Healthy Schools (OLDHAM)

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Bigfoot Evaluation/Testimonial offered by Email!

From: Christine Thomson Sent: 18 November 2010 11:07 To: Gail Clark Subject: FW: Bigfoot Evaluation Hi Gail, We were more than pleased, all the facilitators did a fantastic job! The performance was excellent and really generated interest and discussion. The workshops were great and each facilitator really drew out issues and solutions and everyone was very involved with the role plays etc. The written evaluations and verbal feedback from both pupils and accompanying staff was brilliant. We have not broken down the evaluations properly yet but they included the questions 'What did you think of the Big Foot performance? Circle ' great' 'O.K' or 'not very good' The responseshave been overwhelmingly 'great' 'What did you think of the workshops?' again the responseshave been overwhelmingly 'Great'. We also asked for children & young people's own comments and these are some of my favourites: 'I really enjoyed today and I think the show at the start with the 2 girls was spectacular and I think they should go to different schools! (to show there show)' 'Big foot acting was exhilaratingly awesome' 'I thought the day was wonderful' 'I liked to talk about my feelings' The reaction from the adults attending was also really positive with many saying that they had learned a lot themselves and had picked up lots of ideas to use back in school. Many took your literature and I really hope it results in some bookings for you.

Once we have compiled the report with all the findings we will send you a copy.

I have tried to complete your electronic evaluation form but unfortunately it is not letting me enter any text in it. I am happy to print it off and complete and send as a hard copy but would need an addressto post it to. Thanks again for all your support with the planning for the day. Best Wishes Chris Christine Thomson, Healthy Schools Adviser Personal Curriculum Development Team Positive Steps Oldham Medtia Place 80 Union St Oldham 0L1 1DJ

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