Ka Tutandike

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Dear friends of Ka Tutandike Championing and protecting the rights of vulnerable children continues to be central to the vision and direction of Ka Tutandike. Our key activities and strategies provide access to basic healthcare, nutrition, literacy, protection and empowerment by which children can meaningfully engage in decisions that affect their lives. We help children, youth, their families and communities to benefit from the knowledge and life skills they need to realise their full potential. Our inspiration comes from the very communities that we serve. We feel humbled by the optimism, resilience and energy of the people we are here to serve - despite the harsh realities and conditions of poverty that they face every day. We know that our committed efforts make a tangible difference to these communities. Children’s health and nutrition has improved, women’s incomes have increased, the reading culture has gained momentum leading to better grades at school, Deaf children are more aware of Reproductive Health issues, able to articulate them confidently and are able to protect themselves. We are able to achieve all of this in a challenging environment in which HIV/AIDS, violence, stigma, discrimination and poverty continue unabated. We believe that the primary reason for our success on the ground is our uniquely collaborative and transparent approach. We partner with existing, local organisations as well as other national and international partners and government in a spirit of cooperation. One such example of our positive collaboration is our recent strategic role in setting up the first ever National Coalition of organisations working on Deafness in Uganda. In unity lies our greatest strength. Our common focus will be on protecting the rights of the Deaf and integrating them into mainstream development. We wish to thank all our donors, partners, volunteers and ‘friends’ who make it possible for us to run our modest but very committed and effective organisation. We thank our Trustees in the UK and Board members in Uganda for their invaluable support and guidance. Special thanks to our team in Uganda, who work tirelessly on the ground and behind the scenes, to make it possible for a small organisation like Ka Tutandike punch way above our weight. We look forward to your continued support, partnership and friendship. Anisha Rajapakse Ka Tutandike Trust UK

Christine Semambo Sempebwa Chief Executive Officer Ka Tutandike Uganda


Ka Tutandike (meaning Let’s Get Started) was established in 2006, to champion the rights of marginalised children and the Disabled/ Deaf in Uganda.

Our programmes and projects focus on empowering the communities we support with skills and resources so they can take charge of their lives and work towards a better future. Our work at the grass roots level includes lobbying decision makers, mobilizing advocacy and realizing the potential of the marginalised children and communities of Uganda. We are a non-religious and non-political organisation and work within national policy to end stigma, exploitation and poverty.

Ka Tutandike Trust UK (KTTUK) helps KTU develop robust, transparent programmes and projects which are well researched, maximize limited resources and have the widest reach possible to impact as many beneficiaries.

Ka Tutandike Uganda (KTU) is a registered non-governmental organisation (NGO), which is governed by a Board of Directors. Main focus areas: Enhance Literacy levels and promote ‘reading for pleasure’ in primary schools with focus on the girl-child Safeguard the rights of the Deaf child and in particular empower them with access to reproductive and sexual health education Enable access to early childhood development and care services for children and infants in and around urban markets KTU and KTTUK work in close partnership and operate with a high degree of accountability and transparency. We believe in sustainability and lasting impact of all our development initiatives.

Ka Tutandike Uganda Team Christine Semambo Sempebwa Chief Executive Officer

Restytuta Nalyazi Programme Manager – Literacy

Betty Najjembe Intern Disability

Agnes Nsereko Finance Manager

Louis Apenya Project Manager – Urban Market Project

Miriam Nakawesa Project Intern

Julius Nkuraija Programme Manager – Disability

Dennis Sebuyira Administrative Assistant

Charles Matovu Project Intern

Ka Tutandike Trust UK Team Anisha Rajapakse Madeleine Lustigman Programme and Partnership Manager

KTTUK is a registered charity founded by Patricia Brenninkmeyer. We are governed by a Board of seven voluntary members that is chaired by Heidi Kruitwagen.

founder of Patricia Brenninkmeyer, a since 1964. Ugand Ka Tutandike, worked in Kulika Charitable the d nde fou she In 1981 nded Ka fou Trust and in 2006, she . Tutandike Trust UK

years old, we “Although we are barely five tion for our ability to identify have quickly earned a reputa tand their excluded or neglected, unders communities that have been t have tha them to deliver programmes needs and work closely with listen to t on their lives and futures. I maximum and lasting impac from our of people that have benefited heart-warming testimonies credible have become such a strong and work and feel proud that we change agent in Uganda !”

Trustees, Advisors and Board members of Ka Tutandike Trust UK and Ka Tutandike Uganda Heidi Kruitwagen (Chair) Patricia Brenninkmeyer (Founder) Thomas Brenninkmeijer Richard Dowden Jane Leek Alexandra Brenninkmeijer Dr Sally Hartley Edward Francis Babu Dr. Mumtaz Kassam

Heidi Kruitwagen, chair of the Board of Trustees

of Ka Tutandike Trust UK

“The status of children, illiteracy and disability in Uganda continue to be areas that need serious attention. To address these negative conditions, Ka Tutandike plays a small but dynamic role in protecting the rights of poor and marginalised children in Uganda. I am particularly passionate about our work in helping children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence. To educate and empower them so they and their families feel a sense of optimism and hope when looking to the future. We want to create compassionate blueprints for lasting change that can be replicated to benefit other similar communities in Uganda and in time, perhaps elsewhe re in the region. Our strength lies in being pro-active and empathetic to the ever changin g needs and priorities at the grass roots level.”


The Republic of Uganda lies astride the Equator, a land-locked country in East Africa bordered on the east by Kenya, north by Sudan, west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and on the south by Rwanda and Tanzania. The southern part of the country includes a substantial portion of Lake Victoria, which is also bordered by Kenya and Tanzania. Uganda takes its name from the Buganda kingdom, which encompassed a portion of the south of the country including the capital Kampala. Since the late 1980s Uganda has rebounded from the abyss of civil war, economic catastrophe and human rights abuse to become relatively peaceful and stable. Although the lives of hundreds of thousands of people were blighted by one of Africa’s most brutal rebellions, the people of Uganda are the warmest you will encounter. The rebuilding of Uganda has been slow, arduous and with many challenges. Given the Government’s annual budget deficits, the role of NGOs has become critical in fast-tracking the socio-economic development of Uganda. NGOs have been and continue to be a critical change agent, influential both at the grass roots level as well as the highest levels of policy making.

According the 2002 Census studies in Uganda: Children below 18 years

56% of

constituted the population

Children below 15 years


constituted the population



of the population (aged 10 years and above) was illiterate

1 in every 25

had a disability



of the households had no access to safe water

Note: Next census due in 2012.


had no access to a toilet facility 92% of the households did not have access to electricity


of the households used “word of mouth” as their main source of information


Ka Tutandike works to enable early interventions aimed at improving the quality of life and protecting the rights of marginalised children in Uganda. We work closely with children, their parents, communities, people with disabilities (Deaf), Government and Non-Government Organisations to: Protect the rights and status of the Deaf child Ensure that children receive the best possible care during their earliest years Encourage children to read for pleasure and enhance their literacy levels

OUR KEY FOCUS AREAS: Literacy Programme

VALUES: Equal opportunity

We ensure that people, irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, colour, HIV status, religion, political affiliation or any other exclusionary status are given equal opportunity at all times.


We are committed towards the promotion of good governance, integrity and trust towards fulfilling our mandate as a registered charity in Uganda.

Urban Market Project

VISION: Ka Tutandike envisions a world in which all children live a full and productive life – in a society that respects and safeguards their rights and dignity.

Disability Programme


Almost half the population of Uganda is under 15 years of age and according to UNICEF (2009), 184 in every 1000 children in Uganda, die under the age of 5. To a ‘young’ country that is rebuilding its foundation, the need for healthy and thriving children is absolutely critical to its future.

Through our work with the poor communities in Kampala, we were informed of the abject conditions of its markets and vendors. For hundreds of vendors scraping a living in Kampala’s markets, bringing their babies and children to the crowded marketplace is not a matter of choice. They simply cannot afford to pay for child care services. The lack of safety and hygiene in such surroundings, presents life threatening challenges to the children who are confined to these spaces. Ka Tutandike launched the Reach Improve and Support Early Years (RISE) project in 2009 in the Kalelwe market and our initial focus was on health - the very basis for life. The project aims at providing holistic early childhood care targeting children 0-8 years of age. Apart from day care services that offer a nurturing environment to these children, we train the staff on stimulating the development of children through active play and appropriate use of play tools. This has enhanced children’s creativity, curiosity, initiative, responsibility, trust, independence as well as confidence. We work closely with parents and equip them with parenting techniques and good nutritional and health practices. This includes home visits, classes in basic hygiene and dietary awareness. We encourage parents to grow, harvest and cook nutritious food even with small confined urban spaces. The project has also added innovative, practical activities that train parents on other income generating activities and health monitoring and referral services.

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” JF Kennedy In 2011, this area of work was repositioned as the ‘Urban Markets Project,’ starting in the Nakawa market. We aim to facilitate Early Childhood Development related activities in several other urban markets as we scale up implementation. We hope to thereby benefit an increasing number of infants and children of vendors in these selected markets. The new approach also brings a renewed focus on the role of parents and care givers. We provide them with HIV/AIDS prevention education and also sensitise them about the importance of fun and play in the development of a child. We continue to introduce and strengthen institutional, community and physical infrastructure and provide materials that offer further respite to our beneficiaries. Ka Tutandike helps parents struggling to eke out a living by increasing their capability and capacity to care for their children. We invest in the lives and futures of the children of Uganda in a long lasting and sustaining manner.

Only 38% of the urban population in Uganda uses improved sanitation facilities (UNICEF, 2008)

URBAN MARKET PROJECT In April 2011, Ka Tutandike Uganda carried out a survey in Knowledge, Attitude, Practice and Skills (KAPS) of 100 parents who work in and around Nakawa market, in the area of Play and Nutrition. One of the stark revelations of the survey was the lack of understanding the importance of Play in the development of young children aged 0-8 years. As a result, KTU organised a 21 day training of parents and caregivers in the area of play and also included development of play items and materials.

A group of parents working on a project of making play items using local materials

Parents and caregivers are able to make play items using local materials such as balls and replicas of food items that children can play with and learn from. They have benefited immensely from the training and have successfully put their new learning and skills into practice with their children at home.

Sustainable Organic agriculture

We help train parents on many income generating activities – sustainable organic agriculture, baking cakes and bread, making and distilling fresh juice, both for their families and as an additional means of economic sustenance.

Potty area and Latrine at Noble’s after repairs

“We live in a slum area where people live from hand to mouth. Early education for children is therefore beyond their means. That is why we struggled a lot to attract parents and children from the community before Ka Tutandike came in the picture. With the repair work at the school done, many members are coming to ask for a place for their children where they will be well looked after and protected.”

Rebecca Mubiru, Director, Noble’s Nursery/ Day care centre

Day Care centre


Education is often seen as a privilege. It is not. It is one of many human rights that poor people are denied every day. It is one of the best ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty.


Ka Tutandike firmly believes that education is the driver for change, opportunities and empowerment. Especially in Uganda, where over 30% of the population remains illiterate.

The vicious cycle of poverty, illiteracy and unemployment is deep-rooted in Uganda. Majority of the homes do not have electricity and the idea or practice of reading at home, is rare. Also, books are expensive and parents limit themselves to buying only textbooks essential for school. Upon consultation with the Ministry of Education and Sports, the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) and local government, Ka Tutandike commenced the Read, Enjoy and Discover (READ) Project in 2008 in 3 resource poor primary schools in Kampala. The main aim has been to foster the spirit of ‘reading for pleasure’ among primary school children.

Since 2008, we have been working closely with the local government, school administrations, teachers, parents and children to create an encouraging, learning environment for the children. We also actively engage the religious and community leaders and elders who are respected and have authority in their communities.

“You cannot open a book without learning something.” Confucius Wisdom Teachers play a key role in the success of our project. We work collaboratively with them to understand each school’s culture, demographics, facilities and needs and aid them with continued training and skills building. We conduct regular ‘Teachers Caravans’ that help teachers travel to other schools and districts to share knowledge and best practices. They help us successfully implement our initiatives in the schools and motivate children to understand and believe in the concept of reading for pleasure. Our activities in the schools include diary keeping, story telling, reading week, essay writing competitions, teachers training caravans and more. Through innovative and interactive programming and capacity building, children’s access to books both at school and at home, has significantly increased leading to pleasurable reading and writing.

‘Learning is a child’s freedom’ The outcome of these activities showed a greater participation and real progress in the academic performance, self esteem and confidence levels of primary school children, so crucial to the formative phase of their lives. The schools also benefited from a stronger overall curriculum, new teaching methods, more books and materials and a much closer bond with their pupils. The positive and rewarding result of our work, gave us the impetus to expand and re-position this area of work as the Literacy Programme in 2011. This new programmatic approach benefits more children, greater number of schools and continues its initiatives of ‘reading for pleasure,’ emphasizing a similar approach in providing awareness and knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention and an increased focus on the education of the Girl Child.

UWEZO: Measuring our impact Ka Tutandike employs UWEZO evaluation and assessment tools to measure the impact of our work on literacy. Given the general focus on education for the girl child, we were pleased to find out through our UWEZO evaluation results, that the percentage of girls getting involved with KTU reading activities is very high which also indicates their improved confidence levels. Uwezo, meaning “capability” in Kiswahili, is a four year initiative to improve competencies in literacy and numeracy among children aged 6-16 years in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda through an innovative, civic-driven and public accountability approach to social change. The UWEZO tool tests the reading ability of a child at 4 levels, namely; letter, word, paragraph/sentence and comprehension.

LITERACY PROGRAMME: Day of the African child Cover of a diary made by a student

The International Day of the African Child has been celebrated on 16 June each year since 1991, when it was first initiated by the Organisation of African Unity (now the African Union). It honours those who participated in the Soweto Uprising in 1976 where thousands of black school children took to the streets, protesting the inferior quality of their education and to demand their right to be taught in their own language. Hundreds of young boys and girls were shot down. To mark the Day of the African Child, Ka Tutandike rolled out several interesting activities such as a presentation of songs, poems and plays by children, a play performed by Deaf students on the theme of ‘street children,’ and a writing competition on the subject ‘being an African child.’


Being an African Child

My name is Natasha Umwali, am in primary seven. Am an African child and I come from Rwanda. Am an orphan child. I lost my mother in 2009. I am not happy to be an African child because of the following; Africans mistreat their children. Africans sell their children to get money. Africans kill their children for no reason. Africans send their children to streets because they want to get money. Africans do not want to buy basic needs for their children. Some Africans use their children as housemaids and house boys. On the other hand I am proud to be an African child because of the following, some Africans have improved on their way of treating their children. The governments of Africa have improved on schools for example in Uganda they have built universal primary education schools which is helping some parents to pay little money for school fees. Africans have improved on cleanliness. The governments are trying to remove children from the streets. The governments have improved on the rights of the women and the children. So I want to tell all the parents who are mistreating their children to stop because it will not help them at all. And I want to thank those who have tried to put their children in school, thank you very much. I want to advise pupils in school not to waste their parents’ money and try to read their book so that they can pass their examinations.

Natasha Umwali St. Joseph Mapeera Memorial Primary School P7

Uganda is the pearl of Africa. In Uganda children are suffering from diseases. Children are running away from homes because of the suffering and they go on steets. In some homes children do not eat well as a child has to be fed. Some mothers and fathers do not take their children to school. In some homes children are beaten for nothing. Some parents have the money but do not want to give their children education. In some cases African children are employed when they are under age take the responsibilities of the parents. African children are faced with sexual harassment for both the girls and the boys, running away from home because of the cruel step mothers. African leaders save us from these problems and trauma.

Namayanja Viola Wandegeya Muslim Primary School


The word ‘disability’ in a physical context could have one meaning but in reality, has many prejudices and misconceptions attached to it. Society often associates disability with abnormality, undesirability, lower status or a form of failure.


“The problems of deafness are deeper and more complex, if not more important, than those of blindness. Deafness is a much worse misfortune. For it means the loss of the most vital stimulus--the sound of the voice that brings language, sets thoughts astir and keeps us in the intellectual company of man.” Helen Keller The invisibility of deafness makes it one of the most difficult-to-understand type of disability and as a result, placed at the bottom of any priority list. Our work on deafness began in 2008 in the Masaka District of Central Uganda. We realise that due to their deafness and inability to communicate, the Deaf are extremely vulnerable to physical or sexual abuse, at high risk of HIV infection and increasingly subjected to stigma and discrimination. They are also unable to protect themselves or report instances of abuse to relevant authorities. Despite the significant strides made in the area of disability by the Government of Uganda, the Deaf continue to face severe challenges. Although Sign Language is one of the languages in the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, its knowledge and use is largely limited.

In Deaf schools, the important subject of Reproductive Health (RH) and Sexuality is not addressed. Young people do not understand the physical changes their bodies are undergoing and not equipped with the right information and life skills to handle them. The Deaf youth are deprived of this fundamental right and become easy victims to sexual exploitation, violence, HIV/AIDS and marginalisation. To safeguard their rights, Ka Tutandike commenced the Reproductive Health Education Project for Deaf youth (RHEDY) in 2009. This project helps them to be prepared, be able to protect themselves and helps build their confidence to comfortably articulate their needs, discomforts or fears. We train teachers to effectively explain RH issues to the Deaf youth and use appropriate materials and activities. We help sensitise the communities on the RH needs of Deaf children and link up local health services with the schools for the Deaf. We deliver Sign Language training to community members, parents, local health service providers and ensure their access to RH materials as well. We also help highlight the RH needs of the Deaf youth to relevant Government ministries to influence and form policy that includes and benefits them.

We focus on vocational training for the Deaf out-of-school youth

Since 2011, the project has come under the wider umbrella of the Disability Programme. This programme also focuses on vocational training and economic empowerment for the Deaf out-of-school youth as well as expanding our reach beyond the Masaka district. The programme has a strong emphasis on policy and advocacy to protect the rights and well being of the Deaf child. Our recent initiatives include: creation of a National Coalition of NGOs working on Deafness in Uganda (NCND); a National Symposium in Uganda in August 2011 to review the major instructional methods being used to educate the Deaf and the hard-of-hearing child in Uganda; a panel discussion on Disability inclusive development, focussing on deafness in Africa, held in May 2011, in London.

National Symposium August 2011 The National Symposium, hosted by Ka Tutandike in partnership with the Commonwealth Secretariat and Leonard Cheshire Disability, provides a platform to review the efficacy and appropriateness of major instructional methods currently being used to educate the Deaf and the hard-of-hearing child in Uganda. The subject of Deaf education is highly charged both emotionally and politically with no perfect answers and no simple solutions in the absence of national policy. The symposium examines the benefits and challenges of each methodology whether it is an inclusive/mainstream education approach or a special schools approach that would ultimately benefit the Deaf child, enable him/ her to seamlessly integrate into society and be accepted and respected as a productive citizen. This is the first step towards establishing dialogue and action and ensuring the next generation of Deaf children will not face the levels of loneliness and frustration experienced by so many Deaf persons in Uganda today.

DISABILITY PROGRAMME: Disability activists and supporters met in London to highlight Disability and Deafness in Africa 23 May 2011, Royal Commonwealth Society, London

L-R:Nasser Ssenyondo, Hon.AlexNdeezi (MP), Epha Ephel Ngota and Richard Dowden

Our panel discussion on Disability focussed Development, focussing on deafness in Africa, attracted over 100 people including representatives from government, civil society, national and international disability-focused organisations and media. The strong turnout was a clear indication of the support for disability issues and provided a great platform for idea exchange and generating greater empathy and understanding about Deafness in Africa. The session was chaired by Richard Dowden, Director of the Royal African Society, and a trustee of Ka Tutandike Trust UK. The speakers of the panel were: - Hon. Alex Ndeezi MP, Uganda’s first Deaf Member of Parliament & Executive Director, Uganda National Association of the Deaf ; Epha Ephel Ngota, Teacher at St. Angela School for the Deaf, Kenya & Technical Advisor on Deafness for Deaf Child Worldwide and Nasser Ssenyondo, Programme Officer (Deaf) for Deaf Link and SignHealth Uganda. The speakers spoke with passion and honesty about overcoming internal and external difficulties and inspired the audience with their personal testimonies and struggles to overcome obstacles to equality and inclusion. Hon Alex Ndeezi recalled the traumatic time when he was 15 and got cerebral malaria, which completely took away his sense of hearing. He and his family tried several options and almost gave up. According to MP Ndeezi, an official from the Uganda National Association for the Deaf had told him that ‘I was Deaf but still alive. That I was deaf but still had brains and that I was deaf but still had potential. And that possibly those potentials could be put to good use for the benefit of the community and my country. Using Sign Language I could go back to school. Using Sign Language I got a bachelors degree. Using Sign Language I acquired the confidence, I was able to become a politician. I have used those skills in politics for 15 years.’ MP Ndeezi emphasised that in order to protect the rights of the Deaf, we must work hard to ensure that deaf people are not invisible. The discussion covered crucial topics such as family support, combating stigma and discrimination, policy formulation and its implementation by governments, education and employment opportunities, as well as the role of technology in fast tracking development. Many ideas were exchanged over the networking reception that followed.

National Coalition working on deafness in Uganda Ka Tutandike has played a strategic role in establishing the first ever National Coalition of organisations working on Deafness in Uganda. The Coalition, will focus on protecting the rights of the Deaf and integrate them into mainstream development. It will fulfil the need for co-ordinated and strategic programmes that draw on the experiences of communities at the grassroots level in order to ensure that the money spent brings about a sustainable response to issues facing the Deaf in Uganda. Via this Coalition, we aim to increase civil society participation in national, regional and global processes that contribute towards protecting the rights of the Deaf. This Coalition will also serve as a resource that the Government and related ministries could draw upon for implementation of its multi-sectoral approaches aimed at the Deaf community. Current members include Sense International Uganda, DeafLink Uganda, SignHealth Uganda, Legal Action for persons with Disability, Uganda National Association for the Deaf and Ka Tutandike.

RACHAEL’S STORY: Nakibuuka Rachael, a 15 year old P7 student sadly was never aware that she had a choice to say NO when asked for sex. Through KTU’s RHEDY initiatives, she learnt about pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, peer pressure, how to defend herself, hygiene during menstruation and a general comfort about her body changes. She says, ‘Now I can say NO to a man or a boy who brings his gifts in exchange for sex. I feel empowered to appreciate myself and feel clean. My advice to other children: Say NO to any person, who wants to give you a gift for exchange for sex Concentrate on your studies if you are still at school Help people living with HIV by encouraging them to take their drugs and give them enough food. The two of you should go for HIV test 3 times then marriage before sex Keep clean during menstruation and know that it is all normal I want to thank KTU and donors for giving us information on how to be and stay safe and healthy.’

Nakibuuka Rachael


Ka Tutandike started working with the Masaka School for Children with Special Needs in 2009 on activities relating to reproductive health (RH). The training of basic Sign Language communication skills for the teachers, children, parents and community is what we have never had before. This hugely improved teacher’s Sign Language skills as a mode of instruction. Parents can now express themselves and interact directly with their children. This reduces the role of a teacher as an interpreter, which works especially well when discussing information that is sensitive or needs privacy. This training has also helped reduce the gap between the Deaf children and the community. Through KTU’s programs, we have been oriented on RH education which has led to the formation of a Reproductive Health Club. In this club, children are the key planners and educators as peers but supported by teachers. The peer support has helped reduce Child to Child abuse, child risky behaviours like early sex and has improved attention to personal hygiene.

KTU’s activities also cover physical and social therapy where children are empowered to express their feelings through drama, music and dance. They helped us start a Silent Trust Club which showcases the children’s talents, through performances in schools, churches and in other social functions. This has transformed many people’s perception of Deaf children, their capabilities, achievements and the importance of their education.

We have found KTU to be quite different from other NGOs we have interacted with. KTU provides more orientation training to teachers and school administrators. In this way capacity is being built easily and provides a motivation to those being trained. KTU is flexible in its nature of work to the extent that they have never interfered with the school’s daily programmes but encourage the integration of activities in our extra time. KTU provides support supervision where it contributes solutions to challenges than criticising in a top down manner. KTU appreciates the use of structured resource materials and provides what ever they can, as requested by our teachers and children. KTU puts its base on the beneficiary like the Deaf children by consulting their views and those of teachers for any development and implementation. This has made everybody in school a stake holder and we all feel ownership of KTU’s initiatives and activities. In my time with the school, I have seen a dramatic change from the direct benefits of KTU’S interventions. Ever since children started discussing their rights and responsibilities, we have observed that cases of indiscipline are reducing. Student leaders encourage other peers to behave well and clubs like the Child Rights Club reminds them of what they are to do and how to manage challenges. Children now actively interact with one another especially peer educators who conduct school assemblies and advice their friends on various aspects of life. Physically, elder children support young ones unconditionally and the same applies to the sick or those with physical impairments and those with low vision in movements. Girls are more aware and ably manage menstruations and the disposals of waste. Those who are taken unaware are not laughed at and instead helped by other girls and even boys.

We have children from different backgrounds - some from streets, dustbins, poor homes, rich homes, cared for at home, neglected, abused etc which we could identify when they joined school. Now, there is no difference as they participate in all school activities. Children have accepted who they are with comfort and have a sense of happiness around them. They show confidence, speak out their minds, disagree with teachers if they are not satisfied with the teacher’s opinion, speak to parents on what they want and how they wish to be treated at home. Children demonstrate the capacity to guide and lead others, they can judge on what is good and bad and make informed decisions. They are proud of what they do.

Thank you Ka Tutandike Uganda William Obella, Teacher, Masaka School for Children with Special Needs

With over 10 years of working in the area of RH, I had not come across an organisation whose focus is young people who are Deaf. In 2009 I came across Ka Tutandike and was blown away at the nature of work that they are doing. Not only is it unique but it serves the young people that have been neglected by giving them hope. This exposure has challenged and motivated me to create time to enroll for Sign Language classes.

Anne Alan Sizomu

Advocacy Officer, Healthy Action German Foundation for World Population (DSW)

Many interventions have been started by different players including Government but none with a focus on deafness. It is Ka Tutandike Uganda that has come out differently in championing work in the area of Reproductive Health Services for the Deaf. Many of our organisations can learn from KTU’s method of work, collaboration with other players and above all causing impact on people who are hard to reach and easily forgotten.

Aloysius Kiribaki

Development Manager Sense International (East Africa) Uganda.

Pigo Brahan Obiga is the vice chairman Local Council 2 of Naguru Parish where two day care centers that we partner with, are located. He represented the Local Council authority during the final inspection of the small improvement works at the two day care centers. In his feedback, he said, “I have been a local leader in this area for the past six years, first as chairman Local Council 1, and now Vice Chairman Local Council 2. I have also had the opportunity of working together with several Non Governmental Organisations in this area. But I can confidently say no organisation has had the kind of impact that Ka Tutandike Uganda and Plan International have had in our community. That is why am willing to put aside a whole day to be here”. “I appreciate the work done especially in improving the sanitation around the school. It has changed our environment. The nursery/ Day care teachers have gained a lot and when I see them making learning materials for the children, as a teacher myself, am impressed. I have also noticed that parents have become more involved in the education of the young children. Formerly, they would just send the young children to come to school by themselves but after the training in child protection, parents are bringing and picking their children from school”.

Turyahikahe Willy

Parish Education Chairman at Our Lady St Jude catholic Parish, the founding body of St Jude Nursery/ Day care centre.


Ms Kakaire Midinah was a teacher at Ttula Church of Uganda Primary School. Like other teachers in the school, when she first heard about KTU’s READ project, she was very sceptical as she thought it would interfere with the school. Also, she thought that because Ttula is a disadvantaged school, Kampala City Council (KCC) had sent KTU to exploit and use it for study/research purposes or some other hidden objectives. She says, “After two years of working with Ka Tutandike, the school and community have benefitted immensely from the READ project. KTU has facilitated training of teachers in Library management skills, understanding the importance of reading for pleasure, methods of teaching reading, developing good practices in teaching and learning and identifying activities which promote reading for pleasure. The school was also provided with 760 story books, a bookshelf, two big notice boards. Teachers who participated in the training were provided with training manuals to train others. KTU has created a good working relationship between parents and the school and as a result, our pupils have developed much interest in reading and writing stories both in English and Luganda. The performance of our pupils has improved at class levels and many of them can read and comprehend. Pupils now read books and make summaries of stories. The number of stories written by pupils and the number of pupils borrowing books has increased. Records of the library are now professionally managed. I feel KTU has really done a very good service to the community of Ttula and the nation at large.”

I have found that NGOs have been an important link bridging Government and policy with the needs of the common man. They have been effective in giving us reality checks and pushing for change and betterment. I am delighted to be closely involved with Ka Tutandike and believe in their innovative approach and reformative impact on literacy, early development of the child and disability in Uganda.

Hon. Edward Francis Babu (Captain Babu)

Board member of Ka Tutandike Uganda, Chairman of the National Association of Broadcasters and former Minister of State in Uganda

Ka Tutandike has aroused the pupils’ interest in reading because now they borrow books everyday. It has enabled us teachers to discover talented pupils which would have never been possible, but for Ka Tutandike’s activities now we know the talented pupils.

Nalwanga Florence

P7 Teacher, St. Joseph Mapeera Memorial primary school.

Ka Tutandike has brought a comparative analysis approach on board in regard to the Uwezo approach on household level. KTU plays a big role in improving the pupils reading abilities in the various schools it works with.

Mugole Emmanuel

Assessment coordinator, Uwezo

WHAT YOU CAN DO: As a small non-profit organisation, Ka Tutandike depends on voluntary contributions for all our work. We warmly welcome any assistance you can provide us - your time or money or in kind support. Ka Tutandike Trust UK Fourth Floor Eagle House 108-110 Jermyn Street London SW1Y 6EE T: 00 44 (0) 207 024 3515 Email: info@katutandike.org.uk Ka Tutandike (Uganda) P.O. Box 12699 Kampala Uganda T: 00 256 (0) 772466316 Email: info@katutandike.or.ug Web www.katutandike.org

Please do engage with us to discuss how best you can join our efforts. If you wish to make a donation, cheques can be sent to our ofďŹ ces in London or Kampala or you can also donate online at www.katutandike.org Together we can bring hope, dignity, courage, and enable a better and happier life for the children and marginalised communities in Uganda. You can make a real difference. Sometimes, all it needs is an open mind to get started!

UK Charity Registration Number: 1114974 UK Company Registration Number: 5819284 Ugandan NGO Registration Number: S5914/7604 Edited By: Anisha Rajapakse and Sunita Panjabi Photography: Anisha Rajapakse

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