The Lindsay Advocate - September 2018

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library rebrands | mystery machine| Joe Valas: The Honey Man


HAVE YOUR SAY! Help us shape our vision for the future of hospital care in the region

With the submission of a joint Directional Plan to the Board of Directors of the Central East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) on June 27, Ross Memorial Hospital (RMH) and Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) have declared our mutual intention to propose an integration of the two hospitals into a single hospital network with two sites. We are currently in the process of conducting extensive stakeholder consultation to help inform this proposed integration, and we want to hear your input, feedback and questions. RMH and PRHC are jointly hosting the following town hall events in the communities served by both hospitals. DATE



Tuesday, July 24

7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Bobcaygeon Service Centre 123 East Street South, Bobcaygeon

Tuesday, July 31

7:00 to 800 p.m.

Fenelon Falls Community Centre 27 Veterans Way, Fenelon Falls

Tuesday, August 7

6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

McDonnel St. Activity Centre 577 McDonnel Street, Peterborough

Wednesday, August 15

6:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Peterborough Golf & Country Club 1030 Armour Road, Peterborough

Wednesday, August 29

7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

RMH Cafeteria 10 Angeline Street N, Lindsay

If you are unable to attend in person, please feel free to submit your input by any of the following methods:

Email: or Survey: For ongoing news and information related to integration:

CONTENTS 4 Letters to the Editor 6 Benns’ Belief 7 UpFront 8 Merger Mania 15 Joe Valas: The Honey Man 16 Nature Notes 20 Second World War Biplane 22 Library Rebrands 24 Friends & Neighbours 26 Show the Love 28 Just in Time 31 Boiling Over: The Meeting Place 33 Doctor Shortage 34 Kawartha Lakes Vignette

TEAM ADVOCATE: Roderick Benns, Publisher Trevor Hutchinson, Contributing Editor Joli Scheidler-Benns, Research, Writer-at-Large Jamie Morris, Columnist Ian McKechnie, Columnist Connor Chase, Writer-at-Large Geoff Coleman, Writer-at-Large Bob Polan, Marketing Coach and Consultant Judith Stoltz, Advertising Coordinator Jim Albert, Advertising Coordinator Robyn Barton, Graphic Design Erin Smith, Photographer

Advertising Sales: Contact us at 705-341-1496 or Volume 1, Issue 6 • Published by: Fireside Publishing House, a proudly Canadian company The Lindsay Advocate is published monthly and distributed to a wide variety of businesses and locations within Kawartha Lakes, North Durham and Southern Haliburton County. We are a proud member of the Lindsay and District Chamber of Commerce. Printed by Maracle Inc. Publisher and Writer-at-Large: Roderick Benns Advertising/Editorial inquiries: 705-341-1496 Contributing Editor and Writer-at-Large: Trevor Hutchinson • Contributing Writers: Ian McKechnie, Jamie Morris, Joli Scheidler-Benns, Connor Chase, Geoff Coleman Research, Strategy & Development: Joli Scheidler-Benns Marketing: Bob Polan • Advertising Sales: Judith Stoltz, Jim Albert • Graphic Design: Barton Creative Co. d The Lindsay Advocate @lindsayontario, Roderick Benns @roderickbenns • c /The Lindsay Advocate The Lindsay Advocate is independently owned and operated. The opinions expressed herein are the views of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of this magazine. Photos, text, and art work contained in The Lindsay Advocate are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the express permission of the Publisher. Liability for incorrectly displayed advertising is limited to publishing corrections or advertising credit for subsequent issues. The Publisher reserves the right to reject, revise, cancel, omit, discontinue or even decline to print advertising without reason or liability, and without notice. The Publisher has made every effort to ensure information contained herein was accurate at press time. The Publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for damage, loss, or disruption caused by errors or omissions.




Corporate Canada should be allowed to prosper “The Failure of Corporate Canada,” (Aug. 2018 issue) by Lindsay Advocate Publisher Roderick Benns, reveals his lack of understanding of economics as well as a political bias towards politicians who espouse socialism as their preferred governance model for Canada. He is not alone. Few journalists have ever formally studied economics and, if they have done so, they have only been exposed to the Keynesian “school” of economics. Mr. Benns’ accusation that corporate Canada has somehow failed to meet his arbitrary expectations for social and/or economic policy is irrelevant and misdirected because corporations do not exist to achieve social policy purposes; governments do. This is why elections are held -- to select political representatives who will address these purposes. Once elected, federal MPs and provincial MPPs such as Jaime Schmale and Laurie Scott respectively, are assigned the responsibility to create and pass the rules (regulations) for which our governments are subsequently empowered and tax-funded so as to control the choices and actions of every citizen and business entity that exists in Ontario. As an additional inconvenient fact that refutes Mr. Benns’ allegations against corporate Canada, the Ontario government alone holds the fiduciary obligation to enforce a compendium of rules that has doubled to over 380,000 regulations over the past 25 years. Needless to say, with so many state regulations to control our individual and corporate actions from cradle to grave, true ‘free market capitalism’ does not exist. If Corporate Canada’s executives have failed at anything, they have failed to find and hire a magic genie to grant their desire to prosper without the enormous labyrinth of regulatory red tape through which they must navigate at great expense in addition to surviving the

myriad of tax bites that constantly chew into their profitability. Take our state-employed teachers, and their ‘unions-on-steroids’ partners, for example.These public servants are eligible for high wages, early retirement and rich,‘defined benefits’ retirement plans while millions of Canadian taxpayers must find their way financially through careers characterized by precarious employment conditions that have been made steadily worse by government policies that are clearly anti-business. It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that the scales of economic justice are out of balance. No, Mr. Benns, corporate Canada has not failed us. Big Government Canada justly deserves all of the blame. Gene Balfour, Libertarian Candidate, Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock Chairman, Ontario Libertarian Party Economists do not speak with one voice, any more than other professions do. (We encourage you to read the work of Guy Standing, for instance.) We agree that it is governments that exist to achieve “social policy purposes,” not Big Business. That was the whole point of the article. If what you write is true, that we need to make life easier for corporations, then doing things like creating a low tax environment – which they have had for many years – would have had a positive effect for the average person already. It’s time to emphasize the needs of average people; it isn’t right to continue to support a market system rigged for the success of a few at the expense of the many.

The Lindsay Advocate welcomes your Letters to the Editor. Simply email or mail to PO Box 1 Marsh Court, Lindsay, ON K9V 6J6. Please keep your letters to 200 words or less.


Old Victoria County: Volume 2 in the works Dear Editor: Sad news! Looking For Old Victoria County is no more. All sold out, thanks to magazines and newspapers such as KLTW and The Lindsay Advocate, radio station Bob FM, and an array of retail outlets, including Kent Bookstore which sold a total of 116 copies! If you’d like to participate in volume 2, please email: Rae Fleming

Nice to find great restaurants in Kawartha Lakes Exploring our great nation

I was so happy to read your editorial ‘Choosing the Canadian Way’ (Aug. 2018 issue). We just finished selling a cruising boat we owned for decades, cruised all over B.C., the south U.S. and the Caribbean aboard her. Raised four German Shepherds on her. Been through hurricanes in her and wrote boating magazine articles aboard her. Letting the boat go was not easy, but American politics and its collateral mayhem made it a lot easier. Then, my wife, originally from B.C., pointed to the serendipitous side of this end of our waterborne travels. She said “we’ll go on road-tripping staycation and see our country for a change!” That’s what she said! And, she is right. Rolling along in coastal regions and offshore of course, we missed all the good things inland. Thanks, at least in part to (U.S. President) Donald Trump, we will now see all the wonders of our great Canada.We bought a trailerable boat and we have the Maritimes and the Yukon on our list of places to see. Thanks for a great magazine, my wife brings it home and we much enjoy!

Enjoy reading The Lindsay Advocate and the fact you are promoting things to do and see in the area. The dining review is very good, especially that you look to promote some of the smaller hidden gems in dining that is offered in Lindsay. Moving here from a big city, it is very nice to find new places like Lindsay’s Aroma, an Indian restaurant and the Kawartha Caribbean Hut on Queen Street in Lindsay. We also found the Landings Marina and Restaurant on Long Beach Road in Cameron as well as the one you featured in your past magazine (That Place on Cameron.) We already knew of welladvertised places like Hobart’s so it is nice to see the smaller places being featured. These are treasures to find in Kawartha Lakes. We had lots of these places in Toronto and the GTA. Keep up the great work all. Heather Peter Lindsay We are happy to hear you’re finding some of the great places to eat in Kawartha Lakes!

Joe Berta Bobcaygeon



Power of the People Many of us who work at The Advocate spend a lot of time thinking about how life could be better for people in our Kawartha Lakes community, and for all Canadians.That is, how do we achieve a more equitable society, where there isn’t such a great chasm between the wealthiest and the poorest? When we consider these questions we refer to the kind of wealth that defies all sense of decency. As of June 8 last year, the world’s richest five men owned over $400 billion in wealth.Thus, on average, each of those five men owns nearly as much as 750 million people. As I wrote in a feature story in last month’s Advocate, too many of us from most political stripes seem to believe that the ‘free market’ needs to be left alone to do its thing to make lives better for people. It is the ‘trickle down’ lie that has been perpetuated for decades, all the while inequality continues to increase. We let politicians talk about the market, as if our economic system was a thing onto its own, instead of a rigged game, written by people who wield power. At the Advocate we think about these things, not because we are anticapitalist, but because we reject the current rule book which has entrenched inequality at the expense of lower and middle income Canadians. The late Robert Hielbroner, one of the world’s great economic historians, discusses the reality of capitalism in his CBC Massey Lecture presentation on ‘Twenty-First Century Capitalism.’ “There is only one answer to the problems that plague capitalism,” Hielbroner said. “The problems must be addressed by the assertion of political will. In one form or another…the undesired dynamics of the economic sphere must be contained, redressed, or redirected by the only agency capable of asserting a counterforce to that of the economic sphere. It is the government.” Of course we should add ‘the people’ can also be a force to Hielbroner’s comment, but that is perhaps implicit in his comment about government. But citizens can still summon a counterforce beyond electing their government every four years or so simply by speaking up. (Contributing Editor Trevor Hutchinson reminds us of that in his analysis in this issue of the proposed merger between Ross Memorial Hospital and Peterborough Regional Health Centre. We all love the Ross in our community and we want to ensure it remains a great community health centre.) But from mergers to megacorporations and the concentration of assets at the corporate level, we just don’t believe this improves society. We believe it improves the bottom line for a small minority.We must speak out for people, not the rigged economic game that too many politicians bow down for.



Ontario Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell recently enjoyed a short boat ride from Lock 32 in Bobcaygeon on her first visit to Kawartha Lakes. Pictured, L to R: Mayor Andy Letham, Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell, local MPP and Minister of Labour Laurie Scott, Jewel Cunningham, director of Ontario Waterways, and local MP Jamie Schmale. Photo by Fred Thornhill.

Kawartha Arts Festival Sept. 1-2 in Fenelon Falls

Field No. 1 by Tom Bramhill.

The 29th Kawartha Arts Festival will be held at Fenelon Fairgrounds on Sept. 1 - 2 with a free shuttle to downtown. The event will take place from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday and 10 am to 4 pm on Sunday. Admission is free, but with a donation, attendees can enter their name for a door prize. Art demonstrations, a ‘Young At Art’ display, and refreshments will also be provided. The Kawartha Arts Festival, a non-profit run by volunteers, was first held in 1989 by a small collection of artists gathering together to give something back to the local arts community. It has since grown into one of the largest art festivals in Southern Ontario and attracts thousands of visitors each year. More than 100 artists are expected with several different art forms including paints, sculptures, tin ware, glass, pottery, jewelry, stone, and woodcarvings. The textile artists exhibit will be expanded and builds on the success of last year’s inaugural exhibit. North Country Express will also be returning after last year’s wellreceived performance both days of the festival.


History shows planned hospital merger could be big risk for Ross Memorial Only strong community outcry could prevent merger from happening T R E VO R H U T C H I N S O N Analysis On November 20, 1902, medical experts travelled by train to Lindsay to be part of the opening of the $80,000 Ross Memorial Hospital, named in honour of the benefactor James L. Ross’ parents. At the time it was one of the finest and best-equipped hospitals in Canada. A local paper commented that the day was “a red letter day in the history of the County of Victoria.” Ross, a successful railway engineer and philanthropist, had lived briefly in Lindsay and covered the entire cost of the hospital’s construction on the condition that “the County maintain the facility as it would not only be a memorial to his parents, but also a gift to the community he had once called home.” County of Victoria Warden John Austin, in his remarks at the opening proclaimed, “the spirit which dedicated this building as a memorial of the past, and a blessing for the future, will outlive even its solid walls.” After generations of local citizens have been born and died in what is surely a cornerstone of our community the questions we must answer now are: “will the hospital outlive the proposed merger with the Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC), and if it does, in what form will it survive?” Those questions might seem alarmist or simply change-adverse -- until one examines the overwhelming evidence of international, national and provincial data on hospital mergers that suggest this merger might not be a great idea. The RMH and the PRHC announced their “integration discussions” by releasing a shared vision, a

community engagement and communications plan and an overall integration work plan on April 24, 2018 after being mandated by the regional funding body -- the Central East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) -- to ‘explore integration’ on March 28, 2018. But make no mistake -- this is more than an exploration or the discussion of an idea: One of the strategic goals of the community engagement plan is to “build commitment to the new organization.” The very same document that plans for ‘town halls’ and surveys to get ‘stakeholder feedback’ also has the date for full integration: January 1, 2019. They are telling us, in advance of whatever “concerns” we might raise as a community, that this merger is a done deal. Hospital mergers (or to use the more benignsounding, consultant-speak of ‘integrations’) are not a new phenomenon in Ontario, in Canada or indeed much of the world. In fact, there have been so many hospital mergers that we can benefit from much research done on the topic. A study in the British Medical Journal states that the study of hospitals in many countries has shown that the best size for an acute care hospital is 200-400 beds and above that “management and administration costs tend to increase.” Another study in the same journal states that two years after mergers, the new institutions had not achieved the “predicted management cost savings.” But we needn’t go so far afield to look at the effects of hospital mergers. Many of us are old enough to remember the rash of hospital mergers in Ontario in the 1990s, which were a response, we



July 7th

were told, to2018 the challenging economic conditions of Fall Book your tickets now! the time. Mergers were touted as a panacea to the Theatre only The Great Butter Tart Tour Tragedy Adults: $34.50 Students: $25.00 atre woes ofSeptember our health-care system. The end result was 29 Celebration Dinner & Theatre UNdraiser not so promising: A review by Adults: the $71.00 auditor general Students: $61.50 7:30 November 2nd & 3rd Grouprealized rates available$800 of Ontario found that those mergers Seniors’ Saturdays: 10% off Saturday Matinees million in savings and cost theTheatre healthcare system Season Voucher - $142.50 (See all 5 main-stage shows) $3.9 billion. The Canadian Health Services Research Dinner Theatre Season Voucher - $315.00 five main shows and a delicious meal beforehand) Foundation (CHSRF) has a (Allstellar reputation for Misty's Mistletoe Theatre Flex Pass - $128.00 tter Tart quality andMisfortune (4 Tickets to any of our main-stage shows) impartiality. After reviewing the many edy Dinner Theatre Flex Pass - $268.00 A Festive Murder Mystery this is what they er Mystery academic studies regarding mergers, (Four tickets to any main stage show with dinner) Nov 15th - 24th nd Sept. 29th Vouchers & Flex Passes on sale only until Sat June 23, 2018 conclude: “The urge to merge is an astounding, runCall the Box Office away phenomenon given the weak research base to 705-738-2037 Britishwho Pantochampion mergers should supportTraditional it, and those December 4th - 16th 1-800-304-7897 be called upon to prove their case.” The Lindsay Advocate asked the CEOs of both the RMH (Dr. Bert Lauwers) and Globus the Theatre PRHC (Dr. Peter is a registered charity Our programming, of both professional theatre and is enhanced greatly by charitable donations. initiatives, McLaughlin) to ‘prove their case’youthand the answers were To make a contribution please contact us at 1.800.304.7897 or email long onFungeneralities but rather short on specifics. To for adults and kids alike! be clear, both hospitals are led by exceptional people


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“Operational Plan” presented to the LHIN, and restated to the The Lindsay Advocate by Dr. McLaughlin, “it is important to note that under current legislation, all hospitals have a legal duty to explore opportunities for integration of the services they provide to patients.” So despite overwhelming research that mergers might actually cost money (thereby reducing the amount of money for actual healthcare) this is being proposed because it has to be proposed -- and all rationalizations for it must be examined in that context. Cont’d on Page 11


by K

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Bert Lauwers -- who is highly regarded in our community -- has had a distinguished career in medicine and hospital administration yet still provides clinical services at the Kawartha Family Health Team After-Hours Clinic. Not every community hospital has a CEO that can be involved in ground-level medicine. As mentioned in the RMH-PRHC joint


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Mayor Andy Letham Consolidating the governance of the Ross Memorial Hospital with Peterborough makes sense to me. Funding of hospitals is clearly being directed in favour of the larger organizations, so this should put the Ross in a more favourable position. Maintaining our local spectrum of services is important to our residents and nothing I have seen shows that will change. Local hospitals and their levels of service are crucial to growing our communities and if consolidating the board for a wider view of future direction means levels of funding can be maintained or increased, then it is a win for all. Ross Memorial Hospital is a pillar in our community and we should all be very proud of the employees and volunteers who make it special.


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The Ontario Health Coalition is a non-partisan network whose primary goal is ‘to protect and improve our public health care system.’ They have studied several hospital mergers and released detailed research reports on the results.As Executive Director Natalie Mehra told The Lindsay Advocate, “if there was any evidence that mergers were good for health care in Ontario we would support them because our mission is to be a watchdog for the Canadian Health Act. But even the most neutral sources say that mergers don’t save money.” Her analysis should give us some cause for concern, especially here in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Asked specifically about this merger, Mehra went on to explain how these mergers tend to be implemented. “…any services that are offered at both hospitals are considered duplication and something that is to be eliminated. Patients will have to travel, creating the opposite of a community hospital.”

Asked specifically about services at the Ross, Mehra replied, “in our experience smaller hospitals lose services in a merger.”

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Mehra predicts that Lindsay “will lose surgeries, acute care and obstetrics, leaving only the services that are likely to be privatized in the future. Cont’d on Page 12

Gord James Mayoral Candidate Although hospitals and our health care system are Provincial responsibilities,The City of Kawartha Lakes has, in the past, supported the Hospital financially and I believe our Council does have a role and a responsibility to provide input through the board of the hospital and our MPP as to how taxpayers’ dollars are administered. I am of course in favour of any management restructuring initiatives that improve service levels, reduce wait times and lower health care costs. The caution however is that we do not allow this program to negatively impact front line employees, patients and services such as our maternity ward, the emergency department, etc. These types of services are crucial to our local community and we need a ‘watertight’ commitment that direct patient care support and services are on the non-negotiable list. It is essential to our community that we continue to monitor any proposed hospital restructuring initiative through our Council representative on the Ross Memorial Hospital Board of Directors and our Provincial representative within the Ontario Government.


Alarmed by these predictions, The Lindsay Advocate presented them to both hospital CEOs. Dr. Lauwers (in an answer similar to his colleague) -responding to OHC’s experience that a smaller hospital always loses services in a merger -- writes, “The discussion of clinical services is out of scope for these integration discussions. That means no movement of services is being considered as part of this process.” Part of this process? What processes are to follow? What processes will be imposed on Lauwers and RMH in the future? For the residents of the City of Kawartha Lakes, the devil may be in the lack of details. So ignoring international, national and even provincial data, what has happened to hospitals closer to us that have underwent forced mergers? The merger of Ajax/Pickering with Lakeridge saw Ajax’s non-acute care being moved to Bowmanville, meaning a long drive for affected family members. And that is an area that actually has some viable public transportation options unlike the City of Kawartha Lakes. After much community activism Ajax was able to maintain five major types of services -- in a hospital with a catchment population twice the size of the RMH’s. Some figures demonstrate that it will take 62 years to pay off the cost of this merger. The merger of the Durham West and Scarborough hospital systems should also raise red flags for citizens in Kawartha Lakes. The merger costs, according to the hospitals’ own figures, include $1.9 million for integrating the management team and $13 million to merge telecommunications, email and information technology, $1.1 million in legal and public relations costs and $2.5 million in costs to lay off staff and harmonize wages. Although mandated by the provincial funding authorities, the cost of these mergers are not covered by the province and must be absorbed by the hospitals themselves out of their operating budgets. The Scarborough Health Coalition and the OHC in their report on this merger noted that hospitals themselves, in a submission to the LHIN, stated, “there are minimal operating efficiencies that will result from integration.” Both Doctors’ McLaughlin and Lauwers echoed the direction plan by stating that a merger would increase their ability to recruit staff and give the amalgamated hospital a bigger voice ‘at the table.’ On the recruitment

issue, the OHC’s Mehra “questions what they were doing before.” Beyond that there is a certain lack of logic to this process. The argument seems to be: ‘The LHIN and the law has mandated a merger; by merging we will be listened to more.’ These arguments are also right from the merger playbook. A recent merger between two Muskoka hospitals was explained by this way: “The purpose of the merger was to gain a greater voice with the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, the Ontario Hospital Association and the Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres. Board members also hope the new association will be able to attract more physicians and personnel to the region, since this task was becoming a challenge.” This sounds very familiar. Given the sheer volume of negative or neutral data on hospital mergers, one might ask why our health care system is seemingly so addicted to them. A skeptic might point to the fact that research has shown that executive compensation after mergers increases far above the rate of inflation, while the current hospital funding formula funds increases below the rate of inflation. Or, that these mergers often require the services of consulting firms, themselves either staffed or owned by former hospital executives for this type of work. Take the Durham merger for example: The OHC explains that those exorbitant merger costs “do not include


Cont’d on Page 15

Peter Weygang Mayoral Candidate

The amalgamation of almost any organization is invariably a disaster. The idea that bigger is better is a myth. It had some credence in the industrial revolution, and in highly automated processes. But, in delivering any human related service, it is inefficient, impersonal, and expensive. The amalgamation of school boards created an upper level of very highly paid bureaucrats.The impact on the quality of education for the students was zero. In fact it re-directed funds from the libraries, workshops, classroom aids, computer assisted instruction, and so on into the pockets of the administration. The same is true of municipal amalgamation. It proved to be a colossal failure at all levels. The only happy people were the hordes of new employees in administration. The City of Kawartha Lakes now spends $76 million a year on staff.These organizations need many layers of managers, who just keep the bureaucratic red tape flowing, and the cost soaring. They have no other purpose. Merger Mania, by Andrew Sancton, explores these situations. The diseconomies of scale become huge. The management of a corporation becomes more fixated upon internal control than in their external product; which should be happy students, happy citizens, and happy patients. The amalgamation of Ross with Peterborough General will prove to be very costly. It will need an entirely new strata of bureaucrats just to coordinate the services.The patients will need to shuttle between hospitals. Medical records will spend more time in hyperspace than in front of a physician. The level of frustration for patients, and physicians, will rise. This organization will now have high ‘complexity,’ and tight ‘coupling.’ Perron’s rule tells us that such organizations are prone to catastrophic disasters resulting from small causes. As far as I know there has been no identification of a significant problem with the two hospitals acting alone, but with coordination of service as required. Those problems must be identified clearly. Then the amalgamation option must be shown to be the only cost effective remedy. This has not been done.

Ontario Has Fewer Hospital Beds Than Almost All OECD Countries Source: OECH Health Statistics 2017

Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile China (People's Republic of) Colombia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Korea Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Ontario Poland Portugal Russia Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States

3.810 7.420 5.680 2.550 2.120 3.820 1.700 6.850 2.160 4.760 3.970 6.050 8.060 4.200 7.000 3.110 0.520 0.990 2.990 3.020 3.200 13.110 11.980 5.720 6.690 4.640 1.520 3.630 2.710 3.690 2.240 6.640 3.420 8.160 5.780 4.490 2.970 2.340 4.550 2.750 2.580 2.800

Hospital beds Total, Per 1 000 inhabitants, OECD (2018), Hospital beds


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the costs of the Minister’s appointed “facilitator,” a consultant with KPMG appointed in April to ease the passage of the merger, nor do the projected costs listed here include additional “transaction” (legal and PR costs) for the Central East L.H.I.N.” Lost in all the false economies of mergers and feel-good, unsubstantiated promises of “improved sustainability” and “an ability to expand programs and services for patients” is the elephant in the waiting room: hospital funding. In a comparison of hospital funding with national averages of 36 O.E.C.D. countries, only Mexico and Chile fund their hospitals at a lower rate per capita than Ontario. Furthermore, a change in the hospital funding formula by the Wynne government further tips the scales towards the economic madness of mergers. In 2011, hospitals such as the RMH used to receive 98.5 per cent of their funding from the province. A new funding formula sees 70 per cent of the hospital being funded by a system that favours larger hospitals, with 40 per cent of funding coming from a health-based metric (which rewards hospitals for shorter hospital stays by patients, for example) and 30 per cent of the funding coming from a fee-for-service model, which rewards larger hospitals and punishes smaller community hospitals. It would seem that people who want the City of Kawartha Lakes to have a full-service hospital now have their work cut out for them, but as Mehra reminds us “don’t accept this as a fait accompli. These are decisions that can be reversed or changed but to change them we [the citizens of Kawartha Lakes] must build a clear and vocal opposition.” She continues, “a community hospital serving almost 100,000 people as does Ross Memorial, needs to have an emergency department, palliative care so people can die close to home, chronic care close to home for those with longer-term hospital care needs, acute care including surgeries and other procedures, diagnostics. In amalgamated hospitals these services are considered “duplications” and they are cut. This causes hardship for people, particularly the elderly, who are forced to travel from town to town to access care. In any case, there is not the capacity in Peterborough to cut services in Kawartha Lakes and shunt patients to Peterborough. That hospital is already full. Both communities need more services not less. The amalgamation and the rationing of

services that would inevitably follow would be harmful both for patients in Kawartha Lakes and for patients in Peterborough.” Is this the change we want? One hundred and sixteen years ago, members of our community articulated a vision. Change is clearly being planned for our community hospital. The question that remains is, as active and engaged citizens, do we want the change being thrust upon us? Or do we speak up, clearly and strongly, to refocus that vision back towards a true community hospital. LA

Brian Junkin

Mayoral Candidate

The Lindsay Hospital is working at maximum capacity. Something needs to be done but I am concerned if we merge with Peterborough’s we will lose some of the health services we have now. This could lead to job losses at R.M.H. This is an issue that needs to be dealt with by the Province. The most important issue at RMH at this time is over capacity and a merger with Peterborough will not solve this problem.


Joe Valas has been the ‘bee’s knees’ to his customers for an incredible 60 years GEOFF COLEMAN Joe Valas never intended to be a full-time beekeeper, but for 60 years, honey fans in the Kawartha Lakes have been glad he did just that. After escaping Slovakia in 1952, Valas -- a cabinetmaker trained to work with hand tools -- moved to Southampton to find work. However, machinery had taken over furniture production in Canada, so he took temporary work on a farm and instead, found a field of clover. Joe’s father was a long-time beekeeper in the old country, and thanks to his dad’s guidance he knew a productive field for bees when he saw one. After a trip to Hanover to buy two hives from a beekeeper there, he began production in earnest while working full time for the CNR.

When a job transfer brought him to Lindsay, he expanded his operations and soon had 30 hives working on area farms, often bartering honey for space on the fields.

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By 1958 he was producing honey at a commercial level, and to this day has customers in Minden, Fenelon Falls, Bobcaygeon, Bowmanville, Lindsay and Peterborough. The Valas Honey operation at one time consisted of 400 hives, brimming with 80 to 100 thousand bees in each. In a good year, he could expect 150 pounds of honey per hive from collections that began around the third week of July and ended with the first killing frost, typically around September 9-12. The popularity of his honey with the consumer is one measure of success, but the Lindsay-based producer has collected his share of hardware in official competitions as well, including the ‘Royal’ where Valas Honey was named Grand Champion several times. He stopped competing after one year’s entry was lost by the organizers. Refusing to take part as a competitor, the committee recognized the wealth of experience and knowledge he had to offer, and coaxed him into becoming a judge for several years. Like any kind of farming, the operation has faced different challenges through the years. American Foulbrood was at one time the only real threat. This bacterial disease kills an entire colony, but lives on in the nectar, honey, and pollen stores. When other colonies find the abandoned, diseased hive and rob it of its stores, the disease is spread. More recently, apiaries have had to deal with mites migrating Cont’d on Page 18


Who doesn’t have a special memory of seeing or hearing a loon? Not many, if you’re in Kawartha Lakes! This iconic bird can dive to 200 ft. and stay under for up to eight minutes. Most birds have hollow bones whereas the Common Loons are solid, making it easy to dive but difficult to take off. They need 100-600 feet of water to launch, but once flying can reach 70 mph. The eyes change colour, from red in summer to grey in winter. Their plumage also turns almost entirely grey in winter months, but 95 per cent of Common Loons return to Canada to breed. Lucky us!

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from Europe.They infest a hive, sucking on the blood of the bees to the point where they will abandon the hive to survive. They can be controlled but not eradicated. Beekeepers also face problems when things are going too well. A strong queen is crucial to a successful hive, but if she makes too many bees too soon, they will swarm, leaving the hive for a better home. The beekeeper can watch for that and split them up before this might happen. Even if the practitioner manages to avoid the bees swarming, it is possible to overpopulate an area. In Valas’ experience, a hive needs about two square miles of area for peak operation. This is partly why all hives must be registered with their locations. Insecticides are another hazard, particularly ones that target army worms and incidentally kill bees, but there are indirect threats from the agricultural industry itself. Newly developed self-pollinating species of plants don’t leave much for the worker bees to do, and shifts in cash crops away from bee-dependent varieties further limit their collections. Buckwheat, for example which produces a darker honey than clover, was a standard crop on many farms but is scarce now. On the business side, a trend toward huge volume orders placed by large grocery store chains pushed aside smaller producers like Valas. Large-volume honey marketers are buying honey from anywhere they can get it, and while Valas has nothing but praise for the quality of the product from any competitor, it is hard not to ignore the custom, hand-made furniture versus mass produced, machine-made furniture analogy.



a pickup truck, it slipped and fell, cracking open on the pavement. It was early morning when the bees were relatively inactive, and he wasn’t wearing any protective gear during what was a routine procedure. Dozens

-- if not hundreds -- of stings later, and looking like Rocky Balboa after the first fight with Apollo Creed, he was hospitalized. With the help of antihistamines and ice packs, he was back to work in a couple days. “Stings are unavoidable,” he shrugs. LA




And then of course, the bees themselves can create their own problems. While Valas eschews gloves, he does wear a veil, and long sleeve jacket when checking the hives, and has a smoker on hand at all times. In a lifetime of beekeeping, he only had one incident. While loading a hive onto

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Winning the Battle for Local Market Share Hi I’m Bob Polan, local marketing coach and consultant with over 40 years of experience helping local businesses take it to the streets. My mission is to help local business owners win the battle for market share against the corporate giants and big box stores invading our cities, towns and villages. If you manage a local business in Kawartha Lakes call me, and together we won't just survive, we'll thrive! Dancers at the recent Scugog Island First Nation Pow Wow. The theme was ‘Honouring Our Lost Sisters.’ Photo by Lyn Loveday.

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Second World War-era biplane may fly over Kawartha Lakes next year CONNOR CHASE All the components of a Second World War era biplane are sitting in Doug Watson’s garage. While there’s no need for it to fight again, he aims to make it fly in 2019. Two years ago. Watson, who lives just north of Lindsay, found himself in possession of a chaotic heap of unassembled airplane parts. It meant that he had embroiled himself in a years-long construction project – and he couldn’t be happier. The plane itself is Tiger Moth biplane; bi, of course, refers to the two wings on each side of of the cockpit that are stacked on top of one another. The plane was invented in the 1930s and quickly became mass produced in the wake of a global war. The Tiger Moth has a long history, and was a crucial instrument of the commonwealth’s war effort in the Second World War. The Royal Air Force (RAF) used the biplane for maritime surveillance, invasion preparations, and, most importantly, as a training plane. The log book that came with Watson’s plane reveals that his specific unit has had a busy history since its birth. After the war, the plane was sold to a flying school, where, presumably, it served as the initiatory plane for many aspiring pilots. Then in the 1950s, a U.S. citizen purchased the plane, and through a series of events it ended up as a show plane, starring in TV shows such as CHiPs. The Tiger Moth didn’t return to Canada until it was purchased by a citizen of Midland in 2001, who slightly restored the plane’s frame, and then sold the plane again to a Trans AM pilot in Gatineau. Watson then found the plane for sale in a magazine. He noted that, at the time, “I wasn’t looking for a project, but I thought it would be kind of neat.” The Tiger Moth specifically has a history with Watson as well. One of the principle reasons

he entertained the idea of reconstructing an entire airplane in the first place was that his dad had done the exact same thing before him. In 1947 his father, who was a private pilot, bought a Tiger Moth at an auction in Oshawa. For just $900 his father had a brand new construction project into which he could pour his passion and his time. Moreover, just like Watson himself, his father was not a mechanic. It was an endeavour they both were undertaking in the dark at different points in time. Watson got his pilot’s license when he finished high school in 1972.A few years later he was instructing young pilots before he flew out to Edmonton and piloted pontoons for the summer. After his stint in the prairie province, he flew planes in the Northwest Territories, where the black flies could sometimes get so dense that it sounded like a downpour when you hit them. Then he got in with Air Canada flying 777’s in Asia, a huge airplane. The Tiger Moth is scattered throughout Watson’s garage, different parts of the body resting at different stages of the process. The engine of the plane, with its 130 horsepower, seems surprisingly modest. One identifying characteristic of the plane engine, however, is the fact that it is upside down, a peculiarity in design that ensures pilots can actually see out the front of their plane, as otherwise they would be looking at pistons instead of what lies before them. The internet has been a big tool for the construction process, as Watson admits that it “was like a jigsaw puzzle” when he first got it. The internet helped him land a CD of Tiger Moth construction pictures and even find a missing Tiger Moth air gauge he needed on EBay from a similarly-inclined gentleman


in England. Perhaps Watson’s most handy tool has been a construction manual, which contains pictures and captions capturing the painstaking details and intricate procedures necessary to the entire process. Step by step, the book delineated what goes where, and when. Watson isn’t completely alone in his venture. There’s some Tiger Moths as close by as Oshawa, and there are Tiger Moth clubs in Australia and England. The pilot has always liked keeping himself busy with construction projects. He fixed up a 1972 Corvette, built the house he lives in and garage he builds in, and even built a violin to keep himself musically involved when a hand injury prevented him from playing the piano. Surprisingly, even the government has a small role in the small plane restoration process. Due to some arcane legal complexity, the plane hasn’t technically been imported to the country yet. This importation process Portrait|Editorial|Fine Art involves a representative of the Ministry of Transportation assessing the plane. Otherwise a mere inspection from an aircraft mechanic would suffice to get the plane in the air. Watson hopes to have the plane ready to fly by next season. In the meanwhile, he’ll be doing all of the finicky little things that such a complicated machine would require to achieve flight success. By the time @esmithphoto next fall rolls around, a piece of our military history may yet fly over 519-940-1713 Kawartha Lakes. LA 519-940-1713 | |

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LIBRARY EMBARKS ON DRIVE TO INCREASE MEMBERSHIP AND USE OF ITS RESOURCES Libraries crucial to community health, says library CEO RODERICK BENNS The health of a community does not begin and end in a hospital waiting room. In fact, it starts much earlier. Just as we know that allowing poverty is a social policy choice, we know that as a society we spend way too much money on downstream health care and not enough on addressing the living conditions that people experience. Among many other things this includes education and access to literacy skills from an early age. So when Kawartha Lakes Library CEO Jamie Anderson led his team on a rebranding exercise recently, it was about more than changing a logo – it was about the library reminding area citizens how crucial it should be in civic life. “Libraries are important to the health of a community,” Anderson tells The Advocate. “From helping parents bond with new babies through songs, stories and rhymes, to developing literacy skills in children before they enter school, to allowing community members a space to come together,” it’s all part of the civic space we can count on as a community. But literacy skills need to be maintained throughout a person’s life, he points out.

“Our seniors’ population is quite vulnerable to the loss of literacy skills which leads to social isolation and health issues.”

In fact, according to the Canadian Council on Learning, by 2031 it is forecasted that the number of Canadians over the age of 65 with low literacy skills will double (from about three million to more than 6.2 million). The rebranding of the Kawartha Lakes Library system is meant to encourage people to come in and get a free library card, but also to begin using and interacting with the library’s resources. “We know quite a few people visit the library on a regular basis to use computers, access Wi-Fi or sit and read or do research. But one of the ways we can see how much of a connection we have with our community is by the number of active library cards.” While the library is hoping to see an increase of five to 10 per cent in the number of library members, this will only reflect some of the impact, says the CEO. “We will want to see a corresponding increase in the amount of books signed out, the Wi-Fi being accessed, people attending programs. Just increasing cardholders only shows that people came to the library one time, but if we see an increase in our resources being used we know people are engaging with the library.” Anderson says rebranding is about the feelings and personality that the public associates with the library. The library board felt it was time to take a fresh look at what the library offered, and how that could be expressed to the community. “I think our new tagline – (Millions of Opportunities. One Exceptional Library.) -- really sums up about what the library offers our community. We are a different library for each patron that uses it.”


While library regulars know it is as the “best kept secret in the city,” Anderson also wants the library to be the first resource people think about using when it comes to learning a new skill or finding information they can trust, or just being entertained. Fighting Inequity Libraries are uniquely positioned to address issues of inequity, according to Lyndsay Bowen, who was recently hired as a library specialist, outreach and community engagement. “The Library is an open space for all members of the community to come together in a welcoming environment. Every citizen has the right to use the library, and the services that it has to offer. Each branch strives to be an informational hub of resources, with educational programs and services that encourage lifelong learning,” she says.

Lyndsay Bowen and Jamie Anderson.

Overall, Bowen says she believes the library’s mission statement reflects the library’s encouragement to members of the community to interact with each other, and to feel inspired to continue learning no matter one’s age: The Mission of the City of Kawartha Lakes Public One great example of Library is to provide all residents with impartial access a wide range of information resources, programs, addressing issues of inequity, toequipment, and services in order to encourage literacy and says Bowen, is that members lifelong learning and to support educational, cultural, and activities. of the community can access recreational One such example is the coding classes the Internet at all 14 branches provided all summer by Pinnguaq. This is a Lindsay and Nunavut based not-for-profit technology across Kawartha Lakes. company that was looking for ways to give back to “Some members of the community may not have the community with their work. Coding classes have access to (their own) Internet for a variety of reasons, been offered to kids at a variety of ages and coding such as geographical or financial constraints. The library expertise downstairs in the library’s meeting room in is able to break down these barriers, and allow access Lindsay. for all citizens in a safe space,” she says. Anderson says libraries are fighting the Bowen notes the Library strives to attract perception that they are just “book warehouses diverse audiences and that they are always looking for where people have to be silent.” ways to reach out to the community to showcase what “At the same time there is common they offer. misconception that you can Google anything and all “We want to enrich the lives of all citizens of the books are free available online. But libraries are the City of Kawartha Lakes. When given the chance, we not afraid to say ‘no, not everything is online and often partner with a variety of other groups in the community what is available may not be trustworthy and is trying to provide even further additional resources and services. to sell you something.’” This provides linkages between other groups in the To get a library card, simply stop in at any community that may already attract diverse audiences branch with a piece of identification that has a current from the City,” says Bowen. mailing address. LA



AND HIS MYSTERY MACHINE FRIENDS & NEIGHBOURS WITH JAMIE MORRIS “I like high precision and ultimate control over mechanical things.” That’s George MacArthur speaking, and he’s not overstating. George is a professional bowmaker, one of maybe 14 in Canada (his estimate). Some of his bows are in the capable hands of musicians such as Natalie MacMaster and the Leahy family. From planks of Pernambuco snakewood and wamara -- exotic species chosen for their high “Modulus of Elasticity” (inherent stiffness) and other qualities -- George fashions violin sticks. The mathematically calculated tapers are precise to two thousandths of an inch (that’s less than the thickness of a sheet of paper.) To the sticks he adds eyelets and screws custom machined from 01 tool steel and creates a hairing system. “Ultimate control” means not only responsibility for all stages, but charting one’s own path (which has always been George’s way). The result, for the bows, has been a highly-original design. He produces the world’s only heptagonal (seven-sided) violin bow. In developing his unique design, George has had to invent tools and machines. One allows separate tapers for each of the seven sides.Another is something any home handyman might covet -- a vice that incorporates skateboard wheels and can be adjusted on a variety of planes. All interesting and impressive, but what’s brought me to George’s doorstep is a tip from Advocate columnist Ian McKechnie that then led me to an image on George’s website (georgemacarthur. com). An image with no caption, just a label: “Mystery Machine.” And this is where this story really starts. The machine, it turns out, is one component of a human-powered flying machine. But it gets more interesting than that.

Human-powered flight is a challenge that has been met; in fact back in 1979 American Paul MacCready’s Gossamer Albatross crossed the English Channel. For George, the challenge has been human-powered vertical flight (think helicopter). An order of magnitude more challenging. The machine requires not only ultimate lightness and efficient transfer of human energy, but ability to fly in its own orbit -- to hover. Ultimate control. It’s not overstating to say that this challenge has obsessed George for years now. The story begins with an inspiration, includes methodical advances and dramatic setbacks. It’s a story that is still unfolding. The Insight and a Goal In his early 20s (he’s now 50) George had a flash of inspiration -- an idea for a vertical flying machine that would work by exploiting an underappreciated phenomenon of aerodynamics. He didn’t have the money, resources, or skill-sets at that time, so the idea went into a file. Fast forward to 2011. George learned about the Sikorsky Prize Competition, administered by the American Helicopter Society (AHS). Simple rules: “The flight requirements shall consist of hovering for one minute while maintaining flight within a 10-metre square. During

George MacArthur

this time, the lowest part of the machine shall exceed momentarily 3 meters above the ground.” Simple rules, but lots of prestige and a substantial cash inducement -- $250,000 -- to the first to meet the requirements. Not surprisingly, a number of teams set their sights on the prize, foremost among them Team Gamera from the University of Maryland’s Clark School’s Department of Engineering and the University of Toronto’s Aerovelo team. To the project the universities brought substantial resources and expertise. Aerovelo, for example had a team of 21 led by Todd Reichert (PhD, Aerospace Engineering, U of T) and Cameron Robertson. Reichert, a national-level cyclist and speedskater powered the machine. And then there was George. On his own. Largely self-educated (he left school at 15). Not an athlete. And operating on a shoestring. Constructing a Machine George’s approach was to proceed as he did with his bows -- with a vision rather than a detailed blueprint. There was nothing, so far as he could determine, that would preclude the machine he envisioned from flying, but neither was there a body of research he could draw on. He would tackle technical challenges as he encountered them. From the outset he knew that the finished machine would have to be a big physical structure, taking up a volume roughly the size of two transport trailers side by side, so he would need a large space in which to work. Over the next five years the project would be housed in three different buildings made available to him through the generosity of friends and neighbours. He also needed materials.Whatever he was going to produce had to have minimal weight (the total weight on the order of 75lbs) but maximal strength. Project support in the form of donated materials came from a variety of sources. Hexcel, a carbon composite supplier to Boeing and NASA


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provided three lots of twill carbon fibre for the tubes and Selena USA sent up a case of expandable foam. Blackspire, a Canadian company, donated custom made aircraft grade aluminum pedals with titanium inserts.

George spent a year-and-a-half just on carbon fibre tubes, slowly assembling a framework. For periods during the process he completely set aside bowmaking to focus on the machine.

Some parts were quite large, measuring 28 feet by 8 feet, but weighed only 13 pounds. So light, he could carry them himself to the new building. Some Discouraging News . . . and Worse Remember the Sikorsky Prize, the prize that was George’ impetus for tackling the human-powered vertical flight challenge? Not long after George started, the prize was awarded to University of Toronto’s Aerovelo team. On June 13, 2013 Aerovelo’s Atlas flying machine stayed aloft for 64 seconds, reaching a height of 3.3 metres. Quite a feat, but the original rules required staying within the 10 metre square marked out on the ground, and the YouTube video seems to show them going beyond that boundary. Turns out the rules had been modified, and Aerovelo was only required to stay within a 10 metre square that could be drawn after the flight. George persevered, setting as his goal the original requirement -- remaining within a 10 metre square marked out on the ground. It would be a huge achievement and would be amply rewarded. Cont’d on Page 27



What do you love about Kawartha Lakes?

I love the rolling hills in the south, the lakes and shorelines in the north and all the interesting things you see on the backroads in between. Derek Brown Deputy Chief - City of Kawartha Lakes Paramedic Service

A couple of the things I love most about Lindsay, and the Kawartha Lakes area are the people, and the sense of community. It’s home. I was born and raised here, and have chosen to raise my family here. I take pride in working for a local company, Newton’s Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, and enjoy my time volunteering in the area with the Lindsay Muskies, and playing music for the folks in the local retirement and nursing homes. Craig Schroter, Lindsay

What I love most about Kawartha Lakes is that we are surrounded by nature, waterways and trails, the colours of the seasons and last but not least, our community. Whether in times of excitement or suffering, I have witnessed the community pull together more times than I can count, and this is what makes Kawartha Lakes so special.

After growing up in a small town near Bobcaygeon, I told my husband I would never live in a small town again. But I was wrong! After living in New York City and Toronto for years, I missed the sense of community, the peace and quiet, the water and the lack of traffic! I love the serenity and peace of the farmers’ fields and the sun glistening on the water. I love looking up into the night and star gazing. I truly feel at home living in the Kawartha’s and am so pleased we decided to make the move back 13 years ago to raise our family.

Joey Henderson The Yoga Loft

Tanya Willis Owner of Move Your Body Studio, Bobcaygeon

Want to be a part of Show the Love? Just send us 2-3 sentences on what YOU love about living in Kawartha Lakes, along with a high resolution photo, to


By September 2017, George calculates he’d completed 85 per cent of the project. He was anticipating flight trials sometime in 2018. Then came something that he wouldn’t be able to shrug off. Early on the morning of September 24 he was awoken by a phone call. There’d been a fire at the building. “I was out of the house in 30 seconds,” George says. The building had been consumed in flames, but sensing George’s distress firefighters let him in to ascertain the damage.

He describes what he saw: “It was a smouldering mess. Epoxy evaporates but carbon fiber doesn’t burn, there were just wilted ribbon.” He’d lost not only the machine but his specialized tools and the workshop space. Regrouping That was last September. Nine months later he’s been regrouping. He threw himself back into the bow-making to generate income. He does have some fresh ideas but he’s going to need some angel investors and he’s going to need a workshop space. Given those, and George’s determination and focus, who knows what’s possible. LA

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Back To School: Post-Secondary pursuits, past and present A familiar ritual plays out across Kawartha Lakes on the first Tuesday of September. It’s a ritual that most of us have participated in – sometimes grudgingly, often anxiously. For those living in the countryside, this ritual involves waiting at the end of a long laneway for a yellow bus. For those in town, it involves making a five, 10, 15, or 20-minute journey by foot, or occasionally by car. Parents reassure their children that they will do well on their first day of Kindergarten, while down the street their teen-aged counterparts are gaily exchanging pleasantries about their summer break, and comparing notes about who is taking what classes this semester. It’s the first day of school, a day when the 41 elementary schools and 7 secondary schools overseen by the Trillium Lakelands District School Board become populated with students and teachers once again. For those in primary and junior grades, and for those in Grades 9, 10, and 11, the answer to the question “what’s next?” is obvious. They will be attending classes, participating in various extracurricular activities, and socializing with friends over lunch. For those who graduated the previous June, the answer to the question “what’s next?” will differ from student to student. Having “gone up with a triumphant shout” to receive their Ontario Secondary School Diplomas, have their picture taken, and receive the accolades any newly-minted high school graduate so richly deserves, they now find themselves in any

number of universities, colleges, or apprenticeships – learning new skills and trying to navigate the shoals of post-secondary life. Looking back through the annals of high school history in Lindsay reveals some interesting trends about the post-secondary options being pursued by graduates. How these trends have changed – or, in many cases, remained the same – should make us pause to consider the challenges faced by those in the post-secondary world four or five generations later. Take the 1923-24 issue of the Tatler, the beloved yearbook issued annually by Lindsay Collegiate Institute (now LCVI). “The members of last year’s Fifth Form are widely scattered,” we read in the report about Alumni. “A number have been attracted by the examples of some of our pedagogues, and have resolved to ‘go and do likewise.’ Quite a quota of our graduates are now attending universities, attracted by the seeming gay and carefree life of the ‘undergrad’ of U. of T. or Queen’s.” That only two major post-secondary institutions are mentioned reminds us that the smorgasbord of options for universities and community colleges great and small, which we take for granted today, were still many decades in the future. Most who went to university 95 years ago went to study one of these professions: engineering, law, medicine, or ministry. Aspiring schoolteachers were trained in “Normal Schools,” such as those in Peterborough and Toronto. Others became store clerks, junior bank employees, or salespeople. Many remained on the family farm or, as is often the case


now, took some time off to consider their prospects. Fifteen years later, with nearly a decade of economic depression drawing to a close, the numbers of those attending university were less than 10 – about the same as in 1923. The 1938 issue of the L.C.I. Tatler reports that four of the preceding year’s graduates were enrolled at the University of Toronto, while one was listed at Queen’s University in Kingston. One young man went on to pursue veterinary medicine, while another went to the Chicago College of Osteopathy. Six graduates found themselves at Baker’s Business College in Lindsay (one of whom, Mrs. Phyllis Pitts, née Thurston, still lives in Lindsay). Two enrolled in Peterborough’s Normal School, where they would undertake training to become schoolteachers. Several found work in Lindsay’s many downtown businesses, including the Lindsay Daily Post, Fulton Stewart’s Studio, and Zeller’s. Those who had taken courses through Lindsay Collegiate Institute’s Commercial Department found themselves in the offices of once-prosperous companies, some of which no longer exist – The Warder newspaper in Lindsay, and Woolworth’s store in Peterborough, for instance.

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So what has changed and what hasn’t in the intervening 80 years?

The teaching profession is still popular, with many a Lindsay-area graduate trooping off to places like Queen’s University or Lakehead University to pursue a two-year program in teacher’s college. Nursing is an obviously lucrative career choice, particularly in a region like ours, with a significant (and growing) number of seniors in need of care. The skilled trades remain in demand, while our thriving downtown and expanding retail facilities on Kent Street West will continue to require clerks and salespeople.

Trent University is now a closer option for area students than they had 80 years. ago.

What has changed? The plethora of new colleges and universities (such as Trent University, pictured) during the postwar years is one such change. Many of these schools have developed notable programs in the fields of Canadian Studies, Environmental Science, and Indigenous Studies – all of which prepare young scholars to better understand Canada and the world. Also in focus now are the STEM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering, Math – which will be necessary as advancements in technology continue Cont’d on Page 30 unabated.

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Admittedly, some changes have only served to remind us that Lindsay is no longer the great commercial and industrial centre it was during the first half of the 20th Century. No longer do newly-minted LCVI, Fenelon Falls, and I.E. Weldon alumni have the option of taking classes at Alex Paton’s School of Telegraphy in the upper floor of the Academy Theatre. No longer have they the option of being classed in Lindsay as locomotive engineers on the Grand Trunk Railway. Nurses are no longer trained at the Ross Memorial Hospital, and Baker’s Business College is long gone. Said Lindsay’s Industrial Commissioner, Dan McQuarrie (1887-1970), after the Second World War: “We need employment for the boys returning.” Three quarters of a century later, it is incumbent upon our governments at all levels to invest in opportunities for those returning to Kawartha Lakes from post-secondary institutions elsewhere, particularly opportunities in the growing culture and tourism industry, which has long since succeeded the factories and railways of yore. LA

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Independent coffee shop has become vibrant community hub

RODERICK BENNS On any given day it’s easy to see the City’s business getting done. No, we’re not at City Hall right now in your faithful scribe’s scenario.We are, in fact, at Boiling Over’s Coffee Vault in downtown Lindsay. Meetings take place between City officials here. Economic Development might stop by for a tête-àtête. Community groups meet to plan their activities. It’s not all business, of course. There’s socializing and debate, conversations and interviews. It’s a mix of millennials, Generation Z, Generation X, and Boomers. (Well, pretty much all ages.) I’ve seen teachers lesson planning, students doing homework, and artists talking music. What is perhaps more amazing is that less than 750 metres away there is a Tim Hortons, the company still pretending to be Canadian. (It hasn’t sunk in yet

for a lot of people that Tim’s parent company is now a Brazilian multinational.) Boiling Over? One hundred per cent Canadian…and 100 per cent local. Three years ago, before the independent coffee house opened, the owners listened to the feedback that there was a need in Lindsay for something more upscale and more adult friendly. It’s what they have delivered, fine tuning things over the years to incorporate an artistic, community hub vibe. “We were mocked when we opened it,” says Jamie Bergin, one of four owners of Boiling Over, “with Tim Hortons only a block away.” Yet business is up 20-25 per cent over this time last year. The other owners are his daughter, Taryn


Bergin, who does important background work in purchasing and keeping things organized, and longtime friend and business partner, James Myette. Now, store manager Laura LeMiere has also been brought into the ownership fold. “Laura has been a big part of our success,” says James, who notes they recruited her from Starbucks within Target during the department store chain’s failed attempt to enter Canada. As for Laura, she makes note of all the community group members or officials who meet up at Boiling Over, from La Leche League’s local breastfeeding group, to spiritual groups, book clubs, real estate agents, City of Kawartha Lakes staff and Kawartha Lakes Pride, to name but a few. (Even The Lindsay Advocate got its online start primarily here, thanks to the coffee house’s early hours, WiFi, and welcoming vibe.) The coffee house supports the local Boys and Girls Club, area high schools, Kawartha Lakes Pride, A Place Called Home, Women’s Resources, the local hospice organization and many charity events as needed.

Jamie says he loves to see the coffee house buzzing. “I love walking in here and seeing people working,” says Jamie. James agrees. “I see high school kids meeting, Fleming students, business people – it’s great for the community to offer this space that is welcoming.”


8 Cambridge Street North • Lindsay, ON • c d f “We could have looked for a franchise but that really wasn’t our style,” says Jamie. Boiling Over is a big supporter of the arts community, with its open mic nights on the third Friday of each month. Acts come from the Greater Toronto Area, as well as locally, and it continues to grow. This has been parallel to the growth of the arts community in Lindsay in general. Gerald Van Halteren has hosted the open mics during the last few years the coffee house has been open and has gone out of his way to encourage younger talent, according to Laura. “Lindsay has become a real artsy town,” says James. “It can get packed in here on open mic nights. He says Lindsay has changed culturally, economically, and in its demographics compared to when he was growing up here. “There’s more wealth now. Lindsay’s downtown is healthier and thriving,” says Jamie. “We always wanted to be involved in community life.” Ownership of the dynamic coffee house has allowed this to happen. LA


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Newer physicians want to see fewer patients as City grapples with doctor shortage JOLI SCHEIDLER-BENNS Seven more family doctors are needed in the City of Kawartha Lakes to meet local demand – but this figure doesn’t even include two needed replacements and the anticipation of several retirements in the near future. The Kawartha Lakes Health Care Initiative (KLHCI), a registered non-profit, charitable organization, has been addressing the issue of doctor shortages since 2003. The KLHCI consists of a volunteer Board of Directors and one employee and has worked to recruit 36 doctors to the City since 2004. Overall, comprehensive family medicine has been shown to improve health outcomes, including prevention aspects of health and reduced hospital visits -- a very costly aspect of health care. Increasingly, there are fewer doctors who are choosing to practice comprehensive family care. A 2017 Canadian Medical Association Journal study reported that nearly one third of physicians that Ontario classifies as family doctors do not practice comprehensive family medicine. As well, family physicians receive the third-lowest average gross clinical payments compared to other types of doctors according to a 2017 report. Location is also a factor. Although the City of Kawartha Lakes is situated roughly 90 minutes from Toronto and close to Peterborough and the Durham region, it can still be a factor in recruitment. Cindy Snider, Recruitment and Retention Coordinator for KLHCI says “that spousal employment in the area can be a challenge as the majority of spouses are also professionals.” Snider adds that “being within commuting distance of Peterborough and the Durham Region does help.” There is also a growing evidence of family doctor burnout and a desire for more work-life balance. “In order to replace a retiring family doctor with a practice size of 1,200-plus we may be required to recruit two family doctors. Newly graduated family doctors who choose to practice in a rural area also wish to practice to their full-scope of training,” says Snider. This means they may wish to include emergency shifts, obstetrics, in-patient care, or surgical assist as part of their practice, which is possible if they take on fewer patients in their clinics. “Having a mixed practice is part of their vision of work-life balance.” The reported seven family doctors required is at the existing load of 1,200-plus patients per doctor; therefore the Cont’d on Page 35



EDEN EDWARDS Eden Edwards scoops a generous bowl of ice cream. She isn’t afraid to dig down deep on Bear Claw, Wolf Paw, or any other Kawartha Dairy classic flavours. The intensity with which she works on our order is all the more interesting because this particular business owner is a 9-year-old. (I’m sorry – she is 9 and a half, I am reminded.) Eden is the president and owner of Eden’s Sweets & Treats, at 1401 Glenarm Road, not far from Cameron, Woodville or Kirkfield. You might know her location as Kawartha Slices and Bakery, owned by her family, a place where the smell of fresh pizza, homemade pies, and pastries combine with homestyle country gifts to make a unique stop. The young entrepreneur who serves us ice cream, though, was not dependent on her family for getting set up though. This is a solo operation and her license is on the wall to prove it. She has $600 worth of Kawartha Dairy ice cream inventory that

was paid for by her -- with tooth fairy money. (You read that right.) When she started losing teeth (as kids tend to do) she bought some loose candy and then repackaged it in clear bags and marked it up, like a budding capitalist. Not only did she refrain from eating the candy she bought, she used the profits from the bagged goodies and reinvested it in ice cream. “She really is fearless,” her mother, Andrea, says. That manifests in many ways, from speaking up in class when needed to auditioning for school plays. Her mom is happy she is learning the value of money early in life. As for Eden? She is clearly happy to be in business for herself, handing out $4 bowls of ice cream.


--Roderick Benns

Dining Review: Ziraldo’s Just off the main street of Fenelon Falls, an authentic Italian dining experience awaits the discerning diner who may be looking for exceptional cuisine in a casual dining setting in Kawartha Lakes. Ziraldo’s Restaurant -- so named for the late Eddie Ziraldo, a family member of the owner who was a pillar of his community – is nothing short of a discovery at 24 Francis St.W in the village. From the appetizers choose the Polenta Griglia e Formaggio, served with friulano cheese and Pomodoro sauce. The Polpette di Pomodoro – homemade meatballs served with parm and Pomodoro sauce – are outstanding and tailor made for beef lovers. The special of the evening was Grilled Mahi-mahi with capellini, topped elegantly with a terrific papaya salsa. A succulent entrée, accompanied by seasonal vegetables, this was a spectacular main event. Again, from the entrée selection, Lasagne di Carne made with pork sausage and beef layered in pasta, Pomodoro and cheeses, was a home-style dinner worthy of the Old Country. It must also be said that portion sizes were generous for a fine dining experience, sure to please locals as much as the hundreds of tourists who are searching for a great place to eat in Fenelon Falls. For dessert we would be remiss not to mention two outstanding choices. The first was Limoncello Cheesecake, a homemade Limoncello syrup drizzled over creamy cheesecake. The second was a special of the evening – a white chocolate maple crème brûlée. The rich custard base topped with a contrasting layer of caramelized sugar was exquisite. For top-notch service, delectable food, and a charming, home-style atmosphere Ziraldo’s is certain to become a new favourite. --Roderick Benns

Mayor Andy Letham and KLHCI President Barbara van der Veen.

actual need is likely closer to 14, assuming fewer patients, and this number is expected to grow with additional retirements. KLHCI would like to attract new board members from the community, encourage charitable donations, or discuss the sponsorship of one of the recruitment programs. If interested, contact Cindy Snider at 705-3286098 or, or visit the KLHCI website at LA

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