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:: What is it about ‘up-cycling’ that appeals to you? I have always been concerned about waste, and feel very responsible for calling things into existence. Working with recycled materials eases my conscience a little, knowing that I am extending product lifecycles. Using second-hand also provides a wonderful history with each piece, and great diversity in my work. Sourcing remains a challenge, but finding little pieces of social history like old coins and drawer liners makes it all worthwhile. I like the challenge; tackling the issue of having to source second-hand feels like I might be making a difference, and hopefully encourages others to do so as well. :: Describe a good day and a bad day in the life of Zoe Murphy. A good day is one that starts early, with a bacon sandwich, as I love morning work. It would be a full day in the studio printing and making. Sewing days are particularly fun for me as I don’t get to do that much. Another highlight is getting to trawl around junk shops for materials and visiting car boot fairs on summer Sundays. There aren’t many days in my job that I don’t enjoy. Bad days are those inevitable ‘off’ days that every designer or maker has. The little genie of 96 :: Zoe Murphy

bad luck will visit and things take longer, go wrong, smudge, fail... on days like that you just have to keep on working through - persistence makes them productive. :: Any advice for aspiring designers? Be aware of how hard it is to keep a creative business running, it takes a lot of energy and enthusiasm to not only keep up with admin and organisation, but to make the goods as well. If your product is you and the designs you make, then it is incredibly important to make sure you keep yourself happy and inspired. Otherwise it will show in your work. Work as smartly as you can. When I first started, I believed that hard work and long hours would be enough, but as there is always so much to do and so few hours in the day, you have to make sure you are making brilliant use of your time and materials. This includes not over organising or spending too long preparing for and generating business without actually creating; ‘a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush’. So stay in love with what you do, and try to think cleverly about your time - it is very valuable.

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