MINDBIKE Assembly Bicycle Manufacturer
OTOMO Corporation
TSDesign Ltd.
TS 設計室
MINDBIKE was created based on a brand-new concept. The whole body is assembled and disassembled only with bolts, due to its aluminum extrusion frame (design right registered and patented) joint structures. Changing frame length facilitates the assembling of bikes for adults or kids. It is like modular furniture. MINDBIKE, with its production methods, is definitely an eco-product with reduced environmental burden. Big cutbacks on required transportation energy are realized in comparison with conventional bikes due to its knock-down structure. Since major parts are made of recyclable aluminum alloy, disassembling, reuse and recycling are far easier.
MINDBIKE 是一個由新概念創新而出的全新產品。車體整體的組裝只通過螺栓 的拆卸和太空鋁合金擠壓框架 ( 已登錄專利設計權 ) 來完成,具有共同的結構卻 沒有一個焊接點。改變框架的長度來實現產品的多用途,如學步車,幼兒車, 成人車等。比起傳統自行車,更像是一種系統家具。 和傳統自行車相比,包括其製造方法和結構在內,MINDBIKE 絕對可以稱做是環 保節能的產品。全部件可拆解的結構使得運送成本大大減少;由於主要部件均採 用可再利用的鋁合金來製作,因此,拆解、再利用和回收都變得更加環保。
TAIPEI CYCLE d&i awards 2015