How to Handle Sweaty Armpits

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How to Handle Sweaty Armpits

Introduction Excessive underarm sweating can be uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to be inevitable. There are many methods to prevent sweating, and many of them can be tried at home. In some cases, people who sweat too much may have a condition called hyperhidrosis disorder, which is diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Hyperhidrosis involves profuse sweating all over the entire body — not just under the arms.

Signs and Symptoms ● Visible sweating ● Uncomfortable wetness in hands, feet, the scalp, groin and underarms ● Sweating actually interferes with daily tasks ● Skin in areas that sweat can peel or turn white ● Skin infections like athlete’s foot ● Night sweats

How to Stop Sweating Armpits

Use Topical Antiperspirants

Antiperspirants both kill odor-causing bacteria and actively block your sweat glands from producing underarm sweat. This could help alleviate your discomfort. It’s also important to make sure you’re applying your best antiperspirant for excessive sweating correctly so that it can do its job as intended. This means you should: Only apply antiperspirant to dry, clean skin (don’t apply it to already-sweaty armpits or armpits that are still damp from showering). Use your antiperspirant at night, after you bathe, when your body is coolest; this allows the active ingredient to take its full effect. Shave under your arms, as hair can block antiperspirant from doing its job.

Shave Your Armpits Shaving your underarms could reduce excessive sweating. Hair holds moisture, and underarm hair is no exception.

If you’re already experiencing heavy sweating under your arms, shaving is essential. And if you’re constantly fighting body odor alongside the sweat, shaving could also help reduce or eliminate it.

Avoid Sweat-Inducing Foods If you feel like you’re sweating too much, reducing or eliminating sweat-inducing foods in your diet could help. A high sodium diet means your body will be detoxing all that salt in the form of excess urine and sweat. Some other foods and beverages that could trigger sweaty armpits include: processed foods, liquor and beer, garlic and onions, foods that have a high fat content, caffeine, hot, spicy dishes, ice cream.

Wear Breathable Clothing

Wearing tight clothes — especially clothes that are snug beneath your arms — can cause underarm stains on your shirt. They can also make you sweat more.

Instead, try wearing fabrics that are breathable and clothes that fit more loosely. This will allow your underarms to cool properly and could help prevent them from sweating and staining your clothes.

Botox Injections or Surgery

If other methods aren’t working, you might consider a medical procedure like Botox injections or surgery to stop excessive underarm sweating.

Research has shown that Botox injections are effective for treating excessive armpit sweating. Botox is a neurotoxin that a dermatologist can administer to block the communication from the sympathetic nerves that causes sweating.

The effects of Botox injections wear off, so the procedure will need to be repeated after time to remain effective.

Final Thought It’s possible to make some changes to your habits to minimize how frequently you sweat. Making lifestyle changes, like adjusting your diet and reducing caffeine intake, can help manage your sweating. Using antiperspirant for sweat might help too. With the right approach, you should be enjoying drier, more comfortable underarms again soon.

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