253.Individualtickets forshowsstartat$58for ourplaysand$62forour musical.

The2024SummerSeason startsonWednesday,June 19andrunsthroughAugust 25.Ticketsareavailablefor purchasenowbycallingthe boxofficeat603-924-7585 orvisitingpeterboroughplayers.org

ThePeterboroughPlayers boxofficeisopenMonday throughFridayfrom10 a.m.until4p.m.Thetheater,housedinahistoric barnat55HadleyRoadsurroundedby75acresofpristinelandscape,isaniconic venueinNewHampshire’s culturallyrichMonadnock region.

Tuesday, June 11th

Doors: 5pm | Films: 6 pm

Red River Theatres

11 S. Main St. Suite L-1, Concord

The Creative Guts Short Film Festival presents independent filmmakers from NH and beyond! The spirit of this festival is to celebrate the creativity, voice, and collaboration of filmmakers. Tickets to the festival will support the missions of Creative Guts, a NH nonprofit. If cost is a barrier to attend, please reach out to us at hello@CreativeGutsPodcast.com to discuss a fee waiver.

10 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024
FROM PAGE 9 239 Loudon Rd Concord NH Tue - Sat 11am - 8pm | Sun 11am - 7pm Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/people/Koung-Sushi-Mart2/61554516652585/?mibextid=LQQJ4d 2 (603) 715-9243 FRESH SUSHI DAILY Are you looking for affordable senior living options? John H. Whitaker Place is an affordable 55+ assisted living community that provides an unparalleled combination of private apartment living and personal care services that facilitate independence. Learn more... Visit us online at whitakerplace.org or call 603-753-9100 to arrange an in-person tour. STUDIO & ONE BEDROOMS AVAILABLE NOW
do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800MEDICARE to get information on all your options.
Every Saturday 8:30 to Noon, May thru October • Fresh Seasonal Fruit & Vegetables • Honey & Maple Products   • Soaps & Herbs • Specialty Foods • Local Meats & Cheeses • Seafood  • Pet Treats • Plants & Flowers • Wine & Ale • Baked Goods
Next to the State House ~ Capitol Street, Concord NH
TICKETS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT redrivertheatres.org All films will be open captions.

children’s theatre project

Auditions for ‘Charlotte’s Web’

Children’sTheatreProject announcesauditionsfor ‘Charlotte’sWeb’

BasedonthebookbyE.B. White.AdaptedbyJoseph Robinette

Byappointmentonlyon Sunday,June9(9a.m.to4 p.m.)or Monday,June 10(4-8p.m.)

Callingallyouthactors aged8-18toauditionfor thisheartwarmingclassic byplaywrightJosephRobinette,workingwiththeadviceofE.B.White,hascreatedaplaythatcapturesthis workinathrillingtheatrical presentation.(Youthaged6 and7yearsoldinterestedin therolesoftheBabySpiders (3)orBabyWilburarewelcometoaudition).

Swenson Granite Company, 1883 to 2016

Stubborn, determined, resolute in the face of the elements—few symbols characterize New Hampshire and the people who live here like the granite bedrock of our state. For more than 130 years, the Swenson Granite Company has quarried stone in New Hampshire, providing the building blocks that created the Library of Congress, the Brooklyn Bridge, battlefield memorials at Gettysburg, and dozens of other notable structures around the country. Join Kurt Swenson, the fourth-generation of Swensons to manage the company, as he talks about the dramatic story of this once family-owned business and the future of the granite industry in New Hampshire. This talk is co-sponsored by the Concord Historical Society and NH Historical Society, with support from the Walker Lecture Fund. Admission is free and open to the public.

Thursday June 13 | 7pm

New Hampshire Historical Society 30 Park St., Concord, NH

Presented by The Concord Historical Society 266 North Main St, Concord, NH www.Concordhistoricalsociety.org

Auditionswillbeheld atTheCommunityPlayers Studio,435JosiahBartlett Road,Concord. To scheduleyourspotplease contactDirectorKarenBraz atk.braz@comcast.net. Auditionspotsarein15minuteincrements. Visit theCommunityPlayersofConcord.orgwebsitefor moreinformation.

11 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024
248 Sheep Davis Road, Suite 10, Concord NH BudgetBlinds.com/ConcordNH 603-369-6597 Buy 2 Get 1 Free!* *Some exceptions apply, ask your design consultant for details. Avoid the glare from the sun in your windows this summer with our fresh offer and best price guarantee. CONCORD AVIATION SERVICES WE CAN TEACH YOU TO FLY! 71 Airport Road Concord, NH 603-228-2267 www.confbo.com Find us on Facebook /ConcordAviation NE-439200 NE-439728 The Best Gift Ever! Purchase a gift certificate or prepay for a friend so they can schedule SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR DEEP CLEANING! Scan here for more info! MOBILE AUTO DETAILING - SERVING MAJORITY OF MERRIMACK AND HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY FULLY INSURED TEL: 603-333-5600 IN-DEPTHMOBILE.COM WE OFFER SENIOR CITIZEN & MILITARY DISCOUNTS! Follow us on Facebook


June6,2002:Thestate LiquorCommissionvotesto prohibitthebeertentsthat sellalcoholtothousandsof peopleduringMotorcycle Week.Thecommissioners agreewithAttorneyGeneral PhilipMcLaughlinthatthe tentsposeathreattopublic safety.

June6,1985:CongressmanBobSmithisthe onlyNewEnglandcongressmantovoteagainst sanctionsaimedatthe apartheidregimeinSouth Africa.Hesaystheywon’t accomplishtheirpurpose.

June6,1878:TheRev. NathanielBoutondiesatage 79.HewasConcord’sCongregationalistministerfor40 yearsandthestatehistorian for11.In1856,hepublished ahistoryofConcord.

June6,1925:Maxine Kuminisborn.Shewillwin the1973PulitzerPrizefor poetry.

June7,2003:TheRev.V. GeneRobinson,anopenly gayfatheroftwo,isoverwhelminglyelectedasthe

nextbishopoftheEpiscopal DioceseofNewHampshire andthefirstopenlygayEpiscopalbishopintheworld.

June7,2002:Thestate SupremeCourtsideswith theHellsAngelsinalegal rumblethatpittedthebikers’ desiretosellclub-related merchandiseattheheartof WeirsBeachagainstthecity ofLaconia’sfearsoverpublic safety.Thecourt’sunani-

mousdecisionclearstheway fortheclubtorun11vending boothsduringBikeWeekdespitethecitylicensing board’svotetodenythem.

June7,2001:Warren Doane,whowontwostate championshipsinhis29seasonsofcoachingConcord Highbaseball,diesattheage of60.Doane,whowasoneof themostrecognizedsports figuresinthecity,also

coachedConcord’sAmericanLegionteamfor15years andwasthefirstgeneral managerofthenewly formedConcordQuarry Dogs.


cialgovernmentgrantsConcordaroyalcharter.Since 1733,thetownhadbeen calledRumford,andbefore that,undera1725Massachusettscharter,PennyCook.

A Senior Living Community

12 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024
exciting lifestyle with fun daily activities. Granite Ledges of Concord is a lively community which supports our residents’ independence, while offering the security of a 24-hour staff, as well as personalized care services when they are needed.
to arrange a tour today! Warmth | Friends | Laughter Joint venture between Genesis & Capital Region Health Care 151 Langley Parkway | Concord, NH 603-224-0777 | genesishcc.com Contact us for a FREE ESTIMATE 603-718-3776 / fixmyhomenh.com Basement Waterproofing Foundation Repair Crawl Space Repair Concrete Lifting & Leveling Radon Mitigation Humidity & Mold Control 102 Fisherville Rd, Concord NH • 603-224-3522 Limited Store Hours, Please Call Ahead ✃ 15%OFF ANY ONE FULL-PRICED ITEM EXCLUDES SALE ITEMS Offer good through August 31, 2024 Please bring this coupon — one coupon per customer •Bird Feeders •Birdbaths •Bird Houses •Bird Seed and Suet •And Much More MUSIC ON THE PATIO 17 Depot Street Downtown Concord 603-228-0180 • CheersNH.com JOIN US ON THE PATIO!
Active seniors can enjoy an
13 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024 SAVINGS HOT SUMMER Going on Now! AUTOMOTIVE GROUP Bisson & Union Ave Laconia NH 603-524-4922 | irwinzone.com NEW 2024 LINCOLN CORSAIR Stock # RLT002 MSRP ($47,845) 24 mo. lease, 7,500 miles/yr. Lease with $8,248 due at signing ($6,525 Cash or Trade Equity plus dealer fee, 1st payment & $650 acquisition fee due at signing). Special includes trade assist rebate to qualified customers. No sales tax for NH residents. Please contact the dealer for complete details. VIN# 5LMCJ1DA4RUL00982. Expires 6-30-2024. SAVE UP TO $6,680 OFF MSRP Lease for only $379 For 24 Months NEW 2023 LINCOLN NAUTILUS Stock # PLT027 MSRP $61,955. 24 mo. lease, 7,500 miles/yr. Lease with $7,968 due at signing. $6,186 Cash or Trade Equity plus dealer fee, 1st payment & $650 acquisition fee due at signing. Special includes trade assist rebate to qualified customers. No sales tax for NH residents. Please contact the dealer for complete details. VIN# 2LMPJ8K91PBL13850. Expires 6-30-2024. SAVE UP TO $8,679 OFF MSRP Lease for only $468 For 24 Months NEW 2024 LINCOLN AVIATOR Stock # RLT025 MSRP ($57,990) 24 mo. lease, 7,500 miles/yr. Lease with $8,125 due at signing ($6,156 Cash or Trade Equity plus dealer fee, 1st payment & $650 acquisition fee due at signing). Special includes trade assist rebate to qualified customers. No sales tax for NH residents. Please contact the dealer for complete details. VIN# 5LM5J6XC0RGL03931. Expires 6-30-2024. SAVE UP TO $3,280 OFF MSRP Lease for only $625 For 24 Months NEW 2024 TOYOTA COROLLA LE NEW 2024 TOYOTA RAV4 LE AWD NEW 2024 TOYOTA RAV4 LE Hybrid AWD NEW 2024 TOYOTA TUNDRA Crew Max SR5 4x4 SAVE UP TO $1,319 OFF MSRP Lease for only $89 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $1,538 OFF MSRP Lease for only $179 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $1,584 OFF MSRP Lease for only $215 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $2,696 OFF MSRP Lease for only $317 For 24 Months Low lease: 24 months, 10,000 miles per year. 1st payment, $645 acquisition fee, $699 dealer fee & $6,501 due at signing. No sales tax for NH residents. All manufacturers rebates to dealer. Special financing available for 36 months, MSRP: Corolla-$23,145, Rav4-$31,515, Rav4 Hybrid-$33,818, Tundra-$45,403. Subject to credit approval. Manufacturers programs are subject to change without notice. See dealer for complete details. *TFS financing is required. Expires 6-30-2024. Stock # RJC1852 Stock # RJT489 NEW 2023 FORD ESCAPE Active AWD NEW 2024 FORD EXPLORER XLT AWD Stock # RFT048 NEW 2023 FORD BRONCO SPORT Big Bend 4x4 Stock # PFT402 NEW 2023 FORD F-150 STX 4x4 SAVE UP TO $5,161 OFF MSRP Lease for only $99 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $6,146 OFF MSRP Lease for only $119 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $5,739 OFF MSRP Lease for only $59 For 24 Months Low lease: 24 months, 7,500 miles per year. 1st payment, $645 acquisition fee, $699 dealer fee & $6,501 due at signing. No sales tax for NH residents. All manufacturers rebates to dealer including Ford trade assistance. Special financing in lieu of manufacturers rebates and subject to credit approval. Manufacturers programs are subject to change without notice. FMCC financing may be required. * See dealer for complete details. Expires 6-30-2024. NEW 2024 CHEVROLET EQUINOX LS AWD NEW 2024 CHEVROLET SILVERADO Crew Cab LT 4x4 Low lease: 24 mos 10,000 miles per year. 1st payment, $695 acquisition fee, $699 dealer fee & $5,215-Equinox, $3,406-Trailblazer, $2,877-Trax cash or trade equity due at signing. $0 security deposit due. Subject to credit approval. No sales tax for NH residents. All manufacturers rebates to dealer. Special financing in lieu of manufacturers rebates and subject to credit approval. Silverado Save Up To includes $1,000 trade assist rebate to qualified customers. See dealer for details. Manufacturers programs subject to change without notice. GM Financing required. Expires 6-30-2024 NEW 2024 HYUNDAI KONA SEL AWD NEW 2024 HYUNDAI TUCSON SEL AWD NEW 2024 HYUNDAI ELANTRA SEL SAVE UP TO $2,761 OFF MSRP Lease for only $279 For 36 Months SAVE UP TO $1,280 OFF MSRP Lease for only $149 For 36 Months SAVE UP TO $2,825 OFF MSRP Lease for only $229 For 36 Months SAVE UP TO $1,108 OFF MSRP Lease for only $122 For 36 Months Low lease: 36 months, 10,000 miles per year. 1st payment, $699 dealer fee, $650 acquisition & $10,506-Palisade, $7,206-Tucson, $7,206-Kona, $5,706-Elantra cash or trade equity due at signing. No sales tax for NH residents. All manufacturers rebates to dealer. Manufacturers programs are subject to change without notice. See dealer for complete details. HMF financing may be required. Expires 6-30-2024. NEW 2024 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER NEW 2024 CHEVROLET TRAX LS FWD Stock # 24253S Stock # 24240 Stock # 24429 Stock # RHT271 Stock # RHT405 SAVE UP TO $2,871 OFF MSRP Lease for only $178 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $3,940 OFF MSRP Lease for only $155 For 24 Months SAVE UP TO $1,390 OFF MSRP Lease for only $227 For 24 Months Stock # RJT036 Stock # RHC012 $11,600 SAVE UP TO OFF MSRP Stock # 24305 1.9% AVAILABLE 0% AVAILABLE 1.9% AVAILABLE 0% AVAILABLE .9% AVAILABLE .9% AVAILABLE .9% AVAILABLE Stock # RJT4435 • NO CREDIT • BAD CREDIT • BANKRUPTCY • DIVORCE 100 % CREDIT APPROVAL Our Goal of Stock # RHT268 NEW 2024 HYUNDAI SPALISADE Limited AWD Stock # RJT335 SAVE UP TO $9,394 OFF MSRP Lease for only $239 For 24 Months

Our Vision

In the ConVal community, all learners will achieve academically, act thoughtfully, and contribute to the larger society.

Our Mission

To provide opportunities and inspire our learners to explore interests, pursue new knowledge and skills, learn about self and others, and give of oneself to the greater community.

ConVal is hiring for the following positions:

• ConVal School District

District/Community Preschool and Elementary Case


Special Education Teachers – All Levels

Speech/Language Pathologist Assistants

School Psychologist – Elementary and High School

Occupational Therapist

School Nurses

Paraprofessionals – All Levels

• ConVal High School

General Science Teacher

Math Teacher

Music Teacher

Computer and Information Technology CTE Instructor

Pre-Engineering CTE Teacher

Business CTE Instructor

ELO Work Base Learning Counselor

• ConVal Middle Schools

Technology Integrator

• ConVal Elementary School

Physical Education/Health Teacher

Library/Media Specialist

• ConVal Support Staff

Part-Time Administrative Assistant

Information Technology Systems Support


Daily and Long-Term Substitute Positions


Beginning Salary Range for new EDUCATORS: BA+00 is $50,000! MA+ 00 is $54,000!

Beginning Salary Range for New SSPs: BA+00 is $55,000! MA+00 is $62,000! Go to www.conval.edu,

WHITFIELD HOUSE, 86-86 1/2 Pleasant St.,Concord. Semi-Private Lodging. 603-225-9734


Help Wanted


Busy Concord NH law firm has an immediate opening for an experienced Legal Assistant. The ideal candidate will have strong technical and organizational skills, the ability to work independently as well as take direction, and a professional manner with strong communication skills. Responsibilities include preparing correspondence, memoranda, complaints, motions, briefs, opinions and other related legal documents, and maintaining calendaring system. A working knowledge of the Federal, State and Local Court Systems, standard English usage and grammar, as well as legal terminologies, and strong proofreading skills required. We offer competitive pay, excellent benefits and a great team atmosphere. Qualified applicants should email resume, cover letter and salary requirement to: concordnhlaw@gmail.com.

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School Social Worker

Full-time school year position

Under the direction of the Building Principal and the Director of the Office of School Wellness, the School Social Worker will provide direct and indirect social work services to students experiencing social, emotional and/or behavioral challenges that interfere with their performance in school. In addition, the School Social Worker will work with students and families experiencing homelessness and facilitate communication between school, home, and community providers.


Masters Degree in Social Work

Current New Hampshire Certification School Social Worker or Statement of Eligibility

Experience working with schools, in school settings, or with school-age students preferred.

Applications accepted until filled

Please send letter of intent, resume, 3 letters of recommendation and Laconia School District application to:

Amy Gregoire

Director of the Office of School Wellness

39 Harvard Street • Laconia, NH 03246 • agregoire@laconiaschools.org


Autos Wanted

Absolutely All Cars & Trucks Wanted. Will pay up to $600. Call Murray's Auto Recycling 425-2562

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Serving Central New Hampshire 7 Days a Week 603-753-8555 603-568-7291


Seeking dynamic candidates to join our school community for the 2024-2025 school year.

The successful candidates should seek to cultivate a learning environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, critical thinking and self-direction.


High School Science Teacher

High School English Teacher (anticipated opening)

High School Student Assistance Counselor

All positions are open until filled. NH Certification required for all teaching positions. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent benefit package.

For more information and consideration, candidates should apply online at www.SAU73.org Gilford School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer

REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE Kitchens, baths, windows, doors, painting, Fully insured NO JOB TO SMALL call 603-918-9504

Home Improvement

Experienced, dependable, reasonably priced and licensed Wildlife Control Operator. Humane wildlife removal. Woodchucks, porcupines, skunks, raccoons, possums.

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16 Concord Insider T h u r s d a y , June6 , 2024 NE-434015 complete exam $59 with x-rays, if necessary For over 23 years people have come to us for help with: Sciatica Neck Pain Low Back Pain Digestive Problems Enhanced Performance Headaches and Migraines Asthma Numbness/ Tingling in Hands *results may vary Route 104 & 3 3 Annalee Place (603)677-1444 MEREDITHPEMBROKEEPPING Route 106 & 3 556 Pembroke St. (603)224-4281 Route 125 & 155 629 Calef Highway (603)679-3222 *results vary Colic Chronic Ear Infection ADD/ADHD Overall Wellness Find out how chiropractic could help you! change? READY FOR A Affordable adjustments, great results No appointments with flex scheduling Short wait times Caring doctors and staff Weekly adjustments from only $139/mo complete exam $59 with x-rays, if necessary For over 23 years people have come to us for help with: Sciatica Neck Pain Low Back Pain Digestive Problems Enhanced Performance Headaches and Migraines Asthma Numbness/ Tingling in Hands *results may vary Route 104 & 3 3 Annalee Place (603)677-1444 MEREDITHPEMBROKEEPPING Route 106 & 3 556 Pembroke St. (603)224-4281 Route 125 & 155 629 Calef Highway (603)679-3222 CROSSROADS CHIROPRACTIC *results vary Colic Chronic Ear Infection ADD/ADHD Overall Wellness Find out how chiropractic could help you! change? READY FOR A Affordable adjustments, great results No appointments with flex scheduling Short wait times Caring doctors and staff Weekly adjustments from only $139/mo CROSSROADSCHIROPRACTIC.COM BEDFORD Route 101 Village Shoppes (603)488-1100

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