Rooms to meet your needs...
Visit our open-air show site just off junction 25 of the M1 to see our wide range of buildings. Bring the whole family to our dog friendly show site, wander through our village and chat with our team about our extensive range of building sizes and finishing options. You can also explore our range of popular BBQ Cabins and visit our Hydropool Midlands showroom, with a range of Self-cleaning Hot Tubs and Swim Spas on display.
Mrs Fiona Bennett from Holbrook who has won a bottle of Champagne.
Mrs Julie Handley from Belper who has won Brunch for 2 people at Audrey’s at the Courtyard in Belper.
Mr Peter White from Horsley Woodhouse who has won a signed copy of ‘Price:World’ a debut novel by Jonathan C Crouch.
Welcome to the February/March issue of All Things Local. It doesn’t feel like it quite yet … but spring is just around the corner!
Welcome to the February/March issue of All Things Local. It doesn’t feel like it quite yet … but spring is just around the corner!
It’s a funny time of year as we’re just starting to get into the swing of the New Year, often with a few resolutions already slipping by the wayside. Many people have long since given up on the idea of making New Year’s resolutions – and understandably so – while others see a New Year as a fresh chance to make some changes to their lives.
However, January is a cold, dark month and we can all feel a bit blue after the frivolities of the festive period have ended, so maybe it’s not the best time to stick to resolutions! But, as the New Year slowly morphs into springtime it brings lots of new life and, with it, what feels like a fresh chance. Nature is literally ‘turning over a new leaf’ and can inspire us to do the same! Maybe spring is a better time than January 1st to make promises to yourself.
If you’d resolved to do more exercise or spend more time outside in the fresh air in 2025, you may have found it difficult during the dark, cold days of January but, as February and March come around, these ambitions can feel much more doable! As the days gradually get longer, brighter and warmer, you can start to feel a ‘spring’ in your step and it may inspire you to do more of the things you’d like to do – whether that’s travelling more, cooking with fresh ingredients, starting an art project, playing an instrument, volunteering, exercising, learning a new skill … there are countless things you may want to try. Just because you didn’t start in January, it doesn’t mean you have to wait until next year! Why not make a ‘spring resolution’ and start now?!
Talking of longer days … don’t forget that the clocks ‘spring forward’ at 1am on 30th March so, although you may lose an hour of sleep on that day, you’ll be able to enjoy an extra hour of daylight before the sun sets!
At this time of year our thoughts often turn towards our gardens, preparing them (hopefully!) for some nice spring weather. If you need any expert help with any projects in your garden or home, you can call on local professionals to help –simply turn to the ‘Homes and Gardens’ section to find the details of many talented and experienced experts in the area, who can help to make your dreams a reality.
Of course, It can still be very chilly at this time of year so why not pop the kettle on, make yourself a cuppa and have a go at our competitions –you could win a bottle of Champagne with the Champagne Sudoku on page 19, or win a 2-course lunch for 2 people at The Bottle Bank in Belper with the Prize Crossword on page 6. Remember to get your entries in by 12th February to be in with a chance of winning these excellent prizes.
Hopefully, by the time we write again, spring will have sprung! In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this issue and have a great couple of months.
All the best,
Team ATL
Pictured l to r: Karyn Milner (Publisher/Editor), Ruth Brown (Advertising Sales), Helen Young (Editorial Copywriter & Coordinator)
Advertising Enquiries: Ruth Brown
E: ruth@allthingslocal.co.uk
T: 01332 883140 or 07545 261034
W: www.allthingslocal.co.uk
After looking around for a floor fitter for the kitchen and utility area in our old house we came across this company. While others were all about the problems, T.Nutt were really positive and professional. Great range of products across the whole design and price range. We got great advice on suitability, preparation and fitting. Nothing was too much trouble. The fitting service was excellent, from the laying of the screed to level the old floor to the tidying after. The fitters were prompt, professional and really considerate. The finished room is superb. Highly recommend this company.
Customer in Derbyshire Posted on 21/09/2024, work completed 19/09/2024
In each edition legal advisors from Shacklocks deal with important legal topics. This month Marion Vesey (pictured) invites us to think about making a decision that will benefit future generations.
Worton, Partner with Shacklocks LLP and a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, explains some of the mystery behind Trusts.
Making a Will is a serious business. It is a time which gives many people cause to stop and think about how they want to be remembered when they are gone.
Trusts are a very well established part of English law, but are generally not available in many European countries. So what are they, and how did they come about?
‘Everything will pass to my children anyway…won’t it?’ This is one of the most common questions our clients ask when we invite them into one of our offices to discuss their affairs. So, what does happen to your estate in the event that you pass away without having made a Will?
When a marriage or a civil partnership breaks down, consideration needs to be given to how the assets of the union are to be divided. Assets can include the home, savings, cars and other valuables but also pensions.
Here are just some of the problems which can arise if you have not made a Will…
70 years later the trust is still providing that accommodation.
If you pass away without having made a Will, you will have missed an opportunity to plan for tax. This means that your estate may not benefit from tax reliefs which could have been available to you, and the amount of tax payable may well be higher than it needs to be.
The difficulty is that the CETV for one scheme might produce completely different pension benefits to the CETV in another scheme. You might share a particular pension equally but the reality in terms of what you might each receive in your pocket could be significantly different. The court is generally concerned about the effect of a pension sharing order, especially when people might have been together for a long time.
The CETV provided by a pension scheme might not be a true representation of the value of that pension. In some cases, especially some public sector pensions, the CETV provided can significantly understate the true worth of a pension.
If you pass away without having made a Will, you will have missed an opportunity to state who you would want to act as Guardians for any of your children who are under 18, or to choose the age at which you wish your children or grandchildren to inherit.
Many people are attracted by the idea of doing something to help others less fortunate than themselves after they pass away, particularly if their family are adequately provided for or if they have no close family. Whilst some still like the idea of supporting major national charities, there are many who prefer to benefit more local causes or causes close to their heart, possibly where they have had a personal involvement or received support during their lifetime.
Another of the trusts we look after was set up by a client who wanted to help people with particular medical conditions. Her kindness has enabled her trustees to provide financial support to a gifted young musician who has experienced a number of health issues that have interfered with her education, to enable that child to be educated in the most appropriate environment.
Indeed the pensions can be the most valuable asset and care has to be exercised in how they are treated and how they are divided. Usually, pensions are dealt with in one of the following ways:
Put as simply as possible, a Trust will arise where a person transfers property or assets into the name of their chosen Trustees, for the Trustees to hold that property or those assets for certain purposes and on certain terms, for the benefit of specific persons or a group of people.
If you pass away without having made a Will, there is no certainty about who will deal with the administration of your estate, increasing the likelihood that someone you did not want to deal with your estate may apply to do so.
If you pass away without making a Will, you will have missed an opportunity to leave a legacy to a friend or to your favourite charity.
1. Pension sharing. This is where one pension is divided to create essentially two pensions, a reduced pension for the member of the pension scheme and a new pension for the other person.
2. Pension attachment. This is where a court makes an order directing that some of the pension payable to one person is paid to the other.
A Charitable Trust can be set up either during your lifetime with savings and investments built up already, or alternatively through a specially prepared Will that will only take effect following your death and will therefore not deprive you of capital or income during your lifetime.
There are obviously many different pension schemes in existence. Each will probably be different to the next. It is very important that you receive the right advice and that the true value of each pension is understood and shared fairly. Often it is necessary to involve other experts, for example pension actuaries, who will produce comprehensive reports to assist in the division of pension assets. The information given above is necessarily general and cannot be relied upon in any particular case.
If you pass away without making a Will, you will have missed an opportunity to leave your treasured possessions to someone you know will appreciate them, or to make arrangements for your pets to be looked after by someone who will care for them.
If you pass away without making a Will, you will have missed an opportunity to express your wishes for your funeral.
To better understand Trusts we can take a look back to the times of the Crusades. Trusts first began to take shape in medieval England when men were travelling abroad to join the Crusades. They would transfer their property to a trusted friend for them to look after, manage and protect until their return, which may not be for many years. The moral obligation imposed on the friend is one of the earliest forms of a Trust, which over the centuries has become embedded in our legal system.
Something that our team will discuss with clients in this situation is the idea of setting up their own charitable trust which can continue to provide support for charitable causes of their choosing long after they have passed away. Creating your own charity means that your trustees can provide support to those who need help most. There can be a great sense of satisfaction in knowing that your trustees will carry out your wishes after you have gone and that your name will be associated with such good deeds even after you are no longer around.
Whilst the idea that someone travelling abroad may leave their property in Trust to be managed whilst they are away is still very useful today, Trusts may be used closer to home to protect and manage property or money in other circumstances too. For example, a parent may set up a Trust in their lifetime or through their Will for a child, or for an adult son or daughter who is not able to manage their own affairs perhaps because of disability or mental capacity issues. A married person may provide in their Will for their surviving spouse to have a life interest in their half of the family home thereby protecting that half of the home for the next generation. A Trust may be used where someone receives damages as a result of a personal injury or clinical negligence claim. A couple may set up a Trust to keep their family assets in the bloodline in case of changes in family and marital arrangements which may take the assets out of the family, or someone with a second family may set up a Trust to make special arrangements for their two families. A person with Charitable intentions may set up a Trust in their lifetime or on death for the benefit of those who they particularly wish to help in the future, and by doing so leave a lasting legacy: many of the charities we see now may have been set up in this way. These are all types of Trust.
3. Offsetting. This is where the pensions are left untouched but the share of other assets are adjusted to take into account the value of pensions.
If you pass away without having made a Will, under the rules of intestacy your estate will pass to specific groups of relatives in the order set out in legislation. This means that your estate may be passed into the hands of someone who you would not wish to benefit, perhaps even leaving out those you cherish the most.
Before you even think about dealing with pensions you need to know their value. The starting point is often the provision of a Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (“CETV”). This needs to be provided in all cases. Whilst the CETV is important, further information is often needed in terms of benefit statements so that the full terms of the pension can be considered.
If we fast forward to the present day, the reasons to use a Trust are broadly the same as in medieval England; there are different types of Trusts and there are many different types of situations which may create Trusts. Trusts may be set up in a lifetime, or through a Will following death. Trusts may provide circumstances in which beneficiaries will become absolutely entitled to the Trust Fund, or they may provide flexibility by allowing for discretion to be exercised as to who should benefit.
If you pass away without having made a Will, those who do not benefit as much as they had hoped may be more likely to make a claim against your estate.
It is important to understand the difference between different pension types. Some pensions are pots of money which can sometimes be converted into cash (subject to tax). Other pensions simply give a person the right to receive an income from a particular date until their death.
At Shacklocks we have set up a number of charitable trusts over the 150 years or so we have been in business and we still look after those trusts today. One of the charitable trusts we look after, for example, was established by a will in the 1940’s to provide accommodation for elderly residents.
At Shacklocks LLP we are committed to helping you to understand the true worth of pensions and to help you receive a fair financial settlement which will meet your needs. Shacklocks LLP family law team are currently offering all new clients an initial free half hour appointment. To find out more, contact Ben Stubbins and his team on 01773 822333 or email bens@shacklocks.co.uk.
Our team at Shacklocks have a particular speciality in preparing arrangements of this kind and also of acting as professional trustees to enable wishes to be fulfilled and instructions to be followed.
Shacklocks LLP have been dealing with Trusts for many years, though not quite as far back as the Crusades! If you would like to know more about Trusts and how they may be of help in your circumstances contact Cassandra Worton or Richard Farmer at Shacklocks LLP on 01773 822333 or 01623 626141 or email cassandraw@shacklocks.co.uk or richardf@shacklocks.co.uk.
If you are thinking of supporting charities through your Will or during your lifetime with a lump sum, why not talk to us about the different ways in which we can help you benefit those good causes, and how to make the most of the tax rules that enable a charitable cause to benefit.
With 2025 just starting, now is the perfect opportunity for you to make a Will. To find out how Shacklocks can help you, please contact Jude Wright at our Allestree office on 01332 559 281, Cassandra Worton at our Belper office on 01773 822 333 or Thomas Slack and Benjamin Edwards at our Mansfield office on 01623 626 141.
Call us at Shacklocks to talk about how we can help you to help your favourite local causes.
Ben Stubbins
Telephone Shacklocks on 0845 602 2344 or email me at marionv@shacklocks.co.uk.
The information in this article is for general guidance only and advice should be obtained for your particular circumstances.
Cassandra Worton
that the need for financial advice and a solution should not be seen as a one-off. Financial products and solutions were probably right at the time, but just how much has changed since their inception?
The new Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, delivered the Autumn Statement in October … the fallout has barely cleared and settled. Or it may not have even started!
10 years ago, Belper Independent Financial Solutions was formed after its founder (me, Kevin Glover) was made redundant from The Derbyshire Building Society.
It’s fair to say there was a furore from many sectors of the public but, as someone famous once said “It could have been worse” (probably Churchill), although I’m not sure everyone would agree. As matters evolve, there could be many more people unhappy with the Budget actions.
Since then, Belper has seen the loss of The Derbyshire, Woolworths, Somerfield, Thomas Cook and Britannia Building Society to name but a few long-standing institutions that are now confined to history Generations of people have been served or been customers of these organisations. You are probably one. State Pension Age has changed several times and will most likely do so again At least interest rates have not changed much! Rubbish then and not much better today
Whichever Government won the election, there was a mess to attempt to clear. Arguably, some of this was from the consequences and cost of Covid. The impact of Brexit and the post-Covid global inflation situation led to higher interest rates and a global downturn. We had seen a reduction in interest rates as inflation eased.
Consider this – joining the EU was considered the right decision once upon a time.
Some budget changes were immediate, such as increasing Capital Gains Tax on certain disposals of assets with basic rate taxpayers’ gains taxed on profits from selling shares increasing from 10% to 18% and the higher rate taxpayers’ rising from 20% to 24%. These increases would not impact too many of the population, and the minority impacted found little sympathy from the unaffected masses.
From my dining room in 2009, to an office in Heanor, back to Belper and now to the present location, much has changed including the greyness of my hair and the size of my waistline! Now as a team of 8 we have seen the client base expand over the years. ‘Generous’ successive Chancellors introduce new legislation impacting the public and signposting the need for financial advice.
Some pending tax rises are not due to become effective until after the start of the new Tax Year in April, others later than this.
What about you – what has changed in your lives over the last 10 years? How many jobs have you had? Has your family extended or tragedy struck? How many times have you moved house? How many pension schemes have you been a member of and simply left, through one reason or another? How many cars, partners and other life events have occurred?
Investment funds (whether held in pension wrappers or alternative structures such as Stocks and Shares ISAs), are mostly run by fund managers who are also human beings. As humans they may retire, defect to other companies, or run out of luck! Solutions that may have been right at the start may no longer be suitable or effective. Leading fund managers in 2009 may no longer be leading fund managers as we approach 2020.
Arguably the most significant increase is around The National Living Wage (NLW). This will rise by 6.7% to £12.21 an hour. The ramification to employers is yet to be seen. Whilst there is good intention behind increasing the NLW, this gamble by the Chancellor could backfire and trigger another round of inflation or, worse still, small businesses failing or downsizing due to the increase in costs, resulting in job losses. Businesses looking to cover these extra costs could potentially pass it back to customers, leading to the cycle of higher inflation and interest rates. Compounding matters for smaller businesses is another cost – the increase in employer National Insurance contributions. A very large play by the Chancellor in the pursuit of trying to bridge the gap in the public finances.
In April 2015, pension regulations changed. They will almost certainly change again. Pensions from prior to this time may no longer be suitable – but just how would you know? So, as you sit munching your turkey over the festive period, consider how many of these questions apply to you and see what may benefit from having a review.
Is 2020 the time to take a look at your financial arrangements once again and get them fit for purpose?
Wishing you a happy 2020 and a prosperous next 10 years.
What does this mean for you? We have seen clients looking to address some of the tax issues now, prior to some of these changes coming into force. There are still tax efficient ways to invest. Pensions, ISAs and other vehicles such as Investment Bonds offer different ways to shield investors from the increasing tax consequences. Crystallising gains prior to increases in tax could be right for you. Employers could look at introducing salary sacrifice to their workforce pension scheme by reducing salary to employees in exchange for higher pension contributions. This saves some National Insurance for the employer and employee, but some would say this will not help with the public finances gap especially around the NHS.
Yet another reason to look at independent financial or
By Kevin Glover, Belper IFS
Glover, Belper IFS
The current freeze on the Inheritance Tax (IHT) threshold of £325,000 remains until 2030. The first £325,000 of any estate can be inherited tax-free, rising to £500,000 when including a primary residence left to a direct descendent. However, significantly, from April 2027, IHT will be due on pensions left in an estate on death and, from April 2026, the first £1m of business assets will not attract IHT, then will be given a 50% relief.
How many investments have you made and when were they last reviewed and looked at? My point is
This information is general only and is not intended to address your particular requirements. The data above should not be relied upon in its entirety and shall not be deemed to be or constitute advice. No individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of their particular situation.
ation is general only and is not intended to r particular requirements The data above should not be relied upon in its entirety and shall not be deemed to be or constitute advice No individual or company should act upon such information without receiving appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of their particular situation
Let us help you create a tailored plan that reflects your unique circumstances, providing peace of mind for you and your family. Your legacy deserves the best care.
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There’s no reason why Valentine’s Day has to be all about couples. This year, spend some time on yourself.
1. Big yourself up. We’ve all heard those negative voices in our heads, but to silence yours, pay yourself some compliments – just as you would a friend. Congratulate yourself for a job well done, having the courage to tackle something difficult or just for having a good hair day! Say it to yourself in the mirror just before you go to bed or write it on a sticky note somewhere you’re going to see it. Then, be sure to surround yourself with people who don’t talk themselves or others down, and compliment others too; research has shown that lavishing praise on others can boost self-esteem.
2. Stand up straight. Slouching or letting your head hang are tell-tale signs your morale is low. Pay attention to your posture and think about how you feel when you stand like that. Then adopt a Superman pose with your chest up and hands on hips to make you feel more powerful and positive. Generally, good posture means your ears should be aligned evenly over your shoulders, which should be back and relaxed. And it’s good for your health too,
one with your thoughts. Really take notice of what’s around you and take some invigorating deep breaths. Make this particular walk about enjoyment, rather than clocking up the recommended 10,000 steps a day.
5. Cook something yummy. Try out a dish you’ve been meaning to create for a while and make it just for you rather than for a dinner party. Who knows? It might be so successful you decide to get friends or family around a table to enjoy it at
6. Have a good clear-out. While you might not list this among your favourite activities, eliminating things that don’t bring you joy is good for the soul. Dive into your wardrobe, clear out all those clothes that no longer fit, and take them to the charity shop so someone else can enjoy them. Put unused household items up for sale on Facebook Marketplace or dispose of them using Freecycle.
7. Turn off your phone. Pull the plug on social media and you’ll love yourself for it. Social media can make for a lot of dissatisfaction about your own life. A 2018 study suggested limiting it to 30 minutes a day to
The positive impact of companion animals on health is so well known that it’s called ‘the pet effect’. How might they help?
Improved well-being
Pets can boost your mood and calm you down, lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol and increasing serotonin, known as the ‘feel-good chemical’. This can happen just by watching fish in a tank or stroking your cat.
Increased fitness
A dog forces you to get outside and exercise, making it much easier to reach your recommended 150 minutes of physical activity a week. Meanwhile, riding a horse can burn up to 400 calories an hour.
Protection against heart disease
Multiple studies flag up the beneficial effect of pets on the cardiovascular system. Research has found that pet owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol and are less likely to die of heart disease. Cats get a
particularly good press: people who’d never had a cat were found to have a 40% higher chance of dying from a heart attack, while cat owners also had fewer strokes.
More social interaction
Pets can help people feel less lonely. Beyond that, dog owners are more likely to meet and chat with other humans when they’re out and about with their canine companions. This can be very important if you live alone.
Better cognition
A 2022 study found that people with pets concentrated better, processed information more quickly and had a better memory than those without. The suggestion was that furry friends could lower cognitive age by 15 years.
If you’re considering a Spanish city break, why not treat yourself to three in one? Steeped in rich history and rugged beauty, the Spanish region of Andalusia is a perfect choice for a summer holiday. Within a few hours’ drive, you can visit three of the region’s most majestic cities – Seville, Málaga and Granada. While close together, they each offer different cultural experiences and specialities.
From free tapas in Granada to Málaga’s thriving art scene, here’s what makes each city stand out.
Start by flying into Seville, the gleaming jewel of Andalusia’s cultural crown. The buildings within Seville’s compact Casco Antiguo (Old Town) are some of Spain’s greatest architectural treasures, providing a flavour of the city’s rich Muslim and Catholic historical legacy. Highlights are the world’s largest Gothic cathedral and the jaw-dropping Real Alcázar – the oldest royal palace in Europe still in use today.
When evening falls, the streets come alive with flamenco. This Spanish art form is a key feature of any Andalusian city, but Seville is home to some of Spain’s most famous flamenco singers. There are at least a dozen tablaos in Seville that hold nightly shows, but you can also catch an impromptu performance at many more spots around the city.
Standing at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, Granada lies 150 miles east of Seville. The city was under Islamic rule for hundreds of years,
so there’s a strong Moorish legacy here; nowhere can this be felt more strongly than in the Alhambra, a majestic, fortified palace complex that overlooks the city. Granada is also known for its Arabic baths, so after a day exploring the Alhambra, unwind at the Hammam Al Ándalus, where you’ll rotate through serene candlelit baths of different temperatures.
Sundown is a special time in Granada. Mirador de San Nicolás is the most popular sunset spot, promising mesmerising views of the Alhambra as it basks in the soft light against a backdrop of mountains. Granada is also one of the last cities in Spain that offers free tapas whenever you buy a drink – the perfect end to a perfect visit.
Last on the map is Málaga, a city blessed with near-constant sunshine and sandy beaches within strolling distance.
Málaga has a rich 2,800-year history, leaving behind a Roman theatre and the magnificent Alcazaba Fortress – a vast stone citadel built by Moorish settlers. More recently, Málaga has been revitalised with a swathe of art galleries, independent boutiques and an edgy new creative quarter.
Shopping is a big deal here, so carve out some time to stroll down the dazzling Calle Larios. The city is also home to over 20 museums, many of which are dedicated to the arts. The Picasso Museum Málaga showcases more than 200 of the artist’s works, curated into exhibitions that provide an insight into his artistic process.
February the 18th is the day to celebrate our thumbs! Let’s face it, we owe them so much. From writing and typing, to texting and mindlessly scrolling social media (when we really should be doing something productive), thumbs are essential. Especially for operating the remote control – vital for watching Baywatch repeats (other dramatic, action-packed shows are available).
Biological research shows that humans and great apes are unique in having opposable thumbs (the ability to touch all our other fingers). This gives our hands incredible flexibility and helped us create survival tools, shaping our evolution to this day.
I wonder what would happen if our pets developed opposable thumbs? Cats would almost certainly take over and rule us under a terrifying dictatorship. But let’s forget about that.
Instead, imagine the dream scenario: dogs with thumbs. We could text them during the day – “Pop the kettle on, please” – and come home to a nice cup of tea. They’d tidy up, do the pots, and maybe even have dinner ready. Although they’d probably steal all the biscuits…
In a world where we are increasingly isolated, I am making a call for us all to become more connected. I imagine reading this sentence strikes fear into the introverts amongst you. (Spoiler alert: I am actually an introvert who can pass as an extrovert in social situations.) I promise you, though, that becoming connected is multifactorial and so, fear not, there will be ways you can do it gently.
Research data has long proven that humans are wired for connection. It supports our mental, physical and spiritual health. Modern life often isolates us: think of a household of people all on different devices. I am not saying there isn’t a time and a place for your own space, that too is very much needed, but like everything it is about achieving a balance.
You can connect with others in simple ways –maintaining a regular coffee date with friends, going on a date night with your other half, joining clubs or groups where others gather. For those of you for whom this
Here are 3 ideas to celebrate Thumb Appreciation Day:
• Create thumb art: Use ink or paint to make thumbprint designs.
• Thumb wrestling: Challenge your friends to a thumb war.
• Go thumbs-free: Skip your thumbs for the day and appreciate just how vital they are.
Whatever you do to celebrate, it probably won’t be quite as dramatic as César Baldaccini’s tribute – a 12-metrehigh, 18-ton sculpture of his own thumb in Paris.
Or, for some poetic inspiration, Robert Curtis penned a delightful ode:
“Oh! mighty digit that thou art. From other fingers kept apart. Included only when called “hand”. You do so point to some other land. You really do stand quite alone. Pointing off to some twilight zone.”
So, whether you’re inspired to cast your thumb in bronze or write a quirky poem, remember to appreciate your most important digit. Who knows? One day, you might even get a thumbs-up from your dog!
By Jessica White
may seem like a Herculean task, as I said there are simpler and more gentle ways.
It may be about connecting to something that brings you joy – perhaps you love to draw or walk. Connecting to art or nature is just as valid a connection as connecting to another human. Once you are connected to that thing which sparks joy in you, it may bring connection to other humans in time. As long as the connection is meaningful it will positively impact your life, and our individuality means it looks different for each of us.
Often, we feel we don’t have time for these connections as life is so demanding – but I implore you to start making little moments of connection daily and you will soon reap the benefits. Those little moments will seep into your life and create a more contented landscape. I hope that reading this has demonstrated what we need to connect for and guides you to happier times.
By Fliss Goldsmith of Belper
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This rich and deeply delicious dish is based on a classic Moroccan tagine. It’s the perfect winter warmer, with a spicy hint.
Serves: 6
Preparation time: 25-30 minutes (plus overnight marinating)
Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
• 6 small lamb shanks (or lamb neck chops) about 1.5kg in total
• 2 onions, peeled and roughly chopped
• 2 red peppers, deseeded and roughly chopped
• 4 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
• 4 sprigs fresh rosemary, bashed
• 1 orange, thickly sliced
• 2 cinnamon sticks, bashed
• Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 1 x 750ml bottle red wine
• 1 tbsp ras el hanout (see below)
• 2 tbsp olive oil
• 1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes
• 2 tbsp date syrup or molasses
• 125g small pitted black olives
• 75g dates, pitted and chopped
• 4 tbsp freshly chopped coriander
For the ras el hanout
• 3 cardamom pods, seeds only
• 1 tsp coriander seeds
• ½ tsp cumin seeds
• ½ tsp sweet paprika
• ½ tsp ground cinnamon
• ½ tsp ground cayenne
• ½ tsp ground turmeric
• ½ tsp ground ginger
To serve
• Couscous, coriander and pomegranate seeds
A day ahead, place the lamb shanks in a large ceramic bowl or plastic container. Add the onions, peppers, garlic, rosemary, orange slices, cinnamon sticks and some salt and pepper. Pour over the wine and leave to marinate overnight in the fridge.
To make the ras el hanout, place the cardamom seeds, coriander seeds and cumin seeds in a small dry frying pan and place over a medium heat. Cook for 2-3 minutes until they are browned and starting to release their aroma. Let cool, then grind to a fine powder in a spice grinder (or a mortar and pestle). Mix with the ground spices and store in a jar until required.
The next day, strain the marinade juices into a jug, reserving all the vegetables and set both aside. Pat the lamb shanks dry with paper towels and season generously with salt and pepper.
Heat half the oil in a 6-litre cast iron casserole with lid over a high heat. Fry the shanks for 5 minutes until browned all over. Remove with a slotted spoon and reduce the heat to medium. Add the remaining oil and the reserved vegetables to the pan (but not the orange slices) and fry for 5-6 minutes over a medium heat until browned and sticky. Stir in the ras el hanout spice mix and stir for 1 minute.
Return the lamb to the pan with the orange slices, the marinade juices, tomatoes and date syrup, stirring well. Bring the stew to the boil, cover, reduce the heat and simmer over a very low heat for 2 hours until the lamb is starting to fall from the bone. Remove the lid, stir in the olives and dates, and cook uncovered for a further 15 minutes until the sauce has thickened. Stir in the coriander and adjust seasoning to taste.
Serve with the couscous, herbs and pomegranate seeds.
Recipe extract from ‘A Cookbook for Winter: More Than 95 Nurturing and Comforting Recipes for the Colder Months’, published by Ryland Peters & Small, £22. Photography © Ryland Peters & Small.
Once a prominent bank on Belper’s King Street, The Bottle Bank is now a sophisticated bar and eatery, having been sympathetically and tastefully refurbished by its new owners, local couple Kirsty and Sam Jackson, who reopened the bar in September 2024.
The couple are no strangers to running businesses in Belper: Sam used to be partner in the popular delicatessen Fresh Basil and has since been operating his electrical and solar installation business, Voltaire, while Kirsty has worked as an accountant locally for many years. But, despite keeping busy with businesses and family life the couple, who first met working in a bar, always had an ambition to run one of their own. “We’d had our eye on this building after it was first turned into a bar a few years ago. We said if it ever came up for lease again, we’d love to take it on … so, when the chance came up, we jumped at it!” explains Kirsty.
“We got the keys in August and immediately stripped the place back, before refurbishing it inside and out, taking inspiration from our favourite bar in London. We focused on creating an inviting space where people can feel comfortable and relaxed whilst enjoying quality food and drinks.”
The bar boasts an amazing wine selection, with over 30 different wines available by the glass or bottle. Their ‘wine tapas’ – a flight of 100ml glasses – provides an opportunity to try something new from the expertly curated selection. Pair
evenings, too. Search ‘The Bottle Bank’ on Facebook or Instagram to find out about upcoming events, including Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day offers.
Call in to experience everything The Bottle Bank has to offer – whether you’re there to eat, drink or be entertained, you’re assured of a warm welcome!
SUNDAY 11 - 7
When it comes to pairing alcohol with food, wine often takes centre stage. But beer, with its incredible range of flavours, aromas, and textures, is just as deserving of the spotlight.
Unlike wine, beer’s ingredients – malted grains, hops, yeast, and water – allow for a nearly endless variety of styles. Its carbonation also plays a key role, cutting through richness and cleansing the palate in ways wine often can’t. Here are five dishes and their perfect beer pairings to inspire your next culinary adventure:
Grilled Steak and Stout
The roasted malts and creamy texture of a stout complement the smoky richness of steak, while its slight bitterness cuts through the fat.
Sam Smith – Imperial Stout 7%
Spicy Tacos and IPA
An IPA’s hoppy bitterness and citrus notes balance spicy flavours, while its carbonation refreshes the palate after each fiery bite.
Gravity Well - Primordial Soup NE IPA 6.5%
This issue I’m presenting a smooth ‘Zinfandel’ wine from California USA.
There are two thoughts about how Zinfandel arrived in California. Firstly, it is thought that vines known as ‘Black St Peters’ were first introduced to the USA from the Austrian Imperial Nursery in Vienna via New England, where they grew grapes under glass as ‘table grapes’. It is then thought that settlers travelling across America took the vines from New England to California during the Gold Rush.
The other thought is that Italian workers, after the Gold Rush, turned to agriculture in the mid-1850s and imported the vines that they remembered from their homeland. They have now shown by DNA testing that Zinfandel is the same grape as Primitivo from southern Italy, which had its origins in Croatia.
The wine I tasted was from the Cline Family Cellars, Sonoma, California, USA. Within their Heritage Collection they have an Ancient Vines Zinfandel. Although their winery and offices are in Sonoma, this wine is made from 100year-old vines in the Contra Costa County, which is east across San Francisco Bay and Oakland on the banks of the San Joaquin and Sacramento River deltas. The vines have survived phylloxera and prohibition to produce a fruitled wine from a dry-farmed vineyard. The grapes are handpicked (dependant on ripeness), de-stemmed, lightly
Sushi and Pilsner
A crisp pilsner enhances the delicate flavours of sushi without overpowering them, while its effervescence clears the palate of soy sauce and wasabi.
Utopian x GADDS’ - Green Hopped Pilsner 5%
BBQ Ribs and Amber Ale
The malty sweetness of an amber ale mirrors BBQ sauce’s caramelised flavours, while its toasted notes balance the dish’s smoky richness.
Yorkshire Heart - Vale of York Dark Amber Ale 6%
Chocolate Cake and Porter
A porter’s cocoa and coffee notes enhance chocolate desserts, creating a rich yet balanced pairing that’s never overly sweet.
Anspach & Hobday - London Black Nitro Porter 4.4%
By Sean McKeown
crushed and fermented in temperature -controlled open top concrete tanks, before racking into American and French oak barrels for 16 months, followed by blending and bottling.
Technical Details:
Grape: 97% Zinfandel, 3% Carignan - 2021 vintage. Appearance: Deep red colour
Characteristics: Spicy bright strawberry notes with a touch of coffee, chocolate, raspberry and vanilla to produce a well-balanced wine with soft tannins. Can be drunk now, but could be kept for 5 to 7 years, or longer.
Alcohol by Volume: 14.5%
Food Match: Any red meat dish, creamy chicken or cheese.
Price: Hattersley Wine Merchants, Bakewell, £21.99 per bottle.
For more information visit www.clinecellars.com, the Hattersley Wines website, www.hattersleywines.com, or their shop in Bakewell.
If you like wine and would like to learn more, please visit our website www.kilburnwinecircle.weebly.com for our 2025 programme.
By David Savidge, Kilburn Wine Circle
Distance: 6.7 miles / 10.9 km
Ascent: 1100 feet / 333 metres
Time: 4 hours 30 minutes
Grade: Easy/Moderate
Author: Lou Johnson
Map: Ordnance Survey Explorer OL24; Anquet
OS Explorer OL24
Start: Alsop en le Dale (grid ref. SK160551), roadside parking.
This walk explores the Dove Valley and surrounding countryside using good paths, including a section of the Tissington Trail.
1. The walk starts beside the lovely parish church in Alsop en le Dale (grid ref. SK160551) where parking for a few cars is generally available. To start the walk head west keeping the church to your left.
2. Continue down Dam Lane into a valley and turn left over a stile with adjacent fingerpost. The path runs uphill beside a wall on your right and soon swaps to the other side of the wall and continues up to the Tissington Trail near a bench (grid ref. SK156550).
3. Turn right along the well-graded track which is followed for just over two kilometres. As you make progress you get brief sight of traffic on the A515 to your right. Shortly after, you pass a substantial bench, and the track starts to curve left. Look out for a narrower path on the left running close to a wall and descending to a lane (grid ref. SK159567). If you cross the lane, retrace your steps to locate the path.
4. Turn left along the lane and take the first signed footpath on the left after 150 metres. Cross the wall stile and follow the path with a wall on your immediate right.
5. After 800 metres of downhill walking across pastures, the path swaps sides of the wall and descends more steeply with woodland on your right and a wall on your left into Dovedale near Coldeaton Bridge (grid ref. SK146561).
6. Turn right and follow the River Dove downstream. The path runs close to the meandering river in a steep sided valley and continues to reach a road with adjacent stone bridge (grid ref. SK146551).
7. Turn right across the bridge and almost immediately fork left along the lower lane. Continue beside the River Dove for just under a kilometre into Milldale.
8. When the lane bends right uphill, continue ahead and cross the River Dove on the attractive stone bridge. The path continues downstream and after a kilometre reaches a footpath fingerpost signed to Alsop en le Dale (grid ref. SK143537).
9. Turn left up this path which climbs steeply to Hanson Grange Farm. Keep the farm buildings on your left and continue to join the farm’s access driveway. Follow this for 800 metres to Green Lane. Cross the wall stile opposite and slightly left. The path leads ahead to the A515.
10. Cross the A515 (with extreme care) to the lane opposite signed to Alsop Station. Continue towards the car park (an alternative starting point) and turn left along the Tissington Trail to the bench passed on the outward leg of the walk.
11. Turn right and follow the path downhill to a lane. Turn right back to the start in Alsop en le Dale.
Walk supplied by Walking Britain (no. 2787). For GPS file or other walks visit www.walkingbritain.co.uk.
It is advisable to carry the relevant OS map when walking the route, and wear appropriate clothing/ footwear. The publisher accepts no responsibility for any injuries caused to readers whilst following the walk
Boxing is a combat sport that has been practised for years, recently becoming more popular as a form of exercise: boxing for fitness. Unlike traditional boxing which involves fighting in a ring, in ‘boxing for fitness’ classes you partner someone holding pads or punch a punch bag.
The emphasis is to get fit in a safe, non-contact environment whilst enjoying the benefits of boxing training. This class is a fun way to get fit! It challenges the mind as well as the body, providing the following benefits:
1. Aids weight loss
High intensity boxing training can decrease body fat, improve body composition, and boost whole body strength. Punching power doesn’t just come from the shoulders: it involves the whole body, including the lower limbs and core muscles. Coordination is key to delivering power.
2. Improves balance and hand-eye coordination
Boxing is movement intense, involving footwork and pad combinations which improve balance and coordination. Learning and executing punching combinations builds muscle memory and enhances fine motor skills, which are invaluable for everyday actions and activities.
Hatton Boxing For Fitness Classes at Ripley School Of Boxing
A fantastic class to help get you fit while having fun!
Suitable for all fitness levels
Tuesday 7.30pm
Thursday 7.30pm
Booking is essential as places are limited
There is no better way to release stress than to punch pads or a punching bag! Researchers have observed massive mood improvements amongst people who practise boxing training.
4. Improve cardiovascular heath
To keep our heart healthy and protect from heart disease and common illnesses, we need to be doing regular cardiovascular exercise. Boxing is a great cardiovascular workout, getting your heart pumping and lungs working harder, resulting in beneficial changes within the body.
5. Mental benefits
Working out releases endorphins (‘happy hormones’), which lift your mood and fight off lethargy. Regular exercise can help treat mild depression and seasonal disorders. Boxing is great for clearing your head: focusing on the combinations and the repetitive motion of punching can help you switch off, centring the mind and allowing stresses to fade away.
6. Socialising
In a boxing class you’re surrounded by likeminded people. You can have a laugh and, even if you arrived at the session feeling unmotivated, your mood will soon be lifted. Boxing creates healthy fitness routines that last. Please contact me for information about the boxing classes we run in Ripley, with a great inclusive community of people.
By Alex Robinson
Level 4 Personal Trainer with additional qualifications in GP referrals – Pre- & post-natal exercise. Personal Trainer for over 15 years, supporting and helping people to meet their goals in fitness and lifestyle changes, from losing weight to running marathons. 01773 512410 • 07817 337861
‘If you have been thinking about improving your fitness or want to lose weight, I can help’.
• I have been a Personal Trainer for over 15 years, supporting and helping people to meet their goals in fitness and lifestyle changes, from losing weight to running marathons.
• Over the years I have competed in various amateur sports to a high standard, including 24 hour endurance running to cross training events.
• I am a Level 4 Personal Trainer with additional qualifications in GP referrals - Pre & post natal exercise Master Trainer in corrective exercise Hatton Boxing for Fitness - Boxercise Master Trainer CIMPSA & NRPT registered.
•Menopause Specialist.
Strictly by appointment only. All measures possible will be taken to protect the safety of our patients with the guidelines provided.
Following a complete change in her own lifestyle due to a dissatisfaction with the behaviours and habits she found herself repeating, Michelle has created The Wellness Directory to bring together a number of practices that have positively helped her to create the life she now thrives in, by hosting wellness day retreats at venues throughout Derbyshire in order that others may experience the same benefits.
Michelle believes that wellness is a feeling of calm, a regulated nervous system, a nourished, strong body and an inquisitive mind – a lifestyle in itself, achieved by a combination of the food we eat, the way we move our bodies, the environments we spend our time in, the quality of our sleep and our mindset.
The aim of The Wellness Directory is to build a community and to help everyone to feel the best version of themselves. Through practices such as pilates, meditation, breathwork and sound baths to name just a few, and by following a wholefood diet, you can improve not only your physical but your mental wellbeing.
The Wellness Directory day retreats will alter with the
seasons, and each one will bring together different experiences, different nourishing food and a different energy, all tailored to the time of year. You will be guided by a host of wonderful wellness practitioners throughout the day and will leave feeling relaxed and renewed. Each retreat is for anyone and everyone regardless of previous experience, and whether you attend with a friend or come alone, you will always be assured of a warm welcome.
Making time for yourself is so important in an increasingly hectic world, and adopting regular practices that give you the tools to navigate life’s ups and downs can help you to remain steady in the face of any challenges you may find yourself up against.
To find out about forthcoming Wellness Directory retreats or to book your place, visit www.thewellnessdirectory.co.uk or e-mail michelle@thewellnessdirectory.co.uk. Instagram: @thewellnessdirectoryderbyshire Facebook: The Wellness Directory Derbyshire
For details of upcoming
visit www.thewellnessdirectory.co.uk
What is it?
Since it was introduced in the late noughties, The Ford Kuga has become a go-to choice for those looking for an engaging compact SUV. In 2024 it received a midlife makeover.
What’s new?
Externally, there’s a gloss black grille, new wraparound headlights and light bar. The ride height has increased. Inside, the old eight-inch touchscreen has been replaced with a 13.2-inch infotainment display. The updated instrument cluster is now a bigger 12.3inch digital display.
What’s under the bonnet?
The Kuga is available with petrol, hybrid and plug-in hybrid powertrains. We’ve been testing the plug-in hybrid version that comes with a 2.5-litre Duratec petrol engine mated to a CVT automatic gearbox and a 14.4kWh battery pack, giving a 35-mile range on electric driving. Overall power comes in at 239bhp, allowing this SUV to do 0-60mph in 7.1 seconds and a top speed of 125mph.
What’s it like to drive?
The Kuga is relaxing on a long trip and the cabin is nicely insulated from road and wind noise. At speed, the car performs well. Fuel economy is excellent, with our plug-in hybrid test car averaging 60mpg.
On a twisty road, the handling is precise and there isn’t too much body roll. In town, the plug-in hybrid system needs little input from the petrol engine. The controls are easy to operate, and visibility is excellent. But, when driven hard, the engine and CVT gearbox start shouting and screaming.
How does it look?
The Kuga is a good-looking car. The side profile is housed by lower body mouldings finished off in silver trim and the gloss black roof bars and roof match the front grille colour.
What’s it like inside?
Inside it’s a stylish, minimalist affair, but you’ll find hard scratchy plastics on the rear door panels, glovebox and centre console. There’s a vast amount of head and legroom for rear-seat passengers. Our plug-in hybrid model has a smaller boot at 628 litres than the normal hybrid to make way for its batteries but fold the seats down and the space extends to 1,534 litres. The touchscreen interface looks great and is fairly
easy to use, despite some issues with Apple CarPlay connections.
What’s the spec like?
The Kuga comes in plenty of permutations that offer a lot of standard equipment, with Titanium, ST-Line, Active and ST-Line X.
The Active model, from £38,965, has lifted suspension, black mirror caps and roof, 18-inch diamond-cut alloy wheels, and part leather and Alcantara seats. The flagship ST-Line X is yours for £39,705, offering a heated steering wheel and seats front and rear, 19inch alloy wheels and an electric sliding glass sunroof.
The Kuga’s facelift has improved the looks and onboard tech. It has excellent handling and refinement, as well as being spacious. It’s a great all-rounder that should be on your shopping list if you’re in the market for a midsize SUV with green credentials.
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Use gorgeous artwork and photographs to create instant impact.
Grouping pictures to hang together can create a striking decorative effect and is a great way to display your treasured memories or artefacts. Our guide will help answer your questions about hanging wall art effectively.
Where should I hang my pictures?
The short answer is wherever you like. The longer answer, however, is that a wall of art is most effective in larger spaces where there is room to stand back and appreciate it. The living room is an obvious choice, but other frequently used rooms allow you to enjoy them too. It’s important the work is not likely to be damaged by its location (too hot or in direct sunlight, too humid or likely to be splashed).
Keep precious pieces, especially watercolours and photographs, out of direct sunlight unless protected by special glass. And bear in mind that bright light will cause reflections on glass-fronted pictures opposite windows.
What is the best background?
Neutral walls (usually white) can be a great foil for a collection of art, focusing on them without undue distraction. Some galleries have, however, turned to dark walls, choosing a shade that enhances the works without overpowering them. For a country-cottage effect, you can try hanging a group of gently coloured pictures against patterned wallpaper in complementary shades.
What’s the simplest option for hanging groups?
Undoubtedly the easiest way to hang a group of paintings that correspond in terms of size, shape and frame material (and perhaps in subject matter and colour) is to hang them in a row, a series of rows or another ordered, geometrical arrangement. The effect is formal and traditional.
How can I create a true ‘gallery’ effect?
If you have a more disparate collection, start by laying the pieces on the floor and assessing how they look
together. If necessary, remove some, make substitutions or consider re-framing – matching or similar frames can really help to pull a less regular arrangement together.
Try to see them as a whole and group them roughly into an overall rectangle or aligned on three sides. On the other hand, a completely free-form arrangement can be intriguing, though it helps if the ‘ingredients’ possess at least one common factor, which could be shape, size, colour, texture, material or subject.
How high should I hang my pictures?
When planning your gallery wall, it’s a good idea to make the centre of your grouping roughly at eye level (around 1.55 metres) – taking into account the height of your ceiling and where your furniture is placed.
What about lighting?
Custom picture lighting is the optimum choice, usually either a discreet track system, ceiling-mounted spotlights or a traditional picture light or two.
If re-wiring isn’t an option, consider battery-operated, rechargeable picture lights, or simply position floor or table lights carefully and direct them at your artworks, avoiding glare if possible. Professionals recommend LED bulbs for their small size, low energy use and because they don’t heat up.
This beautifully considered gallery wall pictured above, in a room designed by Claire Garner, works on a linear principle with a variety of sizes.
By Katherine Sorrell
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Appropriately, the song ‘Lipstick on your Collar’ was booming out from the radio when Janey found the tell-tale signs.
She had been singing along happily with Connie Francis when the colour caught her eye. It was a bright, flirtatious fuchsia pink, nothing like her own demure shades. She favoured the warm hues that enhanced her autumn colouring.
It was the second time she’d noticed that particular shade of lipstick on her husband’s favourite shirt. She’d ignored the pale pink patch on the first occasion but now she felt certain that the full fuchsia imprint wasn’t an innocent stain. She dropped down heavily onto the nearest kitchen chair and tried to consider the situation calmly. She and James socialised together so that ruled out a stranger. She knew that none of her friends used that particular shade – so that left... The shirt was now crumpled in her shaking hands. Janey attempted some calming breaths and tossed the offensive article into the washing machine – but she didn’t bother with the stain remover. She left the rest of the washing in the basket, set the machine to the hottest wash available and contemplated her next plan of action.
Janey remained sitting – and thinking – until the machine clicked off an hour or so later, bringing her smartly out of her reverie. She stuffed the shirt into the tumble dryer with a hefty punch. She knew what she needed to do. First, she drank a cup of calming camomile tea. Then she ran upstairs. It didn’t take long to change her casual clothes for her new olive-green suit with the stylish pencil skirt, teamed with a crisp ivory-white blouse and her matching high-heeled shoes. She chose a deep autumn red lipstick, did her make-up as professionally as she was able and took a good look in the mirror. She nodded.
Yes, that course at the beauty salon had definitely been worth the money; she was very happy with the overall effect. It wasn’t long before she was walking confidently down the High Street towards the company where James had been working as an accountant for the last six months. Head held high, Janey pushed open the glass door and, without speaking to the receptionist (who watched openmouthed), she moved purposefully towards the lift.
At the second floor, she stepped out, took a deep breath and headed confidently towards the office where she knew James should be working.
Janey’s husband was busy at his computer but he looked up at the sound of her clicking heels and smiled happily.
“What a surprise, my love, seeing you here on a Monday morning! I thought today was your washing and housework day.”
“Yes, it is, but I’ve finished the washing and the weather’s so pleasant I thought I’d take a walk. How about coming out to lunch with me?”
“O.K. You don’t look dressed for a walk…” he queried but as Janey didn’t reply he continued. “It’ll take me about ten minutes to finish this task, make yourself at home.”
That was just the opportunity Janey was hoping for –ten minutes would give her the time she required to fulfil her own task. She sauntered around the office, chatting to anyone she knew (and greeting those she didn’t) while observing very closely the mouths of the women, but no-one seemed to favour the shade of lipstick on James’ collar. She wandered back to his desk.
“I’ve just got to take this into the boss,” said James cheerily, waving some papers in the air.
“Oh, all right,” responded Janey, before James could make a move. “I’ve never met your boss. How about introducing me?” James agreed but looked surprised and a little unsure. Janey wasn’t usually quite so interested in his workplace or his colleagues. She followed closely behind as James entered his boss’ office.
“Helen, meet Janey, my wife,” James said hurriedly –as his boss turned and gave Janey a bright fuchsia pink smile. Lunch was going to be very interesting.
By Doris Brown, West Park Writers
West Park Writers meet every Monday at 10.30am in the Parish Room attached to St Werburgh’s Church, Spondon. We are a small, friendly group who enjoy writing stories and poetry in a relaxed atmosphere. We’d love to see you! Please contact Doris Brown on 01332 585130 if you’d like more information.’
We often start the New Year full of good intentions and ambitions. Here we salute six writers who’ve fulfilled their dream of seeing their debut novel in print.
Natalie Sue
This workplace comedy sees socially awkward Jolene receive access to her hated colleagues’ work emails because of an IT error. With redundancies looming, she realises the power this gives her. But the more she learns about her workmates, the harder it is to hate them. Can she keep living her life between the lines of an email, or is she ready to experience the world she’s avoided?
gathering ‘expats’ from across history to test the limits of time travel – and finds love with a Victorian explorer who, historically speaking, died on an Arctic expedition.
The Last Bookstore on Earth
Lily Braun-Arnold
The author is currently an undergraduate studying English who can often be found working at her local independent bookstore or daydreaming about living in outer space. Her debut is set after an apocalyptic storm. It follows teens Liz and Maeve as they fall in love and fight for survival in an abandoned bookstore, just weeks before another storm threatens the end of the world.
Tam Barnett
The Book of Doors
A lack of travel during lockdown was the inspiration for Gareth Brown’s first novel. While New York-based bookseller Cassie is finishing her shift, a favourite customer dies suddenly. She finds a book among his possessions –with a sinister handwritten message to Cassie at the front – which, she soon discovers with the help of best friend Izzy, can transport her anywhere, simply by walking through the nearest door. But some doors should never be opened…
The Ministry of Time
Kaliane Bradley
This novel blends love story, time travel and state-of-the-nation commentary. A disaffected civil servant in near-future London is offered a lucrative job in a mysterious new department
In London journalist Tam Barnett’s first book, a darkly comic thriller set on the Wirral, our protagonist is obsessed with true crime, but now there’s a murderer on the loose. Of course, some people might wonder if it’s her. Is she an innocent soul with an unhealthy fascination, or a deadly psychopath? It’s the killer question. After all, she’d love to know how to get away with murder…
The Storm We Made
Vanessa Chan
British Malaya, 1930s, and discontented housewife Cecily is seduced by a Japanese general and the glorious future he is promising for ‘independent’ Malaya. Becoming his personal spy, she unwittingly alters the fate of her country by welcoming in a punishing form of dictatorship under the Japanese in World War II. Forward to Japanese-occupied Malaya, 1945, and now her family must survive it. Can she face up to her past to save her children? Or is it too late?
Create a cosy and inviting gathering spot by incorporating these sleek glass fireplace designs or use it to create a modern focal point in your home, for instance as a room divider. An effective and eco-friendly heating source that’s easy to integrate into the home in a number of different and unique ways. The gas fireplace is easily controlled by remote control or your phone/tablet for incredibly authentic and natural-looking flames wherever you choose to enjoy them, also available for wood burning.
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February is a great time for thinking about practical improvements which could help transform your garden. One of these is the exciting proposition of planting a tree. February is well within the bare-root season and prices are as low as you’re likely to find.
A garden without a tree feels strangely lacking in purpose, though you have to be careful if you have a small plot. It’s all about choosing the right tree for the space, together with adequate preparation. Tree roots tend to take the path of least resistance and need space underground to prevent what is known as root heave, where roots push up the paving above. Prepare the soil well so roots don’t congregate at the surface.
The amount of space which is generally adequate between a tree and a building is around two thirds of the maximum height of the mature tree. A tree specialist should be consulted for more accurate advice. Remember that a root barrier will allow trees to be planted closer to buildings.
Other factors such as loss of light and debris from falling leaves, seeds or fruit should also be taken into consideration when choosing a tree.
Six beautiful small trees:
1. Acers
Select an appropriate variety. Some Japanese Acers measure under two metres at maturity, but other maples, as they are often known, can grow to 40 metres!
2. Amelanchier
This large shrub, also known as the Juneberry or snowy Mespilus, provides interest over different seasons, making it an excellent choice.
3. Crataegus
Hawthorn trees are an ancient species commonly found in hedgerows. There are also cultivars with pink and red blossom which make ideal garden specimens. Birds love the berries.
4. Euonymus
The native spindle is a remarkable large shrub which has fiery autumn foliage and beautiful fruit. Its pink berries burst open to reveal orange seeds. Loved by wildlife, the cultivar E. ‘Red Cascade’ is wonderful in a garden.
5. Malus
The crab apple is ideal for many small gardens, with spring blossom and edible fruit coveted by birds. It’s a winner for wildlife.
6. Prunus
Who doesn’t love a flowering cherry in spring? Check the height and spread if it’s for a small garden, as some can grow into a medium-sized tree.
Planning ahead: reduce your workload
As we approach spring, give some thought to your upcoming workload in your garden and plan accordingly. Many people employ help outdoors during the growing seasons, and often all year round. The easing of a burden can be a very positive move and one which can bring new enthusiasm.
Consider contracting out your least-enjoyable tasks. Do you detest mowing the lawn or cutting hedges, for example? Cleaning the patio and paths is another job you might prefer to be without, yet someone locally will be pleased to help.
By Caroline Knight
Having support from other parents on this wild ride that we call parenting is vital. They help us to navigate the ups and downs and, as we compare our experiences, it really helps to know that others are going through similar worries, self-doubts, challenges … and, of course, the positives as we can celebrate milestones, experiences and achievements together.
Many of my closest friends began as ‘mum friends’ back in the day (with several of them still listed in my phone book as ‘so and so’s mum’, 18 years later!). We’ve shared highs and lows, laughed and cried together, holidayed, enjoyed day trips, made memories, offered advice or just been a non-judgemental listening ear (and pourer of wine) when it’s needed.
While everyone’s experience of parenting will be completely different, there are aspects that are similar and comparing (or even contrasting) these experiences really helps us to feel less alone.
And this is great, when it’s people you actually know. However… there’s also a temptation to compare your life to what others share online. Whether it’s someone you vaguely know, a celebrity or an ‘influencer’ (remember, their income is dependent on appealing online content), it’s really important to see these posts as exactly what they are … edited highlights. While real life friends will share the truth and nothing but the truth – including the good, the bad and the ugly – online friends show a carefully constructed reality. And, although we all know better, it’s very hard not to buy into this mythical existence.
Even so called ‘parenting support groups’ online have a vast array of personalities posting. When my eldest started university this year I was added to a group for parents of students. Don’t get me wrong, on occasion it has been really useful. I’ve gleaned advice on negotiating the chaos of packing and moving in day, applying for student loans, understanding the complexities of student housing contracts and other valuable tips.
However, there’s also a LOT of unnecessary showing off in this group! Many posts, posed as questions, are really just thinly veiled boasts: ‘My A*A*A*A* son is soooo worried he won’t get an offer from any universities … what do you think his chances are?’ Genuine concern, Rebecca? I think not. I get it, you’re proud of your son and want the world to know, but you’ve rather overshadowed Claire’s post above where she was desperately seeking advice for her daughter who missed out on her university place by 2 grades and would like some help in guiding and supporting her through this difficult and emotional time.
Drawing on the collective experience of others who’ve been through similar can really help at a time like this, offering useful tips (and reassuring stories of how it all works out!) but, please, let’s not get drawn into comparing our downs with other people’s ups, or vice versa. I’m sure even Master A*A*A*A* (let’s call him ‘Aaron Aardvark’) has his moments but I doubt Mrs Aardvark will publicly share the time he smuggled a bottle of vodka into a family party and was sick on his Grandma’s geraniums.
These comparisons are certainly not a new phenomenon that arises as your kids get older though – they begin from birth! From comparing birth stories (often totally beyond our control!) to how babies grow and develop – when they smile, sit up, crawl, walk, potty train and so on. No matter how much others reassure you that all babies develop at their own rate there’s always THAT parent who makes you wonder, as they eagerly promote their baby’s latest milestone, declaring on social media that their protégé has slept through the night and woken up babbling the alphabet whilst spontaneously knocking out Frère Jacques on their wooden glockenspiel.
Remember, in parenting as in any other aspect of life, ‘comparison is the thief of joy’. Stick to real life friends, take online gloating with a pinch of salt, seek out genuine support and avoid unrealistic comparisons at all costs as you and your children enjoy your own journey … taking your own route at your own pace.
By Helen Young
It can be bewildering when your child has a meltdown, as the reason for it often seems pretty minor. However, while children may think they’re upset because their sibling got an extra sweet or because they want to carry on watching TV, there’s often an underlying issue.
Tiredness, hunger and sugar crashes can all make children over-emotional. Of course, children often won’t realise why they’re feeling like they do and may be very quick to tell you that no they’re not hungry, they’re cross because you’re just being SO UNFAIR.
Children also often store up any anxieties and let them loose in a safe place, i.e. at home. An argument with a friend at school, for instance, can result in a shouting match over switching the TV off at home. Or, if your child is worried that you might love their siblings more than you love them, a perceived unfairness can be a trigger to letting that worry come out.
A worry box can be a useful tool for discovering any underlying anxieties that may be bothering your child. Help them to decorate a cardboard box and write ‘Our Worry Box’ on the side. Encourage your child to write down when something is worrying them, and to pop it in the box. If they’re too young to write their worry down, they could draw it or ask you to write it for them. Just the act of getting it down on paper can sometimes help children to work through the issue. Pick a quiet time, when your child seems at ease, to take out a piece of paper and discuss the worry. If your child is still feeling anxious about the issue, they can put it back in the box. Otherwise, they can throw it away.
Coping with a meltdown
A meltdown is usually fast and furious, but short
lived. Speaking in a low, soothing voice can help children to calm down. Just repeating that they’re OK and that you’re here can be all that’s needed.
Keeping calm when you’re being screamed at is certainly difficult, but reciprocating will just escalate the situation. If you need to walk away and take a few minutes to breathe deeply, then do so.
Young children aren’t always capable of logic, so attempting to reason with them often won’t help. Likewise, telling them to calm down, to stop crying, or to ‘suck it up’ will just make things worse.
While giving in to your child’s demands can sometimes diffuse the situation, it won’t uncover any underlying causes for the meltdown and can make things worse in the long run. That being said, it’s always a good idea to properly consider their request before a situation escalates. It’s often very easy to say ‘no’ without actually considering whether there’s room to meet halfway.
Once your child has calmed down, you might want to sit with them while they eat a non-sugary snack. Big emotions can be scary and tiring for children. It will take years for them to develop the mental capacity to be able to properly control their emotions, so don’t try to make them feel guilty about losing control. Instead, ask whether they want to talk about what just happened and about how they’re feeling. A hug can go a long way towards making both of you feel better too.
By Kate Duggan
Valentine’s Day can be a difficult time for those who are not directly in a romantic relationship as, due to the origin of this heartfelt holiday, most of it is geared towards those in relationships and those in love.
If you are one of these people who are not in a relationship at this time, it can make you feel somewhat exempt from this whole tradition. However, Valentine’s Day is for everybody –whether you are in a relationship or not. It is a time to celebrate appreciation for those you love, no matter the relationship, and also to show love to yourself.
Often, it is typical to receive some sort of card with words of appreciation. Nevertheless, I think it is also important not just to say you love and appreciate someone but to show them. There are several ways you can do this, from showing affection or simply helping someone out with day-to-day tasks that may cause them stress. For many individuals, showing love through action feels more validating and meaningful than verbal expressions. As well as this, some may feel actions are more challenging to fake or lie about, meaning that they are more likely to embrace this love and appreciation. In simple terms, while words can be easily spoken or written, actions require effort and commitment, which can validate the sincerity of one’s feelings.
There is a misconception that Valentine’s Day is exclusively for lovers, therefore this false belief can lead some people to spend the evening cooped up in isolation. Instead, call up some friends, meet up in a nice restaurant or in your own home and share some good food, great company and lots of laughs and conversations. This is key to tossing that sense of loneliness and having a great time with people you love and appreciate.
Feeling sad or lonely on Valentine’s Day is more common than you think, especially if you’ve just ended a relationship, if you’re mourning the loss of a loved one, or if you’re feeling alone on that day. For this, I recommend what I call a self-care day: be your own Valentine! The truest love is self-love. Make plans that include a self-indulgent activity like treating yourself to a massage, manicure or yoga class. However, if you want something of a lower cost, cozy up with a book, light your favourite candle or treat yourself to a relaxing bath. Choosing yourself is an act of love that only you can provide.
No matter how much you prepare or try to avoid the blues, sometimes it can just happen! But it’s important to realise that there is a difference between feeling lonely because of a holiday, and symptoms that last more than two weeks. Going into Valentine’s Day with a positive mindset is crucial to ensure that you end up making the most out of the holiday whether it is with a loved one or without. Surround yourself with love, whether this is from other people or yourself!
By Ruby Harrison Belper School Students
Ambergate Primary School 01773 852204
Anthony Gell School 01629 825577
Belper Long Row Primary 01773 823319
Belper School 01773 825281
Breadsall CofE VE Primary School 01332 831328
Codnor Community Primary School 01773 742537
C of E Controlled
Denby Free C of E Primary 01332 880416
Ecclesbourne School 01332 840645
Fritchley CE (Aided) Primary 01773 852216
Heage Primary School 01773 852188
Heanor Gate Science College 01773 716396
Herbert Strutt Primary 01773 822771
Holbrook C of E Primary 01332 880277
Horsley C of E Primary 01332 880782
Horsley Woodhouse Primary 01332 880403
John Flamsteed Community School 01332 880260
Kilburn Infant & Nursery School 01332 880449
Kilburn Junior 01332 880540
Langley Mill (CE) Controlled Infant School & Nursery 01773 713429
Little Eaton Primary 01332 831471
Mapperley CofE Primary School 0115 9325386
Meadows Primary 01332 840305
Milford Primary 01332 841316
Morley Primary 01332 831295
Pottery Primary 01773 823383
Richardson Endowed Primary School 01332 880317
Ripley Junior School 01773 742281
Scargill CE Primary, West Hallam 0115 9320005
St Andrew’s C of E Primary School 0115 9324252
St Benedict 01332 557032
St Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary 01773 822278
St John’s CE Primary, Belper 01773 822995
Stanley Common Primary School 0115 9322437
Street Lane Primary 01773 742717
Swanwick Hall School 01773 602106
Turnditch CE VA Primary 01773 550304
William Gilbert Primary 01332 840395
All dates taken from www.derbyshire.gov.uk
Term 3: Monday 6 January 2025 to Friday 14 February 2025
Term 4: Monday 24 February 2025 to Friday 4 April 2025
Term 5: Tuesday 22 April 2025 to Friday 23 May 2025
Term 6: Monday 2 June 2025 to Thursday 24 July 2025
Term 1: Thursday 4 September 2025 to Friday 24 October 2025
Term 2: Monday 3 November 2025 to Friday 19 December 2025
When a man’s car breaks down in the Scottish Highlands, he calls at a nearby cottage.
“Is there a mechanic in the area?” he asks the woman who answers. She thinks for a minute. “No, but we do have a McArdle and a McKay.”
I found out my girlfriend is a ghost. I had my suspicions as soon as she walked through the door.
My wife and I laugh about how competitive we are. But I laugh more.
I bought the world’s worst thesaurus yesterday. Not only is it terrible, it’s terrible.
I have a phobia of over-engineered buildings. I have a complex complex complex.
There’s only one thing I can’t deal with, and that’s a deck of cards glued together.
I can guess what people do for a living just by looking at their hands. I mean, I’m usually wrong, but I can guess.
I’ve lived in the flat below Dwayne Johnson since 2017. All these years I’ve been living under a rock.
Lasso around each contraction and join it to the correct cowboy hat.
Why did the cowboys get very little work done? They were too busy horsing around!
What does it mean if you find a horseshoe? There’s a horse walking around in their socks. Why are cowboys bad at maths? They’re always rounding things up.
Most of us have an idea of what we want to happen after we have gone. Who will look after things in the first few days, who will arrange our funeral and most of all, who we would choose to inherit after our death.
Without a will, legislation decides who is entitled to your money, and that may not be who you would want it to be.
Trust us to advise you on such important arrangements.
Make sure you have a Will in place - later may be sooner than you think.
01773 822
The old water fountain pictured here has been neglected over the years and its origins have been forgotten.
For a long time, it stood in the middle of the road called Top Common, renamed in 1900 as Spencer Road in honour of Reuben Spencer, who was born in Belper and became a successful businessman in Manchester. Its purpose was to refresh travellers, but as time went by cars continually crashed into it, so it was eventually moved to the grass verge at the junction of Nottingham Road and Short Street.
So, who was he? Reuben started life in Openwoodgate in 1830. The son of Sarah and William, a nailer, he was one of 5 children. Later eulogies praised his ‘useful’ education, but it is obvious that his schooling was minimal, as by the age of ten he was working in silk hosiery, probably Brettles which made stockings for Queen Victoria. A marvellous opportunity came when his sister Sarah and her husband Joseph Wheeldon moved to Manchester and invited Reuben to live with them. At first, Reuben was a warehouse man but by the age of 20 he had progressed to book-keeping with the textile firm of Rylands. What was lacking in his Belper education might have been made up by self-teaching with the help of his family.
In 1853, at the age of 23, he felt confident enough to marry Jane Leach of Rochdale, but sadly she died in 1855. Three years later Reuben and Martha Circuit were married at St Sepulchre in the city of London, soon setting up house in Manchester.
By 1871 Reuben had become a cotton merchant with the firm Rylands, and he eventually rose to be a director of the company. He was also a magistrate and a justice of the peace. He and Martha lived in a large house, Darley Hall, surely echoing his Derbyshire origins. During their long marriage twelve children were born but five died in babyhood and another as a teenager.
As part of his passion for developing trade, Reuben strongly supported the development of the Manchester Ship Canal. He worked and supported many local charities and was the author of a book “To Young Men Going out into Life”.
Reuben never forgot his Belper origins. He was on good terms with Herbert Strutt and Belper councillors, who had planned a ceremony in the spring of 1901 to present the fountain to the town. Unfortunately, he died a few days before the event, collapsing after attending a business meeting. The Belper News affectionately referred to him as “the old Belper boy”. The Manchester Evening News paid their respects in the following words: “everybody knew him and respected him. He was a man by himself. Manchester owes a great deal to him and she is distinctly poorer by his passing away”. He had become a very rich man and his Will divided his fortune of £300,000 between Martha, their children and numerous charities.
The Belper News expressed delight in the new fountain which, it hoped “would not prove the desolate failure of that in our Market Place” which was built in 1881 but never connected to a water supply.
By Viv Scott
I am a member of Market Place Group, and we have recently published “Belper Market Place in the 19th Century” (44 pages) on sale for £5; please contact me on vwilson3@btinternet.com or phone 01773 822253 for a copy.
Looking for something different to do with your spare time? We’re currently recruiting special constables to join our frontline policing team in the fight against crime.
Special constables are dedicated individuals who, after a hard day at work, still have the enthusiasm and passion it takes to devote some of their free time to help others.
As a special constable, you would have the same training, experience and powers that our full-time police officers have, except you’ll be able to volunteer your time when and where it suits you.
If policing the football takes your fancy, then you can request to work on matchdays, whereas if it’s policing our streets at night and keeping the city’s evening drinkers safe, then working a Friday evening has your name on it. You only need to complete 16 hours of volunteering a month, which can be done between a range of shifts and departments.
When on shift, you will work alongside regular police officers and police community support officers to help police your local communities. You will play a key role in
crime reduction, detection, and incident response by adding additional capacity to the services provided by regular officers.
The training period lasts for approximately 20 weeks. This includes Saturdays and Sundays at the Joint Police and Fire Headquarters in Ripley. The training is intense and you cannot miss a session unless under exceptional circumstances, but during your training journey there will be an enormous amount of support to help you through it.
Once you’ve passed your training, there will be continued support for you whilst you volunteer and the opportunity to expand your skills and knowledge through further training courses.
If this is something that takes your interest, you can learn more on our website: careers.derbyshire.police.uk/ what-you-could-be-doing/special-constables
4th: Arts Society Derby lecture: “Behind the Veil: The Arts of Islamic Persia” by John Osborne. 7.15pm (doors 6.30pm) at Landau Forte College, Fox St, Derby DE1 2LF. Cost £6 for non-members/guests; free parking. Info: www.theartssocietyderby.com.
8th: Belper Organ and Keyboard Club concert: Simon Fox & Nigel Dawes. 2pm, Congregational Church, Church Walk, Belper DE56 1DB. £10 admission. Refreshments available. www.belperorganclub.com.
20th: Belper Historical Society “Frank Beresford, Belper Artist” by Robert Reid, 7:30pm Strutts Community Centre, Derby Road. Members free, visitors £5. 27th: Belper Book Club: Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. 7-9pm at No.28 Market Place, Belper DE56 1FZ. £2 entry, please bring refreshments/snacks. Supported by Dormouse Books. Enquiries/booking: jennifer.c.allsopp@gmail.com
4th: Pancakes and hot drink in the Bateman Hall, Christ Church, The Triangle, Belper DE56 1BA. 11-13.30 and 18.00-19.30. 4th: Arts Society Derby lecture: “The Bloomsbury Group: The Art of Vanessa Bell” by Julia Musgrove. 7.15pm (doors 6.30pm) at Landau Forte College, Fox St, Derby DE1 2LF. Cost £6 for non-members/guests; free parking. Info: www.theartssocietyderby.com.
6th: Language Soirée, 7-9pm at No.28 Market Place, Belper DE56 1FZ. Conversation in a different language at each table. Bring own drinks & language-themed nibbles. All languages welcome. £6 on the door (£3 u18). Native speakers free! No need to book. Info: twentyeightbelper@btinternet.com.
8th: Belper Organ and Keyboard Club concert: Mark Speight. 2pm, Congregational Church, Church Walk, Belper DE56 1DB. £10 admission. Refreshments available. www.belperorganclub.com.
20th: Belper Historical Society “John Flamsteed - First Astronomer Royal” by Dr Michael Lancaster, 7:30pm Strutts Community Centre, Derby Road. Members free, visitors £5.
27th: Belper Book Club: An American Marriage by Tayari Jones. 7-9pm at No.28 Market Place, Belper DE56 1FZ. £2 entry, please bring refreshments/snacks. Supported by Dormouse Books. Enquiries/booking: jennifer.c.allsopp@gmail.com.
31st: Belper Organ Club presents an Afternoon Tea Dance with Miss ‘Twinkle Fingers’ Carol Bradbury playing Yamaha keyboards. 2pm – 4.30pm at The Congregational Church, Church Walk, Belper DE56 1DB. £6.50 incl. refreshments. Reserve your ticket: 07970 115818 or 07790 302749.
Please check events with the venue/organiser as the publisher accepts no responsibility if events are changed/cancelled following publication. If you have a one-off event or special excursion for April / May 2025 please email it to helen@allthingslocal.co.uk. Deadline is Wednesday 19th February 2024.
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‘Say it with flowers’ and spread some happiness within the community! Let All Things Local help you to put a smile on the face of someone who truly deserves it.
Perhaps a friend or family member is always there for you through thick and thin, or someone in a local business always goes above and beyond to provide an exceptional service. There could be a volunteer who doesn’t realise how much their support is valued … or, maybe, someone you know has had a tough time and deserves a floral ‘pick me up’.
Whatever the reason, let All Things Local help you to show your appreciation by surprising them with a beautiful bouquet supplied by Beverley Kennedy (pictured) from Floraline, Gregory’s Way, Belper.
This issue, we’re delighted to present the Friendship Blooms bouquet to Barbara Denison of Belper. Barbara was nominated by her friend Susan O’Brien, also of Belper, who had this to say:
“I would like to nominate my friend Barbara Denison for a bouquet. We have been friends since our boys all went to Long Row School. I have had, and continue to have, operations and treatments on my eyes since February 2024. I have lost count of the times Barbara has taken me, probably 20+. I’m still not discharged. Not only that, but Barbara has other important visits to make for a very close family member. Barbara loves flowers and I would like to show her my sincere thanks. She richly deserves a tribute to her kindness.” Susan O’Brien
Do you know someone who deserves a bouquet?
Send in your nomination and let us surprise them! Simply state (in 100 words or fewer) who you are nominating and why you’d like them to receive the Friendship Blooms bouquet. Please include your contact details as well as their name and address (or where we can find them!). You can nominate more than one person if they are living/working at the same address… and, remember, flowers don’t just have to be for women! Please note, the only rule is that the person receiving the flowers must live/work/volunteer within the distribution area of All Things Local (see front cover for details).
Send your nomination by post to: Friendship Blooms, All Things Local, 74 Woodhouse Road, Kilburn, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0NA or e-mail it to helen@allthingslocal.co.uk, putting ‘Friendship Blooms’ as the subject. Please include your full name, address and daytime telephone number on your nomination.
Closing date for nominations for the next issue is Wednesday 19th February 2025.
All nominations are kept on file and you will be contacted if your nomination has been selected. Contact information is only used by All
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Publisher: All Things Local Limited, 74 Woodhouse Road, Kilburn, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0NA T: 01332 882882
M: 07977 272770 E: karyn@allthingslocal.co.uk
W: www.allthingslocal.co.uk
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Deadlines for April/May 2025 Edition: Advertisement Bookings, Editorials, Cancellations and Copy Amendments: Wednesday 19th February 2025 New Advertiser Copy: Monday 24th February 2025