The Mighty Pen: 2020 Year in Review

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St. Francis DeSales High School


Columbus Crew President & GM Tim Bezbatchenko ’00 shares his joy of being back in CBUS

Exciting Updates at SFD!


New Ways to Celebrate Special Moments

Digital Opt In


Class of 2020 Year-End Highlights


Why We Continue to Thrive


SFD Student Art Daily

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.” Isaiah 9: 1-6—Reading from the Mass for the Nativity of the Lord

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Inside Athletics


Rise By Loving


Alumnus Making His Mark Back Home


Annual Report

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Alumni Legacy Scholarship Winners

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Save the Date - Stallion Golf Outing 2021

7 Faith Formation

Christmas Blessings! Many of you will recognize these words from Christmas Mass, but these words seem more true today than ever. We are indeed walking in the darkness of this COVID-19 pandemic— our worlds turned upside down, seemingly unrecognizable from the lives we lived just a year ago. But in the midst of this suffering and disruption, I am grateful for our school community. Our parents, teachers, students, and alumni have been a source of comfort and hope—they are a beacon of light that guides this school through these dark and difficult times. Reading through this issue of The Mighty Pen, I am struck by the divergent worlds it depicts: the somewhat normal times of last February’s World Culture Day—students dressed in the wonderful clothing of their heritage—juxtaposed with that of kids wearing masks, the new “normal” of the 2020-21 school year. But what hasn’t changed is the resilience of this school community. We have found a way to continue to educate our students on campus, and although we wish we could have all of our students here, each and every day of the week, we are grateful for our time together. For it is together that we provide the light of hope to a world in need. This spirit was made evident in the overwhelming success of our school’s Canned Food Drive—a student led collection that responded to a growing need to feed the growing number of people in our community who have been so hurt by these last few months. Our Stallion pride was also alive and well as the Football team advanced to the State Championship game, bringing home a State Runner Up title. It is together that our students have continued to move forward—whether it be on the stage, in the gym, on the field, or “socially distanced” in their classrooms and in the hallways.


3 Graduation Celebrations


12 Be The Light

EDITORS: Karen Cofojohn and Rob Dvorak


CONTRIBUTORS: Dan Garrick, Karen Cofojohn, Rob Dvorak, Michele Moriarty, Tom

Etgen, Tim Jewett, Pat Murphy, Tom Snyder, Arius Cook, Natalie Middleton, Julie Barber, Beth Mitevski, Kate Reither, Lori Aumiller, Kendall Gonya, Jack Welsh, Rebecca Metzger, Darrien Scott, and Danielle Polemeni. Special thanks to Barb Dougherty and Lifetouch Photography for their photography contributions. On front cover: Columbus Crew President & GM Tim Bezbatchenko, SFD alumnus, Class of 2000


I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to express my gratitude to our community for your continued generosity and kindness, in time, talent and treasure. With your ongoing support and love, you are helping our school ensure Catholic educational opportunities for current and future generations of students. In closing, may the Joy associated with Christ’s birth be with you and your family during this Christmas season and into a happy, healthy New Year. Peace and God’s Blessings, Daniel J. Garrick Principal “You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing”

Graduation Celebrations

Class of 2020 Highlights Although the location of the 57th Commencement ceremony looked a lot different this year, the sentiment remained the same. On May 30, 192 students officially became graduates of St. Francis DeSales High School. A beautiful graduation video presentation was released to our community that morning, which included remarks from Principal Garrick, a message of love and encouragement to the Class of 2020 from the Class of 1970, two valedictory speeches, and reflections from faculty and staff. Each member of the class of 2020 was also recognized with a pre-recorded clip of them receiving their diploma from family members and Principal Garrick. Marking this milestone surrounded by family and close friends at their homes, students swayed in their graduation gowns as the presentation ended with the alma mater.

The class of 2020 amassed total scholarship offers of over $27 million.

11 98% attending

Valedictorians with a GPA of over 4.15

Pursuing an advanced education,

49 1

colleges and universities

Glenna R. Joyce Scholarship recipient

On May 28, the Baccalaureate Mass was streamed live from the St. Francis DeSales High School Chapel. Fr. Stash Dailey, SFD alumnus, presided over this special Mass, with the 2020 Campus Ministry Award recipients, Julia Knipfer and Aaron Spittell, participating as lectors, and Brianna Stokes lending her beautiful voice as the cantor. During the Communion Meditation, faculty member, Ms. Johnson, sang a heartfelt rendition of “A Song of Blessings” dedicated to the Class of 2020.

“The Class of 2020 has accomplished some really remarkable things, but I wanted to get at the essence of what makes this class unique, and quite simply a list of honors and awards while nice (see left), does not do that. As I was working through my thoughts I could not help but focus on the gentleness and strength that you have demonstrated in these final weeks of your high school journey. You have, in essence, lived in accord with one of my favorite quotes from our Patron Saint who says “Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.” At a time when our community, country, and world have been impacted by profound disruption and challenge, you have displayed poise, resolve, and kindness. To be 100% candid, you have handled the trials of our current time much better than most adults.That is not to say that this has not been incredibly difficult and painful, clearly we know that it has been. But in true Class of 2020-style, rather than wallow in self-pity, you have refused to let the circumstances of recent weeks darken what has been a truly remarkable journey that has brought the light of hope to those who love you.” ~Excerpt from Mr. Garrick’s Principal’s Perspective

Baccalaureate Mass

Marking Special Moments in New Ways “The true test of leadership is how well you function in a crisis.” Early one May morning a group of teachers stopped by the homes of Principal Dan Garrick and Assistant Principal Jim Jones with a message of appreciation for leading the St. Francis DeSales High School community so well, especially during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why We Continue to Thrive By Kate Reither, SFD alumna and English teacher

Lights in Alumni Stadium

Prom Princess and Prince After hearing the news in late March that we wouldn’t return for the remainder of the school year, our thoughts turned to ‘how do we honor the class of 2020?’ Beginning on April 20, the lights shined in Alumni Stadium each Monday for 20 minutes and 20 seconds until Graduation Day to recognize this special class, yard signs were delivered to all seniors to let them know we were thinking of them, and the faculty and staff lined the school parking lot for a Senior Send-off, so the seniors could parade around the school to see their beloved teachers for a final time.

Prom King and Queen

About three days into virtual teaching, parents everywhere were singing the praises of teachers. As a teacher, it was pretty nice to flip through social media and see hundreds of memes acknowledging that my job was much more important and difficult than people had given me credit for. However, as the weeks dragged on and the sad acknowledgement that we would not be returning to school this year (2019-2020) became a reality, the person who truly deserved the credit for keeping our school’s morale and academic integrity afloat was our principal Dan Garrick. By 7 a.m. the lights of St. Francis DeSales High School were on even though its students were quarantined at home. He created a sense of normalcy by sending out the day’s video announcements from their beloved school halls. Despite the fact that his days were filled with principal meetings and pandemic task forces, he still found time to teach his US History class virtually every single day. He ensured that ALL of our students had the resources they needed to continue learning remotely. Under Dan’s leadership, no student was allowed to fall through the cracks during this time, that sadly, many kids in other districts did. Yet it was the above and beyond stuff that both inspired me to keep pushing until the end of the year, and that made the year special for all of our students—especially our seniors. Dan gave up nights, weekends, and probably any semblance of a healthy sleep schedule to ensure no opportunity was abandoned in an effort to capture special moments. For example, he spent a Saturday night crowning the Prom royalty at their homes AFTER spending the day meeting with Dan, with his son, Noah ’21 seniors and their families in 25 minute sessions to video each student’s moment of receiving their diploma, a process which took weeks to complete. The day before he spent the day driving to the homes of the two Excellence in Teaching award winners to congratulate them in person under heavy downpours of rain. He made sure every senior, teacher, and staff member received a yard sign, delivering many himself. He attended every prayer service and virtual concert, and continued to comment on every piece of art and issue of the student magazine that was published during quarantine. He acknowledged all of the hard work of the students, teachers and staff because of the sense of pride he holds for all in our Stallion community. What he humbly fails to see is that he is the heart of this community, and that it is his love and tireless work that kept us going during this difficult time, and continues to keep us thriving.

Excellence in Teaching

We also wanted to keep as many of the fun spring traditions alive so the Prom King, Queen, Prince and Princess were crowned and the spring musical, Sister Act, took the virtual stage!

We are always excited to share what is taking place at SFD. Remember to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @SFDStallions!



Senior Send-off

This past spring we continued with our tradition of surprising the Excellence in Teaching award winners, except instead of surprising them at our annual Senior Awards assembly, a small group surprised them at their homes. Our first stop was to home of Amy Schockling. Amy is in her fifth year of teaching in the Math department and a proud alumna of the class of 2012. Last August she completed her three-year program to earn her Master’s degree. Amy enjoys coaching Cross Country and Track, and tutoring various Watch their priceless reactions at math subjects and prep courses. Our second Excellence in Teaching award winner, Chris Early, is also in his fifth year teaching at DeSales and is an alumnus from the class of 2006. Since starting as a Marketing teacher and transitioning to the English department, he has sought to create a curriculum that students find engaging and relevant. He is an advisor for the National Honor Society, assistant coach in the baseball program, and a member of the Student Wellness Committee. THE MIGHTY PEN


Faith Formation

SFD Student Art Daily By Lori Aumiller, Art teacher When we left the school in March for quarantine, like most teachers I immediately started thinking about how I could continue to engage students stuck in their homes every day. Teaching art was an extra challenge: getting students materials, looking at photos of student artwork taken on a kitchen table, trying to coach artists through a screen. But my students persisted even through these obstacles. They thrived! They made good art under difficult circumstances. They were creative, honest, introspective and just simply good! I was inspired by what they managed to do. As the weeks went by and it became obvious we would not be returning, I felt bad that no one in the school would be able to see the artwork being done. No showcases of artwork, nothing to walk by in the hallways, and no end of the year art show. It was then that I remembered years ago (before Instagram was even an idea) a daily email a friend would send out to a large mailing list every day. He called it, “Art of the Day”–a simple piece of art, with a short explanation, that he had found interesting that day. I always looked forward to them, and was sorry after a few years when he stopped. That is when I put my quarantine problem of “no way to show student art” together with a solution! I created a daily email titled “SFD Student Art Daily.” On a somewhat regular basis, the art department would choose a piece of student artwork to feature, I would drop it into an email with a little information and send it off to the school and the faculty. The feedback I got was quick and positive. Every one liked it and the students were proud to have their work seen. At the end of the school year, we even created an impromptu email art show! After quarantine, we continued to feature a few pieces during the summer and then decided to continue this fall. Now the SFD Student Art Daily might be here to stay. Even though we have returned to school and we have our showcases and areas to hang artwork again, the email turned out to be a more intimate way to look at a piece. Sometimes you quickly walk by something hanging in a hallway and don’t take the time to really notice it. Our little daily email feels different. As we always say in the artroom, “boundaries increase creativity.” The quarantine was the boundary that inspired us. We now showcase the daily artwork on an Instagram, so feel free to follow us on Instagram and see what our artistic Stallions have been making!

How Art Helped Students Get Through the Shutdown One Student’s Perspective By Kendall Gonya, Class of 2021 Art has always been a very important part of my life. It has provided me with an outlet to express my creativity and balance my busy schedule of AP Classes while pursuing my dream of becoming a Division I collegiate athlete. Whenever I felt overwhelmed, I knew I could step away from the madness for a moment and pick up the paint brush. It always brought me a sense of comfort and control. During the COVID-19 shutdown last spring, I had a significant amount of time to devote to developing my painting skills and experimenting with new techniques. I could sit down for hours on end to work when the rest of my life was put on hold. I was very grateful for the opportunity to do more of what I loved and take the time to reflect on my identity as an artist. My art helped me to keep a positive outlook during quarantine because even though I was surrounded by a lot of uncertainty, I always knew that when I woke up in the morning I would be blessed to have paint on my desk. Paintings by Kendall



Fraternitas and Sororitas Three years ago, teachers Travis Burtch and Jack Welsh founded a club named Fraternitas (Latin for “brotherhood”), with the intention of giving young men at DeSales the opportunity to support one another in living as men of God. Since that time, the club has grown and shaped a number of young men through its weekly scripture studies, after school recreation time, and the ever-popular Friday hot dog sales. Says recent alum, Nate Stevens ’20, “For me, Fraternitas was a group of guys that I could always turn to during the good and bad times. We did many activities and had many discussions that not only helped me grow closer to Christ, but grow into more of a man.” This past year, a group of young ladies approached Director of Campus Ministry Rebecca Metzger with a similar idea in mind. They wanted to give the young women of the school an opportunity to bond with each other and discuss what it means to be godly women. Out of this idea, Sororitas (“Sisterhood”) was born. Even in the midst of the pandemic, the club continued to flourish through virtual meetings and Bible studies. These clubs are just two of the many ways DeSales works to continue forming men and women of God.

Urban Plunge It goes without saying that COVID-19 has changed many people’s plans, especially as they related to the 20192020 school year. One of the many plans changed was the annual Urban Plunge retreat. This retreat is carried out in conjunction with the Diocese of Columbus’ Office for Social Concerns and is geared towards our junior class. Typically, during the retreat, our juniors break up into small groups and travel to service agencies around the city of Columbus, to learn about the organizations and to lend a hand. At the end of the day, they return to the school to share their experiences with one another. Being scheduled in the midst of growing concerns regarding COVID-19, the retreat had to be cancelled. Upon receiving this news, Director of Service, Jack Welsh, and the Director of Campus Ministry, Rebecca Metzger, teamed up with junior theology teachers Jake Neal and Travis Burtch to find a solution. What they came up with was a digital retreat, where students could watch videos to learn about various service organizations in the city of Columbus and find ways to lend them a hand (from a safe distance, of course). “It is impossible to replicate an in-person experience,” Welsh explains, “but I think we did a great job with the hand we were dealt. I was moved by the creativity and generosity of our juniors. The call to love and serve one another remains even in the midst of our current troubles, and the juniors were able to respond to that call through the digital retreat.” As we look ahead to the spring, we are hopeful that we can enjoy Urban Plunge together and in person, as we had prior to the pandemic. If it happens that this is not the case, we are working closely with the diocese to develop a virtual retreat experience much like the one we enjoyed last spring.

Welcoming Bishop Brennan Welcoming Bishop Brennan to Columbus has been a joy. Right from the start, he has been very involved in the community. Bishop Brennan, who was installed as the Diocese of Columbus’ 12th bishop on March 29, 2019, visited with the Stallions several times throughout the 2019-20 school year, including traveling to Washington D.C. for the March for Life with a group of SFD students and teachers, and celebrating our all-school Ash Wednesday Mass at the school. Photos at right were taken last fall: at the Marian Dinner (top) and at our annual Pastor and Principal luncheon during HomecomingWeek.




2019-2020 Athletics




Finished 7th in the 200 Individual Medley Finished 13th in the 100M Backstroke


Senior heavyweight Cole Potts did not get a chance to improve on last year’s fourth-place finish in the Division II state tournament due to COVID-19. Cole finished his high school career with a 137-37 record.



The St. Francis DeSales Girls Volleyball Team won the school’s 33rd State Championship with their 3-1 win (19-25, 25-21, 25-20, 25-22) over Parma Padua Franciscan, the #1 Team in the Nation according to USAToday, becoming the first Central Ohio Team to win the Division I State Title since 1989 when Reynoldsburg defeated Seton. Senior outside hitter Emma Brown had 17 kills and senior outside hitter/middle blocker Maryanne Boyle added 16 for the Stallions, who won the program’s second state championship and were appearing in the final for the first time since winning the Class AA title in 1982. Bella D’Amico, a Georgia Tech commit, added 43 assists and 18 digs, junior defensive specialist Bridget Javitch had 28 digs and sophomore defensive specialist/outside hitter Gabby D’Amico added 19 digs. The match included 23 ties and 12 lead changes.

The Girls Volleyball Program won their first State Championship in 1982 with a 2-1 win over Cincinnati Our Lady of the of Angels (15-8, 6-15, 15-6).

Five hours before the 2019-20 Boys Basketball players were supposed to participate in the most important game of their high school career, head boys basketball coach Pat Murphy had to tell them that their season was on hold, if not finished. The Stallions were set to play New Philadelphia in a Division II regional semifinal on March 12 at Ohio University. But earlier that day, OHSAA executive director Jerry Snodgrass announced that all remaining winter tournaments were postponed indefinitely because of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Bella D’Amico Volleyball

Cole Potts Football

Ouintell Quinn Football

Desmond Watson Basketball

On March 26, the OHSAA canceled those tournaments, bringing an end to a season in which the Stallions went 19-6 overall and fell just short of the CCL championship but won its first district title since 2016. Members of the 1982 Girls Volleyball State Championship team attended the 2019 State Championship Assembly as honorary guests.

Record Season for Boys Bowling! The 2019-20 season was historic for the St. Francis DeSales Boys Bowling Team starting with winning the Central Catholic League Championship with only one loss. The Stallions finished the regular season with a final record of 18-1 and their success did not end there. The move from Division II to Division I did not faze the boys team. Despite the step up in competition, the Stallions finished first out of 16 teams in the Division I district tournament to earn their first district championship with a score of 3,901! With the 2019 District Championship, the boys team qualified for the OHSAA Division I State Tournament where the team finished 14th.

Junior forward Desmond Watson averaged 22.7 points, 6.8 rebounds, 4.0 assists and 1.8 steals, and was named the District Player of the Year and First-Team All-State. Des became the program’s seventh 1,000 career point scorer in just three seasons. Third-seeded DeSales beat second-seeded and previously undefeated Heath 63-53 in a district semifinal March 4 at Bloom-Carroll and pulled off an early comeback against top-seeded Jonathan Alder to outlast the Pioneers 32-30 in overtime in a district final at Central Crossing.


While their season came to an abrupt end, our school community is so proud of everything our boys basketball program accomplished in 2020 and we cannot wait to watch them finish what they started in 2021!

For all of the latest information on Stallion Athletics, follow us on Twitter and Instagram @SFDAthletics or on!

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the Ohio High School Athletic Association canceled the Spring Sports Season. Spring Athletes and seniors were honored throughout the Spring when we illuminated Alumni Stadium every Monday at 8:20pm (20:20). Full tributes to the Senior athletes can be found on:

Rise by Loving

Thinking Outside the Box As the coronavirus (COVID-19) spread and schools across the nation closed their physical campuses, the St. Francis DeSales High School community made a seamless move to digital instruction. Administrators and faculty leveraged the SFDHS 1:1 iPad program, as well as Google Suites for Education to remain connected with students and continue providing exceptional academic delivery. Because visiting campus is critical in the enrollment decision process, developing alternative engagement opportunities for prospective and admitted students also became a top priority for the St. Francis DeSales Enrollment Office. “We watched the incredible success our teachers were having,” said Director of Enrollment, Julie Barber ’88. “It inspired our team to think outside of the box and develop new strategies to engage incoming freshmen families in our community. We have learned so much during this pandemic and plan to continue many of these new programs in the future.” For three weeks during the month of July, 130 students from the Class of 2024 participated in a virtual Summer Prep Program.

Traditionally held on campus, this year’s Summer Prep Program received a complete makeover. Students joined virtual classrooms led by St. Francis DeSales High School teachers and participated in lessons focusing on study skills and enrichment activities to prepare the students for their transition to high school. Barber credits the first quarter academic accomplishments of the freshmen class to the program. “The Summer Prep Program was a huge factor in successfully transitioning our freshmen. Our teachers did a remarkable job introducing the students to expectations for both on campus and virtual classes.” Barber, along with her colleague in the Enrollment Office, Megan Polk ’05, have continued this approach into the fall. Discovery Nights, webinars featuring various SFDHS panelists (teachers, students, parents and alumni) were held monthly to introduce prospective families from the Class of 2025 to the DeSales community. The program reached over 150 families virtually, providing a discussion forum on topics such


Loving st francis desales high school And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister • 1 john 4:21

as: “Empowering Students for LIfe”; “Be Who You are and Be That Well”; “The Value of a St. Francis DeSales Education”; and “Inspiration, Innovation and Creativity.” The signature “Stallion for a Day” on-campus shadow visits also continued throughout the fall allowing prospective families an opportunity to tour campus and observe classes. In addition, St. Francis DeSales High School hosted almost 200 students over a two day period during the annual Fall Open House. Barber shared, “Even during these unique times, we have witnessed incredible interest in our Class of 2025. We anticipate another vibrant, talented group of freshmen joining us next year!”

Get to Know Our Newest Stallions! Class of 2024 by the Numbers 229 students, from 36 different middle schools 39 members of the Class of 2024 are legacy students 80% Catholic (representing 17 Catholic parishes); 97% faith-based total (17% christian) 39% of the freshmen students have qualified for AP track courses in their freshmen year •11 received the St. Francis de Sales Academic Merit Scholarship ($3,500 renewable) •15 received Franciscan Sisters Academic Merit Scholarship ($1,500 renewable) •26 First Year Scholarships were awarded 10



Each school year we choose a theme that ties in with one of the theological or moral virtues. This year’s theme ‘Rise by Loving’ is founded on Charity. Charity, in Christian thought, the highest form of love, signifying the reciprocal love between God and man that is made manifest in unselfish love of one’s fellow men. What a powerful message, especially in terms of Social Justice—a topic our students discuss in length every year in their Theology classes. As a school we had the opportunity this summer to give this issue greater thought as events in our country provided a stark reminder that there is considerable work yet to be done in the area of Social Justice and Civil Rights. There is power in acknowledging the work that we need to do as a society; furthermore, there is power in acknowledging that we as a school can play a critical role in change. The best way for us to make a difference is by starting at “home.”

St. Francis DeSales High School is proud to announce the establishment of the new Office of Diversity and Student Equity, led by Director Darrien Scott, SFD alumnus, class of 2013. The impetus for the creation of the office is rooted in the Catholic Social Teaching of the life and dignity of the human person. We seek to demonstrate the virtues of solidarity and mutual respect for all of God’s children - our brothers and sisters in Christ. At Saint Francis DeSales High School, we are committed to our mission to live out Catholic Social Teachings in pursuit of peace, truth, and justice. The mission of the Office of Diversity and Student Equity is to guide the school community in the implementation of more equitable and inclusive practices that best serve the needs of all of our students of color. We are partnering with the organization Seed the Way and Dr. Rebecca Haslam, Assistant Professor of Education at St. Michael’s College in Vermont. Our faculty, staff, and students have been engaged in a workshop series on identity, implicit bias, and race to develop cultural competence for the school. Director Darrien Scott notes, “We are excited to give our students the opportunities to engage with classmates from diverse backgrounds in order to understand and appreciate varying perspectives and opinions.” The Office of Diversity and Student Equity also seeks to foster meaningful cultural exchanges and dialogue for all of the students of St. Francis DeSales High School. We recognize that we live in an increasingly global community where race, class, and ability all intersect. We must be intentional in recognizing, understanding, and celebrating what makes each person a unique and different creation, while fostering shared morals and values. Through education and awareness, Saint Francis DeSales High School will provide students the opportunity to honor and understand the diverse world in which we live, in order to cultivate empathetic and effective leaders who will be agents of change for the better. When asked “What is your favorite DeSales tradition?” countless SFD students say it is our World Cultures Week. Here are just a few reasons why they feel this way. “I love World Cultures week because it is a way to express our past and be proud of our ancestry. Here at St. Francis DeSales, we are very diverse, representing so many continents and countries. Although we all may be different, we come together to be one and to grow in our faith, expand our knowledge and build friendships with each other.” ~Seamus Bonte ’23

World Cultures Week is my favorite SFD tradition because I love learning! Throughout the week we learn all about the wonderful and beautiful cultures that make up our diverse community. From food to flags to fashion, World Culture week is so vibrant! It’s also very “I like World Cultures week because cool to see what life in different cultures is it gives people a chance to share like and how people from all over the world express themselves. Plus, the food during their cultures. It’s so fun to be able to lunch is amazing!! ~Kat Gunther ’23 try everyone’s foods and experience

their heritage.” ~Richael Saka ’23

Serving Our Students In the last issue of the Mighty Pen, we shared the renderings for the update to our former convent space, now known as the Sisters of St. Francis Student Service Center. As one of the initial projects in the Be The Light Campus Master Plan, we were thrilled to have the finishing touches completed this summer.

Prayer and Reflection Garden

This renovation transformed over ten thousand square feet of existing space into dynamic new areas for our students. Since August 2020, our students have benefitted from this additional space, connecting with their school counselors and campus ministry team. Students are also able to “meet� with college admissions representatives through remote visits in the Guidance Family Room. Our teachers utilize the faculty workspace as a quiet place for planning and collaboration. We have also welcomed back alumni to explore a historic part of the school seldom seen before.

Corridor from Freshman Hall to Student Service Center Sisters of St. Francis Student Service Center

We are so excited about this renovation, and invite you to see it for yourself! Scan the QR code to read a comprehensive overview of the Be The Light Campus Master Plan.

Alumni Reception

Our campus has been serving students for 60 years, and with each generation, the tools and process for shaping young minds continues to change. With our current students, we are focused on bringing the personal connection hand-in-hand with the technological advances and educational opportunities that ensure our students are prepared for a successful future.

Guidance Family Room

A comprehensive summary of the updates taking place on our campus can be viewed at Be The Light Campus Master Plan progress and future plans.




B Classroom Updates (2) Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades

Alumni Stadium (Turf & Track) Student Service Center

Stallion Way Student Entry Endowment

School-wide HVAC Cafeteria Expansion North Campus Loop STEM and Media Center Endowment

Priority I identifies projects essential to meet our current needs and continued growth plans.

Stand-out Stallions

Back Home

At first glance,

posture of Tim Bezbatchenko seems inconsistent with the stature one might assume of a person in his position. In high school he was a standout student, athlete and state champion - SFD Class of 2000. He had a collegiate soccer career at the University of Richmond and a professional stint with the Pittsburgh Riverhounds before earning a law degree from the University of Cincinnati. He was an attorney for a global law firm with an office in New York City, followed by a Senior Directorship at MLS (Major League Soccer) at age 29. He was Senior Vice President of Soccer Operations & General Manager for Toronto FC by age 32 and is now President and General Manager of Columbus Crew SC at age 38. While his list of accomplishments and meteoric rise in the ranks of the soccer community might justify an air of swagger or attitude, Tim carries himself with an admirable humility that speaks volumes about his character. “He doesn’t forget where he came from,” said SFD’s boys soccer coach Domenic Romanelli on the day after Tim’s visit to the BexleyDeSales game. Tim’s passion for the game extends to all levels, as evidenced in his squeezing in an interview with us between his work with the crew and heading off to his child’s soccer practice. When asked about how DeSales prepared him for the rise he has had professionally, he shared: “When I think about my career so far, a lot of it has to do with the education and the values I learned at DeSales and, if you want to go even further, at St. Paul’s growing up. DeSales is clearly a formative time because it’s when we learn to be adults and we come together in various ways and we’re learning about ourselves as people in the Christian faith.” On values, he continued, “You don’t really understand how they affect your life until later on.” He cited “family and the idea that you’re looking out for one another in a community and you’re not in it alone.” As a leader, Tim carries these principles forward in “working to find ways to help others be better. If everybody is doing that and they’re living outside of themselves and not thinking about themselves then you can create some really good teams.” Good teams are something Tim remains focused 14


Being back home in Columbus, Bezbatchenko shared an appreciation of his mentors growing up and the need to pay forward the kindness he received. He fosters a strong belief that little things go a long way and people should treat each other as equals.

the unassuming

An avid cyclist, Tim supports Pelotonia in support of cancer research and frequently uses his leadership platform with the Crew SC Foundation. The foundation is currently underway building mini-pitches (soccer fields) in various inner city communities to provide exercise and training options in a safe, well-lit environment. Ironically, this grounded, pay-it-forward attitude was forged in his time away from Columbus. Long hours in a law firm in a major city prompted a move to Toronto and a focus on family. Tim acknowledged the benefits of being closer to family and friends with his move to Columbus, but also possesses a palpable desire to pursue excellence. “We’re taking the club to new heights and look to become a part of the fabric of the community.”

on, including the leadership team at Columbus Crew SC and its parent entity, Haslam Sports Group. He lit up when describing the team-centered community effort of the fans in keeping the team in Columbus with the new ownership group. He expressed a joy in the fact that the city and local involvement of the Edwards Family changed the course of events for the better. When asked about some key people and traditions from his upbringing, his contemplative gaze shifted to a gleaming smile. Mrs. Karen Scott and Mrs. Val Sharritts both hold a special place in Tim’s heart for the way their classes embraced a “hands on” approach to getting in small groups and understanding that there are “different ways that students learn.” “Those classes resonated with me because we were using tools and different mechanisms to observe the world.” Domenic Romanelli, who coached Tim in his freshman year, has remained close and the two share a mutual respect. “He’s so passionate about the game and it just rubs off on you,” comments Tim. While at DeSales, Tim built an appreciation for culture and language from former Spanish teacher Mrs. Margo Diez that he continues to embrace to this day. “There were two things she stressed... Go and see the world but never forget where you came from. The love for cultures was something that DeSales stressed. They did a good job of getting us to explore beyond Columbus, Ohio and beyond the United States and that rubbed off on me.”

As the stunning New Crew Stadium takes shape downtown toward being the “best” new soccer facility in North America, Tim and his team have been ever mindful of the details that will position the 320 million dollar facility as the preeminent place to watch and play soccer. “I’m proud to be a part of it and to do it in my hometown - it doesn’t happen often in our industry that we get to go back home. I appreciate the time that I am here and to be a steward for this club for the time that I’m able to lead it.” We couldn’t be more proud of Tim and of his accomplishments, and look forward to seeing what is in store for him while he is back home.

2020 St. Francis DeSales High School Athletic Hall of Fame In 2014, the St. Francis DeSales Athletic Hall of Fame was founded to honor, pay tribute and perpetuate the memory of those individuals who, through participation, have made outstanding contributions in the field of athletics and who have helped bring recognition, honor, distinction and excellence to St. Francis DeSales High School. Join us in recognizing the outstanding achievements of six Stallions who were named as members of the 2020 St. Francis DeSales Athletic Hall of Fame: Julie Barber ’88 (coach/ player), Elise Berry ’98 (girls soccer), Grant Bowman ’99 (football), Joe Gordon ’71 (wrestling/football), Steve Hallam ’78 (cross country/ track), and Jennifer Ogbuehi ’03 (track). An induction ceremony will be held when we can gather together again.

Dear Stallion Family, In the 2019-20 school year the Stallion community joined together in support like never before in an abundance of grace and hope! Within the few next pages, we recognize and thank the hundreds of alumni, parents, parents of alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff and friends, who through their continued generosity, help the school ensure Catholic educational opportunities for current and future generations of students.

With Grateful Hearts

% Percentage of Giving from the Stallion Community

Annual Giving over the past several years has seen an increase in donations, from existing and new donors. We are grateful for each and every gift. Whether the gift is unrestricted or restricted it supports the ongoing needs of the school. Unrestricted gifts are vital because they provide long-term strength and stability. These gifts allow the school leadership to address high priority needs, and respond to unforeseen situations. A prime example of this occured this past spring; we were fortunate to have had the devices and technology in place to support a pivot to Distance Learning, with teachers contining to provide exceptional academic delivery. Restricted gifts are passionate to the donor as they support critical programs within the school such as a co-curricular program, scholarship fund, or tuition assistance or capital projects. All students at St. Francis DeSales High School benefit from Annual Giving.

Parents 41% Alumni 20% Community Businesses 18% Parents of Alumni 13% Friends of DeSales 4% Faculty and Staff 3% Grandparents 1%

Giving Highlights

The following pages reflect the fiscal year 2019-2020 Annual Report that demonstrates the generosity of our donors and the stewardship of these gifts. As stakeholders, you provide an ever-expanding horizon for our students as they seek an excellence in academic and spiritual education. Contributions to St. Francis DeSales High School are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information on charitable giving opportunities, please contact the Advancement Department at 614-267-7808. Visit to learn about the different ways you can give to SFDHS.

Giving Levels

MAY 2021 Be a part of ALL in for SFD by following us @SFDStallions (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram) during ALL in for SFD. The heart of what makes our school special, the students— past and current—are highlighted during this 48-hour giving rally. Watch for these Stallion spotlights next spring.

Bishop’s Roundtable

The Principal’s Circle Thank you to the following who have made a significant financial commitment of $1,000 and more, or gifts of $500 for three consecutive years. These philanthropic leaders share a primary role in the financial health of St. Francis DeSales High School. Bishop’s Roundtable ($10,000 & Above)

Anonymous Matt and Keli Beecroft *9 yrs Steve and Christine Julian *10 yrs Tom and Elizabeth Mitevski *7 yrs Michael and Debra Shoemaker *6 yrs Matt and Betsy Stewart *9 yrs Anthony and Phyllis Valentine White Castle Jonathan and Krysta Wilcox *5 yrs David and Shari Zehala

Total Annual Giving $802,638 $170,000 Unrestricted Gifts from Holiday Give, All in for SFD and Big GIve Dollars raised doubled from previous year for each drive $17,589 100% Participation of Faculty Giving 100% participation 8 years in a row and continues to increase in dollars raised $112,650 Gifts to our SFD Scholarship Program from Benefactors Continuing to add new scholarships for students each year $ 503,399 Restricted to a Co-Curricular Program or Project Co-Curricular programs continue to thrive and capital projects are getting completed

Michele Moriarty Director of Annual Giving

Annual Giving

The following pages list unrestricted gifts, as well as restricted gifts, received between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. The following acknowledges the donors by giving categories, including those who requested anonymity. Years listed next to donor names signify membership in the Stallion Legacy Society (see page 20 for details on this new society). Please report corrections to Michele Moriarty in the Advancement Office.

$10,000 and above

Champion’s Society


St. Francis DeSales Society


Founder’s Society


Pen and Sword Society




Purple and White


School Spirit


Friends Circle

Gifts up to $99

Champions Society ($7,500-$9,999)

Drew and Michele DiMaccio Karen and Tim Jewett *5 yrs Phil and Molly Kraker *9 yrs Charles and Sally Noll *3 yrs

St. Francis DeSales Society ($5,000-$7,499) Alston Construction Anonymous Angelo Cua Patrick and Carol Kelleher *4 yrs Susie O’Reilly Erin and Michael Ryan James and Elizabeth Ryan Bill and Mary Beth Shirk *6 yrs

Founder’s Society ($2,500-$4,999) Martin and Lisa Callahan Carfagna’s, Inc *9 yrs Samuel and Diane Chapman *10 yrs Andy and Patty Feltz *7 yrs James Fitzmartin *4 yrs Jennifer and Patrick Myers *7 yrs John and Amy Nicely Kathryn and Scott Preston Terise and Thomas Ryan

Pen and Sword Society ($1,000-$2,499)

Dr. and Mrs. James Albright *5 yrs Anonymous Anonymous Drs. Guillermo and Heidi Arbona *5 yrs Kevin and Kathy Arnold Chris and Lisa Axene Adam and Judith Bangert Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations Michael and Barbara Bugosh *4 yrs Joe and Jean Capparuccini James and Mary Cockerell Rose D’Andrea Sean Dundon *5 yrs Tom and Theresa Eckl *4 yrs Tom and Beverley Etgen *9 yrs Robert and Amy Faulkner *4 yrs Daniel and Jean Garrick *11 yrs Judith and Fortunato Giannetto *7 yrs Grange Insurance Rosemary and Dan Grassbaugh *11 yrs Archie and Bonita Griffin *11 yrs Daniel and Barb Groomes *11 yrs Amy and Paul Haggard Edward and Kelly Hamilton *8 yrs Tom and Miechelle Javitch James and Deanna Jones *9 yrs Bill and Trisha Jordan Knights of Columbus St. Michael Council 11445 Robert and Kim Kristoff *6 yrs John Lennon Rich Lennon Tina and Tonie Lovin *4 yrs Kathleen and Ken Maginnity *11 yrs Brian and Laurie Mannion *7 yrs Angelo and Eileen Mazzocco *8 yrs Jason and Jennifer Meyer George and Mary Miller William and Linda Modry *9 yrs Joseph and Kathy Moreno *3 yrs Michael and Susan Mulligan *7 yrs

David and Nancy Nelson Michael and Xiao Qin Oram *3 yrs Jeffrey and Michelle Rickens Mikel and Jill Schmall *5 years Robert and Regina Schuler Matt and Patricia Shaffer Lisa Stevens *4 yrs T. Rowe Price Theresa Toopes *9 yrs Diane and James Vincent Jeff and Linda Wasil Tiffany White

Stallion ($500-$999)

Susan and Allan Ammon Timothy and Heather Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Michael and Linda Baird *9 yrs Edward and Margaret Barber *9 yrs Robert and Rose Billy Marc and Sara Blubaugh Kathleen and Troy Bonte *4 yrs Patricia Bosway Erik and Lisa Cagnina *5 yrs Tammi and Rob Clark *6 yrs Class of 1968 Michael and Rebecca Cummins Kevin and Maureen DiDomenico Brian and Lisa Emmerling Cathy and Joseph Ewald *11 yrs Mike and Terri Flora *5 yrs Mike and Jeanie Greene *5 yrs Adam and Lindsey Griffin *5 yrs Peggy and Barry Griffith *11 yrs Christine and Patrick Hadden Scott Hennick William and Mary Beth Hinger Kevin and Susan Hollern *3 yrs Herbert and Kenya Hood *3 yrs Christina Iaconis *5 yrs Christine Johnson *11 yrs

John Jolley Daniel Koons Judy and Ray Krasniewski *7 yrs Dean and Rachel Kreuzer Jennifer and Jeff Kreuzer *5 yrs Suzanne Kubin Landa’s Interdesign William and Susan Longenbaker Daniel and Kate Low *8 yrs James and Denise Mager *7 yrs Kevin and Anne Meyers *3 yrs Josh and Hillarie Michaels William and Louise Mnich *3 yrs Michele and Dennis Moriarty *11 yrs Patrick and Jodie Moriarty *3 yrs Dennis and Mary Pancake *5 yrs Steve and Konna Pekarcik George Rubin *3 yrs Erin and Dana Shannon Swagelok 45th Reunion of the DHS Class of 1974 Carol Ventresca *11 yrs Tiffany White *7 yrs James Wilcox

Annual Report Purple and White ($250-$499) Scott and Gina Baldasarro Kyle Ball Steve and Joyce Barber Botlz Wickham & Associates LLC Daniel J. Brown Mike and Deana Brown *5 yrs John and Suzanne Carawan *3 yrs Cara Castorano *3 yrs Joe and Michele Ciminello Stephen and Martha Conti *4 yrs Anne and David Cooper James and Camille Craig *4 yrs Joseph D’Andrea Scott and Carol Dawson Jon and Jennifer Denny *4 yrs Andrew and Deborah Durbin Daniel and Kristine Easley Daryll Engle Molly Feesler Gregory Fleisher Angelo Forte Kelly and Kristen Fox *3 yrs Mary and Reed Fraley *4 yrs Christopher Fuchs John and Karey Gabrielli Kim Gattis *4 yrs Leroy and Mary Greffin *4 yrs Lawrence and Susan Gressick Kenny and Diane Hoying Dr. James Hutta Robert and Rozalia Jager Adam and Robin Johnson Christopher and Donna Kanoski Russ Keller Knights of Columbus Patrick and Kim Laugherty Alexander and Deborah Leach Scott and Ann Leithauser Therese and Chris Lentz Mary and Nunzio Mancini Tim and Linda Marth Daniel Mayer *4 yrs Tom and Marilyn McCabe Tim Meier *4 yrs Natalie Middleton Jeffrey and Mary Mirgon *5 yrs Robert Murphy *3 yrs Mr. Albert Nalli Deborah Neubert Tom and Jessica Neubert *9 yrs Mike and Cynthia O’Connell *4 yrs Adam Pizzurro *3 yrs Christopher and Taylor Pizzurro *3 yrs Dominic Pizzurro *3 yrs Danielle Polemeni and Sean McGovern *9 yrs Allyson and Ronald Porshinsky Jeremy and Erika Reeves Kate and Thomas Reither *7 yrs William and Lisa Resch Jason and Melissa Ricci Road Runner Sports Mark and Judith Roy *11 yrs Royal Document Destruction, Inc. George and Lynne Santino Jim and Debbie Scartz Mark and Kimberly Schwartz *6 yrs Anthony Scialabba *8 yrs Matthew and Shana See Eric and Margo Seyboldt Gregory and Beth Sheumaker *4 yrs Scott Smith Kelle Snyder *3 yrs Chris and Gina Stone

Michael Delfino *7 yrs Dorothy Dellamaria *4 yrs Jason and Stacey DeStefanis Anthony and Judith DiBlasi Greg DiRosario *3 yrs Gloria Dodge Donlen Matt D’Orazio Lisa and Adam Dufault Joanne and Michael Durbin *5 yrs Robert and Elizabeth Dvorak *11 yrs Mark and Linda Eagan Chris Early *4 yrs School Spirit Roger and Lori Edsinger *10 yrs ($100-$249) James and Trina Erwin Kathleen Haywood *6 yrs Andy and Heather Evans *6 yrs Ace American Insurance Co Michael and Cyndi Evans Laurie Adams *3 yrs Mike and Leisha Evans Kelsey Albanese *4 yrs Virginia Felmly *4 yrs Adam and Justyna Albrycht John and Cindy Feltz *4 yrs Anonymous Sharon and Patrick Fickell Anonymous Joseph and Christine Finocchi *4 yrs Lenin and Audrey Antao Michael and Elisa Fitzmartin Kathy Arnett Vicky Flesch Lori Arnett *11 yrs Joelle Folian *4 yrs Lori and Steve Aumiller *11 yrs Michael and Elaine Forrest *3 yrs Jessica Baez Laura Fowler *5 yrs Christina and Joel Baileys Chris and Cynthia Franzmann Julie Baker *5 yrs Anna and Thomas Fuller Julie and Matt Barber *9 yrs Sarah and Tyler Gantz *7 yrs Mr. and Mrs. John Baroni Lynnette and Sam Gehrlich *7 yrs Molly and Scott Barrett *11 yrs Jeff and Eldie Glasstetter Robert Behal Richard Greffin *3 yrs Andrew and Sheila Behrendt Colleen and Kurtis Gustafson *5 yrs Andrea and Rich Belt *8 yrs Maura Weisenburger Ms. Mary M. Berger Mark and Lorene Hamann Christine and Brian Bilheimer *4 yrs Mrs. Patricia Hardesty *5 yrs Lisa Bishoff Michael Hardy Chuck Blakely Robert Blumenscheid and Patricia Sprouse Scott and Laura Hartman Melissa and Darryl Hartsough *3 yrs Linda Hattery *3 yrs Michael and Martha Bogue Toby and Erin Hawk Nancy Bolen Terence and Janice Hayes Anthony and Linda Borghese Michael and Mary Jo Healy Magdalene and Dein Boyle Paul and Margaret Heban *10 yrs Christopher and Amy Brainard Douglas and Karen Heil Christopher and Amy Brimmer *7 yrs Jim and Melinda Heitker Madeline Brobst Hensel Hardscape Ryan Buechner *5 yrs Jennifer Hodges Kevin and Jeanne Burke *6 yrs Steve and Melanie Hoffman *3 yrs Travis Burtch *3 yrs Lawrence Hollern William and Margarita Butz *3 yrs Greg and Joyce Hord *8 yrs Andrew and Elizabeth Callahan Lisa and Craig Hoyer *11 yrs Linda Campbell Shannon Huelskamp Jeanenne and Sam Carfagna *9 yrs Christopher and Vicki Hunkler *3 yrs Theresa and Dino Carfagna *3 yrs Antonella Iacobone *9 yrs Carole Cassady *7 yrs Matthew and Jill Jehn John and Kelly Cavanagh *6 yrs Thomas and Diana Jenkins *3 yrs Nathan and Stacy Chalfant *5 yrs Christina and Kevin Johns *9 yrs Joshua Chan Nancy Johnson *10 yrs Patrick and Tyra Chapman *3 yrs Lisa Jolley Thomas and Poh Cheah-Willson Donna Kade *11 yrs Nicole Ciminello *4 yrs Brian and Betsy Karas Bruno and Evelina Ciotola Tom and Ellen Keating Kelly and Kathleen Clark William and Amber Keglewitsch Michael and Crystal Cockerell *5 yrs Danita Kessler Karen and Mike Cofojohn *11 yrs Mary Kididis *4 yrs Arius Cook *5 yrs Stan and Sue Kiger Brett Crompton *3 yrs Terence and Julie Kirby *3 yrs Thomas and Angela Cua James and Lisa Kirchner Marilyn Cuiksa Joan Koebel Michael and Barbara Curran Teresa and Thomas Koller *3 yrs Pete and Michele D’Amico Matthew and Carolyn Konicki James and Kim Davis Herbert and Susan Kraker *3 yrs Jill and William Davis *4 yrs Robert and Nicole Kreuzer Michael and Giselda DeLauder Harry and Karon Stone *11 yrs Blanche and Tim Sullivan *10 yrs Monica Sullivan *11 yrs Joseph and Kelley Valentine *6 yrs Brian and Cara Vanasdale *3 yrs Pamela Waldren Thomas Dilling and Kathleen Wallace John and Missy Weithman Roger and Catherine Wilke *7 yrs James and Susan Wintering John and Stephanie Yeager

Annual Giving

James and Dobbie Kristoff Donna Kuhn Karla Larson Daniel and Jeanine LaVille *4 yrs Lisa and John Lawson *9 yrs Jeff and Gail Lensmire Marie Lessells Kathleen and Matthew Letzelter *4 yrs Willie and Jean Lewis *3 yrs Carl Linke and Penny Seaman William Long Arleen Lovering Jim and Cathy Lower *4 yrs Laurie and Peter Luft Hubert Mann *4 yrs Emily Manning Patrick and Joanne Mannion *3 yrs Carolyn and Randy Marcum *4 yrs Laura Martin Colleen and Paul Mascarin *8 yrs Don and Kathy Mayer James McCann Molly McCarthy Alex McClain *4 yrs Frank and Nancy McDonald Ben and Jamie McGinnis *8 yrs Michael and Alyson McGoldrick *6 yrs Diane McMillan Molly McMurray *3 yrs Michael and Kristen McSweeny Gene and Amy Melaragno Ron Melchilrre Todd and Elyssa Melvin Rebecca Metzger Steve and Jamie Metzger Patrick and Jennifer Millenbaugh Elisabeth Miller Joe Minadeo Ann and Paul Mnich *4 yrs Marcy and Mark Mnich *3 yrs Lisa Monroe *9 yrs Jeff Montenaro *11 yrs Janet Moore *11 yrs Tracey Moose *11 yrs Antonia Moras and Charles Beirnard *3 yrs Peter and Gina Mudre *4 yrs Todd and Cristine Mullins Pat Murphy *3 yrs Patrick Murphy *7 yrs Matthew Murtha Andrea Navar *11 yrs Jake Neal *6 yrs Sister Nelson John and Josephine Nicely Steven and Kimberly Nieto Kelly Nye *5 yrs Ruth and Robert McMullen Greta Ode *4 yrs Ohio Foods Food Distributors Bernadette and Pat O’Reilly Tammy Overstreet Payne & Brown Insurance Agency Inc. Lynne and Kenneth Pendleton *7 yrs Jason Penhorwood Rene Pezzot William Pickard *9 yrs Janet Pickens *11 yrs Amanda Pieroni Jill and Benito Pina *11 yrs Timothy and Hilda Plzak Megan and Travis Polk James and Linda Posani Fred and Cynthia Pressley Dee and Mark Rawdon Ricardo’s Restaurant Inc.

RKD Investments Kathleen and Patrick Rogers *3 yrs Nick Rossetti Patrick Rossetti *7 yrs Daniel and Darlene Rotella *5 yrs Al and Deanne Sabatino *7 yrs Teresa Salvadore Mark and Joanne Salyer *4 yrs Donlehr and Cheryl Sands Alisa Savko Andrew and Christina Schetter *3 yrs Brennan Schlabig *3 yrs Jeannie and David Schneider Amy Schockling *4 yrs Tiffany Schworm Michael and Therese Sciarroni Darrien Scott Karen Scott *9 yrs Cecelia Scudiere Ellen and Rick Selegue SFD Boys Soccer Program Mrs. Mary Sguerra *11 yrs Valerie Sharritts *11 yrs Katie Shelton *7 yrs Trent Sheumaker *7 yrs John and Michelle Shubitowski Whitney Signoracci Silver Rule Masonry Inc. Donald and Marilee Simon Thomas Snyder *7 yrs Carolyn Spencer Spinosi Enterprises Katherine Stark Bill and Lorie Steller *11 yrs Van and Mary Stewart *3 yrs Michael and Elaine Stokes Nicole Swisher *6 yrs Leah and Paul Tavella Mary Ann and Tim Thissen Jeffrey Thomas Nancy and Philip Tierney Eusebio and Susana Tlahuel Arias Michael and Christine Turner Steve Ulry Carli Urcheck *7 yrs Mark and Judith Valentine Karen and Bruce Valentino Pam VanArsdale *11 yrs Sue VanWassenhove *5 yrs Linda Vollmer *11 yrs Michael and Marilyn Walker Brenda Ward *3 yrs Brad and Donna Wehrman Leon Weisenberger *11 yrs Michael Weisenberger Maura Weisenburger Jack Welsh *5 yrs James and Nancy Whitehead Aaron and Erin Whittaker Cathy Wickert Molly Wilson Laura Wojciechowski Christina Woods *6 yrs Shelia Yerkey *5 yrs Harold and Yancey Zimmer Marie C. Zinn *7 yrs Michael and Julie Zucker *5 yrs

Friends Circle (Gifts up to $99) Philip and Gloria Absi Jillian Althoff Michele and Daren Althouse Anonymous Anonymous Luciana and Lemuel Arcamo Steven Bagnowski Gregory and Tonja Baker *6 yrs Ron and Kelly Baldwin Tanner Baldwin Jordan Ball Anthony and Dione Balzano *5 yrs Mary Bernardo Dr. Debora Binkley Teresa Black Steven and Amy Blackstone Blair Blumenscheid Jenna Brader Durban Jeanine Brown Matt and Bonnie Brown Rick and Jody Cadena *8 yrs John and Margaret Calderone *3 yrs Barb and Patrick Camboni Todd and Christine Cannon Joseph Capoccio *7 yrs Robert and Bridget Cargin Jim and Cassie Cherichello John Cline Shanna Cohn John and Pamela Condo *11 yrs Louise Conie Carol Wilkins Cotman Brian and Talia Cromwell *6 yrs Kelly Curtin Noll Edwin and Shelly Czerniak Heather and James Dages Jannis Davis Linda and Philip Delbert *4 yrs Sylvia Deshazor James and Brenda Devine Dick Kovalchik and Family John Ditrick Julia and Louis D’Orazio Jeff Dortmund Barbara Dougherty Susan and Christopher Douglass *4 yrs Barbara Dowler Monica Durbin *3 yrs Mark and Monna Eakins *3 yrs Robert Eaton Joseph and Victoria Erion Henry and Evelyn Erwin Evans Automotive Repair, Inc. *6 yrs Nicole Evans Goshay Mary Anne Ey *3 yrs Judith and Robert Finney *3 yrs Paul Franchak Garrin Francis Heather Freado Walter and Angela French Daniel Gates *4 yrs Genesis Consulting Group Sergio and Carol Genovesi *5 yrs Steven and Carla Gilbert Paul and Maria Gillan *4 yrs

Beth Godfrey Nancy Goss Mitchell and Christine Grindley Matthew and Amy Gutman Kelly Habing Daniel Hageman Thomas Hammond *4 yrs Grace Harper Aaron and Jenifer Hatcher Carol and Joseph Hatem *6 yrs Pam and Francis Heil *4 yrs Ann Heller Matthew Heller Ed and Betsy Herbert Cindy and Thomas Hickey Marsha and Bill Highfield *7 yrs Karen and Larry Hittner Dr. and Mrs. Hoppes Lauren Hurst Amy and Greg Huzicka Dominic and Florence Iacobucci Rick and Deanna Jacobs JP Morgan Chase Deborah Julian Jennifer Keaton William and Karen Kleinhenz Margy and Robert Kloska *9 yrs Michelle Koch Anita Koebel George and Susan Koval Susan and Adam Krenn Ms. Leslie Kristoff Kenneth Lettre Mary Lightbody Thomas and Gail Lopresti Malcolm and Rita Maclean Tammy Maddy Jean Magnacca James and Maryann Malinowski Paul and Melissa Marchio Lynn Mayer Thomas and Mary Maynard *3 yrs Bob and Diane McCarthy *3 yrs Bruce and Jennifer McClary Kaitlyn McGoldrick *5 yrs Maureen Meck Wendy Michel *5 yrs Bob and Christine Miller Carlo Monaco Candice Monroe Lori and Richard Moore *5 yrs Joseph and Yvonne Morbitzer Patrick Moriarty Dennis and Sandra Mulloy T.C. and Christine Murphy Eric E. Myers Kate Myers Jason and Heather Nave Brian and Jennifer Nordmoe Chris and Joyce O’Daniel Ryan and Leslie O’Reilly Joan Patrone John and Nancy Pawlowski *4 yrs Alisha Perdue Randolph and Laura Piersall Roseann and Will Place Thomas and Linda Poston

Gerald and Donna Price Kelly and Brent Pugh *5 yrs Adam Pusateri Megan Ratchford Jackson and Lori Rennie Mary and Ted Revard JoAnn Riley Timothy and Julie Riley James and Josephine Ripke *4 yrs Nathania Rippey Janet Rishel Robert and Eileen Roach Esther Rogers Harvey Rossetti *5 yrs Jacqueline and Charles Rowan *7 yrs Michael and Corinna Rush Nina Ryan Cheryl Sauer-O’Rourke Linda Saunders and Jon Hoffman *5 yrs Gilda Savko Robert and Alisa Schlabig Laurie and Thomas Schneider Greg and Debra Schumacher Deborah and Michael Scott Jill Shaffer Tip and Daniela Shonkwiler Rose Shuler Jeffrey and Nancy Shultz Jane and John Slanoc Nick Slupski *10 yrs Angela Smith Kareem and Elaina Smith Timothy and Karen Smith Catherine and Timothy Snyder *11 yrs Michael and Elaine Spielberg Rebecca and Scott Stalnaker *4 yrs Mark and Melissa Stevens William and Karen Stewart Kelsie Stites Raymond and Alicia Stokes *6 yrs Michael and Jennifer Stone Jill Strathern Shelli Stumph Stephanie Sunderland Jacqueline Szmania Anthony Thomas Laura and Scott Thorne *3 yrs Carol and Greg Thune *5 yrs Catherine Tiegs *5 yrs Mr. Raymond Trucco Thelma and James Vargo *3 yrs Barbara and Michael Varley Vicki and Robert Vennemeyer Giovina Viol Elizabeth Vittorio Thomas and Beth Waldren Nicole Webb Thomas Wickert Ryan and Libby Wiggins *11 yrs Frank Willson Anne Marie and Don Wood Carey Wrigley *3 yrs Mengqi and Kanglin Wu *5 yrs Richard and Jeanne Young *7 yrs Greg Zacharias *11 yrs Tom and Karen Zelina Rose Zugaro

Annual Giving

You are our greatest strength. You are St. Francis DeSales High School.

Stallion Loyalty Society Loyal donors are the cornerstone of St. Francis DeSales High School success, providing the means by which DeSales can carry out its mission of providing a holistic educational experience in the Catholic tradition which prepares the mind, body, and spirit of each student to love God, seek truth, and live virtuously. In recognition of this important commitment, the Stallion Loyalty Society honors donors giving to St. Francis DeSales High School with various degrees of loyalty—from our Charter members, who are just beginning their lifelong commitment to annual giving, to our Lifetime supporters, who have given to the school for 10 years or more. The society recognizes and celebrates the ambition, consistency, and dedication that affirms donor beliefs in the mission of SFD and consistently supports SFD students year in and year out. How to become a member? Simply make a gift three years in a row of $25 or more. Donors who have made consecutive gifts since fiscal year 2011 (July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011) are automatically enrolled. To sustain your membership and reach new recognition milestones, make a gift every year.You can also join our Monthly Giving program. It’s easy to enroll with a credit card using our safe and secure online donation form. What’s the minimum annual gift for membership? Gifts of $25 or more each year. Do I need to give to a specific fund? You may direct your gift to any area of the school. Both unrestricted and restricted gifts qualify you for membership in the society. Why does giving every year matter? Annual gifts have an immediate impact on the greatest priorities at St. Francis DeSales High School. When you make a gift each year, you support faith-filled, academic, and co-curricular programs that “Empower Students for Life.”

Join Today

Membership Benefits Benefits vary as donors reach consecutive years of giving to St. Francis DeSales High School. Qualifying Levels



years of consecutive giving



years of consecutive giving



years of consecutive giving

More About the Society For more information about the Stallion Loyalty Society, please contact Michele Moriarty in the Advancement Office at 614-267-7808 or email

Become a Stallion Loyalty Society member by making your gift each year or signing up to make a monthly gift!

The first gift of our appreciation will be sent to all Stallion Loyalty Society members at the beginning of the new year. Consecutive years of giving are noted in the Annual Giving report (on previous pages).

“For it is in giving that we receive.” -St. Francis of Assisi

Scholarship Program Many of the scholarships at St. Francis DeSales High School are provided by benefactors who believe the students can make a difference at DeSales and beyond. Thank you to the generous benefactors who funded the following scholarships during the 2019-20 school year: The Barbara J. O’Riordan Memorial Scholarship is supported by the SFD Mothers Club The Bob Lennon Memorial Scholarship is supported by the Lennon Family The Captain Nicholas Rozanski Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Mitchell Family The Carfagna Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Carfagna Family The Chris Daniels Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Daniels Family The Civic Scholarship is provided by Louis and Janet Schwartz The Cliff Gasbarro Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Gasbarro Family The Dana Gentile Memorial Scholarship The DaveVanWassenhove Memorial Scholarship is provided by theVanWassenhove Family The Dennis Wirtz Scholarship is supported by the Wirtz Family The Dr. Francis Henninger Scholarship is provided by Jamie and Elizabeth Ryan Supported by our The Elizabeth Garrick Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Garrick Family generous benefactors, The Faith, Family,Tradition Scholarships are provided by the Mazzocco Family St. Francis DeSales High The Father Jerry Rodenfels Scholarship is supported by the family of Father Jerry Rodenfels School provides more than The Grandparents Scholarship is supported by the Grandparents of SFDHS $360,000 to 190 students The Guido and JoAnn Ricevuto Memorial Scholarship each year. The John and Connie Sauter Family Endowed Scholarship is provided by the Sauter Family The Jay Kubin Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Kubin Family The Jim Purcell Memorial Scholarship is supported by the Purcell Family The Jim Schmall Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Schmall Family The Joey Sansone Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Sansone Family The John J. Preston II Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Preston Family The Joyce A. Kozlowski Scholarship is provided by the Kozlowski Family The Lance Corporal Ryan E. Miller Memorial Scholarship is supported by the Miller Family The Laura Giammarco Cua Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Cua Family The Leadership in Music Award is provided by anonymous past parents The Leroy Greffin Scholarship is provided by the Saunders and Greffin families The Lisa K. DummValedictorian Scholarship is provided by the Dumm Family The Mary and Harvey Rossetti, Sr. Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Rossetti Family The Mary DiPietro Scholarship is provided by Mary DiPietro The Milena DiMichaelangelo Memorial Scholarship is supported by the family and friends of the DiMichaelangelo Family The Mike and Jean Flaherty Scholarship is supported by the Flaherty Family The Nancy Billy Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Billy Family The Parent Advisory Board Scholarship is supported by the SFD Parent Advisory Board The Ron Landis Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Landis Family The St. Cecilia Scholarship is provided by anonymous past parents The St. Francis DeSales Alumni Legacy Scholarship is supported by SFD Alumni The Stallion Pride Scholarship is provided by anonymous past parents The Stewart Family Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Stewart Family The Ted and Patricia Mosure Memorial Scholarship is provided by the Mosure Family The Tim Woodward Memorial Scholarship is supported by the Fitzmartin and Woodward Families The Tom and MaryKay Mulligan Family Scholarship is provided by the Mulligan Family The Tony and Debbie Pizzurro Memorial Scholarship is supported by the Pizzurro Family The Tony Romanelli Memorial Scholarship is supported by the family and friends of the Romanelli Family The Tradition of Excellence Faculty Scholarship is supported by the DeSales Faculty

The following scholarships are supported through the SFD Annual Giving: The Franciscan Sisters Merit Scholarships The Jeff Stevens Technology Scholarship The Patrick D. Rossetti Scholarship The Msgr. James Berendt Memorial Scholarship The I Can Make A Difference Scholarship The Roseann Costello Memorial Scholarship The Father Charlie Klinger Scholarship The Mrs. Patricia Botti Latin Scholarship The St. Francis de Sales Merit Scholarships

Alumni Legacy Scholarship The Alumni Legacy Scholarship was created as a way to recognize the commitment our Alumni make to their alma mater when choosing to send their child(ren) to DeSales. Each new school year Alumni Legacy Scholarships ($1,000 each) are open to incoming freshmen whose parents (or grandparents beginning in the 2021-22 school year) attended St. Francis DeSales High School. The recipients are selected for their active role in church, school, and cocurricular activities. It is our hope to endow all donations made to the Alumni Legacy Fund to increase the number of recipients of this scholarship, with the ultimate goal of providing each student of an alumnus/a a scholarship to attend St. Francis DeSales High School. The Alumni Legacy Fund continues to grow due to the great efforts of our Alumni Board and Council and the generous support of our Alumni community. Below we introduce to you the 2020 Alumni Legacy Scholarship winners. We look forward to watching the legacy of our Stallion tradition carried on for years to come.

Lucy Wills Co-Curricular Activities and Service: Softball, Golf, Battle of the Books, St. Vincent de Paul Club, In the Know, Ski Club, Spanish Club, Stallions for Life, and an altar server

Monthly Giving makes for a great year! Monthly gifts add up!

To learn more about how you can make an impact all year long

Pictured: Lucy with her mom, Chrissy (Snyder) Wills, Class of 1995

Maria Jenkinson Co-Curricular Activities and Service: Mock Trial, Math Club, In the Know, Chinese Club, History Club, Writer’s Club, Gaming Club, Model UN, Run the Race, Battle of the Books, Marching Band, Concert Choir, and Youth Group at Church of the Resurrection Pictured: Maria with her mom, Krista (Jilek) Jenkinson, Class of 1998

Anmarie Trolli Co-Curricular Activities and Service: Softball, Volleyball, Drone Racing, Writer’s Club, St. Vincent de Paul Club, and Book Club Pictured: Anmarie with her mom, Liz (Aleshire) Trolli, Class of 1998

please visit

To learn more about the Alumni Legacy Scholarship and to contribute online, please visit: You may also give by sending a check to: THE CATHOLIC FOUNDATION St. Francis DeSales Legacy Fund , 257 Broad Street , Columbus, Ohio 43215

Anna Ballard Co-Curricular Activities and Service: Run the Race Club, Spanish Club, Tennis, Math Club,Yoga Club, Tutoring Pictured: Anna with her mom, Debbie (Stapleton) Ballard, Class of 1991

Kaitlin Emmerling Co-Curricular Activities and Service: Soccer, Swimming, Ronald McDonald House Baking Club, Stallions for Wellness, and Track and Field Pictured: Kaitlin with her mom, and dad, alumnus Brian Emmerling, Class of 1993

All classes contributed a total of $135,787 towards the school’s 2019-20 Annual Giving with an overall percentage of 2.35%. No matter the size of your gift, please consider making a gift to your alma mater. Your personal involvement can send a strong signal to your former classmates, your fellow alumni and to our current students. Together we will continue to make SFD a place of pride and academic excellence. Dollars Raised Per Class Participation Rate Class of 1979 $17,895 Class of 1964 8.25% Class of 1997 $11,272 Class of 1984 7.22% Class of 1967 $10,784 Class of 1970 7.18% Class of 1988 $8,310 Class of 1973 7.04% Class of 1984 $6,637 Class of 1979 6.22%

Alumni Giving: Thank you to the alumni who generously gave a gift during the 2019-20 school year! Class of 1964 Joseph Finocchi Daniel Groomes Carol Signoracci Hatem Daniel Koebel Mary Susi Mancini Thomas Maynard Mary Casey Maynard Lynne Shover Pendleton Barbara Brinkman Varley Class of 1965 Anne Mosure Cooper Michael Hardy Marsha Weilbacher Highfield Joseph Moreno Kathy Moreno Angela Cua Smith Thelma Hess Vargo Class of 1966 Philip Delbert Judith Kauderer Finney Patricia Marzen Hardesty Teresa Buyko Koller Carl Linke Hubert Mann Patrick Rossetti James Scartz David Schneider Jeannie Mayhew Schneider Christine DiBlasi Spinosi Class of 1967 Linda Noon Delbert Barbara Froehlich Dowler Linda Hattery Kathleen Maginnity Anthony Valentine James Whitehead Class of 1968 Luciana Giammarco Arcamo Anthony DiBlasi Susan Greylock Douglass Sharon Hiles Fickell Patrick Fickell James Kristoff Maureen Hollern Meck Antonia Moras William Pickard Timothy Snyder

Class of 1969 Elizabeth Krouse Arnold Thomas Buoni Joseph Erion Rosemary Salamony Grassbaugh Dan Grassbaugh Lawrence Hollern Christopher Hunkler Daniel LaVille Joseph Morbitzer Dee Vitullo Rawdon Catherine LaPointe Snyder Linda Vollmer Michael Walker Class of 1970 Vicki Davis Albright Susan Ricevuto Ammon Joseph Capoccio John Condo Stephen Conti Christine Johnson Robert Kristoff William Longenbaker Mike O’Connell Harvey Rossetti Monica Sullivan Jeffrey Thomas Pamela Waldren Class of 1971 Teresa Sansone Black Michael Curran Cathy Johnson Ewald Mike Greene Delbert Hoppes Chris Stone Blanche Gideon Sullivan Catherine Longenbaker Tiegs Class of 1972 Theresa Guth Carfagna Carol Wilkins Cotman Jannis Davis Don Mayer Mark Roy William Stewart Raymond Stokes Nancy Waldren Tierney Carol Ventresca

Class of 1973 Dino Carfagna Mark Eagan Mark Eakins Mary Anne Ey Christina Iaconis Carolyn Gluth Marcum James McCann Douglas Overstreet Thomas Schneider Chris Vittrio Class of 1974 Laurie McKenzie Adams Sam Carfagna William Mnich Ruth O’Brien McMullen Anthony Thomas Class of 1975 Anthony Borghese John Calderone Martin Hensel Karen Kelly Hittner Thomas Jenkins Mary Orlaska Kididis Catherine Doersam Lower Rita Condo MacLean James Posani Mary Noon Revard Jeffrey Shultz Class of 1976 Thomas Cua James Fitzmartin Daniel Gates Therese Wagner Lentz Chris Lentz Tina Bischoff Lovin Linda Lozano Posani Mary Schneider Sguerra Carolyn Miller Spencer Theresa Mulligan Toopes Class of 1977 Barb Krouse Camboni Patrick Camboni Thomas Hammond Roseann Moore Place Timothy Carfagna Riley

Class of 1978 Steven Gilbert Angela Granata Ann Mnich Rene Pezzot Harry Stone Class of 1979 Kathy Newlon Arnett Jeanenne Cua Carfagna Joe Ciminello Greg DiRosario Mike Evans Daniel Garrick Kevin Hollern Michael Mulligan Charles Noll Bill Shirk Rose Shuler Mary Ann Burnett Thissen Class of 1980 Karen Compton Dick Laura Jordan Martin Class of 1981 Anthony Balzano Lisa Jones Bishoff Deborah Varrasso Duffy Kevin Meyers Jane Lindeman Slanoc Matthew Stranges Paula Gray Stranges Roger Wilke Class of 1982 Samuel Chapman James Davis Molly Feesler Angelo Forte Cindy Callaghan Hickey Margy Tonneman Kloska Laurie Doersam Luft Molly Zang McCarthy Jeffrey Mirgon Thomas Waldren Class of 1983 Steve Barber Andrea Macioce Belt Greg Hord Peter Mudre

Rick Selegue David Zehala Class of 1984 Kathleen Halas Haywood Gregory Baker Ivy Hempy Brown Jeanine Funk Brown Patrick Chapman Tammi Clark Michael Fitzmartin Mark Hamann Melissa Gibson Hartsough Elizabeth Cook Mitevski Marcy Rogers Mnich Mark Mnich Lori Ricevuto Moore Richard Moore Ellen Jelinek Selegue Class of 1985 Gina Shultz Baldasarro Molly McGee Barrett Andrew Behrendt Andrew Durbin Deborah Jordan Durbin Matthew Heller Steve Julian Christine Steigerwald Julian Donna Schwartz Kanoski Christopher Kanoski Gina Vatter Mudre Laurie Cain Schneider Class of 1986 Matt Barber Joanne Miller Durbin Christine Murphy Hadden Jennifer Keaton Daniel Low Jennifer Heller Myers Stephanie Stephens Yeager Class of 1987 Michael Cockerell Michael Durbin Paul Franchak Lynnette Gehrlich Brian Mannion Joe Minadeo Nick Slupski Christina Guth Woods

Class of 1988 Julie Moreno Barber Matt Beecroft Keli Jenkins Beecroft Julia Mangini D’Orazio Anna Capoccia Fuller Kelle Houser Snyder Joseph Valentine Class of 1989 John Ditrick Colleen McMichael Gustafson Karen D’Angelo Jewett James Jones Wendy Michel Tip Shonkwiler Tiffany White Class of 1990 James Mager Paul Marchio William Resch Nathania Rippey Cheryl Sauer-O’Rourke Class of 1991 Jennifer Hodges Dean Kreuzer Jennifer Ricci Kreuzer Class of 1992 Rebecca Highfield Stalnaker Mark Valentine Class of 1993 Heather Marshman Dages Brian Emmerling Matthew Letzelter John Nicely Kate Adams Reither Jason Ricci Whitney Aschinger Signoracci Lisa Stevens Carey Wrigley Class of 1994 Douglas Heil Tim Meier Amy Buoni Nicely Jason Penhorwood Class of 1995 Christine Bennett Bilheimer Matt D’Orazio Beth Schneider Godfrey Karen Ciaciura Heil Thomas Reither Laura Hollern Thorne Jennifer Blackburn Valentine Class of 1996 Christina Valentine Baileys Karen Baker Cofojohn Michael Delfino Kathleen Durbin Letzelter Alisha Perdue Kathryn Selby Preston Kelly Edwards Pugh Kathleen Heron Rogers Elaine Holdren Spielberg

Class of 1997 Amy Moreno Haggard Scott Smith Matthew Stewart Betsy Pharion Stewart Ryan Wiggins Class of 1998 Talia Brader Cromwell Sarah Walker Gantz Laura Reither Hartman Daniel Mayer Adam Pusateri Class of 1999 Julie Signoracci Baker Kelly Habing Daniel Koons Class of 2000 Russ Keller Susan Longenbaker Krenn Molly Kubin McMurray Class of 2001 Ryan Buechner Nick Rossetti Class of 2002 Daniel Brown Angelo Cua Ryan O’Reilly Leslie Coughlin O’Reilly Christopher Pizzurro Class of 2003 Nathan Chalfant Jason Meyer Jennifer Bayer Meyer Class of 2004 Cara Pizzurro Castorano Joseph D’Andrea Adam Pizzurro Class of 2005 Joshua Chan Heather Freado Megan Rossetti Polk Class of 2006 Chris Early Christina Hayes Johns Patricia Bayer Kervin Trent Sheumaker Class of 2007 Alexander Leach Kaitlyn McGoldrick Class of 2008 Nicole Ciminello Kevin Johns Paul Tavella Class of 2009 Blair Blumenscheid Michael McGoldrick Kelsie Gerardi Stites Leah Ciminello Tavella Michael Weisenberger

Class of 2010 Sean Dundon Adam Griffin Dominic Pizzurro Class of 2012 Kelsey Albanese Brennan Schlabig Amy Schockling Class of 2013 Arius Cook Kate Myers Darrien Scott Class of 2014 Liza Hornyak Class of 2016 Eric Myers Class of 2017 Patrick Moriarty Nina Ryan Class of 2018 Tanner Baldwin Class of 2019 Christopher Fuchs

Thank you for paying it forward for all future SFD alumni!

2019 Friends in the Courtyard

Stallion Sponsorships are dedicated to providing financial support for St. Francis DeSales High School co-curricular programs. By becoming a Stallion Sponsor businesses have the opportunity to connect with a loyal group of more than 10,000 parents, alumni, and friends of the St. Francis DeSales community. Sponsorship levels include printed and digital advertisements, banners, and company recognition at events. Thank you to our 2019-20 Stallion Sponsors listed in this section. *2019 Friends in the Courtyard sponsors are listed on the previous page.

Parents, alumni, past parents, faculty and staff, and friends gathered on Thursday, September 26 in the gymnasium at St. Francis DeSales High School for the Friends in the Courtyard Wine Tasting and Auction. The community came together to sample the finest wines from around the world plus a variety of beers from local breweries. Guests also enjoyed fabulous Italian feast from Carfagna’s and were able to bid on 200 silent and live auction items. The event raised over $52,000 (net). Proceeds from “Friends in the Courtyard” provide financial support to our co-curricular programs including athletics, band, drama, and over 50 scholastic and interest-based clubs.

Total Stallion Sponsorships in 2019-2020: $71,500 Title Sponsor: G & J Pepsi-Cola Scoreboard Sponsors: Carfagna’s, Donatos Pizza, Farmers Insurance, Ohio Health Opening Day: 2 Horse Apparel, Bosc + Brie, Capitol Waste & Recycling Services, Carfagna’s, Cheryl’s Cookies, James T. Hutta, D.D.S. Orthodontics, Professional Eye Care at Westar, White Castle Walkway of Champions: Bob-Boyd Auto Family, Capitol Waste & Recycling Services, Danbury Senior Living/Parkside Village, Prestige/Lifetouch Photography, Stallions for Life

We are grateful for the help of our dedicated volunteers, donors, and sponsors for making Friends in the Courtyard Wine Tasting and Auction a successful and fantastic event.

Courtside Sponsors: ValEquity Real Estate, Stallions for Life

Decorations Co-Chairpersons Nicole Clayton, Krysta Wilcox, Trees by the Ciminello Family Mums by Oakland Nursary Sam and Jeanenne Carfagna Masters of Ceremonies Dom Tiberi and Sam Carfagna Desserts d.lish bake shoppe by Jennifer Kreuzer DJ Services Bad Monkey

Stallions Unite During the Big Give and Virtual Auction

Premier Wine Table Sponsors Corna Kokosing Construction Company The Javitch Family Wine Tasting Table Sponsors TRIAD Architects Krysta and Jonathan Wilcox Jennifer and Pat Millenbaugh Arica Robbins Worth, Realtor HER Fuller Painting

Due to COVID-19 we were unable to hold our annual Casino Royale event, which helps fund the cocurricular programs our students are involved in throughout the school year. On average $80,000 is raised at Casino Royale, which has proved vital to the success of these programs. With several auction items already turned in for the originally scheduled Casino Royale, we decided to hold our first virtual auction in June. We also teamed up with the Columbus Foundation for the Big Give during this time period. Thank you to all those who participated in a BIG way during The Big Give and SFD Virtual Auction. Through your support, we exceeded our fundraising goal and raised $34,876. We were truly humbled by the incredible generosity that you showed to the students of SFDHS. 26


2020 Stallion Golf Outing Our 11th annual Stallion Golf Outing, held at New Albany Links Golf Club on August 23, 2020, was a great event again this year. Thanks to all of our sponsors and golfers who helped us raise a record $17,356.00 to support St. Francis DeSales High School athletic programs. Congratulations to the Stallion Golf Outing winning team: Sam Chapman ’82, Pat Chapman ’84, Holden Chapman ’15, and past parent Jansen Plesich. A special thanks to the Girls and Boys Golf programs for helping with the event. Next year’s outing will be on Sunday, August 22, 2021 at New Albany Links. We will send out a ‘Save the Date’ reminder in the Spring.

Media Sponsors: Pride Sponsor: St. Gabriel Catholic Radio; Purple Sponsor: Catholic Cemeteries of Columbus; White Sponsors: Albright & Schnulo Family Eye Care, Blackley Insurance Agency, Dairy Queen Westerville, Moreland Funeral Home, NothinbutBundt Cakes, Roosters, Salaita & Emrich Orthodontics 2020 Stallion Golf Outing: Stallion Premiere Sponsors: Carfagna’s, Kegler, Brown, Hill + Ritter; Hole Sponsors: Alpha I, The Arbona Family, Argentum Properties, LLC, Atlas Butler, Auddino’s Italian Bakery, Barrett and Associates, Bob-Boyd Auto Family, Friends of the Boys Basketball Program, The Carawan Family, In Memory of Jeanne Lawson, sponsored by Jeff Montenaro, In Memory of Pam and Doug Taylor, sponsored by the Neubert Family, John Bevilacqua, Kathy Petrohilos, kw Classic Properties Realty, Mary Kay Beauty Consultant Karla Larson, Sarah and Matthew Lee, SFD Ice Hockey, Signature Financial Group, LLC, Northern Stallions Basketball, Sam and Pat Chapman, Farmers Insurance, Solazzo Marble & Granite, Weed Pro, WestCamp

Financial Summary The Finance Committee presents our financial operating data for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2020. 2019-2020 Revenue Student Tuition, Fees and Other Collections $7,494,337 Other School Income $ 642,212 TOTAL REVENUE: $8,136,549 Expenses Faculty and Staff Payroll, Taxes, Benefits Building Related Expenses Other School Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES

2019-2020 Revenue Student Tuition, Fees, and Other Collections Other School Income

2019-2020 Expenses

$ 6,132,687 $ 837,598 $ 1,024,807 $ 7,995,092

Operating Surplus $

Faculty and Staff Payroll, Taxes, Benefits Building Related Expenses Other School Expenses


Capital improvements for 2019-20 included the renovation of the Student Service Center (formerly the Franciscan Center/ convent), replacement of the track and turf in Alumni Stadium, and a total upgrade to the school’s electrical service. The school also reduced its Diocesan debt obligation. We wish to express our sincerest gratitude to our parents, alumni, and supporters, as well as our feeder parishes and the Diocese of Columbus. THE MIGHTY PEN


Planned Giving “In Life we Seek God. In Death we find God. In Eternity we Possess God.” ~St. Francis de Sales 4212 Legacy Society A Planned Gift is a beautiful way to extend the legacy of your support for Saint Francis DeSales High School. This type of gift will deeply strengthen the lives of those in our school community and ensure that this special place—rooted in Faith, Family and Tradition—has the lasting support necessary to Empower Students for Life! Planned Giving helps us support programs that offer a more dynamic, faith-centered experience for our students. Forward looking bequests are often unrestricted, affording us the flexibility to use your gifts where they are most needed. Anyone can make a Planned Gift and make a difference— regardless of income level. Planned Gifts are directed through specific documents related to an individual’s will or estate plan. Planned Gifts may include cash, securities or stock, real estate, artwork, personal property, life insurance, retirement plans, etc. Each Planned Gift presents a benefit to the benefactor and Saint Francis DeSales High School. By taking the advantages provided by our federal tax code, you and your tax professional can fashion a gift that fulfills your personal needs and makes a positive impact on DeSales. To ensure that each gift is stewarded in the way most beneficial to all parties, we strongly encourage each donor family to consult their tax and estate planning professionals. If you have already included Saint Francis DeSales High School in your estate plan or if you are considering doing so, please contact Tim Jewett at 614-267-7808 or Tim Jewett Director of Advancement

“Lessons learned while a student at DeSales have been invaluable assets during my career path. When making decisions on how I could provide that same support for future students, I knew the Planned Giving program would allow me to not only “pay forward,” but also focus on the issues which I felt were critical to the achievements of future students. Alumni are usually invited to contribute for many reasons, whether for tuition assistance, buildings, equipment, or programs. Utilizing the Planned Giving program, an alum can determine how their donation will support the school, either as an unrestricted gift, or to support a specific interest. Donors can direct their giving and be certain their donation will be a valuable bonus for the school. Due to my planned gift, DeSales will have support for their “career exploration” programming for years to come.” ~Carol A. Ventresca, Ph.D., Class of 1972 For more details on how your Planned Gift can make an impact, please visit planned-giving or check the box on the enclosed envelope and a member of the Advancement team will contact you.

St. Francis DeSales High School 4212 Karl Road Columbus, Ohio 43224

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