Travelling around Greece_ Collaborative- Student Edition_2st issue - June 2022

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June 2022

8 Travelling around Greece This year we have collaborated with the 2nd Primary School of Serres and the 4th Primary School of Edessa on the issues of Diversity and Mutual Respect. We met online on April 13. During that meeting each school presented their place and answered questions posed by the other two schools. We compared our everyday lives (homefamily-activities) and we discussed our similarities and differences. The school of Serres was different from ours, as the

people had a different skin colour, they spoke differently, they come from a different country or have a different religion. Most children were Romani and refugees. We noticed differences, for example in our activities, in the size and comforts of our homes. Although we have so many differences though, our similarities are more. We are all children and we have the right to desire to play – we have lots of games in common- to have friends, to express ourselves and we have the right to live.

We talked about the short film entitled “Riza [Root]” created by the 2nd Primary School of Serres receiving the 1st prize for a Documentary in the c o m p e t i t i o n “Cinema…diavases?”. We have liked the film very much and we would like to congratulate Serres on their effort. What does root mean to us? The pupils of Arnissa shared their opinion. “To me, it is my grandfather’s last

You and me name, which accompanies me (Stella)”. “Root is the friendship we have grown all these years (Maria)”. “It is our birthplace (Elissavet)”. “Just like Ulysses was bewitched by Calypso and stayed on her island, the same way people coming to a foreign place become charmed by the scenery or their partner or lead a much better life there because of their work and the financial advantages and put down

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