Faye Glenn Abdellah • Bella Abzug • Abigail Adams • Jane Addams • Madeleine Korbel Albright • Tenley Albright • Louisa May Alcott • Florence Ellinwood Allen •Gloria Allred • Linda G. Alvarado • Dorothy H. Andersen • Marian Anderson • Ethel Percy Andrus • Maya Angelou • Susan B. Anthony • Virginia Apgar • Ella Baker • Lucille Ball • Ann Bancroft • Clara Barton • Eleanor K. Baum • Ruth Fulton Benedict • Mary McLeod Bethune • Antoinette Blackwell • Elizabeth Blackwell • Emily Blackwell • Amelia Jenks Bloomer • Louise Bourgeois • Margaret Bourke-White • Lydia Moss Bradley • Myra Bradwell • Mary Breckinridge • Nancy Brinker • Gwendolyn Brooks • Pearl S. Buck • Betty Bumpers • Charlotte Anne Bunch • St. Frances Xavier Cabrini • Mary Steichen Calderone • Annie Jump Cannon • Rachel Carson • Rosalynn Carter • Mary Ann Shadd Cary • Mary Cassatt • Willa Sibert Cather • Carrie Chapman Catt • Julia Child • Lydia Maria Child • Shirley Chisholm •Hillary Rodham Clinton • Elizabeth Jane Cochran –“Nellie Bly” • Jacqueline Cochran • Mildred Cohn • Bessie Coleman • Eileen Collins • Ruth Colvin • Rita Rossi Colwell • Joan Ganz Cooney • Mother Marianne Cope • Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori • Jane Cunningham Croly • Matilda Raffa Cuomo • Angela Y. Davis • Paulina Wright Davis • Dorothy Day •Karen DeCrow • Sarah Deer • Marian de Forest • Donna de Varona •Emma Smith DeVoe • Emily Dickinson •Dorothea Dix • Elizabeth Hanford Dole •Marjory Stoneman Douglas • St. Katharine Drexel • Anne Dallas Dudley • Mary Barret Dyer • Amelia Earhart • Sylvia A. Earle • Catherine East • Crystal Eastman • Mary Baker Eddy • Marian Wright Edelman • Gertrude “Trudy” Ederle • Gertrude Belle Elion • Dorothy Harrison Eustis • Alice Evans • Geraldine Ferraro • Ella Fitzgerald • Jane Fonda • Betty Ford • Loretta C. Ford • Abby Kelley Foster • Aretha Franklin • Helen Murray Free • Betty Friedan • Margaret Fuller • Matilda Joslyn Gage • Ina May Gaskin • Althea Gibson • Lillian Moller Gilbreth • Charlotte Perkins Gilman • Ruth Bader Ginsburg • Maria Goeppert-Mayer • Katharine Graham • Martha Graham • Temple Grandin • Ella Grasso • Marcia Greenberger • Martha Wright Griffiths • Sarah Grimké • Mary A. Hallaren • Fannie Lou Hamer • Alice Hamilton • Lorraine Hansberry • Martha Matilda Harper • Patricia Roberts Harris • Helen Hayes • Dorothy Height • Beatrice A. Hicks • Barbara Hillary • Oveta Culp Hobby • Barbara Holdridge • Billie Holiday • Wilhelmina Cole Holladay • Jeanne Holm • Bertha Holt • Grace Murray Hopper • Julia Ward Howe • Dolores Huerta • Helen LaKelly Hunt • Swanee Hunt • Zora Neale Hurston • Anne Hutchinson • Barbara Iglewski • Shirley Ann Jackson • Victoria Jackson • Mary Jacobi • Frances Wisebart Jacobs • Mae Jemison • “Mother” Mary Harris Jones • Barbara Jordan • Helen Keller • Leontine T.C. Kelly • Susan Kelly-Dreiss • Frances Oldham Kelsey • Nannerl O. Keohane • Jean Kilbourne • Billie Jean King • Coretta Scott King • Julie Krone • Elisabeth Kübler-Ross • Maggie Kuhn • Stephanie L. Kwolek • Henrietta Lacks • Susette La Flesche • Winona LaDuke • Dorothea Lange • Carlotta Walls LaNier • Sherry Lansing • Allie B. Latimer • Emma Lazarus • Lilly Ledbetter • Mildred Robbins Leet •Maya Y. Lin • Anne Morrow Lindbergh • Patricia A. Locke • Belva Lockwood • Juliette Gordon Low • Clare Boothe Luce • Shannon W. Lucid • Mary Lyon • Mary Mahoney • Nicole M.E. Malachowski • Wilma Mankiller • Philippa Marrack • Barbara McClintock • Katharine Dexter McCormick • Louise McManus • Margaret Mead • Barbara A. Mikulski • Kate Millett • Patsy Takemoto Mink • Maria Mitchell • Toni Morrison • Constance Baker Motley • Lucretia Mott • Kate Mullany • Aimee Mullins • Carol A. Mutter • Antonia Novello • Annie Oakley • Sandra Day O’Connor • Georgia O’Keeffe • Rose Cecil O’Neill • Rosa Parks • Ruth Patrick • Alice Paul • Nancy Pelosi • Mary Engle Pennington • Frances Perkins • Rebecca Talbot Perkins • Esther Peterson • Judith L. Pipher • Barbara Rose Johns Powell • Jeannette Rankin • Janet Reno • Ellen Swallow Richards • Linda Richards • Sally Ride • Rozanne L. Ridgway •Edith Nourse Rogers • Mother Mary Joseph Rogers, MM • Eleanor Roosevelt • Ernestine Louise Potowski • Rose Elaine Roulet • Janet D. Rowley • Wilma Rudolph • Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin • Mary Harriman Rumsey • Florence Sabin • Sacagawea • Bernice Resnick Sandler • Margaret Sanger • Katherine Siva Saubel • Betty Bone Schiess • Patricia Schroeder • Anna Jacobson Schwartz • Felice N. Schwartz • Blanche Stuart Scott • Florence B. Seibert • Elizabeth Bayley Seton • Donna E. Shalala • Anna Howard Shaw •Catherine Filene Shouse • Eunice Kennedy Shriver • Muriel Siebert • Beverly Sills • Louise McIntosh Slaughter • Eleanor Smeal • Bessie Smith • Margaret Chase Smith • Sophia Smith • Hannah Greenebaum Solomon • Susan Solomon • Sonia Sotomayor • Laurie Spiegel • Elizabeth Cady Stanton • Gloria Steinem • Helen Stephens • Nettie Stevens • Lucy Stone • Kate Stoneman • Harriet Beecher Stowe • Harriet Strong • Anne Sullivan • Kathrine Switzer • Henrietta Szold • Mary Burnett Talbert • Maria Tallchief • Ida Tarbell • Helen Brooke Taussig • Mary Church Terrell • Sojourner Truth • Harriet Tubman • Wilma L. Vaught •Diane von Furstenberg • Florence Wald •Lillian Wald •Madam C. J. Walker • Mary Edwards Walker •Emily Howell Warner • Mercy Otis Warren • Alice Waters • Faye Wattleton • Annie Dodge Wauneka • Angelina Grimké Weld • Ida B. Wells-Barnett • Eudora Welty • Edith Wharton • Sheila E. Widnall • Emma Hart Willard • Frances E. Willard • Oprah Winfrey • Sarah Winnemucca • Flossie Wong-Staal • Victoria Woodhull • Fanny Wright • Martha Coffin Wright • Chien-Shiung Wu • Rosalyn S. Yalow • Gloria Yerkovich • Mildred “Babe” Didrikson Zaharias

| INDUCTION 2022 3
In the past year, individuals from Puerto Rico to California participated in National Women’s Hall of Fame programs, ranging from virtual panel discussions with Inductees to in-person workshops. Many of our activities are designed to inspire the leaders of tomorrow and introduce them to women who have made a profound difference in the world.

We cannot do this work alone. The National Women’s Hall of Fame could not exist without the generosity of all who support and lift our mission. We are grateful for your contributions, and we look forward to our continued work together to share the stories of great American women that inspire all people, now and for generations to
NationalExecutiveGabrielDirectorWomen’s Hall of Fame

We are excited you have joined us to celebrate the Induction of nine remarkable American women who will forever have a home at the National Women’s Hall of Fame.
The Hall’s Inductees—now a community that is more than 300 strong—are women with breathtaking contributions to our nation and our world. Their stories remind us that we all can make a difference, lift ourselves and others up, and create a better tomorrow. Their perseverance is inspiration for our own lives and for our commitment to promote equality, regardless of gender, class, ability, skin color, sexuality, or any other factor.
For information about the National Women’s Hall of Fame go to:
About the National Women’s Hall of Fame

4 | INDUCTION 2022
The National Women’s Hall of Fame was founded in 1969 and is the nation’s first and oldest nonprofit organization and museum dedicated to honoring and celebrating the achievements of distinguished American women. In pursuit of its mission of “Showcasing great women…Inspiring all,” the National Women’s Hall of Fame honors women of the past and present, relates the history of women’s struggles, prepares women of the future, and serves as the voice celebrating the value of women. Situated in Seneca Falls, NY, the birthplace of women’s rights, the Hall tells women’s stories by focusing on the leadership lessons from its Inductees throughout American history. The Hall has renovated the first floor of the former Seneca Knitting Mill as its new home with the plan to create a vibrant, state-of-the-art facility serving as a leadership center and an educational venue where visitors can discover and be inspired by the stories of great American women.
The high ceilings and open floor of this former knitting mill offer multiple ways to house exhibits and educate visitors.

Jennifer ExecutiveGabrielDirector of the National Women’s Hall of Fame
Octavia E. Butler
Girl Scout Troop 1246

| INDUCTION 2022 5

Presentation of the Colors
Keynote Hillary Rodham Clinton, 2005 Inductee Presentation
Inductee Recessional
Inductee Processional with the Greater Rochester Women’s Orchestra
Judy MichelleIndraKatherineEmilyJoyMiaRebeccaChicagoHalsteadHammHarjoHowlandJohnsonNooyiObama
Jennifer Gabriel, Executive Director
Order of the Program
To the members of the public who took the time to submit nominations for this year’s Inductees, we would not be here without you sharing the stories and impact of the great American women who have inspired you. To our judges, who engaged in thoughtful work to qualify and recommend this newest class of Inductees. And equally, to our Inductees—whether your Induction is this year or 50 years ago—thank you for breaking boundaries and leading by way of creativity, innovation, and inspiration for people around the world.
Today we come together to celebrate the National Women’s Hall of Fame’s 30th Induction Ceremony. On behalf of our leadership, I would like to extend our gratitude to those joining us to honor the accomplishments of nine American women, each of whom has made an enduring and significant impact in their respective fields both on a national and global scale.
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Finally, I know I speak for every member of this community when I extend our deepest gratitude to our donors and sponsors. Your support directly advances programming for students and adults of all ages and backgrounds. Our appreciation as well to the agencies and corporations that share our vision for restoring the historic 1844 Seneca Knitting Mill. Thank you for your investment in inspiring us all.
I would be remiss not to mention the exceptional leadership of Jennifer Gabriel, executive director of the Hall, and her staff who advance the Hall’s mission through year-round programming and educational opportunities. Thank you to my fellow board members who have poured their time, talents, and treasure into advancing the Hall’s national footprint, from Seneca Falls, to San Diego.
Elizabeth “Betsy” Fantone Board President, National Women’s Hall of Fame

| INDUCTION 2022 7

Board of Directors
Robert E. Kernan, Jr. Jean Kilbourne, Chair, Inductee Selection Committee Steven R. Martin Emily VickieAnjanaBeckieMilsovicRobertsonSamantSaxon,Chair,
to all who made Induction 2022 a reality. In addition to the individuals listed here, there are countless others who have invested time, energy, and resources into this weekend and throughout the year.
Elizabeth Wayne Fantone Vice President
Virginia DeJohn Jay M. Eastman, Ph.D. Heather Flanagan
Betty M. Bayer, Ph.D. Kate Bennett, Immediate Past President Rita Nakashima Brock, Ph.D. Menzo D. Case
Governance Committee
Tricia J. Fitzmaurice Jeanne Giovannini, Chair, Facilities and Building Campaign Jeanine Hayes
Emerita Marilyn Bero
Thank You
Nan Johnson
Board of Directors President
8 | INDUCTION 2022
To get involved, email
Audrey Johnson Treasurer Marianne O’Connor
Roger G. Schwartz Carol E. Scott
Sujatha Ramanujan, Ph. D. Secretary
Sharon P. Stiller Rama Yelkur, Ph.D.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Inductee Board Induction Chair
Inductee Ambassadors
Gabrielle Struzik, Museum Assistant
Gallery Volunteers
Induction 2022 Honorary Chair
Colin McVey, Learning & Engagement Coordinator
Rochester Broadway Theater League: Linda Glosser, John Parkhurst, Erin Traverina Smith Opera House Music Coordinator
Taytum Markee, Visitor & Community Relations Manager
Jennifer Gabriel, Executive Director
Nancy Strelau, Debbie Parker
Kate Bennett
Terry Taney, Executive Coordinator
Induction Volunteers
Mary Ann and Dennis Bender, Daniele and Phil Bonafiglia-Wirth, Diane and Charlie Cappellino, Denise and Fred Capozzi, Sue and Menzo Case, Darlene and Lyndon Johnson, Linda and Bob McKeveny, Kailly Mintel, Leah and Simon Ntuala, Michelle Schenandoah
Towner Graphics: Kathleen Towner Ceremony Production
Shirari: Shira Dunne-GoodwinEvergreen
M&T Bank
Jaclyn Richard Aauw, MJ Adams, Angela Borsa, Fran and Deb Barbieri, Ginny DeJohn, Elle Desiardins, Bob Duffy, Adriene Emmo, Cynthia James, Kyle James, Bob and Mary Ellen Kernan, Doreen Lockwood, Kate Beale Maguire, Pam Sherman, Maryjo Shrey, Diana Smith, Joe Stefko, Deborah Tedrick, Teresa Thompson, Krishanti Vignarajah, Beverly Zwick
Program Design
Emily DortheaKathyKarenKahnMorettiPetersKing-Simpson
Natalie Rudd, Learning & Engagement Manager
Ginnie ShawnEmilyMaggieBurgessCarsonDavisDwello&
Kate Konzen, Senior Director of Development
Beth Indovina, Group Sales Coordinator
| INDUCTION 2022 9
Norma Press with the Rug Hookers of the Finger Lakes exhibit.

10 | INDUCTION 2022
Elevating Women’s Voices
Lessons from an Activist
The Seneca Falls Rug Hookers—whose membership includes 2015 Inductee, Barbara Iglewski—displayed pieces they crafted during the pandemic to celebrate the women’s rights movement. This special exhibit, as well as all the art that was submitted as a part of the Who Inspires You? Campaign, are on display in the Hall’s gallery through October 2022.
Who Inspires You?
For decades, 2021 Inductee, Katherine Johnson’s story about the impact of her work as a mathematician at NASA went untold. The 2016 film, Hidden Figures, changed that. In February 2022, Katherine’s daughters joined the Hall for a conversation that examined the impact forgotten stories have on future generations.

The generosity of our donors and!
Killing Us Softly
2015 Inductee, Jean Kilbourne is internationally recognized for her groundbreaking work on the image of women in advertising including Killing Us Softly, her four-part documentary series. Jean joined the Hall earlier this year for a conversation about the ways advertising has encouraged unhealthy stereotypes and images of women.

| INDUCTION 2022 11
Unsung Woman Genius
The National Women’s Hall of Fame Fame inspires current and future generations of leaders by providing free, public programming throughout the year. Here’s a sampling from our past year:

Classrooms around the nation tuned in for a conversation with activist and 1993 Inductee, Dolores Huerta. Dolores shared lessons learned from her time leading the labor movement with the United Farm Workers of America and how they can be applied to modern day activism.

Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America
Becoming More Fellows
Educational Programs & Activities
12 | INDUCTION 2022
From life-size cardboard cutouts of Harriet Tubman and Amelia Earhart to virtual presentations and tours of our collections, the National Women’s Hall of Fame can take the Hall to classrooms and communities who otherwise may not have an opportunity to visit.
Inspiring the Next Generation
The National Women’s Hall of Fame’s youth programming and engagement activities underscore that it’s never too late—or too early!—to inspire big dreams.

The Hall partnered with STARS Citywide Girls Initiative, an after-school programming nonprofit serving girls and gender non-conforming youth in NYC. Ten high school students designed their own curriculum, worked with a coach, and ultimately chose to explore their personal identities and growth through storytelling as inspired by Inductee Michelle Obama’s book, Becoming.
Scouts of all ages and genders regularly visit the Hall to learn about important historical figures and women’s contributions to American society. Younger children participate in scavenger hunts while older students learn how to research women to nominate for Induction.

| INDUCTION 2022 13 1870sincecommunitiesourBuilding

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Serving our communities means providing reliable, essential electricity and natural gas service. It also means investing our energy in the organizations and events that make our communities special. We are pleased to congratulate the 2021 Inductees into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.
Powerful Partners

| INDUCTION 2022 17 King & Spalding proudly supports The National Women’s Hall of Fame Induction 2021. We join in congratulating this year’s Honorees. Count Her In


| INDUCTION 2022 19 WXXI Public Media is a proud supporter of women’s rights and the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Congratulations to all the remarkable inductees who are inspirations to us all. For more moments in women’s history, visit WXXI’s Celebrate 2020 online offering and explore the contributions of extraordinary individuals who had their roots in Rochester. WXXI PUBLIC MEDIA | ROCHESTER, NEW YORK congratulations to this year’s extraordinary inductees women-owned • employee-owned • b corp we are proud to ownedwomenbeandled

At Duke Energy, we believe in the power and potential of excellence and achievement in all forms. Here’s to those who inspire us all and enhance our quality of life.

As part of our commitment to communities, Duke Energy is proud to support National Women’s Hall of Fame Induction Event.
Supporting excellence and all that it inspires.


20 | INDUCTION 2022

perpetuity. #valuedpartnertrustedneighbor
RIT is one of the top universities working at the intersection of the arts, and design. are shaping the improving the through

Seneca in partnership with Audubon, New York, has ensured the Seneca Meadows Wetlands in

future and
| INDUCTION 2022 21 Congratulations to the Class of 2021!
Great Western American Champagne

Preserve will exist
creativity and innovation.
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America’s most beloved Champagne for 150 years, Great Western is produced and bottled by the family-owned Pleasant Valley Wine Company, Hammondsport, New York, U.S. Bonded Winery No. 1. We are proud supporters of the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Congratulations to the members of the Class of 2021.

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Come Women’s Hall
of Fame and “weave yourself into the story” at the renovated knitting mill.
visit the National

Universities Space Research Association

| INDUCTION 2022 23
2021 National Women’s Hall of Fame Inductees | @USRAedu
Founded in 1969, under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences at the request of the U.S. Government, the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) is a nonprofit corporation chartered to advance space-related science, technology and engineering. USRA operates scientific institutes and facilities, and conducts other major research and educational programs. USRA engages the university community and employs in-house scientific leadership, innovative research and development, and project management expertise.
Richard Abramson Doug Avery Stefi Baum Carolyn Becker Joanne
you to the 2021 National Panel of Judges and Inductee Selection Committee. Learn more about how you can get involved in making history by nominating a great woman who inspires you.
2021 National Panel of Judges/Inductee Selection Committee
Beverly Sheftall Charles Slack Diana Smith Tom AliceannSheilaBobCharlotteFrankBethAllisonWendySoiferSparksStokesQuillenThomasTimmesWaismanWalpoleWidnallWilber
24 | INDUCTIONThank2022
See how on page 50.
Aimee Mullins Carol Mutter Sarah Smith Orr Wendy Oyler Lynn NadiaEdReneRobertMichaelMichaelAliceLynnePattiPoirier-WilsonQuillenReidRossRuddySanchez-KazacosSaylesShahram
Adriene MollyMargaretHoneyBobMariePhillipaNicoleGeraldSuzyAmyJenniferLillyJeanSusanNanVictoriaBarbaraDeborahKarenWendiJanaEileenJoanBillieKimberlyEmmoFreemanGreerGrelaHartmannHawleyHeinzelmanHigmanHughesIglewskiJacksonJohnsonKelly-DreissKilbourneLedbetterLeonardLernerLucineMacalusoMalachowskiMarrackMcKeeMcKevenyMeconiMendenhallMesko
| INDUCTION 2022 25 We are pleased and honored to greatnineandrecognizewelcomenewinducteestothisgroupofAmericanwomen.

Octavia E. Butler rose to prominence when “Speech Sounds” won the Hugo Award for Best Short Story in 1984. One year later, Bloodchild, won the Locus Award, the Science Fiction Chronicle Reader Award for Best Novelette, and the Hugo Award. Butler’s place in history as a great American writer was solidified when Parable of the Sower (1993) was named a New York Times Notable Book of the Year.

warming, women’s rights and political disparity were not in commercial demand.
Octavia E. Butler was a groundbreaking author whose award-winning novels use history, science and the tenets of Afrofuturism to explore issues of gender, race, and what it means to be human. Acclaimed for her lean prose, strong protagonists, and social observations in stories that range from the distant past to the far future, she was a true visionary whose life and words inspire growing numbers of readers in profound and life-changing ways.
Sales of Butler’s books have increased enormously since her death in 2006, as the issues she addressed have become ever more
courtesy of the Octavia E. Butler Estate (by Patti Perret)
She struggled for decades when her dystopian novels exploring themes of Black injustice, global
Her first series of books, beginning with Patternmaster in 1976, was completed in 1984 with the publication of Wild Seed and Clay’s Ark. During the eight years between the first and last books of this series, Butler wrote what would become her bestselling novel, Kindred
Born in Pasadena in 1947, raised by her mother who cleaned houses for a living, Butler struggled in school with undiagnosed dyslexia that made classwork difficult. Yet before the age of 10 she began to write, honing her own stories from whatever influences were available. Her mother, who encouraged the self-discipline and sacrifice, saved for months to buy the 6th grader her first typewriter.
26 | INDUCTION 2022
her own former middle school, was renamed The Octavia E. Butler Magnet School.

relevant. Scholars note that Butler’s choice to write from the point of view of these characters and communities has inspired Black readers of all kinds of fiction, but she was the first to expand the science fiction genre to reflect the experiences of disenfranchised people. More than a decade after her death, Parable of the Sower became her first book to become a New York Times bestseller as its messages resonated even more deeply with a new generation of readers. Butler was also the recipient of a MacArthur “Genius” Grant and a Pen West Lifetime Achievement Award, as well as every major award in the science-fiction genre.

As Butler’s books are read by more people, and film and television adaptations are being produced, Butler’s life and work are being recognized in broader areas of our culture. In June 2019, the Los Angeles Public Library honored her by launching the Octavia Lab and, in March of 2021, NASA named the Mars Landing Site of the Perseverance rover after her. Most recently,
| INDUCTION 2022 27
Award accepted by: Jules Jackson, Octavia E. Butler Estate

Judy Chicago, Rainbow Warrior, 1980/2021, Archival Pigment Print, 24 x 24 in, © Judy Chicago/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Photo © Donald Woodman/ARS, New York, Courtesy of the artist; Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco; and Jeffrey Deitch, New York
Judy Chicago, Purple Atmosphere, 1969, Fireworks performance, Performed at Santa Barbara Beach, Santa Barbara, CA, © Judy Chicago/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Photo courtesy of Through the Flower Archives, Courtesy of the artist; Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco; and Jeffrey Deitch, New York

28 | INDUCTION 2022
While completing The Birth Project, Chicago also began working on PowerPlay (1982), an unusual series of drawings, paintings, weavings, cast paper, and bronze reliefs which brought a critical feminist gaze to the gender construct of masculinity. PowerPlay explored how prevailing definitions of power have affected everyone in the world.
permanently housed as the centerpiece of the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum in Brooklyn, NY.
Judy Chicago, 2020, © Judy Chicago/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Photo © Donald Woodman/ARS, New York
Artist, author, feminist, educator, and intellectual, Judy Chicago has had a career spanning five decades. Her influence reaches far beyond the arts community, as evidenced from her inclusion in hundreds of international publications.

Judy MarieChicago,Antoinette, 1969

the piece to honor and express gratitude to women throughout history who have been overlooked and to teach audiences about the ongoing struggle for equality. The installation has been seen by more than one million viewers during its sixteen exhibitions held at venues in six different countries. The Dinner Party is now
2021 INDUCTEE (1939-)
Chicago, a pioneer of feminist art in the early 1970s, created her most well-known work, The Dinner Party, in 1974. The iconic multimedia installation, created with the participation of hundreds of volunteers, is a large triangle consisting of 39 place settings, each one commemorating a historical or mythical female figure who has had an impact on Western Chicagocivilization.created
After the success of The Dinner Party, Chicago continued to focus on the theme of feminism and women empowerment. She began working on her next collection, supervising more than 150 skilled needleworkers across the country. Titled The Birth Project (1980-1985), the piece uses images of childbirth to celebrate the birth-giving capacity of women and their creative spirit. Chicago was inspired to create this series by the absence of imagery about birth in Western art.
Judy Chicago, Through the Flower 2, 1973, Sprayed acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 in., Collection of Diane Gelon, London, © Judy Chicago/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Photo courtesy of Through the Flower Archives
Sprayed acrylic on canvas 40 x 40 in., Collection of Elizabeth A. Sackler, © Judy Chicago/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Photo courtesy of Through the Flower Archives

| INDUCTION 2022 29
Chicago, still at work today, remains active in the public eye. Her first retrospective opened August 28, 2021, at the De Young Museum in San Francisco. Her latest book The Flowering: The Autobiography of Judy Chicago, with an introduction by National Women’s Hall of Fame 1993 Inductee, Gloria Steinem, was released in July Judy2021.Chicago’s
Judy Chicago in her studio, 2019, © Judy Chicago/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Photo © Donald Woodman/ARS, New York

work is in numerous collections and her ongoing influence is acknowledged worldwide. She was named one of Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People” and Artsy magazine’s ‘Most Influential Artists’. Chicago received the Visionary Woman award from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. She was an honoree at the annual Hammer Museum Gala in Los Angeles and at the annual MAD Ball
for the Museum of Arts and Design. Chicago has remained consistent in her commitment to the power of art as a vehicle for intellectual transformation, social change, and equality for women.
Judy Chicago, Disfigured by Power 4: Power Headache from PowerPlay, 1984, Sprayed acrylic and oil on Belgian linen 14 x 10 in., Private Collection, © Judy Chicago/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Photo © Donald Woodman/ARS, New York

Judy Chicago, Rainbow Shabbat, center panel, from the Holocaust Project, 1992, Stained glass, 54 x 192 in., Fabricated by Bob Gomez, hand painted by Dorothy Maddy,Collection of the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation © Judy Chicago /Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; Photo © Donald Woodman/ARS, NY

Judy Chicago with The Dinner Party, 2018
© Judy Chicago/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, Photo © Donald Woodman/ARS, New York

US Army Distinguished Service Medal

Legion of Merit (2)
Defense Superior Service Medal
strategic level when she was promoted to senior Commanding General for logistics in Iraq. In this role she was responsible for leading over 200 multi-disciplined units located at 55 different bases, providing supply, maintenance, transportation, and distribution services support to more than 250,000 personnel serving in Iraq.
Rebecca Halstead retired in 2008, and even though she had completed her service she was not finished serving her country. She was elected President of the U.S. Army Ordnance Corps Association and joined the Praevius Group, a Virginia-based consulting firm, as Executive Director for Leader Development. In 2010, she founded her own leadership consultancy company, STEADFAST Leadership, LLC, where she specializes in inspirational and motivational speaking, leader training programming, leader coaching, and mentoring. Her STEADFAST leadership model is so influential and impactful that Harvard Business School conducted a case study, and top universities utilize it in their
Legion of Merit

During her nearly three-decade career in the U.S.military, Rebecca “Becky” Halstead achieved multiple historic milestones. She graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1981, a member of the second Academy class that included women. She became the first woman to graduate from West Point and attain General Officer ranking when she was promoted to Brigadier General in 2004.

US Army Staff Identification Badge
30 | INDUCTION 2022
Army Commendation Medal (2) Army Achievement Medal
MeritoriousStar Service Medal (5)
Air Assault Badge
After graduating from the United States Military Academy, Halstead was assigned to the Ordnance Corps, eventually serving as the Chief Advisor to the Combatant Commander (Four Star General) for Southern Command. Her responsibilities included military training and operations for South America. Halstead later served in Europe as the Deputy Commanding General (Chief Operating Officer) for the 21st Theater Support Command and led a multinational team in wholesale level logistics operations. In 2004 she became the first woman in U.S. history to command in combat at the
As evident from her many awards, Halstead’s career has had lasting impacts on women in military service and she has shown women everywhere that they can have incredible influence given the opportunity to lead. She is a recipient of the 2007 National Women’s History Project award for “Generations of Women Moving History Forward.” From 2009 to 2010, Becky was selected to serve as a Commissioner for the Presidential Commission on Military Leadership Diversity and in 2011 she was an honored recipient of the Thayer Hotel Room Dedication for Distinguished
| INDUCTION 2022 31
nationwide leadership courses. Additionally, she is a primary faculty member and keynote speaker with Thayer Leadership at West Point, a premier executive leader development institute.

During the four years that Hamm played as a forward for UNC, the team lost only one of the 95 games she played, an early testament to the leadership and athleticism Hamm would display throughout her career. She led the UNC Tar Heels to four consecutive NCAA Championships, earned All-American honors, and was named the
– Mia Hamm
32 | INDUCTION 2022
Hamm officially joined the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team in 1991 and played in the inaugural FIFA Women’s World Cup in China. During the team’s first match, she scored the game-winning goal in the 62nd minute, leading the U.S. to a 3-2 victory over Sweden. The undefeated U.S. Team took the first ever Women’s World Cup Championship. Thanks to the success of the inaugural FIFA Women’s World Cup, women’s soccer was finally added to the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia. Hamm led her team to gold despite suffering foot and groin injuries in the final game. Her successes did not stop there. She continued to lead the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team, playing in the Olympic Games twice and in three more FIFA Women’s World Cup tournaments. During a game against Australia on July 21, 2004, Hamm made her 158th international goal, setting the record for most international goals scored by any player in the world, regardless of gender.
“Somewhere behind the athlete you’ve become and the hours of practice and the coaches who have pushed you is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back…play for her.”
Mia Hamm is a soccer icon who served as the face of the sport for an entire generation of athletes. She retired after a 17-year career that earned her two World Championships and two Olympic Gold Medals.
2021 INDUCTEE (1972-)
Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) Player of the Year for three consecutive years.
The daughter of an Air Force pilot, Mia Hamm moved frequently throughout her childhood and began playing soccer while living in Florence, Italy. She credits her brother, Garrett, for encouraging her to play sports. In 1987, at the age of fifteen, Hamm began an illustrious career of “firsts” by becoming the youngest player ever to participate in a match for the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team. Following her National Team success, Hamm starred on the collegiate level at the University of North Carolina (UNC).

Hamm maintains an active presence within the soccer community and serves as an outspoken advocate for Title IX and gender equality. She also founded a non-profit organization, the Mia Hamm Foundation. Hamm’s brother, Garrett, passed away in 1997 from complications related to aplastic anemia, a rare bone marrow disease, prompting her to establish the organization, which is dedicated to raising funds and awareness for families in need of marrow or cord blood

is known as one of the best soccer players in history and one of the most important and recognizable women athletes of all time. She continues to serve as an inspiration for young girls looking to compete in athletics, reminding hopeful players that,“to fit into a team, no individual can put her needs above those of the team as a whole.”
| INDUCTION 2022 33


remembrance of ancestral lands and culture and the power of language and song. Harjo believes that “written text is [for her], fixed orally,” and she utilizes oral traditions such as storytelling, singing, and voice inflection to captivate her audiences. Her poetry centers around the need for remembrance and transcendence and, above all, focuses on the survival of and the limitations of language. Harjo states, “I feel strongly that I have a responsibility to all the sources that I am: to all past and future ancestors, to my home country, to all places that I touch down on and that are myself, to all voices, all women, all of my tribe, all people, all earth, and beyond that to all beginnings and endings. In a strange kind of sense [writing] frees me to believe in myself, to be able to speak, to have a voice, because I have to; it is my survival.”
In her works Harjo draws on Native storytelling and histories, as well as feminist, indigenous, environmental, social justice, and poetic traditions. Her work often centers around

While at UNM, Harjo became involved in the Native student organization, the Kiva Club, where she used the arts to participate in the Native empowerment movements. After receiving her Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from the University of Iowa, she taught at several universities across the American Southwest.
The complexity, relevance, and beauty of Harjo’s poetry have made her both a household name and a critically acclaimed poet. She is the first Native American U.S. Poet Laureate, and only INDUCTEE
34 | INDUCTION 2022
A member of the Mvskoke Nation, Joy Harjo is a multidisciplinary artist: a poet, musician, playwright, painter, and author. Her passion for the arts began early. At the age of sixteen she attended the Institute of American Indian Arts where she discovered painting as a means of expression. After graduation, Harjo enrolled in a pre-med program at the University of New Mexico but found herself drawn back to the arts.
the second Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to serve three terms. For her signature project as the 2019-2021 U.S. Poet Laureate, Harjo gathered the works of contemporary Native poets into a fully digital map titled “Living Nations, Living Words.” Her many honors include the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Native Writers Circle of the Americas, the Ruth Lilly Prize in Poetry, the Josephine Miles Poetry Award, and the American Indian Distinguished Achievement in the Arts Award.

Harjo is the author of more than nine books of poetry, including An American Sunrise, two memoirs, Crazy Brave and Poet Warrior, children’s books, plays, and literary anthologies. She performs internationally with her saxophone and flutes and has produced seven music albums. Harjo is a founding board member and chair of the Native Arts & Cultures Foundation, a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets, and a member of the American Academy of Arts & laureate/poet-laureate-projects/

Photo: Shawn Miller
| INDUCTION 2022 35
Emily Howland was born in 1827 in Sherwood, NY, and raised within the Society of Friends community. Howland practiced the teachings of the Quaker community by actively fighting for equality, which was encouraged by her father, Slocum, an Underground Railroad stationmaster. Growing up, Howland read abolitionist reading material such as the National Anti-Slavery Standard, the Philanthropist, and the Liberator, which was published by Frederick Douglass. Howland’s upbringing set the tone for her life’s work of advocating for equal education
— Emily Howland
enslaved people how to read and write. In the spring of 1866, Howland worked in Virginia as a supervisor for organizations like the Freedmen’s Bureau, which was distributing money, teachers, and supplies to rural Freedmen’s schools. Growing frustrated with the inefficiencies of the Freedmen’s Bureau, Howland convinced her father to purchase hundreds of acres of land near Heathsville, Virginia. She christened the property “Arcadia” and brought families from Freedmen’s Village to start a new settlement. She taught classes, helped manage the farm, and raised money to sustain the village. One of the most important buildings in this town was the school, which the settlers wanted to name “Howland Chapel,” in honor of Howland. She consequently asked that instead it be called the Howland School because, “a school is what I would like my name perpetuated by. Preaching is darkness, or no light, when practiced by ignorance and conceit.” Both Black and white children filled the Howland School during the day and the adults attended evening classes.
“I would rather help other people to be spectacular than to be so myself. But I do appreciate the honor which has come to me. All my friends are happy over it, so I am too. But I suppose I shall be the same old lady afterwards as before.”
36 | INDUCTION 2022

Civil War, Howland worked at multiple refugee settlements, teaching formerly
An activist for education equality and women’s rights, Emily Howland, known as Miss Emily by her friends and family, was a philanthropist, educator, and businesswoman. Over her long life, she taught, inspired, and financially supported many individuals and educational institutions.

Emily Howland’s work and activism for equal education and women’s rights uplifted and empowered many persecuted communities. In October of 1926, Emily Howland received an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters for her work in national and state education from the University of the State of New York. She was the first woman to receive the honor and, since she was nearly 99 years old, the degree clearly represented a “lifetime achievement award.” Howland died on June 29, 1929, at the age of 101, and rests in a small Quaker cemetery near her Sherwood, NY home.
In addition, Howland became widely recognized as a pioneer in the women’s suffrage movement. Over the years, she hosted notable suffrage leaders such as Susan B. Anthony, Eliza Wright Osborn, Sojourner Truth, and Harriet Tubman at her home in Sherwood, NY. She testified before the United States Congress and at the 1894 New York State Constitutional Convention. Howland was one of the few original suffragists who lived long enough to legally cast her vote in 1920.

| INDUCTION 2022 37
“Let us not look back that we may rest in what has been done for us, but only to be urged to more faithfulness ourselves, that our cause may not suffer loss nor fall behind its record in the past. Above all we must spare no effort to gain the ballot, the possession of which not only will enable us to secure our own place in the government, but will enable us to join hands with our brothers and help in these crucial times when difficult problems press for solution.”
Howland Stone Store Museum, Aurora, NY

Portrait upper left: Elsie Gutchess Great Women of the USA Collection, Howland Stone Store Museum;
Award accepted by: Marilyn Post, Howland Stone Store Museum
-Emily Howland
Emily Howland in Cap and Gown (Cayuga Museum Collection)

Katherine Johnson was born in White Sulphur Springs, WV. As a child, she displayed intense curiosity and genius with numbers. She advanced quickly in school, graduating from college summa cum laude, with degrees in mathematics and French. Two years later, in 1939, Johnson was one of three Black students handpicked to integrate West Virginia University’s graduate school.
four years at Langley working as a “computer,” analyzing data from flight tests. The facility was segregated when Johnson started. When NACA became NASA in 1958, segregation was officially ended, although discrimination was still pervasive.

KATHERINE JOHNSON 2021 INDUCTEE (1918–2020) Photo: David C. Bowman NASA
Photo: David Bowman,
As the “Space Race” began, Katherine Johnson became part of NASA’s Space Task Group. In this group, Johnson computed trajectory analysis for Alan Shepherd’s May 1961 mission, Freedom 7, America’s first human spaceflight. Johnson became the first woman in the Flight Research Division to receive credit as an author of a research report when she and engineer Ted Skopinksi coauthored “Determination of Azimuth Angle at Burnout for Placing a Satellite Over a Selected Earth Position (1961)”.
NASA mathematician, contributor to one of our nation’s first triumphs in human spaceflight, and a pioneer in racial and gender equality, Katherine Johnson is forever remembered as one of America’s most inspirational figures.
In 1962, in preparation for John Glenn’s mission to orbit the world in a rocket, Katherine Johnson did the work that she is most known for—plotting backup navigational charts for astronauts in case of electronic computer failures. Digital computers

Johnson wanted to work as a research mathematician but, because the field was difficult for women, she worked instead as a math teacher in public schools. In 1952 she began working at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics’ (NACA’s) Langley Laboratory in Newport News, VA. Johnson spent the next
38 | INDUCTION 2022
Award accepted by: Joylette Hylick and Katherine Moore, daughters of Katherine Johnson

After 33 years at Langley, Johnson retired. In 2015, President Barack Obama awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom and in 2019 a bipartisan team of Senators awarded her the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor—two of America’s highest civilian honors. In 2016 she was portrayed by actor Taraji P. Henson as the lead character in the critically acclaimed film Hidden Figures. After her death in 2020 at the age of 101, Johnson’s legacy was described by former NASA Administrator Maj. Gen. Charles Bolden: “Katherine’s legacy is a big part of the reason
Astronaut John Glenn, the first American to orbit Earth, famously said of Katherine’s Project Mercury numbers check, “If she says they’re good, then I am ready to”

were being programmed to control the trajectory of Glenn’s capsule, but the astronauts were uneasy about relying on the new electronic computing machine. Glenn famously asked the engineers to “get the girl,” and Johnson was called to run the same equations. Johnson remembers Glenn saying, “If she says they’re good, then I’m ready to go.” Thanks to Katherine Johnson’s intellect and attention to detail, Glenn’s flight was a success.
| INDUCTION 2022 39
that my fellow astronauts and I were able to get to space... it’s a big part of the reason that today there is space for women and African Americans in the leadership of our nation, including the White House.”
Photo Credits: NASA NASA Dec.CenterofComputerssegregatedmembersreceptionJohnsonawardBoldenAdministratorpresentsantoKatherineatatohonoroftheWestAreadivisionLangleyResearchonThursday,1,2016.

– Indra Nooyi
Photo: Laurie Spens
history, and PepsiCo’s total shareholder return grew by 162%. Nooyi was the chief architect of PepsiCo’s pledge, “Performance with Purpose.” This pledge responded to the needs of the world by delivering more nutritious products, limiting the company’s environmental footprint, and empowering its associates and the communities PepsiCo serves.
she worked at Motorola as Vice President and Director of Corporate Strategy and Planning. Nooyi joined PepsiCo in 1994 and was named CEO in 2006. Under Indra Nooyi’s leadership, PepsiCo grew its net revenue by more than 80%, acquiring Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods, Tropicana Products, Inc., Quaker Oats Company, and PepsiCo’s anchor bottlers for the North American market. These dealings were the largest international acquisitions in PepsiCo’s

40 | INDUCTION 2022
A business executive and the Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo between 2006 and 2019, Indra Nooyi made a lasting impact on the world. Nooyi was born in Madras (Chennai), Tamil Nadu, India, where she began her career as a product manager at Johnson & Johnson and the textile firm Mettur Beardsell. In 1978, Nooyi moved to the United States to obtain a master’s degree in Public and Private Management at Yale University. After graduating from Yale, Nooyi joined the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) as a strategy
Her commitment to equity is evident by her active participation in organizations such as Equality Can’t Wait Challenge, an organization aimed at accelerating the pace of change

In Nooyi’s first sustainability report as CEO, she wrote “When I was a child in India, my mother would ask my sister and me a simple but compelling question: ‘What would you do to change the world?’ Today, I know my answer would be that I want to lead a company that is a force for good in the world. A company that delivers strong financial performance, while embracing purpose in everything it does.”
“Please help others rise. Greatness comes not from a position, but from helping build the future. We have an obligation to pull others up.”
Nooyi has been awarded thirteen honorary degrees at universities around the globe. She was named one of America’s Best Leaders in 2008 by U.S. News & World Report and has been included on the Forbes list of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women, ranking as the 2nd most powerful woman in 2015 and 2017. In 2018 she was named one of the “Best CEOs In the World” by the CEOWORLD magazine. In 2007 she was named an Outstanding American by Choice by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and was awarded the Padma Bhushan by the

| INDUCTION 2022 41
for women in the United States, the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Woman of Leadership Award nomination committee, the Templeton Prize for Science and Curiosity, and the Jason Witten Collegiate Man of the Year Award. During her time at PepsiCo, Nooyi served as a member of the PepsiCo Board of Directors, and she currently sits on Boards and Councils for many major international organizations.
Government of India, the country’s third highest civilian honor. Recently she was inducted into the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian.

October 28, 2013, “Amanda Lucidon made this photograph of the First Lady as she participated in a Let’s Move! event on the South Lawn of the White House.” (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)

Born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, Michelle excelled in school at a young age and went to Princeton University. The initial economic and cultural shocks of attending a mostly white, Ivy League university did not deter her; she graduated cum laude with a B.A. in sociology, then received a J.D. degree from Harvard Law School in 1988. While at Harvard, she advocated for the hiring of professionals from minority groups, and worked for the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, assisting low-income tenants with housing cases.

42 | INDUCTION 2022
Michelle Obama played a pivotal role in her husband’s presidential campaign in 2008, using motherhood as a framework to discuss topics like race and education. As First Lady, she created four key programs: Let’s Move!, aimed at ending childhood obesity; the Reach Higher Initiative, focusing on job opportunities and education; Joining Forces, co-led with Dr. Jill Biden to support military servicemembers, veterans, and their families; and Let Girls Learn, supporting adolescent girls’ education internationally. Additionally, Michelle is credited for creating the most welcoming and inclusive White House in history, transforming the White House into the “People’s House.
Advocate, author, lawyer, and 44th First Lady of the United States—the first Black woman to serve in the role—Michelle Obama has emerged as one of the most influential and iconic women of the 21st century.
After graduating, Michelle moved back to Chicago to work as an associate at the law firm of Sidley & Austin where she met her future husband, Barack Obama. She later served as Executive Director for the non-profit organization
Public Allies, Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago, and both Executive Director for Community Affairs and Vice President for Community and External Affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals.
“As women, we must stand up for ourselves. We must stand up for each other. We must stand up for justice for all.”–Michelle Obama
out of the White House, Michelle Obama has become an advocate for healthy families, service members and their families, higher education, and international adolescent girls’ education, and has served as a role model for women and young girls everywhere.

At Far Left: First Lady Michelle Obama greets children during a visit to Sterling Farms Grocery Store in Marrero, Louisiana, July 23, 2013. The store was opened last year by actor Wendell Pierce as part of the “Alliance For A Healthier Generation.” (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

| INDUCTION 2022 43
Below: Children from Bancroft Elementary School in Washington, D.C. help First Lady Michelle Obama plant the White House Vegetable Garden, April 9, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)

Michelle Obama has continued to have a profound public impact since leaving the White House. Her deeply personal memoir Becoming, released in 2018, was an international success, selling over 15 million copies in 24 languages, and winning the 2020 Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album. In July of 2020 she premiered the Michelle Obama Podcast, featuring the former First Lady in conversation with friends and loved ones about the relationships that make us who we
First Lady Michelle Obama greets service members after a Toys for Tots service project at the Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Toys for Tots Distribution Center in Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

First Lady Michelle Obama walks with children of military families in the Blue Room of the White House during the Christmas holiday press preview, Nov. 28, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

Ann Bancroft
Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori
Maria MarciaEllaTempleMarthaKatharineGoeppert-MayerGrahamGrahamGrandinGrassoGreenberger
Paulina Wright Davis Dorothy Day Karen DeCrow Sarah
Martha Wright Griffiths
Sarah Grimké
Joan Ganz Cooney
Mother Marianne Cope
“Nellie JacquelineBly” Cochran
Matilda Raffa Cuomo
Mary A.
Angela Y. Davis
Clara HillaryShirleyLydiaJuliaJudyCarrieWillaMaryMaryRosalynnRachelAnnieMarySt.OctaviaCharlotteBettyPearlGwendolynNancyMaryMyraLydiaMargaretLouiseAmeliaEmilyElizabethAntoinetteMaryRuthEleanorBartonK.BaumFultonBenedictMcLeodBethuneBlackwellBlackwellBlackwellJenksBloomerBourgeoisBourke-WhiteMossBradleyBradwellBreckinridgeBrinkerBrooksS.BuckBumpersAnneBunchE.ButlerFrancesXavierCabriniSteichenCalderoneJumpCannonCarsonCarterAnnShaddCaryCassattSibertCatherChapmanCattChicagoChildMariaChildChisholmRodhamClinton
Elizabeth Jane Cochran –

Jane Cunningham Croly
Mildred Cohn Bessie Coleman Eileen Collins Ruth Colvin Rita Rossi Colwell
Barbara Rose Johns Powell Jeannette Rankin
Ida HelenTarbellBrooke Taussig
Harriet Strong Anne HenriettaKathrineSullivanSwitzerSzold
Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin

Blanche Stuart Scott Florence B. Seibert Elizabeth Bayley Seton Donna E. Shalala Anna Howard Shaw Catherine Filene Shouse
Gloria MildredYerkovich“Babe”Didrikson Zaharias
Helen Stephens
Laurie ElizabethSpiegelCady Stanton Gloria Steinem
Maria Tallchief
Florence BerniceSacagaweaSabinResnick Sandler
Angelina Grimké Weld Ida B. FannyVictoriaFlossieSarahOprahFrancesEmmaSheilaEdithEudoraWells-BarnettWeltyWhartonE.WidnallHartWillardE.WillardWinfreyWinnemuccaWong-StaalWoodhullWright
Mary Harriman Rumsey
Mary Edwards Walker Emily Howell Warner Mercy Otis Warren Alice Waters
Eunice Kennedy Shriver Muriel LouiseBeverlySiebertSillsMcIntosh Slaughter Eleanor Smeal Bessie MargaretSmithChase Smith
Rose Cecil O’Neill
Patricia Schroeder Anna Jacobson Schwartz Felice N. Schwartz
Janet Reno
Mary Burnett Talbert
Wilma L. Vaught
Mary Church Terrell Sojourner Truth Harriet Tubman
Faye AnnieWattletonDodgeWauneka
“There is no limit to what we, as women, –accomplish.”canMichelleObama
Diane von Furstenberg Florence Wald Lillian MadamWaldC. J. Walker
Lucy Stone
Chien-Shiung Wu Rosalyn S. Yalow
Edith Nourse Rogers
Betty Bone Schiess
Martha Coffin Wright
LMNO Maggie
Rosa Parks Ruth
Sophia HannahSmithGreenebaum Solomon
Susan Solomon Sonia Sotomayor
Nettie Stevens
Georgia O’Keeffe
Mother Mary Joseph Rogers, MM Eleanor WilmaJanetRoseErnestineRooseveltLouisePotowskiElaineRouletD.RowleyRudolph
Ellen Swallow Richards Linda Richards Sally RozanneRideL. Ridgway
Kate HarrietStonemanBeecher Stowe
Margaret Sanger Katherine Siva Saubel
Congratulations to the 2021 Hall of Fame Inductees You embody what we all strive for Celebrating the 2021 Class of Inductees to the National Women’s Hall of Fame And the Accomplishments of Women Nevertheless,EverywhereShePersisted

| INDUCTION 2022 47 We congratulate this year’s inductees and celebrate the Hall’s expansion! We invite you to visit our HistoricNationalLandmarkinRochester. Women keep making history! AnthonyMuseum_Full page ad_NWHF 2021.indd 1 8/12/21 5:21 PM

48 | INDUCTION 2022 Creators. Leaders. Advocates. Visionaries. Innovators. HEROES.
Northeast College of Health Sciences is proud to call Seneca Falls — the heart of the American women’s rights movement — home. We are honored to educate tomorrow’s healthcare leaders to reimagine health and transform lives. We are grateful to the outstanding women in the healthcare professions, and in the National Women’s Hall of Fame, who inspire us to greater heights of excellence in all we do.
With a special nod to our friend Rebecca Halstead,

| INDUCTION 2022 49 Discover How Women Influenced the Video Game CongratulationsIndustryto the 2021 Inductees! The Strong joins in honoring the achievements of women throughout history. The Strong tells the important story of women in the development of both video games and computing in an interactive, artifact-rich exhibit titled Women in Games and through its Women in Games Initiative. | Rochester, NY

How to Nominate a Candidate for Induction
What are our criteria?
How do you submit a nomination?
The Selection Process
Since the first Induction Ceremony, in 1973, the National Women’s Hall of Fame has been inducting distinguished American women, both living and deceased, through a rigorous selection process. Inductees are nominated by members of the public. Nominations are reviewed by a panel of judges from leading national organizations, educational institutions, and diverse fields, based on:

The National Women’s Hall of Fame depends on the public, on you, to nominate women who are or have been important to defining American history. We hope you will nominate one or more great American women.

Nominees may be contemporary or historical, but must be citizens of the United States, either by birth or naturalization. Their contribution(s) should be of value to society, be of national and/or global importance and of enduring value.

You may submit a nomination on our website, If you have any questions about the nomination process please email us at:
• The value of their contributions in the development and advancement of our nation
• The significant national or global impact of their •achievementsTheenduring value of their achievements
Lake to Lake ChapterWomenof Wishes to Congratulate the National Women’s Hall of Fame Class of 2021 Inductees Congratulations 2021 Inductees! Judy Pipher Red Tent Book Club Offers Their Congratulations To The 2021 Inductees WOMAN.DETERMINEDTOISNOTHINGIMPOSSIBLEA “ –Louisa May Alcott I Atlantic.theacroflew I founded the American Red Cro . Come Check your answers at Mi about the Ha, Sunday, September 25th at the National Women’s Ha of Fame in Seneca Fas, NY. IdesignedtheVietNam VeteranshtsaIMemorial.wefirstBlackwoman to serveinCongre Icreated Sesame Str t. Try this Quiz Stand Among Great Women. . . Match the name to the incredible lady. A. Maya Lin B. Clara Barton C. Eunice Shriver D. Amelia Earhart E. Joan Ganz C ney F. Shirley Chisolm Ifoundedthe Special Olympics.

The National Women’s Hall of Fame is grateful to the agencies who share our vision in restoring the historic 1844 Seneca Knitting Mill and are involved in the next phase of work, including NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation, NYS Downtown Revitalization Initiative, NYS Council on the Arts, Seneca County, the Town of Seneca Falls, and so many others. Thanks as well to the many individuals and corporations who give generously in support of this work.

In 2007, after nearly a decade of searching for a new building, the National Women’s Hall of Fame made a bold decision to purchase the historic Seneca Knitting Mill at 1 Canal Street in Seneca Falls. The Hall’s Board worked diligently to secure the location, understanding that the building’s storied history is deeply intertwined with the history of Seneca Falls and its people. From 1844 to 1999, the Seneca Knitting Mill produced woolen goods, employing many generations of residents in its iconic location.

52 | INDUCTION 2022
As one of the last remaining vestiges of industrial life in the area, the Seneca Knitting Mill needed extensive renovations. Over a ten-year period, and with the generosity of donors, the National Women’s Hall of Fame and local contractors stabilized the structure, replaced the roof, installed new windows, preserved the smokestack and the floors, and updated the electrical system.
In 2020, amidst the global pandemic, the National Women’s Hall of Fame moved into the first floor of the Seneca Knitting Mill where introductory exhibits provide a sample of what’s to come once additional renovations allow for expansion into the second, third, and fourth floors.
This fall, the National Women’s Hall of Fame will begin the next phase of construction at the Seneca Knitting Mill. Work will include the restoration of the historic smokestack and the historic stairway, the construction of an elevator and internal stairwell, and the renovation of the second floor to create space for new exhibits. Work is expected to last through 2023.

Individuals, families, foundations, corporations, and granting agencies give generously to help the National Women’s Hall of Fame expand its reach and continue renovations at the Seneca Knitting Mill.

DreamandBIGjoin us!
Your generosity will allow these major transformations to happen. Recognition opportunities—including naming rights—are available. Please email to begin a conversation about your involvement with this historic transformation.
The National Women’s Hall of Fame is at an exciting time in its history.

In 2021, the Hall’s Board embarked on an ambitious plan designed to elevate the National Women’s Hall of Fame by launching a multiphase campaign to create programming that will engage and inspire people across the nation, while also finishing the remaining three floors of the Seneca Knitting Mill and expanding exhibits to serve all who make the pilgrimage to the birthplace of the women’s rights movement.
Email to start the conversation.
| INDUCTION 2022 53
54 | INDUCTION 2022 Locally owned. Nationally affiliated. Globally connected. Insero & Co. is proud to support the National Women’s Hall of Fame

| INDUCTION 2022 55 " I t ' s i n y o u r n a t u r e t o b e u n c o n v e n t i o n a l " 3 L e r c h R o a d G e n e v a , N Y 1 4 4 5 6 3 b r o t h e r s w i n e r y c o m

56 | INDUCTION 2022 Equal Housing Lender | Member FDIC Congratulations to the 2021 National Women’s Hall of Fame Inductees! 70 Fall St, Seneca Falls | 315-568-5821Visit us online at Congratulations to the distinguished class of InducteesHallNational2021Women’sofFame Building and growing companies’ reputations Proudly a woman-owned business inspire IMPROV & COACHING INC. “ ” Creating cultures of empathy, creativity and trust through communication and connection. Congratulations to the National Women's Hall of Fame 2021 Inductees!

| INDUCTION 2022 57 since1998 ® REDNEWTCELLARS FINGERLAKES Tasting Flights - by the Glass, Bottle & Tadpole* Find 90+ unique wines in our extensive wine shop. Lite fare served daily. Relax and learn to love the Finger Lakes! Open noon - 5pm daily Reservations at or 607-546-4100 Red Newt Cellars 3675 Tichenor Road, Hector, NY 14841 *a tadpole is a personal sized bottle - perfect for one, or to share!

58 | INDUCTION 2022 Anniversary! National Women’s History Alliance Thank You to the National Women’s Hall of Fame for your amazing work in celebrating women’s historic achievements. 53 Fall Street, Seneca Falls • Phone: 568-9943 or Fax: 568-2931 Visit our website at“Whereahalfislikeawhole” O DINE IN O TAKE OUT O DELIVERY (11-2) DOWNTOWN DELI Mouth Watering Sandwiches (Hot & Cold) Soups & Salads ~ Wraps & Paninis Breakfast Bagels ~ Baked Goods Beer & Wine Celebrating 26Years in Business! Air Conditioned Dining Or Outdoor Deck With Canal View Catering Available for All Your Summer Events

| INDUCTION 2022 59

Induction 2019

A glimpse back at

2019 Induction Photos: Natalie Sinisgalli