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Teaching English In Korea Katarina Bunge

At what point in your life did you decide to become a

grammar structures, I get to have fun with them and challenge

teaching as a career?

This means I get to know my students and their personalities as

teacher and who or what was your inspiration to pursue

them with productive language abilities - speaking and writing.

I guess the decision to become a teacher happened upon me


somewhat by accident. My father has been a high school and middle school teacher in the past, and now teaches at college

What made you decide to work in Korea?

Working in Korea was not my first choice. Originally, I wanted

level. When I was growing up, I thought teaching was the last thing I wanted to do. It’s not a glamorous lifestyle! Seeing my dad

to work in Taiwan, since I studied Chinese briefly in university. I

stressed out about his students, I vehemently protested against

applied for a teaching position through a Taiwan-based agency,

ever becoming a teacher myself. In university, I pursued a degree

but I was turned down based on my lack of experience. Taiwan

in Environmental Education because I had good memories of

is a very popular destination for English teachers. The agency

outdoor schools, summer camps, and my own wanderings in

accepted me to work in Korea instead, and it’s all come together

the Cascade mountain range - but my focus wasn’t classroom

from there. But, sometimes, I think the places we end up are often

teaching. Nevertheless, after I graduated, I felt drawn to teaching English as a second language, and see a bit of the world while I

better than the places we might have intended for ourselves –

was at it.

and perhaps, there is some greater reason I found myself here that I have yet to discover.

I had plenty of inspiring mentors in university that really made me passionate about teaching as a profession. One couple that stand out in particular run an alternative high school

Can you describe a typical working day?

A typical day for me begins around 6:30 am. I take the bus

in Bellingham, my hometown. Before I enrolled in my major, I had difficulty separating teaching from the formal, lecture-

to work at 7:30 and arrive at work shortly after 8. First period

heavy classroom setting. Since then, I’ve come to a deeper

begins at 9, and depending on the day, I have anywhere from

understanding that the best teachers don’t need to be experts,

three to five 45-minute lessons to teach, along with some

just facilitators. Good learning can happen anywhere, and

additional duties. I have my own classroom, and my desk is

some of the best lessons in life are learned in silence and quiet

in the office adjacent to it, so in the morning, I prepare my


classroom for the day, and set up my lessons.

Did you need to do any additional studies after your

class sizes of thirty-six students, there isn’t much else that can


free time, I plan and prepare for the next week. Lunch is served

They’re all rather PowerPoint-heavy, which I resent, but in Environmental Education degree to become an English

be done! I teach my lessons whenever they’re scheduled. In my

Technically, I didn’t need to fulfil any additional requirements to

after fourth period beginning at 12:30, and consists of white

become a public school teacher in Korea, besides complete my

rice, kimchi, some side dishes, and a daily soup. Today I had

bachelors degree, but I did choose to complete an online TEFL

marinated pork, sesame oil-soaked perilla leaves, white steamed

(Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate in order to

bread, and doenjang soup, which is a bit like miso. The teachers

give myself a bit of an advantage. Since then, the hiring process

have their own table in the same cramped cafeteria room as the

has changed a bit, and a TEFL certificate is now required.

students. It’s a noisy and stressful place to be.

What do you love most about your job?

daily cleaning time at 3:20. In Korea, the students are all required

The thing I love most about my job is the ability to foster

to clean the school daily, including the bathrooms, which are

creativity in my students - a trait that, to me, isn’t given proper

outfitted with traditional Korean squat toilets.

In the afternoon, we have fourth through sixth periods, then

Unfortunately the student bathrooms are chronically

recognition in the Korean educational system at large. I share English teaching with other Korean teachers at my school, and

unsanitary. I supervise my cleaning girls to make sure they do a

while those teachers focus on introducing students to complex

thorough job of the classroom. Depending on the day, we might


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