Design your future!

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On the way to the European job market – a chance and challenge for young Europeans

Table of Contents

The aim of this project is to enable young

THE ORTHOPEDIC CENTER ALIOTTA ............ 2 CEAR CERAMICHE ........................................ 3

people to enter the European labor market

because they need support in finding a job and participating in European society.

Koskanyo ..................................................... 4 MARELLA FERRERA MAISON........................ 5 LAPILLI GIOIELLI DI LAVA ............................. 6 HANOS ARTICLE ........................................... 7 ESA and Airbus ............................................ 8 Working at Ikea ........................................... 10 Interview with Shell ..................................... 12 Siemens ....................................................... 14 TNO - innovation for life .............................. 16 NACO – Netherlands Airport Consultants .... 18 Interview Wärtsilä ....................................... 20 Interview with Cindy Gerhardt ................... 22 Internship report : Acoustician .................... 26 Makemedia Studios Bremen ....................... 27 The Confectionery Knigge ........................... 28 Theater Bremen .......................................... 30 Work Experience at elementary school ....... 31 Szynaka Furniture ........................................ 32 Tymbark - MWS ........................................... 33 Michelin Poland SA ...................................... 34

THE ORTHOPEDIC CENTER ALIOTTA An adventure started a bit by chance, having as the protagonist a 32-years-old man who dreamed to be a resort entertainer but was urged by his parents to begin medicine studies: Doctor Emanuele Aliotta opened the orthopedic center, specialized in the construction of prothesis and items that are useful to make the mobility of people with limited mobility easier.


Everything started in 2010 in an 8 square metres office, but the project developed to the point of opening the main location in Gela in 2013. Now the Orthopedic Center Aliotta, which has some centres in Italy and Malta, boasts of being involved in international projects with some North-African cities and has about 35 employees. This company is the typical model of innovative ideas, developed and implemented in only an enterprise, created out of nowhere, but aiming to become bigger than it already is. Even though the company is an ever-expanding multinational on entering the Center, the atmosphere is familiar and friendly. A specific feature of the Center is that they recruit people with limited mobility, who are considered as an enrichment for the staff. The strengths of the company are a lot, such as the young age of the employees and the continuous innovation of the machines used in the center. “We have got advanced devices and tools, that the other centers don’t have- said Doctor Aliotta- and our biggest pride comes from the founding of this reality in our city”.


Tosini Salvo

CEAR CERAMICHE The hand made pottery traveling online CEAR pottery is a pottery company in Caltagirone that makes objects customized for any request and need. This family company was born fifty years ago and it has gone through phases of great development and phases of difficulties, but always succeeding in reinventing itself and conforming to the ever changing market. The company takes care of the international sale on internet sites and it has got requests from England, Spain, Portugal, Israel and Japan. Trading with these countries, involves some difficulties, like the knowledge of legislation of various countries, because they don’t allow the use of some substances needed for the decoration of vases. One of the problems it had to face throughout times has been the huge number of existing pottery companies, as a matter of fact from five stores other 120 stores arose in a short period of time. This made the company Cear close the store and take action with the e-commerce sites like Amazon. The work in the company is predominantly manual, but it requires the use of some machines, like the ovens. The work that takes more time is the decoration of every subjects in pottery. In the company the latter task is entrusted to the owner’s wife and his two daughters. To become part of the company staff is not necessary to possess a degree, but to have patience and to be willing to learn. In the owner’s opinion, Mr Romani, it often happens that those who have an artistic diploma think they have high capacities in this sector but it isn’t true.

During our visit in the CEAR company we were really surprised because we didn’t think and expect that all these items could be produced by hand.

The experience of the CEAR company teaches us that despite the strong competition among the craft companies, it is always possible to be competitive thanks to the ability to adapt to the market as long as one knows how to reinvent oneself. La Cognata Elide Psaila Francesca


Koskanyo The Koscanyo atelier is an haute couture fashion house, it's the Ideal atelier to find the perfect dress to get to the altar. It was Born in 2004 in Gela, Koscanyo has arrived to the point of presenting his clothes all over the world. The handmade clothes are dressed by women from every countries It was born from an inner need of the stylist, who decided since his childwood to devote himself to fashion , undertaking, in fact, artistic studies. Some of the strenghts of his atelier are certainly the handmade items and the originality of the models. The manual work is done by very skilled seamstresses who are part of the staff, that consists of 5 people (2 seamstresses, the stylist and 2 collaborators). The stylist is inspired by everything that fascinates him, from the London gothic style to the elegance of the Spanish gardens of Alhambra. He adapts the models to the tastes and also to the shapes of women who, he tells us, are different according to ethnic groups: an Arab woman is more curvy and less thin than a Japanese woman. The sale of an exclusive dress produced by Koscanyo, has a very small circle of customers, which tends to grows with the advertisements on social media. It is an example of how with great commitment and originality, one can succeed in trasforming a dream into a profession.


Vincenzo Scollo

MARELLA FERRERA MAISON The "Ferrera couture" maison was born in Catania in 1958 like ‘’ a family history ‘’ inherited ‘from father to son’. Everything was born spontaneously… As Marella says: from the desire to get involved, to change, to tell the world something new, from the love for art and for what you believe in. Entering the maison is a bit like entering a big, bright garden where there are not trees or flowers but all kinds of fabrics, laces and precious stones with which the elegant designer ‘’decorates’’ her original creations. And there is Sicily with its traditions, a Sicily to which the stylist seems really bound and which characterized each of her creations.

A journey into the world of contemporary art: fashion

“Inspiration can come from everything” adds the young designer ‘’it is something that cannot be planned, something unexpected…it can come from a color as well as a perfume, a journey or an encounter’’. Another of the main characteristics of the company is to carry on the ‘’handmade’’ tradition by preferring “the hands’’ of the artisans instead of machinery. In this way, the company, that is not a multinational but, as Marella

wanted to specify, is an SME, remains linked to the craft industry producing not “mass-produced articles” but “exclusive articles”. Rachele Pelligra Viviana D’alessandro



"Lapilli gioielli di Lava" is a firm of handicraft which produces small elements (made of lava stone covered in glaze where they put decals with local and characteristic designs) called "Lapilli"; these small masterpieces are used to create jewellery or to decorate the most various objects (shoes, bags, dresses, gadgets). "Lapilli gioielli di Lava" is a small professional company, that was born in 2016 in Catania, nearby the Etna volcano; it ships jewellery all over Europe thanks to its website, its most important way to sell the merchandise. Some of the Lapilli's strengths are their originality and uniqueness: all their materials and themes are from Sicily, and, undeniably, this makes them traditional pieces of art. But, unfortunately, since they are so beautiful and well-made, some people copied the idea and made their own Lapilli as well, with lower quality and cost. As a result the original company is damaged, because in this way not everybody knows which product is the authentic one, indeed. As it is a small professional company, as it was said before, there are just three artists working on jewellery, they handle the designing, the finding of the right picture to apply and of the most proper materials to and finally the creating. They also assigned an artist to draw some pictures to tell traditional legends and stories.

Elvia Di Benedetto


HANOS ARTICLE Before we get started we want to give you some information about HANOS. HANOS is an international catering wholesale company. Which dates from 1975. It’s an wholesome company because it delivers food and nonfood products to supermarkets, companies and other catering companies.

The person who participated in our interview was a man called: Frans Kieftenbeld. He is the department leaders of food in HANOS. He told us that HANOS is international, because the assortment mostly exists out of foreign products. The buildings of HANOS are stationed all over the world, but those are the buildings which buy food from the farmers and other companies. The buildings which sell their products are stationed in the Netherlands and Belgium. There are 17 in the Netherlands and 2 in Belgium. HANOS also has partners (those partners are all dutch companies). Frans told us that the working conditions in HANOS are very good and pleasant. He also said that’s fun to work there if you like to get in touch with people or help people out in different circumstances. He also said to us: ‘’if you like it to give people good advice or a good service then you’ll love it in here.’’ Joren Manse Mandaben Bordewijk


ESA and Airbus Airbus, formally known as the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, is a European aerospace cooperation. The European Space Agency job is to draw up the European space programme and carry it through. It focuses on a lot of things, such as the space environment, our Solar System and Earth itself. Mimosa went to the open day of ESA ESTEC, where she interviewed Camille.She is an engineer at Airbus. Camille works there since 2017. What is your function at Airbus? “I work on structure rockets, and one of my projects is Ariane 6.” How does Airbus appeal others to work there? “Airbus is an important company which has a lot of influence on international projects, mostly space related.” How did Airbus appeal you to work there? “You do a lot of research at Airbus what I just simply love! It’s also really exciting to work on big projects like Ariane 6.” Does Airbus have opportunities for (international) students who want an internship? “Yes, we provide all students who have a either a Bachelor or a Master certificate an internship. With this internship you are able to practise every function within Airbus.”


ESA and Airbus Do you travel abroad for your job? If so, what for, and what do you do? “I personally don’t travel abroad, but some of my colleagues from other sections do. Airbus has partners abroad who they travel to.” What improvements does Airbus have? “There could be more cohesion between the people.”

Mimosa also interviewed Andre Kuipers, a Dutch astronaut from ESA.

How is the EU involved by ESA? “The European Union and ESA work together. ESA focuses on technology and the EU ensures its application. One of the projects where ESA and the European Union work together is the navigation system ‘Galileo’.” Could ESA exist without the EU? “No, without the EU ESA wouldn’t be able to launch their projects.”

Mimosa Hoogerbrugand Mette van Leeuwen 9

Working at Ikea Do you want to work at a company, which is established in a lot of different countries? Than perhaps Ikea is a company may like.

Ingvar Kamprad started ikea in 1943 in Sweden. He invented names for his furniture instead of codes because he had dyslexia and he could not remember the codes. Ikea is situated in a lot of countries: Zweden, Oostenrijk , Roemenië, Italië, Singapore , Cyprus, Noorwegen, IJsland, Ierland, Denemarken, SaudieArabië, Dominicaanse Republiek, Polen, Frankrijk, Bulgarije, Zwitserland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tsjechië, België. Litthouwen, Duitsland, Koeweit, Quatar, Japen, Finland, Jordanië, Slowakije, Maleisië, Indonesië, Australië, China , Kroatië, Canada, Rusland , Zuid Korea, VS, Griekenland . Marokko, Engeland, Portugal, Servië, Hongkong, Turkije , India.

Therefore it’s easy to find this company in a country you would like to work. When you are going to work at IKEA, you can work in your own country but also in another country because IKEA is an international company. So if you would move to another county, you can apply for a job at IKEA because all the IKEA companies have the same guidelines. 10

Working at Ikea IKEA has to take the rules in account from the country in which they settle. For example concerning the food and the products. Each county has it’s own style and therefore the shop can look a bit different. Details can be different because of the different cultures in the various countries. But the basic values are: making furniture which meet the wishes of the customers. IKEA started collaborating with other countries because: they get more customers when they get more shops in different countries. Local companies know the wishes of their own customers. This is why IKEA invests in local employees because they speak the language and they therefore have better contact with their customers.

Working at IKEA you van work on various departments: the canteen, the garden department, the living department and more. You will have much personal contact with the customers. You can advise them about home decor or decorating the shop. I think you won’t get bored easily. If you find environment important, IKEA is the company you want to work. IKEA finds it very important that their products are durable. IKEA wants to have a positive influence on people and our planet. Therefore they sell let lights and all the cotton they sell is coming from durable sources. So if you want to help changing the world and have an job with variety, come join the IKEA family! 11

Interview with Shell Well I have decided to interview the company shell. I got this idea when I cycled home and I drove past a Shell petrol station.

When was the company founded? "This company was officially founded in 1907 so it has been around for more than a 100 years" How many people actually work for shell. "In the last count, there were about 86,000 at kwast that is what i remember" What does shell actually do?

"We make it possible for people, among other things, to use petroleum, natural gas, chemistry and sustainable energy. We do this in several forms, but especially our filling stations are known "

How does the company get its name? "Well, that's a historical story about two traders who started a seashell trade in London and when they later expanded to oil they needed a name. They chose shell because of the first trade and therefore also chose the picture " 12

Interview with Shell How much money does an employee make and is that different for the company? "Well for employees that is very different but we have a total profit of 13 billion so far"

How long has shell already been named? "Well since the late nineteenth century, but I am not a history teacher"

Shell also has disadvantages, for example, for the greenhouse effect. What do you think of that? "Well, of course it is not great, but we do as much as possible to do it the right way and it is part o f the process"

I myself have done some research and found that they emit an average of 73 million tons of greenhouse gases per year. It is the most profitable company in the Netherlands and one of the six largest state-independent oil companies in the world.


Siemens Siemens is an international company that originally existed in Germany, München. Siemens is already 150 years old. The company first started with telecommunication and created lines between Europe and the United States. It is now a very big company that has offices in Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands. The person I interviewed works at Siemens. At the healthcare department which makes electronics for hospitals all around the world. He began with this job just a few months ago. But before this job, he also worked at healthcare.

Do you work with international colleagues? “With the healthcare department of Siemens, we mostly work with Germany and Switzerland. We work the most with Germany because the main office of healthcare is in Germany” Are there international colleagues who work in the Netherlands? “Not really in the Netherlands, because the main

office is in Germany. So important international colleagues work in Germany.”


Siemens Are the different languages a problem for working international? “Usually not, because it’s such a big company. Everything is very international and almost everybody can speak English very well. Even the Germans! But sometimes old people who work at Siemens have some problems with u nderstanding English” Do you need to take care of pollution? “Because we get funds from the government. We are forced to pay attention to pollution.” Do you work on international projects? “Not really big projects, what we mostly do between countries is exchanging information.”

Tommaso van Gelderen


TNO - innovation for life TNO is the abbreviation of Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepastnatuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek, which means Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research. The company has most of her establishments in the Netherlands, but there are also locations in Beijing, Boston and Brussels. TNO works with a lot of different companies and the government of the Netherlands.

TNO works with a lot of different companies and the government of the Netherlands. The company does a lot of investigations that have to do with creating innovations for the society. The company works with 9 different societal areas: • • • • • • • • •

Buildings, Infrastructure & Maritime Industry Traffic & Transport Defence, Safety & Security Information & Communication Technology Healthy Living Strategic Analysis & Policy Circular Economy & Environment ECN part of TNO (Energy Investigation Centre of the Netherlands)

All of these societal areas are divided into expertise groups. The expertise groups of Healthy living are for example child health, risk analysis for products in development and microbiology & systems in biology. 16

TNO in Europe TNO is involved in several European projects, by this TNO wants to address societal challenges comparing the Dutch society to societies in the rest of Europe. To make communication with other parties easier, they set up an agency in Brussels. The company is involved in a lot of programmes to create innovations for Europe in the future.

Here are a few examples: TNO is member of the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations. This is an international association where research is done for Europe without the influence of governments of the member countries. TNO is a partner of Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC’s). These KIC’s stimulate and encourage cooperation between universities, research institutes and businesses all over Europe. TNO is also actively participating in the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for European Research. This is a very big research and innovation programme with nearly 80 billion euros of funding available over seven years. It tries to find new world-changing innovations to take from the lab to the market and it aims for more smart and sustainable growth and jobs for the future.

Iris and Nynke


NACO – Netherlands Airport Consultants Airports are an exciting subject. They are always bustling with activity. There is an international atmosphere which connects people. NACO is an airport consultancy and engineering firm that designs and builds airports all around the world.

Mexico New International Airport

In this interview I will ask Lodewijk de Boer of NACO five questions about his work. Why did you decide to work at NACO? “As a student, I liked travelling and doing projects abroad. After graduation, I was looking for an opportunity







How and when was the company founded? “NACO has its roots in the Planning and Design department of Schiphol Airport. After the second world







bombardments. Large teams of engineers were involved







reconstruction works were completed, and the

engineers were looking for new projects to work on. NACO was then founded as a company to serve airport clients worldwide.Since then our company has worked with over 600 airports around the world.”


NACO – Netherlands Airport Consultants What is your job at NACO? “I am a project manager of Airport Consultancy, Planning, Design and Engineering projects. My job is to make sure that projects are completed to client satisfaction, in time and within the budget.”

Can you mention a few of NACO’s biggest projects? “BeijingDaxing International Airport Mexico City New International Airport Kuwait New International Airport Kuala Lumpur International Airport Schiphol International Airport” Abu Dhabi International Airport

What do you like most about your work? “What I like most about my work would probably be the variety: we do big projects and smaller projects and work with people of many cultures. Although airport consultancy is a specialist field, we have to deal with the different aspects of projects such as personal, technical and financial issues.”

Sarah de Boer


Interview Wartsila The interview was done with an employee (Ron van Raamsdonk, (my father)) that works for the Finnish company “Wärtsilä”. I will be giving a summary of the answers that were given to a couple of questions that I will put down below.

Wärtsilä is a Finnish company that primarily focuses on manufacturing and maintaining products for the marine and energy markets( including ship motors).


They also manufacture Automation, Navigation and Communication systems, that make ships able to sail. Because they are such a international company they have departments all around the globe, The Netherlands is called a “service country” which means that they only maintain ships. Wärtsilä is one of the two biggest suppliers of ship motors in the world (The other one is Rolls Royce), because 80% of the world transportation of goods is done by water, it is very influential on the climate which means its very important to keep improving the motors and making them more fuelefficient. This is something Wartsila finds very important and does a lot of research on. The company is very large it has over 18000 employees all around the globe (spread over more than 70 countries), and almost 900 employees in The Netherlands alone.

Interview Wartsila Further focusing on the experience Ron has had working at the company, he said that ”working at the company gives me much joy, employees get a lot of space to keep developing themselves. Overall the employees are passionate and work very hard.”

I have not yet experienced my father going to a different country for this company but it is definitely possible he could be sent to Finland for example to experience the work flow and people there (Because he is a HR Manager). The company also offers different internships and opportunities for students, graduates etc.

Why did I choose to interview Wärtsilä? “I chose to interview this company because my father already worked there, which I thought would give me an interesting insight look at the company.”


Interview with Cindy Gerhardt Can you maybe introduce yourself? Sure. My name is Cindy Gerhardt. I work as a director at a technology campus in Delft. That's a group of companies connected to DSM (Dutch State Mines) but also connected to the TU Delft (Technical University) and to the government.

What are the issues DSM is working on right now? And how are you planning to tackle/improve them (in the future)?

Two big examples. One is of course the fossil energy. Youknow that we take energy from oil, gas and coal wich havebeen stored deep in the ground for over millions of corporate/home.html

years. We're now burning it crazy and at a certain moment the fossil storage in the ground will be fnished. So DSM works on green energy from for example solar panels or energy from plants which we now throw away. Another good example is that we're getting more and more people on this planet and at a certain moment we will not have enough food for all those people. So we need to make more clever food. A cow for example is a very bad way to make food. It needs water, food, grass, protein, it needs all kind of things. And at the end you will

have a poor conversion from all those resources into a piece of meat. It's very bad for the planet. So at DSM were making biotech foods that have a lower carbon footprint. 22

Interview with Cindy Gerhardt

What are the issues DSM is working on right now? And how are you planning to tackle/ improve them (in the future)? I started working for DSM in 2006. Before this I was working at Unilever.

Unilever is a big company in The Netherlands where they make food. In this food they put ingredients, that they buy from other companies. And DSM is one of those

companies. I learned to be a scientist and in Unilever I could do research, but in DSM which is an ingredient supplier to Unilever I could do research that I thought was way more interesting and that's why I moved to DSM. Young people should want to add a purpose to their job, they don't want to work only for money, they want to improve the world.


Interview with Cindy Gerhardt DSM is also known for innovation. In what particularly areas is DSM involved for innovation? Many areas because it's a really big company, located all over the world. But here in Delft we specialize in nutritions (food) by making them healthier or by inventing new/better processes to make food.

What's your position in DSM right now? What are the projects you're working on? Since one week and since 11 days I have a new job. That's to manage/direct campus development.

What's the project at DSM you're the most proud of? I'm proud of many projects DSM does but one of user/dsmcompany

the projects I did myself and I'm proud of, would be a little pill for people that are gluten intolerance. They can take the pill and don't feel that many pain anymore. That's pretty cool because I know a lot of people that sufler from gluten intolerance and they can not eat a pizza for example. Now they can take that pill and eat whatever they want!


Interview with Cindy Gerhardt

How does DSM improve our daily life?

We're very active in reducing the carbon footprint. As you may know the world has agreed to reduce the carbon footprint in order to slow down the world

temperature. DSM is a frontrunner in that, so they're very advanced In making all kind of innovations to make the planet a more healthy place. But DSM is also working to make your food healthier with for example less salt and using ingredients from yeast that taste like salt but are not unhealthy.

Hendrik Vlug Lante Kluiving


Internship report : Acoustician Hello I will tell you today about my internship as an acoustician and about the job itself. My internship was from the 09.04.2018 to the 20.04.2018. Where? I did my internship at 'Audio Hansa'. This is a small company for people who don't hear well in Bremen at the

Waller HeerstraĂ&#x;e 22, 28217 Bremen. Audio Hansa is a small retail in Bremen with only two employees.

What did I have to do there?


Mostly I helped to clean the hearing aid or I made a hearing test and a consultation with a customer. The aim of this consulation is to understand your personal hearing situation and needs. The hearing test does not take long and provides information about your hearing performance. I also had to sort files properly. Often I had to sell some batteries for the hearing aid. Some batteries last longer than others but they are more expensive. The customer may decide for himself which one he wants to buy. When I had to work I had to be concentrated and careful. Also you have to be polite and friendly to the customers. Salary In order to become an acoustician you must complete a three year training. During your training years you earn between 450-850 Euros per month. Later as an acoustician you earn up to 1400 Euros. Advancement opportunities Of course you can continue your education. For example you can do a technical study to be able to work on hearing aids yourself. But you can also study a teaching profession to teach in an acoustics school.

Makemedia Studios Bremen I did my internship at the Makemedia Studios for two weeks in April 2018. The Makemedia Studios are an institution from the 'Landesinstitut für Schule'. Classes or groups of students can come to the Makemedia Studios to film and cut short videos, animated cartoons or radio plays about their school projects or subjects. In the mornings the institution offers workshops for classes and in the afternoon groups of students can come and cut their films mostly by themselves at the PC. The institution is employing about 8 people but not all of them work in the office all the time. They rotate per diem or per weeks. Different people with different apprenticeships or study degrees work at the Makemedia Studios, so I chose one of them to decribe more precisely to you. I will present the job „designer of media“. The tasks of a media designer are to design for example websites, posters or a page of a journal. The activity is very manifold. As a Media designer you have to be creative and you have to have technical and artistical skills. If you want to become a media designer you have to study at a college for 3 years. When you finished your studies and you start to work, you can earn around 2.000 € and more. A positive point about the job is, that media designer is a job for the future. In the future media designers will be needed more and more. A negative point about the job is that you sit in front of the computer most of the time.


The Confectionery Knigge and the confectioner The Confectionery Knigge has existed for 4 generations. In 1889 Friedrich Emil Knigge opened the small shop with only 2 tables and 6 chairs. In 1924 the second generation started with Emil Knigge. He expanded the business in 1939 with another floor. In 1944 the third generation began with Wolfgang Knigge who rebuilt the confectionery in 1950 because of the bombs of the Second World War .

In 1989 the fourth generation, today's managing directors Andreas and Harald Knigge, joined the company on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. Today the confectionery has 300 seats and 100 outdoor seats in summer.

They offer Bremer Klaben (cake-like

pastry with raisins), coffee, small cakes, truffles and pralines, marzipan, chocolate and Baumkuchen (cake shaped like a ring).

The confectioner Confectioners select the ingredients for the production of confectionery products such as cakes, pastries, chocolates, desserts, parties or cheese pastries, calculate the required quantities and weigh or measure them. They then process

the raw materials by hand or with the aid of machines and equipment. They mix, portions and shape the masses, such as dough, add other ingredients such as prepared fruit according to a recipe and put everything in baking tins or on baking trays. After baking, confectioners garnish, glaze or sugar the goods, e.g. cakes and pastries. They are also involved in the presentation of goods in shops, in the sale of confectionery products and in advising customers.


The Confectionery Knigge and the confectioner Confectioners work primarily in the bakery. Occupation type: Recognised training occupation Type of training: Dual training in craft trades (regulated by training laws) Duration of training: 3 years Learning locations: vocational school.




School leaving certificate: No specific school education is prescribed by law. In practice, companies mainly employ trainees with intermediate educational qualifications Requirements: - Skill and a sense of aesthetics (e.g. when decorating cakes) - Sense of responsibility (e.g. when complying with food regulations) - Good physical condition (e.g. when lifting heavy baking trays) School subjects: - Mathematics (e.g. when weighing ingredients and converting weights) - Chemistry (e.g. to understand the basics of food chemistry and chemical processes) - Art (e.g. decorating wedding cakes) Payment: -1st year of training: € 324 to € 565 -2nd year of training: € 400 to € 670 -3rd year of training: € 450 to € 800


Theater Bremen My text is about the “Theater Bremen”. I did my internship there for about two weeks in April 2018. The “Theater Bremen” has 4 stages. The biggest stage they have is the “Theater am Goetheplatz”, where 802 people can be seated. The next biggest stage they have is the “kleines Haus”, where 199 People can be seated. Then there is the “Moks”, where 100 People can be seated. And the smallest stage they have is the “Brauhauskeller”, where 55 people can be seated. They have around 170.000 visitors per season and around 400-450 employees.

One of the most important jobs in the theatre is the director.


As a director you find ideas to develop a plot. You choose good actors and pass your idea of your plot on to them. You also give the camera team advice on how you want it to be filmed, if you make a film. When the filming is done you also decide which scenes should be at the end so that there is a suspense. If you want to be a director, you need to study 2 to 3 years. You should definitely have a strength in communication and also be creative if you want to be a director. As a director you can specialize into film and television, theatre, radio play or in dialogue. The pay depends on the degree of fame and also the length of the production. You can earn millions in a big, famous cinema production. There are some good points in becoming a director but also some negative points. The good points are, that you are involved in all steps of a film or theatre production, you bring your plots to life. If you don’t like to be in a film or theatre production you can also be part of a radio or radio play production. The negative points are, that many people want to be directors so there is a big competition among them. There comes a big workload towards you, because you are responsible for everything. During film and theatre productions it is normal to have long days of shooting and to work at the weekends.

Work Experience at elementary school I did my work experience in my local elementary school. The school is called “Grundschule Fischerhuder Straße”. It has a partnership with “Werder bewegt” and the University of Bremen. “Werder bewegt” is an initiative for social engagement from the local football club “Werder Bremen”. There are 28 teachers and 12 educators working in the school. The teachers first have to study at university to be able to get a job in this or any other school. Teachers get paid differently depending on what state in Germany you teach. In Bremen for example teachers are getting paid dependent on their position reportedly about 3.300 euros which goes down to about 2.600 euros a month after taxes are being paid. As mentioned above a teacher can get promoted to multiple higher positions where the wage obviously is higher as well. For example if a teacher gets promoted to a principal you reportedly are being paid about 4.200 euros a month. Other positions a teacher can get promoted to are Head of department. For example if you are head of the sports department you would have to organize a lot more and would therefore be paid more. Though one thing that is necessary to mention is that this is an elementary school and I was not able to find sources that tell you what an elementary school teacher in particular gets paid so I am not a hundred percent certain that the information above does apply to elementary school teachers. The educators in the school of course have different tasks and get paid different wages. Educators do not need to visit a university they need to go through 4-5 years of training. Their tasks are for example helping the teacher with the lessons and taking some of the work off from them by making sure the class is not getting too noisy and everybody is working on their tasks. The payment is around 3.400 euros a month but of course taxes are going to be taking off of that.


Szynaka Furniture Szynaka furniture is a furniture production factory located in Lubawa, away about 50 km from Olsztyn. Its owner is John Szynaka, who opened a small carpentry workshop over 60 years ago. Initially, only three people worked at the factory.

Mr. Szynaka inherited the plant from his father and significantly expanded it. New production halls where furniture made of wood are made all the time. Today it is one of the largest furniture factories in Poland. The total area of all plant facilities is

over 500,000 m2, which corresponds to the size of 70 football fields. Its products are sold all over the world and enjoy high quality. The Szynaka factory employs over 3 thousand people. Today taking care of their development and security.


Tymbark - MWS Tymbark is a plant producing juices, nectars, drinks, mousses and water. It is located in Olsztynek and belongs to a large commercial group Maspex Wadowice.

The plant was founded around 1970, and today it creates a modern production and storage complex with an area of 22 thousand. m2 and employs over 700 employees. In Tymbark in Olsztyn, mainly drinks, juices and

mousses known all over the world are produced, including Winnie (Tedi), Winnie Play, Tymbark, Tarczyn, Tiger, Caprio. These products go to 30 countries around the world and are widely recognized by consumers.


Michelin Poland SA In 1889 two brothers, Édouard Michelin and AndrÊ Michelin, ran a rubber factory in Clermont-Ferrand, France. Michelin produces tyres in France, Poland, Spain, Germany, the USA, the UK, Canada, Brazil, Thailand, Italy and several other countries.

The factory produces tires for passenger cars, vans, trucks and agricultural vehicles. Michelin Polska is a tire production plant that has existed in Olsztyn for over 20 years. It is one of the largest and the latest -biggest tire factories around the world. The Olsztyn factory covers an area of 187h and

employs over 5,000. employees. They are known and appreciated all over the world. Michelin is the largest and very valued employer in the region.


A fair pay system Michelin offer all employees an individual and fair remuneration, appropriate to the market conditions in individual countries. The amount of remuneration is determined based on: -scope of responsibility, -results of work, -contribution to the results of the Michelin Group. In addition, Michelin provide opportunities to join the pension scheme and subsidies for employee insurance.

Michelin Poland SA Individual, long-term professional development plan Recruiting for Michelin, we take into account the personality of the candidates, their skills and experience - bearing in mind their future career in the company and not only the position for which we recruit. At each stage of their careers, employees receive support from both their direct manager and 400 professional development managers responsible for professional development at Michelin, who help build an individual and long-term career path. When developing Michelin career paths, we rely on the aspirations of our employees, which are just as important as the needs of the Group. Employees take part in training at every stage of professional development. They use an individual training program: -from the moment of employment -every time an employee takes up a new position -in response to current needs Internships are a great start to your professional career As part of the semester practice program, you can gain practical experience in working in an industrial enterprise. Our company has always considered apprenticeship a great way to provide employment opportunities for young people. At Michelin, there is a possibility of apprenticeships in many different specializations. 35

Project On the way to the European job market – a chance and challenge for young

Name of the Organisation Oberschule am Waller Ring


St. Openbaar Voortgezet Onderwijs Delf




Gim. Nr 11 im. Hieronima Skurpskiego



w Olsztynie

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