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Kazuhiro Murakami


Education Sep 2016 a Jul 2017 Master in Research for design and innovation Elisava, Barcelona Feb 2006 a Jul 2006 Speciality in Virtual scenarios Esdi, Barcelona Aug 2002 a Dec 2007 Industrial Design Universidad Iberoamericana, MĂŠxico

Professional experience Apr 2019 Head of Product Tientditapp Nov 2019 Trend Spotter Trendwatching Apr 2018 Apr 2019 Product Manager Enova Jul 2017 Innovation Lab Primavera Sound

Designer and innovation professional focused on using Design Thinking Methodologies to generate human centered design solutions,

Mar 2017 Jul 2017 Innovation Consultant Internet Age Media

My experience in areas of strategy, innovation, creativity and interior/product design allow me to understand the needs and drivers of the users and other useful information that helps to create, implement and improve solutions to problems in an agile way.

Sep 2016 Feb 2016 Trend Researcher Civil Rights Defenders

I consider myself an open, curious person who accepts and understands the challenges of working in interdisciplinary teams in an international environment.

Sep 2011 Jan 2016 Space Planning Herman MIller 2

Kazuhiro Murakami, MĂŠxico City 1983

kazuhiro.m@gmail.com +52 1 5539022676

Methodology The methodology I chose to develop projects is Design thinking in a Double Diamond model. This model is composed by a vast number of human centered design tools, this creates a flexibile and dynamic multidisciplinary process where iteration is key. The iteration is further supplemented by a focus on empathy, creating a process that is by nature, human centric. The human centric nature is facilitated by use of qualitative research methods, techniques including empathy mapping, understanding the ecosystem and the stakeholders involved, rapid brainstorming and prototyping sessions, drawing parallels from other industries, and a plethora of other adaptable ways. Apart from its use it solving complex problems, the design thinking process can also help define challenges which are often too vague or complicated to put down into a clear sentence. With various waves of diverging with many ideas and insights and then converging to filter solutions that make more sense to create a new point of view, this methodology can definitely help in creating the definition of what the challenge brief would look like.

Project Management & Communication

The tools Based on collaboration and efficiency, the tools I use to develop projects avoid the duplication of work and information.

Canvas, Trends & Benchmark Research

Design and documentation

Trend Research and KPIs

Testing and Insights 3

Product Design oupi MÊxico 2020 Intro The video game industry is growing exponentially and it’s generating $120 billion per year. This is creating new ways of monetization in all the different new markets related to video games and e-sports. Challenge How do we create specific content and products for the latin american market? Insights The public in latin america is more focused on sports and war themed games. Big companies like RIOT and the recent COVID-19 pandemic are pushing the E-Sports into the mainstream. Outcomes A platform with a web app that uses Artificial Intelligence which tracks the most relevant information according to the demographics specified. A business model for an E-sports academy.


Product Design Tienditapp MÊxico 2020 Intro Tienditapp had a B2C business model focused on last mile delivery, which became replicated and therefore it very difficult to compete against top of the line competitors like Rappi, Cornershop and Mercadoni. Challenge How do we compete against apps that have more customers, presence and infraestructure than us? Insights The market is oversaturated with delivery apps, making it more complicated to steal users. The retailers do not have tools similar to the delivery apps, the process to re-stock is over complicated for them, as some providers doens’t have enough infraestructure to deliver. Outcomes The business model was redefined, and that helped us becoming a B2B app, letting the retailers be more competitive against the ever growing world of delivery apps. By getting A class products with big discounts from the 5 major retailers in Mexico.


Product Design Enova MĂŠxico 2018 Intro Enova was a mexican company that created mixed learning experiences, mainly focused on developing key habilities for the future for people with low resources. Challenge How do we create meaningful learning experiences for the private sector through Learning Management Systems and for whom? Insights STEAM disciplines are the main topic in the 4 levels in which the project focused: K12, College, Teachers, Certification Certification in all levels is feasable and important for the user. Outcomes Multidisciplinary learning labs, including mobile units. New courses for based on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) disciplines. Coding in Social Rehabilitation Centers for women. Marketing Campaigns and events.


UX Research Primavera Sound Barcelona 2017 Intro Primavera Sound is Barcelona’s most important music festival. The attendance has grown from 8000 to somewhere close to 200,000, the model has been replicated in Portugal and the United States. Challenge As the music festival grew and morphed so did the audience. How do we identify the main users of the festival in order to give it the correct identity? Insights The main characteristics that define a festival and their users were mapped and helped understand the uniqueness of Barcelona and the feeling of the festival. The characteristics of the user and location were more easily identified during field studies. Understanding the pains and gains of the users was key to deliver a proper solution. This was achieved via quantitative/qualitative research, user journals and observation. Outcomes A visual proposal for the festival that was immediately implemented was delivered. The solution included ilumination, ephemeral architecture, flow of users


Innovation Consultacy Internet Age Media Barcelona 2017 Intro IAM is an internet based media company that defines itself as “The platform connecting the futures of media, learning & the arts, cultivating the randomness of internet cultures”. They have a unique offering consisting of their yearly festival, consultancy services, video production and curated content for a future thinking niche target. Challenge How do IAM can become a sustainable business entity while still preserving their core values of “randomness” and independence? Insights The users of the festival behave like an family, most of them return each year only to see other members, this immediately creates a human centered approach for the festival. Outcomes A toolkit with solutions and services that could be implemented over time. A mockup for an online platform and digitalization of the IAM-Weekend festival (already implemented) A business plan that included different subscription models.


Trend Research Civil Rights Defenders Barcelona 2017 Intro Cuba has a problem of civil rights violation that include political repression, censorship, poor access to information, arbitrary imprisonment, unfair trials and poverty that has been normalized, an important part of the world sees the country as a paradise and a symbol of socialism gone right. Challenge How to increase the awareness on human rights inside Cuba and for the international community and how to make this message strong and real and deliver it using a creative channel? Insights Most people doesn’t understand or care for a situation that is not as bad as it can get, or is very difficult to empathize with something we don’t see or is close to us. A deep analysis was made by mapping and remapping trends in a micro, macro and mega levels that allowed to understand how a totalitarian regime works and their mistakes. Outcomes An augmented reality experience that recreates a normal day in the life of a cuban living the struggles mentioned before. Fake currency showing the main patterns of the Cuban Regime seen from inside and outside, this is inspired in the two currencies used in Cuba.


Product Design Herman Miller Mexico 2015 Intro Herman Miller is an American 100+ year company based in Zeeland, Michigan, that produces office furniture, equipment and home furnishings. The way the projects were presented didn’t match the investigations and innovative vision of the company. Challenge How do we differentiate the service provided against the ever growing business competitors? Insights It’s assumed that the people that asks for a Herman Miller product is already an expert on the topic or is not driven only by price/benefit. Not all the users are able to visualize a project with a blueprint and a couple of renders. Outcomes An augmented reality experience that was combined with the Space Utilization tool developed for the Herman Miller furniture. An automatic price quote system that helps exchanging elements of a blueprint without modifying it, saving time for both parties involved in the project.


Innovation Consultant Nike | Flock Mexico 2016 Intro Commisioned work for the launch of the Nike’s LUNAREPIC FLYKNIT sneakers, Nike needed a unique experience for the users in which they could interact with the product without touching it. Challenge How do we create an interactive and immersive experience using the already existing audiovisual material? Insights Having little to none interaction with traditional controlers like an ipad or a keyboard gives a sense of futurism and space travelling. References from sci fi movies like 2001 Outcomes An immersive experience created inside a room that gives the ilusion of traveling through space, with a center command center that let you interact with the information with hand commands using a combination of Leap Motion technology and 3d Mapping.


Art Nudo Interior Mexico 2016 Intro Nudo interior was an international art exhibition that took place on MĂŠxico City on 2016, which main topic was the autobiographic tale with elementes that represented spaces, journeys, memories, feeling s and personality. Challenge As a part of an art collective, how do we create a unique piece that represents the moment all the member fo the collective are living on one single art piece? Insights The materials and shapes chosen to create the piece were transparent. The programming and design happened at the same time, like a dialog between two persons speaking different languages that at the end understood each other. The piece works creating an interactive bridge between music and light, the espectator become a part of the piece as soon as the interaction begins. Outcomes RHO, is a piece that explores in depth the sound created in a traditional way with new techniques and technologies. (raspberry pi, visual sensors) This piece was created in collaboration with colectivo PHI.


2020 Kazuhiro Murakami kazuhiro.m@gmail.com skype: kazuhiro.murakami 13

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